baha'i fund education workshop

WORKSHOP ON FUND EDUCATION JANUARY 2004 SECTION 1 In a letter to local Spiritual Assemblies, the National Spiritual Assembly has “asked all the Councils to convene special consultations as soon as possible, but definitely before the end of January 2004, with at least your secretaries and treasurers to address the immediate crisis in support for the National and International Funds, and also to explore with you your own fund education efforts.” It is hoped that the following workshop will assist particularly the second purpose of this meeting. In this respect, the following words written on behalf of the Guardian may be helpful to read aloud and keep in our hearts: …the Guardian would advise your Assembly to continue impressing upon the believers the necessity of their contributing regularly to the national fund, irrespective of whether there is an emergency to be met or not. (The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 538) During the current Plan, the House of Justice has placed a great deal of emphasis on learning about systematic growth. Since Shoghi Effendi has indicated that “the progress and extension of spiritual activities is dependent and conditioned upon material means”, it may be helpful to begin our exploration with a reminder of the context for any plans for fund education. Read the following three excerpts from letters of the Universal House of Justice: There is a growing sense of a fundamental change of far- reaching dimensions that chills preoccupation with the pleasures and comforts of material existence. In the midst of this turmoil, the Divine Will for humankind is being achieved. Current world events offer Bahá’ís an opportunity to demonstrate the application of the remedy brought by the Divine Physician. (The Universal House of Justice, 2001 Nov 12, International Endowment Fund) - 1 -

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Workshop materials for Baha'i Fund education.


Workshop on Fund Education

January 2004


In a letter to local Spiritual Assemblies, the National Spiritual Assembly has asked all the Councils to convene special consultations as soon as possible, but definitely before the end of January 2004, with at least your secretaries and treasurers to address the immediate crisis in support for the National and International Funds, and also to explore with you your own fund education efforts. It is hoped that the following workshop will assist particularly the second purpose of this meeting. In this respect, the following words written on behalf of the Guardian may be helpful to read aloud and keep in our hearts:the Guardian would advise your Assembly to continue impressing upon the believers the necessity of their contributing regularly to the national fund, irrespective of whether there is an emergency to be met or not.

(The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 538)

During the current Plan, the House of Justice has placed a great deal of emphasis on learning about systematic growth. Since Shoghi Effendi has indicated that the progress and extension of spiritual activities is dependent and conditioned upon material means, it may be helpful to begin our exploration with a reminder of the context for any plans for fund education. Read the following three excerpts from letters of the Universal House of Justice:

There is a growing sense of a fundamental change of far-reaching dimensions that chills preoccupation with the pleasures and comforts of material existence. In the midst of this turmoil, the Divine Will for humankind is being achieved.

Current world events offer Bahs an opportunity to demonstrate the application of the remedy brought by the Divine Physician.

(The Universal House of Justice, 2001 Nov 12, International Endowment Fund)Humanitys crying needcallsfor a fundamental change of consciousness, for a wholehearted embrace of Bahullhs teaching that the time has come when each human being on earth must learn to accept responsibility for the welfare of the entire human family. Commitment to this revolutionizing principle will increasingly empower individual believers and Bah institutions alike in awakening others to the Day of God and to the latent spiritual and moral capacities that can change this world into another world.

(The Universal House of Justice, 2001 May 24, To Believers Gathered for Terrace Events)

And the one below from a letter written on behalf of the Guardian:

"...our contributions to the Faith are the surest way of lifting once and for all the burden of hunger and misery from mankind, for it is only through the system of Baha'u'llah - Divine in origin - that the world can be gotten on its feet and want, fear, hunger, war, etc, be eliminated."

(Letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, dated December 8, 1947, Bah' Funds: Contributions and Administration, p. 12)

While it is hoped that this meeting will be of assistance to Local Spiritual Assemblies, clearly you will want to consult regularly with the Auxiliary Board members regarding ongoing strategies for fund education. In consulting with Auxiliary Board members and their assistants or members of your local community, you may wish to identify some pleasures and comforts of material existence that preoccupy us, changes that chill those preoccupations, and current world events that offer Bahs an opportunity to demonstrate the application of the remedy brought by the Divine Physician.


We can think of our commitment to the Cause as a commitment to a spiritual revolution. This commitment is borne of our faith in Bahullh, and that faith can be expressed through practical acts of service, including contributions to the Fund. In a letter written on his behalf, Shoghi Effendi indicated that

Contributions to [the national Bah] fund constitutea practical and effective way whereby every believer can test the measure and character of his faith, and prove in deeds the intensity of his devotion and attachment to the Cause.

(Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian, p. 31)

In another letter written on his behalf he communicated the following:

Both the Local Assemblies and the individual believers should realize that unless they contribute regularly and generously to [the National] Fund the progress of the Faithwill not only be considerably retarded, but will inevitably come to a standstillEvery Bah, no matter how poor, must realize what a grave responsibility he has to shoulder in this connection, and should have confidence that his spiritual progress as a believer in the World Order of Bahullh will largely depend upon the measure in which he proves, in deeds, his readiness to support materially the divine institutions of His Faith.

(Shoghi Effendi, Messages to the Indian Subcontinent, p. 159)Answer the following questions related to the guidance quoted above.

1.Who does Shoghi Effendi particularly stress must contribute regularly and generously to the National Fund?

2.What will happen to the progress of the Faith if we do not?

In the passages above, there is reference to a measure of our material support of divine institutions. Sometimes we may encounter questions about how much one is expected to contribute to the Bah Fund. The following excerpt from another letter written on the Guardians behalf may be useful in assisting our fellow Bahs answer this question.

There can be no limit to ones contributions to the national fund. The more one can give the better it is, especially when such offerings necessitate the sacrifice of other wants and desires on the part of the donor. The harder the sacrifice the more meritorious will it be, of course, in the sight of God. For after all it is not so much the quantity of ones offerings that matters, but rather the measure of deprivation that such offerings entail. It is the spirit, not the mere fact of contributing, that we should always take into account when we stress the necessity for a universal and whole-hearted support of the various funds of the Cause.

(Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the Guardian, p. 14)

In addressing an immediate need or crisis in the National Fund, it is sometimes easy to focus entirely on the amount that needs to be raised and forget that the real need is often a greater degree of commitment and sacrifice. Completing the sentences below may be helpful in reminding us of the spirit of contributions that we are attempting to evoke in our communities.

There can be to ones contributions to the national fund. The more one can give the it is, especially when such offerings necessitate

the of other on the part of the donor. The

the sacrifice the more will it be, of course, in the

. For after all it is not so much the of ones offerings that matters, but rather the measure of that such offerings entail. It is the , not the mere fact of contributing, that we should always take into account when we the necessity for a and support of the various funds of the Cause.

1.How does contributing to the Fund test the measure and character of our faith?

2. What word best describes the most effective level of giving? _______________________


As your Assembly works ever more closely with the Auxiliary Board members and their assistants to help the believers increase their love for the International and National Funds, you will likely encounter setbacks. In such times, it is easy to feel discouraged. In the following tender words Shoghi Effendi wrote personally to an individual believer you may find comfort and confidence that you can use to remind each other of the beloved Guardians own loving support for your hard work.

In times of disappointment, stress and anxiety, which we must inevitably encounter, we should remember the sufferings of our departed Master. Your work, your energy, your vigilance and care, your loving-kindness are assets that I greatly value and prize. Keep on, persevere, redouble in your efforts, repeat and rewrite the admonitions and instructions of our Beloved in your communications with individuals and Assemblies until they sink in their hearts and minds. This was truly our Beloveds way and method and none better can we ever pursue.

(From a letter written by Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, 9 July 1926)

A crisis in the Faith often evokes strong emotions among the believers. Such emotions are often expressed because of disappointment, stress and anxiety. These feelings are also expressions of a deep concern for the progress of the Cause. Your confidence in the victory that is to follow will undoubtedly assist the same believers translate those deep concerns into a deeper commitment to the revolutionizing principle enunciated by the House of Justice. In preparing for this exciting opportunity for spiritual education, you may wish to reflect on challenging questions and comments that may arise and how you would respond to them. Below are some examples which you may now wish to discuss with your group and later within your Assembly and with the Auxiliary Board members and their assistants.

It seems like we are always getting these appeals. When will it stop?

It seems like we are always getting these appeals. Why doesnt the National Spiritual Assembly just be more careful in its spending?

I have given everything I can. I just cannot do anymore!

It is so discouraging to be giving everything I can, and then get this letter that tells me I am not giving enough. Sometimes I feel like giving up.

If we only had our own local Bah Centre, we could hold fundraisers and teaching events, and that way raise even more money for the Fund.

We have some really rich Bahs. Obviously the National Spiritual Assembly is appealing mainly to them.

We are supposed to be focusing on Ruhi courses and the core activities, which takes up all our time as it is. Now we are asked to pay more attention to the Fund too, and it is just too much! We just do not have enough time or people.

We need to have entry by troops as soon as possible. What does this have to do with entry by troops?

I know the International and National Fund are more important than the Local Fund, but we have so many ideas for teaching that will need the financial support of the Assembly and community. It would be more fruitful if we focused on getting more new believers, and then turned our attention to the Fund later. Maybe we can just have a fund-raiser to get past this crisis for now.

It is hard to be motivated to contribute when I do not know how the money is spent.

And now as I look into the future, I hope to see the friends at all times, in every land, and of every shade of thought and character, voluntarily and joyously rallying around their local and in particular their national centers of activity, upholding and promoting their interests with complete unanimity and contentment, with perfect understanding, genuine enthusiasm, and sustained vigor. This indeed is the one joy and yearning of my life, for it is the fountain-head from which all future blessing will flow, the broad foundation upon which the securityof the Divine Edifice must ultimately rest. May we not hope that now at last the dawn of a brighter day is breaking upon our beloved Cause?

Shoghi Effendi 24 September 1924to the Bahs of America

[Extract # 1 from the Compilation on Promoting Entry by Troops prepared by the Research Department October 1993]

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