ballast water treatment project

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  • 8/8/2019 Ballast Water Treatment Project


    Ballast WaterBallast Water

    Treatment ProjectTreatment Project

  • 8/8/2019 Ballast Water Treatment Project


    BackgroundBackground About 400 Marine and estuarine nonAbout 400 Marine and estuarine non--indigenousindigenous

    species (NIS) established in USAspecies (NIS) established in USA

    Global movement of ballast water is single largestGlobal movement of ballast water is single largesttransfer mechanism for marine NIStransfer mechanism for marine NIS

    Transfer of NIS within ballast large issue on geoTransfer of NIS within ballast large issue on geo--political landscapepolitical landscape

    BPOSC sponsored development of worlds firstBPOSC sponsored development of worlds firstballast water treatment system for tankersballast water treatment system for tankers

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    Project PartnersProject Partners BP Oil Shipping Company USABP Oil Shipping Company USA Nutech O3Nutech O3 Northeast Technical Services Co. Inc.Northeast Technical Services Co. Inc.

    USCGUSCG USEPAUSEPA US Fish and WildlifeUS Fish and Wildlife

    University of North CarolinaUniversity of North Carolina Washington Smithsonian Environmental ResearchWashington Smithsonian Environmental Research Local NGOs including PWS Citizens Advisory CouncilLocal NGOs including PWS Citizens Advisory Council

  • 8/8/2019 Ballast Water Treatment Project


    Why Ozone?Why Ozone? 0033 primarily used to disinfect waterprimarily used to disinfect water 0033 reacts with seawater to create iodine andreacts with seawater to create iodine and

    hydrobromus acid to kill bacteria, viruses andhydrobromus acid to kill bacteria, viruses andmarine organismsmarine organisms

    Interaction of 0Interaction of 033 and seawater is unstableand seawater is unstable once disinfected seawater returns to original stateonce disinfected seawater returns to original state

    Treatment nonTreatment non--corrosivecorrosive

    can be safely discharged without harm to local aquaticcan be safely discharged without harm to local aquaticlifelife

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    Ballast Water Treatment ProjectBallast Water Treatment Project

    Nutechs SCX 2000 System installed on ATCNutechs SCX 2000 System installed on ATCtanker Tonsina in September 2000 intanker Tonsina in September 2000 in

    Hyundai SY KoreaHyundai SY Korea 120K DWT double hulled tanker120K DWT double hulled tankerApproximately 47K metric tons ofApproximately 47K metric tons of

    segregated ballastsegregated ballast

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    Installing ozone generator on Tanker TonsinaInstalling ozone generator on Tanker Tonsina

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    How Does it Work?How Does it Work? Stream of 0Stream of 022 enriched air through an electrodeenriched air through an electrode Electric arc created in electrodeElectric arc created in electrode Resulting 0Resulting 033 created is piped to ballast tanks andcreated is piped to ballast tanks and

    released into ballast water via diffusersreleased into ballast water via diffusers 1800 grams/hour of 01800 grams/hour of 033 is distributed to 15 ballastis distributed to 15 ballast

    tanks via 700 meters of pipe and 1200 stonetanks via 700 meters of pipe and 1200 stonediffusersdiffusers

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    Phase 1 Study ObjectivesPhase 1 Study Objectives

    Evaluate chemical and biological quality of ballastEvaluate chemical and biological quality of ballastwater in treated vs. control ballast water tanks overwater in treated vs. control ballast water tanks over5 hour and 10 hour ozonation periods5 hour and 10 hour ozonation periods

    Compare effectiveness of 0Compare effectiveness of 033 induced reductions ininduced reductions inorganism abundance and diversity to theorganism abundance and diversity to thebenchmark of ballast water exchangebenchmark of ballast water exchange

    Evaluate potential toxicity (via 0Evaluate potential toxicity (via 033

    & by products) of& by products) ofpostpost--treatment ballast water prior to dischargetreatment ballast water prior to dischargeusing whole effluent toxicity (WET) testsusing whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests

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    Preliminary Test ResultsPreliminary Test Results

    Kills in excess of 99.9% bacteria in 5 hoursKills in excess of 99.9% bacteria in 5 hours 90% kill rate of zooplankton after 10 hours90% kill rate of zooplankton after 10 hours 8585--90% kill rate of small fish and crabs90% kill rate of small fish and crabs

    Toxicity of ozonated seawater very low and noToxicity of ozonated seawater very low and noproblem for immediate dischargeproblem for immediate discharge 0033 distribution was unevendistribution was uneven--expect higher kill rateexpect higher kill rate

    of biota in next series of experimentsof biota in next series of experiments

    Toxicity of ozonated seawater was very lowToxicity of ozonated seawater was very low---- nonoproblem for immediate dischargeproblem for immediate discharge

  • 8/8/2019 Ballast Water Treatment Project


    IMO Ballast Water ConventionIMO Ballast Water ConventionDiplomatic Conference Feb. 2004Diplomatic Conference Feb. 2004

    International Convention for the Control andInternational Convention for the Control andManagement of Ships' Ballast Water and SedimentsManagement of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments

    Adoption: 13 February 2004Adoption: 13 February 2004 Entry into force: 12 months after ratification by 3Entry into force: 12 months after ratification by 3States, representing 35 per cent of world merchantStates, representing 35 per cent of world merchantshipping tonnageshipping tonnage

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    General ObligationsGeneral ObligationsWith respect to the prevention, reduction orWith respect to the prevention, reduction orelimination of the transfer of harmful aquaticelimination of the transfer of harmful aquatic

    organisms and pathogens through the control andorganisms and pathogens through the control and

    management of ships' ballast water and sediments,management of ships' ballast water and sediments,consistent with international law. Parties shouldconsistent with international law. Parties shouldensure that ballast water management practices doensure that ballast water management practices donot cause greater harm than they prevent to theirnot cause greater harm than they prevent to theirenvironment, human health, property or resources,environment, human health, property or resources,

    or those of other Statesor those of other States

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    Reception facilitiesReception facilities

    Parties undertake to ensure that ports andParties undertake to ensure that ports andterminals where cleaning or repair of ballast tanksterminals where cleaning or repair of ballast tanksoccurs, have adequate reception facilities for theoccurs, have adequate reception facilities for thereception of sedimentsreception of sediments

    Research and monitoringResearch and monitoring Calls for individually or jointly to promote andCalls for individually or jointly to promote andfacilitate scientific and technical research on ballastfacilitate scientific and technical research on ballastwater management; and monitor the effects ofwater management; and monitor the effects ofballast water management in waters under theirballast water management in waters under their


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    Survey, certification and inspectionSurvey, certification and inspection Ships are required to be surveyed and certifiedShips are required to be surveyed and certified

    and may be inspected by PSC who can verifyand may be inspected by PSC who can verifythat the shipthat the ship

    has a valid certificatehas a valid certificate inspect the Ballast Water Record Bookinspect the Ballast Water Record Book sample the ballast watersample the ballast water

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    Survey, certification and inspectionSurvey, certification and inspection

    If there are concernsIf there are concerns a detailed inspection may be carried outa detailed inspection may be carried out Party carrying out the inspection shallParty carrying out the inspection shall

    take such steps as will ensure that the ship shall nottake such steps as will ensure that the ship shall notdischarge Ballast Water until it can do so withoutdischarge Ballast Water until it can do so withoutpresenting a threat of harm to the environment, humanpresenting a threat of harm to the environment, humanhealth, property or resources."health, property or resources."

    All possible efforts shall be made to avoid a shipAll possible efforts shall be made to avoid a ship

    being unduly detained or delayedbeing unduly detained or delayed

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    Survey, certification and inspectionSurvey, certification and inspection

    Technical assistanceTechnical assistanceAvailable forAvailable for Training personnelTraining personnel Ensure the availability of relevant technology,Ensure the availability of relevant technology,

    equipment and facilitiesequipment and facilities

    Initiate joint research and development programmesInitiate joint research and development programmes Undertake other action aimed at the effectiveUndertake other action aimed at the effective

    implementation of this Conventionimplementation of this Convention

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    AnnexAnnex -- Section A General ProvisionsSection A General Provisions

    This includes definitions, application & exemptionsThis includes definitions, application & exemptions

    Under Regulation AUnder Regulation A--2 General Applicability: "Except where2 General Applicability: "Except where

    expressly provided otherwise, the discharge of Ballastexpressly provided otherwise, the discharge of Ballast

    Water shall only be conducted through Ballast WaterWater shall only be conducted through Ballast WaterManagement, in accordance with the provisions of thisManagement, in accordance with the provisions of this


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    AnnexAnnex -- Section BSection B

    Management and Control Requirements for ShipsManagement and Control Requirements for Ships

    Ships are required to have on board and implement a BallastShips are required to have on board and implement a Ballast

    Water Management Plan approved by the AdministrationWater Management Plan approved by the Administration

    (Regulation B(Regulation B--1). The Ballast Water Management Plan is1). The Ballast Water Management Plan is

    specific to each ship and includes a detailed description of thespecific to each ship and includes a detailed description of the

    actions to be taken to implement the Ballast Wateractions to be taken to implement the Ballast Water


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    Ships must have a Ballast Water Record Book (Regulation BShips must have a Ballast Water Record Book (Regulation B--

    2) to record when ballast water is taken on board; circulated or2) to record when ballast water is taken on board; circulated or

    treated for Ballast Water Management purposes; andtreated for Ballast Water Management purposes; and

    discharged into the sea. It should also record when Ballastdischarged into the sea. It should also record when Ballast

    Water is discharged to a reception facility and accidental orWater is discharged to a reception facility and accidental or

    other exceptional discharges of Ballast Waterother exceptional discharges of Ballast Water

    The specific requirements for ballast water management areThe specific requirements for ballast water management are

    contained in regulation Bcontained in regulation B--3 Ballast Water Management for3 Ballast Water Management for

    Ships:. Ships constructed before 2009 with a ballast waterShips:. Ships constructed before 2009 with a ballast water

    capacity of between 1500 and 5000 cubic metres must conductcapacity of between 1500 and 5000 cubic metres must conduct

    ballast water management that at least meets the ballast waterballast water management that at least meets the ballast water

    exchange standards or the ballast water performance standardsexchange standards or the ballast water performance standards

    until 2014, after which time it shall at least meet the ballastuntil 2014, after which time it shall at least meet the ballast

    water performancewater performance

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    . Ships constructed before 2009 with a ballast water capacity of. Ships constructed before 2009 with a ballast water capacity of

    less than 1500 or greater than 5000 cubic metres must conductless than 1500 or greater than 5000 cubic metres must conduct

    ballast waterballast water

    management that at least meets the ballast watermanagement that at least meets the ballast waterexchange standards or the ballast waterexchange standards or the ballast waterperformance standards until 2016, after whichperformance standards until 2016, after whichtime it shall at least meet the ballast watertime it shall at least meet the ballast waterperformance standard.performance standard.

    . Ships constructed in or after 2009 with a ballast water. Ships constructed in or after 2009 with a ballast water

    capacity of less than 5000 cubic metres must conduct ballastcapacity of less than 5000 cubic metres must conduct ballast

    water management that at least meets the ballast waterwater management that at least meets the ballast water

    performance standard.performance standard.


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  • 8/8/2019 Ballast Water Treatment Project


    Under Regulation BUnder Regulation B--4 Ballast Water Exchange, all ships using ballast water exchange4 Ballast Water Exchange, all ships using ballast water exchange


    :: .. whenever possible, conduct ballast water exchange at least 200whenever possible, conduct ballast water exchange at least 200

    nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 metresnautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 metres

    in depth, taking into account Guidelines developed by IMO;in depth, taking into account Guidelines developed by IMO;

    .. in cases where the ship is unable to conduct ballast water exchange.. in cases where the ship is unable to conduct ballast water exchange

    as above, this should be as far from the nearest land as possible, andas above, this should be as far from the nearest land as possible, and

    in all cases at least 50 nautical miles from the nearest land and inin all cases at least 50 nautical miles from the nearest land and in

    water at least 200 metres in depthwater at least 200 metres in depth..

    When these requirements cannot be met areas may be designated where shipsWhen these requirements cannot be met areas may be designated where ships

    can conduct ballast water exchange. All ships shall remove and dispose ofcan conduct ballast water exchange. All ships shall remove and dispose of

    sediments from spaces designated to carry ballast water in accordance with thesediments from spaces designated to carry ballast water in accordance with the

    provisions of the ships' ballast water management plan (Regulation Bprovisions of the ships' ballast water management plan (Regulation B--4).4).

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    AnnexAnnex -- Section C Additional measuresSection C Additional measures

    A Party, individually or jointly with other Parties,A Party, individually or jointly with other Parties,

    may impose on ships additional measures to prevent, reduce, ormay impose on ships additional measures to prevent, reduce, or

    eliminate the transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogenseliminate the transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens

    through ships' Ballast Water and Sediments.through ships' Ballast Water and Sediments.

    In these cases, the Party or Parties should consult with adjoining orIn these cases, the Party or Parties should consult with adjoining or

    nearby States that may be affected by such standards or requirementsnearby States that may be affected by such standards or requirements

    and should communicate their intention to establish additionaland should communicate their intention to establish additional

    measure(s) to the Organization at least 6 months, except in emergencymeasure(s) to the Organization at least 6 months, except in emergency

    or epidemic situations, prior toor epidemic situations, prior to

    the projected date of implementation of the measure(s). Whenthe projected date of implementation of the measure(s). When

    appropriate, Parties will have to obtain the approval of IMO.appropriate, Parties will have to obtain the approval of IMO.

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    AnnexAnnex -- Section D Standards for Ballast WaterSection D Standards for Ballast Water


    There is a ballast water exchange standard and aThere is a ballast water exchange standard and a

    ballast water performance standard. Ballast water exchangeballast water performance standard. Ballast water exchange

    could be used to meet the performance standard:could be used to meet the performance standard:

    RegulationRegulation DD--ll BallastBallast WaterWater ExchangeExchange StandardStandard -- ShipsShips performingperforming BallastBallast WaterWaterexchangeexchange shallshall dodo soso withwith anan efficiencyefficiency ofof

    95 per cent volumetric exchange of Ballast Water. For ships exchanging ballast water95 per cent volumetric exchange of Ballast Water. For ships exchanging ballast water

    by the pumpingby the pumping--through method, pumping through three times thethrough method, pumping through three times the

    volume of each ballast water tank shall be considered to meet thevolume of each ballast water tank shall be considered to meet thestandard described. Pumping through less than three times the volumestandard described. Pumping through less than three times the volume

    may be accepted provided the ship can demonstrate that at least 95may be accepted provided the ship can demonstrate that at least 95

    percent volumetric exchange is met.percent volumetric exchange is met.

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    Regulation DRegulation D--2 Ballast Water Performance2 Ballast Water Performance

    StandardStandard -- Ships conducting ballast waterShips conducting ballast watermanagement shall discharge less than 10 viablemanagement shall discharge less than 10 viable

    organisms per cubic metre greater than or equal toorganisms per cubic metre greater than or equal to

    50 micrometres in minimum dimension and less50 micrometres in minimum dimension and less

    than 10 viable organisms per milliliter less than 50than 10 viable organisms per milliliter less than 50

    micrometres in minimum dimension and greatermicrometres in minimum dimension and greater

    than or equal to 10than or equal to 10

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    Review of standardsReview of standards

    Under regulation DUnder regulation D--5 Review of Standards by the5 Review of Standards by the

    Organization, IMO is required to review the Ballast WaterOrganization, IMO is required to review the Ballast Water

    Performance Standard, taking into account a number ofPerformance Standard, taking into account a number of

    criteria including safety considerations; environmentalcriteria including safety considerations; environmental

    acceptability, i.e., not causing more or greateracceptability, i.e., not causing more or greater

    environmental impacts than it solves; practicability, i.e.,environmental impacts than it solves; practicability, i.e.,

    compatibility with ship design anj operations; costcompatibility with ship design anj operations; cost

    effectiveness; and biological effectiveness in terms ofeffectiveness; and biological effectiveness in terms of

    removing, or otherwiseremoving, or otherwise

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    rendering inactive harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens inrendering inactive harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in

    ballast water. The review should include a determination ofballast water. The review should include a determination of

    whether appropriate technologies are available to achieve thewhether appropriate technologies are available to achieve the

    standard, an assessment of the above mentioned criteria, anc anstandard, an assessment of the above mentioned criteria, anc an

    assessment of the socioassessment of the socio--economic effect(s) specifically ineconomic effect(s) specifically in

    relation to the developmental needs c developing countries,relation to the developmental needs c developing countries,

    particularly small island developing States.particularly small island developing States.

    AnnexAnnex-- Section E Survey and CertificationSection E Survey and Certification

    Requirements for Ballast Water ManagementRequirements for Ballast Water Management GivesGives

    requirements for initial renewal, annual, intermediate andrequirements for initial renewal, annual, intermediate and

    renewal surveys and certification requirements. Appendices giverenewal surveys and certification requirements. Appendices give

    form of Ballast WatE Management Certificate and Form ofform of Ballast WatE Management Certificate and Form of

    Ballast Water Record Book.Ballast Water Record Book.

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    micrometres in minimum dimension; and discharge of the indicator microbes shall notmicrometres in minimum dimension; and discharge of the indicator microbes shall not

    exceed the specified concentrations.exceed the specified concentrations.

    The indicator microbes, as a human health standard, include, but are not be limited to: a.The indicator microbes, as a human health standard, include, but are not be limited to: a.

    Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (01 and 0139) with less than 1 colony forming unitToxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (01 and 0139) with less than 1 colony forming unit

    (cfu) per 100 milliliters or less than 1 cfu per 1 gram (wet(cfu) per 100 milliliters or less than 1 cfu per 1 gram (wet

    weight) zooplankton samples;weight) zooplankton samples;

    b. Escherichia coli less than 250 cfu per 100 milliliters;b. Escherichia coli less than 250 cfu per 100 milliliters;

    c. Intestinal Enterococci less than 100 cfu per 100 milliliters.c. Intestinal Enterococci less than 100 cfu per 100 milliliters.

    Ballast Water Management systems must be approved by the Administration inBallast Water Management systems must be approved by the Administration in

    accordance with IMO Guidelines (Regulation Daccordance with IMO Guidelines (Regulation D--3 Approval requirements for Ballast3 Approval requirements for Ballast

    Water Management systems). These include systems which make useWater Management systems). These include systems which make use of Waterof Water.. chemicals or biocides; make use of organisms or biological mechanisms; or which alterchemicals or biocides; make use of organisms or biological mechanisms; or which alter

    the chemical or physical characteristics of the Ballastthe chemical or physical characteristics of the Ballast

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    Prototype technologiesPrototype technologies

    Regulation DRegulation D--4 covers Prototype Ballast Water Treatment Technologies. It4 covers Prototype Ballast Water Treatment Technologies. It

    allows for ships participating in a programme approved by the Administrationallows for ships participating in a programme approved by the Administration

    to test and evaluate promising Ballast Water treatment technologies to have ato test and evaluate promising Ballast Water treatment technologies to have a

    leeway of five years before having to comply with the requirements.leeway of five years before having to comply with the requirements.

    Resolutions adopted by the ConferenceResolutions adopted by the Conference

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    The Conference also adopted four resolutions:The Conference also adopted four resolutions:

    . Conference resolution 1: Future work by the Organization. Conference resolution 1: Future work by the Organization

    pertaining to the International Convention for the Control andpertaining to the International Convention for the Control and

    Management of Ships' Ballast Water and SedimentsManagement of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments

    . Conference resolution 2: The use of decisionmaking tools. Conference resolution 2: The use of decisionmaking tools

    when reviewing the standards pursuant to Regulation Dwhen reviewing the standards pursuant to Regulation D--55

    . Conference resolution 3: Promotion of technical. Conference resolution 3: Promotion of technical coco--operation andoperation andassistanceassistance

    .. ConferenceConference resolutionresolution 44:: ReviewReview ofof thethe AnnexAnnex t