baptism and confirmation

Baptism and Confirmation Prayerful Preparation and Catechism 2014 Catechetical School

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Baptism and Confirmation Catechesis for CTK Greenmeadows - High School and College scholars


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Baptism and ConfirmationPrayerful Preparation and Catechism 2014

Catechetical School

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What do you think the Church is?

physical structure

a place of worship

evokes image of bishops, priests and religious

any particular church organization/group that one joins

… BUT it’s much more than this!

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Who and what is the Church?

The Church is…

The Temple of the Holy Spirit

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• Apart from the head (Jesus), we have no life

• Each member is called to care for each other. If one suffers, the whole body suffers.

The Church is … The Body of Christ

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Four Marks of the ChurchOne, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

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Church as One

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Church as One

One living God in three persons; One in Her Founder (JC);

Church is in unity in the Eucharist (Communion) – “one loaf of bread broken and shared.”

Unified in Jesus in faith and in our Divine Worship as one family

Unity of liturgy, doctrine and authority.

One set of law – Canon Law

Peter - visible sign of the Church's unity; first Pope. All Popes are called “successors to Peter”

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Church as Holy

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Church is Holy

Holy because Jesus Christ loves the Church as His Bride and gave Himself up to make her holy.

Holy because of the Holy Spirit who helps her become holy.

Our task then is to always to allow ourselves to be purified and renewed. Church is holy but also always in need to be purified and renewed.

All are called to holiness -- Universal Call to Holiness

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Church as Catholic

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Church is Catholic

Catholic – katolikos (term first heard from St. Ignatius of Antioch, disciple of St. John the Apostle). It means “universal”

catholic – “universal” means spread throughout the world, possessing all saving truth, sent to all people, heals all kinds of sins, and is filled with all kinds of virtues

Mission - is that our catholic Church must extend to all, to love everyone.

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Church as Apostolic

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Church is Apostolic

Built on the foundation of the apostles The Church guards and transmits the pure teachings

of the apostles and is seen in their successors (Apostolic Succession)

The Church has distinct ties, roots, connections to the original 12 Apostles Jesus chose to begin His Church. They were given the task and grace to guard and transmit His teachings.

Apostolic Succession Principal way that Apostles still guides us Bishops guided by the Holy Spirit

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Communion of Saints

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Communion of Saints

Refers to the fellowship or community that exist between all members of the Church.

We believe that death can’t sever the ties that bind the members of the Church, because the soul is immortal and only the body can die.

We believe that the Church is made up of the: Church Militant – we who are still on

pilgrimage. Church Suffering – holy souls in purgatory Church Triumphant – saints in heaven

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Church as a Sacrament

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Church as a Sacrament

The Church leads us to Christ and the Holy Spirit.

The Church is willed by God, so all may share in His divine goodness & life in and through the sacraments.

CFC 1131: Sacraments are “Efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us”

A Sacrament is a symbol that points to Christ. Therefore, the Church is a symbol, a visible sign, that points to Christ and gives grace.

Grace is simply: a share in the life of God.

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Signs – tangible and visible;

Symbols – has meaning; real events that make present the spiritual reality they express

Sacred Gift (Grace) – freely given even when we are not worthy; not a right

Grace – make us holy; inspires us to selflessly conform to God’s will.

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From the Latin “sacramentum”, a word which refers to the oath of loyalty sworn by soldiers to the emperor; In Christianity it means the mysteries and signs by which man expressed loyalty to God.

Rites celebrated that use visible signs to symbolize invisible grace given by God.

Sacraments bear fruit to those who receive with required dispositions

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Sacraments give us GRACE,

the life of God.

The Seven Sacraments

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The Sacrament of Initiation leaves an indelible mark on the soul, which can never be repeated nor is it removed. No one can ever be un-baptized or re-baptized.

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“Truly truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” John 3: 5

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The first and foremost of the Seven Sacraments

Through it we are initiated into the Catholic Church

We become adopted sons and daughters of God

Baptism washes away original sin

Gives us a share in the Kingly, Priestly and Prophetic Mission of Christ

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Baptizing with WaterOnly water can be used for Baptism – no other substance. It is not pre-blessed. It will be blessed during the rite.

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Fully immersing a person in water three times while saying the invocation of the Holy Trinity

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Sprinkling of water on the forehead and then invoking the invocation of the Holy Trinity

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Pouring water over the head of the one being baptized while pronouncing the invocation of the Holy Trinity

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Symbols and Meanings

Water – forgiveness; cleansing

Oil (Chrism) – symbol of “being sent” or “anointed”. Share in the three-fold Mission of Christ – to sanctify (priestly), to proclaim (prophetic) and give Christian leadership and example to the world (kingly)

White Garment – symbol of dignity; clothed in dignity of Christ

Candles – symbolic of being light to the world. For the Godparents holding it, it means they are to

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Rights and Privileges of the Baptized

To love and serve others in the Church and the world.

To love and obey Church Leaders.

To receive Sacraments and love them.

To be nourished by God’s Word and love it.

To go to Church. To seek spiritual guidance. (confession, catechism, spiritual counsel/direction, prayers)

To participate in the Church’s Missionary Activities.

To live a holy life following God’s will as sons and daughters through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.

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Sacrament of Maturity; “Confirma” means “to strengthen”.

In the Bible it is referred to “laying of hands”

Accepting responsibility for our faith and actively living our vocation. (no longer just by-standers but doers)

Be “soldiers of Christ” with spiritual duty to fight battle between good and evil, light and darkness – a war between the human race and all the powers of hell (sin)

Strengthen unity with Church and Christ

Exercise Apostolic Zeal (courage sent by Holy Spirit) in making Christ known to all the world

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Rite of Confirmation

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Bishop “lays his hands”

upon the head

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Bishop traces the Sign of the Cross on the forehead – having first dipped his

thumb in holy oil called Chrism

he head

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And says “Be sealed with

the Gifts of the Holy Spirit”.

Newly confirmed

says “Amen"

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Effects of Confirmation

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Effects of Confirmation

Strengthens the Spirit and Gifts we received in Baptism. Increases Sanctifying Grace.

We receive a special grace by which our faith is deepened and strengthened, so that it will be strong enough not only for our own needs but for the needs of others with whom we shall try to share it.

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Effects of Confirmation

Root us more deeply in divine filiations (being children of God)

Unites us more firmly to Christ

Increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us

Strengthens our bond with the Church

Associates us more closely to her mission of bearing witness to Christ

Helps us and more strictly obliges us to spread and defend the faith by word and deed

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7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

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Fear of the LordA Childlike Fear

The fear of displeasing our Father who loves us

very much.

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Fear of the Lord

Childlike fear which causes us to be afraid of displeasing God. There are two kinds of fear: Fear of a Servant– which is the fear of punishment Fear of a Child- fear of disappointing or hurting his

father or mother. (a fear that is based on love)

Childlike fear of God is the more noble and beautiful of the two, as it urges the soul to avoid the least sin in order not to displease God, the best and most amiable Father in Heaven.

The Saints were animated by childlike fear and love for the Heavenly Father and were ready to die rather than break His holy law by willful sin.

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PietyReverence for God

The forgiven woman shows much love to


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Also called “Godliness” – with this gift the Holy Spirit infuses into us a reverence for God and Divine things.

Piety gives us joy and the sweetest pleasure in conversing with Him, in listening to spiritual reading and in hearing the Divine word.

It makes us delight to do the will of the Father and makes us have a heart all that wants to honor and glorify of God.

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Piety leads us to love God as the best of Fathers, to love most tenderly His dearly beloved Son and the holy Mother of that Son.

Piety moves us to love not only the Saints and the Angels, but also our fellow men, as the images and children of God.

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Discerning What is


Wisdom of Solomon:Solomon picks the rightful mother.

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Counsel moves the soul to choose what gives glory to God and what is best for its own salvation.

Through Counsel we learn how best to please God. By following the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, we receive true interior peace and spiritual consolation.

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We ask ourselves: What Would Jesus Do in this Situation? (WWJD)

Especially needed by leaders or those tasked to lead others and make wise judgments in every situation like teachers, principals, student leaders, org leaders. (Lawyers are often called “Counsel”; Guidance Counselors provide sound advice to people who are having personal problems.)

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FortitudeCourage to Do What is


Martyred early Christians

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With the gift of Counsel, the Holy Spirit helps us discern what to do in every situation. With the gift of Fortitude, the Holy Spirit gives us the courage to do it or carry it out.

Removes timidity/shyness and desire for human praise and approval, strengthens souls to hate sin, to practice virtue and to prefer contempt, temporal loss, persecution and even death rather than to deny Christ by word or deed.

HS empowers us to fight and overcome the enemies of our salvation (temptations to sin), difficulties and persecutions, to fulfill the will of God. It makes us ready and courageous to undertake the greatest sacrifices for our salvation.

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Fortitude, contd

Not seeking danger for danger’s sake; Fortitude is always reasoned and reasonable/prudent.

Fortitude is not foolhardiness or rashness, "rushing in where angels fear to tread." Indeed, part of the virtue of fortitude is controlling/stopping reckless behavior (hindi pabigla-bigla, gungho o war freak)

Fortitude is the virtue of the martyrs, who are willing to give their lives rather than to renounce their faith. That sacrifice may be passive—Christian martyrs do not actively seek martyrdom—but it is still determined and resolute/”desidido”

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Deep Insight into Divine Mysteries

and Truths of Faith

St. Jerome reading Scripture.

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Gift enables us to understand the mysteries and doctrines of our holy religion.

It is discursive – allows us to view these mysteries and truths in different angles like studying the properties of a diamond. We use enlightened reason to analyze and understand something that God wishes to reveal to us.

More than just understanding of the mind ---If God wants to lead a soul to holiness, He gives it an interior light and a deep insight into the Divine mysteries.

It reveals the hidden meaning of Sacred Scripture.

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Understanding, contd

The soul, understanding these mysteries according to the will of God, is filled with the desire to serve Him more perfectly.

Through this gift, simple persons are given by God a deep knowledge of great mysteries than learned but less devout persons -- for examples, the mysteries of the Most Holy Trinity and the Incarnation; Because God loves and reveals Himself the humble of heart.

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KnowlegeKnowing the Right

Value of Creation to our Ultimate End

St. Francis embraced a life of poverty to serve God and all His creatures.

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Worldly Meaning: Knowledge as information that we use to benefit our life; to enhance it; to become successful in it.

Gift of Knowledge - A supernatural habit (does not come and go) strengthened by God through which the human intellect, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, judges rightly about created things and our ultimate and supernatural end.

By this gift, the human intellect understands and judges created things by a certain divine instinct. The individual does not proceed by laborious reasoning but judges rightly concerning all created things by a kind of superior gift that gives an intuitive impulse. (pangitain, kutob, pakiramdam)

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Knowledge, contd

Now created things tend either toward our supernatural end or away from it and the Gift of Knowledge helps us to judge rightly in this respect.

The Gift of Knowledge helps us to apply the teachings of our faith to the living of daily life, knowing the proper use of material creation, the value of things as well as their dangers and misuses. It helps us decide what things conform to our faith and what things do not.

We are able to make use and treat of creation in the proper way with necessary detachment and proper appreciation for what is truly good. (eg. We value people more than material things; We value inner goodness than physical beauty; We are not attached to things that we can take with us when we die.)

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WisdomA Heart Aflame

with Love for


Mary’s Magnificat

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Gift of Wisdom is the highest and most privileged Gift of the Holy Spirit. It is like an overflowing of the Uncreated Wisdom.

St Bernard: “Wisdom enables us to know God and to rejoice in perfect love.”

Wisdom not only enlightens the mind, but it inflames the heart with love for God, gives us a taste for Divine things, and an ardent desire for heavenly treasures ----------- especially a longing to possess God and to see Him face to face. It detaches our hearts from the goods of this world and removes us from everything opposed to our last end. In its light, we see more and more clearly the nothingness of things created.

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Wisdom, contd

The truths of God begin to make great sense to us and we begin to love what God loves, will what God wills. His teachings become clearer to us. We see things increasingly from God’s point of view through this supernatural gift. The thinking or “wisdom” of the world increasingly seems foolish, even crazy, and appreciation of God’s Wisdom becomes greater.

Through this gift the person desires to be in union only with God and His ways; to be conformed to His will.

Our love of neighbor is also perfected by it since the Gift of Wisdom helps us to see and thus love others more and more as God sees and loves them. Since this is a gift, it cannot be learned or acquired. But, as with the Gift of Knowledge, one’s study of Scripture and Tradition can help dispose one for the growth of the Gift.

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Fruits of the Holy Spirit

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12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit

1. Charity – Loving God above all and others as we love ourselves and for the sake of loving Him.

2. Joy – Being happy at knowing that God is present in our heart.

3. Peace – Our soul being in tranquility/serenity with a good conscience; Being at peace in our relationship with others/community; “the peace that the world cannot give or understand.”

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12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit

4. Patience – Moderating our sadness at the experience of evil, hardship or pain.

5. Kindness – Caring for others’ welfare; being gentle with others

6. Goodness – Wanting to renounce evil and seeking to do good; habit of repentance

7. Perseverance – Faithfulness in striving to be good; bearing the cross of being good all the time, not just sometimes.

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12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit

8. Temperance – also called prudence; Being reasonable; curbing excess; eg. in fraternal correction or correcting our brothers and sisters who we see are doing something sinful; Our ways must be tempered by charity.

9. Faith - The act of spiritual and intellectual assent to a revealed truth of God with the assistance of Divine grace.

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12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit

10.Modesty - Restraint in dress and attire, and a preference of purity of mind and heart in sexual matters.

11.Continency - Virtue of rightful exercise of the sexual act, including its desire, as prescribed by Almighty God.

12.Chastity - Virtue that voluntarily excludes all indulgence in sexual impulses in the unmarried and the habit of refraining from improper use of the sexual faculties in married persons.

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We are Christ’s Disciples

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The Holy Spirit is in each of us as disciples

of Christ.The HS makes it possible so that risen

Christ can be present within and among us.

How is it expressed in our individual lives? HS adopts us; spirit of adoption - we become

children of God; Jesus is the only begotten son of God but we are adopted by God thru baptism

HS empowers us to loveHS empowers us to bear witness not only in our

speech but also in the lives we live

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The Holy Spirit is in each of us as disciples

of Christ.HS empowers us to know the truth - reminds

us of everything that Jesus said and taught us

HS draws us into community, unity and service

HS inspires true Christian life -- in 2 waysHS strengthens us in our struggle against

evilHS transforms us

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Requirements for Confirmation

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At least 12 years old, able to use reason,

Properly disposed, be in a state of grace

Be cleansed of all sin to prepare for the Holy Spirit.

Prayerful and open to receive the strength and graces of the Holy Spirit as He wishes to give with docility and readiness to act for Him.

White dress

1 set of Godparents (who are practicing Catholics)

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Sacrament of Penance: Preparing Our Hearts for


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Sacrament of

Penance• Also known

as the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession

• Sacrament for our spiritual healing

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Are you really, truly sorry?

Prayerfully Examine your conscience

Confess all known and un-confessed mortal sins; Any and all venial sins committed since the last confession are encouraged to be confessed too.

Contrition (sorrow) for sin must be genuine

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Doing Penance

Penance – acts of self-abasement, mortification or devotion to show sorrow or repentance for sins

It may be a set of prayers, acts of mercy etc. as may be given by the Priest

Whatever the penance, it is merely a token. We believe that the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is what made atonement for our sins. Our penance is for our benefit – to remind us that God comes first and we come last.

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• The Priest gives absolution only when the penitent shows true contrition and firm purpose of amendment.

• If the penitent pretends, the absolution given is invalid because nobody can fool God.

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Sacramental Absolution

The Priest prays:

“God the Father of mercies through the death and resurrection of His Son has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins. Through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from all sins, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

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10 Commandmen


According to Exodus in the Old Testament, God gave Moses on Mount Sinai his own set of laws. These laws are not negotiable, and they apply to any human being who’s at least 7 years old (age of reason).

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The Laws of Love

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The Laws of Love

37 Jesus answered “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and the most important of the commandments. 39 But after this, there is another one very similar to it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 The whole law and the Prophets are founded on these two commandments”

(Matthew 22: 37-40)

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Jesus’ Law of Love (Mt. 5-7)

Do not judge.

Do not expect too much or too little from people including yourself

“Request” not “Demand”

Seek reconciliation with people you had a disagreement with

Be faithful to your marital vows

Do not take oaths or swear against people, God loved ones etc. It is either YES or NO. Have self-responsibility.

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Jesus’ Law of Love (Mt. 5-7)

Have complete love, trust and dependence on God

Love your enemies. Pray for them.

“whatsoever you do (or not do) to the least of my brothers, you have done unto to me”

Do good to the least, the last and the lost. Do it as if it is for and to Jesus

“Die to yourself that you may have eternal life”

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“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness on the

day of judgment, because as he is, so are we in this world.

18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out

fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever

fears has not reached perfection in love.”

(1Jn 4:17-18)