banoffee danger pie.doc

Banoffee "Danger" Pie Do not adjust your sets - you haven't tuned into the wrong blog. Its still culinarily challenged me but this pie was so amazingly delish I had to share it. We had a chance encounter with its gooey yumminess in Africa. Luckily the camp manager was nice enough to share the recipe. I've made a few slight adjustments to account for American markets. Meet Banoffe "Danger" Pie. Ban for banana + offee for toffee = Banoffe pie. If you are like me, you've never heard the term 'banoffee', no less tasted it. Non Americans are roling their eyes now as its nothing new but humor my astonishment - how has this dessert not won us Yankees over? Why "danger"? Glad you asked. Danger is this pies middle name not only because is it tasty and calorically sinful but its also incredibly easy to make! A dangerous combination. If you are on a diet, avert your eyes. Still with me? Lets get started. You will need: 3 bananas 1 tin of sweetened condensed milk 2 cups whipping cream 1 package of digestive biscuits or graham crackers 1 stick of butter 1 tsp vanilla 1 small bar of chocolate If you don't mind using store bought ingredients you can cut down a lot on the steps but since I was posting it I figured I would make a proper version entirely from scratch just for you.

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Post on 19-Nov-2015




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Banoffee "Danger" Pie

Banoffee "Danger" Pie

Do not adjust your sets - you haven't tuned into the wrong blog. Its still culinarily challenged me but this pie was so amazingly delish I had to share it. We had a chance encounter with its gooey yumminess in Africa. Luckily the camp manager was nice enough to share the recipe. I've made a few slight adjustments to account for American markets.

Meet Banoffe "Danger" Pie. Ban for banana + offee for toffee = Banoffe pie. If you are like me, you've never heard the term 'banoffee', no less tasted it. Non Americans are roling their eyes now as its nothing new but humor my astonishment - how has this dessert not won us Yankees over?

Why "danger"? Glad you asked. Danger is this pies middle name not only because is it tasty and calorically sinful but its also incredibly easy to make! A dangerous combination. If you are on a diet, avert your eyes.

Still with me? Lets get started. You will need:

3 bananas

1 tin of sweetened condensed milk

2 cups whipping cream

1 package of digestive biscuits or graham crackers

1 stick of butter

1 tsp vanilla

1 small bar of chocolate

If you don't mind using store bought ingredients you can cut down a lot on the steps but since I was posting it I figured I would make a proper version entirely from scratch just for you.

Your first step can be done way ahead of time (at least hours but can be as much as months before). Remove the label on the condensed milk and submerge the unopened can in pot of water. Cover and boil for 2.5 hours. Warning: Be sure to keep the can covered by water at all times!!

HYPERLINK "" \o "BanoffeePieWATERMARKED (2 of 16) by MrsLimestone, on Flickr"

After requisite time has passed, take pot off the stove and allow the can to cool. In case you're wondering - you just made magic, er, toffee!

So you're ready with your toffee, its time to do the rest.

To make the crust (*You can skip this step entirely by buying a ready made graham cracker crust.) Grind up digestive cookies in food processor.

Melt stick of butter in microwave and pour into crumb mixture.

Blend until you have a moist sand mixture.

Smooth wet crumbs into pie plate to make a crust.

Bake at 350F for 10 minutes.

Set aside to cool.

HYPERLINK "" \o "BanoffeePieWATERMARKED (7 of 16) by MrsLimestone, on Flickr"

To make whipped cream (*You can skip this step entirely by using cool whip. ) Whip cold cream and vanilla on high until whipped

Set aside

HYPERLINK "" \o "BanoffeePie10 by MrsLimestone, on Flickr"

Now its time to bring it all together. Cut up bananas into slices and lay into your crust. It doesn't matter how you arrange them really. Just go wild.

Open toffee can, mix with knife until smooth, pour on bananas.

HYPERLINK "" \o "BanoffeePieWATERMARKED (16 of 16) by MrsLimestone, on Flickr"

Spread whipped cream over the whole mess.

HYPERLINK "" \o "BanoffeePieWATERMARKED (15 of 16) by MrsLimestone, on Flickr"

Grate chocolate on top (optional)Put in fridge to set for at least 2 hours.

Holy crap, that's amazing! I bet you could buy canned dulce de leche since you make homemade dulce by doing pretty much the same thing...WOW. I want to leave work right now, go to the store and make this. Possibly eat half of it before noon. My diet thanks you.