bal dominique ad book 2012

Bal Dominique Supporting Financial Assistance 2012

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Bal Dominique Ad Book 2012


Bal DominiqueSupporting Financial Assistance


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Trinity High School Board of Directors

Cordially Welcomes You


Bal Dominique 2012Supporting Financial Assistance


Michelle Germanson, O.P.Trinitarian Award Recipient

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Drake Hotel - Gold Coast Room140 East Walton Place

Chicago, Illinois

Dinner and Dancing

The Al Sophia Orchestra

Cocktails 6:30 pm Dinner 7:30 pm

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Board of Directors2011-2012

Warren N. Barr, III

Angelo Bonadonna, Ph.D.

Mary Ellen Boyle Callow ‘63

Margaret Kearin Carey ‘53

Mary Ann Casey, O.P.

Brian Donlan

Doug DuBois

Mary J. Foley

Michelle Germanson, O.P.

Cary J. Hall

Kevin P. Hanley

James A. Hasley

Judith Winterhalter Herbstritt ‘58

Diane Kennedy, O.P. ‘51

Kathleen G. Kurtenbach

Michele Ventimilla Latz ‘79

P. Daniel Liska

Wendy Milewski Planek ‘83

Cathy Platt

John J. Reidy, III

Gabriele Romanucci

Allan C. Ryan

Rev. Monsignor Kenneth Velo

Ann Campagna

Robert F. Coleman

Thomas Collins

Terence Donlin

Michael Furey

Susan Kaszynski '71

John Kennelly

Dennis G. Kenny

Eugene McEnery, M.D.

Triss Brady Meyer ‘67

Marianne O’Donoghue, M.D.

U Margaret McGuire Powers '45

John Rubino

Melissa Waters, O.P.

William T. PlanekChair

Mary T. Schneider, Ph.D.Vice Chair

Eduardo A. CoronadoSecretary

Board Emeritus

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Bal Dominique: Supporting Financial AssistanceThe Bal Dominique gala event grew from the Trinity High School Father's Club "Builder'sDinner" in 1964. For thirty years Mother's and Father's Club Presidents were chairs of theevent until 1994 when it became a Board of Directors sponsored event. In 2004 thetagline "Supporting Financial Assistance" was added to clearly define the vision andobjective for those that support this annual event.

Bal Dominique ChairsWilliam and Katie Planek

Bal Dominique Honorary Co-ChairsSalvatore and Ann Campagna

Robert and Marcia Coleman

Thomas and Roxanne Collins

Florence Dillon Cullerton ‘64

Brian and Tracey Donlan

Thomas and Tina Grusecki

Mrs. Bernard (Suzanne Burns ‘51) Hanley

John and Colleen (McMahon ‘78) Horrigan

John and Joanne (Smith ‘64) Kennelly

Mary Prendergast ‘60

Hugh and Mary Totten

Bal DominiqueCommitteeRandall and Karen Bacidore

Gene and Connie Barsanti

Anna Bartolon

Maureen Kelly Bransfield ‘54

Todd and Erin Dressel

Ronald and Pamela Dryier

Daniel and Mary Kathleen (Hanrahan ‘76) Hefner

John and Juanita Jakubec

Bill and Cathy (Cullen ‘86) Kane

Dennis and Mary Ellen (Thallemer ‘62) Kenny

P. Daniel and Pamela Liska

Timothy and Triss (Brady ‘67) Meyer

John and Maureen Morrissey

James and Cathy Platt

T.J. and Patricia Spohnholtz

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On behalf of the Board of Directors of Trinity High School, we welcome you to Bal Dominique 2012. What a truly"awesome" opportunity to come together to support the mission of Trinity High School! For 94 years young women havebeen nurtured and guided in this unique Christ-filled community on Division Street -- a community grounded in the neverending love that flows from God to each of us. Each successive generation of Blazers has worked to build upon thefoundation laid by those brave young Sinsinawa Dominican pioneers who came to River Forest to share their love for Christand education. Tonight we gather to empower Trinity to continue to blaze new trails and to encourage each student tobecome lifelong learners who are self-directed towards responsible participation in their Christian faith and the globalcommunity in order to positively impact society, Church and family.

Over the last 20 years Trinity has been blessed with the transforming leadership of tonight's honoree, Sister MichelleGermanson, President of Trinity High School. Trinity's mission statement challenges its students to seek faith, knowledge andtruth. Sister Michelle embodies that mission as she labors tirelessly in the advancement of Trinity. Her faith in the vision forTrinity allows her to be true to its traditions while leading this remarkable school in bold new directions. Sr. Michelle's blazingaccomplishments are many; the introduction of the International Baccalaureate Program, block scheduling, the Dominicanuniversity Scholars Program and placing a priority on maintaining state of the art technology in order to challenge 21stcentury Trinity students, are all part of her legacy. We cannot leave out the importance of the construction of SMGAF andthe completion of the Health and Fitness Center, concrete evidence of Sr. Michelle's faith in Trinity's bright future. Also, inkeeping with Trinity's all girls tradition, Sister Michelle has remained steadfast in the certain knowledge that a single-genderenvironment provides young women with an education that connects individually, allows each student to personally shineand ensures an educational excellence that will follow these women as they continue their journey as bold pioneers.

From the beginning Sister Michelle knew that for Trinity to thrive responsibility for its future must be shared among its manystakeholders. Today Trinity is the beneficiary of a vibrant and active Board of Directors who, under Sister's leadership, worksclosely with the faculty and staff to support innovation and sustainability. Sister has called upon and encouraged alumnaeand members of the Trinity community to enthusiastically join in our growing effort to make Trinity available to all throughthe support of the tuition assistance and other programs. Sisters vibrant energy and love for Trinity infects current parentsand students, inspiring them to make incredible efforts to bridge the tuition funding gap in ways large and small.

As a Sinsinawa Dominican, following the trail of those pioneers who built Trinity High School and continue to support itsmission, Sister Michelle is living proof of the absolute truth and power of all that the Gospel teaches. Through her sincerityin purpose, Sister Michelle instills trust and commitment in all the lives she touches as well as an assuredness that all thosein the Trinity community share in her commitment to see this great school continue to thrive for the sake of its students andthose who love Trinity, past, present and future.

"Sweet Jesus" it "happies our hearts" to have such an "awesome" honoree. We love you, Sister Michelle.

William T. PlanekBoard Chair

7574 West Division StreetRiver Forest, IL 60305

Tel: 708.771.8383 Fax:

A Letter From the Board Chair

Wil l iam T. P lanek

T H E D O M I N I C A N C O L L E G E P R E P A R A T O R Y S C H O O L F O R Y O u N G W O M E N

7574 West Division Street • River Forest, IL 60305 • Tel: 708.771.8383 • Fax: 708.488.2014 •

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My Dear Friends,

I am truly awestruck by the spirit of this evening as well as the honor being bestowed on me! It truly is alwayseasier when it is someone else! But me, Sweet Jesus, I was, and am, just doing my job and in so doing, do whatI love! Heavens, I would never be doing something for twenty years unless it "happied my heart". I get bored tooeasily and Lord knows that is impossible at Trinity!

My awesome God's loving providence guided me toward Trinity. I immediately fell in love with the Trinitycommunity the moment I walked around the cafeteria and met the students. In my saying, "Yes", I really wasn'tquite sure what I was getting myself into. Oh, what an adventure it has been! This adventure has given purposeto my life and led me to come to know so many amazing individuals: alums, benefactors, students and families.I love how everyone is so connected! The commitment and dedication of the administration, faculty and staff haveinspired and sustained me over the years. Blessed is the Trinity community! Blessed am I to be a part of sharingsuch an awesome mission with such phenomenal people! The community of Trinity, enamored with the mission,truly demonstrates Blazers blazing the trail. Together, we are bold pioneers! Look what we have done!

Praise Jesus, I thrive on challenge; for it is in challenge that I came to know the true heart of Trinity -- the students!Trinity has and continues to empower young women to be their best selves. Because of them, I bleed blue. I thinkand do all things in threes. I believe in all things Trinity!

With this awesome mission, and in partnership with each of you, we have catapulted Trinity into the presentmoment! People stand in awe of all that we have been and all that we continue to be. Together, WE ARETRINITY!!! Together we have made an imprint on the lives of our young women. We believe. We celebrate. Weare awesome!

Thank you for your partnership, for your continued support, and for your sustaining friendship! In your name, Ihumbly accept this honor. Blessed am I to be a Trinity Blazer!

May each of us stay ever close to the heart of Trinity!

Michelle Germanson, O.P.President

T H E D O M I N I C A N C O L L E G E P R E P A R A T O R Y S C H O O L F O R Y O u N G W O M E N

7574 West Division Street • River Forest, IL 60305 • Tel: 708.771.8383 • Fax: 708.488.2014 •

7574 West Division StreetRiver Forest, IL 60305

Tel: 708.771.8383 Fax:

A Letter From the President

Michel le Germanson, O.P.

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T H E D O M I N I C A N C O L L E G E P R E P A R A T O R Y S C H O O L F O R Y O u N G W O M E N

7574 West Division Street • River Forest, IL 60305 • Tel: 708.771.8383 • Fax: 708.488.2014 •

Dear Friends of Trinity,

Welcome to Bal Dominique! This year is a very special one in the history of our event for we honor Sr. Michellefor her twenty years of devoted service to Trinity High School. During those twenty years Trinity has grown to be apremier school in the tradition of the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa and a pioneer in education in the Archdioceseof Chicago. Sister has led us as we adopted the International Baccalaureate Program and initiated blockscheduling. We have expanded our student population to the far reaches of both Chicago and the suburbs andwork to provide each Blazer with a strong Catholic education, a strong academic foundation, and a well-roundedexperience in athletics, fine arts, club activities, and service to others.

Each student is recognized as a unique individual and is actively involved in every facet of her education. Blazersstudy hard, amassing many academic awards and scholarships; they participate in athletics as members ormanagers of over ten athletic teams at the varsity, junior varsity and freshman levels; over fifty percent of the studentbody participates in some kind of fine arts activity, either in the performing or visual arts. Blazers participate in overforty clubs and every club performs some community service. Students travel to other countries either to aid thepoor, participate in field research or engage in cultural exchanges. Trinity students work toward responsibleparticipation in the global community in order to impact society, church and family. Many students engage in theseactivities as they work to help their parents and guardians pay for their Trinity education.

Now, more than ever, we need your support to continue the work we are doing with these fine young women. Itis our dream to assure that no student who wants a Trinity education will be denied that education due to hardeconomic times or their family's financial reverses. Many families depend upon two incomes to pay the tuition atthe same time that they are taking care of aging parents and helping other family members stay afloat. Ourgraduates become leaders in their communities, professionals who are either working in the helping professionsor working in business and volunteering in their spare time. They have been prepared for a life of service and feela strong obligation to help others. We need you to help them now, so that they can help others in the future.

Your support truly makes a difference in their lives as they carry on the Trinity tradition of servant leadership. Thankyou so much for helping us make this happen again this year.

Enjoy the evening!

Antonia C. Bouillette, Ph.D.Principal

7574 West Division StreetRiver Forest, IL 60305

Tel: 708.771.8383 Fax:

A Letter From the Principal

Antonia C. Boui l le t te , Ph.D.

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1964-65 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kirby

1965-66 Mr. John Tobin

Mrs. Joseph Carrigan

1966-67 Mr. James Harmon

Mrs. Joseph Carrigan

1967-68 Mr. George Cormack

Mrs. James Braniff

1968-69 Mr. Joseph Anlauff

Mrs. Frank Smith

1969-70 Dr. Frank Smith

Mrs. James O’Connell

1970-71 Mr. Joseph Mungovan

Mrs. James Froelich

1971-72 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Montroy

1972-73 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennedy

1973-74 Mr. George Schiewe

Mrs. Joseph Mungovan

1974-75 Mr. & Mrs. James Gardner

1975-76 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gorski

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Janowiak

1976-77 Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Devereux

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Healy

1977-78 Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Devereux

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weithers

1978-79 Dr. & Mrs. John Picchietti

1979-80 Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Bransfield

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bruce

1980-81 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Juckniess

1981-82 Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Cullen

1982-83 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Juckniess

1983-84 Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pope

1984-85 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Katauskas

Mr. & Mrs. John O’Brien

1985-86 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montalbano

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Spina

1986-87 Mr. & Mrs. James Carney

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coleman

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cronin

1987-88 Mr. & Mrs. James Carney

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coleman

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cronin

1988-89 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coleman

1989-90 Mr. & Mrs. Martin McGowan

1990-91 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Speziale

1991-92 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Meyer

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shaker

1992-93 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furey

Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy

1993-94 Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Cullerton

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hennessy

1994-95 Trinity High School Board of Directors

1995-96 Hon. & Mrs. John Morrissey

1996-97 Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Herald

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Matthews

1997-98 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McMahon

Mr. & Mrs. James Powers

1998-99 Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Cullerton

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hennessy

Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Herald

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Matthews

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McMahon

Hon. & Mrs. John Morrissey

Mr. & Mrs. James Powers

1999-00 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kenny

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pope

2000-01 Mr. & Mrs. John Horrigan

Ms. Carroll McMahon

& Mr. Patrick Clifford

2001-02 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bollettino

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Newell

2002-03 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beeman

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Brennan

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Jacobson

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel James

Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly

Diane Kennedy, O.P.

2003-04 Mrs. Rita Brown

Mrs. Margaret Hough

Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly

Mrs. Teesie Weston

2004-05 Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Devereux

2005-06 Hon. & Mrs. Lawrence Fox

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hosty

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Roche

2006-07 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ryan

2007-08 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Donlan

2008-09 Mrs. Mary Ellen Boyle Callow

Diane Kennedy, O.P.

Mr. & Mrs. Allan C. Ryan

2009-10 Ms. Nancy W. Knowles

Mr. & Mrs. William Parrillo

2010-11 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hennessy

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shaker

Bal Dominique Past Chairs

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This prestigious award honors a friend of the Trinitycommunity who is a leader in the development ofskills for lifelong learning, an ethic of care and adesire for excellence. This definition certainlydescribes this year's recipient, Sister Michelle.

Sister Michelle's association with Trinity beganwhen she accepted a position on the first Board ofDirectors in 1990. This board along with theadministration made the unanimous decision toremain a single-gender girls high school under theSinsinawa corporation.

After a careful study of the President/Principalmodel, relatively new to secondary education SisterMichelle Germanson, dean of students atDominican university, was offered the Presidency,first ever for Trinity High School in 1992.Moreover, Jeanne Bessette, OFS was offered the Principal position. Thankfully, both accepted and with determinationand board support they led the charge for change.

After an assessment of the state of the school, Michelle worked in partnership with the excellent Board of Directors todevelop strategy and prioritize goals. They took risks, stayed the course, and worked both internally and externally toalter negative perceptions, elevate academics, build spirit and engage community.

The Board was instrumental in supportingthe decision to adopt the InternationalBaccalaureate Program. Because of thephenomenal work of the Administrationand Faculty, Trinity was granted anInternational Baccalaureate SchoolCharter in 1994. Full block scheduling,which was adopted in 1995, supportedthis highly acclaimed educationalprogram. Trinity altered its admissionprocess by focusing academics solely on acollege preparatory curriculum. Talk aboutbold pioneers! The first IB Class graduatedin 1997 and these students proved by theirhigh level of achievement that IB was trulya definitive decision in Trinity's futuresuccess.

In 1996, the Technology Project was launched and with it the first major fundraising initiative since 1962. The goalwas to bring the world to Division and Lathrop. A new computer lab, desk top publishing, wiring the schoolfor computers, and computers for the library were projects that topped the list. The Technology Project wassuccessfully completed.

The Trinitarian AwardMichelle Germanson O.P.

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Trinity Athletics were commanding even greater attention asdownstate status was attained by our 2002 Blazer basketballteam. Needing a larger facility, Sister Michelle and the Boardof Directors voted to engage in a Capital Campaign to builda state-of-the-art athletic facility. The facility was dedicatedin 2003 and named in her honor. The teams have notdisappointed and with ten sports and twenty-one teams,Trinity has achieved champion status in the Illinois HighSchool Athletics and Girls Catholic Athletic Conference. GOBLAZERS!

The acclaimed Fine Arts Program at Trinity garnered greatsupport from Michelle. In late 2003, it was apparent that thetechnical quality of productions was compromised. Throughefforts with donors and foundations, new light and soundboards were replaced and housed in the auditorium sound booth. upgrading this digital technology affordedTrinity students the opportunity and advantage of "hands on" learning, the skills associated with major productions.

Michelle began to work with an advisory team in 2006 toinvestigate building a Health and Fitness Center. This center,located in the Sister Micelle Germanson Athletic Facility, wouldaccommodate the need for healthy bodies and minds whilebuilding a culture of strength. After many designs, this facilitywas dedicated in the fall of 2011 and is available for everystudent's use!

Michelle is a person as quick moving and thinking as mercury.Before one project is completed she is already anticipating thehow, when, where and how fast the next endeavor will unfold!She has partnered with three wonderful principals, twelveboard chairs, twenty different boards and a dedicated andexceptionally talented faculty. She is devoted to the Trinity andholds the students and her Sinsinawa family in the highestregard as she works daily to fulfill the Mission.

Her effervescent personality is her signature. She is easilyrecognized with her TRINITY plates as she spreads joy throughoutChicagoland. She travels throughout the country visiting withalumnae, past parents and corporations.

For the past 20 years, Michelle has shared her visionfor Trinity. Her efforts are dedicated to educating youngwomen to learn and grow to be their best. Shecontinues to be our Bold Pioneer, our leader, aninspiration of faith, study, prayer, warmth and laughter.It is our honor, on behalf of all who so love Trinity, toconvey our deep gratitude for her contributions to thisamazing school.

Michelle is AWESOME and wonderful. We are forevergrateful for her decision to lead Trinity. She is truly anAmazing Trinitarian!

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Chris and Monica (Devereux ‘ 77) Columbus

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Congratulations Trinity High School

andSister Michelle

Tom and Judy (Winterhalter ‘58) Herbstritt and Family

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Best Wishes Always

Carol & Bill Parrillo

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Congratulations to

Trinity High School


Sister Michelle

Jimenez Family

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We Cherish our Education, Memories and Friendships from

Trinity High School

Ninety-Four Years of Excellence

1918 - 2012


Mary Golden Hefner, Class of 1941


Julie Hanrahan Danaher, Class of 1974 Mary Hanrahan Hefner, Class of 1976


Mary Hefner Kolovitz, Class of 1967 Georgia Hefner Keleher, Class of 1970

Patricia A. Hefner, Class of 1971 Jean Hefner L’Heureux, Class of 1975

Virginia Hefner Smith, Class of 1978 Jill Hefner Carlson, Class of 1980

Continuing the tradition .... Mary Rose Hefner, Class of 2012


Abigail Keleher McMahon, Class of 1995 Meghan Keleher Petruczenko, Class of 1999


Renee Mossey Hefner, Class of 1957


Rosemary Tyrrell Wheeler, Class of 1949

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We are proud to recognize the

Most Awesome

Sister Michelle Germanson

A true leader who has dedicated her life to

Trinity High School

Daniel R. Hefner

The Hefner Agency

7302 Randolph Street

Forest Park, IL 60130

(708) 771-2690


John Hancock Life, Lincoln National Life,

Sun Life of Canada

Question about your policy? Call Dan.

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Best wishes to Trinity

and many thanks for the

wonderful opportunities

it continues to

offer our community.

You rock, Sister Michelle!

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Best Wishes

for Continued Success

Terry and Weezie (Salg ‘56) Donlin

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Lois Lyon Brennan ‘51

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James R. Platt

888 Industrial DriveElmhurst, Illinois 60126

Direct: 630.993.2117Mobile: 630-248-2142jplatt@

Environmental Compliance Management

Permitting & Consulting

Environmental Assessment

Site Characterization & Remediation

Health & Safety / Acoustics

Air Emissions Monitoring

Air Emissions Testing


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Congratulations to

Sister Michelle

as you celebrate

20 years as

President of

Trinity High School

1200 Shermer Rd Northbrook, IL 60062

Phone: (847) 559-0676 Fax: (847) 559-8912

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The Donlan Family salutes

Sister Michelle Germanson

for 20 awesome” years of inspiring young women to

excel in education and leadership

Brian &TraceyKelley '07Brooke '08Courtney '13

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Thank You for all you

do for Trinity!

You are nothing less

than awesome!

You happy all our hearts!

Doug and Kathy Kurtenbach

Emily Kurtenbach ‘10

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Sr. Michelle ,

May you continue to be our angel…

keeping the Awesome Enthusiasm

of Trinity within the students,

alumnae and families

close to all of our hearts.

You have touched so many lives,

and continue to do so…

We love you!!!

Kristy Kokenes-Mau ‘ 74

Loren Kokenes ‘ 02

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Congratulations Sister Michelle

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Congratulations, Sr. Michelle, on 20 "awesome"-ly

inspiring years of leadership!

Your belief, faith and love for Trinity High School and its

students, past and present, has positively impacted so many.

It "happies our hearts" to have you in our lives

and the lives of our daughters!


Bill & Katie Planek

Kathleen '12, Annie '13, Will, Ryan, Lilli '25 , Maeve '28

Bob & Wendy (Milewski '83) Planek

Bob, Caroline '15

Forever Trinity!

Go Blazers!

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Congratulations Sister Michelle! We are grateful for 20 years ofyour unwavering commitment to excellence in educating young

women in heart, mind and soul.

Marian Sassetti-Kent, MD and Robert Kent, Jr.

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Sister Michelle,

We thank you for your dynamic spirit and

AWESOME energy!

Your love for Trinity is truly magnificent

and a gift to all of us.

You have continued "to happy our hearts"

for the last twenty years.

Congratulations on an award that is well deserved!

Tim & Triss (Brady '67) Meyer

Mike & Katie (Meyer '92) Ortiz

Chris & Margaret (Meyer '95) Ryzewski

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Best Wishesto

Sister Michelle

andTrinity High School

Jim and Debbie Donahugh

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Sister Michelle

for your

Leadership and Dedication

to Trinity High School

for 20 years

The Mothers and Fathers Clubs

of Trinity High School

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congraTulaTionS SiSTer Michelle

Kelly Mcelligott

class of 2015

“The Pride and Joy” of Teri and Tony

May god continue to bless Sr. Michelle, the entire Trinity

staff and the amazing, loving, nurturing and caring women

in the Sinsinawa order, especially Sisters Maria gema,

adrian, laurianas, and rita casha. god bless them all!

The Tony McelligoTT chariTable Fund

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J.D. & Carol ( Malloy '52 ) Madigan

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Jack and Stephanie


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sister MiChelle


20 Years of DeDiCation


trinitY high sChool

The James PlaTT Family

Clare ‘01


Thank YouSister Michelle

for Twenty Years of Growth and Glory

Mary Prendergast ‘60

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To Sister Michelle Germanson, O.P.

Your dedication to education and institutions such as Trinity High School are an inspiration.

Best wishes,Robert J. Marschalk, CPA

Bansley and Kiener, LLP8745 W. Higgins Road, #200

Chicago, IL 60631


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Dr. Gene and Sistie McEnery

Mary (McEnery ‘ 80) Harding

Clare (McEnery ‘ 83) Napleton

Love what Sister Michelle and Trinity

Do to Inspire Us!


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With prayers for your

continued success

God Bless you, Sister Michelle!

David and Barbara Dries Lee (Dries ‘99) Thomas

trinitY is aWesoMe

Belmont funeral home7120 W. Belmont ave

(773) 286-2500

*Walter & Maria (sciacqua '59) Bassi renee (Bassi '79) stephan

*sabrina (Bassi '84) laBarbera Yvonne (sciacqua '61) hanson

*John g. Bassi Mary (Matta'78) losacco

*scott Johnson tara Bassi '08

Karina laBarbera '10

*indicates licensed Funeral Directors

Another Location to Better Serve Our Families

Peterson - Bassi Chapels6938 W. north ave

(708) 848-6661

Our Family Serving Your Family

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Congratulations to

Sister Michelle for her dedication to

Trinity High School for 20 years!

F.J. and Ginny (Gaul ‘60) Cullen

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Congratulations On 94 Years of Academic Excellence

Special Appreciation to Sister Michelle for

Her Dedication to Trinity for 20 years.

The People and Staff

of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish

We thank Trinity

for helping to mold the minds and hearts

of three generations of Spina women!

We thank Sister Michelle for

20 years of dedicated service!

anita DeOrio spina ‘56 marian Disalvo spina ‘89

maria spina Brandstrader ‘59 Felicia spina DiGiovanni ‘91

Nancy spina Okal ‘79 Kostandina samatas ‘07

Catherine spina samatas ‘82 anita samatas ‘09

maria spina samatas ‘88 Nancy samatas ‘11

emma samatas ‘15

Tony and Anita Spina

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sister MiChelle gerManson

the heart and soul of trinity

the stephen Kennedy faMily

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there

is no path and leave a trail.” Muriel Strode

Thank you, Sr. Michelle for 20 years of awesome leadership and for

“Blazing” your own trail for all Trinity women to follow!

Faith, Knowledge and Truth - Forever Trinity!


Bob and Wendy (Milewski ‘83) Planek

Caroline ‘15

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Congratulations to

Sister Michelle

on 20 dynamic totally awesome years.

Thanks be to "Sweet Jesus" that you came into our lives.

It happies our hearts that Trinity is

celebrating 94 wonderful years!

Dennis and Mary Ellen (Thallemer '62) Kenny

The Ascension Women

from Trinity’s Class of 2012

congratulate Sister Michelle on her 20 years at the helm

and thank her for the vision and tenacity in bringing this

single-gender school into the forefront of premier high schools.

We are Grateful...

Hannah Brown, Kathryn DiGirolamo, Cassie Estrada, Korynn Frantz, Coren Hayes, Molly Kunkel,

Bitta Pacer and Brigid Townsend

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Keep the Academics and Sports Soaring!

Drs. Kevin and Marianne O’Donoghue

Mary Kate O’Donoghue O’Mara ‘81

Maureen O’Donoghue Hannon ‘84

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We are proud to join in honoring

Sr. Michelle Germanson, OP

and her outstanding commitment and dedication to

Trinity High School

A most deserving recipient of

the 2012 Trinitarian Award

Trinity High School

Maureen (Burke ‘65) and Michael Furey

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We salute

Trinity High School on 94 years of Academic Excellence in the

Education of Young Women of Tomorrow


We Congratulate

Michelle Germanson, OPThe Trinity Award Recipient for 2012 after twenty years of

dedicated service as President of Trinity High School

Bob & Marcia Coleman

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Sister Michelle

Jody Lescher Dan ‘80

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Sister Michelle,

Thank you for always being awesome

and filling our hearts with happy

memories of Trinity!

Much Love, The THSP -

Emily (Donahue) Tazic '98, Meghan (Gallagher) Fox '98,

Molly Herald '98, Susie Hosty '98,

Meredith Matthews '98, Lizzy (Murray) Dine '98,

Maggie (McMahon) McGarry '98, Sheila (Morrissey) Ryan '98

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Congratulations, Sister Michelle

You are Awesome!

God Bless you and

God Bless Trinity

Nancy and Larry Ryan

As a result of Michelle’svision, direction and passion,

Trinity excels!

Congratulations on your well-deservedTrinitarian Award,

Mike & Chris (Lee ‘68) Bollettinoand Family

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Susan Pooler

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Best Wishes


the Gene and Emmett McEnery Families

Best Wishes to

Trinity High School

and Sister Michelle

Joseph Crispino

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Congratulations sister MiChelle

on 20 years as President of

trinity high sChool


the hanley faMily

Kevin, Molly,

Claire, Kevin, Conor, and erin

It "happies our hearts…" to

Know Sister Michelle and be part of the Trinity Family,


Congratulate Sister Michelle on her awesome recognition!

The Reidy Family

Jay, Jane '79 (White), Evey '12, Nora and Jack

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Bob & KathyBerti

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Frank Spale

Congratulations to

Sister Michelle


Trinity High School

Kevin Killips and Cynthia Gizzo-Killips

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eaglewood resort and Spa

1401 nordic road

itasca, illinois

For more information, please call

Marigayle Watts Harrington ‘78

Director of Alumnae


[email protected]

g o l f • t e n n i s • sw i M M i n g • s p a

TriniTy HigH ScHool

AnnuAl T-club SporTS DAy

Congratulations Sister Michelle

William Brander, M.D. Victoria Saracco Brander, M.D. ‘80

Caroline Brander ‘09

half page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 2:21 PM Page 20

John and Mary AnnGaynor

Joseph andRosemary Tye


Sister Michelle

Twenty Down...

Twenty to Go!!!

With Love,

Toni & Bernie Bouillette

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Susie Herbstritt

O’Brien ‘62

Thanks for 20

Awesome Years!

Maureen Kelly Bransfield ‘54and Family


A local builder you can trust.

General Contracting

Project Management


[email protected] l 773.491.2582

Sister Michelle,Ever since I met you, with my legs

dangling out of a shopping cart in the

aisles of the Jewel some twenty years

ago, my life has not been the same!

Thank you for sharing your amazing

enthusiasm, energy, joy and all your

other wonderful traits with my family and

with Trinity!

You are a grand treasure to the entire

West Side! Our lives and the lives of the

Trinity High School community could

not be the same without you!

Much Love & Many Congratulations,

Peter Kennedy

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Congratulations and Thank You from the bottom

of our Hearts to Sister Michelle Germanson for

sharing your Generous Spirit of Love and Light

to Trinity High School for twenty years!

WOODLAWN FUNERAL HOME7750 W. Cermak Rd., Forest Park

Frank J. Zefran - John W. Isaacson

Peter B. Kennedy - Philip L. Dlcamo

Funeral Directors



Go Blazers!

Ed & Laura Coronado

Erica 2005

Megan 2007

Continued Successto


Bob & Joanne (Murphy ‘55)Reynolds

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We love you Michelle!

Thank You for your

twenty years

of service to

Trinity High School.

Carroll McMahon ’77 &

Patrick Clifford

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 4

Bernstein GloBal WealthManaGeMent

John M. Patnaudedirector and PrinciPal

Best Wishes


Continued Success


Trinity High School

Paula Cozzi Goedert

Class of 1970

Specializing in Legal Representation of Non-Profits

Sister Michelle

What an awesome job!

Thanks for the twenty years

of dedicated service!

Clare McEnery Napleton ‘ 83

Mary McEnery Harding ‘ 80

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 5

Best Wishes


Paul Faherty

To Sister Michelle

the very definition of awesome

the most wonderful cheerleader,

super fan, spiritual guru and

academic All Star any

gal could ask for.

You are by far the very best!

Much Love,

The Heralds

Bridget ('67), Pat, Brian, Matt,

Molly ('98) & Jake

Congratulations to Sister Michelle...

The Heart and Soul of Trinity HS

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A special year for a special person.

Happy 20th year

Sister Michelle

and thank you for all you have

done to make THS your dream

and all of ours

John and Maureen Morrissey

Congratulations, Sister Michelle,

on twenty trailblazing years

of educating women leaders.

It is a blessing to work with

you and call you friend.

Mary T. Schneider

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God Bless Trinityand

Sister Michelle

Dick and M. G. (Turner ‘53) Enderle

Elizabeth Enderle Reid ‘82

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Trinity High School


Bal Dominique 2012

FromCharlotte A. Birck


C.A. Riley

Electric Construction Corporation

911 Lee Street

Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007

Phone: (847) 437-3851 Fax: (847) 437-1270

John and Kathleen Buck


Tom and Lynette Moriarty

Erin Moriarty Class of 2002

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 9

Best Wishes and

Continued Success


Custom Installers of

Home Automation:

• Home Theater

• Stereo

• Custom Cabinetry

• Security Systems &

Fire AlarmsLouis J. Rodriguez

830 Warren Avenue

Downers Grove, IL 60515


Blazers Soccer

Good Luck in

Spring 2012


Sister Michelle

The Carey Women

Gary Ciccione

Ron Nikel

Expert Jewelry Repair

Store Hours

Mon-Wed 10:00 Till 6:00

Thur & Fri 10:00 Til 8:00

Sat 10:00 Till 5:00

101 S. Marion St.

Oak Park, IL 60302

(708) 383-9695

Fax: (708) 383-9705

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 10

Peckar & Abramson, P.C.

Salutes the Women of Trinity


Thanks, Sister Michelle, for

doing such an awesome job!

Edward O. Pacer, Esq.

Greg A. Eichorn, Esq.

208 South LaSalle St.

Suite 1660

Chicago, IL 60604


Thanks, Sister Michelle,

for 20 great years

of furthering Women’s


Nancy Montroy ’78 & Dennis Cusack

Claire Cusack ‘10

Deborah &

Michael Allen

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Sue Donoghue ‘69

Bring this ad in for one FREE drink in

honor of Sister Michelle’s 20 years as

President of Trinity High School

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 12




Mr. & Mrs.

Randall Bacidore

Patricia Donoghue ‘40

5900 W. Belmont

Congratulations toSister Michelle Germanson, O.P.

on 20 outstanding years at Trinity!

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 13


Sister Michelle,

on 20 Awesome years as

President of Trinity High School


Sister Michelle

B.W. Landscaping and

Snow Removal


quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 14

Michael o’halloran and

linda Puvogel

Trinity Tuition circa 1967 - $275

Trinity Tuition circa 2012 - $9500

A Trinity Education -


Heartfelt thanks to Sister Michelle

for her inspired leadership, incredible

energy and utmost devotion in keeping

the Trinity Experience alive!

Maureen White ('67) & Jack Matthews

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 15

SunStar Dental

7765 W. North Avenue

River Forest, IL 60305


Best Wishes to our Trinity

friends and Neighbors

All thirty-seven members of the

Jack & Rosemarie Nowicki Family

honor, congratulate, thank,

celebrate and bless the Awesome

Sr. Michelle Germanson, O.P.

for ALL her wondrous deeds!

Congratulations to Sister Michelle

Awesome President


Cheers for Trinity - Awesome School

Anna Marie Sciaraffa

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 16

23 W. Conti Parkway l Elmwood Park, IL 60707708 453 3399 l Fax # 708 453 4889

[email protected]

Best Wishes


Nora Disis ‘77 & Greg Dunn

James, Joe & Maggie Dunn

Sister Michelle




Trinity Years

Jane McInerney

Class of 1976

JPM Consulting Associates

Arlington, VA

Joan McInerney

Class of 1973

Adams & Myers Realtors

Hinsdale, IL

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:55 PM Page 17


Sister Michelle!

What an “ Awesome” 20

years for Trinity

Lori and Rich Prinz

In your Honor, Sister Michelle,

Congratulations on 20 Inspiring Years!

With Love & Gratitude,

Loretta Chiletti Eichenold

Maureen McGinnis Eichenold ‘72

Jeannine Eichenold Schorn ‘80

Laura Elizabeth Eichenold ‘10

"If you are what you should be, you will set the whole

world on fire!" - St. Catherine

Congratulations Sister Michelleon 20 years!

Bill and Cathy (Kane ‘86) Kane

Patrick, John and Maureen

quarter page layout 12_Layout 1 3/13/12 1:56 PM Page 18

Barbara R. Kelly

Class of 1947

An “Awesome” 20 years!!

The Mike Homer Family


Sister Michelle

Dan & Corinne (O’ Brien ‘ 51) James


Ed and Pam Dieschbourg

Jane Clark ‘42

eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 1


Sister Michelle -

What an “awesome” job you have

done at our beloved Trinity!

Katie Perry

6855 West North Avenue

Oak Park, Illinois 60302


922 South La Grange Road

La Grange, Illinois 60525


Drs. Battistoni + Beam Ltd.Practice specializing in orthodontics

Richard A. Battistoni, DDS

William Beam, DDS, MS


Sister Michelle

The Queens of the West

Marian, Nancy, Peggy and Suzanne

Mary Ann Grusecki Tuerk ‘67

Bill & Mary Kay (Shanahan ‘52)


Lendell & Stamatia


eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 2

Bob & Therese (Mullins ‘’’’’’’’ 49)



Thomas A. Macchione

1440 W. Nor th Avenue Ste 400

Melrose Park, I l l ino is 60160

OFFICE 708 681-2490

CELL 708 271-2490

FAX 708 681-2450

E-MAIL zgol [email protected]


Sister Michelle

Sue Kaszynski ‘ 71


Sister Michelle

Dick and Claire (Cusack ‘45) Cronin

Congra tu la t i on s ,

S i s t e r Miche l l e

Dan and Jenni f e r (Wydra) Conway

eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 3


Sister Michelle

You are a treasure

Felice Mooney Madda


Sister Michelle

Ann & Sal Campagna

Bill & Nancy (Perri ‘ 63) Keefe


Sister Michelle for 20 years

of awesomeness!

Ellen and Jerry McBride

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Congratulations& Best wishes,Sister Michelle

The Carrigans

Marilyn (Lynn) Tyrrell Carrigan ‘46Pamela Carrigan Dvonch ‘67

Patricia Carrigan Conversa ‘71

Samantha Rizzo Granddaughter of John and Sharon Rizzo


Sister Michelle &

Best Wishes

Sue and George Vrecheck

Joe Leone

COMBINED PLUMBING & SEWER20 Lake Street - Oak Park, IL 60302

P: 708.445.3691 F: 708.445.0078

[email protected]


Commercial & Residential - Licensed, Bonded & Insured

John & Sharon


We thank you for your

“awesome” 20 year

contribution to make Trinity

what it is today.

The Class of ‘53 Scholarship Fund

eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 5


Sister Michelle


Anthony and Olivia (Antoniolli ’ 98) Ponzio

We Love you and are so

Proud of you!


The Barsanti Family


Sister Michelle

From Berwyn Garage

Witold Dynak

Congratulations on your

20 years as President of

Trinity High School.

Michael, Deborah (Panico '72),

Alicia ('99) & Michael Capraro

Andrzej and Maria Szewc

eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 6

Rick & Midge Fantasia

In Loving Memory of Our Dear Sisters, Putty & Teesie

Marge Kelly Hough ‘ 38Rita Kelly Brown ‘ 47

John & Joanne (Gagliardo ‘ 51) Kelly

May sweet Jesus always smile with you,

Sister Michelle. Thanks for all the Trinity

memories. You make it all look so easy.

With love, Jerry & Donna Logisz

Cathy ’ 01 & Annie 09

Sister Michelle is honored and celebrated for her spirit, example, and leadership, inspiring young

women to succeed in their educational pursuit.

- A Friend

Congratulations Sister Michelle

and Trinity

You are truly an inspiration!

Walter, Phyllis and

Jessica (‘05) Harris


Sister Michelle

Bernadette May Boyle ‘57

eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 7

Sister Michelle

Thank you and Congratulations

on your 20 years.

The Coty, Kane and Landa Families

Barbara Aird Jordan ‘46

Joe and Claire


Congratulations, Sister Michelle!

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Chris Crnich Uhlir ’88

Ann Crnich Rambasek ’92

Kate Crnich Riggins ‘93

We thank Sister Michelle

for her leadership and

dedication to Trinity

Cindy and Tim Cronin

Congratulations and thank you

Sister Michelle for 20 “ awesome”

years for Trinity.

Collen (McMahon ‘78) and John Horrigan

Jennifer, Laura and

Everett Bell

JFM Enterprises Inc.373 Robinwood

Wheaton, IL 60189

Tom Mikrut

eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 8


To the guests and good friends who have contributed and are not listed in the program due to a

printing deadline, we regret any omissions. Please accept our gratitude for your generous support.

Dave, Linda and Sophie ‘10 Amado

Anna Bartolon

Daniel and Maggie Burke

Sarah Burke '14

Circle Bowling Lanes

Molly McHugh Crawford ‘96

Dorothy Ann Shields DeSpain '48

Len and Dolores Disis

Caroline Foulk '13

Carole Lavezzorio Gates '51

Annamarie Gustello ‘99

Kathleen Fleege Harrington '72

Caroline Limbo '14

Frank and Sheila Johnson and Family

Carol Matusak ‘64

Sr. Catherine Meyering ‘46

Anita Meyer Muehleck '56

Bob and Mary Kay Nickels

Catherine and Bohoan Olijnyk

Marge Ostendorf

Terry Ozima and Family

Carolyn Paneral '12

Theoni Richardson '11

Sheila Scott

Katherine Szewc ‘10

Anthony and Roseann Viola

Isabella Viola ‘15

eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 9

Junior Blazer Camp (ages 5-10)Senior Blazer Camp (grades 3-8)

Sport Camps (grades 1-8)

Trinity Summer Camps for young women begin June 4th and run throughout the summer.

Call 708.453.8342 for more information.

Join us at Trinity for a

Summer ofSignificance!

Scan the above image with your Smartphone orgo to call 708.453.8342 for more information.

eighth page layout 12_Layout 1 3/12/12 2:44 PM Page 10

SavE thE DatE

Monday, august 27, 2012

thE 6th annual

tRInIty hIgh SChool


“Driving For Scholarships”

River Forest Country ClubElmhurst, Illinois 60126

For more information contact Chris Lee Bollettino ‘68 at 708.453.8396

We thank you for your support!Board Leadership Scholars 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

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Trinity is a Sinsinawa Dominican Sponsored School

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