badminton reykjavik wp 1

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  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    WP 1: Key results and manuscript progress

    Reykjavik, Iceland, 29-31 May 2012

    Sebastian Uhlmann, Elisabet Kemp, Marie-Joelle Rochet,Edwin van Helmond

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Key results

    First time: synthesis of discard

    data across countries andareas; spanning from the CelticSea to the Mediterranean.

    In total, data of 147 fish and 26

    invertebrate species werecompiled from 19 metiers and11 areas (i.e. fishing grounds).

    Some of the most-commonlydiscarded species include: hake

    mackerel; dab; and plaice

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Recap: previous meetings

    WP1 report: table with mean numbers discarded/landed

    per hour and trip

    Decision in Rhodes: consolidate rates for the samemetier from different countries

    Weighting procedure: common descriptor of

    fishing/sampling effort among partners: number ofsampled trips

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Since then....

    Table as in WP1 report:

    Country Species Fishingground


    Mtier DIS/LAN Mean Standarddeviation

    Number oftrips

    DK Pleuronectesplatessa



    IVc OTB_DEF DIS 2,5005 12,2692 103

    FR Pleuronectesplatessa



    IVc OTB_DEF DIS 0,0706 0,2809 58

    Discard rates were weighted by the number of sampledtrips, when combined across ICES Divisions andcountries.

    Species Fishingground

    Mtier DIS/LAN Mean Standarddeviation




    OTB_DEF DIS 1,4500 8,5345

    Table as used for manuscript:

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Since then....: manuscript progress

    Manuscript table contains lots of rows.....

    Boiling it down in a meaningful way

    Identifying objectives: what is strength of this work?

    Synthesis of discard rates across countries (andICES Divisions)

    Therefore, comparisons should be across


    Fishing grounds

    with greatest overlap between countries Identifying objectives: tie it in with the CFP discard ban?

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Manuscript: objectives

    The aim was to describe whether

    i) for the same metier, discard rates of commonly-discarded species were similar between regions(inter-region comparison), or whether

    ii) for the same region, discard rates of commonly-discarded species were similar between metiers(intra-region comparison).

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Manuscript: nominating the list of species

    Define the tip of the iceberg, without boiling it

    Define a-priori criteria to limit the data to:

    Areas with greatest overlap:

    Celtic, North and Mediterranean Sea

    Metiers with greatest overlap OTB_DEF, OTB_CRU, TBB_DEF

    Species in CFP reform proposal and MLSregulated

    Identify those species with highest/lowest degree ofsimilarity/contrast between combined means(difference between min. and max. means)

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Manuscript: nominated list of species

    Copenhagen list: cod, horse mackerel, Atlantic mackerel,

    blue whiting, hake, and grey gurnard

    List 1: if considering contrasts/similarities between allmetiers and all areas:

    Atlantic mackerel, hake, cod, plaice, haddock, and

    saithe List 2: if considering contrasts between only OTB_CRU,

    OTB_DEF, and TBB_DEF metiers and 3 areas:

    Atlantic mackerel, hake, whiting, plaice, haddock

    But still different options to pick and display results....

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Manuscript: example (list 1)

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Manuscript: example by area (list 2)

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Manuscript: example by metier (list 2)

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Manuscript: other options??

    Limitation when focus is on overlap-fisheries/areas:

    Missing out on information from other metiers andregions though (e.g. the actual highest discard rate maybe in another area)

    How many species with highest contrasts (e.g. three in

    total, or three per metier)? create the graphs for each of these species and each of

    the OTB_CRU, OTB_DEF, TBB_DEF metiers to comparethese discard rates between regions (inter-regioncomparison), and then zoom in on those regions with

    the highest (number of ) contrasts and compare rateswithin this region between other metiers (intra-regioncomparison).

    Or a mix of approaches?

  • 7/31/2019 Badminton Reykjavik Wp 1


    Contributions needed:

    Table input: listing methodology on how numbers wereraised from haul to trip level? (e.g. filling out earliertemplate, or similar to one of the ICES SGPIDS tables)

    Any guidance/ideas on how species of interest areselected and results should be displayed?