baptist digest august2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Baptist Digest August2012


    Newsjournal Of Kansas and Nebraska Southern Baptists

    August 2012Vol. 56 No.8


    igestSummer Missionaries Play Key Roles in Hispanic Outreach

    Summer missionaries playeda major role this summer inadvancing Hispanic work inKansas and Nebraska.

    The Hispanic summer mis-sionaries included 10 fromPuerto Rico and nine from RioGrande Bible Institute in Edin-burg, Texas. Summer missionar-ies from RGBI have been servingin Kansas-Nebraska for severalyears.

    Abraham Arevalo, Hispanicchurch-planter strategist in

    Wichita, Kan., and his wife,Ester, are 1993 graduates of RioGrande Bible Institute. They helprecruit summer missionariesfrom RGBI.

    Several of these former sum-mer missionaries from RGBI arenow serving Kansas-NebraskaSouthern Baptist churches.Among them are Carlos andVickie Carren of Iglesia Bau-tista Nueva Vida in Wichita,Kan., and Axel Centano, pastorof Iglesia Bautista Vida Abun-dante in Emporia, Kan.

    The Puerto Rican summermissionary connection begandeveloping in 2011 when fouryoung men came from GlenviewBaptist Church in Ponce, PuertoRico.

    Abraham Arevalo is friendswith a sta member of the Bap-

    tist convention in Puerto Rico.This connection has helped re-

    Campers at KNCSB Hispanic Summer Summer 2012 gathered on the stage to sing enthu-

    siastic praises to God. The annual camp for Hispanic students was held June 18-22 atWebster Conference Center, Salina, Kan. It kicked off the KNCSB summer youth camps.(Below left) Afternoon classes during Hispanic Super Summer helped equip campers to gohome and serve in their churches. In this class they learned the basics of playing musical

    instruments such as the guitar, drums and piano.

    cruit summer missionaries fromPuerto Rico to serve in KNCSB.These summer missionaries aresent through the North Ameri-can Mission Board.

    Two groups of Hispanicsummer missionaries worked onlaying the ground work for newHispanic ministries in Hastingsand Lincoln, Neb. Four PuertoRicans served in Hastings. TwoPuerto Rican summer missionar-ies served in Lincoln along withone student from Rio Grande

    Bible Institute.The other four Puerto Rican

    summer missionaries workedin Wichita, Kan., with the threeHispanic churches there.

    Summer missionaries fromRio Grande Bible Instituteworked in a wide geographicarea from northeast Nebraskato southwest Kansas.

    In Garden City, Kan., theyhelped lead an outreach Vaca-tion Bible School in the park atRichardson Zoo. The VBS at-tracted a high aendance of 150children.

    All but two of the Hispanicsummer missionaries helpedwith Hispanic Super SummerJune 18-22 at Webster Confer-ence Center, Salina, Kan. Twoof the Puerto Ricans stayed inLincoln, Neb., to lead outreach

    Bible studies that had just beenstarted.

    Hispanic Super Summeraracted more than 130 peoplewho came from as far away asnortheast Nebraska and theOklahoma Panhandle.

    Daniel Puerto, another gradu-

    ate of RGBI, was the camp pas-tor. He is a pastor in California,Mo., and a student at Midwest-ern Seminary, Kansas City, Mo.

    I dont want you to waste

    your life, Puerto told campers.

    I want you to use your life forthe glory of God.

    In 25 years, one in three peo-ple in the United States will beHispanic, he said. Where will

    you be? Dream big for Christ.

    I tell you,

    open your eyesand look at thefelds! They

    are ripe forharvest

    Viola Webb Missions Offering

    Goal $205,000

    50% Funds Local Associational Missions While 50% Funds KNCSBMissions Efforts

    From September, 2011

    through June, 2012 we

    have received $183,654.41.

    Continue to pray that, inthe closing days of this

    offering period, we might

    reach our goal.

  • 7/31/2019 Baptist Digest August2012


    KNCSB Life



    GUIDING PRINCIPLES:INFORM -- Regularly share information about ongoingtraining, curriculum, events, support and personnel.RESOURCE -- Serve as a resource pool for practicalideas about what is working in KS-NE congregationsand how it relates to all sizes of churches.GENERATIONAL -- Cast the widest net, providing sto-ries and information that will appeal to all generations

    of Southern Baptists in NE-KS.FAMILY-FRIENDLY -- Be family-friendly with stories,regular columns and helps for families and leaders whowork with families.AGE DIVERSE -- Publish stories that address thediversity of age, ethnicity, and geographical regions ofKS-NE.MISSION-ORIENTED -- Publish stories about peopleand congregations involved in missions and regularlypublicize ministry opportunities.PART OF WIDER MISSION - Help congregationsdiscover that they are part of the larger work of theKingdom of God through their ministries.

    To give local news:Local church and associational news may be submit-

    ted by mail, phone, fax or e-mail.

    Advertising:Advertising policy and rates are available upon

    request Call 800-984-9092 or e-mail:[email protected]

    STAFFEditor: Tim Boyd, PhD.

    Associate Editor: Eva WilsonPrinting Coordinator: Derek Taylor

    Robert T. Mills, D. Min.

    KNCSB Executive Director

    AFFILIATIONSAssociation of State Baptist PapersBaptist Communicators Association

    The Baptist Digest(USPS 018-942)Vol. 56 No.8

    Leadership Newsjournal for Kansas-Nebraska Southern Baptists is published

    monthly12 times a year.

    5410 SW 7th StreetTopeka, KS 66606-2398Phone: (785) 228-6800Toll Free: 800-984-9092

    Fax: (785) 273-4992E-mail: [email protected]

    Web site:

    POSTMASTER:Periodical postage paid at Topeka, KS 66606 andadditional entries. Send address changes to: TheBaptist Digest, 5410 SW 7th Street, Topeka, KS


    By Georges BoujaklyKNCSB State Director of MissionsE-mail: [email protected]

    Living and HopingLife-hope=despair, decay, and death.Life+hope=growth, transformation, Christ-likeness.

    We cannot live without hope. We thrive in hope. Thosewho cultivate hope live lives that are changed by theobject of their hope: King Jesus.

    Christians, of all people,have Jesus to hope in. Thishope in Jesus transforms usto the point that people de-sire to know the reason forour hope and our transfor-

    mation. Thepresence of theHoly Spirit ows from usto sow love andfaith. Theyhope in God, love mercy, actjustly toward others, andwalk humbly with God (Mi-cah 6:8). Hope transformsus from ordinary humanbeings to trustful lovers ofGod and our neighbors inimitation of Christ.

    We often hear, shortlyafter a person dies: He lost hope. We also hear of ahusband or a wife dying shortly after losing a spouse.She lost hope. He died from a broken heart (code forlosing hope). Studies correlating an early grave with theabsence of hope abound. We have all known the paraly-sis or stagnation when hope takes a dive in our lives.

    What do lovers of God do to cultivate hope that makesa dierence in the way they live? Where is such a hope tobe found? What is its source?

    Hope is a gift from God hand delivered to us in Christ.From the Fountain of Hope springs our faith and ows

    our love (Colossians 1:3-6). When we live in hope, beingassured of a good future, we are enabled to live a lifefull of love (for God, ourselves, and others) and trust (inGod, in others, in ourselves). The Holy Spirit empowersto die, live and have our being, rule, and return with andin Christ. Allow me to esh this out a bit.

    When Jesus died his followers die with him (Colos-sians 3:3). Paul said: I have died with Christ We are deadbut our lives are hidden with Christ in God. The mysteryhere, that which we cannot explain is that in dying on

    the cross Jesus took away our sin. In that very death, wealso diedwith him to our sin. His death dealt a death

    blow to our sinfulness. We must learn to live in that real-ity. The other pseudo reality we hear: we are still underthe power of sin is a false rumor from the underworld.My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, notin part but the whole, is nailed to the cross and I bearit not more. Praise the Lord, O my soul. Herein is ourpower to die in imitation of Jesus!

    When Jesus rose from the dead we also rose withhim. Colossians 2:12 states: When you were buried withhim in baptism, you were also raised with him though faith inthe power of God, who raised him from the dead. Anothermystery driving us to our knees! Not only are we deliv-

    ered to a changed life by the death of Jesus, but also bythe life of Jesus. This is the life he promised to share withus when we are baptized into the Trinitarian gospel ofGod (see Romans 5:9-10; Matthew 28:18-20).

    Imagine! The power of God that raised Jesus fromthe dead resides in us. The net eects of this are that oldthings die and new things are born in us (2 Corinthians5:17). Humans living in sin have a chance to become anextinct species! The things of earth grow strangely dim tous but the things of God shine like the sun. This transfor-mation is not momentary. Its continuous and eternal. Its

    from God and is freely given at our baptism. The balanceof our lives is lived in this resurrection reality. We wearthe new garments of life and dispose of the garments ofdeath (Colossians 3:10). Herein is our power to live inimitation of Jesus in that we rose with Jesus!

    When Jesus ascended to sit at the right hand of his

    Father, we were seated with him. Colossians 3:1 com-mands: Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seat-

    ed at the right of God. This is the mystery of the reign ofGod in and though us. Thy kingdom come, thy will be doneon earth as it is in heaven. We bind and we loose becausewe rule with him in the heavenly places(Ephesians).

    To sit at the right hand means to share in the reign ofGod. Jesus is the King and Lord of his kingdom who hasnished his redemptive work. In him we participate inthe completion of that which he started. Our work is notin vain because he rules the world. Every knee will bowto him because he is King Jesus. This is our gospel. Thisis our plea, this is the hope we oer the world. This isour life, hidden in Christ, risen with Christ. Herein is our

    power to rule our lives in the world under King Jesuswho is in charge.

    When Christ who is your life is revealed, then youalso will be revealed with him in glory (Colossians 3:4). We await this. We hope. We are changed by him whogives substance to this hope, this assured future withChrist.Brothers and sisters, we dont know yet whatwe will be like. But we know that when he appears wewill be like him in all ways (1 John 3:2-3). This capti-vating mystery, though unfathomed by us, empowersand transforms us. Herein is our power to renew our

    strength, to run the race of life and not be weary, the soarlike eagles and not faint.We are Christ followers who wisely live from the

    source of hope which springs eternal into love and trustempowered by the Holy One of God in whom we liveand have our being.

    The Thought Occurred to Me

    First of all, I want to thank everyone for your prayers

    and concern during my recent health issues. It seemsthat my health issues were a result of medications. Allhealth systems seem to be working fine at this point.Once again, I want to say thank you for your concern.

    The bivocational pastor is the unsung hero inSouthern Baptist life. These pastors are working full-time in the market place while pastoring (successfully Imight add) a church.

    The bivocational pastor has to have good time man-agement skills to juggle family, marketplace job andministry. These pastors basically live in a world of twocareers and one calling.

    For the bivocational pastor, their mission field istheir marketplace. I am reminded of William Carey.Carey was considered to be the father of the modernmission movement, as he was a shoe cobbler in India.While serving as a shoe cobbler, he began to meet and

    develop relationships withthe indigenous people.

    That is exactly what hap-pens today among ourbivocational ministers.

    When I was in seminary,if someone aspired to be abivocational pastor, it wasas if he were signing up tobe a second-class citizen inministry or he knew he didnot have what it took to bea fully funded pastor. Thatcould not be further from

    the truth.Bivocational pastors in

    many ways are the backboneof our Convention. Some years ago, a friend of mine,Dr. Dale Holloway, did some extensive research on the

    Walking With the Master

    Georges Boujakly

    Bob Mills

    Scan image

    at right for

    Baptist Digest


    effectiveness of bivocational pastors in midsize andsmaller churches and found that there was basically no

    difference in significant growth markers in comparisonto fully funded pastors of the same size churches.

    I want to express my deep appreciation to our bivo-cational pastors in Nebraska and Kansas.

    By Bob MillsKNCSB Executive DirectorE-mail: [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 Baptist Digest August2012


    Sharing & Strengthening




    By Jon SappKNCSB State Director of EvangelismE-mail: [email protected]

    New opportunities always catch my attention andoffer a chance to grow and develop. I am always bat-

    tling with the decision of going after that greenerrass on the other side or being content and keepingfocused on what I am doing. Options can be a blessingand a curse depending on how I manage them.

    Two opportunities have captured my attention thissummer. Kingman, Kansas and the collegiate teamworking with CrossPoint Church to begin a newchurch was one of those opportunities I am so gladI embraced. Keith Bryant, Director of Missions for

    entral Association, shared his dream of using a col-lege summer mission team to start a new church inKingman.

    A church plant in Kingman is not a new idea.Several church planting attempts have been tried in thepast. However, we are trusting this effort will result ina plant that remains and grows.

    At least two elements are different with this oppor-tunity. First, a team of four collegiate ministry person-nel are living in Kingman for nine weeks. What aninvestment they are making in building relationshipsand getting small groups started. Priscilla, my wife,and I joined with the team and spent three days inKingman in early July.

    Gods Plan for SharingWe could not have had

    a better experience. LocalKingmanites in restau-rants and the small shops

    knew the team. I learnedhow they were connectingto the community by serv-ing as sponsors of a juniorhigh summer event. I wit-nessed locals coming up tovisit with them and bring-ing food by the churchfor the Launch Party. Allof this demonstrated thepower of positive relation-ships in our small town

    communities.In addition to the day-to-day presence of the team,

    CrossPoint Church in Hutchinson, Kansas has part-nered with Keith to support this new church plant.The Launch Party, held on the Saturday night beforethe Sunday launch was staffed by the CrossPointstudent ministry. Not only did these students servefood, manage the block party equipment and providean excellent concert with a local Christian rap artist,I watched these kids prayer walking Kingman beforeand after the Launch Party.

    Local day to day presence of a church planting teampartnered with a church that supports and participatesin the plant have to be two elements God can use toestablish a new church. (See Related Story Below)

    My second opportunity of the summer is a webtool. Every fall we have hundreds of our recent highschool graduates head off to college. For some, getting

    connected to a new church or campus ministry hasbeen easy. For others, that just did not happen.This summer Brad Simmons, Church Planting

    Catalyst for Heart of Kansas Association, helpeddevelop a simple tool to collect contact information forchurches and campus ministries. The Kansas-NebraskaCollegiate Ministry Team is making every effort to con-nect your graduating seniors with one of our BaptistCampus Ministries in Kansas or Nebraska.

    Here is the simple tool to provide us your studentsinformation. Go to: Entering information is quickand easy. I trust taking advantage of this connectingtool will help this years college freshmen discover theexcellent college ministries across our two states.

    Opportunities for something new can be exciting.Helping new churches get started is a great way toinvest the passion and energy of our collegiate minis-tries. Getting folks connected at just the right time is asecond opportunity I want to embrace. Will you helpme to get the right information into the above website?Lets celebrate what God is doing as we join with Himas we live out ways of utilizing Gods Plan for Sharing.

    Jon Sapp

    ByTim Boydaptist Digest Editor-mail: [email protected]

    In lateune, I wasnvited toive thepening


    or the Fort-ight forreedomally inopeka, Kan-as, spon-ored byhe Catholicishops ofansas.Even

    hough weave theological dierences with ouroman Catholic friends, we do share aommon interest in religious liberty inhe United States. So, I was happy to bencluded in this rally.

    I dont usually write out my prayers,ut in this instance, I was asked to do sond did. I would like to share that prayerith you in this issue. It was a prayer

    or a specic occasion, but it concerns anrea that requires much prayer on ourart in relationship to things happeningt the national level.

    Holy God, we come today as men andwomen of faith desiring to live out thatfaith in a way that would honor and glo-rify Your name.

    You alone, Father, are worthy of ourworship, our loyalty, and our devotion.May all that we do here today magnifyYour name and Your righteousness.

    Lord, You are the one who establishesgovernments among the nations. You havecreated our government to protect and

    Along the Journeyprosper the inhabitants of this land. Youhave also created it to provide freedom ofworship and conscience. We are blessedto live in a land where we can follow ourpersonal convictions in matters of faith.

    We are assembled here today because we

    fear that this freedom is eroding because ofnew policies put forward by our govern-ment. Our desire is to be obedient citizensas Your Son taught us.

    But, Father, we fnd ourselves at thepoint of being asked to make choices thatwould go against faith and conscience. Weknow that we must obey You before wewould obey any earthly institution.

    Therefore, Father, we plead with Youto intercede on our behalf with those inauthority in our government. We ask thatYou convince them that these proposedpolicies would not enhance the lives of thecitizens of this nation. Rather, it wouldforce numbers of loyal citizens to goagainst sincerely held fundamental beliefsor disobey their government.

    Father, give us wisdom to act graciouslyand continue to love and pray for ourgovernment. Give us wisdom as to how toreact to policies that would have us violateconscience. Father, give us courage to doYour will even if that goes against the poli-cies of our nation. Father, give us courage

    to honor You by the choices and actionsthat we as believing people must follow.

    Father, we pray for a rebirth of freedomin our nation. May our nation return toits position as a light of freedom of con-science among the nations. Father, blessour nation and draw it back to the valuesupon which it was founded.

    Father, we oer this prayer in the nameof Your precious Son, our Savior, JesusChrist. Amen.

    Tim Boyd

    Kansas-Nebraska collegiate ministries want to meet your student

    and provide them an opportunity to form relationships that will

    help them develop a life-changing walk with Jesus Christ. Go to:

    and enter your contact information.

    Thanks for all that your church gives to the CooperativeProgram. CP is the lifeblood of missions in the Southern

    Baptist Convention. Frank Page who leads the SBC Execu-

    tive Committee said: The fuel for a Great Commission

    Advance, which is what I would like for us to see happen, isthe fuel of the Cooperative Program.

  • 7/31/2019 Baptist Digest August2012


    KNCSB Life





    New Direction for StateBible Drill/SpeakerTournamentBy Marie ClarkKNCSB Bible Teaching and Discipling Team Leader

    Email: [email protected]

    With a declining number of churchesand individuals involved, it has becomeregrettably apparent that we need todiscontinue Bible Drill/Speaker Tour-nament at the state level. Beginning in2013, the KNCSB Bible Drill/SpeakerTournament, traditionally in April, willno longer be held, Marie Clark, KNCSBBible Teaching and Discipling TeamLeader recently announced.

    This decision came after serious dis-cussion and evaluation over the past twoyears by the KNCSB Bible Drill/SpeakerTournament leadership team: DeloresHanneman, Bible Drill Coordinator;Georges Boujakly, Discipleship Director;Barbara Spicer, Administrative Assistant;and Marie Clark.

    Bible Drill for both children and youthis an excellent scripture memorizationprogram. KNCSB sta will continue tosupport and encourage the Bible Drill/

    Speaker Tournament at the church andassociational levels through resources,and with training consultations ifneeded.

    The following resources are available:n Younger Childrens Bible Drill

    Cycles 1- 3 and informational brochuren Childrens Bible Drill Memory Cardsfor Red, Blue, and Green Cycles andinformational brochuren Youth Bible Drill Memory Cards forCycles 1- 6 and informational brochuren Youth Speakers Tournament Bro-chure with annual topics and instruc-tionsn Judges Instructions and Score Sheetsfor all categories

    Delores Hanneman, who has servedas the KNCSB Bible Drill Coordinatorfor the past ve years, has been a greatencouragement to leaders from partici-pating churches. She has organized andconducted the state drills with eective-ness and grace. As her nal act of serviceshe nished developing the three cyclesfor younger children and Cycles 4-6 foryouth. Delores ministry, along withthe oce support of Barbara Spicer, hasmade the annual state event a quality

    experience.If churches need help with Bible

    Drill or Speaker Tournament, they maycontact Marie Clark, [email protected] Barbara Spicer [email protected] or1-800-984-9092.

    Leaders Reveal Focus forUpcoming Teacher TrainingBy Marie ClarkKNCSB Bible Teaching and Discipling Team Leader

    Email: [email protected]

    The bottom line, I think, is that wewant our adults to be transformed intoChristlikeness so they think and actlike Christ. Youll learn simple stepsto studying the Scripture and how todevelop a customized teaching planto use each week. Youll also discoverprinciples to unleash your eectivenessas a communicator of Biblical truth andhow to make a dierence in the lives ofyour members.

    These words were written by DavidApple and Alan Raughton, two of thetrainers for adult teachers at the regionalTransform Lives Through Teachingevent. It will be held August 25, 8:30AM-2:30PM at First Baptist Church of Ray-town, Mo (Kansas City area). KNCSBand the Missouri Baptist Conventionhave partnered with LifeWay to bringthis high-quality event to the Midwest.

    Marie Clark, team leader for theKNCSB Bible Teaching and DisciplingTeam, contacted other LifeWay trainersto get advance insight into what teachersfor all ages can expect.

    Student leader Paul Turner responded,Those of us who work with studentshave to be willing to learn the languageof the culture in order to help createan atmosphere where the Holy Spiritcan draw students and their families toChrist. I promise not to bore you. Quite

    honestly there are too many studentswho need to be introduced to Christ ortake ownership of their faith for us to sitin a boring conference designed to helpus not be boring in the Bible study hour.

    Bill Emeott noted that teaching chil-dren in Sunday School is more than justshowing up on Sunday morning. Hewarned, Dont expect to sit still for thisconference. We will oer hands on, useit tomorrow suggestions and practicesthat can transform the way you teachkids and lead them to spiritual transfor-mation.

    Preschool teachers are reminded byKlista Storts that they play such an im-portant role in building a spiritual foun-dation in the lives of the preschoolersthey teach each week. She will includehelps for Bible Teaching Games, Learn-ing Center Ideas, Group Time Solutions,and Classroom Management.

    In addition to age-group teachers,Wayne Poling emphasized the impor-tance of pastors and Sunday School lead-ers bringing their teachers with them.Among other things, he promised 16practical handles for leading their Sun-day School teachers to focus on transfor-mation and teach for life-change.

    Go to orcall 1-800-254-2022 for more informationor to register. Cost is $25/person; $500church maximum.

    Youth EvangelismConference Planned

    for BransonThey said to each other, Were not our

    hearts burning within us while he talkedwith us on the road and opened theScriptures to us? Luke 24:32

    Hearts On Fire is a youth evangelismconference which began in the heart of26 year old youth pastor Scott Carter. Hesaw this as a way to bring youth togetherand present the Gospel of Jesus to them,challenging them to grow closer to Him.In 1986 the rst Hearts On Fire confer-ence was held, with a few local churchgroups in attendance.

    Over the past 25 years Hearts OnFire has grown from 150 to over 9000attendees from 12 dierent states. Wehave seen literally thousands of teenag-ers come to faith in Christ and countlesslives changed. The kingdom has beenimpacted by young men and womenwho have made decisions to surrenderto full time ministry while attending theconference.

    October 2011 marked a new beginningfor Hearts On Fire, with a second confer-

    ence being held west of the Mississippiat the Welk Resort Theater in Branson,Missouri. There were 33 churches inattendance from ve dierent states. Weare excited and look forward to a greatconference in Branson on October 26 &27 this year, as well as the GatlinburgConference on November 2 & 3.

    Through the years Hearts on Fire haswelcomed the likes of such speakers asClayton King, Will Graham, Kirk Cam-eron, Tony Nolan, David Nasser, DaveEdwards, Greg Stier, Ken Freeman, SeanMcDowell, Darren Whitehead, DerwinGray and this year Ed Newton. Heartson Fire has had concerts provided by thephenomenal music of Salvador, ToddAgnew, 33 Miles, Sanctus Real, CharlieHall, Aaron Shusts, FEE, Third Day,David Crowder Band, Kristian Stanll,Roger Williams & the AMUQ and in 2003both concerts cancelled and an up andcoming group lled in at the last minute,Casting Crowns. Wow, what a lineup,and this is just a few of the many whohave provided us with their music. Thisyear we are excited to have joining us theRESPECT & HONOR TOUR with FORKING & COUNTRY, Dara Maclean andJason Castro. Over the past 25 years wehave hosted many great speakers as wellas concerts and are so thankful for all

    they have brought to the conference.Here are just a few testimonials about

    Hearts on Fire.Hearts On Fire is a top-shelf Christ-

    exalting, life-transforming, status quo-chal-lenging, your-youth-need-this event. For 25years HOF has scheduled anointed preach-ers and the very best singers and worshipleaders. You can trust HOF founder andhost Scott Carter. He is my dear friend andfaithful prayer partner.

    Dr. Randy C. Davis

    Executive Director, Tennessee BaptistConventionHttp://

    I have thousands of Youth Leaders askingme to direct them to a Conference that willreally change the hearts of their students.Hearts on Fire is that Conference. Its notjust money well spent its resources wellinvested. I say invested because you willreceive a return back into all the hard workyoure already doing every week in your

    students lives. This event transforms yourstudents hearts to go back home and be to-tally into the passion and the mission of yourstudent ministry.

    Tony NolanAuthor/Minister

    Hearts On Fire is an appropriatelynamed event. In my years of involvementwith this extraordinary gathering, Ive seenGod set hearts ablaze in both salvations andrecommitments. I couldnt think of a betterevent to bring your student and young adultministry to.

    David NasserD.Nasser Outreach, Inc.Lead Pastor, Christ City Church,


    MINISTRY CONFERENCESeptember 28-29, 2012

    Webster Conference Centermore information forthcoming


  • 7/31/2019 Baptist Digest August2012


    KNCSB on mission





    New Cabin Will Boost

    Ministry of Weir Camp

    Bethel Cabin is the new cabin now under construction at Weir Baptist Camp, Weir, Kan.It quickly took shape in late May as local volunteers joined Volunteer Christian Builders,based in Texas. Kansas-Nebraska Baptist Builders installed the electrical wiring. Kansas-Nebraska Campers on Mission poured the slab for Bethel Cabin during their April 2012work project at the camp.

    Campers at Melvern Lake in Kansas (about 40 miles south

    of Topeka) dont have to leave the Outlet Park campgroundto go to church on Sunday mornings in the summer. BillKneisly (standing)and other volunteers lead a worshipservice in the Robert W. Wayne Volkman pavilion in thecampground. Kneisly is retired director of missions in BlueStem Baptist Association. He and his wife, Sylvia, live innearby Burlington, Kan. The service is held every Sundaymorning at 9:30 from Memorial Day weekend through theend of September. Along with Melvern Lake campers, theservice also draws some local residents.

    A second new cabin is nowunder construction at Weir Bap-tist Camp, 12 miles southwest ofPisburg, Kan.

    Plans call for constructingfour more new cabins at thecamp as money becomes avail-able. The new cabins are beingconstructed on the plain belowthe hill where the originalcabins are located. Weir BaptistCamp is now more than 50

    years old. Most of the originalcabins were constructed duringthe camps early days.

    Volunteers from SoutheastKansas Baptist Association arejoining with Volunteer ChristianBuilders and Kansas-NebraskaBaptist Builders in the project.Kansas-Nebraska Campers onMission poured the slab forBethel Cabin during their April

    2012 work project at the camp.Volunteer Christian Build-ers, based in Texas, arrived inmid-May to frame the cabin.Kansas-Nebraska Baptist Build-ers came later to install theelectrical wiring. This was thefourth joint project for VCB andKansas-Nebraska Baptist Build-ers. Other projects were:

    n Sublee Southern BaptistChurch, Sublee, Kan.

    11,500-square-foot- addition

    consisting of a 400-seat worshipcenter, classrooms, oces, rest-rooms and a large foyer.

    n Southern Baptist Church ofSyracuse, Kan. 5,000-square-foot addition that consisted ofa 125-seat worship center witha fellowship hall that can serveas overow seating, a large newkitchen and restrooms.

    n First Baptist Church, Bur-lington, Kan. multipurposebuilding addition.

    In June, Volunteer ChristianBuilders and Kansas-NebraskaBaptist Builders embarkedon their h joint project byworking together on the new3,000-square-foot addition atFirst Baptist Church, Washing-ton, Kan.

    Volunteer Christian Build-ers will return to Weir Baptist

    Camp in September along withKansas-Nebraska Campers onMission. The Fall Campers onMission Rally will be held Sept.28-30 at the camp along with awork project there.

    For more than 50 years, Godhas been using Weir BaptistCamp as a place for people tond Him. New cabins and otherdevelopment will help makethe camp even more eective in

    reaching people for Christ.

    Plan Now to Attend KNCSB Mens RetreatThe 2012 Mens Retreat

    will continue the MightyMen of God emphasis

    that began at last years


    The seventh annual KNCSBMens Retreat, Mighty Men ofGod, will be held Oct. 19-20at Webster Conference Center,Salina, Kan.

    It will start on Friday at 6:45p.m. and conclude Saturday at3:30 p.m.

    This years retreat will haveas its primary scheduled event

    the second in a series of MightyMen of God conferences calledValor and Courage.

    Dr. Paul David Freed, found-er and president of Mighty Menof God, will be the conferencepresenter.

    Freed has an exciting andGod-centered passion and zealto see men everywhere rise upto their full Mighty Men Of

    God potential.He did his undergraduatestudies at Wheaton College andPhiladelphia Biblical Universitywhile doing his graduate workat Dallas Theological Seminary,Homestead College of Bible,Oxford Graduate School and

    the University of Oxford.Numerous men who have

    experienced MMOG conferenc-es have described it as: awe-some; life-changing; an incen-tive to start mens ministry; andvery upliing and challenging.

    The MMOG conferencelooks to the future by includ-ing boys ages 12-17. At the con-ference they are called YoungMighty Men and are accompa-nied by Christian male sponsors

    from their church.KNCSB is excited to bringthis conference to our Kansas-Nebraska churches.

    The program will in additionto the MMOG conference havespecic times for hearing GodsWord shared from the hearts

    of other men, a special time ofgroup prayer, and times forChristian fellowship.

    There will also be worshipand praise services. All aspectsof the overall program are de-signed to inspire and promotespiritual growth and to helpequip men for service in theKingdom of God.

    There has already been a 100percent commitment by lastyears aendees to aend thisyear and to also invite othermen to aend with them.

    Last years aendees were soconvinced and excited about theimportance of the mens retreatthat they did not want to missout on this years event.

    A mailing to KNCSB

    churches with all the retreatinformation occurred in July.Any questions about the retreator Baptist Mens ministry can bedirected to John Lucas, KNCSBMens Ministry Director, at (800)984-9092 ext. 817 or at [email protected]

    Update on Donated Hay Sent by Sandhills RanchersRanchers in the Nebraska

    Sandhills opened their heartsand wallets to send hay todrought-stricken areas in 2011.

    They sent two semi-trailerloads of hay to southwest Kan-sas. Two additional loads wentto Cordell, Okla. Not only did

    they donate the hay, but Sand-

    hills Southern Baptists paid forthe fuel used to deliver the hay.Now the Sandhills ranchers

    who displayed such generosityin 2011 are facing challenges oftheir own. Their region also isin a drought and very lile hay

    is being produced this year.

    Prayers are needed for rainin Nebraska and Kansas as wellas much of the United States.The situation also is critical inArkansas, partnership stateof Kansas-Nebraska SouthernBaptists.

    Thank you for supporting the Cooperative Program

  • 7/31/2019 Baptist Digest August2012





    What Arent You Doing That IsCausing Ministry Staff Conict?By David MannerKNCSB Director of Worship and AdministrationEmail: [email protected]

    Churches will never be healthy until the

    ministers who lead those churches arehealthy. And ministry leaders will neverbe completely healthy until their minis-try sta relationships are also healthy.Healthy ministry teams embrace andconstantly share their unied goalsof fullling and helping each otherfulll the mission of their organization.Unhealthy ministry stas function asindependent contractors who performtheir own specied tasks dependent onlyon their own strength, ability, methods,

    processes, and talent.Even if your ministry sta is high func-tioning and producing individually, youwill never experience extraordinary staand church health until you agree thatyou are all in this together. Ironically, theimpasse seems to occur less as a resultof something we are doing actively toderail relationships than as a result ofwhat we arent doing passively.You arent pastoring each other. Pastorsare not immune from the struggles of

    life such as depression, physical healthissues, marital struggles, waywardchildren, and aging parents. If we arentsensitive and willing to pastor our min-istry colleagues and their families whenthey face those issues and otherswhowill? And who will be there for us?You arent loving each other. In fact,some of us dont really even like eachother. Scripture reminds us to love Godrst, then our neighbors as ourselves.Our closest neighbors beyond our family

    should be the people we serve with. Nostipulation is oered in this passage asto whether the neighbor really deservesor has earned the right to be loved. Thecommand is also not contingent on areciprocal response.You arent praying for and with eachother. Praying that God will call one ofyour sta colleagues somewhere elseis not praying for and with each other,it is selshly praying for you. Prayingfor and with each other requires com-

    munication, vulnerability, honesty, trust,brokenness, and selessness. Praying for

    and with each other can surface hurts,unmet expectations, personal needs,

    ministry goals, concerns, and dreams.The result of praying for and with eachother about things that really matter mayinitiate a change of attitude, opinion,heart, and vision, which will encour-age reciprocity of love that did not existbefore.You arent sharing ministry together.Shared ministry requires sacrice, humil-ity, investment, and trust. It publiclyand privately arms the calling andcompetence of others. It is not guarded,

    territorial, defensive, or competitive anddoesnt care who gets the credit. Sharedministry means that even when your po-sition requires you to have the last wordit doesnt always have to be your word.Shared ministry encourages reading,studying, and conferencing together, andhas enough condence in the abilitiesand intentions of team members to allowand oer lateral mentoring and coach-ing.You arent playing together. We are con-

    stantly encouraging the members of ourcongregations to develop relationshipsof transparency, fellowship, and commu-nity and yet never model those charac-teristics as a ministry sta. The relation-ships exemplied by the Acts 2 church asthey spent time together, had everythingin common, broke bread in their homes,and ate together with glad and sincerehearts is often completely foreign tosome ministry stas. Teams who enjoybeing together radiate a solidarity that is

    contagious. Conversely, stas that dontenjoy being together emit a cloud that iscancerous. In fact, enjoying each other,playing and laughing together may actu-ally be the starting point for developingsome of those previously listed insuf-ciencies.We are all in this together is agreeingthat, Two are better than one becausethey have a good return for their labor.For if either of them falls, the one will liftup his companion. But woe to the one

    who falls when there is not another to lifthim up (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

    Fresh Ideas - Love The LeaderBy Diana Davis

    Youre a member of a Sunday Schoolclass, church committee or ministryteam. Youre on the church ball team, thenursery rotation or praise band. What-ever your involvement in your local

    church, each group you attend or servehas a leader who needs to know yourebehind them. How can you encouragethat leader? Try some of these freshideas:n Pray faithfully for that leader.n Consistently show up a few minutes

    early for meetings, rehearsals or events.n Stay late to help clean up. Dont

    leave the grunt work to the leader.n Send an uplifting text, card or Face-

    book message. Tell what you like about

    serving or attending the group. Yourrandom encouragements are the best!nDont complain. Read Philippians

    2:14.n Think of specic ways to bless your

    leader. Loves sweet tea? Deliver a giantcup from Sonic or McAllisters.n Leaders need friends, too. Invite the

    leaders family over for dinner.nWatch for stressful times. Example:

    Your leader has houseguests during aparticularly busy time at church? Mowhis or her lawn, or deliver a meal.n Listen when your leader speaks.

    Show love and respect by your actions.nGet involved. Listen to needs among

    the group and the church, and joyfullyvolunteer to help when God promptsyou. Tithe. Invest time. Care.n Trust your leader to lead. God has

    called him or her. Follow that leadership.nObserve things the leader is consis-

    tently doing that you could take on, andoer your help. Example: last-minutecopies, early set up, computer work.n Find out the leaders birthday or

    their anniversary of service in that posi-tion. Send an encouraging note or buylunch that day.nHelp leaders lead with joy by get-

    ting along with others in your class orteam.nUse your unique talents or expertise

    to help. Example: a seamstress on theworship team made drapes for the wor-ship leaders oce.n Speak well of your leader. Brag

    about how God is working. Complimenthim or her in front of others.

    A growing church requires many lead-ers, and many of them are volunteers.Circle some ideas on this list. When youshow love for the leader of your churchgroup, it will honor God and impactyour church.

    2012 Diana Davis is an author,columnist and speaker.

    How do you spend your time? Most ofus have a variety of things that we do ona regular basis. In no particular order, Ihave work hours, study hours, worshiphours, recreation hours, family hours,etc.

    However, every hour that I spendshould be marked by an attitude of

    stewardship of life and talent that Godhas entrusted to me. It is important thatI make the most of the hours of the day.And, by the way, recreation and relax-ation are as essential to human life aswork and study. Jesus was always pre-sented by the gospel writers as one whobalanced His time.

    Today, I had the opportunity to sit andlisten to a pastor friend as he describeda situation that he was mana in in his

    church. Those moments were likely themost important minutes that I spenttoday. And I was just listening.

    How are you spending your minutes,hours, and days? Do you take adequatetime for yourself and your family?Are you available to others in criticalmoments to oer a listening ear or an

    encouraging word?When you look back over the past

    year, do you have regrets about time thatwas not spent well? Are you aware ofthe daily rhythms of your life?

    One of Gods greatest gifts to us istime. Lets commit ourselves to makingthe best use of each minute, hour andday that we can. Pray for me that I willbe a good steward of my time. I will

    ra the same for ou.

    A Stewardship Thought - by Tim Boyd

    PrayerWalking - College CampusesFollow-up Opportunities for Recent Contacts

    Sunday, October 14 2:00 5:00 p.m.

    PrayerWalking - SalinaMonday, October 15 9:00 a.m. Noon

    We will meet in the Chapel at Webster Conference Center.

    The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerfulto be reckoned with. James 5:17, The Message

    www knwomen com

  • 7/31/2019 Baptist Digest August2012


    So, remember that guy, Dave, I intro-duced at WWW last year? The cute onewith red glasses? The one I was dating?This year at WWW I will introduce himagain as, drumrollmy husband!Woohoo!

    I am so excited, amazed, awestruck,and downright giddy! Dave proposed atthe end of May and on August 25 we willbe married in a private ceremony at my

    church. On August 26 from 2-4pm, alsoat my church, Western Hills Baptist, 2900SW Auburn Rd., Topeka,KS, everyoneis invited to a celebration reception. Soif you are near Topeka that day, pleasestop by and join us! We would love tosee you!

    As I look back over my journey of thepast 6 years, the emotional roller coaster

    was extreme. At rst I didnt want to go on. Then a greater understanding of peacewas realized when I reached my goal of being content, content as Mari, follower of

    Christ, surrounded by family and community that I loved and was able to serve.But God wasnt nished, and brought into my life this wonderful, man of God, whois equally excited to share life together, serving and loving a hurting world.

    I pray for those who are still in the yuck of hurt and grief, of broken-shaereddreams, to hold on. Hold on to God! Learn everything He has to teach you duringthese days. Heal from His touch. Let God work His best in you, and thenWow!You will also be excited, and amazed, and awestruck, and downright giddy!




    Marca DeimundKNCSB WMU President

    Its time for starting the new schoolyear and for starting our new churchyear, educationally speaking. I lovenew beginnings and so does WMU!

    The Boys are back and are nowfully under the umbrella of WMU.RA Leader and RA World are theresources for boys grades 1-6 and

    then Challengers Leader for grades7-12.WMU still oers GAs Girls

    in Action for girls grades 1-6 andActeens for girls grades 7-12.

    If you are looking for co-ed mis-sions education for your children oryouth we have Mission Friends forPreschoolers, Children in Action forgrades 1-6 and Youth on Mission forgrades 7-12!

    Whatever it takes, lets make surethat our children grow up withknowledge and experiences lledwith Missions. WMU resources areavailable for you to use as stand-alone groups or added to existingprograms for those in Preschoolthrough High School.

    WMU has adult organizations suchas Women on Mission, myMissionand Adults on Mission with resourc-es to help you teach, lead, and livethis holistic lifestyle God has calledus to live!

    Go to to nd age levelorganizations, ministries, resources,project help: Human Exploitation,two dozen downloadable resourcesfor all ages and articles to encour-

    age you as you walk with Jesus inbecoming the complete disciple hehas called you to be!

    Go on over to Face Book andLike New Hope Publishers forgreat Christian Books or go to! While you areon Face Book Like National WMU,WMU Ministries and World Cras!Also follow them on Twier! (twit- also has a new promotionalgraphic, check it out on their websiteor on their Face Book page!

    WMU Growing missions dis-cipleship in your church. From Birththrough our Senior Years! Makingsure The Story Lives On

    New WMU promotional graphic and tagline

    Kristin FranklinShine Planning Team

    Shine 2012, a mini-conference for girls in the 6th-12th grades, is coming to WebsterConference Center November 9-10.

    We are excited to have singer and songwriter, JJ Heller ( leadingworship in this years Shine event! Girls will spend time reecting on 2 Corinthians4 as JJ also shares truth about what it means to be redeemed by Christ and living in

    His power.And this year we will be hearing from Karrington Spann, a missionary kid who iscurrently a student at OBU.

    Shine will also feature a late night Pajama Party and a Missions Event to help sup-port and encourage the Friendship Center of Des Moines, Iowa, whom we have beenin partnership with the last 3 years.

    Be watching for Registration Packets at your church for Shine 2012! This is an en-couraging and challenging weekend that your girls will not want to miss! For moreinformation please contact Heidi Nelson at [email protected].

    JJ Heller

    Shine 2012

    Downright Giddy

    Wonderful Weekend for Women September 14 & 15Register Now! Materials at

    Speaker: Connie Cavanaugh, www.conniecavanaugh.comWorship Leader: Jami Smith, www.jamismith.comMissions Speaker: Beth Locke

    Worship * Lifeway Book Store * Life Sessions * Laughter

    Thursday Night Fun Time * Ministers Wives Coee

    www KNCSB org

  • 7/31/2019 Baptist Digest August2012





    WCC Update

    1. Summer Camps are in full swing.

    2. God is moving and people are being saved and calledinto Christian Ministry

    3. Please pray for all attendees...youth and sponsors

    4. $50,000 Matching Challenge Grant total to date: ($27,814.92)

    5. If you would like to help us meet this goal, send contributions to:2012 WCC Matching Challenge Grant5410 SW 7th StreetTopeka, KS 66606-2398

    Thank you for your continued support of this mission facility as wecontinue to reach people for Christ and train believers for the work ofthe ministry!

    The WCC Staff

    Events subject to change without notice. Sales tax applied to event cost, if applicable.

    First Baptist Church, Platte City, Missouri, is prayerfully seeking a PartTime/Full Time Youth Minister and a Part Time/Full Time Minister of Fami-lies. Please send resume to First Baptist Church, Attn: Pam, P. O. Box 680,Platte City, MO 64079.

    First Baptist Church, Santa Fe, NM ( seeking full-time Associ-ate Pastor of Praise and Worship. Submit resumes to [email protected] August 31, 2012.