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Name : Badrus Soleh

NPM : 0935511107

Class : V-b



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A. Background of the Study

In study English students must learn some skills of English they are

speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In this research we will discuss

writing skills. Writing learning in school has not been through the correct

process. Teacher often delegates the task of writing without giving proper

steps to be able to produce good work. Writing is not simply a matter of

putting words together, it is a recursive process, it is process of revision and

rewriting. Teaching writing means we create a pedagogy that helps students

see writing as continuous process of revising and rewriting as they invent,

plan, their draf text.

Writing is not the only activities combine words. writing is a process

repeated, namely process of revising and rewriting. Teaching writing means

that we create a science education that helps students see that writing requires

steps to find, plan and create a draft text. So there are many way to improve

writing skill, one of them is write short story. It is kind of narrative text.

short story is a genre of literature. It is usually fictional narrative prose and

tends to be more direct and less-detailed than longer works of fiction, like

novels. Many short story writers define their work through a combination of

creative, personal expression, and artistic integrity. They attempt to resist

categorization by genre as well as definition by numbers, finding such

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approaches limiting and counter-intuitive to artistic form and reasoning. As a

result, definitions of the short story based on length splinter even more when

the writing process is taken into consideration.

Words help us solve problems, discover new ideas, feel better, make

people laugh and understand the world around us. Writing is simply one way

of using words. It let us connect with our immediate environment. According

to Zorn(2000) a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, tries to explain more

precisely the power of writing in our daily lives:

“We write to enlarge and preserve that which we know, that which

 we have felt. We write because organizing our jumbled impression

 into sentences is sometimes the only way to figure out what we think.”

English educators in Japan are starting to recognise the importance of

writing ability as a communicative English skill (Rinnert & Kobayashi 2001),

but this is being met with resistance based on a tradition of having never really

focused on how to write beyond the sentence level in the first language (Jarrell

2000, Rabbini 2003). Moreover, academic writing in English at the university

level requires skills in critical thinking a capacity that has been commonly

considered by researchers to not be cultivated in the Japanese education

system (Stapleton 2002a).

One of the major challenges for teachers is to teach writing to English

Learners. Teachers are trying to meet the needs of the growing population of

second language writers by using instructional approaches that they consider

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appropriate, unfortunately, many of the approaches being used in the

classroom are not supported by research, thus are not as effective as those

backed up by a series of research.

B. Statement of the Problem

Based of the background of the study, the problems of this study are

formulated follows:

1. Does write short story influence students’ mastery of writing skill to

second grades of Junior High School 01 Tanah Merah ?

2. Which one are between male and female students better in writing short

story to second grades of Junior High School 01 Tanah Merah ?

C. Objective of the Study

1. To know write short story influence students’ mastery of writing skill to

second grades of Junior High School 01 Tanah Merah.

2. To know Which one between male and female students are better in

writing short story to second grades of Junior High School 01 Tanah


D. Significance of the Study

This research is important not only for student but also for teacher. For

students, A children actually in junior high school have much imagination so

writer will use that to up their will to write, because a skill of write it can easy

to improve if the writer like to write actually for Junior High School students

that their imagination is still grow, they can easy to write what else short story

they just need to think a story that have ever they done in their life and it

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maybe can improve their writing skills. For teachers, They can use this media

to teach their students about writing just with simple way.

E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This method writer program for second grade junior high school,

especially to help English teachers of second graders at Junior High School

01 Tanah Merah in writing activities. A simple way to improve writing skills

of students with write short story.

F. Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding and irrelevance of the topic in this research, the

writer would like to define the terms as follows:

1. Short Story : short story is a work of fiction that is

usually written in prose, often in narrative format. This format tends to

be more pointed than longer works of fiction, such as novellas (in the

20th and 21st century sense) and novels. Short story definitions based

on length differ somewhat, even among professional writers, in part

because of the fragmentation of the medium into genres. Since the

short story format includes a wide range of genres and styles, the

actual length is determined by the individual author's preference (or the

story's actual needs in terms of creative trajectory or story arc) and the

submission guidelines relevant to the story's actual market. Guidelines

vary greatly among publishers.(http://

2. Writing Skills : Writing skills is one of the four English

language skills in addition to listening, speaking, and reading.

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Writing skills include productive or produce other then speaking skills.


3. Narrative text : Narrative text is a genre to amuse, entertain

and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways,

narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning

point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.(http://

4. Influence : The power or ability to affect beliefs or

action.(oxford dictionary)

5. Mastery : Complete knowledge or command of a

subject or skill.(oxford dictionary)



This chapter indicates the ideas relevant to the present subject relating to the

other studies and is briefly discussed to provide the foundation of the proposed

system. In order to develop a new method and procedures, careful review of

literature and studies must be done for the development of the system.

A. Writing

1. Definition of writing

writing is an activity to express ideas, issues, events, feeling or

thinking to the others through written form. Cohen and Reil in

Kusumaningsih(2001:1) say that writing can be defined as

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communicate act, a way of sharing observation, thought, or ideas with

ourselves and others. It is a tool of thinking. By writing we can tell

about people, remember the facts and ideas. Based on the statement

above, it can be concluded that writing is expressing ideas, facts,

feeling, experience, and thought in written form. In writing, the aspects

include the use of vocabulary, structure of the sentence, composition of

the sentence, spelling, and punctuation. These aspects are important to

master in order to be able to produce good writing. Writing, one of the

productive skills, is considered difficult, especially writing in a foreign


2. The Importance of Writing

According to Axelord and cooper in Ma’mun (2004:5), writing is a

complex process and such contains element of mastery and surprise.

When students want to write something they should have a lot of

information, ideas, and thought in their mind so that they will be able

to express them into sentences, paragraphs, and an essay. The writing

ability is the main activity of composition. The writing should be

systematic and detail. A knowledge or study about good writing or

how to write composition is much needed.

3. The Role of Writing in Class

According to English Syllabus of School Unit Level Curriculum

(KTSP), the teaching of writing for junior high school students

involves the teaching of paragraphs or text. The texts advocated are:

recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure and report. But in this

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research writer just take one of them, i.e. narrative text. The writers’

strategy to improve the writing skill of student is writing short story

where writer begin with introduction about material and related with

genre. Narrative text is a kind of text that tells a story. It is developed

in some steps: orientation, complication, resolution, evaluation, and

reorientation. In the step of orientation, the writer tells the characters in

the story, their names and the place they live, their ages, their

condition, and their willing. In the complication step, the writer

presents the unexpected event that happens to the characters. In the

resolution step, the writer tells how the complication is solved. In the

evaluation step, the writer invites the reader to think what meaning or

values that are taken from the story. In the reorientation step, the writer

concludes the story by giving comments.

4. Strategies of Teaching

Teaching how to write short stories can be difficult. Students will

have to learn about basic structure and character traits before they can

begin to write their short stories. The best way to teach short story

writing is through practical writing activities and encouraging students

to read fiction. By using the idea of a writer's notebook, students will

be able to record their ideas and write their short stories somewhere

that feels safe.


1. Give the students a notebook or small writing pad. This will be their

writer's notebook. Ask them to note down any feelings, memories, facts,

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fictions, questions, poems, expressions, colors, stories and any ideas for

short stories that come to mind. This notebook will be a safe place for

them to write their ideas and feelings and to form their short stories.

2. Introduce students to children's literature. By having the students read a

variety of children's literature they can begin to gain an understanding of

character traits, important literary elements and story structure. These

lessons can then be applied to their own short stories.

3. Instruct the students to draw on real life experiences for their short stories.

Character development can be hard to grasp for some students. For a

starting point, have the students think about the most interesting person

they know, or have read about and base their character on that person.

4. Conduct regular spelling and grammar booster lessons. Ensuring that high

levels of spelling and grammar are maintained in the short stories is an

important step to improving the students' writing skills. As they become

more competent, provide them with dictionaries and thesauruses to apply

new and more advanced vocabulary.

5. Encourage the students to write in their writer's notebooks regularly. The

best way to develop short story writing is to practice. Try setting the

students the task of producing a short story every week. As they develop

their writing, increase the length of the short story and the time in which

they have to complete it.

6. Apply all of the points simultaneously to develop the students'

understanding of fiction writing and their application of this


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B. Short Story

1. Definition of Short Story

A short story is a work of fiction that is usually written in prose,

often in narrative format. This format tends to be more pointed than

longer works of fiction, such as novellas (in the 20th and 21st century

sense) and novels. Short story definitions based on length differ

somewhat, even among professional writers, in part because of the

fragmentation of the medium into genres. Since the short story format

includes a wide range of genres and styles, the actual length is

determined by the individual author's preference (or the story's actual

needs in terms of creative trajectory or story arc) and the submission

guidelines relevant to the story's actual market. Guidelines vary greatly

among publishers.

2. Characteristics of Short Story

a. A short story is a piece of prose fiction which can be read at a

single sitting.

b. It ought to combine objective matter-of-fact description with poetic


c. It ought to present a unified impression of tone, colour and effect

"unity of effect" (Poe)

d. It mostly shows a decisive moment of life (which can entail a fatal


e. There is often little action, hardly any character development, but we

get a snapshot of life (slice-of-life story).

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f. Its plot is not very complex (in contrast to the novel), but it creates a

unified impression and leaves us with a vivid sensation rather than a

number of remembered facts.

g. There is a close connection between the short story and the poem as

there is in both a unique union of idea and structure.

h. There is a limited set of characters, one single action and a simple

plot (often: exposition, complication, crisis, sad / happy ending).

i. A short story very often has an open / abrupt beginning and an open

or surprise ending.

j. A short story is restricted to one setting only (fixed place and time,

social surroundings).

3. The Three Types of Short Story

It is a simple task to define the short story in opposition to other

literary genres, even in purely qualitative terms. The short story is

distinct from a novel (or, for that matter, a short extract from a novel)

in many ways: the protagonist of a short story doesn't have to be fully

'back-storied', they can remain fairly anonymous, we don't need a

family tree for them; nor do they need to be the sort of ultimately-

likeable everyman that so dominates the novel (we don't have to get on

with the star of a short story , the way we have to get on with a novel's

central character as a 'fellow traveller' in the long 'plotted' course that

is the novel's journey).

Equally the moral compass of a short story doesn't have to be as

fixed as the novel's, there doesn't have to be that cummulative truth

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you find in a novel, always building and pointing in the same

direction; as Nadine Gordimer argues, the short story's truth is

momentary, discrete and fleeting, and as such the story can occupied a

more morally ambiguious (and therefor realistic) universe. Also, we

might distinguish the short story's revelation - and the nature of it - as

being of a more singular, untempered variety than a novel's (if the

novel trades in revelation at all).

Conversely, and at another level, the novel could claim greater

realism for reflecting the fact that any chain of consequences leading

from a single act is indefinitely long, all relationships go on, arguably,

forever. Whilst in a short story, they are re-defined suddenly at the

close, and then abandoned in a kind of unchanging stasis.

However, in trying to understand how a short story works on its

own terms, short shrift will come from mere comparisons with the

novel. What we need to talk about are the autonomous structures that

make up the wider species we call short fiction. For the purposes of

this Resource, we suggest the form be regarded in terms of three

structural types - as discussed in more detail in the introduction to

Parenthesis (2006) - namely: Epical, Lyrical & Artifice.

The Epical Story

In realist short fiction, brevity is commonly 'wired-in' through the

withholding of a part of the narrative — a hidden, suspended element,

whose absence is ultimately unsustainable (it’s only a matter of time

before it drops into view). This ‘buckling’ version of the short story is

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by far the most dominant species, and constitutes the vast bulk of the

realist short fiction canon. Typically the best stories of this type are

those where, despite being inevitable (in retrospect), the arrival of this

missing part is genuinely unexpected from the readers' point of view.

The revelation, when it comes, has to re-illuminate all that’s preceded

it — giving life to what was previously just latent by locking with it,

perfectly, and casting it in a new light. The supposed great shift in

short story writing brought about by Chekhov and Joyce - between

traditional revelations (in which external conflicts are resolved

externally, by external events or discoveries about external events) and

modernist 'epiphanies' (in which the revelation/resolution is entirely

internal) - merely constituted a shift in practice within the Epical form.

It is also worth saying that the quality of the revelation (as well as the

means of its delivery) differs from the traditional to the modernist; in

the traditional story the revelation is finite, in terms of our

understanding of it - guilt is apportioned, an identity is revealed, a

secret act is uncovered. In the modernist epical story, however, the

revelation is more open; coming from inside the character, and

affecting their (and our) perspective on the world, it colours a more

indefinite range of things, if not everything.

In both traditional and modernist stories the revelation occurs at the

end (or in some cases just after the end, in the reader's realisation), and

reilluminates the characters and events that preceded it. In this sense

the end of Raymond Carver's 'Cathedral' and the climactic exposition

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of a classic Sherlock Holmes story are not altogether dissimilar. In

both cases the quality of the final revelation aspires towards that of an

unexpected discovery, a twist. An examplar of the traditional twist

story is Ambrose Bierce's 'An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge'.

The Lyrical Story

Lyrical stories are characterised by the sustained deployment of an

image (typically a visual image) throughout, and the delivery of a

'revelation' through that image. The language of the 'revelation' is less

paraphrasable than an internal epical epiphany (which is in turn less

paraphrasable than an external epical revelation), though no one type is

necessarily more widespread in its ramifications. Lyrical stories

generally need a an epical, external plot to run alongside them to a

certain point, but the climactic 'surprise' comes in the last, irresolvable

power of the central image. Until this point the lyrical and epical

elements enjoy a symbiotic relationship: the image informs our

understanding of the plot; while the external events

extrapolate/develop the embryonic meaning contained within the

image. However lyrical stories generally eschew complete closure - the

atmosphere is established early, sustained throughout and merely rings

louder in its absence after the close. A good example of the lyrical

story would be David Constantine’s 'In Another Country' (Under The

Dam, Comma Press, 2006): here, the central image encapsulates not

only a woman trapped in ice, but the protagonist’s past and his secret,

internal life – all of which are about to melt away.

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The Artifice Story

A third type of story should be considered, for deriving its

'surprise' not from the arrival of any revelation, or the escalation of any

image, but from the intertwining of two seemingly incompatable

ingredients: be these two incompatible story-lines, perspectives or

indeed realities. This ingredient may take the form of a literary conceit,

an over-arching metaphoric device or a single, abruptly inserted

incongruity, but in all cases it is introduced into an otherwise

conventional narrative at the start of the story, with the greater

'meaning' of the story emerging directly from the unlikely symbiosis of

the inserted artifice* and the conventional plot. The defining exemplar

of this type is, of course, Kafka’s 'Metamorphosis' Here the opening

'irreality' plays against the human drama of the story, which follows an

otherwise conventional plot; the surrealism of the artifice shines a light

onto the emotional/psychological realism of the conventional story.

'Metamorphosis' shows that the conceit must be random, unlikely,

preposterous even; and yet somehow perfect. Not any contrivance will

do. Take the decision in Adam Marek’s 'Testicular Cancer vs The

Behemoth' (Instruction Manual for Swallowing, see above) to smash

together entirely incompatible genres: literary realism and B movie

sci-fi. The decision always seems illogical, like a malfunction in the

fiction programme but, in retrospect, it’s an incongruity that couldn’t

have been better chosen. This sense of part of the story being ‘wrong

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but right’, unexpected and arbitrary but serendipitously perfect, is

something that any regular short story reader will be familiar with.

C. The Students’ Writing Short Story

Students can construct their knowledge during learning narrative text

easily by writing some short story such as fable, their imaginations’ story etc.

The teacher can make a rule to the students, for examlpe every writing subject

all of student must collect one short story. In the other way teacher and all

student identification a story in the class and divide its generic structure.



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A. The Research Design and Method

In this research, the researcher used Descriptive Qualitative. Qualitative

research is descriptive research. Borgan and Taylor in Margono (2005:36) defined

that qualitative research is “the research procedure which produces descriptive

data such as word written or speed from the population people and attitude which

can analyze”. In line with that, Sugiono (2005:9) states that Qualitative research is

descriptive, the data collected is in the form of words of pictures rather that

number: Qualitative researches are concerned with process rather than simply

outcomes or products: qualitative researches tend to analyze their data inductively.

The writer used this method to examine the events or phenomena of

students, especially in students’ strategies in composing narrative writing.

Sukmadianata in Sugiono (2005:60) states that qualitative research is a research

that is used to describe and analyzed phenomena, event, social activity, attitude,

belief, perception and people thinking either in individual or in a group.

1. Place of Research

The research is about the analysis of students’ strategies in composing

narrative writing at second year class of Junior High School 01 Tanah Merah. It is

a formal education institution located in Tanah merah. Junior High School 01

Tanah Merah has facilities that support students in teaching and learning process

such as library.

2. The Research Instrument

Arikunto stated that Research instrument is the tools or facilities used by

researcher in collecting the data, hope the result of research is more accurate,

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complete, and systematic, so the process is easier. Based on that explanation, the

writer used research instrument in collecting data to support the research.

As human instrument, the writer should make to focus of the research,

choose the informant as source of the data, analyze the data and make conclusion.

Moreover Licon and Guba in Sugiono (2005:60) state that the instrument of

choice in naturalistic inquiry is the human. We shall see that other forms of

instrumentation mat be used a tear phrases of the inquiry, but human instrument

has been used extensively in earlier stages of inquiry, so that an instrument can be

constructed that grounded in the data that the human instrument has product.

From the statement above, the writer concluded that in qualitative

research, there is no other opinion that to use human as the main research

instrument because the problem, research focus, research procedure hypotheses

and event the result in qualitative research are still unclear, so that there is no

choice than to use the researcher as the main instrument.

3. Time of Research

The research held on 15 – 29 Desember 2011. it consist three meeting.

4. The Research subject

Related to the research subject, the writer conducted her research in Junior

High School 01 Tanah Merah, which consists of three class and 102 students.

Then, the writer used purposive sampling in deciding the students as research

subject. So, the writer took the students as research subject purposively. They are

102 students.

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According to Linclon and Guba in Sugiono (2005:54) the characteristic of

purposive sampling:

a) Emergent sampling design

b) Serial selection of sample unit

c) Continuous adjustment of focusing of the sample

d) Selection to the point of redundancy

5. The Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data in the students’ strategies in composing narrative

writing the writer used observation, interview known as triangulation and


a. Observation

In the instrument, the writers will observation about student’s strategies in

composing narrative writing at second year of Junior High School 01 Tanah


In this observation the writer as an observer, just only observed and was

not involved in the teaching process. Furthermore, the writer only used checklist

as the instrument in the observation. Besides observing student’s activities, the

writer also observed teacher’s roles, teaching aids and students’ achievement in

order to know how the process of students’ strategies in composing narrative

writing is and how is the result of students’ strategies in composing narrative


Observation used as data collecting technique have specific type if

compared by another type such as interview and questioner.(Sugiono,2005:65).

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As far as the writer conducted a observation in the second year at Junior High

School 01 Tanah Merah.

b. Interview

This instrument is the way on the method of data collection in which the

writer asks the information directly. The writer interviewed the English teacher

and students to knowing some information from her/him how the teacher give a

material narrative writing and how the students’ using strategies in composing

narrative writing at second year (management) of Junior High School 01 Tanah


c. Questionnaire

In this research, the writer was given questioner to the students’ at second

year of Junior High School 01 Tanah Merah cause the writer want to know more

deeply how does the students’ strategies in composing narrative writing.

B. The Data Analysis Technique

Muhajir, data analysis is a process to find out and set result data from

observes, interview, and other to increase the researcher about the study and make

easy to understand by our self and other. In this research the writer conducted her

research at second year of Junior High School 01 Tanah Merah in dividing into

three classes (Management I, and II) consist of 102 students. Then, to find out the

data, the writer used the method by L.R. Gay and Arikunto

The writer used the following technique to measure the data:

Agreement x 100%

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∑ Items

(Taken from L.R. Gay, 1992:248)

The following are the standard in measuring the data:

1. Good : 76-100%

2. Enough : 51-75%

3. unsatisfactory : 40% - 55%

4. Worst : < 40%

(Taken from Arikunto 2002:244)

To analyses the data the writer as follow:

1. Reduction of data

Data reduction use for collecting the data from observation, interview, and

questionnaire. In data reduction, the writer will summarize and focus on the

important data that could eases the writer in collecting the next data.

2. Display

In data display, the writer will analyze the result from observation,

interview and questionnaire. Then the data were organized and arranged in a

pattern, so that they would be understood easily.

3. Conclusion drawing/ Verification

According to Miles and Huberman, the third step in analyzing data in

qualitative research is conclusion drawing or verification. It was used to describe

all of the data which were still unclear in the beginning.

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a. Research validity and Reliability

To determine the validity of the data, it is needed a checking technique of the

data. According to Moleong, there are four terms used:

a. Credibility

The validity concept mentions that generalization of a finding can be valid or

applied on all contexts in the same population based on the finding obtained in the

sample which resent the population it self.

b. Transferability

Transferability as empiric matter depends on the equity between sender and

receiver contexts. To do the transferability, a researcher should find and collect

empiric event of the context equality. Therefore, the researcher is responsibility

for providing efficient descriptive data if she wants to make a decision about the

transferability. To do this thing, a researcher needs to conduct a researcher to

ensure an attempt of verifying it.

c. Dependability

Dependability term is reliability substitution term in qualitative research. The

reliability is achieved if the result is equal when two or several times conducted

repetition of a study in the same condition and essentially.

d. Conformability

A conformability term derives from “objectives” concept according to non

qualitative research. Non qualitative states the objectivity of agreement side

between subjects. To make sure that something is objective or doesn’t depend on

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several people’ agreement toward view, opinion, and someone’s finding. So, in

this case, the objectivity of something depends on the people opinion.

Beside that, As Scriven, there is another “qualitative” element which sticks on

the objectivity, it should be trust able, factual, and can be guaranteed. In other

word, subjectivity means vague.

From the above explanation, if qualitative research emphasizes on

“people”, whereas, non qualitative emphasize on the data. In this case, to

determine the validity and reliability, with a consideration that qualitative research

with its naturalistic paradigm is completely unable to use validity and reliability

terms. Based on those descriptions, the naturalistic paradigm qualitative uses the

term in which certainly adjusted to inquiry force, so that the redefine term is a

demand that unavoidable.

Based of the techniques mentioned above, the writer used conformability

of the data.

b. Checking Technique of Data Credibility

Lincoln et al, there are eight checking techniques of data credibility

suggested namely:

1. Prolong Observation

Prolong observation means that the writer should back to the field research

again, then do observation and interview again to the participants in order to

recheck whether the data, that were given before, are true or not. When the data,

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that were given, are true means that the data are credible and the prolong

observation can be ended. Furthermore, by using prolong observation the

relationship between the writer and the participants can form rapport.

2. Persistent Observation

Persistent observation means that the writer should do observation more

accurately and continuously. By using persistent observation, the writer could

give an accurate and systematic data description about the thing that is observed.

In this case, the writer observed the English teacher when her/him teaching

narrative writing.

3. Triangulation

Triangulation data is a checking technique of data credibility by making

use of another thing which out of data to check the necessity of the data or as a

comparison of the data. The most triangulation technique often used is checking

trough available source.

Denzin defines types of triangulation as checking techniques, are: 1)

triangulation of source, 2) triangulation of method, 3) triangulation of

investigation, and 4) triangulation of theory.

4. Colleague Checking Through Discussion

It is known as inter-rater. This technique is conducted to know whether the

writer and the other experts find the same data. When the writer and the other

research find the same data means that the data are credible.

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5. Negative Case Analysis

Negative analysis means that the writer should search another data, which

are different and even contradiction with the data that had already found. When

the writer does not find the contradiction data means the data are credible.

6. Available Reference

Available reference is a device to cope and adopt with written critics for

evaluation necessity. Film or video tape for example, can be used to record and

compare with the result gained with the critics collected. If those mediums are not

existed, other devices can be used as a comparison critic, for example information

that can be used during checking of the data.

7. Checking Member

Checking with the members involved in the process of collecting data is

very important to check credibility of the data. What will be checked with the

members involve are data, analytic category, assumption and conclusion. The

member involved who represent their colleague have function to give reaction

from their view sight and situation towards the data which organized by the


8. Detail Description

Detail description technique which demands the researcher to describe the

result of the research as accurate as possible which draws the research place

carried out. The description should be revealed in detail to give what the readers

needed so that they are able to understand the findings obtained. Auditing

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technique is a technique in business concept, especially in fiscal field which is

used to check the dependency and credibility of the data.

As Setiyadi (2002:206) states that there are five checking technique of

data credibility are, 1) Observation, 2) Interview, 3) Triangulation, 4)

Documentation, and 5) Field note.

From all of the technique mentioned, researcher uses triangulation of

source to display that the data is credible.

C. Research Procedures

The following are the procedure used in this research:

1. Determining the subject of the research.

2. Providing the instruments of data collecting such as observation form,

interview guide, interview students and questionnaire guide.

3. Doing observation in the class.

4. Interview the English teacher and interview students.

5. Giving questionnaire to the students.

6. Analyzing the result of observation, interview and questionnaire by using

data display.

7. Explaining the result of data descriptively by making conclusion drawing or


8. Identifying the credibility of the result of the observation, interview and

questionnaire by using colleague checking or inter-rate and member check
