bamboo music: transcripts and analysis - amazon s3...1 bamboo music: transcripts and analysis...

1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music Alexa Skill with 30 members of our testing panel on April 25th, 2018. The testers interacted with the skill from their home using the Pulse Labs voice emulator. The following is an amalgamation of our findings based on tester experiences, transcripts, and responses to the survey questions provided. ***We recommend conducting follow up reports in advance of each major development milestone or skill update, as these tests will help you to identify problems areas more efficiently, to generate ideas for new features, and to solve design arguments and questions around product prioritization. For questions or to order additional reports visit or email [email protected]. Word Cloud formed from positive tester feedback

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Page 1: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis

Project Overview

Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music Alexa Skill with 30 members of

our testing panel on April 25th, 2018. The testers interacted with the skill from their home using the

Pulse Labs voice emulator. The following is an amalgamation of our findings based on tester

experiences, transcripts, and responses to the survey questions provided.

***We recommend conducting follow up reports in advance of each major development milestone or skill update, as these tests will help you to identify problems areas more efficiently, to generate ideas for new features, and to solve design arguments and questions around product prioritization.

For questions or to order additional reports visit or email [email protected].

Word Cloud formed from positive tester feedback

Page 2: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


Tester Profile

About half of our testers personally own an

Amazon Alexa product, which gives a good

survey of both seasoned and potential new


Given the spirit of the application, our testers

were very diverse in terms of previous music

knowledge, with many having dipped their

toes a bit in music/playing instruments, but

not many claiming a deep understanding of

music theory.

In a future test, we could potentially measure music theory knowledge both before and after using the

Bamboo Music skill to gauge the skill’s educational effectiveness.

User Ratings

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of suggestions and satisfactory/dissatisfactory experiences, it is

beneficial to see an overview of how well the skill was received by the testers. The testers were

provided with questions geared to gives us some base insight on what they thought of the skill and its

features, shown below:


810 10





1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars








How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?









Yes No N/AN






Do You Own an Amazon Alexa Product?

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A clear majority of testers found the Bamboo Music skill to be either average or enjoyable, with only 6%

giving a rating below average. 33% of testers rated the skill 5 out of 5 stars, with another 33% rating 4

out of 5 stars. Based on our individual tester experience feedback, the two users who rated the skill

poorly had issues accessing the skill in the first place, making their ratings based on the testing format

more so than the skill itself.

In terms of recommending Bamboo Music to friends and family, testers mostly seemed either middle of

the pack or leaning toward a likelihood to recommend. Almost 50% of testers gave high ratings (8, 9, 10)

while the rest fell in a mid-ground rating between 4 and 7. There were two outliers in this data set, with

one tester giving a rating of 1 (would not recommend) and another user not responding this specific


1 10 0



2 2


3 3







N/A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10NU







On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family




2 2












N/A 1 2 3 4 5








Did you find the skill interesting?

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Apart from rating the skill as a whole, 80% of testers found the skill interesting, with about ~7% finding it

to be average, ~7% below average, and ~7% not providing an answer.

SATs, DSATs, and Improvements


Across the board, testers loved the educational aspects of the Bamboo Music skill. Specifically, the

different instrument recognition was a hit! The quiz-like formula used for the skill resonated well with

testers too, with some complimenting how Alexa’s choice repetition helps users who need to be

reminded of possible answers.

To quote a few testers on their Satisfactory (SAT) experiences:

“This skill is right up my alley as I have been working with basic music theory and chord formations, it

is an excellent idea and introduction for people to music in general.”


“I enjoyed reviewing music basics such as whether the notes are going up or down and which

instruments are playing.”


“Overall it was very similar to exercises I did back in music class years ago, listening to notes and

instruments and learning basics of theory. I enjoyed all the questions, but they were very easy. I

imagine it will get harder as the rounds progress and I think that is where it can be really beneficial for



The testers uncovered a few surprising responses/situations which created momentary dissatisfactory

experiences. A few testers wrote about having difficulties accessing the skill itself, while others had

trouble with Alexa understanding their responses in general. Granted, some testers noted they were

using unconventionally expanded trigger attempts to test the Bamboo Music skill’s capabilities, which

often resulted in Alexa responding with catchall editorial. Though, when testers legitimately could not

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trigger the skill correctly, some found frustration in this catchall; they noted how Alexa’s responses of

“Um I don’t know that one” were not helpful in subsequent trigger attempts.

To quote a few testers on their Dissatisfactory (DSAT) experiences:

“There were a few moments when Alexa did not understand me. When I test these interfaces, I

endeavor to say more than just a rote phrase, like ‘first one.’ Instead, I'll stretch the speech

recognition algo by replying with something like, ‘The first note is higher.’”


“When I got to the third exercise and responded, 'The notes are marching down’, Alexa responded,

‘Um I don't know that one’. This is not a helpful answer. I repeated the answer several mores without

a response from Alexa. I then asked to her to repeat the question and again she indicated that she did

not understand.”


“At some point it paused for a really long time before playing up/down. It seemed like it was frozen

and somehow exited Bamboo.”


As stated previously, some testers had difficulties accessing the Bamboo Music skill at all, so we had a

few accounts of testers asking for generally better accessibility. Some users found the skill a bit boring,

asking either for variation in content or for a higher difficulty, with those asking for the latter noting they

understand that the difficulty they seek would probably be accessible as they progress further into the

skill. Maybe the ability to change difficulty levels?

Other users experienced latency between giving their responses and receiving a new one back from

Alexa, making the conversation feel unnatural and calling for a fix.

An interesting ask from our testers was for more examples surrounding some of the questions. For

instance, one user explained, “I would sometimes like more examples as an option. If it only gave me

one thing, such as the allegro vs adagio, how would I be able to compare it and tell if there was only

one piece of music played? or with the chords, can I hear a few more if I'm not sure? it's hard for new

things to stick if you only go over a concept one time and have a quick a or b guess answer.”

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Another idea testers had would be to have simultaneous instrument recognition to really drive home

the difficulty; just to see if users could pick out different instruments if there is both a violin and piano

playing at once.

To quote a few testers on possible improvements:

“1. Improve Alexa's ability to understand responses in a sentence rather than a just single word. She

seems to respond if I answer 'Up or down', but get confused if say 'The note is going down/up'; 2.

Speed up response time; 3. Make Help actually helpful by telling the user what to do next rather than

referring him to a website.”


“The computer voice sounded too computer-ish. Too predictable. At the end, when it announced the

badge I had earned, there was a pause detracted from the experience. For example, It was like this:

‘Congratulations! You have earned... [pause here] ... the next level badge.’ It was almost as if the

entire text phrase was not yet cued to be spoken when the speech started.”


“Music genre questions. Composer questions. Who composed this song?”

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User Experience Misc. Data

• The majority of users did not have any audio issues while using the Bamboo Music skill. Only 1

out of the 30 testers noted the music was too soft, with the rest saying the volume was perfect.

• With the exception of one user not answering the question, every tester reported an average or

above average understanding of the music exercises.

• 83% of the testers understood the concept of earning badges, while 17% did not.






N/A 1 2 3 4 5NU







How easy was it to understand the music exercises?



Do you feel you understood the concept

of earning badges?



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• 87% of the testers liked the idea of earning badges, while 10% did not.

• Very few users remembered specifically what the registration process was, and many claimed to

not have been asked at all. This potentially needs to be either clearer to users or repeated when

a user opts out of the skill.

User Transcripts and Post Survey Questions

Please note the following color/annotation scheme for the transcripts:

• Black is for tester input. • Grey is for Bamboo Music response. • Blue is for Alexa core response. • Red is for missed trigger • Orange is for problematic Bamboo Music response. • Anything in (parenthesis) are analyst in-line annotations on the situations listed above.

User 1: Test date

2018-04-25 09:53:28 PM PDT


2 minutes, 20 seconds



alexa music (User said “Alexa, open Bamboo Music”)




Did you like the idea of earning badges?




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Flow from Deezer.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 10 - very likely

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. Geoff was here.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. unanswered

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. unanswered

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. unanswered

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. unanswered

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. unanswered

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. unanswered

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. unanswered

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

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A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. unanswered

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Geoff

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. unanswered

User 2:

Test date

2018-04-27 05:37:29 AM PDT


4 minutes, 7 seconds




Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 1

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 4

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. She was lit up said connecting but did't open program

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

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A4. unable to open the skill

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. will it work?

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. unable

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. some

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. not yet, My birthday's in June Hint?

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 3

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. unanswered

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. NO

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. Unable to task

Q14. What is your name?

A14. margot zimmerman

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 3:

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Test date

2018-04-27 05:39:24 AM PDT


12 minutes, 32 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you haven't earned any

Bamboo Music badges yet. . Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the

other. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

.first one

Great job! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the second one

Fantastic! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or



Great job! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Nicely done. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Good job! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


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Great job! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


I'm thinking it's a different answer. Would you like to try again?

a major (Should you require a Yes/No response to trying a question again, or should Alexa be

able to automatically hear a different answer after a “wrong answer” editorial?)

Sorry, I am not sure what you said. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Great job! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Nicely done. Let's learn Tempo. Tempo is the speed at which a piece of music is played. Allegro

means fast. Adagio means slow. Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or



That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or Adagio?


Nicely done. Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

Great job! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


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Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

Nicely done. We're all done for now. You answered 11 questions. You answered 8 correctly, 3

incorrectly. Congratulations, you earned a - Music Magician badge! You have earned 1 badge so

far. Keep coming back to earn 6 more badges at this level.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 8

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. At least once I said "Okay, ____" as my answer, without meaning to add "okay" in

there but it got confused by this irrelevant part of speech and didn't understand. Also

when it asked "would you like to try again?" I didn't realize at first I had to say Yes or

No, I thought I could just guess the other answer, but I had to say Yes or No first to

keep moving.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I liked that it was a natural fit for a voice application. I liked learning the different

aspects of music theory.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. I would sometimes like more examples as an option. If it only gave me one thing,

such as the allegro vs adagio, how would I be able to compare it and tell if there was

only one piece of music played? or with the chords, can I hear a few more if I'm not

sure? it's hard for new things to stick if you only go over a concept one time and have a

quick a or b guess answer.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Great, no issues

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Somewhat. Played an instrument in concert band for eight years and listen to a lot

of music but haven't played professionally.

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Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. Yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I don't think I was ever asked to register??

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Sarah

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 4:

Test date

2018-04-27 05:45:26 AM PDT


14 minutes, 13 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

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Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?

alexa open bamboo music

Is this ? Please answer yes or no. (User expected the same trigger to enter the skill after intro

editorial; should this logic be added?)

alexa open bamboo music

Is this ? Please answer yes or no.

alexa open bamboo music

Is this ? Please answer yes or no.


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?

the second one

I'm not quite sure how to help you with that.

alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start ... Ready?


Is this ? Please answer yes or no. (Alexa asks if users are ready, but “ready” does not seem to be

a trigger to follow the editorial.)


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?

the first one

Good job! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the second one

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Nicely done. Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Fantastic! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Nicely done. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Fantastic! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Nicely done. Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Excellent! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Great job! We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 8 correctly, 0

incorrectly. Please come back soon! To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up

multiple users, please tell me your 10 digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say,

Later, or say No.

eight four three four nine four three three two three

You should have received a text message. Thank you for trying Bamboo Music.

you alexa (User said “Thank you Alexa)

[Media File]

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

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Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 10 - very likely

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. No, This skill is on point. I am very impressed

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I love the skills feedback and ability to quickly determine right, or wrong answers.

I feel like this can be very helpful with someone trying to learn music theory

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. I think it would be nice if Alexa responded quicker to answers, but that is just me

being picky and impatient. The programming is quite impressive. Also I would love to

se other aspects of this Specific (Bamboo) learning. I'd love to become a regular user

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Adequate. Doesn't seem to be any problems there

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I am familiar, but by no means an expert. I produce hip hop/rap music and scores

for movies, so this is right up my alley. Always learning new things about music and

music theory.

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. Yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 4

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

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A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I don't recall, I answered with my phone number because I would like to use the

skill again.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Daniel Roessler

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 5:

Test date

2018-04-27 05:54:15 AM PDT


14 minutes, 23 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 1 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the

other. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

first one

Great job! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

second one

That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


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Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first one

Good job! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?

i would like to try again

OK, I'll repeat it. Would you like to try again? (requiring a yes or no response here doesn’t feel

natural; should potentially also trigger on responses similar to how the user attempted)

i like to try again

OK, I'll repeat it. Would you like to try again? (“ “)

do again (user said “try again”; still triggered regardless)

OK, I'll repeat it. Would you like to try again? (“ “)


Now listen to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano,

or violin?


Nicely done. Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Excellent! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Sorry, I don’t think that’s correct. Would you like to try again?


Are the notes marching up or down?


Nicely done. Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

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two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Fantastic! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


No, sorry. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Good job! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


I'm thinking it's a different answer. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?

it's major

Good job! Let's learn Tempo. Tempo is the speed at which a piece of music is played. Allegro

means fast. Adagio means slow. Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or



That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or Adagio?


Fantastic! Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

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major third

Good job! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

No, sorry. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

Nicely done. We're all done for now. You answered 11 questions. You answered 4 correctly, 7

incorrectly. Congratulations, you earned a - Treble Master badge! Congratulations, you earned

a - Tone Master badge! Please come back soon!

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 3

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 4

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. No

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. The questions are short and easy to understand.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. The questions are somehow boring do i recommend to add different type of

questions for more fun.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. It was acceptable.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Intermediate

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Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 4

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 3

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. NO

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. Later means it is possible to register at a later time.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Mehran Sadrolodabaei

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 6:

Test date

2018-04-27 05:56:22 AM PDT


12 minutes, 14 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

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Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Is this ? Please answer yes or no. (Same suggestion to add “ready” strings as triggers to intro



Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you haven't earned any

Bamboo Music badges yet. . Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the

other. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first one

Good job! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first one

Excellent! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano,

or violin?


Great job! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


I'm thinking it's a different answer. Would you like to try again?


Are the notes marching up or down?

Up (User said “They’re marching up”; still triggered regardless)

Great job! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Fantastic! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?

it's forte

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Nicely done. Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?

it's major

Nicely done. We're all done for now. You answered 7 questions. You answered 5 correctly, 2

incorrectly. Please come back soon!

thank you

No worries.

close music (User said “Close bamboo music”)

Sorry, I don't know that one.

i want to know (User said “I want to learn about perfect”)

I'm not quite sure how to help you with that.

i want to hear six (User said “I want to hear a perfect fifth)

I'm not quite sure how to help you with that.

i want to listen

Flow from Deezer.

thank you hi by

Sorry, I don't know that.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 8

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


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A3. No, the skill responds good all the time.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I enjoy how easy is learning music.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. I would like to practice more nothing to recomend is very good.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. It was very good.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I am a not expert, but I have learn a lot with the skill.

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No, but I wish to have one soon.

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. The skill, did not ask me about register.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Marlon Gomez Velandia.

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. Marlon.Gomez.Velandia

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User 7:

Test date

2018-04-27 06:01:24 AM PDT


2 minutes, 44 seconds




Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 3

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 6

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. There was no response.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. The skill didn't respond to my command.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Following the correct command.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. The skill didn't open them.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Very familiar.

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

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A8. Yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I don't recall.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. John Jenkins

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 8:

Test date

2018-04-27 07:07:23 AM PDT


11 minutes, 5 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


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I was born ready, or at least very well-prepared. Let's do it!


I was born ready, or at least very well-prepared. Let's do it! (Repeated editorial; user became

confused and left skill. Same suggestion of adding “ready” as a trigger to intro editorial.)

what are we doing (User became confused and did not know how to trigger the skill properly)

Hmm, I’m not sure.

Alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 3 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let’s Play High Low. I’ll play two notes, and one is higher than the

other. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

The first one

Nicely done. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

The second one

Excellent! Let’s play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here’s a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, This Old Man melody. . Which instrument played the melody – clarinet, piano, or violin?

Dominant (User said Clarinet; did not properly trigger, but the skill moved forward with

repeating the previous editorial)

I didn't quite get that. Now listen to, This Old Man melody. . Which instrument played the

melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Great job! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Good job! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Excellent! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

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two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Nicely done. Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Excellent! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Great job! Let's learn Tempo. Tempo is the speed at which a piece of music is played. Allegro

means fast. Adagio means slow. Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or



Good job! Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

Excellent! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?


Great job! We're all done for now. You answered 11 questions. You answered 11 correctly, 0

incorrectly. Please come back soon!

alexa cancel

alexa quit

I'm not quite sure how to help you with that.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 7

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Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. no exit command at the end, I responded to quickly and it dod not get my answer.

should just as for the answer again instead of repeating the entire question.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. engaging, and I learned while being engaged.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. ending, and repeat ask for answer

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. good

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. no at all... no training and do not play any instrument

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. oh yea, like 7 or 7

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. not asked to register....?

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Michael Pittinger Sr.

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Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 9:

Test date

2018-04-27 07:25:57 AM PDT


4 minutes, 24 seconds



alexa i think bombay music (User said “Alexa open Bamboo Music”)

[Media File]

.alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?

alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you haven't earned any

Bamboo Music badges yet. . Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the

other. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the fast (User said “The first” in what seems to be a British accent; accent may be affecting

Alexa understand the skill trigger.)

Sorry, I didn't understand. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the fast fast (User said “The first first”; same accent issue as before.)

OK, I'll skip that one. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

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Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 6

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. Didn't always regsiter my answer e.g. skipped instead of taking my answer.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. High/low game is good warm up!

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Respond faster to my answer. It seems to stick to "Playing" rather than "Listening"

mode too long.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Perfect.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Grade 5 Piano & Violin (UK)

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. Yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

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A13. N/A Alexa got stuck at this point.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Emma

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 10:

Test date

2018-04-27 07:27:46 AM PDT


6 minutes, 13 seconds



open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?


Excellent! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?


Fantastic! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or



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Excellent! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Fantastic! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Nicely done. Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Great job! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Fantastic! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Nicely done. We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 8 correctly, 0

incorrectly. Please come back soon! To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up

multiple users, please tell me your 10 digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say,

Later, or say No.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 8

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. The skill froze if I took a quick break or stopped for more than 10 seconds

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. fun and quick learning

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Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Incorporating scales, maybe fusion music and styles

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. perfect

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. yes

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. NO

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. later means you could be interested in updates, subscribing but no is flat out

Q14. What is your name?

A14. David

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 11:

Test date

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2018-04-27 07:43:34 AM PDT


2 minutes, 2 seconds



hello i stop (User said, “Hello Alexa”)

[Media File]



play music

Flow from Deezer.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 3

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 4

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. no

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. music listening

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. feeling lucky option to play random music

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. clear and loud

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. not at all

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Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 3

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 2

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. NO

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. do not recall

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Eric

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 12:

Test date

2018-04-27 08:56:17 AM PDT


14 minutes, 52 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?

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Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 3 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's learn Tempo. Tempo is the speed at which a piece of music is

played. Allegro means fast. Adagio means slow. Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo

was it - Allegro or Adagio?

Adagio (User said, “It’s definitely adagio”; still triggered.)

Excellent! Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or Adagio?

the allegro (User said, “I’d say allegro”; still triggered)

Nicely done. Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

that's major third (User said, “That’s a major third”; still triggered)

No, sorry. Would you like to try again?

yes please

Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

okay that's a minor third

Excellent! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

that's major third

Good job! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

No (User said, “minor third”)

I didn't quite get that. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

that is a minor third interval

Great job! Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note

is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first notice higher (User said, “The first note is higher”; still triggered.)

Excellent! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

second note is definitely higher

Great job! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

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search no it's higher (User said, “first note is higher”)

Sorry, I am not sure what you said. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first note it's higher (User said, “the first note is higher”; still triggered)

Excellent! We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 7 correctly, 1

incorrectly. Congratulations, you earned a - Semi Tone Expert badge! Wow! You have earned 4

of the 7 badges at this level. Come back soon to earn 3 more badges and get to the next level.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 3

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 5

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. There were a few moments when Alexa did not understand me. When I test these

interfaces, I endeavor to say more than just a rote phrase, like "first one." Instead, I'll

stretch the speech recognition algo by replying with something like, "The first note is


Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. The music was nice.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. The computer voice sounded too computer-ish. Too predictable. At the end, when

it announced the badge I had earned, there was a pause detracted from the experience.

For example, It was like this: "Congratulations! You have earned... [pause here] ... the

next level badge." It was almost as if the entire text phrase was not yet cued to be

spoken when the speech started.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. The volume was good. No adjustments needed.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I sing and play 12-string acoustic guitar. I have a higher than average familiarity

with music theory.

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Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No, I do not.

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. Sorry, I don't recall.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. William McMeans

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 13:

Test date

2018-04-27 09:11:13 AM PDT


9 minutes, 26 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?

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Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 4 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each

instrument has a unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a

violin. .Now listen to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet,

piano, or violin?


Good job! Now listen to, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star melody. . Which instrument played the

melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Fantastic! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Good job! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Great job! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Excellent! Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

Sorry, I don’t think that’s correct. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

Excellent! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

Great job! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

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major third

I'm thinking it's a different answer. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

Good job! We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 6 correctly, 2

incorrectly. Congratulations, you earned a - Band Leader badge! Please come back soon!

thank you

That's what I'm here for!

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 8

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. No

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I enjoyed how it teaches you the different notes, instruments, and tones.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Nothing

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Great.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Beginner

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No

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Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 3

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. it didn't ask me to register.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Jelon

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 14:

Test date

2018-04-27 10:48:33 AM PDT


14 minutes, 35 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?

alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?

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Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 5 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of

music. The dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases.

Listen to the two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE

means loud. . This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen

to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?

Yellow (User said, “Piano”)

I didn't understand properly. Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Fantastic! Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Great job! Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note

is higher, the first one or the second one?

where is one (User said, “First one”; still triggered.)

Fantastic! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

first one

Nicely done. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

second one

Fantastic! Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

First (User said, “Minor third”; because of this mishap, the user begins to believe that minor

third is not the correct answer, even though it is, resulting in multiple attempts at the other

option of major third.)

I didn't quite get that. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

Nope. Sorry about that. Would you like to try again?


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Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

.major third

Sorry, I don’t think that’s correct. The correct answer was MinorThird. Listen to this interval. .

Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

Great job! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

Great job! We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 6 correctly, 2

incorrectly. Please come back soon!

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 5

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. I wouldn't say anything was unexpected...Only when I expected answer to be

"Major" when it was Minor, but I knew either the answer was wrong or right

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I enjoyed the fact that I was actually learning new things in Msic

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Just Alexa's response, I had to repeat myself more than I would of liked to

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Those were just right, didnt anything wrong with them

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Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Im very familiar with Music , but Im more of an "by ear" kind of artist...So my

music theory could be better

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 4

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. NO

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. Not quite sure I recall

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Edward Adjepong

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 15:

Test date

2018-04-27 12:06:27 PM PDT


10 minutes, 19 seconds



Page 48: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 5 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each

instrument has a unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a

violin. .Now listen to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played the melody --

clarinet, piano, or violin?


Good job! Now listen to, Row, Row, Row Your Boat melody. . Which instrument played the

melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Nicely done. Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?

It (User input indistinguishable)

I didn't quite get that. Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?

yes no (User said, “Piano”)

I didn't understand properly. Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Nicely done. Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Great job! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


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Are the notes marching up or down?


Fantastic! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Great job! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Excellent! Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note

is higher, the first one or the second one?


Great job! We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 7 correctly, 1

incorrectly. Please come back soon!

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 3

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 5

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. no

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. teaching music skill. it trains your ears and mind

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. may be starting from a very fundamental such as notes do, ray, me, etc. and

gradually moves up

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. too soft

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. not very much

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Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 3

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 3

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I was not asked to register

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Ron Sinit

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 16:

Test date

2018-04-27 12:15:27 PM PDT


9 minutes, 49 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?

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Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 5 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of

music. The dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases.

Listen to the two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE

means loud. . This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen

to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Nicely done. Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


No, sorry. The correct answer was Forte. Let's learn Tempo. Tempo is the speed at which a

piece of music is played. Allegro means fast. Adagio means slow. Listen to this musical phrase. .

Which tempo was it - Allegro or Adagio?


Sorry, I don’t think that’s correct. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or Adagio?


Excellent! Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or Adagio?


Nicely done. Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, This Old Man melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?

add your net (User said, “Clarinet”)

OK, I'll skip that one. Now listen to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played

the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin? (User didn’t get a 2nd chance at guessing the same

melody, which is unfortunate because Alexa didn’t understand their correct answer.)

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change your net (User said, “Clarinet”)

OK, I'll skip that one. Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I

will play one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down? (Same as above)


I'm thinking it's a different answer. Would you like to try again?


Are the notes marching up or down?

No (User said, “Down”)

Sorry, I didn't understand. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Fantastic! We're all done for now. You answered 5 questions. You answered 2 correctly, 3

incorrectly. Please come back soon!

thank you

No worries.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 8

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. as expected, it responded

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. identifying the instruments

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. provide examples.. like if you are playing instrument , one example which shows

how you identified the instrument.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

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A6. pefect

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. have little knowledge

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. nope

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 3

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. no

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Chandrapalsinh Chavda

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 17:

Test date

2018-04-27 04:50:01 PM PDT


5 minutes, 7 seconds


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alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 5 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes

that I will play one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?

.marching up

That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?

yes try again

OK, I'll repeat it. Would you like to try again? (Probably expand trigger to include responses like

this; user had to repeat this phrase until they simply said “yes”.)

yes repeat it

OK, I'll repeat it. Would you like to try again? (“ “)


Are the notes marching up or down?


Nicely done. . Are the notes marching up or down?

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 9

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. After you listen to the sound and then have to repeat my self twice to understand

either marching up or marching down

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Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I love how I got some of them right and if not then could try again

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. I would say at the beginning when marching up or down on the notes

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. The volume was great just right.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I am actually taking a music class at college and learning more and great for my

class that I am in.

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. Yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. later mean registering later and then no would be not to at all

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Jessica Moon

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

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User 18:

Test date

2018-04-27 07:02:14 PM PDT


10 minutes, 2 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you haven't earned any

Bamboo Music badges yet. . Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the

other. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the second one

Excellent! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

get search one (User said, “The first one”; still triggered.)

Nicely done. Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Good job! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Great job! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Good job! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

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This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Great job! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Nicely done. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Good job! We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 7 correctly, 1

incorrectly. Please come back soon!

thank you

Any time.

have a good day

Thanks! You too!


That's what I'm here for!

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 5

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. The skill worked great for me

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Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I like that it's very educational, you can learn at the same time

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. I like it the way it is, maybe add more instruments but probably is something

already done in the next levels

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Very good

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I love music and play guitar, I'm a bit familiar with music

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No I don't

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I don't remember being asked about that

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Maria Municio Ortega

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

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User 19:

Test date

2018-04-28 05:24:20 AM PDT


9 minutes, 1 second



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Is this ? Please answer yes or no. (Same suggestion to add “ready” triggers.)


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 5 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's learn Tempo. Tempo is the speed at which a piece of music is

played. Allegro means fast. Adagio means slow. Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo

was it - Allegro or Adagio?


Excellent! Listen to this musical phrase. . Which tempo was it - Allegro or Adagio?


Fantastic! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano,

or violin?


Good job! Now listen to, This Old Man melody. . Which instrument played the melody --

clarinet, piano, or violin?


Fantastic! Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note

is higher, the first one or the second one?

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first one

Great job! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

second one

Excellent! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

second one

Great job! Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

Nicely done. We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 8 correctly, 0

incorrectly. Please come back soon!

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 9

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. The skill responded correctly to music questions. The skill asked me "Are you" and

I didn't know what to say. I just said yes. And then it asked music questions.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. The app explains each music question. Then, it prompts the user from multiple

choice. This is helpful for users like me, who must be reminded repeatedly of the

possible answers.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Music genre questions. Composer questions. Who composed this song?

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. My computer's speaker is set to 45% and it was very audible.

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Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I am unfamiliar with theory. I like music and have practiced playing.

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. Yes, an echo show.

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I was not asked to register.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Alex

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 20:

Test date

2018-04-28 11:09:32 AM PDT


9 minutes, 22 seconds



Page 62: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 5 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same

time. .Major chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or



Great job! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Nicely done. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Great job! Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?


Sorry, I am not sure what you said. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?


I didn't understand properly. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

Great job! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

Red (User said, “Third”)

Sorry, I didn't understand. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

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major third

Sorry, I don’t think that’s correct. Would you like to try again?

no thank you

OK, the correct answer was MinorThird. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 3

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 5

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. No

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I like music study, so it's interesting on that level.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Voice recognition, Alexa had trouble recognizing my answers.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Volume was good.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Familiar

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

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Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. NO

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I wasn't asked to register

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Charles Westerman

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 21:

Test date

2018-04-28 07:54:03 PM PDT


11 minutes, 11 seconds



open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you have earned 5 of seven

Bamboo Music badges. . Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes

that I will play one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Good job! . Are the notes marching up or down?

No (User said, “Down”)

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Sorry, I didn't hear you. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Good job! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Great job! Let's learn intervals. An interval is the distance, in scale steps, between two pitches

or notes. In a harmonic interval the two notes are played at the same time. Listen to the

following 2 intervals - Major 3rd and minor 3rd. .A Major 3rd interval has 4 half steps. It sounds

happy and upbeat. A Minor 3rd interval has 3 half steps. It sounds sad. Now try to guess which

interval is playing. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

Nicely done. Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

No, sorry. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

minor third

Good job! Listen to this interval. . Major 3rd or minor 3rd?

major third

Excellent! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Good job! Now listen to, This Old Man melody. . Which instrument played the melody --

clarinet, piano, or violin?


Excellent! We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 7 correctly, 1

incorrectly. Please come back soon!

next level

What would you like to play next?

Play (User did not say anything but had music on in the background.)

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Flow from Deezer.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 8

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. Nil. Only once did i repeat an instruction

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. Love the quiz like interaction of the skill and how it teaches music.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. not much. more skills like scales, fifths etc.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. great

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. basic to intermediate like level 3

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. yes, a dot

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

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A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. i was not asked to register

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Xuan Hong Lim

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 22:

Test date

2018-04-29 07:07:03 AM PDT


16 minutes, 30 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?

second one

Nicely done. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first one

Page 68: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


Excellent! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, This Old Man melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Nicely done. Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?

marching up

Fantastic! . Are the notes marching up or down?

marching down

Good job! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Excellent! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


I'm thinking it's a different answer. Would you like to try again?


Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Great job! We're all done for now. You answered 7 questions. You answered 6 correctly, 1

incorrectly. Please come back soon! To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up

multiple users, please tell me your 10 digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say,

Later, or say No.

Major (User said, “Later”)

To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up multiple users, please tell me your 10

digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say, Later, or say No.


OK, thank you for trying Bamboo Music.

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Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 9

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. at the end it asked me to say later or no if I did not want to give my number, I said

later... then Alexa just repeated back to me to say later or no. The 2nd time it worked,

maybe I just didnt speak clearly at first or spoke too fast?

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. Overall it was very similar to exercises I did back in music class years ago, listening

to notes and instruments and learning basics of theory. I enjoyed all the questions, but

they were very easy. I imagine it will get harder as the rounds progress and I think that

is where it can be really beneficial for students.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. This is only the first round, so maybe it gets harder and does more things later on...

But I think there should be multiple instruments playing and you try and name them

all, or at least answer if a particular instrument was heard. Of course, for round one just

playing a clarinet sound and asking if that was a clarinet or piano... was pretty easy.

Same thing where you try and recognize different theory elements within a

composition, dynamics, pitch, tempo, etc

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. perfect

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Pretty familiar, I am a current guitar player and I played violin for many years in


Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. Yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

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Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I did not notice a difference between responses, as I only responded no. But Alexa

just said to respond either way. And I was told I could return later

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Sean Briscoe

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 23:

Test date

2018-04-29 09:42:17 AM PDT


12 minutes, 20 seconds



(Many voice logs indistinguishable; voice files may be corrupted)

alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?


Page 71: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?


I didn't understand properly. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

one. (User said, “First one”; still triggered.)

Nicely done. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?


Sorry, I am not sure what you said. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?


Excellent! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


I didn't quite get that. Now listen to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the

melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Great job! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Excellent! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Good job! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?

Red (User input indistinguishable)

Sorry, I am not sure what you said. Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?

that's forte

That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?

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Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 5

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. Had to repeat commands at certain times.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. The learning experience of the different sounds of instruments.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. nothing really

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Great

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Pretty good with music. ok with theory

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. yes

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

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Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. Did not recall

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Francis kearney

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 24:

Test date

2018-04-30 07:53:12 AM PDT


10 minutes, 8 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?

the second one

Nicely done. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first one

Page 74: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


Excellent! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or



Fantastic! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Nicely done. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Great job! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Sorry, I don’t think that’s correct. Would you like to try again?


Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Excellent! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Fantastic! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Nicely done. We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 7 correctly, 1

incorrectly. Please come back soon! To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up

multiple users, please tell me your 10 digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say,

Later, or say No.


OK, thank you for trying Bamboo Music.

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Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 8

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. No. Skill responded accordingly

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. Very clear to follow. Interaction was pleasant.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Voice could be more friendly. Particularly as many children will be using this. At

least different from the standard GPS or Siri sounding female voice.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. just fine

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. unanswered

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. unanswered

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

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Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I don't recall there being any difference between either of those options as they

were explained to us.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Kristopher Stewart

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 25:

Test date

2018-04-30 12:04:08 PM PDT


38 minutes, 16 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?


Is this ? Please answer yes or no.


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?

can one (User said, “Second one”; still triggered.)

Nope. Sorry about that. Would you like to try again?


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Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?


Sorry, I don’t think that’s correct. The correct answer was Second. . Which note is higher, the

first one or the second one?

first one

Nicely done. Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or



Fantastic! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Great job! . Are the notes marching up or down?


I'm thinking it's a different answer. Would you like to try again?

ok yes

Are the notes marching up or down?


No, sorry. The correct answer was Down. Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the

expressive elements of music. The dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes

or musical phrases. Listen to the two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE

dynamic. FORTE means loud. . This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means

quiet. Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Nicely done. Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


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Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Fantastic! We're all done for now. You answered 7 questions. You answered 4 correctly, 3

incorrectly. Please come back soon! To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up

multiple users, please tell me your 10 digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say,

Later, or say No.


To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up multiple users, please tell me your 10

digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say, Later, or say No. (User asks for help,

but receives a variation of the same editorial previously posted; maybe have “help” editorial

specific to the Bamboo Music skill.)


OK, thank you for trying Bamboo Music.


For Help, please visit the help pages on the Amazon web site.

alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?

open scales

Is this ? Please answer yes or no.


Great to see you back! , You are working on level 1 questions, and you haven't earned any

Bamboo Music badges yet. . Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the

other. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

first one

That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

can one (User said, “Second one”; still triggered.)

No, sorry. The correct answer was Second. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second


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alexa open bible music (User said, “Alexa open Bamboo Music”; still triggered.)

OK, I'll skip that one. Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each

instrument has a unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a

violin. .Now listen to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played the melody --

clarinet, piano, or violin?


Great job! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?

alexa open bible music (User said, “Alexa open Bamboo Music”; still triggered.)

OK, I'll skip that one. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Good job! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Great job! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Fantastic! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Nicely done. We're all done for now. You answered 6 questions. You answered 5 correctly, 1

incorrectly. Please come back soon! To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up

multiple users, please tell me your 10 digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say,

Later, or say No.


OK, thank you for trying Bamboo Music.

alexa open level two

open level two and bamboo music (User said, “Open level two in bamboo music”)

[Media File]

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alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. Ready?


Is this ? Please answer yes or no. (Same suggestion for specific help editorial for the Bamboo

Music skill.)

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 8

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. for the question major or minor it did not catch my answer

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. as a beginner without any knowledge on music it helps to learn and understand

different elements of music.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. some times the skill is not catching my answer properly and deciding its a wrong


Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. good

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. learner

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. no

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

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A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. For the answer "later" it immediately exited the skill For the answer "no" it

responded come back later

Q14. What is your name?

A14. kavya

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 26:

Test date

2018-04-30 12:40:37 PM PDT


9 minutes, 39 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?

Page 82: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


the first one

Nicely done. . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the second one

Good job! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Excellent! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Great job! . Are the notes marching up or down?

(Audio logs corrupted beyond this point)



Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 10 - very likely

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. When were doing ascending/descending set of 3 notes she didn't understand my

response "up" which may be due to network delay or just timing with the

communications back and forth

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. This skill is right up my alley as I have been working with basic music theory and

chord formations, it is an excellent idea and introduction for people to music in general

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. Nothing specific at this point but continue to try it

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Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Ok, no problems hearing

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I play guitar and some piano and know basic chord theory which I taught myself,

as mentioned previously I think the skill is an excellent idea

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. Yes 2 dots

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. I did not make it that far since the skill exited prematurely

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Sammy

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 27:

Test date

2018-04-30 01:28:44 PM PDT


Page 84: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


18 minutes, 36 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?

i'm ready

Is this ? Please answer yes or no. (Same “ready” trigger suggestion as before.)


[Media File]


For Help, please visit the help pages on the Amazon web site.

alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start ... Ready?

Red (User said, “Ready”; still triggered, despite previous “ready” attempts from other users not

triggering, but only repeated the intro editorial.)

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start ... Ready?


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?


That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?

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Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first one

I'm thinking it's a different answer. The correct answer was Second. . Which note is higher, the

first one or the second one?

the first one

Excellent! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or



Nicely done. Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


[Media File] (Somehow, user was kicked out of the skill.)


Sorry, I didn’t get that.


I didn’t get that.


[Media File]

alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start ... Ready?


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?

the first one

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Fantastic! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first one

Good job! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, Mary Had a Little Lamb melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or



Excellent! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Great job! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Nicely done. Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


That's not what I was thinking. Would you like to try again?


Now listen to this musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Good job! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Nicely done. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Excellent! We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 7 correctly, 1

incorrectly. Please come back soon! To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up

multiple users, please tell me your 10 digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say,

Later, or say No.

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OK, thank you for trying Bamboo Music.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 1

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 1 - very unlikely

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. At some point it paused for a really long time before playing up/down. It seemed

like it was frozen and somehow exited Bamboo.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. It seemed like a really good idea in theory. I liked the music instrument recognition

with mary had a little lamb

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. The response time. It felt like I was waiting forever to listen to instructions and

answer questions.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Fine.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I used to play piano and flute relatively well, though no longer play music.

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. Yes, but I haven't had it plugged in for a while.

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 2

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Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. NO

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. Now I see that later means I want to register later, but at the time I thought its

was like saying goodbye. Like: Later, Alexa, we'll hang out tonight.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Brenda Zanze

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 28:

Test date

2018-04-30 02:27:48 PM PDT


8 minutes, 30 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?


Page 89: Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis - Amazon S3...1 Bamboo Music: Transcripts and Analysis Project Overview Pulse Labs conducted confidential usability testing of the Bamboo Music


Excellent! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?


Great job! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, This Old Man melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?


Excellent! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Good job! . Are the notes marching up or down?


Fantastic! Let's learn Dynamics. Dynamics are one of the expressive elements of music. The

dynamics is the variation in loudness between musical notes or musical phrases. Listen to the

two musical phrases. . This phrase was played using the FORTE dynamic. FORTE means loud. .

This phrase was played using the PIANO dynamic. PIANO means quiet. Now listen to this

musical phrase. . Was it Forte or Piano?


Good job! Let's learn about chords. A chord is several notes played at the same time. .Major

chords sound happy. Minor chords sound sad. Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Fantastic! Listen to this chord. . Is it Major or Minor?


Nicely done. We're all done for now. You answered 8 questions. You answered 8 correctly, 0

incorrectly. Please come back soon! To register for Bamboo Music to get results and set up

multiple users, please tell me your 10 digit phone number including area code. Otherwise, say,

Later, or say No.


OK, thank you for trying Bamboo Music.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 4

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Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 4

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. one command was not read. I think I answered before Alexa was set to Listening.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I like the quiz aspect

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. More technical explanation on the difference between major and minor besides

"happy" and "sad" respectively.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. perfect

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. Intimately familiar as I am a musician. However, my knowledge of music theory,

especially notation, is weak (I play by ear).

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 5 - Very easy to understand

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

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Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. It didn't seem to make a difference; either closed the application. That said, "later"

suggests ask me again vs "no", which suggests not to ask me again.

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Mike Quatro

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 29:

Test date

2018-04-30 07:52:57 PM PDT


27 minutes, 34 seconds



alexa open bamboo music

Welcome to Bamboo Music. This skill will help you understand different elements of music,

including notes, instruments, scales, dynamics, chords, tempo, and intervals. Currently, there

are 3 different levels. Each level allows you to earn up to 7 badges. When you earn your 7th

badge, you'll move up a level. OK ... get ready to start .... Are you ready?


Let's Play High Low. I'll play two notes, and one is higher than the other. . Which note is higher,

the first one or the second one?


Fantastic! . Which note is higher, the first one or the second one?

the first one

Excellent! Let's play recognize the instrument. Listen carefully because each instrument has a

unique sound. Here is a clarinet playing. . Now here's a piano. . And finally, a violin. .Now listen

to, London Bridge melody. . Which instrument played the melody -- clarinet, piano, or violin?

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Good job! Let's play notes marching up and down. Try listening to three notes that I will play

one after the other. . Are the notes marching up or down?


Fantastic! . Are the notes marching up or down?


[Media File] (For some reason, the user was kicked out of the skill at this point.)

no it's a marching down

[Media File]


down vote notes are marching down

Hmm, I'm not sure.

no it's are marching down

Hmm, I don't know that.


For Help, please visit the help pages on the Amazon web site.


For Help, please visit the help pages on the Amazon web site.

the notes are marching down

Sorry, I don't know that one.

play the notes again

[Media File]

play the notes again

[Media File]

[Media File]

play the notes again

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

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A1. 3

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. unanswered

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


A3. When I got to the third exercise and responded 'The notes are marching down",

Alexa responded, "Um I don't know that one". This is not a helpful answer. I repeated

the answer several mores without a response from Alexa. I then asked to her to repeat

the question and again she indicated that she did not understand.

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. I enjoyed reviewing music basics such as whether the notes are going up or down

and which instruments are playing.

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. 1. Improve Alexa's ability to understand responses in a sentence rather than a just

single word. She seems to respond if I answer 'Up or down', but get confused if say 'The

note is going down/up'; 2. Speed up response time; 3. Make Help actually helpful by

telling the user what to do next rather than referring him to a website.

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. The volume of the music files was about right.

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. I am a beginner with a strong interest in learning more

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. unanswered

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 4

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 4

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

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A11. YES

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. YES

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. unanswered

Q14. What is your name?

A14. J.E. Ubico

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

User 30:

Test date

2018-04-30 07:58:01 PM PDT


10 minutes, 52 seconds



alexa open the music

Flow from Deezer.

Q1. How would you rate the skill? (1 star = very bad, 5 stars = very good)?

A1. 5

Q2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how likely are you to recommend the skill to a friend or family


A2. 7

Q3. At any time did the skill respond in a way that was not what you were expecting? If so,


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A3. unanswered

Q4. What aspects of the skill did you particularly enjoy?

A4. immediate response

Q5. What aspects of the skill would you recommend improving?

A5. unanswered

Q6. How was the volume of the music files?

A6. Excellent

Q7. How familiar are you with music and music theory?

A7. not much of this kind

Q8. Do you own an Amazon Alexa product?

A8. No

Q9. How easy was it to understand the music exercises?

A9. 4

Q10. Did you find the skill interesting?

A10. 5 - Very interesting

Q11. Do you feel you understood the concept of earning badges?

A11. NO

Q12. Did you like the idea of earning badges?

A12. unanswered

Q13. If you recall, when asked to register, what was the difference between responding "later"

vs "no"?

A13. Responding "later" means undecided and "no" means immediate decision

Q14. What is your name?

A14. Om Adhikari

Q15. What email address should we use to pay you via Paypal?

A15. [email protected]

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