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Post on 11-May-2015




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Holy Baptism is basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway life in Spirit … and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into Church and made sharers in her mission: ’Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word’(CCC 1213).


God claims the child with divine grace. Clearly the child can do nothing to save himself or herself, but is totally dependent on God's grace, as we all are — whatever our age.

Its their parents decision.

The person being baptized is publicly professing her or his own decision to accept Christ.

Because it transforms us into God’s people.

We receive Christ’s salvation and new life.

It gives us the promise of eternal life.

Forgives original sin.

The reality of:A. Pain B. BrokennessC. Suffering D. Alienation In which we are all

born into.God saves us from

this reality through baptism.

The word baptism comes from a Greek word baptizein that means:

“To plunge” or “To immerse” (go


Going under water symbolizes our burial into the death of Christ.

It also symbolizes our rising up to new life in Christ.

Our union with Christ in this life and the next.

Through baptism the baptized:Share in Christ’s suffering and death.Share in Christ’s victory and new life. Is called to live on this earth as Jesus lived.Share in one destiny, eternal life with GodBecomes a member of the body of Christ.

There are three types of baptism:

Baptism of water Baptism of Blood Baptism of desire

Those who although not baptized died for the Christian faith.

Their blood unites them with Christ and his destiny.

Example: Martyrs

Those who although not baptized wished in this life to receive baptism, but died before its reception.

Example: Catechumens

Those who although do not know Christ, live and follow the will of God on this earth.

Example: Just people, infants (Jesus’ love for children is evident in the Bible).

The rite of baptism is the way the sacrament of baptism is celebrated and received.

The sign of the cross. The reading of the

word of God Blessing of the

water and invocation of the Spirit of God


Anointing with the oil of Catechumens

Renunciation of Sin. Profession of Faith Baptism Anointing with

Chrism. Clothing with White

garment Lighted Candle.

The seal of Baptism is:

An eternal mark on the person’s soul

This mark makes the person belong to Christ

It can’t never be erased

It enables the person to do God’s will on this earth.

The seal of the Holy Spirit

The seal of the Lord

The seal of Eternal life

The seal is important because it is a sign of our faith.

During our lives on this earth we are called to keep this sign of faith alive and strong.

Baptism purifies us from sin.

Baptism gives us new life through the Holy Spirit.

We become new creatures. Sons and daughters of God by adoption.

We become members of the body of Christ.

We become disciples of Jesus’ teachings.

The bishop The priest The deacon

Anyone, including a non-Catholic.

The baptism has to be in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and water has to be used to baptize the dying person.