bajaj allance

Market Research on existing policies and study to device new policies in Insurance 1.1 - INTRODUCTION: Insurance was a concept developed to transfer person’s risks to another party there by protecting the insured person in the event of any uncertainty. Life insurance is playing a vital role in mobilizing savings from the public, but the rate of mobilization is very low, compared to our population. After LPG, government requires long run funds for economic development, to avail this government invited private people to participate in this. It was flooded with applications from major international insurers & Indian corporate, each seeking to reach out to vast market. At present 14 insurance players are there in Indian market. 1.2 - OBJECTIVES: To identify interest of the peoples in private life insurance company. To study marketability of life insurance products. To study different life insurance policies and procedures and research the scope for newer types of policies. Diksuchi Study Center, Davanagre. 1

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Market Research on existing policies and study to device new policies in Insurance


Insurance was a concept developed to transfer person’s risks to another party

there by protecting the insured person in the event of any uncertainty.

Life insurance is playing a vital role in mobilizing savings from the public, but the

rate of mobilization is very low, compared to our population. After LPG, government

requires long run funds for economic development, to avail this government invited

private people to participate in this. It was flooded with applications from major

international insurers & Indian corporate, each seeking to reach out to vast market. At

present 14 insurance players are there in Indian market.


○ To identify interest of the peoples in private life insurance company.

○ To study marketability of life insurance products.

○ To study different life insurance policies and procedures and research the scope

for newer types of policies.

○ To study the customer’s interest and enlist their wants.

○ To device policies leading to better catering of customers.


There is a considerable change in financial scenario of the nation due to LPG with

regard to this insurance industry playing a very important role (in collecting savings from

public). After LPG more number of private insurance companies have come to existence

to compete with LIC. So there are 14 insurance companies facing stiff competition

among them, in this view this study will help to develop suitable strategies and policies to

improve insurance business.

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Data base:

The methodology entails systematic activities ranging from the source i.e., the

primary data. The primary data is collected through a field survey method.

Questionnaires are used; face-to-face interviews are carried out. Separate questionnaires

were pre-tested with the acquaintance and friends and then final drafts were prepared.

Both open ended and closed ended questionnaires were formed. Marketing

officers of Insurance companies were interviewed personally and their opinions were


Secondary data is also made use of viz., Economic Times, Business world,

Business today magazines was of immense help.


Many graphs like pie charts, bar diagrams and tables have been depicted to

analyze and interpret the data, and various statistical techniques were used.

The data is collected by 2 methods:

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data.

Primary data is collected through survey method i.e. by preparing questionnaire and

interviewing persons directly and by interacting with the branch manager and other staff


Secondary data, which is secondary in nature i.e. already, collected information. This

secondary data is collected through-


Magazines, Journals.

Internet &

Published articles

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Sampling design is the sample size, which is taken for the purpose of study. It

was selected form Davangere city & sample size is 40, which were chosen randomly.


The scope of the study is the covered area for the purpose of study. The study is

limited to Davangere city Bajaj Allianz life insurance.


Every study has one or the other limitations, which limits the study. The

following are the limitations of the study:

1. The main limitation is the time factor.

2. The study confined only to BajajAllianz private life insurance company

Davangere city.

3. Sample size may give biased answers.

4. The sample selected represents the whole of the population.

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2.1 – Meaning and definition:


The business of insurance is related to the protection of the economic value of

assets. Every asset has a value .The asset would have been created through the efforts of

the owner, in the expectation that, either through the income generated there from or

some other output. There is a normally expected lifetime for the asset during which time

it is expected to perform. The owner aware of this can so manage his affairs that by the

end of the lifetime, a substitute made available to ensure that the value or income is not

lost. However, if the asset gets lost earlier, being destroyed or made nonfunctional,

through an accident or other unfortunate event, the owner and those deriving benefits

there from suffer. Insurance is a mechanism that helps to reduce such adverse



In India, the Indian Contract Act, 1872 governs commercial contracts. Insurance

is a specialized type of contract, in that, apart form the usual essentials of a valid contract,

insurance contracts are subjected to additional principles viz. principle of utmost good

faith and principle of insurable interest. These apply to both life and non-life classes of


Life insurance is the only instrument, which not only fulfills the need of savings

but also guarantees the fulfillment of the savings plan.

Life insurance provides a wide range of plans to meet the life cycle needs. The

need of a person who desires to provide the family with a large sum on his death at a very

low cost can be met by availing whole life assurance plan. The person who wants to have

sum assured at his old age on maturity of the plan or wants to make the sum assured to be

provided to his family on death can avail of endowment plan. The need of children’s

education and marriage can be met by the insurance plan specially designed for

marriage/education. The maturity benefits are paid by way of survival benefits in regular

installments to meet the needs arising at various stages under money back plan.

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2.2 - Purpose & Need of Insurance

Assets are insured, because they are likely to be destroyed or made non-

functional, through an accidental occurrence. Such possible occurrences are called perils

and there could be difficulties. Living too long can be as much a problem as dying too

young. These risks which need to safeguard against. Insurance takes care.

Insurance only tries to reduce the impact of the risk on the owner of the

asset and those who depend on that asset. It compensates, may not be fully, the losses.

Only economic or financial losses can be compensated.

There are certain basic principles, which make it possible for insurance to

remain popular and a fair arrangement. The first is the fact that people are exposed to risk

and that the consequences of such risks are difficult for any one individual to bear. It

becomes bearable when the community shares the Burdon. The second is that no one

person should be in a position to make the happen. In other words, none in the group

should set fire to his assets and ask others to share the costs of damage. This would be

taking unfair advantage of an arrangement put into place to protect people from the risks

they are exposed to. The occurrence has to be random, accidental, and not the deliberate

creation of the insured person.

2.3 - Role of insurance in economic development:

For economic developments, investments are necessary. Investments are made out

of savings. A life insurance company is a major instrument for the mobilization of

savings of people, particularly from the middle and lower income groups. These savings

are channeled into investment for economic growth.

As on 31-3-2000, the total investment of the LIC exceeded 147,000 cores, of

which more than Rs.84, 000 cores were directly in Government (both Sate and Centre)

related securities, nearly Rs.12, 000 cores in the State Electricity Boards, Rs.16,000 cores

in housing loans and Rs.3,000 cores in water supply and sewerage systems. Other

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investment included road transport, setting up of industrial estates and directly financing

industry. Investment in the corporate sector (shares, debentures and term loans) exceeded

lives of the people and their economic well being. The LIC like other good life insurance

company, has huge funds, accumulated through the small payments of premium of

individuals, and is a powerful contributor for the economic development of the country.

A life insurance company’s strength lies in the fact that huge amounts are

collected and pooled together. These amounts come by way of premiums. Every premium

represents a risk that is covered by that premium. In effect, therefore, these vast amounts

represent pooling of risks. The funds are collected and held in trust for the benefit of the

policyholders. The management of life insurance companies is required to keep this

aspect in mind and make all its decision in ways that benefit community. This applies

companies would not be found investing in speculative ventures. Their investments, as in

the case of the LIC benefit the society at large.

In order to be amenable to statistical predictions, insurance risks must be handled

must be handled on a large scale. There is, in statistics, a “law of large numbers”. When

you toss a coin, the chance of ahead or tail coming up is half. If the coining is tossed 10

times, one cannot be sure that the head will come up 5 times. If the coin is tossed 1

million times, the number of heads will be closer to half a million proportionately than in

the case of 10. The variation will be less as a percentage. So also, the larger the chances

that the assumptions regarding the probability of the risk occurring, which is the basis of

premium calculation will be realized in practice.

2.4 - Insurance Act 1938:

In 1912, the Indian Life Insurance Companies Act and provident fund insurance

societies Act 1912 was passed. This was the first comprehensive legislation in India to

regulate the business of insurance. It has been observed that the provisions of Indian

Company’s Act did not meet the purpose. A further legislation was assed in 1928.

However, a comprehensive legislation was passed in 1938. The Insurance Act 1938,

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aimed “to consolidate and amend the law relating to the business of insurance” came into

force with effect from 1st July 1939. Important changes were effected in 1950, whereby

provisions were made for the abolition of the chief agents, special agents and principal

agents, the expensed were sought to be limited, investments were controlled much more,

the Insurance Association and Insurance Councils and also Tariff Advisory Committees

were formed as a matter of self-regulation. After nationalization of the insurance

business, the application of the Insurance Act to be nationalized LIC and the GIC and its

subsidiaries was limited. Further amendments have been made in the Insurance Act,

1938, through the IRDA Act, 1999, in view of the new circumstances arising out of the

opening up of the insurance industry in 2000.

2.5 - Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act 1999:

This Act was passed by Parliament in December 1999 and it received presidential

assent in January 2000.this Act provides for the establishment of the Authority protect the

interest of holders of insurance policies, to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth

of insurance industry and for matters connected therewith or incidental there to. It also

sought to amend the Insurance Act, 1938, the Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956 and

the General insurance Business (Nationalization) Act 1972.Under this Act, an authority

called IRDA has been establishment. This is a corporate body established for the purpose

and objects as set out in the explanation to the title. The “Authority” replaces “controller”

under Insurance Act that if “Authority” is superceded by the Central Government, the

“Controller of Insurance” may be appointed till such time as “Authority” is reconstitute

Section 2(f) defines and intermediary or insurance intermediary ot include

insurance brokers, re-insurance brokers, insurance consultants, surveyors and loss

assessors. The Authority has the power and function to specify qualifications, code of

conduct and practical training for intermediaries and agents.

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3.1 - Introduction:

India successfully entered the liberalization of insurance era in 1999. Apparently,

the Indian insurance market is very important to the global community. In addition, India

has one of the top growth rates in either the life of general insurance industries in the

world. India, with a population of more than one billion is potentially going to be the

largest insurance market in the world may be next to China. The Indian insurance

industry has been underdeveloped throughout recent history. There were only 6 insurance

companies in India in the beginning of 2000. More importantly, regulation of the

insurance industry has not been able to keep pace with the rapid growth of Indian

insurance market and new products in the current market driven economy. As for

examples where are the specific regulation in areas such as crop insurance, credit

insurance, health insurance and return linked general insurance business. It is an

important task for Indian authorities to develop a well functioning insurance market,

which will not only provide security for Indian people and their corporations, but will

also enhance the development of the Indian economy.

It is well recognized that risk management and insurance provides five categories

of service that are critical to economic growth.



The advantages of more foreign participation in Indian insurance markets-

1. Improvement in customer service and value.

The Indian insurance industry is relatively new, especially in personal lines and in

a majority of commercial lines despite boasting for a long stint in the market.

With hundreds of years of meaningful experience, foreign insurance companies

are definitely able to provide new and diverse products that meet the needs of

Indian markets. There have been many favorable experiences in Indian. For

example many different types of new life insurance such as universal life

insurance and variable life insurance have been introduced in India more notable

most ,Indian insurance companies whether domestically owned or joint venture

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have recognizes that service competition should more important than price

competition. The concept of service competition is a result of foreign insurance

companies participation though joint venture. While adequate insurance premium

are important to consumers, consumer services are more critical the IRDA should

encourage insurance companies to focus on not only advocate premium but also

insurance services. No doubt domestic companies are still considered more

credible at market place but they have improved their service in reaction to

happening around. If liberalisation would not have happened the customer did not

have the option to precipitate improvement

2. Transfer of technological and know how

This is probably one of the most important reason why India should keep

allowing foreign institution to participate in Indian insurance market it is apparent

that large international companies have expertise in underwriting, marketing,

ratings, investment, and other operations. To ensure foreign technology and

expertise India should encourage domestic companies to learn and adopt new

technology and develop new product as long as domestic Insurance companies

stay competitive, foreign insurance companies need to utilize and transfer the

most advanced technology to India so as to compete with India’s domestic

insurance companies.

3. Additional external financial capital

It is true foreign insurance companies will provide capital inflows to Indian

domestic economy when the joint venture is first established. However it should be

noted that there would be capital outflows when the joint venture becomes profitable.

In the long run there may be more capital outflow than the capital inflow.

To reduce capital outflow India needs to provide stable economic and political

environment so that foreign insurance companies reinvest their profits in India.

4. Creation of beneficial domestic spillovers

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Foreign insurance companies can create some types of beneficial domestic

spillovers because foreign insurance companies realy on the services of Indian

companies through joint venture. Other backward linkages include banks, accounting

firms, law firms and BPO services.

India should capture this excellent opportunity and advance technology in

banks, accounting firms, law firms and BPO services to fulfill the needs of foreign

companies, including insurance companies. These are the internal wings of the value

chain. There can be both internal and external wings of the value chain. External

wings of value chain can be harnessed by tapping into the retrocession and

securitization markets in the country or hinterland of the foreign partner.


The concerns of more foreign participation in Indian insurance markets

It is critical that India recognizes these concerns and tries to minimize the

negative impact of the entrance of foreign insurance companies on the Indian economy or

on its domestic insurance companies.

1. Foreign insurer will dominate the domestic markets.

One possible method for insurers to dominate markets is dumping. That is

insurance can sell their products below cost to gain market share even if foreign insurer

has attempted or does attempted to gain market dominance by dumping, the effects seen

more likely to be positive than negative for citizens and the economy. While consumers

may enjoy the low cost of insurance in the short run, they may suffer large losses in the

long run when insurance companies go bankrupt. The reason is that some insurance

companies try to gain market share by offering below cost premiums and eventually

become insolvent. Unlike regular products, insurance provide futures services and

payments and thus, adequate premium are typical to the protection of consumers.

The decision maker should worry more about whether the presence of foreign

insurance companies will increase the quality of insurance products and services and

decrease the price, than dominating the domestic markets. At the same time, adeaquate

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premiums, rather than below cost premiums, will benefit consumers in the long run. The

IRDA should closely watch inadequate premiums or abnormally high promised interest

rates in life insurance policies.

2. Foreign insurers will service the market selectively.

Foreign insurers only service the market selectively is valid, although a

competitive system will eliminate this concern. It is not uncommon for insurers to service

only select markets. For example, without regulatory intervention, most insurance

companies in the developed countries would not sell insurance in the residual or high risk

automobile insurance market.

While most foreign or domestic insurers currently focus their efforts on the large

cities of India, they need to understand that they are required to sell insurance in the rural

areas, or north eastern states, that are not as populated or profitable. This kind of practice

may not be a major problem today because insurance needs are not great in the rural areas

and such states .However, the IRDA needs to make sure the future needs in those areas

are fulfilled. One way to solve this problem may lie in developing a plan similar to the

auto insurance plan in developed countries. Specifically the IRDA may develop a plan so

that all the insurance companies in India need to write their proportionate share of

insurance in the rural areas and neglected states based on the total volume written in the

big cities of India a mere regulatory lip service will give the willful errant a perpetual

escape route.

3. Market opening should await certain reforms

It is true that insurance regulations in India might not be 100% ready to regulate

either foreign or domestic insurance company in a deregulated and liberalized market.

However, India has recently passed many insurance laws and regulations to help

regulate insurance companies, insurance brokers and new products partly because of

entrance of foreign insurance companies.

More reforms, laws and regulations are needed to regulate the Indian insurance

industry. To have a healthy insurance industry, insurance laws and regulations need to be

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updated all the time. Regulatory inundation should not be as per the understanding and

convenience of the regulator of the day but as per the strategic requirement of the market.

3.3 - About IRDA

Insurance regulatory and development authority act 1999:

This act was passed by Parliament in December 1999 and it received presidential

assent in January 2000. This act provides for the establishment of the authority protect

the interest of holders of insurance policies, to regulate, promote and ensure orderly

growth of insurance industry and for matters connected therewith or incidental there to.

It also of sought to amend the Insurance Act, 1938, the Life Insurance Corporation Act

1956 and the General insurance Business (Nationalization) Act 1972. Under this Act, an

authority called IRDA has been establishment. This is a corporate body established for

the purpose and objects as set out in the explanation to the title. The “Authority” is

superceded by the Central Government, the “Controller of Insurance” may be appointed

till such time as “Authority” is reconstituted.

Section 2 (f) defines and intermediary or insurance intermediary to include insurance

brokers, re-insurance brokers, insurance consultants, surveyors and loss assessors. The

Authority has the power and function qualifications, code of conduct and practical

training for intermediaries and agents.

Duties, Powers and Functions of IRDA

Section 14 of IRDA Act, 1999 lays down the duties, powers and functions of IRDA.

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any other law

for the time being in force, the authority shall have the duty to regulate, promote and

ensure orderly growth of the insurance business and re-insurance business.

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(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in sub-section the

powers and functions of the Authority shall include, -

(a) Issue to the applicant a certificate of registration, renew, modify, withdraw,

suspend or cancel such registration;

(b) Protection of the interests of the policy holders in matters concerning assigning of

policy, nomination by policy holders, insurable interest, settlement of insurance claim,

surrender value of policy and other terms and conditions of contracts of insurance;

(c) Specifying requisite qualifications, code of conduct and practical training for

intermediary or insurance intermediaries and agents;

(d) Specifying the code of conduct for surveyors and loss assessors;

(e) Promoting efficiency in the conduct of insurance business.

(f) Promoting and regulating professional organizations

connected with the insurance and re-insurance business.

(g) Levying fees and other charges for carrying out the purposes of this Act;

(h) Calling for information from, undertaking inspection of, conducting enquiries and

investigations including audit of the insurers, intermediaries, insurance intermediaries

and other organizations connected with the insurance business.

(I) Control and regulation of the rates, advantages, terms and conditions that may be

offered by insurers in respect of general insurance business not so controlled and

regulated by the Tariff Advisory Committee under section 64U of the Insurance Act,

1938 (4 of 1938);

(j) Specifying the form and manner in which books of account shall be maintained and

insurers and other insurance intermediaries shall render statement of accounts;

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(k) Regulating investment of funds by insurance companies;

(l) Regulating maintenance of margin of solvency;

(m) Adjudication of disputes between insurers and intermediaries or insurance intermediaries;

(n) Supervising the functioning of the Tariff Advisory Committee;

(o) Specifying the percentage of premium income of the insurer to finance schemes for

promoting and regulating professional organizations referred to in clause (f);

(p) Specifying the percentage of life insurance business and general insurance business

to be undertaken by the insurer in the rural or social sector; and

(q) Exercising such other powers as may be prescribed

The IRDA has a cell that receives and looks into complaints from policyholders—

Life and Non-life grievances are handled separately.

The Cell plays a facilitative role by taking up such complaints with the respective


Cases of delay/non-response in matters relating to policies and claims are taken

up with the insurers for speedy disposal.

Complaints relating to these are analyzed and insurers are advised to examine the

same. If required, their attention is called to specific issues for examination/re-

examination. However, if the insurer does not change its stand even after examination/re-

examination, the complainant is informed of the same. The Authority does not carry out

any adjudication. For this, the complainant would have to approach the appropriate

judicial channel.

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The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy target customers needs and wants. the

fields if consumer behavior studies how individuals, groups, and organizations select,

buy, use and dispose of goods and services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and


In the other words Prof. Walter C.G. and Prof. Paul G .W, it is “the process where

the individual decide, whether, what, when, where, how and from whom to purchase

goods and services.” It encompasses the decision making process that proceeds and

determine purchase.

Understanding consumer behavior and knowing consumer are never simple. The

marketers must study there target customers wants, perception. Preferences and shopping

and buying behavior.

Type of customer

1. Impulsive customer

2. timid or nervous customer

3. snobbish customer

4. Deliberate customer

5. argumentative customer

6. Price minded customer

7. Talkative customer

8. Silent customer

9. Suspicious customer

10. Women customer

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Diksuchi Study Center, Davanagre.

CULTURALCulturalSubcultureSocial; class

SOCIALReference GroupOpinion LeaderFamilyRoles and Statuses


Personal IncomeFamily Income Income ExpectationLiquid AssetsConsumer CreditStandard of Livingst


Age and Life Cycle StageOccupationEconomic CircumstancesLife StylePersonality and Self Concept



PSYCHOLOGICALMotivationPerceptionLearningBelieves and AttitudesPersonality


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Cultural factors exert the broadest and deepest influences on consumer behavior.

The roles played by the buyer’s culture, subculture and social classes are particularly


1. Culture

Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a person’s wants and behavior.

Culture refers to all those symbols, artifacts and behavioral patterns that are passed on

socially from one generation to the next, culture are specific to the areas in which they


2. Subculture

Each subculture consists of smaller subculture that provides more specific information

and socialization for its members. Subculture includes nationalities, religion, racial

group and geographical region. Many subcultures make up important market segment

and marketers often design products and marketing program tailored to their needs.

3. Social class

Social class is relatively homogenous and enduring division in a society. Which are

hierarchically ordered and whose members share similar values interest and behaviors.

Social class do not reflect income along but also other indicators such as occupation

education and area of residence, social class differ in their dress, speech pattern,

recreational preferences and many other characteristics.


In addition cultural factors consumers’ behavior is influenced by such social factors

like reference group, opinion leader, family and roles and status.

1. Reference group

Reference groups are those groups, which an individual identified with to the extent

that those groups became a standard or normal, which influenced his behavior.

Reference group is a social and professional group that influences the individual

opinion, beliefs and aspiration. It is one that provides an individual with a sense of

identity, accomplishment and stability. Group influences is seem in brand reference

and choices.

2. Opinion leader:

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The individual to whom such reference is made by a person or person is the opinion

leader. The beliefs, preferences attitudes, action and behavior of the leader se a trend

and a pattern for other to follow in given situation. In every in timate reference group,

there is a reference person, an informal group leader. He is the innovator in the group

who first tries new ideas and products and them propagates them to his followers.

Marketers very often try to catch hold of the opinion leaders through ads and other

means of communication. If they succeed in selling their ideas and products to the

opinion leader then they have sold it to the entire group of followers behind them.`

3. Family

Family is the most important consumers buying organization in society and it has

been researched extensively. A family member of orientation consists of ones parents

and siblings. From parents live with their grown children their influences can be


Marketers are interested in the roles and relatively influences of the husband wife and

children in the purchase of a large variety of products and services.

4. Roles and statuses.

A person participates in many group throughout life-family, clubs organization. The

person’s position in each group can be defined in terms of roles and status. A role

consists of the activities that a person is expected to perform.

Each role carries a status. A supreme court justice has more status than a sales

manager has more status than an office clerk, people choose products that

communicate their role and status in the society.


The purpose of demand creation activities require not only intensifying the desire of a

person to go in for brand but also to give him buying power which translates desire in to

actual purchase. The buying power depends on following factors.

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Income means purchasing power. Gross income of a person is composed of

“disposal income” and “discretionary income”. The disposal personal income is the

balance after subtracting taxes and compulsory deduction from gross income. Any

change in disposal income will have change in consumer buying decision. Decline in

disposal income reduces the consumer spending: however, whom disposal income raises,

consumer spending not only rises but makes them to go in for more and more of luxuries.

“Discretionary income” is the income, which is available after meeting basic needs of

living. It is residual disposal income left after meeting all expenses essential to provide a

minimum subsistence needs to a family.


Since an individual is a part of his family, it is the aggregate income of all members

of the family, which determines the buying power of an individual. The surplus income in

the entire family, after deducting expenditure on basic needs of the family is made

available for buying durable. The size and life style of the family also have impact on a

family – buying behavior.


The behavior also depends on the expectation of the future income. If a person

expects future rise in his income, he purchases durable such as car, refrigerator, sofa-set,

etc. if his future income is likely to decline, he will restrict current expenditure to bare



Liquid asset of consumer are the assets held in the money on near – money forms of

investments, for ex hard cash, and bank balance, share and bonds and saving certificates.

These liquid assets are building up to buy some consumer durable on to meet unexpected

future needs or contingencies.

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Paucity of consumer credit has its impact on consumer buying behavior,

consumer credit takes number of shapes like deferred payment, installment, hire purchase

arrangements and the like. Easy availability of consumer credit makes the consumer to go

in for that consumer durable.


The consumer behavior has the impact on the established standard of living to which

he is accustomed. Even if the consumer income goes down. The consumer spending will

not come down proportionately. Because, it is very difficult to come from an established

standard of living.


A buyer’s decisions are also influenced by personal characteristics. These include the

buyer’s age and stage in the life cycle, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle and

personality and self-concept.


People buy different goods and services over their lifetime. The consumption is

also shaped by the family life cycle. The stages of the family life cycle depend upon the

financial situation and typical product interests of each group marketers often choose life

cycle groups as their target market.


A person’s occupation also influences his or her consumption pattern. Marketers

try to identify the occupational groups that have above average interest in their products

and services.

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Product choice is greatly affected by one’s economic circumstances. People’s

economic circumstances consist of their spend able income, savings and assets, debts,

borrowings power and attitude towards spending versus saving.

Marketer of the income – sensitive goods pay constant attention to trends in personal

income savings and interest rates. If economic indicator point to a recession, marketers

can take steps to redesign reposition and re-price their products so they continue to offer

value to target customer.


People coming from the same subculture, social class and occupation may lead

quite different life styles.

A person’s life style is the person’s pattern of living in the world as expressed in

the person’s activity interest and opinions. Marketers search for relationships between

their products and life style groups and the marketers then the brand more clearly at the

achiever life style.


Each person has a distinct personality that influences his or her buying behavior.

Personality means a person’s distinguished psychological characteristics that lead to

relatively consistent and enduring responses to his or her environment.

Personality is usually described in terms of such traits as self confidence, dominance,

autonomy, deference, sociability, defensiveness and adaptability; personality can be

useful variable in analyzing consumer behavior provided that personality types can be

classified accurately and that strong co-relation exist between certain personality types

and product or brand choices.

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1. Political factors can influence the sale and purchase of products of one

company and another that indirectly affects the buying behavior.

2. Legal factors are the factors which are governed by the rules and

regulations of the government and the entry and exit of products may be

slow or fast and buying and declining may affect.

3. Technological factors may be another factor for improvements or

advances in new products or present products and this improvement in

technology may change the buying behavior pattern.

4. Ethical factors may be the rules and regulation or moral conduct of the

seller or the manufacturer with the product and services and of the

relations with the customers. This is the main factor for buying behavior

of the customers.


A person’s buying choices are influences by five major psychological factors.


A person as many needs at any given time. Some needs are biogenic tension such

as hunger, thrust, discomfort other needs is psychogenic, then arise from psychological

states of tension such as the need for recognition esteem or belonging. Most psychogenic

needs are not intensive enough to motivate the person to act on them immediately. A

need becomes a motive when it is aroused to a different level of intensity. A motive is

need that is sufficiently pressing to drive the person to act.


Perception gives the direction to be taken by the behavior. It is the meaning that

consumers give on the basis of its past experience consumers sense perceives the color

shape sound smell taste etc of its stimuli. The consumer has his own, selective exposure,

selective distortion, selective retention and selective action. i.e., the consumer as his own,

decision whenever messages broadcast by the marketers through their promotional tools.

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When people act they learn. Learning involves changes in an individual behavior

arising from experience. Most human behavior learnt. Learning theories believe that

learning is produced through the interplay of drives, stimuli, cues responses and


‘Drive refers to an internal state of tension, which warrants action. A “cue” is an

environmental stimulus. Responses represent the person’s reaction to cues within his

environment. Reinforcement is the response reward.


Through doing and learning people acquire believes and attitudes. These in turn

influence their buying behavior.

A belief is the description throughout that a person holds about something.

Manufactures are very interested in the believes that people carry in their heads about

their products and services. These beliefs make up product and images and act on their


An “attitude” is a person enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations emotional

feelings and action tendencies toward some object or idea. People have attitudes toward

almost everything: religion, politics, clothes, music, food and so on. Attitudes put them in

to a frame of mind of liking or disliking an object, moving toward or way from it.

Attitudes lead people to behave in a fairly consistent way towards similar objects.


Personality refers to the essentials difference between one individual and another.

There fore, personality consists of mannerisms, habits, action that make a person an

individual and there by serve to make him distinct from every one else. Personality

interplay of three component namely, the “id, the ego, and super ego”.

The “id”, the source of all mental energy which drives as to action.

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The “ego”, the conscious directs of “id” impulses for finding satisfaction in

social accepted manner. It represents our basic impulses and total


The “super ego”, the internal representation of what is socially approved our

conscience i e, it reflects our idealized behavior patter.

BUYING DECISION We can distinguish five roles people might play a buying decision,

1. INITIATOR: a person who first suggest the idea of buying the product or


2. INFLUENCER: a person who view or advice influences the decision.

3. DECIDER: A person who decides on any component of a buying decisions:

whether to buy, what to buy, how to buy, where to buy.

4. BUYER: The person who makes the actual purchase.5. USER: the person who consumes or uses the products or service.

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5.1 Introduction

The purpose of all business is to create and retain the customers. Without

customers, their can be no business. Customer does not come on their own. They have to

become aware of availability of the goods or services on offer. Awareness is not enough.

It must be convenient to access the offer. The cost must be seen to be reasonable for the

benefits offered. An excellent produce does not guarantee that sales will happen, unless

people interest in that product come to know about it and find that the efforts to get it is

not too taxing. They will continue as customers when they are satisfied with what they

have got. Business, therefore, has to inform the likely customers through media that reach

them, make the goods and services available at convenient outlets and ensure that the

customers experience satisfaction while using them. Marketing is the activity that

comprises of all these. It focuses on the customers.

The marketer asks questions like what do people buy ,why do they buy (what are

the needs,) when and where do they buy, how do they buy, what are their preferences and

priority, what do they look for while buying, what are their concepts etc. the products

and the distributions are the design in a ways that try to match these requirements.

Studies over the years have developed ideas and concepts that help the marketers become

more effective in their function.

Marketing concepts relevant tangible products like motorcar, refrigerator and

cosmetics are not entirely applicable to the service business, like hotels, finance,

healthcare, credit cards or travel. Every service is different. The needs of their customers

are different. The ways of production the services are different. Every service is catering

to a different kind of need and is different in the internal dynamics of making the service

available. Those entering causality a department of the hospitals. The two places cannot

have the same ambience. Even in insurance, life is different from general. This chapter

deals with the some of the important concepts relating to marketing of life insurance

keeping in mind the responsibilities and functions of the agents.

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5.2 The distribution channel

A distribution channel is the route by which the product (or offer) prepared by the

producer reaches the ultimate consumer (or buyer). The distribution channel bridges the

distance between the producer (point of manufacturer) and the consumer (point of sale).

In the case of goods, the product manufacture in the factory passes through wholesalers,

stockiest and retailers, before it reaches the customer. In the case of life insurance, the

agent is equivalent of the retailer. The supervisor of agents, by whatever name called, is

an important part, because it is he who, by creating and training agents, makes the

channel effective. New agents widen the channel.

Equally important would be the other intermediaries, like brokers and insurance

consultant. Some life insurers are trying to eliminate intermediaries to save costs. Direct

selling is one such attempt. This is increasing in foreign countries. In India, people, by

and large know about life insurance, but still have a lot of wrong notions about it.

Personal contracts by agents may continue to be necessary for quite some time.

Another method being attempted is the use of the extensive network of branches of

banks. The customer of both banks and life insurers are practically from the same

segments of population. Through the same contact, the prospect can be helped to arrange

for both bank deposits and life insurance. There would be saving in infrastructure costs

and overhead. New insurers find this an easy way composite product having the elements

of both life insurance and banking. These trends have to develop.

5.3 Sold not bought:

Life insurance is not bought by anybody. General insurance is often bought

because there are compulsions under the law (motor vehicles) or from the financiers

asking for insurance as collateral security. In the case of tendency is to defer the decision.

The possibility of death is either ignores or not considered imminent. The requirements of

today take priority over the requirements if tomorrow. Even if not absolutely essential,

the requirements of today seen to be more compelling. Tomorrow never comes.

Superstitious belief and cultural or religious background often interfere with the process

of considering the usefulness of life insurance. There are notions about life insurance not

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being a good investment (yields are low, the money after 20 years is worth much less)

and so on. By the time some one realizes him the need for life insurance, the chances are

that he may not be in the best of health and the insurer may have doubts about the

insurability. Life insurance has to be had when in the best of health. Otherwise, the and

motivations of the former. The latter is likely to be a case of moral hazard and must be

looked at more insurer will refuse to grant the insurance cover. In this complex milieu,

people need to be persuaded that there is need to be concerned about the future and life

insurance is a necessity, not an option. Insurance has to be sold.

The person, who is met by an agent at his normal place or work or residence, is a better

risk than the who comes to the office and asks for insurance. The agent, who is the

primary underwriter, can study and report on the circumstances carefully.

5.4 The customer:

The service of life insurance happens at the time of claim, when people will

experience how the promises are being kept. Until then, it is a hope, a promise the

significance of which is vague. The customer in life insurance is not only the person who

bought the policy, but also the person who is making the claim. He is the one experience

the service. This difference is not only in death claim cases. Even the case of maturity

claim, where the claimant is the same as the policy holder of life insured, the two minds

sets are different. At the start, at the buying stage, the mind set is one of anxiety and fear

at the possibility of satisfaction that nothing untoward had happened, but also there could

be disappointment that the moneys could have been utilized elsewhere better.

Claimants of death benefits are persons different from the one who had taken out

the policy and perhaps know little about the circumstances and conditions under which

the policy was taken or had been looked after. They may not are familiar with their

entitlements under the policy. They an importantly member of the family. The insurers

will ask for information and documents of various kinds to decide on the admissibility of

the claim. There would be the insurance company, who helps the claimant in finding the

right information and in completing the formalities, will be providing great satisfaction. If

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the agent who sold the policy is not available for any reason, the office can depute

another person or another agent.

5.5 strengthening relationships:

The agent is the main intermediary between the customer and the insurer. The

customer agent link is stronger than the agent company link (this tends to be impersonal),

which in turn, is stronger than the customer is. A death claim provides a tremendous

opportunity to strengthen this link.

The agent is expected to keep in constant touch with his policy holders to become

aware of the changes in his situation including marriages, deaths of relatives, release of

mortgages. Anyone of them may necessitate some changes like to policy moneys or more

insurance. The contact conveys a message that the agent cares for the policyholder and

the family. An agent who is seen only at the time the policy was being bought, is likely to

be perceived as selfish, not concerned about the policyholder’s interests and therefore,

not believed. The agents show of concern could be interpreted as not genuine and

therefore, his promises not very dependable.

A study made by the insurance institute of India in 1987, by interviewing 2510

policyholders in 26 cities, had the following observations.

Agents do not maintain regular contact with policyholders, although they are seen

as available whenever necessary.

50% said that if they had any work to be done, they would go to the office directly

rather than get in touch with the agent.

Agents are perceives as knowledgeable, but also as concerned more with their

own benefits than those of policyholders.

These observations reflect badly on the agents.

5.6 Functions of agent:

The agent’s main function is to solicit and procure life insurance business for the

insurer, which has appointed him for that purpose. At the same time, he is trusted by

the prospects to advise him suitably keeping his circumstances and needs in mind. He

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is thus in the unique role of a person trusted by both parties to the transactions. His

functions would include.

Understand the prospect’s needs and persuade him to buy a plan of life

insurance that suits his interests best.

Complete the formalities (paper work, medical examination) necessary to get

policy expeditiously.

Keep in touch to ensure that changing circumstances are reflected in the

arrangements relating to premium payments, nomination and other necessary


Facilitates quick settlement of claims.

Be totally honest with the prospects and the insurer.

The regulations framed by IRDA lay down a code of conduct, which incorporates

some of these concepts. The code says interalia that the agent shall.

Identify himself and the insurance company of which he is an agent.

Disclose the license to the prospect on demand.

Explain all available options to the prospect.

Recommend a suitable plan taking into account the needs of the prospect.

Disclose the scales of commission, if asked for by the prospect.

Explain the nature and importance of the information required in the

proposal form.

Impress upon the prospect the need to disclose all information.

Make all enquiries about the prospect.

Inform the insurer about any material facts, including habits that could

adversely affect the underwriting decision.

Convey to the prospect about the acceptance or rejection of the proposal.

Render necessary assistance to policyholders or clients or beneficiaries in

complying with requirements asked for by the insurer.

Advice policyholders to effect nomination.

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Make every attempt to ensure remittance of premiums by the

policyholders within the stipulated time, by giving notice orally and in


Not to induce prospects to submit wrong information.

Not to interfere with the proposals introduced by other insurance agents.

Not demand or receive from beneficiary, share of proceeds under an

insurance contract.

Not cause the termination of an existing policy with the view to effect a

new proposal.

5.7 Advertisements:

Life insurance is brought as a response to advertisements. Advertisements

are effective.

As reminders to intimate change of address, pay premium, make nominations etc.

As information on bonus declaration, special revival schemes, concessions, new

plans, etc.

To build corporate image as financially strong, as responsible social citizen, etc.

The regulations framed by the IRDA have made some stipulation about

advertisements by insurer as well as by intermediaries like agents. These stipulation

apply to all messages in the print and electronic media, hoardings, internet, leaflets,

business cards, etc., that urge others to buy life insurance. These stipulation, inter alia,

state that

Claims made about the benefits should not beyond the ability of the policy to


Benefits described should match policy provisions

Words or phrases should not be used in such a way as to hide or minimize

the cost of hazards

Important exclusions, limitations and conditions of the contract should be

disclosed sufficiently.

Information should not be misleading.

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Illustrations about future benefits or assumptions should not be unrealistic or

unrealizable in the light or current performance

Benefits that are not guaranteed should not be referred to in ways that they

are not noticed

There should be no implication of sponsorship affiliation or approval that

does not exist

There should not be any unfair or incomplete comparisons with products of


Those who have received policy moneys on the death of the life insured, are the

best endorsements for a life insurer. They are the ones who have experienced what life

insurance means and know what is can do differently from other financial arrangement.

They know how it feels when a previously determine amount comes in at a time

foreclose mortgages and attach property. Satisfies claimants are powerful and effective

as is the most effective endorsement. In insurance it is particularly so. The word of

mouth is an endorsement, not only need for the life insurance, but also for the insurer

and the agent in particular.

5.8 Keeping customer happy:

A customer satisfied when the product meets his needs. In life insurance, this

happens at the time of the claim, which is a long way off. It is important to keep him

happy during this period, to avoid what is called ‘Cognitive Dissonance’. This arises

because of doubts about the decision to buy. In the case of life insurance, such doubts

may easily arise because others (friends and agent) will talk about better alternative plans,

better insurers, and so on. The only way to counter these possibilities is to be in touch

with the prospect and reassure him at every possible opportunity that the purchase he

made was not a mistake. In other words, the agent will be effectively repeating the sales

talk, overcoming objections, till the benefits are seen through claims.

Studies show that people are happy when they are recognized and respected and

not taken for granted. Recognition happens when one’s feelings, requirements etc., are

understood and not ignored. Agents can do lot in terms of recognizing people. One way

is to be available whenever the prospect or the policyholder has a point for clarification.

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These may happen during the policy term itself, when a change in job or place may raise

doubts as to the effected on the policy. Another say is to avoid denying the validity of his

thoughts. These are nothing more demeaning than to be discredited for one’s ideas. This

is important while handling objections during a sale. Recognition is high when the

thoughts of the other person are anticipated.

Two other factors, which make customers happy, are Responsiveness (willingness

to help) and Ease of Access. On both counts, agents can do much more than what the

insurer’s office can do. It is difficult for an office to be warm and personalized when

dealing with anybody. The agent can. Some agents do not let the policyholders go to the

office at all. They get everything done. Such agents are reinforcing the impressing that

the agent is trustworthy and can be depended upon to fulfill his promises. The image of

the insurer remains high.

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6.1 -Vision and Mission:


A household name in India teams up with a global conglomerate...(Or)


Combining a strong reputation in India and a global experience in

insurance business worldwide, Bajaj Auto and Allianz come together for

the Indian Operations...


To protect the interests of the policyholders, to regulate, promote and

ensure orderly growth of the insurance industry and for matters connected

therewith or incidental thereto.

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Sam Ghosh, (CEO Bajaj Allianz private ltd)

CEO of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance said: "We are

confident that Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance will strengthen its

leadership position with Ajay’s (Head of Sales) dynamic

leadership. His tremendous track record in developing sales

leadership in existing and new markets will further

accelerate our growth in India & also enable us to become

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the market leader in the Life Insurance among the private


6.2 - Introduction about Bajaj Auto Ltd

Bajaj Auto Ltd, the flagship company of the Rs. 8000 crore Bajaj group is the

largest manufacturer of two-wheelers and three-wheelers in India and one of the largest

manufacturer in the world.

A household name in India, Bajaj Auto has a strong brand image & brand loyalty

synonymous with quality & customer focus. With over 15,000 employees, the company

is a Rs. 4000 crore auto giant, is the largest 2/3-wheeler manufacturer in India and the 4th

largest in the world. AAA rated by Crisil, Bajaj Auto has been in operation for over 55

years. It has joined hands with Allianz to provide the Indian consumers with a distinct

option in terms of life insurance products.

As a promoter of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Bajaj Auto has the

following to offer -

Financial strength and stability to support the Insurance Business.

A strong brand-equity.

A good market reputation as a world-class organization.

An extensive distribution network.

Adequate experience of running a large organization.

A 10 million strong base of retail customers using Bajaj products.

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Advanced Information Technology in extensive use.

Experience in the financial services industry through Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd


One of the largest 2 & 3 wheeler manufacturer in the world

21 million+ vehicles on the roads across the globe

Managing funds of over Rs 4000 cr.

Bajaj Auto finance one of the largest auto finance cos. in India

Rs. 4,744 Cr. Turnover & Profits of 538 Cr. in 2002-03

It has joined hands with Allianz to provide the Indian consumers with a distinct

option in terms of life insurance products.

As a promoter of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Bajaj Auto has the

following to offer -

Financial strength and stability to support the Insurance Business.

A strong brand-equity.

A good market reputation as a world-class organization.

An extensive distribution network.

Adequate experience of running a large organization.

6.3 - Allianz Group

Is one of the world's leading insurers and financial services providers.

Founded in 1890 in Berlin, Allianz is now present in over 70 countries with almost

174,000 employees. At the top of the international group is the holding company, Allianz

AG, with its head office in Munich.

Allianz Group provide its more than 60 million customers worldwide with a

comprehensive range of services in the areas of

Property and Casualty Insurance,

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Life and Health Insurance,

Asset Management and Banking.


Worldwide 2nd by Gross Written Premiums of Rs.4, 46,654 cr.

3rd largest Assets under Management (AUM) & largest amongst Insurance cos. -

AUM of Rs.51, 96,959 cr.

12th largest corporation in the world

49.8 % of global business from Life Insurance

Established in 1890, 110 yrs of Insurance expertise

70 countries, 173,750 employees worldwide

6.4 - Why Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance?

An Impeccable track record across the globe in providing security and cover for

you and your family...

At Bajaj Allianz, realize that you seek an insurer whom you can trust your hard

earned money with.

Allianz AG with over 110 years of experience in over 70 countries and Bajaj

Auto, trusted for over 55 years in the Indian market, together are committed to offering

you financial solutions that provide all the security you need for your family and


Bajaj Allianz brings to you several innovative products.

6.5 - Indian Operations:

Growing at a breakneck pace with a strong pan Indian presence Bajaj Allianz has

emerged as a strong player in India...

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between two

leading conglomerates Allianz AG and Bajaj Auto Limited.

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Characterized by global presence with a local focus and driven by customer

orientation to establish high earning potential and financial strength, Bajaj Allianz Life

Insurance Co. Ltd. was incorporated on 12th March 2001. The company received the

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) certificate of Registration (R3)

No 116 on 3rd August 2001 to conduct Life Insurance business in India.

Bajaj Allianz- THE PRESENT

Over 3,00,000 satisfied customers

Leading private sector insurance company in India

One of the fastest growing private sector life insurer in India

Accelerated Growth

Assets under management Rs 350 cr.

Shareholder capital base of Rs 250 cr.

Pan India network

Wide range of products to suit customers needs.

Decentralized organizational structure for increased response and service levels.

Highest standard of customer service & simplified claims process in the industry

6.6 - About Baja Allianz products:

Baja Allianz Life Insurance Company has developed insurance solutions that

cater to every segment and age-income profiles. Its products include InvestGain (a unique

life insurance plan where sustenance of income is combined in the same plan that also

pays a lump sum), Cash Gain (Money Back), Child Gain (Children’s plan), Risk Care

(Pure Term), Lifetime Care (whole life), Term Care (term with return of premium),

Swarna Vishranti (Retirement Plan), Protector (Mortgage term insurance plan), UnitGain

(Unit Linked Whole of Life Plan), UnitGain Single Premium, Unit Gain Plus & Unit

Gain Plus SP & Lifelong Gain Plan.

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Bajaj Allianz is poised for an accelerated growth in the market and has already

become the fastest growing private life insurance company in India. Bajaj Allianz has a

wide pan India presence of office network in 156 cities of the country and is aided with a

strong and trained Agency network of over 29,000 agents. Bajaj Allianz has also forged

strong Bank assurance and Corporate Agency relationships and continues to build on new

tie-ups for fast track growth and deep market penetration.

Bajaj Allianz has launched a slew of need-based products to cater to each varied needs of

the customer. Currently Bajaj Allianz has a product portfolio of 19 products and more

need-based products are in the pipeline

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6.7- Table showing Names of Private insurance company’s and their CEO’s






  Mr. Sam Ghosh

Sampad Narayan Bhattacharya


BIRLA   SUN LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD 6th Floor, Vaman Centre, Makhwana Road, Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri(E), MUMBAI-400 093.

Nani B Javeri K. S. Gopalakrishnan


HDFC STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD "Trade Star", 2nd floor, 'A' Wing, Kondivita Road Junction Andheri-Kurla Road Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 059.

Mr.D.M. Satwalekar

Mr. Nick Taket


ICICI Prulife Towers , 1089, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025.

Ms. Shikha Sharma


Mr. V. Rajagopalan


ING Vysya Home, 5th Floor, #22 Mahatma gandhi Road Bangalore-560 001.

Mr. Frank Koster


Mr. Achaiyer Venkatasubramanian


Yogakshema, Jeeva Bima Marg, Post Box No. 19953 MUMBAI 400 021

Shri R.N. Bhardwaj Mr. Gorakh Nath


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11th Floor, DLF Square , Jacaranda Marg, DLF City , Phase-II, GURGAON 122 002.

Mr. Anuroop(Tony) Singh



Brigade Seshamahal, No. 5, Vani Vilas Road , Basavanagudi,BANGALORE-560 004.

Mr. Venktesh Mysore

Dr. K Sriram


6th Floor Penisula Chambers,Penisula Corporate Park,Ganpatrao Kadam ParkLower Parel,MUMBAI-400 013.

Mr. Shivaji Dam

Mr. James Edmond Thomson



Turner Morrison Building, 2nd Floor, 16, Bank Street, Fort Mumbai-400 023.

Mr. S. Krishna murthy

Dr. R. Kannan


TATA AIG LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED 5th 7 6th Floor, Peninsula Tower,  Peninsula Corporate ParkGanpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, MUMBAI 400 013.

Mr.Ian J.Watts

Mr. Phuong Chung

12 AMP Sanmar Life Insurance Company Limited.9, Cathedral road,Chennai - 600 086

Mr. Graham Meyer

Mr. Micheal Joseph Leonard Wood

13 AVIVA LIFE INSURANCE CO. INDIA PVT. LTD. 5th floor, JMD Regent Square,Mehrauli road,Gurgaon - 122001

Mr. Stuart Purdy Mr. Wadhwa

14 Sahara India Life Insurance Co, Ltd. Sahara India Bhawan, Kopoorthala Complex,Lucknow 226024

Mr. N.C. Sharma

Mr. K K Dharni

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6.8 - Information of policies sold:

Fiscal Year


No of policies

sold in FY


2001-2002 21,376 Rs. 7 cr.

2002-2003 1,15,965 Rs. 69 cr.

2003-2004 1,86,443 Rs. 221 cr.

6.9 - Achievements

- Bajaj Allianz Life logs Rs.367cr profit:

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company has made an accounting surplus of Rs.367

crore in the first six months of financial year 2004-2005 it is probably the first private

insurance company to make a cash profit which it terms as an accounting surplus.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance mopped up new premium income of Rs.190 crore in the first

six months against Rs.47 crore in the corresponding period last year.

Sam Ghosh CEO Bajaj Allianz Life said:” we have been able to post an

accounting surplus on account of our low management expense ratio (about 30%) and

business mix (40%of our new business comes from the traditional plans)”

Most other private life insurance companies have a high management expense ratio and

many are more inclined to sell unit – linked plans, where there is a higher allocation of

reserves required.

In unit-linked plans, about 75 percent of the premium income generated,

depending upon respective plans, is put aside as reserves. “As we sell more unit-linked

policies, our cash surplus might go into a deficit as we move towards a 70:30 ratio where

70 percent of our sales are unit-linked plans “he said.

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Off late, many customers are buying unit-linked products where the investment risk is

passed on to the customer.

- Bajaj Allianz Life logs in Rs250 crore GWP:

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd completed 3 successful years of

operations in India .In these 3 years Bajaj Allianz has moved on to become the fastest

growing Life Insurance Company in the country. With a gross written premium of

overRs250 crore, the company continues to maintain its rapid growth rate of 325%

informed by Mukul sinha branch manager Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company.

As per the latest IRDA results Bajaj Allianz has maintained 3rd rank among the

private life insurance in the country & are confident of moving up the ladder very soon.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd a joint venture between Allianz AG

Germany &Bajaj Auto Ltd.India have deeply penetrated the market with its pan India

presence in over 225 cities & towns and strong agency force of over30000 insurance

consultants, making it one of the largest distribution reach across the country catering to

the over 395,000 satisfied customers.

Commenting on the occasion Mr.Ghosh (CEO of Bajaj Allianz Life) said last year

we did Rs219 crore gross written premium we have crossed this milestone in the first half

of this financial year. This indeed is a positive indicator of our growth and race towards

leadership position.

- Bags Excellence award:Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd has received an award of excellence

for its outstanding contribution towards the promotion of Indo-German economic

relations, at the 48th annual general meeting.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd celebrates third anniversary

It gives more stress on customer satisfaction.

- About Private Life insurance corner 17% of mark share

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Private Life insurance has managed to corner 17% of mark share in the year 2004

as compared to 9.9%in the last year. Market share of the life insurance corporation,

public sector has fallen to 82.7%at the end of July 2004 as compared to 90.1%in the last


The private players have recorded a 193.5% growth in the first four months of the

current fiscal. This has helped them to grow 7.4% more market share. During the same

period, private player underwrote premium worth Rs954.97 crore as compared to 325.03

crore in the corresponding period last year according to the IRDA information.

This indicates that the private player are becoming the flavors of the emerging

market, an industry watched said “the aggressive marketing of their unit linked policies,

where the traditional LIC is lagging behind, has helped the private insurers gain in terms

of market share.”

ICICI prudential is leading the pack of 14 private life insurers, followed by Birla

Sunlife, next Bajaj Allianz, SBI Life, HDFC standard life, Tata AIG……….


In the year 2004, June 3rd Bajaj Alliance Insurance company was opened with the

proposal by Sri. Siddeshwara Swamy B and he is the satellite branch Manager in


The man behind the success of Bajaj Alliance in davanagere is Mr. Siddeshwara.

He took the first initiative by applying all his strategic thoughts and taking all the risk and

pain to convince the company about the potentiality and efficiency and effectiveness of

his and his team.

Thus Siddeshwara can be called as the main building block of Bajaj Alliance.

Location: Bajaj Alliance has been placed in the locational advantage side. This is

situated in Shramajeevi complex, P.B. Road, Davangere. This is the only main road of


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Bajaj Alliance Satellite office is well furnished with AC’s, furniture’s, good

ventilation, great ambience and over all a healthy working environment.


At first the company Bajaj Alliance did not have any idea to give the permission

to a satellite franchise in Davangere.

The man with great dreams and aspirations took the initiative to start up an

satellite franchise in davanagere and he along with his capable team of two Sales Team

Managers (STM’s) and Customer Support Representative (CSR) started Bajaj Alliance in

Davangere on 3rd June, 2004.

Mr. Siddeshwara Swamy B who is a satellite Manager, Davangere started his

business with a initial investment of Rs.5.5 lakhs and with a span of 10 months the team

of Mr. Siddeshwara achieved Rs.46,00,000/- as per the amount fixed by the company to

all the satellite branches is Rs. 1,00,000,00/.

This target achieved was evenly appreciated by all because at the start of any

company it is a Herculean task to achieve at least this target the Bajaj Alliance has


The target fixed for the year 2005 is Rs. 4, 50, 000, 00 lakhs for the team in

Davangere and all franchise of Bajaj Alliance.

Last month of May Mr. Siddeshwara Swamy and his team achieved a target of Rs.

7.5 lakhs and now on with the help of 10 STM’s all the eyes are on the team of Mr.

Siddeshwara Swamy to watch for the achievement of 4.5 Crores in the financial year of


As history repeats even this target is achievable for Mr. Siddeshwara Swamy and

his dedicated team in Davangere.

“Time and Tide Waits for None”

Today Bajaj Alliance under the flag ship of Mr. Siddeshwara Swamy having a

team enlarged to 10 STM’s will achieve than ever.

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a) National highways 65 kms

b) State Highways 303 kms

c) Village Roads 1783 kms

d) TDB Roads 949 kms

e) Irrigation Dept Roads 1900 kms

f) Municipality Roads 402 kms

ii) RAILWAYS 47 kms


i) Post Offices 343

ii) Telegraphs Offices 071

iii) Telephone Exchange 067

iv) Telephones in us (97-98) 28332


i) Commercial Bank Branches 92

ii) Rural banks 44

iii) DCC Banks 14

iv)Urban Cooperative Bank 12

D Lead Bank Canara Bank

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E KSFC Divisional Office -1

District Office - 1


i) University Post graduate Center 01

ii) MBA Collages 02

iii ) Medical Collages 03

iv) Engineering Collages 02

v)Dental collage 01

vi) Ayurvedic Collages

The davanagere district came into existence on 15th august, 1997. The new district

has been created from parts of 3 districts viz. Chitradurga, Shimoga, and Bellary districts.

Davanagere, Harihara and jagalur Talukas have come from Chitradurga district,

Channagiri and Honnali from shimoga and Harapanahalli Taluka is form Bellary District.

The District is located in the center of Karnataka State. The Geographical area of the

District is 5.97 Lakh Hectares. The District is bound by Bellary District in the North and

North-east & North-west, Chitradurga District in East and Southeast, Shimoga District in

the South and Southwest, and Haveri District is in West. The Davanagere Town is the

head-quarter of the District and it is the commercial and Educational center the central

part Karnataka.

The District lies between 14o 13’ 15” longitudes. The general characteristics of the district

are as fallows.

A. The physical and geographical features

In the district Channagiri and Honnali Talukas are coming under malnad areas

which have not summer, pleasant winter and good man soon. Davanagere and harihara

Talukas have summer, pleasant winter and average man soon. Harapanahalli and jagalur

Talukas have very hot summer, very low rainfall and a pleasant winter. River Tunga

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Bhadra passes through Honnali, harihara and Harapanahalli Talukas and it is just 14KMs

away from the district head quarters.




Davanagere District is located in the central part of the Karnataka state. It is a big

commercial center, well connected between Southern and northern parts of Karnataka.


Davanagere, Harihar and Jagalur Talukas are largely composed of crystallized

Schist’s, granitic gneisses and the newer granites with a few later intrusive basis dykes.

The schist’s and their associated rocks constitute a portion of the Dharwar system and are

designated as Chitradurga – chickkanayakanahalli schist’s belts.

Channagiri & Honnali Taluk consists of most ancient rock formations of

Archaean complex, which are composed of chiefly of 2 systems. The Dharwar schist’s

forming a prominent belt form west to east and occupying a larger area. In this highly

altered sedimentary rock such as quartz, conglomerates, lime stone, shales and banded

iron stones are found. Gneisses systems consist of granite and granitic gneissic forming

rocks of different structure, texture, color and other similar characteristics.

Harapanahalli Taluk consists mainly of Archaean complex composed of

crystalised schist’s, epidio rates, granitic gneisses and later granites. Basic and acidic

dykes are not uncommon. The crystallized and epidiorites of the Dharwar system are also

found. In the Taluk soap stone, quartz, bracciated quartz, low grade manganese ore also

found. In this Taluk small out-crops of high calcium of lime-stone also occur.


Tunga Bhadra River flows in Honnali, Harihara and Harapanahalli Talukas.

This sacred river is the main tributary of Krishna River, is formed at Kudli in Shimoga

district by the confluence of the Twin Rivers Tunga and Bhadra. Sasalahalla, the ranges

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of hills to the west of Holalkere Taluk. This stream is perennial in Davangere and

Harihara Taluk. This stream joins Tunga Bhadra River near Harihara Town.

Climate and Rainfall

The climate in the district is marked by hot summer months upto 42 o centigrade

and pleasant winter upto 120 centigrade. The relative humidity is high during June to

November. In the rest of the year the relative humidity is low and will come down to less

than 30% in the afternoons. The District receives a rainfall of 547 mm and on an average

48 days it receives rains.

Occupation Structure

The population in the district comprises 6.62 lakhs of total workers and 8.96 lakh of

non-workers. The main occupation is agriculture.


All 6 Taluka Head Quarters of the district are connected by National Highways.


The district has 47 KMs of Broadgauge Railways line, which connects to Bangalore,

Mysore, Hubli, Bombay, Poona, Jodhpur, and Ajmer.

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1. Commercial Capital

Davangere is the commercial capital of the Central Part of Karnataka. It is having

very big commercial base.

2. Reputed Technical Institutions

Davangere is having 4 Engineering colleges, 1 GT & TC, 5 polytechnics of all the

discipline, 7 ITI and 1 Agricultural Research centre has very good backbone of

technical man power for the industrialization.

3. Strong banking network

Davanagere having full-fledged commercial banks, rural banks, KSFC, KICB,

and Urban co-operative banks will channelise the easy credit flow to the industries.

4. Nature of natural resources :-

Davangere district is agriculturally potential area where in different agricultural

produces are abundantly available to promote agro based industries.

5. Strong communication network

Davangere district is having very good communicability of setting up

software Technology Park and promotion of IT enabled services.

6. Strong Capital base

Davangere District is having good no. of capitalists who can afford to set up

potential industries.

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1 lake of initiatives and entrepreneurship resulted in the poor industrialization of the


2 the closure of five textile mills including Davanagere cotton mills in the District

resulted in the feareness to start the industries


1 Agro based industry like starch from maize, Idli Rava from rice can be promoted

based on the agricultural and horticultural resource.

2 To be in thee central part Karnataka, where there is good floating population, printing

and stationery units can be promoted.

3 Agricultural implements, tractor trailers and supporting general engineering can be


4 Having good communication network and technical education, IT sector and IT

enabled services like Medical transcription, global positioning systems and video

conferencing can be promoted.


1. The industrialization of the district may affect ecology and environment of the


2. Water pollution and air pollution may increase.

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8.1 Introduction:

Policies is a document, which contains terms and conditions of contract of insurance.

Insurance products mean insurance policies.

The policy also includes date of commencement, date of maturity and sum assured etc.

8.2 Players in the Life Insurance Market Along With Their current Market Share


Diksuchi Study Center, Davanagre.

Companies Market Share

LIC 87.04

ICICI Prudential 4.01

Birla Sun Life 2.40

HDFC-Standard Life 1.12

SBI Life Insurance 1.05

Allianz Bajaj .96

Tata AIG .96

Max New York Life .70

OM Kotak .68

Aviva .41

ING Vysya .39

AMP Sanmar .15

Met Life India .12


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Graph 1: Market Share

Market ShareLIC

ICICI Prudential

Birla Sun Life


SBI Life Insurance

Allianz Bajaj

Tata AIG

Max New YorkLife

OM Kotak


ING Vysya

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8.3.1 Individual Plans

> UNITGAINA Unit Linked Plan

> RISK CAREPure Term Plan

> UNITGAIN SPA Sinlge Premium Unit Linked Plan

> TERM CARETerm Plan with Return-of-Premium

> INVESTGAINAn Endowment Plan

> LIFETIME CAREWhole Life Plan

> CHILDGAINChildren's Policy

> SAVE CARE ECONOMY SPSingle Premium Endowment Plan

> CASHGAINMoney Back Plan

> LOAN PROTECTORA Mortgage Reducing Term Insurance Plan


> KEYMAN INSURANCEA Promising Business Opportunity

> UNITGAIN PLUSUnit Link plan with higher allocation

> UNITGAIN PLUS SP A Sinlge Premium Unit Linked Plan

> RIDERS UNITGAIN PLUSWhile the basic life insurance

> LIFELONG GAIN PLAN A lifetime of security for your family

> UNITGAIN EASY PENSION A Plan that enables you retire with laughter lines.... not worry lines

> UNITGAIN LIFE PENSION A Plan that enables you retire with laughter     lines.... not worry lines

> SWARNA RAKSHA-ROCA plan that provids you with regular income ... for life.

Life Long Gain Plan

A lifetime of security for your family

A whole of life fund based plan that provides a regular income for you and your

family. This is the perfect plan to take care of ongoing and future family expenses like

debts, expenses on children, living expenses, etc; as it comes with a guaranteed survival

benefits that pays 3% of the Sum Assured every year after the premium payments are


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Loan Protector

A Mortgage Reducing Term Insurance Plan

This is the perfect plan to protect the family from the repayment liability of

outstanding loans, in the unfortunate case of death of the loanee. There is also an option

to cover the co- applicant of the loan at a very nominal cost under this plan...

Child Gain

Children's Policy

Right from providing for your child's education to securing a bright future, this

plan is tailor- made to suit your child's needs...

Unit Gain SP

A Single Premium Unit Linked Plan

This plan enables you to protect your loved ones, while making your money grow

faster. It provides you the option of allocating 100% of the single premium to purchase

units in any / all of the 5 funds available with us...

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Unit Gain Plan

A Unit Linked Plan

This amazingly flexible Unit linked life insurance plan provides you the

opportunity to participate in market linked returns while enjoying the valuable benefits of

life insurance...

. And then your nurture it with great care. With our vast insurance plans secure

your most valued possessions, your home, against all risks...

Cash Gain

Money Back Plan

This is the only money back plan that offers quadruple protection, going upto 4

times the basic sum assured, and a family income benefit...

Swarna Vishranti

Retirement Plan

In addition to life insurance and attractive tax benefits, this plan enables you to

make adequate provisions for your years after retirement as well...

Invest Gain

An Endowment Plan

This savings plan combines high protection (up to quadruple cover) with a unique

family income benefit...

Save Care Economy SP

Single Premium Endowment Plan

A single premium investment plan for 10 years, which provides the cover along

with growth in savings.

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Risk Care

Pure Term Plan

This plan enables you to provide financial security to your loved ones at the

lowest possible cost...

Term Plan with Return-of-Premium

An economic way of providing life cover, this plan also ensures the return of all

premiums at the time of maturity...

Lifetime Care

Whole Life Plan

This whole life plan provides survival benefits at the age of 80 thereby making

sure you are financially secure at the time when you need it the most...


A Promising Business Opportunity

Keyman Insurance provides you with the unique opportunity to protect your

business against the unfortunate loss of key people, while giving you valuable tax

advantage and a lovely tool to help employee loyalty too...

UnitGain Plus

The thumb rule for buying insurance is that your insurance needs are minimal in

your early earning years, increase with added responsibilities (Marriage, children, loans

etc.) and taper off by the time you retire. It is difficult to find a single insurance plan that

can take care of all your changing requirements in life – additional protection, more

money to invest, sudden requirement of cash or a steady post-retirement income...

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UnitGain Plus SP

“The plan that takes care of your insurance and investment requirements”

The thumb rule for buying insurance is that your insurance needs are minimal in your

early earning years, increase with added responsibilities (Marriage, children, loans etc.)

and taper off by the time you retire. It is difficult to find a single insurance plan that can

take care of all your changing requirements in life – additional protection, more money to

invest, sudden requirement of cash or a steady post-retirement income....

Riders UnitGain Plus

Bajaj Allianz Additional Benefits – Additional protection for you and your family

available with UnitGain Plus...

UnitGain Easy Pension

Unit Linked Retirement Plan without life cover

Bajaj Allianz UnitGain Easy Pension, is a plan that helps you take control of your

future and ensure a retirement you can look forward to. This is a regular premium

investment linked deferred annuity policy. Available as: UnitGain Easy Pension Regular

Premium & UnitGain Easy Pension Single Premium.

UnitGain Life Pension

UnitGain Life Pension: Unit Linked Retirement Plan with life cover

Bajaj Allianz UnitGain Life Pension is a plan that helps you take control of your

future and ensure a retirement you can look forward to. This plan has been designed to

take care of your retirement and insurance needs, thereby providing you with a

comprehensive solution for a lifetime. Available as: UnitGain Life Pension Regular

Premium & UnitGain Life Pension Single Premium.

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Swarna Raksha ROC

A fixed annuity for life will be payable, and on death of the annuitant, the

nominee will be entitled to receive an amount that is equal to the lumpsum used to

purchase the annuity.


Available for Employer - Employee Groups

and Non Employer-Employee Groups


Available for Employer - Employee Groups

and Non Employer-Employee Groups


in lieu of EDLI (Employees Deposit Linked Insurance)



Giving your Employees and their families the    heartening

reassurance of your care and    financial security

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Assure your Employees a financially secured, stable and independent

Post retirement life

Group Superannuation Scheme will be established under an irrevocable trust, with

trustees appointed by Company taking care of the administration.


Available for Employer- Employee Groups and Non Employer- Employee Groups

This scheme insures the loan amount outstanding in the account in case of

premature death or disability...


Available for Employer- Employee Groups and Non Employer- Employee


This scheme covers the members of an organization against the risk of premature

death or disability...


In lieu of EDLI (Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme)

This scheme is a better alternative to the Employees Deposit Linked Insurance

Scheme, 1976, under Sec 17 (2) of the Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous

Provisions Act...

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Giving your Employees and their families the heartening reassurance of your

care and financial security with flexibility like never before.


Group Gratuity Care is a Multi Featured Employee Welfare Scheme, which

addresses your Gratuity liability

We have a range of Insurance Plans to suit your needs be it Individual or

Corporate. Plans to suit your health, travel, vehicle and also your dream home. In

addition to this we have plans to protect you against your profession.

We have also several tailors made insurance solutions to suit the needs of your Business

Unit not only your Assets but also your Human Assets.

Asset Insurance

You build your dream homes to house your loved ones

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Health Insurance

Now you can protect yourself from costly medical bills in case of any emergency.

Our range of health plans covers you and your family against expensive medical care.


Life Insurance

The thumb rule for buying insurance is that your insurance needs are minimal in

your early earning years, increase with added responsibilities (Marriage, children, loans

etc.) and taper off by the time you retire.

It is difficult to find a single insurance plan that ...

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Travel Insurance

While traveling alone, or with friends and families, for business or for pleasure -

you are exposed to many travel related risks. While on the move, far from home, our

Travel Companion will give you total protection from all risks...

Investment & Savings

Invest Gain is a specially designed plan that offers a unique combination of

benefits to help you develop a sound financial portfolio for your family. The most

significant is the family Income Benefit

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Retirement Solutions

How do you see your retirement? Bajaj Allianz Retirement Solution ensures that

your olden years are your golden years.

Corporate Insurance: :

You put your hard earned money into your business. We have a range of products

to secure your business against all risks.

Specialty Lines

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In order to take care of special needs like Aviation, Marine Hull, Project

Insurance, Freight Forwarders, Port Liabilities, Film Insurance, Credit Insurance, Event


You’re Employees

Your employees are your strength; you can take care of your employees with our

Group policies like PA, Group HG, Group CI, Group Travel, Workmen's



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Your office is a hive of activity. Major investment, time and effort goes into

building up your business. Our office package is the best way to protect your business

from loss due to unexpected contingencies...

Manufacturing Unit

While going about your daily business activities, dangers could be lurking close

to you. Machinery breakdown, Fire, Earthquake, etc. could severely affect your

Assets and profits. Protect your manufacturing units and your profit with our range of

need-based policies.....

8.4Customized product

. In the current year they launched innovative and need-based products and using IT

infrastructure to drive our growth strategy. The company attributed its growth to its

increased focus on customers needs and has launched 11 new products so that they can

choose the right product for them. The company garnered nearly 60% of the premium

income from its newly launched Unit-linked plan, UnitGain in the last 3 months of the

financial year.

UnitGain Plus

With Bajaj Allianz UnitGain Plus, you can invest in one life insurance plan that can

take care of all your changing requirements throughout your life. This plan has been

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designed to provide you with maximum flexibility, so that you do not have to worry

about your changing needs.

Bajaj Allianz UnitGain Plus offers the unique option of combining the protection

of life insurance with the attractive prospects of investing in securities. You can choose

the investment funds you want to invest your money, providing you with an opportunity

to have a direct stake in the performance of the financial market. You also benefit from

attractive tax advantages and can protect your loved ones against unfortunate events.

How does the plan work?

The premiums paid are invested in fund/funds of your choice (depending on the

allocation rate) & units are allocated depending on the price of units for the fund/funds.

The value of your policy is the total value of units that you hold in the fund/funds. The

insurance cover and administration charges are deducted through cancellation of units.

The Fund Management Charge is priced in the unit value.

Minimum Sum Assured = 5 times the annual premium. Maximum Sum Assured = y

times the annual premium

The five funds offered are as under:

a. Equity Index Fund – The investment objective of this Fund is to provide

capital appreciation through investment in equities. The Plan is expected to match

the returns given by Nifty Index of the National Stock Exchange. This fund will

invest at least 85% in equities and maximum 15% in debt & cash.

b. Equity Plus Fund - The investment objective of this Fund is to provide

capital appreciation through investment in select equity stocks that have the

potential for high capital appreciation. This fund will invest at least 85% in

equities and maximum 15% in debt & cash instruments.

c. Debt Plus Fund - The investment objective of this Fund is to provide

accumulation of income through investment in high quality fixed income

securities like G-Secs, and corporate debt rates AA and above.

This fund will be invested fully in Debt Instruments & money market instruments.

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d. Balanced Plus Fund – This fund is a fund of funds. The investment

objective of this fund is to provide a balanced investment between long-term

capital appreciation and current income through investment in the Units of our

Equity index and Debt plus funds. The balanced fund will invest 30% to 50% in

the equity index fund and 50%to 70% in the debt plus fund.

e. Cash Plus Fund – The investment objective of this Plan is to have a fund

that guarantees invested capital through investments in liquid money market and

short term instruments like Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposits, Money

Market Mutual Funds, and Bank FDs etc. The price of units in this fund is

guaranteed not to go down.100% of this fund will be invested in money market

instruments. The price of the units in this fund is guaranteed never to go down.

Flexibility – to manage your investments.

We offer you the flexibility to manage your investments. Initially, you can

allocate the premium into the 5 funds that are available in a proportion of your choice.

Subsequently, depending on the performance of funds, you can switch between funds and

also change the allocation of premium to various funds. We allow you three free switches

every policy year subject to a minimum switching amount of Rs. 5,000/- or the fund

value, whichever is lower. You can also change the proportion of premium allocation to

various funds at each policy anniversary.

Unmatched Flexibility- to suit your changing requirements

Bajaj Allianz UnitGain Plus offers you unmatched flexibility to suit the policy

according to your requirements.

Flexibility – In Premium payment: You have the flexibility to decide

how long you wish to pay the premiums and when you want to cash out the policy

benefits. You may choose to cash out the policy benefits at one shot or do it as

and when you require cash through partial surrender of units.

Flexibility - to Increase the Sum Assured: You have the option to

increase the Sum Assured without any medical tests every 3rd year upto 4 times.

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The quantum of increase would be 25% of the original sum assured or Rs. 1,

00,000/- whichever is lower. If you do not exercise an option when it is due, it

cannot be carried forward. This benefit will be available after age 18 and upto age

45. If the age is less than 18 at the start of the policy, all 4 increments will be

available from age 18. Apart from exercising the options to increase the Sum

Assured without medical tests, you can increase the Sum Assured anytime,

subject to medical underwriting (available upto age 60). In either case, the sum

assured after increase must be equal to or less than the maximum sum assured

available for the premium level chosen. You should give notice of increase in

death benefit 15 days before the yearly policy anniversary.

Flexibility - to Decrease the Sum Assured: You can decrease the

Sum Assured (in multiples of 1000) at any time to suit your changing needs. The

Sum Assured, after decrease, must be at least 5 times the annual premium. After a

decrease subsequent increases will be subject to underwriting.

Flexibility - to pay top ups: You may have received a bonus or some

lump sum money. You can use that to increase your investments in your policy.

98% of any amount paid as top-up is allocated to your funds.

Flexibility – to increase the level of Regular Premium

Payment: Your earnings grow over time, and so does your savings potential.

With Bajaj Allianz UnitGain Plus, you have the flexibility to increase your

regular premium amount at any time.

Assured Protection – even if you miss payment of your

premiums: Bajaj Allianz UnitGain Plus provides you with the unique feature

of continued protection even if you forget to pay your premiums. After payment

of 3 full years premiums, when premiums due are not paid, the policy will stay in

force with full benefits so long as there are enough units available for charging the

Cost of Insurance and additional benefits selected after deducting all applicable


Important Details of the ‘Bajaj Allianz UnitGain Plus’ Plan

Minimum Age at Entry: 0 (Risk commences at age 7, and ceases after age 70)

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Maximum Age at Entry: 60

The minimum age at entry for all additional benefits is 18 years.

The maximum age at entry for all additional benefits is 50 years.

All additional benefits are available till age 65.

Premium Payment Mode

For your convenience, we have provided 3 regular premium payment modes that

can be Yearly, Half-Yearly, and Quarterly. We also offer a monthly premium payment

mode with salary deduction schemes. In addition, you also have the option to pay top-ups

to increase your investments. The minimum premium is Rs. 15,000/- for the Annual

Mode, Rs. 7,500/- for Half Yearly, Rs. 3750/- for Quarterly, and Rs. 1,500/- for the

Monthly Mode. The minimum top-up premium is Rs. 5,000/-.

Partial and Full Withdrawals

UnitGain Plus offers you the full flexibility of full as well as partial withdrawals

by surrendering units, anytime after 3 full years premiums are paid. The surrenders are

paid out at the value of units, and there is no surrender penalty on partial or full

withdrawals after full 3 years’ premiums are paid.

Key Features

Guaranteed death benefit

Choice of 5 investment funds with flexible investment management: you can change

funds at any time.

Attractive investment alternative to fixed-interest securities.

Provision for full/partial withdrawals any time after three full years premiums are paid.

Unmatched flexibility- to match your changing needs.


Death Benefit

Cash withdrawal option

 UnitGain Plus SP

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The thumb rule for buying insurance is that your insurance needs are minimal in

your early earning years, increase with added responsibilities (Marriage, children, loans

etc.) and taper off by the time you retire. It is difficult to find a single insurance plan that

can take care of all your changing requirements in life – additional protection, more

money to invest, sudden requirement of cash or a steady post-retirement income.

With Bajaj Allianz UnitGain SP, you can invest in one life insurance plan that can

take care of all your changing requirements throughout your life. This plan has been

designed to provide you with maximum flexibility, so that you do not have to worry

about your changing needs.

Bajaj Allianz UnitGain SP offers the unique option of combining the protection of

life insurance with the attractive prospects of investing in securities. You can choose the

investment funds you want to invest your money, providing you with an opportunity to

have a direct stake in the performance of the financial markets. You also benefit from

attractive tax advantages and can protect your loved ones against unfortunate events.

The “Bajaj Allianz UnitGain SP Plan

The Bajaj Allianz UnitGain SP comes with a host of features to allow you to have

the best of all worlds –Protection and Investment with flexibility like never before.

Some of the key features of this plan are:

Convenient single premium payment, with option to pay top-ups later.

100% of the single premium/top-ups are allocated

Guaranteed death benefit

Choice of 5 investment funds with flexible investment management: you can

switch between funds at any time.

Attractive investment alternative to fixed-interest securities

Provision for full/partial withdrawals any time after the single premium is paid.

Unmatched flexibility –to match your changing needs.

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The five funds offered are as under:

a. Equity Fund – This fund provides the scope of high appreciation over a long term.

The fund will primarily invest in equities & is expected to match returns given by

NSE NIFTY. This fund will invest at least 90% in equities and maximum 10% in


b. Equity Gain Fund - The investment objective of this Fund is to provide capital

appreciation through investment in select equity stocks that have the potential for

high capital appreciation. This fund will invest at least 90% in equities and

maximum 10% in debt & cash instruments.

c. Debt Fund - This fund provides the scope for steady returns at low risk through

investment in high quality fixed income securities. This fund will be invested

fully in debt instruments.

d. Balanced Fund – The balanced fund is primarily for those who prefer a mix of

steady returns & growth. The balanced fund will invest 30% to 50% in the equity

fund and 50%to 70% in the debt fund.

e. Cash Fund – The cash fund will invest conservatively in money market & short-

term investments to ensure that return on investments shall never be negative.

100% of this fund will be invested in money market instruments. The price of the

units in this fund is guaranteed never to go down.

The investment advice on the Equity Gain Fund will be provided

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Of the four elements of marketing mix viz. products, price, promotion and

placement or distribution; distribution channel is the most important and most powerful

element. The primary function of this element is to find out appropriate ways through

which goods or services have to be moved from the primary producer to the final

consumers. The success or failure of the company depends ultimately upon the efficiency

or inefficiency of its channels of distribution.

The word ‘channel’ is derived from a French word ‘canal’. In the field of

marketing, distribution channel is defined as a pathway composed of intermediaries or

middle men who perform such functions as required to ensure smooth and sequential

flow of goods and services from producers to final consumers with a view to achieve the

marketing objective of the company.

Producers normally use a number of marketing intermediaries for moving the

products or services to the ultimate users. There are different kinds of intermediaries

called by different name such as: sole selling agents, marketing agents, dealers, retailers,

authorized representatives, brokers, commission agents, jobbers etc. Distribution channel

is concerned with various activities such as movement and storage of goods, the legal,

promotional and financial activities involved in the transfer of ownership of goods from

producer to final consumers or users. A channel of distribution for a product is thus, a

route taken by the title of the goods moving from the producers to the final consumers or

industrial users.


A distribution channel plays a very decisive role in the successful marketing of

most of the goods, especially consumer goods. They perform a large variety of functions

in the field of marketing. The importance of distribution channels can be understood

clearly by analyzing the functions performed by them.

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1. The distribution channels bridge or link the manufacturers and the final

consumers or industrial users effectively and economically.

2. They break the bulk orders and cater to the small size requirements of the

individual consumers.

3. They assemble a large variety of goods manufactured by different manufacturers

and required by the people, store them intact and sort out them into small lots or

packages that are convenient to the small consumers.

4. The channel intermediaries perform physical handling activities such as

transportation, warehousing, inventory, management etc. They also finance the

inventory, undertake the risk and expenses of carrying stock, arrange for storage

of goods systematically and supply the goods to the buyers timely.

5. The intermediaries many times provide credit facilities to the buyers and make

advance payments to the manufacturers against their orders.

6. The intermediaries provide specialized services of personal selling. They help in

introducing new products in the market, promote the sale of these products

through their word of mouth communication and also provide pre-sale and after-

sale services to the consumers.

7. They also provide market intelligence and feed back to their suppliers including

the producers. The intermediaries are able to do this job authentically as they are

in constant and direct contact with the customers who actually use the goods.

8. The intermediaries assist in arriving at the price level acceptable to the producers

as well as the final consumers or users.

9. The intermediaries, in certain cases, go far beyond their conventional functions of

distribution or distribution plus service. They accept the responsibility for the

transfer of technology. For ex, they guide the farmers as to the applicability of

science and technology in the field of agriculture.

10. The intermediaries go near the consumers, study their requirements, guide them in

their buying decisions and render satisfactory service to them.

11. The channel decisions have a vital impact on the decisions in all other area of

marketing. Channel decisions determine the size of the sales force, type of sales

forces, the size and complexity of the marketing department etc. Once the

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company has developed a particular network of intermediaries, it cannot change

overnight the distribution system.


We have discussed above the factors governing the choice of distribution

channels and choice of intermediaries. These factors give a general idea of the channel to

be chosen and the intermediates to be selected. But all these factors are not static. They

change time to time and some times they become dangerously dynamic. Therefore the

company must constantly review its channel policies and strategies and make sure that

they are not only adequate but are also best in the situation. Because of these things, we

have to conclude that the marketing policies and strategies can never be permanent. The

final test of a proper distribution policy and strategy must be the effectiveness and

economic in serving the customers and in achieving the objectives of the organization i.e.

consumer satisfaction and profit maximization.

Distribution Channels

Agency Channel through Insurance Consultants –

Corporate Agents & Brokers

Banc assurance


Worksite Marketing

Financial Service Consultants


The age of the respondents indicates that, large portion of the respondents

Were belongs to 40-50 age group, this age group people will cover under insurance.

Occupation wise, large portion belong to private and government employees.

The type of family here is divided family, very small portion belong to HUF


Large portion of the respondents having 5000-10000 income level.

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As per survey number of earning members in the family is one and few are

responded as three members. All most all respondents invest >25% of their total income

in savings, only 10% of the people invest <25%.

Familiarity of the existence of private insurance companies is 50-50 i.e. 50% of

the respondents don’t know the existence of private insurance companies.

Type of the policies preferred by the respondents is High premium-High risk-

High return i.e. money back policies. Pattern of savings invested by the respondents is,

banks, LIC, others. And factors influenced to invest in insurance is first, tax benefit,

agents request and risk coverage.

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9.1. Age of the Respondents:

Understanding the age group dynamics plays a vital role in understanding the needs and interest of investment pattern which in turn can be used for drafting new policies.

Table No.9.1

Showing the different age group of the respondents

Tabulation Analysis:1. In the above table it shows that 40% of the people insured fall into the age

group of 40-50.2. 7 % are under 20-30.3. 11% under 30-40.4. 6% under 50-60.

Inference:1. Its evident that people in nearing retirement tend to think more of risk

coverage and can be addressed as major target among whole population.2. People of other age groups can be targeted using this prime target for

exploring the remaining segments

Source: Table No.1

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NTS PERCENTAGE1 20-30 7 17.52 30-40 11 27.53 40-50 16 404 50-60 6 15

TOTAL 40 100


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Occupation plays a vital role in investment towards savings. A stable source gives people more options on saving


Showing the distribution of Respondents on the basis of their occupation

Occupation Respondents PercentageGovernment employee 13 32.5Private employee 13 32.5Business 6 15Agriculture 0 0Others 8 20Total 40 100

Source: survey dataTabulation Analysis:

1. In the table it is clearly shows that large portion of the respondents were private and government employees i.e., 33% and 32% respectively,

2. 15% belongs to business.3. 20% belongs to others.

Inference:1. Regular salaried employees can be targeted as they have a fixed income

and can easily plan investments.2. Regular income employees form major chunk in the survey and population

which means market potentials are high

source : Table No.2

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9.3 FAMILY DETAILS OF THE RESPONDENTS:Responsibilities grow with the growth in the family, so do the security needs of people. famil


Showing distribution of respondents on the basis of their type if family

Type of family Respondents PercentageHUF 6 15Individual 34 85Total 40 100

Source: survey data

Tabulation Analysis:1. In the above table it is clearly shows that large portion of the respondents

were in the individual family i.e. 85%.2. 15% belongs to HUF group.

Inference:1. Majority families being nuclear we can device more policies for small families.2. Joint families can be targeted for group insurance.3. Non-HUF families will offer more investment as expenditures are less and

awareness can be easily created.

Source: Table No.3

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9.4 MONTHLY INCOME OF THE RESPONDENTS:It is necessary to study the income of level of the respondents, being how much

the Respondents earn and how much they invest in insurance.


Showing the distribution of the respondents on the basis of their monthly income

Monthly incomeResponden

ts Percentage>5000 5 125000-10000 20 5010000-15000 6 1515000 & above 9 23Total 40 100

Source : survey data

Tabulation Analysis:1. 50% of the respondents belong to 5000-10000 monthly income.2. 22% belongs to above 15000.3. 15% were belongs to 10000-15000.4. 13% were belongs to > 5000 income level.

Inference:1. Most of the population falls in the category of 5000 to 10,000 which is middle

class and these people need low investment plans which should be devised wisely for more returns and focused on savings for short terms

Source: Table No.4

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It is necessary to study the No. of earning members the family, being more number will lead to more income in turn more savings and more investment.

TABLE NO.9.5Showing number of earning members in the family.

Earning members Respondents Percentage1 27 682 11 27

More than 2 2 5Total 40 100

Source: survey dataTabulation analysis:

1. 68% respondents say earnings members in the family are one.2. 27% say two members.3. 5% say more than two

Inference:1. Single earning member families need lesser investment and better coverage.2. Multiple earning members can be targeted for higher risk policies and bigger


Source: Table No.5

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It is necessary to study the percentage age of invested, monthly income savings and investment it will help to study the ability of savings finally it helps to analyze the interest of the people to invest in insurance.


Showing Percentage of income invested

Percentage of income invested Respondents Percentage

> 25 36 9025-50 4 10Total 40 100

Source: survey data

Tabulation Analysis:1. Large portion of the respondents i.e. 90% are investing less than > 25% of their


2. Only 10% of the respondents were invest between 25%-50%.


1. Many respondents invest less money which can be taken into consideration for creating policies that have lesser premiums and are long term for better benefits.

Source: Table No.6

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It is necessary to know the familiarity of private insurance company because private insurance companies have recently emerged and many people don’t know their existence. So it is necessary to study the familiarity of private insurance company.


Showing distribution of respondents on the basis of familiarity and non-familiarity of private insurance company.

Awareness Respondents PercentageFamiliar 21 52Non-familiar 19 48Total 40 100

Source: survey data

Tabulation Analysis:1. 52% of the total respondents were aware of existence of private insurance co.2. 48% are not aware of such.

Inference:1. Almost half of the population is not aware of the private sector, which indicates a

high potential to tap this population.2. People aware of private sector need to be educated of the benefits to market more

and develop investment plans for them.

Source: Table No.7

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It is necessary to study because different respondents prefer different type of policies.


Showing distribution of respondents on the basis of likes of policies.

Type of policy Respondents PercentageLow Premium - High Risk - Low Return 5 13Medium Premium - High Risk -Low Return 13 32High Premium - High Risk - High Return 22 55Total 40 100

Source: survey data

Tabulation Analysis:1. Large portion of the respondents prefer –High premium-High risk-High return i.e.

(Money back policy) i.e. 55%.

2. 32% prefer Medium premium-High risk-Low return i.e. (endowment policy).

3. 13% prefer Low return-High risk- Low return.


1. Based on income, preference and willingness to invest policies that can return high with suitable risk and premium factors can be re-drafted for targeting larger proportions of the population

Source: Table No.8

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It is necessary to study the pattern of investment because to know which is the popular investment made to the investor.


Showing different pattern of investments

Savings invested No. of respondents %Bank 32 80Mutual Funds 5 12Government bonds 10 25Shares 5 12LIC 34 85Private insurance 15 38Others 5 12

Source: survey data

Tabulation Analysis:1. large portion of the respondents invested in LIC i.e. 34%.

2. 32% in bank deposits.

3. 10% in government bonds.

4. 5% mutual funds shares.

5. 1% in private insurance.


1. Awareness campaigns and promotional activities can fetch more clients and can improve the business

Source: Table No .9

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It is necessary to study what factors would influence the investors to invest in life insurance and giving more important to those factors there by attracting the investors.

TABLE NO. 9.10

Showing different influenced to invest in life insurance.

FactorsNo. of

Respondents %Agent 21 53Saved money 18 45Risk 20 50Tax benefit 26 65High yield 5 12Advertisement 0 0

Source: survey data

Tabulation Analysis:In the above table it is clearly indicated that Tax benefit play a very important

factor, next important factor is Agents, next Risk…

Source: Table No.10

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10.1 Survey findings

Large portion of the respondent belong to the age group of 40-50:

40% of the people insured are under the age group of 40-50, 7 % are

under 20-30, 11% under 30-40, 6% under 50-60, 40-50 age group people are more

risk covered. Under the age of 40-50 requirement of risk coverage is more.

Among all respondents most of them belongs to the private and government


Clearly shows that large portion of the respondents were private and

government employees i.e., 33% and 32% respectively, 15% belong to business,

and 20% belongs to others.

Large portion of the respondents were from divided family:

It is clearly shows that large portion of the respondents were in the

individual family i.e. 85% of the peoples are non-HUF and only 15% belongs to

HUF group. So it is clear that HUF families are less, so by keeping this in mind

policies should be framed.

50% of the respondents were belongs to the Rs5000-10000 monthly income


It is clearly shows that 50% of the respondents were belongs to 5000-

10000 monthly income 22% belongs to above 15000, 15% were belongs to

10000-15000 and 13% were belongs to > 5000 income level

More respondents answered that earning members in the family is only one:

It is clearly shows that 68% respondents says earnings members in the

family are one, 27% says two members and only 5% says more than two

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Large portion of the respondents were invest >25% of the monthly income is

invested savings:

It is clearly shows that out of total Respondents, large portion of the

respondents i.e. 90% are investing less than > 25% of their income and remaining

10% of the respondents were invest between 25%-50%.

Less awareness of existence of private insurance companies:

It is clearly indicated that 50% of the total respondents were aware of existence of private insurance co, and remaining 50% are not aware of such.

High premium-High risk-High return policies are proffered by the

respondents :

Type of policies, which were respondents, prefer. Large portion of the

respondents prefer –High premium-High risk-High return i.e. (Money back

policy) i.e. 55% prefer and 32% prefer Medium premium-High risk-Low return

i.e. (endowment policy) and remaining 13% prefer Low return-High risk- Low


All most all the respondents were already invested in Bank deposits,LIC

and others:

It is clearly indicates that the large portion of the respondents were

invested in LIC i.e. 34%, 32% in bank deposits, 10% in government bonds, 5%

mutual funds shares and 1% in private LIC.

Tax benefit is the main factor which influenced the respondents to invest and

next factor is the agents of life insurance:

It is clearly indicated that Tax benefit play a very important factor, next important factor is Agents, next Risk…

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10.2 Suggestions

1. Private insurer’s should assure the policy holders:

Insurance company should assure to the policyholders that their investments

will be safe. And company should concentrate on attracting the people through

media with advertisements designed to create awareness and knowledge of

benefits in savings

2. Many respondents prefer money back policy:

Many people prefer high premium high risk. High return policies, so company

should introduce such kind of policies, in this some people prefer medium

premium medium risk medium returns. Policy makers must indulge into

providing policies that cater to the ever changing Indian economy and should

provide platforms on which every income group can invest

3. Concentrate on new and young employees:

Most of the middle aged people have already invested. The prime focus for

designing policies can be on the younger members of the population who are yet

to be tapped.

4. Conduct customer and public education program:

The company should educate the people by conveying the features and

benefits of the insurance policies.

5. Give proper training program to agents:

Agents are playing a vital role in the marketability of the life insurance

products, so it is necessary to give proper training and guidance to agents

(motivated sales team should be maintained). They can also be used as a feedback

system for devising new policies based on their market knowledge. Agents can be

the most vital elements in this service sector.

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6. Conduct awareness program and give more advertisements:

At the time of survey many people are unaware of Bajaj Allianz Limited

Company so it is essential to give advertisements to increase the awareness about

the Bajaj Allianz Insurance company’s facilities and policies to population.

7. Create strong positive attitude towards private insurance company:

Since LPG is not a wholehearted welcome in India, private players need to

create enormous publicity about the reliability and credentials of their existence.

8. Convey the message of safety of their premiums:

Convince and convey the message of safety and security of their premium

amount paid to the private insurance company by explaining functions of IRDA.

9. Recent presence Davangere city urges for more aggressive marketing:

In Davangere the company has entered recently only so people are not aware

of it so please create awareness through advertisements in print media and


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10.3 Conclusion

In these days insurance sector has become necessary part in every body’s life

because it gives many benefits to the individual in their life, by covering temporary needs

regular savings, control over future, etc..

Maximum number of respondents have given negative response towards private

limited companies, because of new existence, lack of awareness, less safety.

So it is very necessary to create awareness about Bajaj Allianz company.

Now Bajaj Allianz is also one of the leading companies which is at the third place

in the Insurance market.

But at present ICICI Prudential is in the second place with a transaction of 2000


With a target of 3500 Crores Bajaj Allianz is moving forward with dedicated

teams and efficient and effective strategies it is not late that Bajaj Allianz will over take

ICICI Prudential in the near future and place its strong foothold in the second place in the

Insurance market.

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