baptist herald -- october 2010 edition

BMA OF KANSAS & WESTERN MISSOURI O CTOBER 2010 B B APTIST APTIST H H ERALD ERALD Big News! Big News! God’s gift of salvation is free!! God’s gift of salvation is free!!

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A national publication advocating world-wide missions, evangelism, benevolence, and Christian education.


Page 1: Baptist Herald -- October 2010 Edition




Big News!Big News!

God’s gift of salvation is free!!God’s gift of salvation is free!!

Page 2: Baptist Herald -- October 2010 Edition

I’m continuing the series of lessons that God the Father has taught this father…

Lessons from the Father “Even the heartless have a heart”. Ange, Clay, & I recently made a trip to Miami, OK to attend a drama performance at the Coleman Theatre. The theatre itself has quite a history. The initial opening day was back in 1929 & since then it has been blessed to have several talented acts throughout the years. On this night, we went to see the classic story of “The Wizard of Oz” performed on stage. I’d say that Clay enjoyed the characters of Dorothy & the good & bad witches more than any other, but his comments about the Tin Man stuck with me . As you know the story, the Tin Man is in search of a heart. Shortly after meeting Dorothy & explaining his plight , Clay looked at me & asked “Does he have a heart?” I naturally answered “No” in an at-tempt to better explain the story to Clay. He quickly replied afterwards with “Why not? Jesus made Him with one.” At that point, God reminded me that “even the heartless have a heart”. There are those people that seem to wish evil on you or others around you. There are those people that have no regard for your thoughts or feelings. There are also those people that purposely cut you off in traffic or drive recklessly & needlessly place you in danger. There are even those people that you don’t socialize with since they are outside of your economic or racial background. God made each of these people & He loves them just as equally as He loves you & I. His desire is that ALL would accept the gift of salvation & find a daily growing relationship with Him. God is calling you to make a difference in the life of the heartless “Tin Man” around you.

“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to if he is thirsty, give him water to

drink.drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,

and the LORD will reward you.”and the LORD will reward you.” —— Prov 25:21,22 (NIV)Prov 25:21,22 (NIV)

BAPTIST HERALD A Non-Profit Enterprise

Official publication of the Baptist Missionary Association of

Kansas and Western Missouri

A national publication advocating world-wide mis-sions, evangelism, benevolence, and

Christian education

Print subscription rate $10.00 per year in advance. Sample copies are available for the asking. Free full-color email edition also available.

ADVERTISING RATES: $5.00 per column inch $50.00 one-fourth page

$75.00 one-half page $100.00 full page

Postage paid at Galena, Kansas 66739


BAPTIST HERALD Adam Owen P.O. Box 218

Galena, KS 66739 Fax:620-783-1638

[email protected]


Galena, KS 66739


Galena, KS 66739


P.O. Box 75 Galena, KS 66739


Clyde Lingelbach 436 S. Drury

Kansas City, MO 64123


Page 3: Baptist Herald -- October 2010 Edition



This Mission Rally will be held at Grace Baptist Church in Joplin, Missouri on the 23rd of October, beginning at 10:00 am. Lunch will be served following the rally. The state WMA will meet at 9:00 am, preceding the meeting. We will receive a special offering to be di-vided evenly for the Mongolian and Smithville mission work. Make plans now to attend.

To the Regions BeyondTo the Regions Beyond Mark 16:15Mark 16:15

GraceGrace Baptist ChurchBaptist Church

3130 S. Wall3130 S. Wall

Joplin, MO 64804 Joplin, MO 64804

(417) 623(417) 623--19241924

OOCTOBERCTOBER 23, 201023, 2010


B M A o f K a n s a s &B M A o f K a n s a s &

W e s t e r n M i s s o u r i M i dW e s t e r n M i s s o u r i M i d -- y e a ry e a r

M i s s i o n s R a l l y M i s s i o n s R a l l y

What a great s u m m e r t h e N o r t h L a k e Church in Smith-ville, Missouri has experienced. I am sure you will hear

more from Bro. Jamie Jones. Continue to pray for Jamie, Rebekah, Isaac and Madelyn. By the time you receive the Herald, Rebekah will have had her birthday (September 1) and she and Jamie will have celebrated their anni-versary (September 11).

Please note on your calendar October

23, 2010. This is the date that has been set for our mid-year mission rally. Bro. Tony Crocker who is a coordinator for the mission work in Mongolia after serving there as our missionary for some time will be with us for that meeting to share his heart for the Mon-golian missions. Pray for him as he pre-pares to come and for his travels here and back home.

Bro. Jamie Jones will also be with us to share his heart for the work in Smith-ville, Missouri. As our state project, I know you will want to hear about all the exciting events that have occurred

this past year and for those planned for the next near.

This Mission Rally will be held at Grace Baptist Church in Joplin, Missouri on the 23rd of October, beginning at 10:00 am. Lunch will be served follow-ing the rally. The state WMA will meet at 9:00 am, preceding the meeting. We will receive a special offering to be di-vided evenly for the Mongolian and Smithville mission work. Make plans now to attend.

Page 4: Baptist Herald -- October 2010 Edition


Happenings in August:

Is anyone else ready for fall? We sure are; cooler weather, beautiful colors everywhere and lots of fun activities planned for the upcoming months!

August was a great month, a few big things happened here at Grace. We had our first Back to School Bash, it was a big hit! We gave out over 80

school supplies. We also had free hair cuts and opened our clothing pantry to all who came. Of course there was food, a rib cook off and a baked bean cook off. We have some really good cooks in our church and every thing was delicious! Thanks to all that helped.

The SFC had their end of the year Party, they usually go swimming, un-fortunately it rained all day so they all headed to the mall for glow golf, then came back and had fried chicken. The TFC also had their last outing, they

had a scavenger hunt that took them all over Joplin. Both Clubs enjoyed all their outings and their summer.

We want to welcome new members Brianna VanVolkinburg and Katelynn Wieneke, they both were baptized on August 15th. We also want to con-gratulate Todd and Missy Wieneke on the birth of their son Weston James who arrived on the 22nd. He was 8.8 lbs and mom and baby (and dad) are doing great.

Until next month… Pam Hatcher


3130 S. Wall Avenue

Joplin, MO 64804

Bro. Fred Vogel, Pastor

Writing at the conclusion of a rather busy weekend - a satisfying one which included the KC area Lifeword Walk/Run, playing gospel music Saturday night at my old church home, and Sunday services in which our mem-bers' and friends' ministries are finding

their footing and touching my life. At the Walk it felt good to look around at the picnic and see people from our church and actually envision and see numbers and growth. And, of course, the fellowship was good with our sis-ter churches. Met some new people from them, too. God is at work so let's join Him and see salvations, bap-tisms and new members. Thanks to Eldon Prawl who did his 30th Walk and coordinated us to over $2000

raised so far just at Faith. Our building has received its new roof.. there was one minor leak troubleshooting after-ward and then another big rain. Was all dry this morning. Please continue your prayers for our community to have peace from any new blasting for limestone. God is so good to us so let's all worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Alan Ettinger


17245 East Kentucky Rd.

Independence, MO 64058

Bro. Alan Ettinger, Pastor

Our Pastor has been teaching Wednesday night lessons on the Pres-ence & Power of the Holy Spirit. If we learn to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ then our faith will sustain us when the time of trial comes, because our faith & the Spirit of God will work together for God's will to be accomplished.

On August 29th we honored our Sun-day School Teachers & had a Sunday School Rally Day prior to the begin-ning of a new associational year with newly elected church officers. Pro-motion Day for all class members was on September the 5th.

Morgan Boore, daughter of Mark & Nancy Boore, began her college career with a college basketball scholarship from the University of Ottawa. She has been a faithful worker as a techni-cian in our sound room. She will be missed.

Bill Huston was admitted to the Pitts-burg Hospital to receive a pace-maker. Nicole Bullard was hospital-ized with pneumonia & June Christy is scheduled for surgery this week.

Cody Pierce, son of John & Sunny Pierce, preached his first sermon on Sunday night August 16th. Our youth presented the music during the wor-ship hour before young Cody preached & then our teenagers celebrated with a pizza party following the service.

We desire to be found faithful in wor-ship & service because the way we live reflects our view of our God.


P.O. Box 244

Girard, KS 66743

Bro. Ernie Watson, Pastor

Page 5: Baptist Herald -- October 2010 Edition

Greetings from Heritage Baptist Church in Nevada MO. The Lord has continually blessed our church recently with an increase in atten-dance. On a regular basis, we have 43 people for Sunday morning ser-vices. Jodi Sparks joined our church during the month of August. We have been praying for an increase and the Lord has been answer-ing. Praise the Lord!

On Sunday morning, September 19th, we were blessed with The Punches Family Bluegrass band who provided the message in word and

song. They recently have devoted their family to the fulltime ministry, terminating their secular jobs. Each of the four children, as well as both parents, play and sing Bluegrass. It was truly an inspirational service. If you'd like to have them visit your c h u r c h , t h e i r w e b s i t e is Following the services, our church held a pot-luck fellowship. As usual, no one left hungry.

We are busy preparing for the Youth Lock-In that is scheduled for Friday, October 8th. Tami Bobbett and Kimberlee Bryson are in charge of organizing it. Currently, plans in-clude playing basketball and volley-ball at the new Community Center,

having a pizza party, watching the movie To Save A Life, and feeding them pancakes for breakfast before they head on their way home. Cost is only $5. We are hoping for a big crowd. Some of the sponsors are wondering if they are getting a little too old to stay up all night. I know I am!

Tami Bobbett, Reporter

Greetings to our Sister Churches! Our hearts are overflowing in praise as we welcome the following to our membership: Lorrie James, Alicia Elsen, Kerri and Alex Beier, Nate Tackkett; Darwin Eaton, Jesse and Rebecca Hales, Amanda Seltrecht, Hannah Hays, and Samantha Martin. They all have either joined by bap-tism or letter in the last month. And Lonnie Brookshire, (husband of member Betty) was saved at his home. Bro. Lonnie is battling can-cer, and Sis. Betty has been praying for his salvation for 40 years. God continues to pour out His blessings on us, and we say “Thank you, Lord!”

We say “Well done!” to Sis. Jessica Hall and her Sunday school class for their acts of service this summer.

“Make a Difference Monday” saw our middle school kids painting at local schools, cleaning the Fire Depart-ment, landscaping the Ronald McDonald house, and preparing and delivering snack baskets to our shut-in members. They worked hard, and we applaud their servant’s hearts. They did enjoy a day at the water park to celebrate a successful sum-mer.

Sis. Debbie Swart is leading our women’s Bible Study and the re-sponse has been overwhelming! Beth Moore’s “Daniel” is our focus this time, and God is already using it to teach us to be Daniels in our mod-ern day Babylon.

Our sincere condolences go to Mike and Karen Meier on the tragic death of their son, Bruce. Bruce accepted Christ at an early age, but had strayed in his walk the last few years. But praise be to God, many of Bruce’s friends had a chance to hear

the Gospel preached at his funeral service, and because of that several have come to know Jesus as their Savior! We continue to lift Mike and Karen up to the Father, as they fight for custody of Bruce’s twin boys, Adam and Aidan. Please join us as we go to battle with them.

This month we celebrated Bro. Jeff and Sis. Debbie’s first year with us, and what a year it has been! We have enjoyed getting to know them, loving on them, and ministering to-gether. We have grown in spirit, in wisdom, and in number. It has been wonderful, and we can only imagine what God will do through them as we enter year two. “Bro. Jeff and Sis. Debbie, we love you!”

In His Service,

Leigh Ryan, Reporter



P.O. Box 218

Galena, KS 66739

Bro. Jeff Swart, Pastor


927 N. Olive

Nevada, MO 64772

Bro. Jeff Adams, Pastor

Page 6: Baptist Herald -- October 2010 Edition

Greetings from Meadowside

God is so good to us. We welcome the much needed rain and cooler tempera-tures. The grass is beginning to slow down and maybe lawnmowers and their operators will get a little rest.

We are preparing for the annual “Walk/Run for the World”. Michelle Hardister is our coordinator and she’s been busy informing everyone about the walk and

ordering shirts. We are planning a “Picnic on the Grounds” on September 26, 2010, in conjunction with the walk. I will let you know about that in my next report.

We want to continue praying for Sis. Marge Watson, Bro. Jim Garver, and Sis. Becky Polok. We have many on our prayer list and we lift them up daily be-fore our Lord.

Sis. Amy Evans will begin the Beth Moore Bible study “Esther; It’s Tough Being A Woman” . The first meeting will be Tuesday, September 21 at her home in Arma. We know several sister churches have done this already, and we are ex-

cited and look forward to it. Pray for Amy as she opens her home and heart in God’s service.

We began a new children’s ministry on S u n d a y m o r n i n g , S e p t e m b e r 5. Following Sunday School the kids all meet together in the Activity Center for KGGW, “Kids Growing God’s Way”. It’s an exciting time for us as we seek God’s guidance and we look forward to seeing God work in this ministry.

May all of your cares fade away as you glorify the God of love and mercy. Until next time . . .

Sharon Evans, Reporter


1406 South Rouse

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Bro. Don Alexander, Pastor

Dear Friends,

What an exciting past few months it has been for North Lake Church in Smith-ville, MO. The “Summer of Service” 2010 went great because of 150 work-ers from 11 different churches who gave of themselves to further the king-dom. We are so thankful for the churches that came and helped us. Many lives have been touched with the gospel, with kindness, and with love . It is refreshing to see God bless through the faithfulness of His children in being the hands and feet of our faith.

We have just held our first baptism ser-vice. It was a great day in which we

baptized four believers. Jasmine, Isaiah, Estelle, and Jacob publicly pro-fessed their faith in a local swimming area by following Christ in baptism.

Please be in prayer for us as we begin a new bible study group in a local apart-ment complex. The complex that we are targeting has thousand’s of residents and many, I am sure, do not have a re-lationship with Jesus Christ. It is our goal to engage these people and begin to build relationships with them in hopes of sharing our relationship with Christ.

Please pray for James and Danielle Wilson as they will lead this new group.

Please pray as we are exploring two other areas to start home groups who study the Word of God to-gether and build others up in the faith.

Please pray that God brings us into contact with those who need Christ, and prepares them to accept the message.

Thank you for the prayers and support,

Jamie Jones

Luke 19:10



Bro. Jamie Jones, Missionary