bar & table top, artwork- high gloss epoxy...

Liquid Glass Coating E APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS BAR & TABLE TOP, ARTWORK- HIGH I TO I BY VOLUME: IMPORTANT: Read this entire insert be For interior surfaces & commerciaI use onlv. Do WARNENG - Fatal or harm蝕ifswa11owed - Ifresin side is swallowed言ndu∞ V milk to drink if victim is conscious. IMMEDIATELY. Ifhardener is IMMEDIATELY. If…mbined mixture is swa11owed’DO NOT ENDUCE VOMITENG. D COnSCious. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. SEVERE EYE IRRTTANT - in case ofeye medical attention. SKEN - Resin and hardener are skin証tants and may cause alIe gloves’Should be wom while handling皿s compound. IfPOLYMER accidenta=y co Water immediately. AVOII‖INHAL-ATION - Use in wel! ventilated areas. The ∞ Resin contains epoxy bisphenol’a reSin. Hardener ∞ntains a polyamine curing a PrOfessional adults or under cIose supervision by an adult. KEEP OUT WARNENG - Before starting on your prqiect, We StrOngly suggest you do a test you to deeide whether this wi‖ be the right product for the type ofpr句ect yo 請書器盤器甲 about 4 hours and is cured to touch in 24 hours. One coa ithout damaging the first coat. Licluid Glass EDOXV STORAGE鵜The epoxy should be stored in a dry place between 75OF t。 80OF 。nd 。ut 。fth be left in an open container. Liquid Glass Epoxy Resin should be used in a roo Within one year ofpurchase. TOOLS - Mixing containers - Should have a smooth, flat bottom and be clean a Stick - Must have flat’Straight edge to ensure thorough mixing. Brush - Sometimes a small brush is needed for coating edges ofcrevices. COVERAGE - Mix only the amount ofLiquid Glass that you need at one time. Unu After pouring, yOu have about 20 minutes working time before the epoxy begins 1 oz. ofthe epoxy wi11 cover 37 square inches Pint kit wi11 cover approximately 2 square feet Pint kit wi11 cover approximately 4 square feet Quart kit will cover approximately 8 square feet Gallon kit wi11 cover approximately 30 square feet NOTE: Pourin蜜OVer a thickness of l/16 inch巾種Y CfluSe eXC錐扇▼e bubb!es, Yeilowi achieve de§i「ed thickness. Please subtract for losses over ed齢oftables and ba SURFACE TO BE COVERED l) For best results, the surfa・Ce tO be covered must be dry and free ofdust, WaX, 2) The item to be coated should be about 2 inches above the work area so that th newspaper or a drop cIoth under the item to catch the drips. 3) Apply tape or paste wax now to prepare the back surface ofthe prqiect for e SEAL COATS - Fbr t”00`froz,plv 2-3 coais ora /aca〃er Sandi,樹SeaIer' Sa幽庵i改 監護露語諾葦露露語霊篇霊灘嵩器若輩 DRIPS - The excess mixture will drip over the sides ofthe item being covered. 1) Before pouring, apPly tape on the edges ofthe back ofthe item. After the epo The cured drips wi11 pull offwith the tape as it is peeled away. 2) Drips may be sanded offafter the item has cured言ftape has not been used. 3) Drips may be scraped offabout 45 minutes after pouring by running a tongue formed. Clean depressor off frequently on paper toweL DIRECTIONS FOR USE: BEFORE MIXING - Polymer should be used in a room where the humidity is und When the humidity is over 50% a dehumidifier should be used in the room where t (bottle with white cap) in hot water for 10 minutes you will have a thimer mixtu

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Page 1: BAR & TABLE TOP, ARTWORK- HIGH GLOSS EPOXY · liquid glass coating epoxy resin application instructions bar

Liquid Glass Coating Epoxy Resin



I TO I BY VOLUME: IMPORTANT: Read this entire insert before using this epoxy

For interior surfaces & commerciaI use onlv. Do not use outside.

WARNENG - Fatal or harm蝕ifswa11owed - Ifresin side is swallowed言ndu∞ VOmiting and CALL A PHYSICIAN Dilute by giving water or

milk to drink if victim is conscious. IMMEDIATELY. Ifhardener is swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. GET MEDICALATTENTION

IMMEDIATELY. If…mbined mixture is swa11owed’DO NOT ENDUCE VOMITENG. Dilute by giving water or milk to drink ifvictim is

COnSCious. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION. SEVERE EYE IRRTTANT - in case ofeye contact, flush with water for ten minutes and seek prompt

medical attention. SKEN - Resin and hardener are skin証tants and may cause alIergic reaction. Protective cIothing言ncluding plastic

gloves’Should be wom while handling皿s compound. IfPOLYMER accidenta=y comes in contact w皿skin’WaSh a旅所ed areas with soap and

Water immediately. AVOII‖INHAL-ATION - Use in wel! ventilated areas. The ∞mPOund left in mlXlng CuP mOre than 2 minutes will cause heat.

Resin contains epoxy bisphenol’a reSin. Hardener ∞ntains a polyamine curing agent. Epoxy Resin Polymer should be used only by trained

PrOfessional adults or under cIose supervision by an adult. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

WARNENG - Before starting on your prqiect, We StrOngly suggest you do a test piece to help you become familiar w皿this type ofproduct, and for

you to deeide whether this wi‖ be the right product for the type ofpr句ect you are doing. We do not recommend using THIS PRODUCT on “Fine

請書器盤器甲about 4 hours and is cured to touch in 24 hours. One coat is usually all that is needed to cap血re a

ithout damaging the first coat. Licluid Glass EDOXV Resin is reeommended for interior use onl

STORAGE鵜The epoxy should be stored in a dry place between 75OF t。 80OF 。nd 。ut 。fth。 r。a。h 。f。hildr。n. R。Sin 。nd hard。n。r Sh。uld n。t

be left in an open container. Liquid Glass Epoxy Resin should be used in a room where the humidity is under 60%. This product should be used

Within one year ofpurchase.

TOOLS - Mixing containers - Should have a smooth, flat bottom and be clean and dust free.

Stick - Must have flat’Straight edge to ensure thorough mixing.

Brush - Sometimes a small brush is needed for coating edges ofcrevices.

COVERAGE - Mix only the amount ofLiquid Glass that you need at one time. Unused resin and hardener should be left in original containers.

After pouring, yOu have about 20 minutes working time before the epoxy begins to harden. Coverage for pour coat at (1/16 inch) =

1 oz. ofthe epoxy wi11 cover 37 square inches

Pint kit wi11 cover approximately 2 square feet

Pint kit wi11 cover approximately 4 square feet

Quart kit will cover approximately 8 square feetGallon kit wi11 cover approximately 30 square feet

NOTE: Pourin蜜OVer a thickness of l/16 inch巾種Y CfluSe eXC錐扇▼e bubb!es, Yeilowi唯. and distortions in surface. Use multiDle coats to

achieve de§i「ed thickness. Please subtract for losses over ed齢oftables and bar nose.


l) For best results, the surfa・Ce tO be covered must be dry and free ofdust, WaX, greaSe Or Oil.

2) The item to be coated should be about 2 inches above the work area so that the extra mixture will drop offthe item. It is a good idea to put a

newspaper or a drop cIoth under the item to catch the drips.

3) Apply tape or paste wax now to prepare the back surface ofthe prqiect for easy drip removaL

SEAL COATS - Fbr t”00`froz,plv 2-3 coais ora /aca〃er Sandi,樹SeaIer' Sa幽庵i改htlv between coa瓜Or Po′伽S “a‘e高庇〃ke ’”Od呼o海n

監護露語諾葦露露語霊篇霊灘嵩器若輩DRIPS - The excess mixture will drip over the sides ofthe item being covered. Use one ofthe followlng methods to remove these drips.

1) Before pouring, apPly tape on the edges ofthe back ofthe item. After the epoxy has cured, the tape along with the drips may be pulled off

The cured drips wi11 pull offwith the tape as it is peeled away.

2) Drips may be sanded offafter the item has cured言ftape has not been used.

3) Drips may be scraped offabout 45 minutes after pouring by running a tongue depressor on the underside edge ofthe prQject where drips have

formed. Clean depressor off frequently on paper toweL


BEFORE MIXING - Polymer should be used in a room where the humidity is under 60% and the temperature is at least 75O-85OF when pouring.

When the humidity is over 50% a dehumidifier should be used in the room where the pouring and curing is taking place. Ifyou set there in bottle

(bottle with white cap) in hot water for 10 minutes you will have a thimer mixtu「e and less bubbles will appear on the o切ect being poured. Be very

Page 2: BAR & TABLE TOP, ARTWORK- HIGH GLOSS EPOXY · liquid glass coating epoxy resin application instructions bar

Care餌not to get any water into epoxy! Do not heat resin bottle over 950F. Ifresin bottle has been heated, WOrking time wi11 be approximately lO-15


MEASURING - (Remember - make a test piece first!) Measure l part resin to I part hardener. MEASURE EXACT AMOUNT OF BOTH RESIN

AND HARDENER IN SEPARATE MEASURING CUPS. DO NOT add more hardener than resin as this will cause the finished coating to remain

Sticky. DO NOT guess at measurements or try to estimate. DO NOT attempt to drain all ofthe fluid from bottles rather than measuring. NOTE:



MIXING - In a clean container’mix the measured resin and hardener. Be sure to scrape sides and bottom ofcups containing resin and hardener

When pouring into container to be mixed so that proportions remain even・ Stir vigorously for about 2 minutes scraping sides and bottom of container

to insure complete mixing. In order to insure a beautifully finished product’it is extremely important that the resin and hardener are thoroughly

mixed. Ifbubbles appear, do not worry (See SteP 4). Mix only the amount you are going to use. Using your stick to scrape the sides and bottom,

tota11y empty the first cup into the second cup. Mix for another minutes and pour immediately. Larger batches of l quart or more will require 3-4

minutes ofmixing with a straight sides paint paddle. NOTE‥ When mixing large amounts ofthis product the longer mixing time will cut back on

your working time. AIso, a large amount ofmixture will cure faster in its container. Ifresin bottle has been heated, WOrking time wi= beapproximately lO-15 minutes. We do not recommend mixing more than _ ga看看on mixture at a time.

POURING IMMEDIATELY - As soon as the epoxy is mixed, POur eVenly over the surface. The mixing stick can be used to spread the material

evenly over the surface. A brush may be used fol. tOuChing up sides ofdifficult to reach places. You will have approximately 20 minutes “working

time” before the epoxy begins to “set up’’.

BUBBLE BREAKING !!!!! - After a few minutes, bubbles may rise to the surface. They may be broken by a) gently exhaling on bubbles through

a straw until they are gone (do not inhale fumes!) or b) using a propane torch. Hold the torch about 6 to 8 inches away from surface and sweep

rapidly across until bubbles disappear. You may need to go back over surface again with the torch approximately 10 minutes later. Do not torch

Surface too cIose to curing time as it may make permanent waves in surface. Ifthere is a stubbom bubble,just pop it with a toothpick. Do not

use a hair dryer as its b!owing action wil! di§ruPt the surface. Bubble§ Can a叩ear for uD tO SeVerai hours‘ aIwavs check backto be sure.

CURING - For best result§, the room temperature should be between 750F-80OF. Room humidity should be under 60%. The coated item

Should be allowed to cure for several days in a dust free room. Ifyour item remains sticky after this time, yOu have measured incorrectly and the

item may be re-POured following the above steps. Ifyour item has sticky spots’yOu have under-mixed and the item may be re-POured using the above

StePS" The new pour wi11 harden. Protect poured item from dust by using a box to cover item, Or a高protective tent,・ made by a plastic drop cIoth over


CLEANING UP - Use acetone to clean up while it is in the liquid state. After the epoxy has cured, it may be removed by sanding or a paint stripper.

It is advisable to clean immediately after use.


MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS - After the clipping has been mounted to the wood surface, Seal the entire plaque with a solution

Of4 parts white glue and l part water. This will prevent the clippings from becoming translucent. Wait 3-4 hours before pouring the epoxy. TwoCOatS Ofsealer is advised.

PLAQUES - DIPLOMAS AND PHOTOGRAPHS - After print or picture has been mounted to the wood surface, Seal the entire plaque (including

the sides) with a solution of4 parts glue and l part water. This may be done with a brush. Wait 3-4 hours before pouring the surfaced with the epoxy.

CERAMIC STATUES - After the ceramic figure is painted’let it dry 24 hours. Pour the epoxy, Starting at the top ofthe figure. Use a small brush to

insure that the epoxy lS ln eVery CreVice.

GENERAL COATINGS 「 Liquid Glass epoxy resin is a versatile product and may be applied over almost any surface’rOugh or smooth. It may be

applied over leather’WOOd, Vamish’Ceramics’rOCks’dried flowers’She=s, faux marbleizing finish, and many other items, Ifin doubt, teSt a Small

SamPle ofthe item you wish to pour.

TABLE AND BAR TOPS - Cracks, SeamS Or areaS Where epoxy could leak through should be剛ed. Do not use silicone, uSe White glue which

dries clear. Ifarea is less than l/16" wide, Liquid Glass epoxy can be used to fill in. Ifthey are any larger, a “CaSting resin・・ must be used. AIso seal

CraCks undemeath with duct tape, Or Oil base clay (SO ePOXy Can’t flow through). Wood should be sealed with a urethane sealer, Vamish or a lacquer

Sanding sealer. Allow to dry 24 hours be寅)re POurlng the epoxy. Mix no more than l ga11on ofmixture at a time. Follow above measuring and mixing

directions exactly. For very large items we advise having two people work together so there wi11 be adequate working time. Very large surfaces

Should be divided into sections using more than one batch ofepoxy mixture.

RepalrS: The Epoxy can be sanded with a範ne grit 600 and buffed with a common dril獲and pad.


A STEEBAR LLC Company , P◆O. BOX 45, Basking Ridge, New Jersey O7920 (908) 204-0095一一4/2005