bangladesh red crescent society · bangladesh red crescent society population movement operation...

Federation wide Monthly Situation Report # 58 I March 2020 I BDRCS 1 of 10 Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Population Movement Operation (PMO), Cox’s Bazar Monthly Situation Report 58, March 2020 Context Analysis In March 2020, the increasing trend of the COVID 19 outbreak and containment measures to reduce the spread have been major challenges for the Population Movement Operation (PMO). By mid-March the Government of Bangladesh had restricted non-essential activities and public gathering in the Camp settlement. A General Holiday was declared from 24 March including closure of all government offices, shopping centers and public transport which has now been extended until the end of April 2020. Interventions related to Shelter, skills development activities and distribution of household items have been halted. As of 26.4.20, COVID-19 has now spread to 60 out of 64 districts in Bangladesh. There are 25 COVID- 19 testing facilities in Bangladesh, including 1 in Cox’s Bazar. 601 institutions have been prepared for institutional quarantine with the capacity of serving 30,635 people at a time. PMO Preparedness and Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak as of 22 April 2020 Until now, there has been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported from samples tested from the people living in camps and 451 persons are in institutional quarantine as of 22.4.20. According to the government’s COVID 19 tracker, at the time of reporting, 15 persons from different parts of Cox’s Bazar, including one from Teknaf (nearby the mega camp) have been confirmed corona posi tive. Insufficient numbers of testing kits and intensive care units in Cox’s Bazar are a challenge and authorities are working with different partners including WHO to enhance this capacity. IFRC Country office launched an EPoA for COVID - 19 response that covers response both country wide and Cox’s Bazar special response (Budget for Cox’s Bazar response is CHF 6,719,474). The Country Plan of Action (CPoA) intends to support and complement Government of Bangladesh to achieve the objectives of its National Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19 including prevention of COVID 19 entry, limiting human to human transmission, prevention of transmission or amplification, patient care and risk communication. The plan of action focuses three possible scenarios out of four and relevant activities: SCENARIO 1 AND 2 (No or Sporadic Cases): Implementation related to Preparedness and Mitigation. SCENARIO 3 (Community Transmission): Implementation related to Containment Measures. BDRCS with support from Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) partners continues to implement preparedness and mitigation activities amid this challenging context. Cumulative progress as of 22 April 2020 is as follows: 16,883 PPEs provided to CPP (Cyclone Preparedness Program) camp volunteers, Community outreach volunteers, Health staffs, Law Enforcement Agencies and Government officials. 433,143 people reached out with hygiene promotion, basic handwashing and COVID-19 key messages at all 34 camps and host community areas jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors and CPP 226,000 Hygiene promotion IEC materials printed by WaSH sector and CPP for camp and host community outreach 80 Integrated isolation beds for COVID-19 patients at BDRCS field hospital and Health post with support from IFRC 77,478 people reached at camps with hygiene kit jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors (WaSH, PGI, Health & Relief) 6,719 CPP camp volunteers and BDRCS community volunteers, RCY volunteers and Community mobilizers mobilized for cascading handwashing/hygiene promotion and COVID-19 key messages at all 34 camps jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors (Relief, Health, WaSH, PSS, CEA, PGI) and CPP 7 Info-hubs are functioning jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors (CEA & PGI) at camps to Listen to and act on community needs and feedback. 13 External meetings were attended by different RCRC sectors on COVID 19 response or preparedness. 3,821 CPP camp volunteers, BDRCS volunteers, RCY volunteers and staffs trained/oriented on COVID-19 key information along with basic handwashing and awareness raising at all 34 camps jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors (Relief, Health, WaSH, PSS, CEA, PGI) and CPP - 100 200 300 400 500 600 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 # of new confirmed case Days since the first confirmed COVID 19 case Chart: New COVID 19 case since 8 March 2020. Source: IEDCR Doctor of RCRC health facilities uses PPE while treating patient. Photo: BDRCS.

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Page 1: Bangladesh Red Crescent Society · Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Population Movement Operation (PMO), Cox’s Bazar Monthly Situation Report 58, March 2020 Context Analysis In March

Federation wide Monthly Situation Report # 58 I March 2020 I BDRCS 1 of 10

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

Population Movement Operation (PMO), Cox’s Bazar

Monthly Situation Report 58, March 2020

Context Analysis

In March 2020, the increasing trend of the COVID 19 outbreak and containment measures to reduce the spread have been major challenges for the Population Movement Operation (PMO). By mid-March the Government of Bangladesh had restricted non-essential activities and public gathering in the Camp settlement. A General Holiday was declared from 24 March including closure of all government offices, shopping centers and public transport which has now been extended until the end of April 2020. Interventions related to Shelter, skills development activities and distribution of household items have been halted. As of 26.4.20, COVID-19 has now spread to 60 out of 64 districts in Bangladesh. There are 25 COVID-19 testing facilities in Bangladesh, including 1 in Cox’s Bazar. 601 institutions have been prepared for institutional quarantine with the capacity of serving 30,635 people at a time. PMO Preparedness and Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak – as of 22 April 2020 Until now, there has been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported from samples tested from the people living in camps and 451 persons are in institutional quarantine as of 22.4.20. According to the government’s COVID 19 tracker, at the time of reporting, 15 persons from different parts of Cox’s Bazar, including one from Teknaf (nearby the mega camp) have been confirmed corona positive. Insufficient numbers of testing kits and intensive care units in Cox’s Bazar are a challenge and authorities are working with different partners including WHO to enhance this capacity. IFRC Country office launched an EPoA for COVID - 19 response that covers response both country wide and Cox’s Bazar special response (Budget for Cox’s Bazar response is CHF 6,719,474). The Country Plan of Action (CPoA) intends to support and complement Government of Bangladesh to achieve the objectives of its National Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19 including prevention of COVID 19 entry, limiting human to human transmission, prevention of transmission or amplification, patient care and risk communication. The plan of action focuses three possible scenarios out of four and relevant activities:

• SCENARIO 1 AND 2 (No or Sporadic Cases): Implementation related to Preparedness and Mitigation.

• SCENARIO 3 (Community Transmission): Implementation related to Containment Measures. BDRCS with support from Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) partners continues to implement preparedness and mitigation activities amid this challenging context. Cumulative progress as of 22 April 2020 is as follows:

16,883 PPEs provided to CPP (Cyclone Preparedness Program) camp volunteers, Community outreach volunteers, Health staffs, Law Enforcement Agencies and Government officials.

433,143 people reached out with hygiene promotion, basic handwashing and COVID-19 key messages at all 34 camps and host community areas jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors and CPP

226,000 Hygiene promotion IEC materials printed by WaSH sector and CPP for camp and host community outreach

80 Integrated isolation beds for COVID-19 patients at BDRCS field hospital and Health post with support from IFRC

77,478 people reached at camps with hygiene kit jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors (WaSH, PGI, Health & Relief)

6,719 CPP camp volunteers and BDRCS community volunteers, RCY volunteers and Community mobilizers mobilized for cascading handwashing/hygiene promotion and COVID-19 key messages at all 34 camps jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors (Relief, Health, WaSH, PSS, CEA, PGI) and CPP

7 Info-hubs are functioning jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors (CEA & PGI) at camps to Listen to and act on community needs and feedback.

13 External meetings were

attended by different RCRC sectors on COVID 19 response or preparedness.

3,821 CPP camp volunteers, BDRCS volunteers, RCY volunteers and staffs trained/oriented on COVID-19 key information along with basic handwashing and awareness raising at all 34 camps jointly by BDRCS/IFRC sectors (Relief, Health, WaSH, PSS, CEA, PGI) and CPP








1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49

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Days since the first confirmed COVID 19 case

Chart: New COVID 19 case since 8 March 2020. Source: IEDCR Doctor of RCRC health facilities uses PPE while treating patient. Photo: BDRCS.

Page 2: Bangladesh Red Crescent Society · Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Population Movement Operation (PMO), Cox’s Bazar Monthly Situation Report 58, March 2020 Context Analysis In March

Federation wide Monthly Situation Report # 58 I March 2020 I PMO I BDRCS I 2 |10

Health and PSS (Psycho-social Support)

Population Movement Operation (PMO)

In March, the PMO has a total of 366 staff. This includes 215 staff from BDRCS and 41 from IFRC (7 internationals, 5

are working in Cox’s Bazar and 2 are supporting from remote) and 111 from PNSs (21 international). The following PNSs

through bilateral agreement and the IFRC through EPoA continue to support BDRCS to implement the programmes of

the PMO as detailed below.

RCRC National Delegates

Am Cross 19 1

British RC 1 1

Canadian RC 1 1

Danish RC 3 3

German RC 16 4

Japan RC 2 3

Qatar RC 3 2

Swedish RC 6 2

Swiss RC 5 1

Turkish 11 4


IFRC 34 5

Total staff 338 26

People reached healthcare services from Field Hospital in March 2020

OPD Total

In-patient Services ANC

OT (Minor)

Delivery PNC

Others Patient


Total Male Female Pediatric Maternity

2,046 94 93 25 27 259 31 7 3 41 1409 4,035

Field Hospital

In the reporting month, major healthcare services provided by the Field Hospital were general, pediatric and maternity

conditions through in-patient (239 patients), while 2,046 patients were served at the outpatient department (OPD).

In March, 21,479 people from camps and host communities were provided with healthcare services through 11 RCRC

supported health facilities of BDRCS. BDRCS Field Hospital in Camp 7 treated 4,035 patients, while six Health Posts (HP)

in Camp 05, 8E, 8W, 12, 19 and 22, supported by Canadian RC, Japan RC, Qatar RC and Turkish RC treated 7,981 and

four Primary Health Care (PHC) canters supported by Swiss RC and Turkish RC treated 9,463 patients.

6 Health Posts (HPs)

Six HPs in different camp locations (see the chart)

treated 7,981 people at an average of 60 patients per

day per HP. As well as healthcare service at the HPs,

community-based health outreach continues health

education at the household level covering the topics of

disease prevention and control. Among the HPs, most

health service seekers were from Camp 19, 22 and 8E.

Health-PSS and PGI IFRC, Qatar RC, Japan RC, Danish RC, Canadian

RC, Swiss RC, Swedish RC and Turkish RC

WASH IFRC, Danish RC, German RC, Swedish RC, Swiss

RC, Qatar RC and Turkish RC

Shelter, NFI & Cash IFRC, Qatar RC, British RC, Danish RC, German RC

and Turkish RC

DRR IFRC, AmCross, and German RC


1581 1363 1,166 1,486



Camp 8EQatar RC

Camp 8WCanadian


Camp19Qatar RC

Camp 12Japanese


Camp 5Turkish RC

Camp 22Turkish RC

Health Posts (HPs)

4 PHC Centers

The PMO’s four PHCs, operated 24/7, supported

by Swiss RC in camps 11, 13, 15 and Turkish RC

in Camp 20 Ext. The PHCsSee an average of 76

patients daily per PHC. Major areas of treatment

are OPD, PSS, ANC, PNC, Nutrition, deliveries etc. 860




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Camp 20 Ext…

Camp 11…

Camp 15…

Camp 13…PHC Centers

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Federation wide Monthly Situation Report # 58 I March 2020 I PMO I BDRCS I 3 |10

Context in 2019

Patients consulted with healthcare provider at health posts in Camp 12 (left) and hospitals is being disinfected (right). Photo: BDRCS.

Community Based Health & First Aid (CBHFA)

Under CBHFA outreach program, BDRCS continues to conduct Community mobilization using CBHFA approaches with six topics through six health posts deploying 150 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) of Host and Guest communities. Community health volunteers have been providing the key message to the camp people on RCRC movement, First Aid (FA), Nutrition, Epidemic Control (EC), Psycho-social support (PSS) and Family Planning (FP) in camp 7, 5, 8W, 8E, 11, 14 and 19. In the reporting month, we oriented Community Volunteers (CVs) 150 of CBHFA, 18 of PGI and 12 of others. A total of 180 volunteers oriented on COVID-19. BDRCS has been disseminating key messages and prevention covered around 8,000 HHs and reached about 40,000 people in camp people. In the reporting month, key messages disseminated were on COVID 19 focusing on the following preventive measures:

▪ Washing hands with soap and clean water for at least 40-60 seconds at critical times

▪ When coughing and sneezing, covering mouth with tissue and throw tissues into closed bin immediately, if don’t have

tissue, sneeze into your flexed elbow

▪ Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, avoid hand shaking and hugging

▪ Maintaining social distancing

▪ Not to be panic on the COVID 19 and seeking doctor’s assistance in case of fever, cough, and other complications








0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000

Messaging on RCRC

First Aid

Epidemic Control



Family Planning



Households in Camp 14 were visited for dissemination of COVID 19 key messages Photo: BDRCS.

Swiss RC supported response to COVID 19 as follows:

• COVID-19 Outreach: Outreach work was realigned to COVID-19 messaging complemented with BDRCS and Health Sector IEC materials. 270 HH are reached per day from three PHCs.

• PHC Readiness: A COVID-19 guidance note providing a set of rules during for health service providers at PHCs in camps 11, 13 and 15 was elaborated by DGHS, BDRCS and SRC.

• IPC Trainings: 3 BDRCS PHC Officers and 30 health service provider staff were trained on Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) by BDRCS master trainers (received ToT by WHO).

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Federation wide Monthly Situation Report # 58 I March 2020 I PMO I BDRCS I 4 |10

Distributed Non-Food Items

Item Name Qty Specification Partners

Soap distribution 5,632 2 Pcs per HH TRC

Soap distribution 4,548 2 Pcs per HH IFRC

Aqua Tab to households in Camp 13 and 18 318,360 140 Pcs per HHs

Hygiene top up Kits in Camp 13 and 18 4,742 1 package per HH

Cash Distribution (Ukhiya host community) 1,38,65,500 2,521 (5,500 BDT per HH)

Cash Distribution (Camp 11,12 and 18) 14,3,60,500 2,611 (5,500 BDT per HH)

Dignity Kit 15,995 01 Pc per female

MHM Kits in Camp 13 311 01 Pc per female

Shelter Assistance

In March, BDRCS implemented shelter interventions in host communities and Camps which were supported by IFRC,

Turkish RC and German RC. More than 1,700 people from Camp 12, 17 and 100 people from host communities received

shelter support this month through PASSA training, building of durable shelter at host communities, construction work

such as light pole set up, cable replacement and solar panel installation.


Assessment for beneficiary selection in Teknaf Sadar Union (Rajarchara, Lengurbil & Jahaliapara) was challenging as the information received by the community so the teams had to sit together at the PMO and assess what to do given the lack of accurate information regarding the community. To make things worse on the assessment day, some of the RCY enumerators didn’t show up. The teams recognize that some households will be missing from the list and another round of data collection is planned to correct this. Many of the planned shelter activities are on hold and will be rescheduled, as the Government imposed restriction on shelter activities in the Camp and host communities to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Achievements of the sector

Support Camp Partners Remarks

PASSA training for households in camp Camp 12 IFRC 1,500 people participated.

Shelter construction Host – Cox’s IFRC 30 shelters were handed over

Assessment for Beneficiary Selection Host - Teknaf German RC Need another round for finalization

Light Pole repairment Camp 17

Turkish RC

20 poles were repaired

Solar (186 solar bulbs) development for

households Camp 17 1200 feet cable was replaced with

new cable for safety Cable replacement Camp 17

Psychosocial Support (PSS)

Following the ‘Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commission (RRRC)’ directives on Rohingya refugee camp operations, the psychosocial support program of BDRCS will re-organize the PSS activities to focus on the most essential PSS activities considering COVID-19 containment. In the reporting month, 3262 people have been reached through the following PSS activities, conducted with support from Danish RC and Turkish RC in Camp 13, 14, 17 and 19.

• 387 Community Members and Caregivers

Session (155 Sessions)

• 339 Adolescent Girls Psychoeducation and Life skill session (30 Sessions)

• 471 Psychological First Aid Outreach (180 HHs, Including male, female, and children)

• 24 Referral (2 HHs)

• 2 Follow-up Visit

• 3 Community Volunteer Orientation

• 6 Group Session (7 sessions)

• 6 Psychological First Aid

• 47 Individual session on (PFA, Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), Handwashing, Diarrhea etc.)

• 179 Indoor Recreational Activities- on average

• 139 Regular Outdoor Recreational Activities- on average

• 434 Awareness Session (10) on COVID-19, Stress Management

• 95 Art Sessions

• 17 Henna activity

• 261 Story Telling (6 sessions) on average

• 20 Handmade sewing

• 260 Cycling Club Activities

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Water Sanitation and hygiene (WASH)

PMO WASH continued to focus on:

- Maintenance and stocking of water supply systems in order to be able to provide safe and uninterrupted water supply to the communities throughout a large scale Covid-19 outbreak.

- PMO WaSH launched into a support programme for PMO Health facilities providing the field hospital and other PHCs with latrines, bathrooms, incineration facilities, washing machine stations, improved drainage and increased handwashing facilities.

- Latrines and Sewage treatment sites are maintained and stocked so that the PMO teams will be able to provide safe sanitation to the communities throughout a large scale Covid-19 outbreak.

- Bathing facilities have been maintained to ensure a minimum

number will be ‘out of service’ if we enter a period where no maintenance can be carried out.

- Specific Covid-19 focused Hygiene promotion and community conversations have been going on to help the community understand, plan and prepare for a probable Covid-19 outbreak with distribution of soap and IEC materials.

- Solid waste management continued in host and camp communities. Water distribution continues with Households from Camp 4 ext.,11, 12 and 18 receiving 11,154,300 lt. of chlorinated drinking water through existing water supply systems.People from Camps (13, 14, 17, 18, 19) and the host communities continued to use existing sanitation facilities, participated in cleaning campaign and practiced solid waste management. People from Camp (13, 18, 17 and 19) including women, adolescent girls and children were provided with hygiene promotion messages and received kits (hygiene and MHM).

WASH Community Volunteers hanging poster showing hand washing. Photo: BDRCS.

Hand washing demonstration at a DAPS centre in Camp. Photo: BDRCS

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Federation wide Monthly Situation Report # 58 I March 2020 I PMO I BDRCS I 7 |10

Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

Water Supply

Activities Partners Location Comments

18 tap stand construction IFRC Camp 4 ext, 11 Completed

Distribution of Aqua tabs IFRC Camp 11, 18 Completed

1 solar panel and motor (11.2b)


IFRC Camp 11 Procurement is pending and followed up

1 borehole drilling IFRC Camp 11 CiC approval is delayed

27 bathing cubicles and 16 hand washing points were repaired/serviced.

Swedish RC Camp 18 As part of regular repair and maintenance.

20 deep tube wells installation Danish RC Camp 14; Host

Ward 3, 4, 6 Completed and handed over to communities.

Sanitation and Solid Waste Management

Activities Partners Location Comments

60 latrines were repaired and serviced Swedish RC Camp 18 Completed

175 latrines were dislodged Swedish RC Camp 18 Completed

Construction of hand washing facilities of latrines (with soap).

German RC Camp 13, 18 Field Assessment and materials list from the field was completed and planned to start in April.

Latrine Repair and upgrading- Rehabilitation of sanitation systems

German RC Camp 13, 18

Faecal sludge management / collection German RC Camp 13, 18 39 Latrines desludged and others continued.

Construction of individual and community latrine blocks.

Danish RC Camp 14, 19 Host ward 4

49 completed, handed over to host and camps.

4 clean up campaigns with emptying of garbage bins

Danish RC Camp 19 As ongoing solid waste management

24 sessions on cleaning toilets, drainages, bathrooms, and laundries

Turkish RC Camp 17 Completed and ongoing

Waste collection using 3 vans and sorted by 15 waste workers from 1,372 HH.

Swiss RC Camp 15 10,024 kg inorganic and 11,732 kg organic waste

Hygiene Promotion

Activities Partners Location Comments

64 Hygiene promotion session on MHM and 1,930 received the kits

IFRC Camp 13 2,289 females participated

6439 hygiene kits distributed IFRC Camp 18 Completed

Training on hand washing for COVID prevention

IFRC Camp 18 200 community volunteers received the training.

Handwashing and personal

hygiene Danish RC Camp 13, 19

155 adolescents and children of 5 +

Hand washing demonstration session at household level with soap distribution

Turkish RC Camp 17 620 households reached.

Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) BDRCS, with support from IFRC continued to implement PGI programming using a dignity, access, participation and safety (DAPS) approach through three centers in Camp 13, 14 and 19. The activities conducted during the reporting period included skill-based learning, structural games (designed with intended objectives) and awareness sessions on gender and protection issues. During March, 4,948 people from the guest community, including children, adult women/men and adolescent girls benefitted through such activities. In addition, the following was achieved:

• 25 health community volunteers were trained on PGI at a field hospital.

• 40 individuals were referred for protection services (including 3 for GBV, 1 for Trafficking-1, and 3 for CP).

• 72 individuals reached through protection outreach.

Dignity Kit Distribution: During March, a total of 15,995 dignity kits were distributed to women and girls in camps 13, 14 and 19. During each distribution, recipients were provided with an orientation session by Red Cross Youth volunteers on how to utilise each item in the kit.

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Federation wide Monthly Situation Report # 58 I March 2020 I PMO I BDRCS I 8 |10

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction (CDRR) program of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) continued its intervention in the camps and host communities in March 2020. However, considering the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Cyclone Preparedness components of the CDRR program had to be repurposed to reach CPP camp volunteers and the camp population with hygiene promotion and key COVID-19 preparedness messaging during the reporting period. The monthly actions are related to awareness raising, training on disaster preparedness, supporting actors for disaster preparedness and others. The highlights of the accomplishments in the month of March 2020 are as follows:

International Women’s Day 8 March: This was marked by the PGI team through the facilitation of an event with the PMO, participation in a social media campaign, and through running a day of activities with communities in Camp 13, 14 and 19 through the DAPS centres. The event at the PMO followed the international theme for 2020 “each for equal” which highlighted the importance of women’s contribution in all aspects of society and celebrating women’s leadership. PMO staff were asked to share reflections and make a personal commitment to advancing women’s equality. PGI Sector challenges and learnings: The major challenge for PGI sector in March was the spread of the COVID19 which meant that all protection programming was suspended from mid-month, and all planned workshops and trainings were cancelled. It was also challenging to distribute dignity kits with restrictions put in place, but these were overcome by implementing social distancing practices at distribution points, amending the distribution plan and activating more support from community volunteers, RCY and NDRT members. The DAPS centres (which are currently closed for protection programming) have now been converted into COVID19 information hubs to support CEA and WASH activities on COVID 19 awareness and preparedness. PGI community mobilisers and community volunteers have also been trained in responding to COVID19 and key hygiene practices and are supporting outreach activities.

▪ 121,076 handwashing IECs were distributed at camp settlements and host community areas and 62,461 camp

people were provided with basic hygiene (i.e. Handwashing) items and key COVID-19 messages safely

▪ 12 Basic Disaster Preparedness (DP) training for 354 CPP camp volunteers with social distancing measures


▪ CPP supported BDRCS MRRO (Myanmar Refugee Relief Operation) to conduct fire safety simulation in the

Kutupalong registered Camp and 2W where 386 CPP camp volunteers participated in the simulation exercises


▪ 1469 camp people were reached from 63 social gatherings/courtyard sessions in consultation with SMS conducted.

▪ 101 participants of different agencies and sectors became aware of DRR Plan of Action designed for the camps

and explore the scopes to work together. A total of including 86 male and 15 females were reached in the 4 camps.

▪ 2,823 people observed National Disaster Preparedness Day – 2020 at host community and educational institutes.

▪ Livelihood assessment was done safely in Ratna Palong and Haldia Palong Unions of Ukhiya Upazila in

coordination with Union Parishad and BDRCS Cox’s Bazar Unit

▪ 68 CPP camp volunteers were mobilized to several fire incidents in camp 16 and 26 in March 2020 safely.

Fire safety simulation is on-going; Photo: IFRC

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Following events and stories were covered and made available on social media:

• International Women’s Day was observed at PMO.

• A story of Tosmida who fled with her daughter from Rakhine. She is now a community volunteer.

• A story of Anjum Ara, an incredible woman in the camp who learned how to fix her shelter by herself. She joined Red Crescent’s participatory approach for safe shelter awareness (PASSA) training and now supporting her community to build their shelters.

• BDRCS joined the observation of national disaster preparedness day and highlighted the importance of preparedness for sustainable development and disaster risk reduction.

• Sayed Ahammed (63), a physically challenged person & father of 4, cannot afford to buy new books for his only daughter. On 11 March, he received a cash grant from the BDRCS.

• The importance of handwashing in limiting the spread of #COVID19 was widely communicated.

• Kismot Ara has been using the safe water to beat the spread of COVID19.

• Watch a video to learn more about the inside of a water lab in Cox’s Bazar.

• COVID 19 precautionary measures have been shared to mitigate the risk of infection.

• Staff and community volunteers have also been heavily involved in health and hygiene promotion, which has involved disseminating consistent and accurate messaging and distribution of hygiene materials.

Community Engagement & Accountability (CEA) In the reporting period, CEA reached total of 1,171 people including male 609 female 562 through community radio listening program, information and feedback support, community awareness program on Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) at host area, orientation to community volunteers on basic CEA approaches, developing Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials for sacrificial meat distribution to guest and host community, radio episodes on civil documentation and safe motherhood were broadcast. ▪ 522 People participated (male 190 and female 332) at the Radio Listening program (RLP) on motivating women

to: access WASH facilities, manage civil documentation, safe motherhood, Cholera vaccination at Camp 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 and 19 at health posts, access PSS Center, access Community Safe Space (CSS), access DAPS center, access Children Friendly Space (CFS).

▪ 109 Majhis/Imam attended CEA meetings in order to safely discuss with and advise their communities on Covid-19 ▪ 700 HHs reached outreach on handwashing demonstration and distributed leaflets and hygiene kits to guest

community. ▪ 55 HHs Outreach on awareness and providing key message on COVID-19 ▪ 369 People benefitted with feedback collection from Info hub ▪ 130 people participated at awareness session on LPG in host ▪ 10 IEC Materials on COVID 19 hand washing demonstration for WASH, PSS & AmCross and another IEC for Relief,

CEA and reporting. ▪ 07 Community Mobilizer (CM) and 19 Community Volunteers (CVs) of CEA have been orientated on risk

communication amid COVID-19 ▪ 15 CVs of health at Field Hospital received basic CEA orientation ▪ 3 DAPS centers in camp 13, 14 and 19 have been properly set-up with information desks to collect feedback on


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For more information:


Md. Feroz Salah Uddin Secretary General, BDRCS

Mobile: +880 181 145 8500 E-mail: [email protected]

Syed Ali Nasim Khaliluzzaman Head of Operation, PMO, Cox’s Bazar

Mobile: +880 181 966 7768 E-mail: [email protected]

Md. Habib Ahmed Deputy Director, PMO, Cox’s Bazar Mobile: +88 01819502284

Email: [email protected]


Azmat Ulla Head of Country Office, Bangladesh Mobile: +880 171 152 1615 E-mail: [email protected]

Sanjeev Kumar Kafley

Head of Sub Office, Cox’s Bazar Mobile: +880 179 458 1877 E-mail: [email protected]

BDRCS at social media


Participating Partners at PMO