baptist herald-2009 apr edition

BMA OF KANSAS & WESTERN MISSOURI A PRIL 2009 B B APTIST APTIST H H ERALD ERALD SEARCH & RESCUE the LOST are words that the BMAA Department of Missions hopes will be on the hearts and lips of every member of the BMAA this spring. The mission kicked off at the 2009 Missions Symposium where Executive Director Grady Higgs challenged us to put the word LOST back in our vo- cabulary as it is a term that has "lost" its place in our conversations. Why is it that we don't use the word that Jesus Christ used in His word? Are we trying to be politically correct or non-offensive? The Apostle Paul was not scared to use the word and in essence said that when we start seeing humanity as lost we will, of course, want to get involved in searching for them and rescuing them. The BMAA Department of Missions has mailed a SEARCH & RESCUE guide to every BMAA pastor. The guide contains suggestions on how to im- plement SEARCH & RESCUE efforts at each of our churches during the months of March and April. The SEARCH & RESCUE push will wrap up on May 3rd with SEARCH & RESCUE SUNDAY. Join us now in praying that at least one person will be saved in every BMAA church during this time. The topics covered in the book include: preparation for SEARCH & RES- CUE; information about the LOST and how to share the Gospel, and how to help those who have been rescued to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Additional materials and information may be obtained at . These materials include any logo that churches want to use pertaining to SEARCH & RESCUE, copies of the Ro- man Road To Salvation and necessary forms to be given to the congrega- tion. Free posters, bulletin inserts, and bookmarks may be ordered via , e-mail, or phone (501-455-4977). Every BMAA church is encouraged to join in this effort to RESCUE THE LOST FOR CHRIST. Editor’s Note: For exciting news & feedback from Pastors that have imple- mented their own local Search & Rescue missions, continue reading on Page 4.

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Official publication of the Baptist Missionary Association of Kansas and Western Missouri. A national publication advocating world-wide missions, evangelism, benevolence, and Christian education.


Page 1: Baptist Herald-2009 Apr Edition


APRIL 2009


SEARCH & RESCUE the LOST are words that the BMAA Department of Missions hopes will be on the hearts and lips of every member of the BMAA this spring.

The mission kicked off at the 2009 Missions Symposium where Executive Director Grady Higgs challenged us to put the word LOST back in our vo-cabulary as it is a term that has "lost" its place in our conversations. Why is it that we don't use the word that Jesus Christ used in His word? Are we trying to be politically correct or non-offensive? The Apostle Paul was not scared to use the word and in essence said that when we start seeing humanity as lost we will, of course, want to get involved in searching for them and rescuing them.

The BMAA Department of Missions has mailed a SEARCH & RESCUE guide to every BMAA pastor. The guide contains suggestions on how to im-plement SEARCH & RESCUE efforts at each of our churches during the months of March and April. The SEARCH & RESCUE push will wrap up on May 3rd with SEARCH & RESCUE SUNDAY. Join us now in praying that at least one person will be saved in every BMAA church during this time.

The topics covered in the book include: preparation for SEARCH & RES-CUE; information about the LOST and how to share the Gospel, and how to help those who have been rescued to become disciples of Jesus Christ.

Additional materials and information may be obtained at These materials include any logo that churches want to use pertaining to SEARCH & RESCUE, copies of the Ro-man Road To Salvation and necessary forms to be given to the congrega-tion. Free posters, bulletin inserts, and bookmarks may be ordered via, e-mail, or phone (501-455-4977).

Every BMAA church is encouraged to join in this effort to RESCUE THE LOST FOR CHRIST.

Editor’s Note: For exciting news & feedback from Pastors that have imple-mented their own local Search & Rescue missions, continue reading on Page 4.

Page 2: Baptist Herald-2009 Apr Edition

I’m continuing the series of lessons that God the Father has taught this first time fa-ther…

Lessons from the Father

“The Father provides the things we need to get us out of the holes we end up in”. Clay received a tricycle as a Christmas gift. It’s a classic red Radio Flyer brand with pedals. This tricycle is one of the many foot powered vehicles that Clay has, but the only one that has pedals on it. Using the pedals is still a bit new & uncom-fortable to him, even though he’s on his tricycle & could be pedal-ing quickly everywhere he goes, often he’ll just scoot around us-ing his feet. As his father, I’ll be following Clay around as he scoots, encouraging him to use the pedals. There are times when Clay will navigate the tricycle into a small hole & be unable to scoot out. It’s under those conditions that I’ve been most success-ful in getting Clay to use the pedals. When he’s down & stuck in that hole, he realizes the pedals offer him not only more speed, but the power & stability to get out of that hole. In retrospect, our heavenly Father does the same. He sees the holes in front of us as we scoot along slowly. He even gives us what we need (thru His word) to avoid many of those holes in the road of life. When we do find ourselves in a hole though, He’s given us the pedals to get out. If we plant our feet firmly on the Rock, we can find the power & stability we need to get out of any hole that comes our way. If you find yourself in a hole today, I implore you to listen to your Heavenly Father who wants to show you how to "use the pedals"

"No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it." — 1 Cor 10:13 (MSG)

BAPTIST HERALD A Non-Profit Enterprise

Official publication of the Baptist Missionary Association of Kansas and Western Missouri

A national publication advocating world-wide mis-sions, evangelism, benevolence, and

Christian education

Print subscription rate $10.00 per year in advance. Sample copies are available for the asking. Free full-color email edition also available.

ADVERTISING RATES: $5.00 per column inch $50.00 one-fourth page $75.00 one-half page $100.00 full page

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BAPTIST HERALD Adam Owen P.O. Box 218

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Galena, KS 66739


Galena, KS 66739


Galena, KS 66739


Kansas City, MO 64123


Page 3: Baptist Herald-2009 Apr Edition


Annual BMA of MissouriAnnual BMA of Missouri

Men’s RetreatMen’s Retreat April 30—May 2, 2009

Meramec Retreat Center, Richwoods, MO

Theme: A Man and His Work Cost: $60

Deadline: April 25 Contact Bro Danny Kirk (314-921-2378) for more details.

Page 4: Baptist Herald-2009 Apr Edition


Missions begins at home! I trust that all of our churches in the BMA of Kansas and Western

Missouri are involved with the “Search & Rescue” that was mailed to you from the office of the BMAA Missions Department. You should! We are not going to see our churches blessed when the only mission endeavor is sending money for someone else to do our mission work for us. Missions begins at home! Until our people develop a sincere love for the lost of this world they will not be involved in missions; at

home or abroad. God will bless any church who will give above and beyond their means to support missions world-wide and who will get personally involved in missions at home. How should you feel about lost people?

1. We should love them with an unconditional love.

2. We should establish friendships with them.

3. We should make opportunities to be with them.

4. We should say, “There but for the grace of God go I.”

5. We should look for “open win-dows” that God allows in their life.

6. We should be so burdened for them that we mention their names often before God in in-tercession.

7. We should watch our lives very, very closely so that we do not discredit our testimony be-fore them in any way.

8. We should be there for them at all times.

When God’s people develop a pas-sion for seeing the lost come to Christ our churches will grow and our people will get excited and get involved in the winning of lost souls.

Fred A Vogel


Search and Rescue (cont from cover)

During the month of March churches are compiling lists of LOST individuals for whom they will pray and seek to share

the gospel within the next few weeks. One pastor reported that his people were shocked at the number of LOST people

within their extended church family. The pastor shared how families were aware of one or two within their own family

units, but when the entire church family pooled the names there was a list of over two hundred LOST people who need

to be rescued. He says, “It was a shock to many of our people to know that there were that many in our own families

who are still LOST, and then to think of all the other LOST people in our town. It brought a whole new awareness to us

of what a mission field we have here at home.”

Another pastor said, “The word LOST has once again been re-emphasized among our people and they are becoming

more aware of the lostness of people all around them and as a result are becoming more burdened for them. They are

realizing that the LOST are all around us!”

Another pastor writes, “Our people have really bought into this. Our outreach director reported yesterday over 100 lost

people have been identified in the first two weeks. Our people seem to be praying more. There are more moves during

the invitation time. We are receiving new members every week. We are having visitors coming out of the woodwork it


Two more important ingredients of a successful SEARCH AND RESCUE SUNDAY will take place during the month of

April: Prayer and Training in how to share the Gospel in personal witnessing. Churches are encouraged to schedule

prayer meetings at church and in homes praying for the LOST to be rescued. Pastors are encouraged to train their mem-

bers in how to witness to the LOST in preparation for SEARCH AND RESCUE SUNDAY, MAY 3.

For further information concerning free materials or help in planning and promoting SEARCH AND RESCUE SUN-

DAY contact the BMAA Department of Missions (501-455-4977 or visit Pray that there will

be a harvest of souls on May 3.

Pray for God to stir mightily throughout the BMAA as a result of our SEARCH AND RES-

CUE efforts to win the lost to Christ.

Page 5: Baptist Herald-2009 Apr Edition

“Lost people matter to God, so they must matter to us.” Keith Wright

Our Missions Team challenged us to “give God our best” as we embraced the 50 Days of Prayer and Giving campaign. Armed with our perpet-ual prayer calendars and that chal-lenge ringing in our ears, we gave nearly $2,500.00 for World Mis-sions. To close out the campaign, 50 candles adorned the sanctuary, and with each candle lit a missionaries

name and location was read aloud. The service ended with prayer for our missionaries world-wide, that they might spread the Gospel to every tribe, tongue and nation.

Bro. Justin brought a series of mes-sage on “Stressbusters”, and he dealt with issues that cause us stress in our daily lives: worry, busyness, dam-aged emotions, indecisions, dark valleys, hurts, and fear of the future. The altar was full each week as many laid their stress-buster at Jesus’ feet.

The youth treated everyone to the annual Valentine banquet, and they did an outstanding job. Delicious

food, hilarious comedy, and beauti-ful music highlighted the night.

Our men have worked tirelessly re-modeling the baptistery and stage, and the final result is a bigger, beau-tiful, modern look. The new, fiber-glass baptistery is much more func-tional, and the updated décor is get-ting rave reviews. Thanks, fellas! You do great work! If you are in the neighborhood, drop in…we’d love to show it off!

In His Service,

Leigh Ryan Reporter

In preparation for our March 29th - April 1st scheduled revival with Bro Jeff Swart, our Pastor has been preaching sermons from Nehemiah, a book all about revival. We have been challenged to be a people of principle, passion, & purity. The appalling corruption of our nation, the apparent closeness of Christ coming, & the absence of real com-mitment among most of God's peo-

ple are all indications of the real need for revival.

On February 15th, we enjoyed an all church Noon Valentine luncheon fol lowing our AM worship hour. Times of food & fellowship together seemingly cause us to be more devoted to one another in brotherly love.

Lacy Mikrut has been leading our choir in preparation for an April 12th Easter Cantata presentation.

Kaci & Brad Coots are proud first time parents of a new baby girl. Quincey LeAnn Coots was

born March 3rd at Mt Carmel Medi-cal Center in Pittsburg.

Bro Jim Moore has had tests at St Johns in Joplin. The funeral for Vir-ginia Murphy, sister-in-law of Bro Howard Murphy, was held in Girard on February 24th. On March 10th, a military funeral service was con-ducted for Bro Larry Salzman. Bro Larry & his wife Wilma have been long-standing members at Mt Olive.

When we are perfectly related to God, no matter where He places us or what the inner desolations are, we can praise Him that all is well.


Girard, KS 66743

Bro. Ernie Watson, Pastor



Galena, KS 66739

Bro. Justin Rhodes, Pastor

Page 6: Baptist Herald-2009 Apr Edition


Hello again from Grace Baptist.

Happenings in February:

♦ On the 7th of this month, our youth director, Muchengetwa took a group of our youth out to a Christian teen center to evan-gelize. They will be going on Fridays to share their faith and friendship with other kids their age. It is a wonderful experience for our teens to learn the impor-tance of evangelizing.

♦ Muchengetwa and Julie Bgoni are proud to announce the arri-val of their son, Justin Akatendeka Bgoni, born on the

5th. Congratulations to the Bgo-nis.

♦ Our KFC crew had a very excit-ing Valentines Day this year. Sixteen kids and six adults went around to all of our shut-ins to deliver a Valentines Basket full of goodies. Everyone had a great time and our shut-ins enjoyed seeing all the smiling faces so willing to serve them. God has really blessed our church with some great kids.

♦ On the 11th our youth went to the True Love Waits Rally and had a really good time.

♦ Ten members traveled to Cass-ville for a Mission Banquet.

♦ On World Missions Day we re-ceived a great offering.

♦ Several of our members have had surgery this month.

♦ Welcome new members in Janu-ary, Austin Martin and Craig Oxford.

♦ Welcome new members in Feb-ruary, Janis Gouge.

Until next month… God Bless,

Pam Hatcher

“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say Rejoice.” (Phil. 4:4) Daylight Savings Time is here and I think everyone is enjoying the change. Of course, the warmer weather helps too. The grass is be-ginning to turn green, flowers are blooming, trees are budding out, what beautiful scenery God is giving to us. I’m a huge fan of Ernie Haase and Signature Sound. They sing a song “Are You Enjoying the Show”, referring to the beauty God creates for us every day. I am certainly en-joying the show. How bout you?

On Saturday morning, March 7, 15 of our men joined together again for their monthly prayer break-

fast. Bro. Craig Bryson brought the devotional. Not only is it a time of good food and sharing prayer re-quests with one another, but it is a time for the men to relax and do some good ole fashion visiting.

Bro. Dave Wieneke is working with the adult choir every Sunday evening following services in preparation for our Easter Cantata. Everyone is ex-cited and working very hard in learning all the songs. I’ve been lis-tening and they sound very good.

Sharon Evans is working with the younger children on their Easter program which will be presented Palm Sunday evening. They’re pre-senting a 3 act play entitled “The Children Were There.” Kelley Thompson is making costumes and we are very excited to work with the children and encourage them in

God’s service. They are so pre-cious.

A Wednesday evening class has been started for the youth/teens in our Activity Center , led by Charlea Mills. She was a big help to me last year in VBS and it is our prayer that the class will grow and God will be honored and glorified in and throughout their time together.

As we go through the days ahead, our prayer is that more will come to know the Lord and that we will grow stronger in our walk with Him. Enjoy the show and until next time . . .

Sharon Evans Reporter


Pittsburg, KS 66762

Bro. Don Alexander, Pastor


Joplin, MO 64804

Bro. Fred Vogel, Pastor

Page 7: Baptist Herald-2009 Apr Edition

Win Win others to a saving faith in Jesus

Ground Ground others in their faith in Je-sus

Equip Equip others to share Jesus


Deputation is coming to a close, and we want to thank you all for your p r a y e r s . W e h a v e a few appointments in April, includ-ing the National meeting, and then we will be on the field preparing for some summer work groups and our bible study.

During our deputation process we have been in and out of Smithville, and that has given us some time to

meet a few people here. Please pray that God would continue to give us opportunities to build relationships and that those relationships would produce Kingdom workers. I per-sonally believe that building rela-

tionships will be our most effective outreach strategy.

There are many people here, just like where you live, that are LOST and need Jesus Christ to rescue them. I feel extremely privileged to have the opportunity to share the Gospel here. Thank you for your continued support and may God use you and your Church as you "Search and Rescue" in your community.

"On Mission" Luke 19:10

Jamie Jones


Bro. Jamie Jones, Missionary

An Interactive,An Interactive, ActionAction--Packed WorkshopPacked Workshop For All Who Want to ReachFor All Who Want to Reach Children with the GospelChildren with the Gospel

Pastors, teachers, parents, grandparents, volunteers, leaders, and staff

Kids’ EE WorkshopKids’ EE Workshop May 7May 7--99

Springhill Baptist ChurchSpringhill Baptist Church Greenbrier, ArkansasGreenbrier, Arkansas

(501) 679-2320 • (501) 581-7255

Cost: Children (9-12) $75

Teens & Adults $175

(includes materials and meals)

Register at

(Deadline to register: April 6)

Page 8: Baptist Herald-2009 Apr Edition
