band and artist analysis of images

Band and Artist Analysis of Images In this picture of Rihanna the image has a High key lighting which represents her loud and boldness as an artist. The connotations of the bright pink hair represent her femininity; it makes the image stand out. The image also represents Rihanna is being sexual and predatory. The background of the image is a white background, which shows Rihanna is intended to stand out and be the main object of the image. The lighting of the image shows her intended audience is a mainstream Pop/RnB audience as the colours are very bright and intense. The use of red colours also show that Rihanna aims her songs at love, sex and romance. In this picture of Coldplay the image has a low key lighting which represents an alternative audience of genre; this is shown through the dark use of lighting. Gutenberg’s principle of the Rule of thirds is use as the lead singer of the band is placed over half way across the image this shows the audience that he is the main singer within the band. The image is a close-up image with the band members looking directly at you.

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Page 1: Band and artist analysis of images

Band and Artist Analysis of Images

In this picture of Rihanna the image has a High key lighting which represents her loud and boldness as an artist. The connotations of the bright pink hair represent her femininity; it makes the image stand out. The image also represents Rihanna is being sexual and predatory. The background of the image is a white background, which shows Rihanna is intended to stand out and be the main object of the image. The lighting of the image shows her intended audience is a mainstream Pop/RnB audience as the colours are very bright and intense. The use of red colours also show that Rihanna aims her songs at love, sex and romance.

In this picture of Coldplay the image has a low key lighting which represents an alternative audience of genre; this is shown through the dark use of lighting. Gutenberg’s principle of the Rule of thirds is use as the lead singer of the band is placed over half way across the image this shows the audience that he is the main singer within the band. The image is a close-up image with the band members looking directly at you.

In this picture of Kanye West the image has a high key lighting and he is placed in the centre of the frame which suggests that he is a dominant and high up within the music industry. The style of this image is formal he is wearing a suit which suggests he is professional. Kanye West is looking away from the camera which suggests he is a superior figure. This image uses formal balance as it is symmetrical on both sides. Kanye West is dressed formal in this image which shows he is a respectable artist and also very famous.

Page 2: Band and artist analysis of images

In this picture of One Direction the picture is taken from a low angle which shows that the band is perhaps a famous and well known band within the music industry. The image uses high key lighting on the middle member of the band which perhaps shows he is the lead singer because he is placed in the foreground. The use of red lighting in the image perhaps shows that the bands songs are about love and romance it also shows the genre of the music which is Pop. This image uses informal balance as it has symmetry on both sides but some sides are weighed up differently

In this image of Westlife, a high key lighting is used to represent the group as being angelic and perhaps target an older audience. They are dressed formal which represents the maturity of the band and that they have perhaps been in the music industry for a long time. Rule of Thirds is used in this image to show the lead singers of the band, the 2 lead singers are placed in the front and towards the right of the image. Informal balance is used in this image because both sides of the page are weighed up similarly. The genre of this

band is Pop.

In this image of My Chemical Romance, a low key lighting is used to show the genre of the band which is perhaps an alternative rock, with a niche audience. The background of this image is black which perhaps shows that their songs are about danger and death. Formal balance is used in this image as each side of the image is weighed up with the same object. The costume of the boys on this image is almost military style which shows that the

Page 3: Band and artist analysis of images

band don’t target a mainstream audience. The main person in this image is placed in the foreground so he could perhaps be the lead singer.

In this image of Beyonce the image is taken from a low angle which shows that she is superior and dominant. A high key lighting is used to show that she is angelic, but her costume also shows that she is sexual. The colour of the background perhaps shows that Beyonce is wealthy, as purple connotates royalty and money. The Rule of Thirds is also used in this image. Beyonce targets a mainstream audience this is used through the use of her posture, as she stands proudly.