bahasa inggeris pt3 seminar


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pt3 seminar


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[ 20 marks ]

[Time suggested : 15 minutes]

Questions 1 – 10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one grammatical error in each line.

The text below is about Shahrir who becomes incapable because of an accident.

Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in this text.

Shahrir is a fourteen-year-old teenager. He used to be the school track king. His

nickname was ‘Kilat’ because he can really run like the wind. No other athlete in the

district could match her speed. He was so popular that a group of boys will copy the

way he walked or talked. Everybody knew his superb potential in running and many

of them was his fans.

All that changed, however. He is incapable of run now. Shahrir

alias ‘Kilat’ sit in a wheelchair, thanks to a drunk driver. The car knocked him down

as he is about to cross the street after practice one afternoon.

Many student who showered him with praises now make unkind

remarks about him. Suddenly, he is impopular. Nevertheless, he puts up a brave

front and ignores the impolite stares he receiving as he struggles to led a normal

school life. Only his close friends stand by him. Truly friends in need are friends


0 could

1 __________

2 __________

3 __________

4 __________

5 __________

6 __________

7 __________

8 __________

9 __________

10 __________

[20 marks]

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Section B

[ 20 marks ]

[Time suggested : 25 minutes]

Questions 11 – 24 are based on the flyer below.

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[8 marks]

Questions 16 – 20 Based on the flyer, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

16 The Star Health Fair will be held for 4 days. ____________

[1 mark]

17 Partner Great Eastern is a member of HSBC Group. ____________

[1 mark]

18 Like The Star Facebook for updates. ____________

[1 mark]

19 The admission is free. ____________

[1 mark]

20 The extension call numbers are 1243/1629 ____________

[1 mark]

Questions 21 – 24 Read the flyer carefully and answer all the questions below.

21 State an activity that you can get if you go to The Star Health Fair.

____________________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

22 If Sharif wants to get information about health, which activity is suitable for him?

____________________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

23 What should Sofia do if she wants to get more details about the event?






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____________________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

24 You are very interested with The Star Health Fair. You want to invite your friend to go with you to the event. Write a message to your friend about the event and invite him/her to go there with you. You may use the information given in the flyer in your writing.

[5 marks]

Section C

[ 15 marks ]

[Time suggested : 25 minutes]

Questions 25 – 29 are based on a letter from the talk given below.

A very good morning to the Chairman of the Resident’s Club, ladies and gentlemen.

First and foremost, thank you very much for inviting me to give a talk relating to stress. Let me introduce myself, I am Dr Tunasya, a psychiatrist from the Pahang General Hospital.

In today’s modern and fast-moving society, practically everyone is very stressed and tensed up. The question here is what do we do when we feel stressed?

Go for a walk, a jog or even a swim if you feel stressed out. You will find that it makes difference and it costs you nothing. Go shopping or at least window-shopping. It helps you to release whatever stress you have. Go from one shop to another, maybe you will come across to something that you like, let’s say a dress or a handbag or a wallet.

A person who is very stress needs someone to talk to. You will feel good that someone is willing to lend you an ear. If you do not have anyone, try calling the Befrienders. They are there for anyone around-the-clock.

Dear __________________________,_____________________




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Music, especially classical music, helps to sooth the nerves. So when you are stressed, do listen to this type of music. It relieves you of your pain and stress. You can try this, close your eyes and imagine that you are in a place where there is a brook nearby. You can hear the soft waves beating against the bank. You can also imagine that you are walking on the white soft sandy beach. Dream your stress away.

I guess that’s about all I have to say today. Thank you for your attention.

Questions 25 – 29 Based on the talk given, answer the following questions.

25 Who is the speaker?

_______________________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

26 What is the name of club which invites the speaker to deliver the talk?

_______________________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

27 How does the classical music help to de-stress?

_______________________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

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Questions 28 Fill in the table with appropriate word/phrases from the talk.

Synonym Antonym Word/Phrases

b Pressure

c Contemporary

d Let go

e 24 hours

g Torture

h Open

i Far

j Rocky

[8 marks]

29 Complete the following table by giving the supporting details for the given main idea.

Main Idea Supporting Details

Ways to

overcome stress





[4 marks]

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Section D

[ 45 marks ]

[Time suggested : 55 minutes]

Question 30

Part I – Shorter writing task.

You should spend 20 minutes on this question.

Dear students,15 May 2014

Please be informed that an extra class for English will be held on next Saturday, 24 May 2014 from 8.00 – 10.00 a.m.

Thank you.

Pn Zarina

You are unable to attend the extra class. In about 100 words, write a message to your teacher. Use the notes below to help you.

Apologise – you can’t go Give reasons Tell your teacher what you will do about the lesson you missed.

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Dear ………………………………….,…………………………………….




[15 marks]

Part II – Longer writing task.

You should spend 35 minutes on this question.

Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your holiday at a beach resort/ tourist spot in the space provided on page 7 and 8. Write in 120 words.

You may use these adjectives/adverbs below to help you to write your description.

Popural Pristine Fresh Peacefully

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Enchanting Scenery Tranquil Carefully

Peaceful Breathtaking Happily Safely

Clean Unspoilt Joyfully Beautifully


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Question 29 : Part II – Longer writing task.

Based on the pictures given, write a recount about recycling activities in your school.

In your recount : give details of the activities give reasons and benefits of recycling make sure your recount is between 150 to 200 words.
















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Based on the novel that you have learnt, write about a character

that interest you the most

Provide evidence from the novel to support your answer.

NOVEL How I met myself

AUTHOR David A Hill


This story is about John Taylor, an Englishman who worked in Budapest. One day as he was walking home from work, he met a man who looked exactly like him. He felt that the man was connected to him. In the end, he found out that the man was his doppelganger; a ghost from the past who came to help him save his family.


( character, incident, place, moral value, theme, lesson)

The character that interest me the most in the story is John Taylor.

Evidence 1 First, I like John Taylor because he is a very determined person.

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Justify (E.1) After he accidentally met his doppelganger, he set his mind to find

the truth. He returned to the place he found the man and waited

almost every day in the hope that he would meet him. He asked

people and searched through newspaper article about a man

named Janos Szabo, who had lived at the place in 1945. His

determination paid off and he understood why the doppelganger

came to find him.

Evidence 2 Besides, he is also a brave person.



He thought he had found a ghost; nevertheless, he goes all out to

find out the truth. Not many people are brave enough to face such

encounter. He was also brave enough to go into the burning café to

save his wife.

Conclusion All in all, not only John Taylor a determined person, he is also brave

.These characteristics make him a very admirable person and that

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is why I admire him.



Based on the novel that you have learnt,


Provide evidence from the novel to support your answer.





( character, incident, place, moral

The character/place/incident that I think important is….

The moral value/ theme/ lesson/ message that I learn

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value, theme, lesson)

from the novel is….

I like/dislike the ending/beginning/character/incident


Evidence 1


Evidence 2


Evidence 3


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Elaboration (E.3)


[30 marks]