baihaqi field paper analysis


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Speaking is complex skill, required the simultaneous of number of

different abilities which of develop different rates either four of five

components in generally recognized in analysis of speech, there are

including as the remembering system pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

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To communicate to other people we need a language. Every nation has its

own language. Every language has unique system, there are no two language

ever have the same system exactly. One of the languages is English. As we

know, English is as an international language. Because everything are written in

English now and it is used in many countries for any purposes. It is important and

become necessity to be studied and mastered by people in globalization era

today because of that reason.

Language is system, it means language is formed by different component

in suitable pattern and formula. According to Wardhough (1986: 3), says,

“Language is system of arbitrary vocal symbol use for human communication“.

Information is gotten not always from printed material like books, magazines,

newspaper, etc. but we can also get the information from audiovisual such as

computer, internet, television etc. and by the change of the information with

other people in other country, so we have to understand what they speak by

learning their language. We can learn a language by formal or informal


Learning English speaking is one of skills to understand the other

language. Probably, if we are able to speak English well we can have big

challenge to get nice job and salary. Because English is as one of requirement

getting many formal or informal job today. English is a head condition to get it.

Today, almost school in this world teaching English as one of the main

subject. English is studying by all students in around the world including in

Indonesia. English is taught as an obligatory subject. It is taught from elementary

school up to university level. It is used as a tool in improving the student’s

knowledge, so they can live in society with this skill.

Each skill listening, speaking, reading and writing need to be mastered by

students; however, as language the student demanded to be able to speak.

Because when student can speak, show that they have mastered the language.

The goal of study a language is able to communicate. Speaking as one of the

skill in English becomes a biggest problem for almost all Indonesian students

who study it. It is caused as a foreign language, English has very different

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grammar and culture. The students face a new situation that very different with

their basic language.

There are many factors cause the problem. As we know the differences of

structure between Indonesia and English is one of the factors. Moreover, the

culture background sometime becomes another factor. Besides that, English is

still as foreign language in Indonesia. Compare with our neighbor Malaysia or

Singapore, where English is as the second language, it means the people use

English for daily life beside their native language. It causes easier for students

there to master English. However, our government keeps trying to design

suitable curriculum, provide facility, and train teachers in order to increase

student’s achievement in mastery English.

In fact, teaching speaking at school still faces many problems. Since the

facility and environment do not support learning process, Student as the object

of study is the most sufferers in English learning. They face trouble in study it

because they feel that impossible for them to master it. This situation made

studying English has became something frightening for almost students who

study it. Ahmadi and Supriyono (2004: 77) state that, “The situation where

student cannot study as should be, that is the trouble of study”.

Looking to the development of teaching methods in the world, today the

method and technique tend to break the traditional rules and assumptions where

study is not always going on inside of the classroom but also outside or opening

place. However, this way is not the new method but just often to be done for

long time in our education world. DePorter (2000: 78) states, “Environment will

influence the students to focus and grab the information”. Environment is

important because as connection to the brain. New or different situation will help

learning become more interesting and good for students to increase their

concentration in receiving of the information from the teacher.

Then DePorter (2000:67) also stated, “Understand the connection between

environment and brain it is important to orchestrate supporting study

environment. The environment will increase confident and learning quality”.

We have known that environment study most used for learning activities is

in classroom. However, the same similar situation everyday makes students or

even teacher feel boring. Therefore, the choice to make the situation fresher is

through change the environment study from in classroom into the out of

classroom or at the opening place.

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Study outside of classroom or at opening place such as in yard or school

field will give students new perspective because the atmosphere will influence

the way they take the lesson. The teacher also can take more advantage from

the environment and connect the situation and everything around them as the

media to support the learning process. Especially for speaking, things around of

the environment will help much because they can see directly object. Concurrent

to the growing interest in promoting learner independence is a trend in learning

studies to view language learning as a group phenomenon rather than an

individual process. There are many research conducted that showed, most

students believe that their learning is highly influenced by opportunities to have

variety experiences at the outside classroom or the opening place.

As stated by Polanyi et. al (1995: 271), “Both nationally and internationally

researchers claim that learners, at various levels of proficiency and at various

stages of study, continue to view their successful and unsuccessful learning

outcomes as related to their experiences outside the classroom”.

In the field of English education, much effort has been put into developing

teaching practices that support the interactions of students in the classroom and

encourage learning activities outside the classroom or the opening place.

However, little is known about what teachers perceive and believe about out of

class activity in the process of teaching and learning. This gap in our knowledge

is highly significant as it is often claimed that the ultimate goal of teaching

English is to increase the learner’s ability to interact successfully in the target

language in real situations. As stated by Anderson (2000: 11) In the field of

English education, much effort has been put into developing teaching practices

that support the interactions of students in the classroom and encourage

learning activities outside the classroom. Yet, little is known about what teachers

perceive and believe about these out-of-class activity in the process of teaching

and learning. This gap in our knowledge is highly significant as it is often claimed

that the ultimate goal of teaching English is to increase the learner’s ability to

interact successfully in the target language in real situations.


Definition of Opening Place

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If we look into ‘Opening Place’ term could be some interpretations

occurred to it. The term is consisted from two words that is ‘opening’ and ’place’.

Each word has many interpretations and various usage.

The word ‘Opening’ has many definitions in many aspects. According to

Collins Essential English Dictionary (2006: 124) as noun ‘Opening’ have four

definitions namely:

1. the beginning or first part of something

2. the first performance of a theatrical production

3. a chance or opportunity: an opening into show business

4. a hole or gap

Meanwhile according to Mifflin in The American Heritage® Dictionary of

the English Language (2003: 152) defines ten meanings for Opening namely:

1. The act or an instance of becoming open or being made to open.

2. An open space serving as a passage or gap.

3. A breach or aperture.

4. A clearing in the woods.

5. The first part or stage, as of a book.

6. The first performance: the opening of a play.

7. A formal commencement of operation: attended the opening of the new


8. Games A specific pattern or series of beginning moves in certain games,

especially chess.

9. An opportunity affording a chance of success.

10.An unfilled job or position; a vacancy.

Based on the Etymology it comes from Middle English, from Anglo-French,

open space, from Latin platea broad street, from Greek plateia (hodos), from

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feminine of platys broad, flat; akin to Sanskrit pr ̣thu broad, Latin planta sole of

the foot (Wikipedia, 2006).

Unfortunately, most of the definition above far from the meaning that this

written intended. However, from WordNet 3.0 (2008) gave close meaning of the

opening that is “an open or empty space in or between things” and the Oxford

Dictionary (1996: 288) define opening as “open space”. For the word ‘place’,

Wikipedia (2008) define it as “A place is a location in space”. From the definition

have some explanations which is has close meaning to the written intended


1. physical environment

2. physical surroundings

3. an indefinite region or expanse

4. a building or locality used for a special purpose <a place of learning>

5. a particular region

6. center of population, or location

7. a building, part of a building, or area occupied as a home

8. a proper or designated niche or setting <the place of education in


From the explanation above the term of opening place could be interpret

as an open location in open space. Refer to the title of this written the opening

place here means any places in outdoor or out of the classroom. In another word,

the study activity operated at place without wall boundary.

The places could take the place around the school or outside the school.

The places around the school such as in the yard, field or school garden. The

opening place at the outside of school such as in the field or city garden.

Why Opening Place?

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A question for all teachers or educators in around the world, where is the

right place to teach? Actually, in the world history, school using the classrooms is

a really new concept. It is because in the past before all the teaching and

learning processes took the classroom as the centre for study, nature or the

opening place was as the place where study activities held. The problem is

teaching and learning activities that held inside of the classroom could not

guarantee that the process more success than the teaching and learning

activities that took at the opening place. There are many examples that students

feel uncomfortable because of the monotonous of classroom. The classroom

even sometimes look like a jail. It is time to ask that study in the classroom is the

best way and still is the main forum for the learning or we need to back as in the

past. The condition of classroom that not support the teaching and learning

process will make the students even teacher feel numb. And the result for the

condition is failure. There are many proofs or cases show that students got

nothing from their school but only frightened and punishment. Because school as

the place for study turn into place for giving burden and punishment for students

who cannot ‘learn’ according their teacher. The exploiting of school about 200

days per year, several hours in a day and only use 15% times is the wasting of

the worth asset. And using of big part of time for one way teaching is the bigger

wasting from the 15%. It needs to emphasize that most of people will in the best

condition for learning through experimentally and whole senses.

As stated by Dryden and Vos (2002: 109):

The exploiting of school about 200 days per year, several hours in a day and only use 15% times is the wasting of the worth asset. And using of big part of time for one way teaching is the bigger wasting from the 15%. It needs to emphasize that most of people will in the best condition for learning through experimentally and whole senses.

Teaching and learning is the complex process. In the process, everything

has they own meaning. Every word, opinion, presentation, association, action

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that used in the process and how far the teacher composes the surrounding that

is the process is running. The importance of surrounding in teaching and learning

process it is parallel with their purpose to make teacher and students easier in

teaching and studying.

Another question is how to teach more many through more little effort?

Through some research and experiment some experts recommend that change

the surrounding or situation will answer the question. As state by DePorter

(2000: 64), “You can transmit a lot and your students will understand and

memorize more. How? Through alter your class surrounding”. The word class

here is not literal but it can interpret, as a place of study so it could be anywhere

not only must in the classroom.

In order to solve the problem regarding to the classroom issues, today the

education world start to change or combine the way of their teaching strategy.

There are many schools or education centers begin to use the techniques, which

can support the teaching and learning process. One of the techniques is through

study outside of the class or at the opening place. This way is to not only move

study from inside to outside the class but also have serious intention in making

student easier to grab the study material. The place or environment is very

important in learning process. Good place can be a value medium in build and

keep positive attitude.

Because supporting place will help student easier in developing their

ability, keep their focus in studying and winner mentality. The winner mentality

will create success students. As stated by DePorter and Hernacki (2002: 66), “If

you work in good ordering environment, then easier to develop and keep the

winner mentality. And the winner mentality will produce success students”.

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Definition of Speaking

Language is used to communicate with series of rule and the way to

express it. As the quoted that states, “That language is communication, not

simply a series of social and grammatical regulations” (Celce-Mursia, Downey

and Thurrel, 1985).

Human expresses language through speaking generally. Before human

create written system, people communicate or interact through spoken. That is

why if people say that language is primarily spoken. Speaking is one problem

that recurs and more frequently talked these days. Speaking is ability of people

to communicate with the other people. Through speaking, we are able to express

our feeling, opinion or get our necessity. Speaking cannot separate from human

life that is why speaking is one of abilities needed to learn.

“Speaking is fundamentally and instrumental act, speakers talk in order

to have some effect on their listeners, they assert things to change state of

knowledge” states by Herbert and Ave (1980: 46). However, Speaking is complex

skill, required the simultaneous of number of different abilities which of develop

different rates either four of five components in generally recognized in analysis

of speech, there are including as the remembering system pronunciation,

grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

As stated by Haris in his book entitled Teaching the Spoken language

(1997: 32):

Speaking is complex skill, required the simultaneous of number of different abilities which of develop different rates either four of five components in generally recognized in analysis of speech, there are including as the remembering system pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

According to Wikipedia (2008: 155), speaking can be described, “As an act

of producing voice through the use of the vocal cords and vocal apparatus or

other means, such as sign language, to create linguistic acts in the form of

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language that communicate information from an initiator to a recipient. In other

more colloquial terms, speaking can be described in several different ways

(Onelook, 2008):

1. A linguistic act designed to convey information.

2. Various types of linguistic acts where the audience consists of more than

one individual, including public speaking, oration and quotation.

3. The physical act of speaking, primarily through the use of vocal cords to

produce voice.

When we are speaking, we make interact with someone else and usually

we need an action from someone as the listener. As Hammond et al. (1992: 5)

concluded speaking is interaction language or language accompanying action.

However speaking or speech can also take place inside one’s head, known as

intrapersonal communication, for example, when one thinks or utters sounds of

approval or disapproval. At a deeper level, one could even consider subconscious

processes, including dreams where aspects of oneself communicate with each

other as part of intra personal communication, even though most human beings

do not seem to have direct access to such communication.

Because of speaking is the way of human to express their opinion it is

need spontaneity when do that. In addition, the spontaneity is the major problem

of the students who learn the foreign language particularly English. He also

claims that many teachers often overlook the fact that in a relaxed atmosphere,

real learning takes place, and students use the language they have been

exposed to and have practiced earlier.

Teaching Speaking

The purpose of speaking can be used to convey meaning or to increase

social bonds between individuals or groups. For the latter, shallowness is not

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problem. The success of speaking depends on numerous factors, including the

presence or absence if a variety of speech disorders, the ability of the speaker to

express the intended message and the ability and willingness. Such of language

education is to prepare student in term to be participate in modern society life

(Hammond et al. 1992: 56). In other words, language education is life skill

education that is the education, which give the skill to student to be surviving in

modern life patterned with globalization.

In practically level, generally Indonesian student cannot answer the global

communication challenge, whereas in theoretic language education needs to

have obvious focus about what competence need to develop if student targeted

to be able to communicate in global era. In standard of content of school-based

curriculum stressed how important to looking of language product as an

instrument to communicate, is not only the language that received through

explain by teacher. It means in teaching speaking, student expected to be more

active in express their speaking skill. They are not just listen what the teacher

said but demanded directly to practice.

It is very important to practice directly in their daily communication in

oreder to make it as their habitual. Because when an activity conducted directly,

it helps them to master it better. As the research presented that, “We learn 90%

from what we said and done” (DePorter, 2000: 32).

To reach the target, curriculum designed need to settled the syllabus

target that could be used as benchmark as suggested by Wells (1987: 65).

According to Wells, “four literacy degrees exist that is performative, functional,

informational and epistemic”.

1. Performative

In performative degree, people able to write and read, and speak through

symbols that are used.

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2. Functional

In functional degree, people expected are able to use language to fulfill

daily life such as reading newspaper, magazine, manual reading etc.

3. Informational

In informational degree, people expected are able to access knowledge

through his language.

4. Epistemic

In epistemic degree, people expected to able to transform knowledge in

certain language.

Refer to standard of content of school-based curriculum, students of senior

high school intended to reach until the third degree that is informational,

because they prepared to enter university level.

Sequentially the purposes of teaching speaking for senior high school

student formulated in three of competence standard (Depdiknas, 2003: 5)


1. Able to communicate through spoken language using suitable language

style, fluently and accurate in interaction or monolog expression in shape

of narrative, procedure, recount, report and news.

2. Able to communicate through spoken language using suitable language

style, fluently and accurate in interaction or monolog expression in shape

of narrative, descriptive, anecdote, analytic and hortatory exposition. It

intended to interpersonal meaning variation.

3. Able to communicate through spoken language using suitable language

style, fluently and accurate in interaction or monolog expression in shape

of narrative, explanation, discussion, commentary and review with

emphasis on complex of interpersonal meaning.

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Since the standard demand teacher to be able to achieve the target, it

might be happened teacher only teaches to run the target without care about

the students’ capability or their intake in study. With all the burden of study that

mentioned above, the most suffer is students. Looking the situation students is

as the object of education, whereas nowadays they are not anymore.

Nowadays, students are not the education object, but they are as the

subject. Because the demand of curriculum that students must be active. They

must inquiry the knowledge not only receive or waiting teacher to give them.

And teacher also should be realized and accustomed to treat the students not as

the object. Therefore, teaching and learning is collaboration working between all

sides especially teacher and students.

However, teacher as the main director in the field needs to design the

scenario of study in order the design will work successfully. It means, the teacher

and students both gain their purpose in study.

Teaching Speaking through Opening place

As development nation, Indonesia needs to run the fallen behind in any

sectors. Especially, when we are talking about education sector. The education in

Indonesia still poor compared with its closest neighbor nations such as Malaysia

and Singapore. However, our government always tries to improve our national

education with many programs that could support accelerate of the education

progress. For example, the government builds facilities and infrastructure to

supporting learning process. Also held training for teachers in order to develop

their perception and teaching skill. It tends to create a competence teacher.

Because how modern the facilities that had by a school without competence

teacher, everything is useless.

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One of features that a teacher competence to do his job is the teacher

should know and rich with many approach, method and techniques in order to

support his duty. The good mastery of teaching techniques will help teacher and

their student to accomplish learning target. In study a language, the main target

is making students able to communicate through spoken.

Today speaking ability is very important closer the globalization where

English as the international language urgent to be mastered. In this case, the

teaching technique for speaking at school is very important to make the students

understand and easier master it. As we know, there are so many teaching

techniques old or new. In teaching process, a teacher could use one technique or

more and combine it.

However, it is depended on the learning necessity. For teaching speaking,

teacher prefers to choose the technique that make learning situation more

active. Also, make student become braver to express their speaking ability. Since

the speaking is as the active skill that needs direct performance. Because in

many cases, sometimes we are trapped with the path that our predecessor have

done which not always correct or suitable with present condition where study

situation is very serious and far from fun. That situation will hamper the students

in enjoying and developing their ability.

As according to Kim (1995: 35) states that, “There is a common

perception that all learning should be serious and solemn in nature, and that if

one is having fun and there is hilarity and laughter, then it is not really learning.

This is a misconception. It is possible to learn a language as well as enjoy oneself

at the same time and that gives more advantages …”.

Regarding to the opening place, it is one way in order to accelerate

students’ developing in mastering speaking. Through the different situation of

study, hoped that the students would have interesting and pay attention to what

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teacher teach. Moreover, by study at the open place the teaching and learning

process can be as a directly experience for students especially when the material

of study adjusted with the situation of the place. So the student can see, feel the

atmosphere directly and it is will help them much in memorizing and expressing

their spoken ability. The energize place of study, relieve a lot of tension students

and it can be also motivate them in learning speaking.

The Role of Teacher

The role of teacher is central as an active explainer. Teacher dominates

the teaching and learning process. In other words, teacher is like an orchestra

conductor. Cullingford (1995: 159) states, “Teacher makes a subject interesting,

he sets up experiments, brings in interesting materials, and is not merely bound

by routine”. This means that teacher become a source of knowledge.

When the teacher is an active judge, she make corrections, control the

students’ performance or answer. The teacher must judge the correctness of the

students’ responses. Before the study is started, the teacher should make sure

that all the necessary material ready.

It is suggested that teacher prepares the material that have connection

with the place or the teacher should be able to design the material that can

connected by student where the place support them to look the thing directly or

imagine it.

After that the study cannot be successful if the teacher does not explain

the tasks and the rules for students in studying at the open place. The rules must

be made clear to the students in order to prevent students take chance to play

because they are at the ‘free’ place.

Teacher should tell to the students what they can or cannot do. Teacher

should maintain the situation so that the teaching and learning process still in

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the path. Because for students, study at the opening place quite different and

strange for them. This is crucial for the success of the activity, so every effort

should be made.

Following things that teacher should prepared and do to teach at the

opening place:

1. The selection of the place and time is very important. Study at the open

place such as at the football field at middle of the day is a stupidity.

2. The material that compatible with the place or can be supported with the


3. Clear rule for students along the opening place.

4. Clear task for students so that they know what they must to do and focus.

5. Teacher should be able maintain the situation from the beginning until the

end of program.

6. Teacher should be creative and able to connect and relate the material

with the place.

7. Teacher always motivates students to be brave and using the place as

much as they can.

The Role of Students

Students play a reactive role by responding to teacher’s explanation. They

should contribute as much as they gain in the classroom. They are the real actor

in this situation. It is because the real purpose of this strategy in order to make

students feel different situation but support them to develop their ability through

different way. However, this way will help sides, students and also teacher.

Students are hoped to be able to use the new situation in developing their

ability. Students need to be more active in practicing their speaking ability and

using the place to help them memorize and express their spoken. That is

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because if students do not active or less in using the place, the process will be



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