bakinf powder - nys historic...

THE MALONE FARMLR, WEI>KE8DAT; MAY 4, 1810. County Letters BURKE. Burke Water Oompanj Extending Mains.—Everal Mas tin Buys- the Geo. Andrus Farm—Village , terary Moved. Muzzey visit- ant) Mrs. John Glad.Vi May 2.—Mis: •d at tht homo Cogland last week. Mite Rhoda Kay. of Belmont, vis- ited Miss Mae Williamson last week. Mftrk Stone, of- Malone, was the guest of his sister. Mrs. Delia Cog- land recently. Mr?, Charlebois and daughter. of Saranac Lake, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F*rank Dumas. Miles Collins has -rented a part "' C. C. Mason's building on W St. for a feed store, and mo thte {.ame, Mrs. James .Cook is quite sick at -present writing. Miss Maud Sails has rented rooms in the new building erected by C. C. Mason and will soon open her new line of millinery goods., Mrs. George Sargent and ( were guests of Mrs. Talbert lone, last week. T|ie Burke Water Co. are extending their pipes to the A. A. Edwards farm w-*>Pt of the village. Mr. Frank Ketcham, of Malone, was the guest ol Air. a.nci Perrigo on Wednesday. Rveral Mastin has purer, George _ Andrus f arrn and possession soon. Mrs. Wrm»V^*ud<3*i^-*/iBit =te^tr=&wiwirtwp=f ec txMyi Miss Minnie Tucker has from Dr. Lockhart's privat in Montreal. Her many .fri Allan All: UASF.. IS in lown. Bakinf Powder Rernadctta Qmlnn to Undent© « Operation in Syracuse. Apr. 30—Lute Whitney, of Malone, was a business caller in town Sat- urd&v, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Oscnr Kimpton. of Nprth Bangor, visited their daughter, Mrs. Henry Best, Sunday. R"ev. M. H. Doud has returned _to_ Moira and Brushton- for a another year. All are glad to see him back Again. Mrs. Charles Wardner has return- ed to Rainbow Lake f<*r the season, having spent some little time visit- ing her parents, Mr. \nd Mrs. Wal- ter Clark. Herbert Haskell a returned Mondaj- to Mrs. Wardner, havii the summer. Mr. and Mrs. < were callers in tow Fred Brown, of ter. was a caller in t l)j- Wright is qu writing. Mif»s Roba Royce. sick- for so long, h i rela;<se and is very il ! Mrs. Lillie Collney j Malone on Tuesday. I Mrs. E. H. Po.tte: Ethel, were calling in Malone Tuesday. F< «4J£. McMann, Ge A. W.\ Shea Is transa Chaieaugay Monday. Mrs. Allie Conger was caller *ajU Saranac Lake Ra ter. Flora, bow with sitions for STOMACH CATARRH AND LAMENESS, eorge Ketcham .Monday. 1 )jekinson Cen- wn Monday. ,. sick at this who has heen .p had another WHS a caller in j and daughter, d bv MR. N13AI, M. NEXSON. Mr. Neal M. Nelson, 1709- Lincoln Are., Alameda, Cal., writes: "As I was a great snfferer with chronic catarrh in my stomach, and lameness in my back and limbs, I ant pleased to say that af termsing four bofc- business j ties of Feruaa >I feel perfectly well, and FORT OOVINGTON. Death of .James Y. Cameron at Age of 73. Apr. 30—J* N. Paranaw, of Bra- sher Falls, Was in town Thursday. Merton McNair and Herbert Small- man, of Malone, are visiting their parents here. Justin McCarthy is spending a few days in Canada. Frank Spencer, of Ogdensburg, was a business caller In town Monday. Rev. J. Pontour spent a few" daya in BrownviUe tnis Week. Jos. Kelley, rural mail carrier, is on the sick list this week. School Commissioner F. H. Wil- cox 1 visited the Hi«h School ^Monday. Floyd Hutchins, Oscar Murphy, Resile Donahue, and John Hinds, of Malone, called on friends in town Sunday. Larry Lynch, Miss Edna and Charlie Lynch, Mrs.^Lpwe and Hen- rietta Mayhew" spent Sunday in i Burke. j Mose Guyette, of Watertown, at- j tended Mrs, Guyette"s funeral on Sunday. Mrs. John Derushie left for Mon- treal Friday morning. Shields Bros, were in town with their new touring cars Wednesdaj'. Miss Crrac'e Cameroon, of Minnea- polis, is visiting her mother here. On Thursday morning occurred the deatji of James \ O T 0 b6 i S Wednesday ! will ttever be without it in m 1 Howard Hawkins i ington Monday on a Otto Qttinn" has is "in Ft. Cov usiness trip. K.'lKkH)) 1/Oflgre "Cetoftmte* Fir-t^ George Haskell Meets With an Acei- Brockton; "Mass. Anniversary.—Mrs. Hiram «»*' dent a* the Station Here—George * M)SS Fl«?*h<* Griffin spent Sun Srriuwuv HI Moira Defeats Bra- uie oiauuu nnr. T ^ T l d a y with her parents. Mr. and Mrs £«.riuu8i> «i. -ii.iru vr ljumpaon's Horse. Stumbles and i Chas Griffin. She is working ii Breaks Its Neck.—Death of For, ; Malone. 1 . iner Dickinson Resident. Will'Jones, M. Massena, called oi . __ old friends in town last week. Mrs. Moses Cummings and ''sons Edward and' Ernest, visited at th' home of Mrs. G. L. Donaldson o Bangor recently. it to give it a trial and they will regain their health. 1 "After all other doctors have failed, I | have been cured through Pernna, and ; next to God I owe my thanks to Dr. ( Hartman for being cured." ! Indigestion Causes Rheumatism. I What connection is there between I stomach catarrh and lameness? ! There is a vital connection. Catarrh ; of the stomach deranges digestion. •d injuries by falling between the and platform at the station in place last Thursday while at- tempting to board the mornine; train slowly improving. Al- inp her brothel th< r Iriendt v went on tht > rind will \,M e at Mmneola L Mis Tin sent- PVrm i of SiiiTi O, ns liun v i-sttin-e her )nr>rt« nd Mrs I,, w^ <;», rd ^i>- Ma o h h ht | ,-M w n t . r m Malon.- v, ltb Hi, <>ny. /•«• turned to her tion of acids in the stomach and boweli. house east of the villas* Fred Brown, of Bang These acid formations are absorbed into the blood and produce a rheumatic coa- Perana relieves the rheumatism only Rev. Father Deronie of- North Ban- | by relieving the indigestion, and thni Gladys Pier Of : gor, has been \ Brushton recently. ficiating. —Several other priests will friends in j cleansing the source of the bloocf jm- j _ j purities that lead up to lameness in th« ! joints^ neuralgia and rheumatism plain, has returned hotne. tenter, 809 East^nd ^ as taking h hf S the F h?gh Saturday to visit his daughter. his horse stumbfed~3ust~easT7 will also viatr his and broke it« ««*>* Waiter Alien ent to Norwood on [ Winona, Minn..says: H ^ e j in recommending Peruna for catarrh of from A1 . } tho stoume^-fr-know what Ji' io 1 afflicted with this awful disease. Pern bany Thursday night after about four na cured me. For catarrh of the ato Mrs. Helen Jenkins Whitney spent b6fn in Summerstown and w; 73 years of age. He leaves u -wif. . - - thre^e Mrs. Hattie Cameron, and Mrs, Allan--E^-Eullott died Wednes- day night. The funeral was held Friday afternoon. She leaves a mo- ther, Mrs. Vass, of Dundee Ctr,, her husband and six children to mourn her loss. On Tuesday morning the funeral of Mrs. Andrew LaClair was held from j St. Mary's church. Interment was, in R. C. cemetery. Quite a number attended the fun- eral of Mrs. Guyette Sunday after- noon ": She leaves three brothers and tvtii sisters, several, sons arid daugh- ter^. Interment Was in R. C; ceme- tery. To have an tip to-date lens grinding plant in your own town, where you can get yonr prescriptions for glasses filled the same dayrt i L And Then When your, glasses need any adjusting this service is free, B. A. Soper, Optometrist and Optician, 21 Elm Street, Malone,!?. T. Across the R. R. track from Howard House. In office V every day but Tuesdays. - Eight dollars for a set of teeth at Hickok's, Warranted to fit. 4yi. VILLAGE ORDINANCE. j The By-Laws and Ordinances of Mrs Jennie : f Smittee ;and daughter, Malone Village are hereby amended izabeth/ arid Miss Elizabeth Elliott by adding thereto the following or- re visitors in Malowe on© day last dlnance: No person shall operate a motoi; vehicle on any of the public streets;, of Malone at a greater rate of'speedf than one mile in six minutes- Upon approaching any bridge, sharp curve or steep descent, and also in traversing such bridge, curve p , who has been visiting her brother in Cham- i or descent, all persons operating mo- home j tor venic i es in t h e pUOiiC streets of Millard Kellogg is In Pittsburgh ! Malonse shall have the same under - - ' control, and operated at a speed not TtAlcflT>l«> a «nr« i P - 'J-Schroeder left for hi I take pleasure ( i n t h e West Wednesday. •On, Adirond.u «pend the The inf » Johi. T.i\ erii*. r couKfi last rn'i Mr and Mv- Mrt. Emmn Arn Ira Wei spending f W. E. Cla Th'. V\". ler rk. (• a i . <>f eraJ . T, tTu X d L •holv. ays at .will ome ille xh m of ie h< eet Mr A The Mors' 'f >J in the hall Mrs Hiram Clark is seriously ill at i< r j mi- Mi,in oi this Mll.tgf- -ssher. Frank Preseott •-a w•. re : position in W.' L. Stowe's store and nin-MUs.. leaves this afternoon for Vermont icTon i where he expects employment. j Several from Here attended the b been \ Christian Endeavor Rally in St. Re- :>me of | g-i s Falls on Friday evening. Mrs, John McClure entertains her Friday g. ST class thig (Mondavi evening. s. Ed- After a month's illness of diabetes tiellitus. Mrs. Marie Abell, of Som- trville. Mass., closed her earthly lif• Burndp ' Sd p r whermen are looking tor the spt(.k- Friday in North Bangor. ! Frank McDonald went to Saranac j Lakt- Tuesday after "his sister. Miss j Rena, who has been seriously ill, to] try and bring her .home. j M>'. and Mrs. Fred Raymond went ( in l»wville,~ Thursday. Apr. 21, on | a h isiness trip, returning- on Friday. ; Eugene McCarthy, a graduate of j in the early evening ryi Monday," Apr. the CornellTJalry School of .1910,! 1.8. After services at the home on started Monday- morning for Walkers j April 21. conducted by her pastor. : ville, Maryland, where he has a pos- ! Rev. Dr. W. C. Martin, of the Per- ition in a creamery. ; kins St. Baptist church, her bodv Principal Frank E. Fisk and Mi) ; js^as^laifl-^to rest in WoodlaWji_ ceme- ^Gertrude E,"" Hyde, both form< tery. Mrs. A'bell was born in~DicT<^the i T H . S., tacTJTty; Irave^b-e June 8, 1849. The deceased i^ngage.d._JLt_infire.a.s.ed salaries at the ten it is unsurpassed." CHASM FALLS. Safford Ewtertauis Her Friends.—Colored Man Walks from I Bangor. Syracuse to Pay the Town a Visit.- Mrs. Silas SafCord Meet& With an Accident. "1 ^ I Chas. Smallman called on friends | exceeding one mile in fifteen minutes. I in town Tuesday. \ A penalty not exceeding One Hun- | Miss Mary Dolan was a caller in | dred Dollars for the First offense ia I town Sunday. \ hereby imposed for the violation of ! , Mrs ^v. Ge °I &e Frencn X lslted m M a " any of the provisions of the above ! 1 O ^S d Sr, Tho, Vass have ordinance^ | gone to New York for a few days. ! State of New lork. i W T. Smith spent Wednesday in I County of. Franklin ss: I Malone ^^illage plerk's Office. S I. R. McC. Miller, Clerk of Malone Village, hereby eerttfy~~that, I have HOGANSBURG. , /[ compared the foregoing resolution People Go To Cornwall to : with the original resolution passe&- of Mrs Mr*! T Wilson inn M Thomps Mr The infant daughter Mrs. Oscar Holmes $ f as buried on { •,Sunday, April 24. The i"uneral was! held at the _hojme of the grandpar- j May 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Abijah Holmes, l.8p~entthi the Rev. R. P. Green officiating. j brothers Young and ! See Fire Ruins*.—Raising the Debt j-by the Board of Trustees of Malone on the Parish. ; * N Wnht-reH-on Saturday The Willier Cook ta.rm purchased toy W. J. Porterfield, was for his sis- ter, Mrs. Julia E. Smith. Mr. and Smith take immediate egetables, oms •ion of Cook until The Bee; h. iam though Mr p nd Mr ht hou t' a heavy frost here : i _ _ „ „ n.sday and Thursday Was "the daughter pf ..Calvin and Di- j Chatham High School for the corn- much damage to ear-^ana Orvis. She was of a religious ; ing year. .! much better at this writing. plants and fruit bios- nature from childhood and was j Miss Endora Young, daughter ofj Migg Hnda Holmes was in town baptized at an early age and united ; Joseph Young, formerly of Brushton, j few dayg tne pa£it weekj called here with the Baptist church. At about now of Essex Center, Vt., was mar- ! - - - 25 years of age she became the wife : ried to Milton Palmer, of Santa of "Byron T. Abell with whom she : Clara on April 20th at St. - Pain's d "happily until 16 vears ago when ; church, Burlington, Vt. 'All wish ------- ' them a happy wedded life. Mrs. Fresper Bourdon has return- ed f rom several weeks' visit in the delighted attendance t. to have to his si ticed ir Farmer. voice of ©f the n lone. Sh< tiid one Joseph's A bir Chester parents 80 of 1- a very Ice crea all loine ape i P*l IOSI ('• ii c'i thd Su Tas 'pic •d 3 id ref' i n o - The sndid The Republican caucus was held 'town house Saturday after- delegates from tnis town to the county convention at Malone on ; fj" Tuesday are W. H. Montross, and C. [ n . E. Burnap. of this village, and Web- ster Kimball, of Brushton: The baseball game last Thursday •afternoon- between the teams from . Llrvisher and Moira Jpig-h schools re- .s'jftoc| in a victory for Moira, the s. ore being 6 to 4. Those present s;iy it was a good game. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Rockwell, oT Bangor, were callers at W. E. Clark's Sunday. Miss Grace Tryon, of St. Regis IVILs, visited hej- g-randpar«nts. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Witherell. last week. The C. E. will meet. Friday evtn- injr at 7:30 at the Cong, church. The l.--.ider will be Miss Hazel Dodge. K'.ii'us Thomas, of Dickinson Ctr.. \v;i- ;, village in this village Saturday. _ Misses ___j_uanita Farnsworth and F.yi-i Dodge attended the Franklin | Village, on the 18th day of April, .. , - 1910, and that the same is a true ,—Wm, Monahan, who has . and correct copy of such original. ie past four months with his and of the whole thereof. " ' " Witness my hand and official seal of said ^Village of Malone, this 20th day of April, 1910. R. McC. MILLER, 20w2, Clerk Malone Village. p o w ag. , brothers and the old home- Wescott is j stead, returned to his home in Ovan- L& M died. She leaves to mourn loss four children, Mrs. Willis S. Bennett, of Allston. Sidney H., Cal- vin .N\, and Mrs. Ida M. Thompson, all 'of SomerviHe; also one sister, Mrs. George S. 'Tilden. of Norwood, Easv. Ouorge Harris was a business call er hi Malone Wednesday evening. Mrs. Frances Dewe; . Montana, last Monday. Mrs. TJiomas H. Lantry is confined ------ - r . ,. • . j to the bed with a severe attack of by the death of her httle niece. j the &r i Ppfe , Dr. B. Hazen, of Helena, Elmer Eddy visited his mother, > is attending her Mrs Olive Eddy, on Wednesday.. } L Decoste, of Malone, was in town Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dewey were i Tuesday. ' callers in town Sunday, Apr. 2-lth. I Berna, Mrs. Ola Safford, of Manchester, ! N. H., arrived in town on Friday to spend a few days witli relatives. i /}rj\r o+ "Rnw-KoT* -fmaat- nf v^^*. *.«» ) * j>- ' i * 1 W^w**' tv 'V ^*. •^*^'*--^*. "•'*• r~!^* R.v. w. C. Cramer »»« ra mil? ar, jf^i.?TX>i ^Un.^^ | S'^cSt^^^"* ^ai , TH& PEOPLE of The State of Ne^tr Afford of Manoh-^ter ( D—"iard*O'Brien .has returned from | York, to Henry B. Roberts, a bro- Satford, of Manch'-scer, j Bombay. ; ther, of Omaha, Nebraska; Jeffer- Mrs., David Hackett spffnt Tues- l^on Roberts, a brother, of Chateau- , .v., «>u w.~».w«agay, M. Y.; Frank Ro» Mt l" ^ d M T^T S- ,°- ,f^ tn> f of u . S p iitn I berts and Alanson Roberts, nephews. TROl T RIVER. St. Regis Falls Friday. Members of Sydney Lawrenc T.ods-e. -I.--O. O. F-.. Ajrci mmebers < Frances Lawrence Re'b^k.ah^ Lod^ utt<nded di\ine service Sumfay afl^-: noon at the Congregational churcl They were addressed by the Rev. ] E. Barrett. Mrs. Fred Smith sariK : solo very beautifully which w; I much appreciated. | Principal Kenyon enjoyed a trip i i Montreal on Saturday. Arthur Hyde left Friday for Xe visit w^ . , . , ", , • \LYork eitv iind will visit his sister. Death of Mr>. Samuel I^eiuiody i n > ^ rtru o[ e ; £ Chatham, N. Y. Holyoko.— Lillie Walter McGlh- Mrs. Matilda Hdgue has returned turn Meet itlt Painful Accident. May 2.--Hugh B Daizell received last week the sad news of the death of rus sister, Mrs. Samuel Kennedy, Kennedy was formerly Miss Mattie Dalzcil and was born in Trout River Montreal where she has been the past "winter with her daughter. Edson Brown is improving the looks of his house wit;h a coat of paint. * Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCarthy and children, of Winthrop, were recent guests at Chas. McKaae's. Misses Amy Saunders and May have been nt, Xorthern New York. The thermom- eter at times 'reached TO in the ' shade. The frost which struck that section on April 15. however, is be- lieved to have done considerable damage to theL fruit trees. Mr. Cliesbrotigh's inother, who is 91 year of age and remarkably active. is spending the summer with her son. Mrs. Davis Gardiner and children, who have been spending several ' weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sampson, left on Friday for their new home in-Felt's Mills, Rev. Gurdiupr having been appointed pas- tor there at the last conference. Mrs. Barney' Smith has returned from Cornwall hospital much im- proved in health. Elden Skiff als returned from that institution on Tuesday evening. Mrs. E. A.JSSTUson, of St. Regis Falls was. in town on business Thurs- Sv rT r^i&avaf iSSSor" i e^erty, in pursuance of the statute, '""The W..H. M, S. frill meet with i ^f^J h ^p6sSfo'f to a -^uSbe^bf ^ ?UCh CaSe made aild P rovided: Mfs. Alvi» Averill,on. Friday of this 1 Smer^Tin mT vicinity i You : and , eachof you. are therefore wlek*^ _^ -'Kf ' _ j Mrs M J Crowler and littl-' Clted and r ^^ red . Personally, to be . t "l5Se da* the pasfc^eel: whentteo.i a^^TUnov^la Miss 5ary A. l^T^rLt^S^L^L^^^r oth.-fr. and Mrs. A^hder- and Rufus Eddy went'to p t a load AlmVd returned Friday from a two i: J* ^f/^IJ-lKS 0 ^ V i ^ ^ g 1 Jj? "their-four children, _fr?m-i of nayjnji barn some^distance _trom ; mont hs' visit with relatives in Span- \ count ^ of Franklin, on the 20th day BANGOR. Thttrsd ay where thejthave spent the past three weeks. Mrs. #Smith. of West Bangor, is : spending a few days at the home of her son, Evelyn Smith. Mrs. Smith does not improve "very rapidly, i f [ disturbed and nothing was seeni of l i ^ a u / j ^ i m ^ e ^ o t e ^ b e i n g ^ o n e of ! ( V ie ^f^" 3 ^ ^ will please^iake_notice him untii- the next morning whert h e ^ e l a i l ^ S burned y j that they are required to appear by ; walked Jo the sid mg and down, -t\e p ?Miwfe^£innie and May Bradley. .'-^-"--f^Sfi^t'l^ ^i^ £ ^L *i™ k. Kl^n further investigation %t-i spen't^SatuTday^atlFortCovin^^ rfone, that they !was found that "he had worked a; , Mrs. Barnes is suffering from ; : short, time the .past summer at j severe cold ' rf.cnv^riri^'from the : tllB Black farm here. reSlVeTbyfSunrai fe - Silas Safford had the ^nls- . : ~ * fortune to step on a nail which went s and family have | 5 hr < >u ^ h 1? th i e sole \°J h ^L sho ^ ^^^"^ W. L. Stowe spent West B Md day with H. Harmon painful injuri<?! few days ago. . Ensign Bowie moved to their new home on the- k "^T^fi f ^^ " Baylor road lately purchased from h ^ / h ^ Cor several days. , ents in town. " £rs Will Berry! .^ e ^l ey ^ia-^ood^ wlw has beenJNU | Assemblyman for the irftftit of a special guardian, or in the" weeks' vacation with their r respective parents. -. , , Ray Totman of the Brushton high confine her to | school, spent Sunday with his par- ! and act for them in the proceedings "ae 1 probate of said Will. testimony whereof, we have hereunto affixed the seal of our said surr.o- ecl here until her mar- \ Kirby have returned to school ••Into the side top. fo up «a T:II^ wound and the child is do- | Ing well. i The social held at the home of Mrs iL&ura Dalzel) on Friday evening was; a great success. j Mrs. Delia Rowley has a fine new i line of spring arid summer millinery, i Mrs. Joe Trippanier and child, of [ Massena. are visiting the former's j parents, Mr. and Mrs. J-*s. Dumas. Mr. and Mrs. George Bruce and i children visitedyfer. and Mrs. Miller j In Dundee on Sunday. 3 °-7rF a g n . ers ._T are . wondering j ter': of St. Regis Falls, called Cidif Thursday ' beauties. I^W. N. Keel; aiid W. B. Royce . _ .children, of Plattaburgh, into A. Smith's house. i guests at the home of the former's j to an order of Frederick G. Pad- Ellsworth unlpaded another j parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Grow. dock, surrogate «f the County of n'tUiaftSfc.-MOndtty. —:— j Mtaa Tftttc "RfTfK wu" hi*HIT- frrrjr - FJ. aril(.lluT and ^iSortliiig* to thft if^fl*- Smith was the guest of L«owell \ Brushton^High School over Sunday. ute in such^caae xaade and provided, Brushton Tuesday. j Erna-Bero and Margaret Burke i nofice is hereby: g'iven to all persons isitfid Mrs.."j&rheisL laturday. Mrs. Thomas Raynor, d^ay^^JV? J here last Sunday ^evening,i'__—^Z^._ Rev. J. N> O'Brien, a Wesleyan Cain, lajst week. MrS ' ElizaDetn M REYNOIiDSfON. May 2—B. L.. Reynolds, of Ma- 11 lone, was in town • • - • - • • lone, was in towu . attend the caucus at Brandon Cen- j vl8lto<j in tnis place the_part"we°ek" S Methodist mCnlster, will preach at j children visited at James Kerry's on j this church next Sunday at 10 set' m. j Sunday. We understand Mr. O'Brien is to Mrs. Ed. Sprague visited at Wallie preach at this place and in Bangor j Kerry's on Sunday, the coming year, and will goon movef^Alva Hoose is building a new to Bangor with his family. He cornels house. " m Morley, N. Y., where he has! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sprague were jn preaching the past few years. i the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Ella Whitman, of Brushton,! Steenberge In Malone T^ednea«aay. Mrs. George Selkirk "spent Sunday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. „.-- daughter, Hazel, . of jSnishton, were the guests of Mr. a|Bd l^trs. Paschal Spaulding on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. - &imig# Jones, of Potsdam, we»e th^ #^*« of the lat- ter's father, Harry mm*% r*****' Mrs. Belrose ai#^NM«fttteT* Bessie, iefly^'of J tWs"'S«^r i ^ve fc ; ^™' e 51*^ xnerly _. .„._ , and are occupying th* house belong- ing to Alescaftder fYedlnhurg:. Mary Martin, of Fort Covington, l b iiti lti i thi ary Marn, of lias been visiting relatives in place the past week. H H Rld this lace the past week. H. H. Reynolds, of Malone, was In this place the greater part of last week. Walter Whitney, oi Bruahton, ^as the guest of friends here yesterday. ^ Waldo Buell, of Skerry, was here two dayg last week taking the cen 1 BUS. < , F\ H. Wileox inspected schools in the towns of Fort Covington, Bom- bayand Westytlle last week. A specific for pain— Dr. Thomas' JScleetrie Oil, strongest^^eheapest lin- iment ever devised. A household remedy in America for 26 yearjs. l siteu in cms piace me pttai weeiv. mis. v»wv»»>= w^.«..— ~ r - - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Btewn visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WU- T^ ,._L T^_.J^.. r HMW, ^in^ „* Photm Foils. M^Cora and Mrs. Jennie Spaulding' called in j this place last Wednesday.* I A. C. Wftherell, of Moira, was in 1 this place the past week on business. Wm. Martin has taken possession of and is running the Peck cream- ery which he formerly twn&eS. "This] ^factory ia running on the outter plan, j Auction bills printed «ft^ short tu>* Mr. callers in Malone Wedmesday. William LAfleur, - of ^ y e r Bend, took dinner with lrts 4s»ighter, MrsJ Edwin l^im 'Thursday." .''..-" Hlehard Ladd, of McCollom'B, was a caller tn town Fjfiday. i tice The* Farmer offic*. C^TQBIA fti KM YNflanJUMP IN* Any akin itching is a temper tett- er. The more yott acrat^b tn« WQrse it itches. Doan's Ointment CUPJS piles, eczema—any skin itching. At all drug stores. r *" "* tb« fl^oatnre of The Pmrmet and the A«*ny mm JournsJ boto •. tuU year for oni) $240. Sena all orders to The Fsx mer office. - of his uncle> John Bitney. - - " ' " * i tn Kamna* unaav. , _ Kelly and j. of f^rana*^ wasUtM j ^t^ter^^thel,^jof Fay, called r Orton and shed for ^anniljal Ellsworth Friday. Mrs. Thomas Mulaniff is " * home fromXowell on Tuesdt^ ^., she spent a few weeks visiting her of Altona, who Mrs. Baker have Mrs. B. T. Mrs. Dickey, of _._.. Miss Bessie Ben Saranac, where in a millinery b*en visiting h a muunery snop., Mr. and Mrs. Bradford MiMer were callers In. Malone Mr*. Cattle B " ter, was the gu C. Adams Friday. "I have been 90?n«what costive, but Doon's Regulete grave jurt the re- sults desired. They -act mildly a»d r«galate the bowels perfectly." --4weo. B. Krause, 306 Walnut Ave., Attoona, Pa. The Farmer and Albany The Farmer and %he y Journal both a full year for only $2.06. Send all orders to The Far- mer office. Richard Martin tore a large id children. Clinton Jones, of Weavtille, Jh C d ' h has moved into John Condon's house. ' Nelson Lapree has engaged to^! work for Ed. Keefe, ling, heart and thereby lighten the burdens of pur, beldyed ^estor la »N ag ..yeiM^""'wj:'-'' ; l^v-tojL-7at«»^*ys; dUigent life Work among us. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Boyea, of F t Covington, called on friends in town vSundity. SOtlTJBL April 30—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ya- daw spent a few days the past week with their daughter, Mrs. Adolphus Beaulieu, of Massena. John NUes, of Helena, was tn toWo Sunday, the guest of his mother, Mr*. Mary Nllea, She accompanied him home to spend a, few 4«^s; >s Charles Rockhill and daughter, Gladys visited the former's son, John, Of WestviHe Sunday. Mrs. Calvin Davis, of Bombay, is spending a few days with M^^fBeii her sister-ih*iaw. "'"•-.• :• . ^-- "feru; Mrs. Ev J. Frew spent a : the past week with Mrs. Phelps, of Brushton. Mrs. Alcl Moore and trade Sweet were callers at Thursday. marked improvements tn our ipfflsc* are being made. Root, Clark, has «tv*h his house a coat of paint Me*. Benn ts repairing hts hbuse oonstdersbly the PUUBML having aaltw tora away and e, very «tyl*«h n*wi one Is being built. WUtf. A. Ore«n, our new pastor, oc- ion tn X*lotie one day rec«nt- '». p. Gale was in Malono Krlday. Dated May 2nd, 1910. LOUI8 LAFfA^E, Administrator. Attorneys for AdininJbrtrator, Malone, N. Y. 20w27. NOTIC«. Constable Cemetery Association at the Town^Hsil in the towa of Consta- ble, the hrst Tuesday in May,which is May i, *t 7:W P. M. ltwr C. A. HASTtNOS, Sec'y.

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County LettersBURKE.

Burke Water Oompanj ExtendingMains.—Everal Mas tin Buys- theGeo. Andrus Farm—Village

, terary Moved.

Muzzey visit-ant) Mrs. John

Glad.ViMay 2.—Mis:•d at tht homoCogland last week.

Mite Rhoda Kay. of Belmont, vis-ited Miss Mae Williamson last week.

Mftrk Stone, of- Malone, was theguest of his sister. Mrs. Delia Cog-land recently.

Mr?, Charlebois and daughter.of Saranac Lake, are guests of herparents, Mr. and Mrs. F*rank Dumas.

Miles Collins has -rented a part "'C. C. Mason's building on WSt. for a feed store, and mothte {.ame,

Mrs. James .Cook is quite sick at-present writing.

Miss Maud Sails has rented roomsin the new building erected by C. C.Mason and will soon open her newline of millinery goods.,

Mrs. George Sargent and (were guests of Mrs. Talbertlone, last week.T|ie Burke Water Co. are extending

their pipes to the A. A. Edwardsfarm w-*>Pt of the village.

Mr. Frank Ketcham, of Malone,was the guest ol Air. a.nciPerrigo on Wednesday.

Rveral Mastin has purer,George _ Andrus f arrn andpossession soon.

Mrs. Wrm»V *ud<3*i -*/iBit=te^tr=&wiwirtwp=f ec txMyi

Miss Minnie Tucker hasfrom Dr. Lockhart's privatin Montreal. Her many .fri

Allan All:UASF.. IS in lown.

Bakinf Powder

Rernadctta Qmlnn to Undent© «Operation in Syracuse.

Apr. 30—Lute Whitney, of Malone,was a business caller in town Sat-urd&v, returning home Sunday.

Mr. and Mm. Oscnr • Kimpton. ofNprth Bangor, visited their daughter,Mrs. Henry Best, Sunday.

R"ev. M. H. Doud has returned _to_Moira and Brushton- fora anotheryear. All are glad to see him backAgain.

Mrs. Charles Wardner has return-ed to Rainbow Lake f<*r the season,having spent some little time visit-ing her parents, Mr. \nd Mrs. Wal-ter Clark.

Herbert Haskell areturned Mondaj- toMrs. Wardner, haviithe summer.

Mr. and Mrs. <were callers in tow

Fred Brown, ofter. was a caller in t

l)j- Wright is quwriting.

Mif»s Roba Royce.sick- for so long, h

i rela;<se and is very il! Mrs. Lillie Collneyj Malone on Tuesday.I Mrs. E. H. Po.tte:

Ethel, were callingin Malone Tuesday.

F< «4J£. McMann, GeA. W.\ Shea Is transaChaieaugay Monday.

Mrs. Allie Conger wascaller *ajU Saranac Lake

Rater. Flora,bow withsitions for


eorge Ketcham.Monday.

1 )jekinson Cen-wn Monday.,. sick at this

who has heen.p had another

WHS a caller in j

and daughter,

d bv

MR. N13AI, M. NEXSON.Mr. Neal M. Nelson, 1709- Lincoln

Are., Alameda, Cal., writes:"As I was a great snfferer with

chronic catarrh in my stomach, andlameness in my back and limbs, I antpleased to say that af termsing four bofc-

business j ties of Feruaa >I feel perfectly well, and


Death of .James Y. Cameron at Ageof 73.

Apr. 30—J* N. Paranaw, of Bra-sher Falls, Was in town Thursday.

Merton McNair and Herbert Small-man, of Malone, are visiting theirparents here.

Justin McCarthy is spending afew days in Canada.

Frank Spencer, of Ogdensburg, wasa business caller In town Monday.

Rev. J. Pontour spent a few" dayain BrownviUe tnis Week.

Jos. Kelley, rural mail carrier, ison the sick list this week.

School Commissioner F. H. Wil-cox1 visited the Hi«h School Monday.

Floyd Hutchins, Oscar Murphy,Resile Donahue, and John Hinds, ofMalone, called on friends in townSunday.

Larry Lynch, Miss Edna andCharlie Lynch, Mrs.^Lpwe and Hen-rietta Mayhew" spent Sunday in iBurke. j

Mose Guyette, of Watertown, at- jtended Mrs, Guyette"s funeral onSunday.

Mrs. John Derushie left for Mon-treal Friday morning.

Shields Bros, were in town withtheir new touring cars Wednesdaj'.

Miss Crrac'e Cameroon, of Minnea-polis, is visiting her mother here.

On Thursday morning occurred thedeatji of James \ O T0 b6 i S

Wednesday ! w i l l ttever be without it in m1

Howard Hawkins iington Monday on a

Otto Qttinn" has

is "in Ft. Covusiness trip.

K.'lKkH)) 1/Oflgre "Cetoftmte* Fir-t^ George Haskell Meets With an Acei- Brockton; "Mass.Anniversary.—Mrs. Hiram « » * ' dent a* the Station Here—George * M ) S S Fl«?*h<* Griffin spent SunSrriuwuv HI Moira Defeats Bra- uie oiauuu n n r . T ^ T l d a y with her parents. Mr. and Mrs£«.riuu8i> «i. -ii.iru vr ljumpaon's Horse. Stumbles and i C h a s Griffin. She is working ii

Breaks Its Neck.—Death of For, ; Malone. 1 .iner Dickinson Resident. Will'Jones, M. Massena, called oi

. __ old friends in town last week.Mrs. Moses Cummings and ''sons

Edward and' Ernest, visited at th'home of Mrs. G. L. Donaldson oBangor recently.

it to give it a trial and they will regaintheir health.

1 "After all other doctors have failed, I| have been cured through Pernna, and; next to God I owe my thanks to Dr.( Hartman for being cured."! Indigestion Causes Rheumatism.I What connection is there betweenI stomach catarrh and lameness?! There is a vital connection. Catarrh; of the stomach deranges digestion.

•d injuries by falling between theand platform at the station inplace last Thursday while at-

tempting to board the mornine; trainslowly improving. Al-

inp h e r brothelth< r I r iendtv went on tht >

rind will \ , Me at Mmneola L

Mis Tin sent- PVrm i of SiiiTi O,ns l i u n v i-sttin-e her )n r>r t«nd Mrs I,, w ^ <;», rd

^i>- Ma o h hht | ,-M w n t . r m Malon.- v, ltbHi, <>ny. /•«• turned to her

tion of acids in the stomach and east of the villas*Fred Brown, of Bang These acid formations are absorbed into

the blood and produce a rheumatic coa-

Perana relieves the rheumatism onlyRev. Father Deronie of-North Ban- | by relieving the indigestion, and thniGladys Pier

Of : gor, has been \Brushton recently.

ficiating. —Several other priests willfriends in j cleansing the source of the bloocf jm-

j_ j purities that lead up to lameness in th«! joints^ neuralgia and rheumatism

plain, has returned hotne.ten te r , 809 East^nd ^as taking hhfStheFh?gh Saturday to visit his daughter.

his horse stumbfed~3ust~easT7 will also viatr hisand broke it« ««*>* Waiter Alien

ent to Norwood on [ Winona, Minn..says:He j in recommending Peruna for catarrh of

f r o m A 1 . } tho stoume^-fr-know what Ji' io 1afflicted with this awful disease. Pernbany Thursday night after about fourna cured me. For catarrh of the ato

Mrs. Helen Jenkins Whitney spent

b6fn in Summerstown and w;73 years of age. He leaves u -wif. .- • — • - • thre^eMrs. Hattie Cameron, and

Mrs, Allan--E^-Eullott died Wednes-day night. The funeral was heldFriday afternoon. She leaves a mo-ther, Mrs. Vass, of Dundee Ctr,, herhusband and six children to mournher loss.

On Tuesday morning the funeral ofMrs. Andrew LaClair was held from jSt. Mary's church. Interment was,in R. C. cemetery.

Quite a number attended the fun-eral of Mrs. Guyette Sunday after-noon ": She leaves three brothers andtvtii sisters, several, sons arid daugh-ter^. Interment Was in R. C; ceme-tery.

To have an tip to-date lensgrinding plant in your owntown, where you can get yonrprescriptions for glasses filledthe same dayrt i L

And Then

When your, glasses need anyadjusting this service is free,

B. A. Soper,Optometrist and Optician,

21 Elm Street, Malone,!?. T.

Across the R. R. track fromHoward House. In office

V every day but Tuesdays. -

Eight dollars for a set of teeth atHickok's, Warranted to fit. 4yi.


j The By-Laws and Ordinances ofMrs Jennie :fSmittee ;and daughter, Malone Village are hereby amendedizabeth/ arid Miss Elizabeth Elliott by adding thereto the following or-re visitors in Malowe on© day last dlnance:

No person shall operate a motoi;vehicle on any of the public streets;,of Malone at a greater rate of'speedfthan one mile in six minutes-

Upon approaching any bridge,sharp curve or steep descent, andalso in traversing such bridge, curve

p , who hasbeen visiting her brother in Cham-

i or descent, all persons operating mo-home j t o r v e n i c i e s i n t h e pUOiiC streets of

Millard Kellogg is In Pittsburgh ! Malonse shall have the same under- - ' control, and operated at a speed not

TtAlcflT>l«>a«nr« i P - 'J-Schroeder left for hiI take pleasure ( i n t h e W e s t Wednesday.

•On,Adirond.u«pend the

The inf »Johi . T.i\ erii*. rcouKfi last r n ' i

Mr and Mv-Mrt. Emmn Arn

Ira Weispending fW. E. Cla

Th'. V\".

l e r

r k .( •a i

. < > feraJ

. T,t T u



•holv.ays at

.willo m e



ie h<



Mors' 'f >J

in the hall

Mrs Hiram Clark is seriously ill ati< r j mi- Mi,in oi this Mll.tgf- -ssher.

Frank Preseott•-a w•. re : position in W.' L. Stowe's store andnin-MUs.. leaves this afternoon for VermonticTon i where he expects employment.

j Several from Here attended theb been \ Christian Endeavor Rally in St. Re-:>me of | g-is Falls on Friday evening.

Mrs, John McClure entertains herFriday g. ST class thig (Mondavi evening.s. Ed- After a month's illness of diabetes

tiellitus. Mrs. Marie Abell, of Som-trville. Mass., closed her earthly lif•

Burndp' Sdp

rwhermen are lookingtor the spt(.k-

Friday in North Bangor. !Frank McDonald went to Saranac j

Lakt- Tuesday after "his sister. Miss jRena, who has been seriously ill, to]try and bring her .home. j

M>'. and Mrs. Fred Raymond went (in l»wville,~ Thursday. Apr. 21, on |a h isiness trip, returning- on Friday. ;

Eugene McCarthy, a graduate of jin the early evening ryi Monday," Apr. the CornellTJalry School of .1910,!1.8. After services at the home on started Monday- morning for Walkers jApril 21. conducted by her pastor. : ville, Maryland, where he has a pos- !Rev. Dr. W. C. Martin, of the Per- ition in a creamery. ;kins St. Baptist church, her bodv Principal Frank E. Fisk and Mi) ;

js^as laifl- to rest in WoodlaWji_ ceme- ^Gertrude E,"" Hyde, both form<tery. Mrs. A'bell was born in~DicT<^the iTH. S., tacTJTty; Irave^b-e

June 8, 1849. The deceased i ngage.d._JLt_infire.a.s.ed salaries at the

ten it is unsurpassed."


Safford Ewtertauis HerFriends.—Colored Man Walks from I Bangor.Syracuse to Pay the Town a Visit.-Mrs. Silas SafCord Meet& With anAccident. "1 ^

I Chas. Smallman called on friends | exceeding one mile in fifteen minutes.I in town Tuesday. \ A penalty not exceeding One Hun-| Miss Mary Dolan was a caller in | dred Dollars for the First offense iaI town Sunday. \ hereby imposed for the violation of! , Mrs^v.Ge°I&e F r e n c n X l s l t ed m M a " any of the provisions of the above! 1 O ^ S d S r , Tho, Vass have ordinance^| gone to New York for a few days. ! State of New lork.i W T. Smith spent Wednesday in I County of. Franklin ss:

I Malone ^^illage plerk's Office.S I. R. McC. Miller, Clerk of MaloneVillage, hereby eerttfy~~that, I haveHOGANSBURG. ,

/[ compared the foregoing resolutionPeople Go To Cornwall to : with the original resolution passe&-




Wilson inn M ThompsMr

The infant daughterMrs. Oscar Holmes $fas buried on {

•,Sunday, April 24. The i"uneral was!held at the _hojme of the grandpar- j May 1ents, Mr. and Mrs. Abijah Holmes, l.8p~entthithe Rev. R. P. Green officiating. j brothers

Younga n d ! See Fire Ruins*.—Raising the Debt j-by the Board of Trustees of Malone

on the Parish.

;* N Wnht-reH-on SaturdayThe Willier Cook ta.rm purchased

toy W. J. Porterfield, was for his sis-ter, Mrs. Julia E. Smith. Mr. and

Smith take immediate

egetables,o m s

•ion ofCookuntil


h. i a m though Mrp

nd Mrht hou

t' a heavy frost here : i _ _ „ „n.sday and Thursday Was "the daughter pf ..Calvin and Di- j Chatham High School for the corn-much damage to ear-^ana Orvis. She was of a religious ; ing year. . ! much better at this writing.

plants and fruit bios- nature from childhood and was j Miss Endora Young, daughter ofj M i g g H n d a Holmes was in townbaptized at an early age and united ; Joseph Young, formerly of Brushton, j f e w d a y g t n e p a £ i t w e e k j called herewith the Baptist church. At about now of Essex Center, Vt., was mar- ! - - -25 years of age she became the wife : ried to Milton Palmer, of Santaof "Byron T. Abell with whom she : Clara on April 20th at St. - Pain's

d "happily until 16 vears ago when ; church, Burlington, Vt. 'All wish- - - - - - - ' • them a happy wedded life.

Mrs. Fresper Bourdon has return-ed from several weeks' visit in the

delightedattendancet. to have

to his siticed irFarmer.voice of©f the nlone. Sh<tiid oneJoseph's

A birChesterparents80 of 1-a veryIce creaall loine


P*lIOSI('• ii




• d 3

id ref'i n o -


The Republican caucus was held'town house Saturday after-delegates from tnis town to

the county convention at Malone on ; fj"Tuesday are W. H. Montross, and C. [ n .E. Burnap. of this village, and Web-ster Kimball, of Brushton:

The baseball game last Thursday•afternoon- between the teams from. Llrvisher and Moira Jpig-h schools re-.s'jftoc| in a victory for Moira, thes. ore being 6 to 4. Those presents;iy it was a good game.

Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Rockwell, oTBangor, were callers at W. E. Clark'sSunday.

Miss Grace Tryon, of St. RegisIVILs, visited hej- g-randpar«nts. Mr.and Mrs. A. B. Witherell. last week.

The C. E. will meet. Friday evtn-injr at 7:30 at the Cong, church. Thel.--.ider will be Miss Hazel Dodge.

K'.ii'us Thomas, of Dickinson Ctr..\v;i- ;, village in this village Saturday.

_ Misses ___j_uanita Farnsworth andF.yi-i Dodge attended the Franklin

| Village, on the 18th day of April,— .. , - 1910, and that the same is a true

,—Wm, Monahan, who has . a n d correct copy of such past four months with his and of the whole thereof.

" ' " Witness my hand and official sealof said Village of Malone, this 20thday of April, 1910.

R. McC. MILLER,20w2, Clerk Malone Village.

p o wag. , brothers and the old home-Wescott is j stead, returned to his home in Ovan-

L& M

died. She leaves to mournloss four children, Mrs. Willis S.Bennett, of Allston. Sidney H., Cal-vin .N\, and Mrs. Ida M. Thompson,all 'of SomerviHe; also one sister,Mrs. George S. 'Tilden. of Norwood,

Easv.Ouorge Harris was a business call

er hi Malone Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Frances Dewe;. Montana, last Monday.Mrs. TJiomas H. Lantry is confined

------ - r . ,. • . j to the bed with a severe attack ofby the death of her httle niece. j t h e & riP p f e , Dr. B. Hazen, of Helena,

Elmer Eddy visited his mother, > i s attending herMrs Olive Eddy, on Wednesday.. } L Decoste, of Malone, was in town

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dewey were i Tuesday. 'callers in town Sunday, Apr. 2-lth. I Berna,

Mrs. Ola Safford, of Manchester, !N. H., arrived in town on Friday tospend a few days witl i relat ives. i /}rj\r o+ "Rnw-KoT* c» -fmaat- nf v *. *.«» ) *j>-'i* 1W^w**'tv'V ^*. •^*^'*--^*. "•'*• r~! *

R.v. w. C. Cramer »»« ramil? ar, j f ^ i . ? T X > i ^ U n . ^ ^ | S ' ^ c S t ^ ^ ^ " * ^ai

, TH& PEOPLE of The State of Ne trAfford of Manoh-^ter ( D—"iard*O'Brien .has returned from | York, to Henry B. Roberts, a bro-Satford, of Manch'-scer, j Bombay. ; ther, of Omaha, Nebraska; Jeffer-

Mrs., David Hackett spffnt Tues- l^on Roberts, a brother, of Chateau-

, .v., «>u w.~».w«agay, M. Y.; Frank Ro»Mtl" ^ d MT TS- ,°- ,f^tn>

fo f

u . S p i i t n I berts and Alanson Roberts, nephews.


St. Regis Falls Friday.Members of Sydney Lawrenc

T.ods-e. -I.--O. O. F-.. Ajrci mmebers <Frances Lawrence Re'b^k.ah^ Lod^utt<nded di\ine service Sumfay afl -:noon at the Congregational churclThey were addressed by the Rev. ]E. Barrett. Mrs. Fred Smith sariK

: solo very beautifully which w;I much appreciated.| Principal Kenyon enjoyed a trip ii Montreal on Saturday.

Arthur Hyde left Friday for Xevisitw^ . , . , ", , • \LYork eitv iind will visit his sister.

Death of Mr>. Samuel I^eiuiody i n > ^ r t r u o [ e ; £ Chatham, N. Y.Holyoko.— Lillie Walter McGlh- Mrs. Matilda Hdgue has returnedturn Meet itlt Painful Accident.

May 2.--Hugh B Daizell receivedlast week the sad news of the deathof rus sister, Mrs. Samuel Kennedy,

Kennedy was formerly Miss MattieDalzcil and was born in Trout River

Montreal where she has beenthe past "winter with her daughter.

Edson Brown is improving thelooks of his house wit;h a coat ofpaint. *

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McCarthy andchildren, of Winthrop, were recentguests at Chas. McKaae's.

Misses Amy Saunders and May

have been nt,Xorthern New York. The thermom-eter at times 'reached TO in the

' shade. The frost which struck thatsection on April 15. however, is be-lieved to have done considerabledamage to theL fruit trees. Mr.Cliesbrotigh's inother, who is 91 yearof age and remarkably active. isspending the summer with her son.

Mrs. Davis Gardiner and children,who have been spending several

' weeks with her parents, Mr. andMrs. E. Sampson, left on Friday fortheir new home in-Felt's Mills, Rev.Gurdiupr having been appointed pas-tor there at the last conference.

Mrs. Barney' Smith has returnedfrom Cornwall hospital much im-proved in health. Elden Skiff alsreturned from that institution onTuesday evening.

Mrs. E. A.JSSTUson, of St. RegisFalls was. in town on business Thurs-

Sv rT r ^ i & a v a f i S S S o r " i e^erty, in pursuance of the statute,'""The W..H. M, S. frill meet with i ^f^J h ^ p 6 s S f o ' f to a -^uSbe^bf ^ ? U C h C a S e m a d e a i l d P r o v i d e d :

Mfs. Alvi» Averill,on. Friday of this 1 Smer^Tin mT vicinity i Y o u : a n d , eachof you. are thereforewlek*^ _ ^ - ' K f ' _ j Mrs M J Crowler and littl-'Clted a n d r ^ ^ r e d . Personally, to be

. t "l5Se da* the pasfc eel: when tteo. i a^^TUnov^la Miss 5ary A. l^T^rLt^S^L^L^^^roth.-fr. and Mrs. A hder- and Rufus Eddy went'to p t a load AlmVd returned Friday from a two i: J* ^ f / ^ I J - l K S 0 ^ V i ^ ^ g 1 Jj?"their-four children, _fr?m-i of nayjnj i barn some^distance _trom ; m o n t h s ' visit with relatives in Span- \ c o u n t ^ o f Franklin, on the 20th day


Thttrsd ay where thejthave spent thepast three weeks.

Mrs. #Smith. of West Bangor, is: spending a few days at the home ofher son, Evelyn Smith. Mrs. Smithdoes not improve "very rapidly,

i f

[ disturbed and nothing was seeni of l i ^ a u / j ^ i m ^ e ^ o t e ^ b e i n g ^ o n e of ! (Vie f "3 ^ ^ will please^iake_noticehim untii- the next morning whert h e ^ e l a i l ^ S burned y j that they are required to appear by

; walked Jo the sid mg and down, -t\e p ?Miwfe^£innie and May Bradley. . ' - ^ - " - - f ^ S f i ^ t ' l ^ i ^ £ ^ L *i™k. Kl^n further investigation %t -i spen't^SatuTday^atlFortCovin^^ rfone, that they

!was found that "he had worked a; , Mrs. Barnes is suffering from ;: short, time the .past summer at j severe cold '

rf.cnv^riri^'from the : tllB Black farm here.r e S l V e T b y f S u n r a i fe- S i l a s Safford had the ^nls-. : ~ * fortune to step on a nail which wents and family have | 5hr<>u^h

1? t h

ie s o l e \°J h^L s h o ^ ^ ^ " ^

W. L. Stowe spentWest B

Md daywith

H. Harmonpainful injuri<?!few days ago. .

Ensign Bowiemoved to their new home on the-k"^T^fi f^^ "

Baylor road lately purchased from h ^ / h ^ Cor several days. , ents in town." £rs Will Berry! . ^ e ^ l e y ^ia-^ood^ wlw has beenJNU | Assemblyman

for theirftftit of a special guardian, or in the"

weeks' vacation with their rrespective parents.

• -. , , Ray Totman of the Brushton highconfine her to | school, spent Sunday with his par-

! and act for them in the proceedings"ae1 probate of said Will.

testimony whereof, we havehereunto affixed theseal of our said surr.o-

ecl here until her mar- \ Kirby have returned to school

••Into the sidetop.

fo u p

«a T:II^ wound and the child is do- |Ing well. iThe social held at the home of Mrs

iL&ura Dalzel) on Friday evening was;a great success. j

Mrs. Delia Rowley has a fine new iline of spring arid summer millinery, i

Mrs. Joe Trippanier and child, of [Massena. are visiting the former's jparents, Mr. and Mrs. J-*s. Dumas.

Mr. and Mrs. George Bruce and ichildren visitedyfer. and Mrs. Miller jIn Dundee on Sunday.

3°-7rFagn.ers._Tare. wondering j ter': of St. Regis Falls, called

C i d i f Thursday' beauties.I ^ W . N. Keel; aiid W. B. Royce

. _ .children, of Plattaburgh,into A. Smith's house. i guests at the home of the former's j to an order of Frederick G. Pad-

Ellsworth unlpaded another j parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Grow. dock, s u r r o g a t e «f the County ofn'tUiaftSfc.-MOndtty. —:— j Mtaa Tftttc "RfTfK wu" hi*HIT- frrrjr •- FJ. aril(.lluT and iSortliiig* to thft if fl*-

Smith was the guest of L«owell \ Brushton^High School over Sunday. ute in such^caae xaade and provided,Brushton Tuesday. j Erna-Bero and Margaret Burke i nofice is hereby: g'iven to all persons

isitfid Mrs.."j&rheisLlaturday.

Mrs. Thomas Raynor,

d^ay^^JV? J here last Sunday ^evening,i'__—^Z^._• Rev. J. N> O'Brien, a Wesleyan

Cain, lajst week.

MrS' ElizaDetn M


May 2—B. L.. Reynolds, of Ma- 11lone, was in town • • - • - • •lone, was in towu .attend the caucus at Brandon Cen- j vl8lto<j i n t n i s p l a c e the_part"we°ek"

S Methodist mCnlster, will preach at j children visited at James Kerry's onj this church next Sunday at 10 set' m. j Sunday.We understand Mr. O'Brien is to Mrs. Ed. Sprague visited at Walliepreach at this place and in Bangor j Kerry's on Sunday,the coming year, and will goon movef^Alva Hoose is building a newto Bangor with his family. He cornels house." m Morley, N. Y., where he has ! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sprague were

jn preaching the past few years. i the guests of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamMrs. Ella Whitman, of Brushton,! Steenberge In Malone T^ednea«aay.

Mrs. George Selkirk "spent Sunday

Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. „.--

daughter, Hazel, . of jSnishton, werethe guests of Mr. a|Bd l^trs. PaschalSpaulding on Sunday. '

Mr. and Mrs. - &imig# Jones, ofPotsdam, we»e th^ # ^ * « of the lat-ter's father, Harry mm*% r*****'

Mrs. Belrose ai#^NM«fttteT* Bessie,

iefly 'of JtWs"'S«^r i^vefc~« ;^™'e51*^xnerly _. .„._ ,and are occupying th* house belong-ing to Alescaftder fYedlnhurg:.

Mary Martin, of Fort Covington,l b i i t i l t i i thi

ary Marn , oflias been visiting relatives inplace the past week.

H H R l d

thislace the past week.

H. H. Reynolds, of Malone, was Inthis place the greater part of lastweek.

Walter Whitney, oi Bruahton, ^asthe guest of friends here yesterday. ^

Waldo Buell, of Skerry, was heretwo dayg last week taking the cen1

BUS. < ,F\ H. Wileox inspected schools in

the towns of Fort Covington, Bom-bayand Westytlle last week.

A specific for pain— Dr. Thomas'JScleetrie Oil, strongest^^eheapest lin-iment ever devised. A householdremedy in America for 26 yearjs. l

siteu in cms piace me pttai weeiv. mis . v»wv»»>= w^.«..— ~ r - -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Btewn visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WU-T , . _L T^_ .J^ . . r H M W , in^ „* Photm Foils.M^Cora

and Mrs. Jennie Spaulding' called in jthis place last Wednesday.* I

A. C. Wftherell, of Moira, was in1

this place the past week on business.Wm. Martin has taken possession

of and is running the Peck cream-ery which he formerly twn&eS. "This]^factory ia running on the outter plan, j Auction bills printed «ft short tu>*

Mr.callers in Malone Wedmesday.

William LAfleur, - of ^ y e r Bend,took dinner with lrts 4s»ighter, Mrs JEdwin l^im 'Thursday." . ' ' . . - "

Hlehard Ladd, of McCollom'B, wasa caller tn town Fjfiday.

i tice The* Farmer offic*.

C^TQBIAfti KM YN flan JUMP I N *

Any akin itching is a temper tett-er. The more yott acrat^b tn« WQrseit itches. Doan's Ointment CUPJSpiles, eczema—any skin itching. Atall drug stores. r*" "*

tb«fl^oatnre of

The Pmrmet and the A«*ny mmJournsJ boto •. tuU year for oni)$240. Sena all orders to The Fsxmer office. -

of his uncle> John Bitney.- - " ' " * i tn Kamna* unaav. ,

_ Kelly and j.of f^rana*^ wasUtM j t ^ te r^^ the l ,^ jo f Fay, called

rOrton and shed for ^anniljal Ellsworth Friday.

Mrs. Thomas Mulaniff is " *home fromXowell on Tuesdt^ ^ . ,she spent a few weeks visiting her

of Altona, whoMrs. Baker have

Mrs. B. T.Mrs. Dickey, of _._..

Miss Bessie BenSaranac, wherein a millinery

b*en visitingh

a muunery snop., •Mr. and Mrs. Bradford MiMer were

callers In. MaloneMr*. Cattle B "

ter, was the guC. Adams Friday.

"I have been 90?n«what costive,but Doon's Regulete grave jurt the re-sults desired. They -act mildly a»dr«galate the bowels perfectly." --4weo.B. Krause, 306 Walnut Ave., Attoona,Pa.

The Farmer and AlbanyThe Farmer and %he yJournal both a full year for only$2.06. Send all orders to The Far-mer office.

Richard Martin tore a largeid

children.Clinton Jones, of Weavtille,

J h C d ' hhas

moved into John Condon's house. 'Nelson Lapree has engaged to !

work for Ed. Keefe,

ling, heart and thereby lighten theburdens of pur, beldyed ^estor la »N

ag ..yeiM^""'wj:'-'';l^v-tojL-7at«»^*ys;

dUigent life Work among us.Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Boyea, of

Ft Covington, called on friends intown vSundity.


April 30—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ya-daw spent a few days the past weekwith their daughter, Mrs. AdolphusBeaulieu, of Massena.

John NUes, of Helena, was tn toWoSunday, the guest of his mother, Mr*.Mary Nllea, She accompanied himh o m e t o spend a, few 4«^s ; >s

Charles Rockhill and daughter,Gladys visited the former's son, John,Of WestviHe Sunday. •

Mrs. Calvin Davis, of Bombay, i sspending a few days with M ^ ^ f B e i iher sister-ih*iaw. "'"•-.• :• . -- "feru;

Mrs. Ev J . Frew spent a :the past week with Mrs.Phelps, of Brushton.

Mrs. Alcl Moore andtrade Sweet were callers atThursday.

marked improvements tnour ipfflsc* are being made. Root,Clark, has «tv*h his house a coat ofpaint Me*. Benn ts repairing htshbuse oonstdersbly the PUUBML havinga a l t w tora away and e, very «tyl*«hn*wi one Is being built.

WUtf. A. Ore«n, our new pastor, oc-

ion tn X*lotie one day rec«nt-

'». p . Gale was in Malono Krlday.

Dated May 2nd, 1910.LOUI8 LAFfA^E,


Attorneys for AdininJbrtrator,Malone, N. Y. 20w27.


Constable Cemetery Association atthe Town^Hsil in the towa of Consta-ble, the hrst Tuesday in May,whichis May i , *t 7:W P. M.

l t w r C. A. HASTtNOS, Sec'y.