ballast lane at north shore tech council 2

Picking the Right Areas for Mobile in Your Por7olio Larry Ehrhardt Ballast Lane Applica>ons, LLC

Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Larry Ehrhardt of Ballast Lane Application shared again at the North Shore Technology Council's IT SIG meeting


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Picking  the  Right  Areas  for    Mobile  in  Your  Por7olio  

Larry  Ehrhardt  Ballast  Lane  Applica>ons,  LLC  

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•  A  look  at  a  few  “Men>oned”  apps  

•  Por7olio  Selec>on  Criteria    •  A  couple  of  case  studies  

•  Ques>ons  /  discussion  

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Card  Munch  

• Men>oned  by  App  Annie  on  MSNBC  

 •  Bought  by  LinkedIn  in  2011  

 •  Camera  connected  to  a  sweatshop  

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• Men>oned  at  Xconomy  

 •  Removes  scheduling  and  transac>on  fric>on  

 •  Historically  mundane  industry  with  liQle  tech  

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• Men>oned  at  My  House  

 •  Portability,  search,  recommenda>ons  

 •  Same  content,  but  much  beQer  user  experience  

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1.  Removed  the  Data  Collec>on  Barrier  

•  Gather  Data  With  Other  Tools  – Camera  – Loca>on  

•  GPS  •  Wifi  /  bluetooth  

– Scanner  – Transac>ons  – Algorithms  – Voice  – Facebook  /  customer  account  


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2.  Focused  and  BeQer  

•  Limited  use  cases  

•  Offloaded  data  intensive  work  to  the  web  

•  Built  on  rich  content  

•  Significantly  improved  status  quo  

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3.    Neatly  Fit  a  Business  Driver  

•  Marke>ng  /  customer  acquisi>on  


•  Help  users  do  something  beQer  


•  Deliver  something  new  

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Adding  Mobility  to  Current  Assets  

•  Picking  the  opportunity    •  Designing  for  the  opportunity    •  Dealing  with  APIs  

•  Selec>ng  the  pla7orm(s)  

•  Improving  the  app  over  >me  

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Case  Studies  

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Website  –    Designed  for  Scanning  &  Drill  Down  

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Mobile  App  –  Designed  for  Paging  and  Discovery  

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Website  –    Color  Matching  Online  Items  

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Mobile  App  –  Matching  Your  Items  

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APIs  •  Custom  APIs  

– RESTful  – SOAP  

•  Web  Pla7orm  APIs  – Drupal  – Wordpress  

•  Mobile  “Back-­‐Ends”  – Kinvey  – Parse  

•  Quality  Checks  – User  Management  – Performance  – Completeness  – Consistency  – Error  Messaging  – Versioning  – Mobile  Libraries  – Caching  

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App  Pla7orm  Choice:      Business  and  Technical  Decision  Na-ve   Mobile  Web   Cross  Pla7orm  

Owner  Demographics  

Distribu>on  Flexibility  Library  Support  

Quality  of  Experience  

Development  Costs  Pla7orm  Op>miza>on  

Pla7orm  Switching  /  Evolu>on  

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Design  In  Ways  to  Learn  About  Users  


App  Sign-­‐up  

Event  Tracking  

Crash  Reports  

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Adding  Mobility  to  Current  Assets  

•  Picking  the  opportunity  

•  Designing  for  the  opportunity  

•  Dealing  with  APIs  

•  Pla7orm(s)  selec>on  

•  Improving  the  app  over  >me  

Ø  Based  on  goal  and  the  fit  

Ø  Leverage  the  device  

Ø  Start  here  and  monitor  quality  

Ø Na>ve  

Ø  Add  analy>cs  

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Discussion  /  Ques>ons  

Larry  Ehrhardt  617  233  8381  

[email protected]