bacterial community legacy effects following the agia zoni

ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 17 July 2020 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01706 Edited by: Tony Gutierrez, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom Reviewed by: Joaquim Vila, University of Barcelona, Spain Camilla Lothe Nesbø, University of Alberta, Canada Casey R. J. Hubert, University of Calgary, Canada *Correspondence: Gareth E. Thomas [email protected] Boyd A. McKew [email protected] Specialty section: This article was submitted to Aquatic Microbiology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Microbiology Received: 12 March 2020 Accepted: 29 June 2020 Published: 17 July 2020 Citation: Thomas GE, Cameron TC, Campo P, Clark DR, Coulon F, Gregson BH, Hepburn LJ, McGenity TJ, Miliou A, Whitby C and McKew BA (2020) Bacterial Community Legacy Effects Following the Agia Zoni II Oil-Spill, Greece. Front. Microbiol. 11:1706. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01706 Bacterial Community Legacy Effects Following the Agia Zoni II Oil-Spill, Greece Gareth E. Thomas 1 * , Tom C. Cameron 1 , Pablo Campo 2 , Dave R. Clark 1,3 , Frederic Coulon 2 , Benjamin H. Gregson 1 , Leanne J. Hepburn 1 , Terry J. McGenity 1 , Anastasia Miliou 4 , Corinne Whitby 1 and Boyd A. McKew 1 * 1 School of Life Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2 School of Water, Energy and Environment, Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, 3 Institute for Analytics and Data Science, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Essex, United Kingdom, 4 Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation, Samos, Greece In September 2017 the Agia Zoni II sank in the Saronic Gulf, Greece, releasing approximately 500 tonnes of heavy fuel oil, contaminating the Salamina and Athens coastlines. Effects of the spill, and remediation efforts, on sediment microbial communities were quantified over the following 7 months. Five days post-spill, the concentration of measured hydrocarbons within surface sediments of contaminated beaches was 1,093–3,773 μgg -1 dry sediment (91% alkanes and 9% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), but measured hydrocarbons decreased rapidly after extensive clean-up operations. Bacterial genera known to contain oil-degrading species increased in abundance, including Alcanivorax, Cycloclasticus, Oleibacter, Oleiphilus, and Thalassolituus, and the species Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus from approximately 0.02 to >32% (collectively) of the total bacterial community. Abundance of genera with known hydrocarbon-degraders then decreased 1 month after clean-up. However, a legacy effect was observed within the bacterial community, whereby Alcanivorax and Cycloclasticus persisted for several months after the oil spill in formerly contaminated sites. This study is the first to evaluate the effect of the Agia Zoni II oil-spill on microbial communities in an oligotrophic sea, where in situ oil-spill studies are rare. The results aid the advancement of post-spill monitoring models, which can predict the capability of environments to naturally attenuate oil. Keywords: Mediterranean, hydrocarbons, Agia Zoni II, oil spill, Alcanivorax, Cycloclasticus, Idiomarina, Greece INTRODUCTION On the 10th of September 2017, the Agia Zoni II tanker sank in the inner Saronic Gulf, Greece, releasing approximately 500 metric tonnes of heavy fuel oil into the waters and contaminating the surrounding coastlines (IOPC, 2017). The Hellenic Coast Guard deployed 600 m of oil boom out to sea within 8 h, which increased to 9 km of booms and absorbents in the following weeks. Despite this response, the oil had spread far from the spill site and impacted over 4 km of the Salamina coastline and over 25 km of the Athens Riviera including Glyfada and the port of Piraeus, due to a change in the wind direction (Figure 1). An extensive clean-up response was undertaken on all contaminated beaches, including manual removal of tar balls, flushing and trenching, high-powered washing, removal of sediments for either washing/replacement or disposal at landfill, Frontiers in Microbiology | 1 July 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 1706

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Page 1: Bacterial Community Legacy Effects following the Agia Zoni

fmicb-11-01706 July 15, 2020 Time: 21:6 # 1

ORIGINAL RESEARCHpublished: 17 July 2020

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01706

Edited by:Tony Gutierrez,

Heriot-Watt University,United Kingdom

Reviewed by:Joaquim Vila,

University of Barcelona, SpainCamilla Lothe Nesbø,

University of Alberta, CanadaCasey R. J. Hubert,

University of Calgary, Canada

*Correspondence:Gareth E. Thomas

[email protected] A. McKew

[email protected]

Specialty section:This article was submitted to

Aquatic Microbiology,a section of the journal

Frontiers in Microbiology

Received: 12 March 2020Accepted: 29 June 2020Published: 17 July 2020

Citation:Thomas GE, Cameron TC,

Campo P, Clark DR, Coulon F,Gregson BH, Hepburn LJ,

McGenity TJ, Miliou A, Whitby C andMcKew BA (2020) Bacterial

Community Legacy Effects Followingthe Agia Zoni II Oil-Spill, Greece.

Front. Microbiol. 11:1706.doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01706

Bacterial Community Legacy EffectsFollowing the Agia Zoni II Oil-Spill,GreeceGareth E. Thomas1* , Tom C. Cameron1, Pablo Campo2, Dave R. Clark1,3,Frederic Coulon2, Benjamin H. Gregson1, Leanne J. Hepburn1, Terry J. McGenity1,Anastasia Miliou4, Corinne Whitby1 and Boyd A. McKew1*

1 School of Life Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 2 School of Water, Energy and Environment,Cranfield University, Cranfield, United Kingdom, 3 Institute for Analytics and Data Science, University of Essex, WivenhoePark, Essex, United Kingdom, 4 Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation, Samos, Greece

In September 2017 the Agia Zoni II sank in the Saronic Gulf, Greece, releasingapproximately 500 tonnes of heavy fuel oil, contaminating the Salamina andAthens coastlines. Effects of the spill, and remediation efforts, on sedimentmicrobial communities were quantified over the following 7 months. Five dayspost-spill, the concentration of measured hydrocarbons within surface sediments ofcontaminated beaches was 1,093–3,773 µg g−1 dry sediment (91% alkanes and9% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), but measured hydrocarbons decreased rapidlyafter extensive clean-up operations. Bacterial genera known to contain oil-degradingspecies increased in abundance, including Alcanivorax, Cycloclasticus, Oleibacter,Oleiphilus, and Thalassolituus, and the species Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticusfrom approximately 0.02 to >32% (collectively) of the total bacterial community.Abundance of genera with known hydrocarbon-degraders then decreased 1 monthafter clean-up. However, a legacy effect was observed within the bacterial community,whereby Alcanivorax and Cycloclasticus persisted for several months after the oil spill informerly contaminated sites. This study is the first to evaluate the effect of the Agia ZoniII oil-spill on microbial communities in an oligotrophic sea, where in situ oil-spill studiesare rare. The results aid the advancement of post-spill monitoring models, which canpredict the capability of environments to naturally attenuate oil.

Keywords: Mediterranean, hydrocarbons, Agia Zoni II, oil spill, Alcanivorax, Cycloclasticus, Idiomarina, Greece


On the 10th of September 2017, the Agia Zoni II tanker sank in the inner Saronic Gulf, Greece,releasing approximately 500 metric tonnes of heavy fuel oil into the waters and contaminating thesurrounding coastlines (IOPC, 2017). The Hellenic Coast Guard deployed ∼600 m of oil boomout to sea within 8 h, which increased to ∼9 km of booms and absorbents in the following weeks.Despite this response, the oil had spread far from the spill site and impacted over 4 km of theSalamina coastline and over 25 km of the Athens Riviera including Glyfada and the port of Piraeus,due to a change in the wind direction (Figure 1). An extensive clean-up response was undertakenon all contaminated beaches, including manual removal of tar balls, flushing and trenching,high-powered washing, removal of sediments for either washing/replacement or disposal at landfill,

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Thomas et al. Bacteria Oil-Spill Legacy Effects

and the use of absorbents (see Figure 1 and Supplementary TableS1 for sample location and specific treatment/action undertakenat each site). On the 30th November, 2017 the shipwreckwas removed, and the clean-up operations ceased in February2018. On the 28th April, 2018 the Greek government liftedmaritime restrictions.

Oil spills dramatically alter marine microbial communitycomposition, resulting in a decrease in species richness anddiversity, in conjunction with selection for oil-degrading bacteria(Head et al., 2006; McGenity et al., 2012). Certain microbescan degrade a range of hydrocarbons found in crude oil andits derivatives, including obligate hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria(OHCB), which use hydrocarbons as an almost exclusivesource of carbon and energy (Yakimov et al., 2007). WhileOHCB have been demonstrated to degrade other compoundsin pure culture (Radwan et al., 2019; Zadjelovic et al., 2020),there is still limited evidence that the OHCB are competitivefor non-hydrocarbon substrates in the environment. This isevidenced by the fact OHCB are typically present in extremelylow numbers in uncontaminated environments but rapidlyincrease in abundance following oil-spills (Yakimov et al.,2004a; Atlas and Hazen, 2011; Acosta-González et al., 2015;Nogales and Bosch, 2019). Therefore, while it is evidentthat OHCB use a few other carbon and energy sources, forclarity we refer to them hereafter as “OHCB” to distinguishbetween these highly adapted and competitive hydrocarbondegraders and those more metabolically diverse bacteria,which can also degrade hydrocarbons. Since the deepwaterhorizon well blowout, there has been increased emphasis onunderstanding oil-spill microbial ecology, with much of thefocus on deep sea oil plumes (Hazen et al., 2010; Masonet al., 2012; Redmond and Valentine, 2012), salt marshsediments (Beazley et al., 2012), or benthic sediments (Masonet al., 2014). Though some studies have focused on coastalsediments (Kostka et al., 2011; Lamendella et al., 2014; Huettelet al., 2018) most were conducted either ex situ (Rölinget al., 2002; Da Silva et al., 2009; Almeida et al., 2013)or retrospectively (De La Huz et al., 2005; Short et al.,2007; Boufadel et al., 2010), and represented a bias towarda single oil-spill event, deepwater horizon. Therefore, thein situ establishment and succession of specialized oil-degradingmicrobial taxa, in the Mediterranean immediately following anoil spill, are less well understood. This is especially true forcoastal sediments in the Mediterranean (see SupplementaryTable S2). Understanding how such ecosystems, and particularlyoil-degrading microbial communities, respond to such eventswill allow for better post-spill monitoring (Kirby et al.,2018). Exposure of environments to oil can also lead to along-lasting adaptation within the microbial community. Thisphenomenon of prior exposure can be important in determiningthe rate at which any subsequent hydrocarbon inputs maybe biodegraded (Leahy and Colwell, 1990). Such knowledgewill also assist in designing or improving models such as theEcological Index of Hydrocarbon Exposure (EIHE) (Lozada et al.,2014) and inform future oil-spill response, such as indicatingthe thoroughness of clean-up efforts and identifying whentourist/fishing activities can recommence.

The Mediterranean is an oligotrophic sea with extremely lowlevels of phosphorus (Thingstad et al., 2005) and is virtuallyan enclosed basin with limited oceanic exchange. Phosphorousis a macronutrient that is vital for microbial growth andespecially for hydrocarbon degradation (Seah and McFerran,2016); and therefore, the availability of these nutrients in thepresence of hydrocarbons is vital (Ron and Rosenberg, 2014).From 1977 to 2018 the Mediterranean has been subject to 989recorded oil-pollution incidents (REMPEC, 2018). Additionally,the Mediterranean has been the location of three of theworld’s top 20 largest tanker oil spills; including the tankersHaven (1991, 144,000 tonnes, Italy), Irenes Serenade (1980,100,000 tonnes, Greece), and Independenta (1979, 95,000 tonnes,Turkey) (ITOPF, 2019). The majority of accidents resultingin oil-pollution occur in the Eastern Mediterranean, especiallyaround Greece (Girin and Carpenter, 2019). The Mediterraneancurrently contains two refineries, two oil terminals, and threeoil ports (REMPEC, 2018), with an additional 480 activeshipping ports, 50% of which are in located around Greeceand Italy (Xue et al., 2004). The Mediterranean is highlysocio-politically complex with 21 countries bordering the sea,and future predictions indicate increased levels of oil andgas drilling in the region (Union et al., 2016). Oil pollutionin the Mediterranean therefore represents a significant threatto the environment. Despite this, there remains a paucity ofinformation on how oil pollution affects Mediterranean sedimentmicrobial communities.

Our early sampling (5 days post spill) of the Agia ZoniII incident allowed a very rare opportunity to investigate theimmediate impact on the microbial community and identify theearliest key colonizing oil-degrading bacteria from an oil spill thatcovered a large area of coastal sediment, in a region where fishingand tourism play a pivotal socio-economic role. We quantifiedhydrocarbon concentrations across seven contaminated and twouncontaminated sites 5 days post-spill and after remediation.Additionally, we determined oil-spill-induced changes in geneabundance, diversity, and composition of the sediment microbialcommunities using qPCR and high throughput sequencing ofthe 16S rRNA gene.


Sediment Hydrocarbon ConcentrationsFive days after the oil spill, the surface sediments at threesample sites on the Athens Riviera were visibly contaminatedby hydrocarbons (Figure 2). The concentrations of the aliphatichydrocarbons fraction including n-alkanes from undecane (C11)to dotriacontane (C32) and the branched alkanes (pristane andphytane) ranged from 1,536 ± 557 to 2,803 ± 549 µg g−1 drysediment (Figure 2). The concentrations of the aromatic fraction,containing the 2–5 fused-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), including methylnaphthalenes, dimethylnapthalenes,methylphenanthrenes, and methylanthracenes ranged from88.20 ± 13.50 to 332 ± 99 µg g−1 dry sediment. One-monthpost-spill, the concentration of total n-alkanes, branched alkanes,and PAHs reduced to almost undetectable levels at both the

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FIGURE 1 | Sampling sites from the Agia Zoni II oil-spill (marked as an X where tanker sank) in Greece (inlet; dark gray; red dot highlights spill-site) and affectedAthens Riviera and Salamina coastline. Abbreviations for clean-up response applied at oil-contaminated sample sites (Athens 1–4 and Salamina 1–3): MN (manualremoval of tar balls), HP (high-powered washing, to remove oil from hard surfaces), AB (use of absorbents to collect floating oil from the water surface), FL (flushingof sediment with medium pressure water), TR (trenching, used in conjunction with flushing to collect oil), and RM (removal of coastal sediment, either washed andreplaced or disposed in landfill).

Athens Riviera and Salamina sites (Figure 3). Additionally,we found no significant differences in phosphate, nitrate, andammonium concentrations between contaminated sites anduncontaminated control sites when compared to coastal watersamples (Supplementary Figure S1).

Effects of the Oil-Spill on SedimentMicrobial Community Composition andAbundanceIn order to evaluate any effect that the oil-spill had on microbialcommunity composition or abundance, 16S rRNA bacterial andarchaeal genes were analyzed by qPCR and amplicon librarysequencing [see operational taxonomic units (OTU) tables inSupplementary Tables S3, S4]. High-throughput 16S rRNAgene sequencing resulted in an average of 55,591 (range 8,093–209,105) and 49,983 (range 3,822–196,697) sequence readsfor bacteria and archaea, respectively. Five days post-spill,the mean bacterial 16S rRNA gene abundance (1.6 × 108

copies g−1 dry sediment) in Athens contaminated sedimentswas ∼2.5 fold greater, but not statistically significant, than inthe uncontaminated control sediments (Supplementary FigureS2A). Archaeal 16S rRNA gene abundance was typically twoorders of magnitude lower than the Bacteria (SupplementaryFigure S2B) and no significant changes were observed in

archaeal 16S rRNA gene abundance in response to the oil spill.Simpson Diversity Index analysis of archaeal and bacterial 16SrRNA gene amplicon libraries revealed no significant differencebetween contaminated (average across all samples, archaea0.35 and bacteria 0.99) and uncontaminated (archaea 0.26 andbacteria 0.99) sites, at any month. Archaeal community analysisrevealed a high relative abundance of Candidatus Giganthaumaand Nitrosopumilus, though no significant differences wereobserved between contaminated and uncontaminated sedimentsamples. This suggests archaea did not play a significantrole in biodegradation of, and were unaffected by, the oil(Supplementary Figure S3).

Operational taxonomic units affiliated to numerous OHCBin contaminated sites 5 days post-spill were significantlymore relatively abundant in comparison to uncontaminatedcontrol sites. These changes included higher relativeabundance of members of Marinobacter, closely related toM. hydrocarbonoclasticus, Alcanivorax spp., Oleibacter spp.,Oleiphilus spp., and Thalassolituus spp. (Figure 4) in comparisonto uncontaminated sites. In October and December higherrelative abundance of Cycloclasticus, a known PAH-degradinggenus (Dyksterhouse et al., 1995) was also observed in thecontaminated site “Salamina Oil 1.” There was also significantlyhigher relative abundance of sequences affiliated to morecatabolically versatile genera or species (i.e., those that use a

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FIGURE 2 | Hydrocarbon concentrations (mean ± SE, n = 3) of the three contaminated sites (Athens Oil 1-3) and the uncontaminated control site (Athens No Oil),September 2017. (A) n-alkanes from C11 to C32 and the branched alkanes pristane and phytane. (B) PAHs from 2-ring naphthalene to 5-ring benzo[a]pyrene. Nosamples were taken for Salamina in September 2017.

FIGURE 3 | Concentrations (mean ± SE, n = 3) of hydrocarbons in control (Suffix “No Oil”) and contaminated (Suffix “Oil”) sediments along the Athens Riviera andSalamina coastline, sampled from September 2017 to April 2018. (A) Total n-alkanes, (B) total branched alkanes (pristane and phytane), and (C) total PAHs. Nosamples were collected for all Salamina sites in September 2017, “Salamina No Oil” in October 2017, or all Salamina and Athens sites in November 2017.

wider range of substrates than the OHCB whose substrate rangein the environment is typically restricted to hydrocarbons) incomparison to uncontaminated sites. These genera have beenshown to contain representatives that can degrade hydrocarbons;

including Marinobacter spp., Idiomarina spp., Alteromonas spp.,Vibrio spp., Erythrobacter spp., and Roseovarius spp. (Figure 5;see Supplementary Table S2). Dissimilarities in bacterialcommunity composition were evident between uncontaminated

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FIGURE 4 | Relative abundance (% of the bacterial community; mean ± SE, n = 3) of 16S rRNA gene OTUs assigned to putative obligate hydrocarbonoclasticbacteria (including OTU-10 which has a 100% identity match to M. hydrocarbonoclasticus) in sediments from control (Suffix “No Oil”) and contaminated (Suffix “Oil”)sites along the Athens Riviera and Salamina coastline, from September 2017 to April 2018. No samples were collected for all Salamina sites in September 2017,“Salamina No Oil” in October 2017, or all Salamina and Athens sites in November 2017. Bacteria and Archaea OTU tables are available in Supplementary TablesS3, S4.

and contaminated sites in September 2017 immediatelyafter the oil-spill. However, from October 2017 onward thebacterial community composition at the oiled sites becomeincreasingly similar to as those found at the uncontaminatedsites (Supplementary Figure S4).

Several of the OTUs that were significantly more relativelyabundant at contaminated versus uncontaminated sites wereaffiliated to OHCB and specifically to known alkane degraders.For example, OTU-10 (100% 16S rRNA sequence identityto Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus; Figures 4, 6), hadsignificantly higher relative abundance at some contaminatedsites (coef. = 10.88, z = 18.13, p < 0.001) compared touncontaminated sites. Five days post-spill, OTU-10, represented15 and 11% at “Athens Oil 2 and 3,” respectively, but sharplydecreased in relative abundance to virtually undetectable levelsfrom October onward. The increase in the relative abundance ofM. hydrocarbonoclasticus represented an increase of 2.14 × 107

16S rRNA gene copies assigned to M. hydrocarbonoclasticuscompared to uncontaminated Athens sediments. Five OTUsassigned to the OHCB genus Alcanivorax (Figures 4, 6) weresignificantly more relatively abundant in all contaminatedsites (September 2.19% ± 1.52%; coef. = 2.28, z = 6.40,p < 0.001) compared to uncontaminated sites where it wasgenerally undetectable. From October the relative abundanceof Alcanivorax OTUs steadily decreased in the contaminatedsites, though always remained at least 5- to 297-fold greaterthan the uncontaminated control sites, where they wereoften undetectable. Similarly, OTUs from the genus Oleibacter

(OTU-200 and OTU-265) and OTU-606 from Oleiphilus(Figures 4, 6) were significantly more abundant in “Athens Oil1” immediately after the oil-spill in September (coef. = 1.44,z = 13.35, p < 0.001) from uncontaminated control levels(3.67 ± 0.89% and 1.44 ± 0.83%, respectively). However,in April the relative abundance of both genera decreased tolevels below 0.01%. Finally, OTU-972 assigned to Thalassolituus(Figures 4, 6), a genus containing species that can degrade awide range of alkanes (Yakimov et al., 2004b; Gregson et al.,2018), was significantly more relatively abundant in sedimentsfrom contaminated sites in September (0.74%; coef. = 0.16,z = 7.52, p < 0.001) compared to uncontaminated controlsediments. The relative abundance of Thalassolituus decreased inthe months thereafter to undetectable levels. The increase in therelative abundance of Thalassolituus represented an increase of1.22 × 106 16S rRNA gene copies compared to uncontaminatedAthens sediments, even though Thalassolituus was the leastabundant OCHB genus.

No known PAH-degrading OHCB were detected five dayspost-spill when high PAH concentrations were measured.However, OTUs from more metabolically diverse genera(which have been demonstrated to degrade PAHs; seeSupplementary Table S2) were observed in significantlyhigher relative abundance (coef. = 1.75, z = 6.06, p < 0.001)compared to uncontaminated levels, including Alteromonasspp. (10.46 ± 2.91% at “Athens Oil 1”), Idiomarina spp.(13.96 ± 11.75% at “Athens Oil 2 and 3”), and Vibrio spp.(2.09 ± 2.03% across “Athens Oil 1, 2, and 3”). OTU-31 and

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FIGURE 5 | Relative abundance (% of the bacterial community; mean ± SE, n = 3) of 16S rRNA gene OTUs assigned to Bacteria associated with oil-degradation, insediments from control (Suffix “No Oil”) and contaminated (Suffix “Oil”) sites along the Athens Riviera and Salamina coastline, from September 2017 to April 2018.No samples were collected for all Salamina sites in September 2017, “Salamina No Oil” in October 2017, or all Salamina and Athens sites in November 2017.Bacteria and archaea OTU tables are available in Supplementary Tables S3, S4.

OTU-32, assigned to the PAH-degrading genus Cycloclasticus(Figures 4, 6), had significantly greater relative abundance insome contaminated locations compared with uncontaminatedcontrol sites. For example, in October and December theycontributed up to 19% of relative abundance at “Salamina Oil 1”(coef. = 18.31, z = 19.21, p < 0.001), sharply reducing thereafter.

Ten OTUs belonging to the genus Marinobacter(excluding sequences assigned to the OHCB speciesM. hydrocarbonoclasticus) (Figures 5, 6), were significantlymore relatively abundant in sediments taken in Septemberfrom “Athens Oil 2 and 3” (30%; coef. = 27.94, z = 43.21,p < 0.001) relative to the uncontaminated sites, decreasingsharply from October. Similarly, five OTUs assigned to thegenus Idiomarina (Figures 5, 6) were also significantly greaterin relative abundance (coef. = 13.88, z = 23.40, p < 0.001), at 14and 28% from sediments in “Athens Oil 2 and 3,” respectively,decreasing from October onward. OTU-45 assigned to thegenus Alteromonas and OTU-76 assigned to the genus Vibrio(Figures 5, 6) significantly increased in relative abundance(coef. = 10.37, z = 26.11, p < 0.001), from uncontaminatedcontrol levels, particularly at contaminated “Athens Oil 1” toapproximately 10 and 3% respectively, before sharply decreasingfrom October onward.

Two genera from the class Alphaproteobacteria also increasedfollowing oil contamination, which included five OTUs assignedthe genus Erythrobacter and OTU-88 assigned to the speciesRoseovarius spp. (Figures 5, 6), which were significantly higherin relative abundance at contaminated sites from September toApril, relative to levels at the uncontaminated sites.

Five days after the oil spill in September there was astrong positive correlation (R2 = 0.80, p < 0.01) betweenthe relative abundance of 16S rRNA sequences assigned

to hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria (all OTUs displayed inFigure 6) and the concentration of measured hydrocarbons.In addition, the EIHE, which quantifies the proportion ofthe bacterial community with hydrocarbon bioremediationpotential on a scale of 0–1, whereby 1 represents 100% (Lozadaet al., 2014), was calculated at 0.52 ± 0.14 in September.This EIHE result was significantly (p < 0.05) higher thanthe control site at 0.30 ± 0.11. At the genus level, somecorrelative relationships between bacterial genera containinghydrocarbon-degraders were observed. OTUs from the generaMarinobacter and Idiomarina typically co-occurred and weresignificantly correlated (R2 = 0.80, p < 0.05). A differencein the bacterial community composition occurred at differentcontaminated sites, despite the presence of similar hydrocarbons.For example, at “Athens Oil 2 and 3,” when Marinobacterand Idiomarina were in high relative abundance (collectively46%) Alteromonas, Oleibacter, Oleiphilus, and Thalassolituus hadlow relative abundance of approximately 0.64%, collectively. Incontrast, when Marinobacter and Idiomarina were in low relativeabundance (collectively 4% at “Athens Oil 1” in September)Alteromonas, Oleibacter, Oleiphilus, and Thalassolituus had arelative abundance of approximately 16%, collectively, at thesame site in September. The full correlation analysis showing theco-occurrence of taxa is provided in Supplementary Figure S5.


Sediment Hydrocarbon Concentrationsand Clean-Up OperationsFive days after the oil spill, GC-MS analysis revealed extensiveoil contamination in the surface sediments at multiple beaches

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FIGURE 6 | Unrooted neighbor-joining phylogeny of 16S rRNA bacterial OTUs, in sediments from contaminated sites along the Athens Riviera and Salaminacoastline, from September 2017 to April 2018, aligned with known hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and closest relatives; bootstrap values >70 displayed (1,000iterations). Evolutionary distances computed by Maximum Composite Likelihood protocol (using the Tamura-Nei model, Tamura and Nei, 1993), sum of branchlength = 1.15. Analysis involved 82 nucleotide sequences (36 OTUs) with a total of 258 positions in the final dataset. Evolutionary analyses were conducted inMEGA7. Bacteria and archaea OTU tables are available in Supplementary Tables S3, S4.

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along the Athens Riviera. This contamination occurred dueto rapid transfer of the oil from the water onto the coastalsediments within the first few days of the spill, due to sustainedprevailing winds (Parinos et al., 2019). The level of total measuredhydrocarbons, 2,158 ± 800 µg g−1 dry sediment, was similarto that observed from surface sediments in the Exxon Valdezoil-spill, 4,636 ± 1,628 µg g−1 sediment (Bragg et al., 1994).However, Agia Zoni II hydrocarbon sediment concentrationswere much lower than that observed in buried sedimentsin Pensacola Beach, Florida (11,000 µg g−1 sediment totalpetroleum hydrocarbons) which was impacted by the Macondooil spill (Huettel et al., 2018). Unbranched alkanes and PAHs fromsediments after the Agia Zoni II oil spill were undetected fromOctober 2017 onward; though some branched alkanes persistedat low concentrations (primarily at contaminated Salamina sites,Oct–Apr 7.31± 7.04 µg g−1 sediment).

The near complete reduction of hydrocarbons to undetectablelevels, from October 2017 onward, is in line with measurementstaken by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)(Parinos et al., 2019) and is indicative of efficient physical removaland other clean-up operations, which occurred immediately afterthe oil-spill incident and continued through to February 2018.The preferential removal of the more readily degradable linearn-alkanes, as indicated by the presence of branched alkanesand no measurable n-alkanes or PAHs from October 2017onward, would suggest biodegradation was occurring. The extentto which the removal of hydrocarbons can be attributed toeither biodegradation, natural processes, or remediation effortscannot be determined from our data. However, hydrocarbondata from Parinos et al. (2019) suggested the early onset ofbiodegradation, which was sustained for 85 days post-oil-spill,especially amongst phenanthrenes.

While absorbents, flushing, and sediment washing wereused, a large proportion of the clean-up operations at thestudy sites consisted of direct sediment removal (whethercontaminated or not) (International Oil Pollution CompensationFunds, 2018). Though effective in the removal of oil (Daveand Ghaly, 2011), the bulk removal of coastal sediment canbe environmentally damaging (Owens, 1972; Gundlach andHayes, 1978; Petersen et al., 2002), and, has economic andenvironmental costs associated with disposal, often to landfillsites. In the case of Agia Zoni II, some sediment washing andreplacement occurred, but these responses were not adoptedto the same degree as removal, likely due to the need fora rapid clean up to minimize the economic impact fromloss of tourism.

Ecology of Obligate HydrocarbonoclasticBacteriaAn oil-spill perturbation is indicative of a discrete short termdisturbance event (Shade et al., 2012), whereby changes inmicrobial community are largely trait driven, by the ability ofindividual species to occupy available niches due to hydrocarbon-degradation processes and pressures. This often manifests as alarge increase in the absolute abundance of Bacteria, due toselection for hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria (Head et al., 2006),

which was observed here with a ∼2.5-fold increase, but notsignificant, in the absolute abundance of the bacterial 16SrRNA gene immediately following the oil-spill. In particular,there was significantly greater relative abundance of genera withknown hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria at contaminated sites incomparison to uncontaminated sites. These notable increases,along with a history of hydrocarbon pollution in the Saronic Gulf,indicates an indigenous community of hydrocarbon-degradingbacteria, albeit at mostly very low or undetectable levels,allowing for rapid colonization of oiled sediments and growth.Hydrocarbons within sediments five days after the oil spillsupported the growth of OHCB, which rapidly became dominant,and were almost undetectable in uncontaminated sediments.

Alcanivorax is an obligate degrader of branched- andn-alkanes (Yakimov et al., 1998), although it has been shownto enhance degradation of PAHs (McKew et al., 2007).Alcanivorax is ubiquitous in the marine environment and isobserved in a variety of hydrocarbon polluted environments(see Supplementary Table S2). In agreement with the resultspresented here, Alcanivorax is often observed to becomeabundant early on in coastal beach sediments and decrease inabundance as n-alkanes are removed from the environment(Head et al., 2006; Kostka et al., 2011; Rodriguez-R et al., 2015).Alcanivorax persisted for many months after hydrocarbons(unbranched alkanes and PAHs) were undetected within theenvironment. This legacy effect could be caused by severalprocesses, including the use of wax esters (Rontani, 2010) orpolyhydroxyalkanoates (Mozejko-Ciesielska and Kiewisz, 2016)as a carbon and energy store for use when nutrient availability(e.g., N & P) is more favorable for cellular growth. Alternatively,this persistence could be due to the low levels of branchedalkanes, such as pristane and phytane, observed within thesediments in the months following September. Unlike mostOHCB, certain species of Alcanivorax can use branched alkanes,for example, A. borkumensis SK2T (Yakimov et al., 1998;Gregson et al., 2019), A. dieselolei B-5 (Liu et al., 2011), andA. hongdengensis A-11-3 (Wang and Shao, 2012).

Other alkane-degrading OHCB genera detected includedOleibacter (Teramoto et al., 2011), Oleiphilus (Golyshin et al.,2002), and Thalassolituus (Yakimov et al., 2004b; Gregsonet al., 2018); though their abundance was primarily restrictedto “Athens Oil 1” sediments. Oleibacter, Oleiphilus, andThalassolituus have all been observed to increase in abundancein oil-contaminated marine environments, though until nowevidence is lacking for detection in coastal sandy sediments (seeSupplementary Table S2). Previous studies of oil-contaminatedsediment (Coulon et al., 2012) and seawater (Teramotoet al., 2013) observed Oleibacter and Alcanivorax in similarabundances, in line with our observations. However, in seawater-based laboratory experiments Thalassolituus has been observed tooutcompete other alkane-degraders such as Alcanivorax (McKewet al., 2007), through its use of medium- and long-chainedalkanes (Gregson et al., 2019); this was not observed in thesediment samples collected from the Agia Zoni II oil-spill,whereby Alcanivorax was in greater abundance.

Cycloclasticus is a PAH-degrading genus (Dyksterhouse et al.,1995), apart from one lineage that degrades very short-chained

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alkanes (symbiont of Bathymodiolus, undetected in this study;Rubin-Blum et al., 2017). Cycloclasticus, which has been observedto grow in many marine environments including sandy coastalsediments (see Supplementary Table S2), was mostly undetectedin sediments from Athens, but was observed in high abundancefrom October through December in Salamina sediments (notethat no Salamina samples were taken in September). As foundwith Alcanivorax, Cycloclasticus demonstrated an oil-legacyeffect, persisting in the sediments for several months after PAHcontamination was undetectable. Once again this could be due tocarbon and energy storage, or the persistence of trace amountsof high molecular weight PAHs. Alternatively, hydrocarbonscan be undetected through analytical methods such as GC-MS(McKenna et al., 2013) when weathered hydrocarbons from anoil spill undergo transformation into oxygenated hydrocarbons(though currently there is no evidence that Cycloclasticusis able to degrade oxygenated hydrocarbons) (Kiruri et al.,2013), which can persist for years within oil/sand aggregates(Aeppli et al., 2018).

Ecology of Metabolically VersatileOil-Degrading Bacteria and MicrobialInteractionsThe specialist PAH degrader, Cycloclasticus, was mostlyundetected in sediments collected in September from Athens,possibly because it was outcompeted by more metabolicallyversatile bacteria that can also degrade PAHs. Potentialcandidates for this PAH degradation are the genera Idiomarina[including OTUs most closely matched to PAH degradersI. seosinensis (Yuan et al., 2015; Gomes et al., 2018) (100%similarity) and I. piscisalsi (Nzila et al., 2018) (98.83%similarity)] and Alteromonas [including an OTU mostclosely matched to PAH degrading A. naphthalenivorans(Jin et al., 2011) (100% similarity)]. Idiomarina and Alteromonascan use a range of substrates for growth, including PAHs,and in this region (Athens) may have outcompetedCycloclasticus, in contrast to the latter months in Salaminawhere Cycloclasticus dominated. Given the dominance ofCycloclasticus in October/December in Salamina, it could bespeculated that this genus was also dominant in September,in contrast to Athens where more metabolically versatilebacteria became established. Alternatively, differences inthe clean-up response may partly account for the observeddifferences in Cycloclasticus relative abundance, as, forexample, the remediation process of sediment removaldid not occur at “Salamina Oil 1 and 3” (see Figure 1and Supplementary Table S1), where an increased relativeabundance of Cycloclasticus occurred. This is also the casefor sediments from “Athens Oil 1” where the presenceof Cycloclasticus was observed, but not in “Athens Oil 2and 3” sediments.

Idiomarina and Alteromonas have been found in a rangeof oil-contaminated environments, including sandy coastalsediments (see Supplementary Table S2). In this study it wasobserved that while both these genera increased in abundancein contaminated sites compared to uncontaminated sites,

they did not co-occur. Idiomarina did, however, positivelycorrelate with the genus Marinobacter; including OTU-10most closely related to M. hydrocarbonoclasticus, which hasbeen shown to degrade a range of alkanes (Gauthier et al.,1992). The co-occurrence of Idiomarina and Marinobacterwas most notable between sediments from “Athens Oil 1”and “Athens Oil 2 and 3” and was to the competitiveexclusion of other genera with known oil-degrading bacteria,including: Alteromonas, Erythrobacter, Oleibacter, Oleiphilus, andRoseovarius, which co-occurred. Alteromonas and Oleibacterhave been recorded previously to co-occur (Neethu et al.,2019). The dominance of Idiomarina and Marinobacter, at“Athens Oil 2 and 3,” could potentially be due to indigenousspecies having a priority effect, providing a competitiveadvantage, or potentially due to source point pollution events.Alternatively, the absence of M. hydrocarbonoclasticus andIdiomarina from “Athens Oil 1” sediments could be due tothe different remediation efforts at this site, where visibleoil contamination was not as evident and thus only manualremoval of tar balls occurred (see Figure 1 and SupplementaryTable S1). The positive relationship between Marinobacterand Idiomarina has been observed before, including in oil-sludge samples (Albokari et al., 2015) and in sandy coastalsediments from the Macondo oil-spill where these two generadominated (Joye et al., 2014). Additionally, Joye et al.(2014) observed that Alcanivorax was able to co-occur withMarinobacter and Idiomarina, as also observed in sedimentsfrom this study.

This study also demonstrates the ability of Vibrio (which is agenus that contains species that can degrade alkanes (Al-Awadhiet al., 2012; Imron and Titah, 2018) and PAHs (Melcher et al.,2002) to grow in several oil-contaminated environments; seeSupplementary Table S2) to also avoid competitive-exclusion byMarinobacter and Idiomarina. This finding could indicate theability of certain Vibrio to degrade a wide range of hydrocarbons,potentially including branched alkanes, like Alcanivorax, whichmay indicate why these genera are unaffected by the prevailingdominance of Marinobacter and Idiomarina. Indeed, certainspecies of Vibrio are known to attach to algal cells (Kumazawaet al., 1991; Hood and Winter, 1997) and many algae are knownto produce branched alkanes (Binark et al., 2000) so perhaps thereis a phototrophic–heterotroph interaction (McGenity et al., 2012)through the utilization of branched alkanes by Vibrio. However,increased relative abundance in Vibrio spp. was not matchedwith increased branched alkane concentration in Salamina, andtherefore this remains unverified. This co-occurrence could alsooccur due to Vibrio using PAHs.

Lastly, species within the genera Erythrobacter andRoseovarius can degrade a range of hydrocarbons and growin oil-contaminated marine environments, including sandycoastal sediments (see Supplementary Table S2). Erythrobacterand Roseovarius maintained consistently higher abundancesat the previously oiled sites in comparison to uncontaminatedsites. Suggesting that once the genera have established a presencewithin the community, through the utilization of hydrocarbons,they are able to maintain this even in the absence of such carbonand energy sources.

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Are Archaea Affected byOil-Contamination Within CoastalSediments?In agreement with many studies, archaeal abundance anddiversity was mostly unaffected in the sediment samplestaken from after the Agia Zoni II oil-spill (Redmond andValentine, 2012; Urakawa et al., 2012; King et al., 2015;Sanni et al., 2015). Archaea are not commonly consideredas hydrocarbon-degraders, apart from certain Halobacteria(McGenity, 2010; Oren, 2017) which typically do not prevail incoastal seawater (exception herein being the genera Haladaptatusand Halogranum). There is growing evidence that growth ofnitrifying-archaea, especially from the genus Nitrosopumilus, isinhibited by crude oil (Urakawa et al., 2012, 2019), thoughsome studies do not show any significant inhibition by oil onarchaeal populations (Newell et al., 2014; Bernhard et al., 2016).In this study, while there were some between-site differencesin the relative abundance of OTUs assigned to Nitrosopumilusthese were not significantly different. By quantifying archaealspecies which are sensitive to oil-spill disturbances, post-oil-spillmonitoring models can be made more efficient by including themas sentinel species (Kirby et al., 2018).

Post-Oil-Spill Monitoring of MicrobialCommunitiesThe ability of those responding to an oil-spill (oil-spillresponders, Government bodies, local authorities, oil-industries,NGOs) to evaluate the efficiency of clean-up operations, andthus provide guidance on future risk-based scenarios, is a vitalendeavor to protect the environment and reduce socioeconomicimpact. This has been recognized across the globe, and in theUnited Kingdom the cross-government initiative “PREMIAM”was published to this accord (Kirby et al., 2018). Understandinghow microbes respond to such perturbations can assist to thisregard and has the potential to be incorporated into tools suchas the Spill Impact Mitigation Assessment (IPIECA and IOGP,2017). Combining the data from both hydrocarbon analysis,microbial ecology, and other environmental sources, a moredetailed and holistic understanding can be revealed. Microbialcommunity analysis can highlight whether biodegradation maybe taking place and the likelihood of the environment to naturallyattenuate the oil-spill. Nutrient concentration analysis wouldreveal whether the environment is nutrient limited and shouldtherefore be supplemented with fertilizer. Hydrocarbon analysiscan detect the proportion of light and heavy molecules that couldindicate the need for additional remediation operations.

Using microbial ecology as a post-oil-spill monitoring toolis still in its infancy, however, models and indices to assistin this effort are available. Lozada et al. (2014) publishedan “EIHE,” whereby hydrocarbon contamination was assumedbased on the relative abundance of genera known to containhydrocarbon-degrading bacteria. The simplicity of this modelis both a strength and a weakness. It is simple enough that itcan easily be adapted as oil-spill microbial knowledge progresses,but it is too simple to fully establish hydrocarbon exposure. Forexample, in this study our uncontaminated control sites had

an EIHE index of 0.30 ± 0.11 (on a scale of 0–1), despite nohydrocarbons being detected. This is due to the model includingall species within functionally diverse bacterial genera such asPseudomonas which includes >200 different species, of whichonly a small minority are known to degrade hydrocarbons.The EIHE could be improved further by analyzing microbialcommunity composition at a finer detail, perhaps at a specieslevel, though this would require a tool to phylogeneticallymatch OTUs to known oil-degrading species. Additionally, theinclusion of sentinel microbes, those that are adversely affectedby oil-contamination (i.e., ammonia-oxidizing archaea; Urakawaet al., 2012, 2019), would also add comprehension to the index.By advancing the knowledge of oil-spill microbial ecology,understanding the genetics and metabolic capabilities of allhydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and their microbial communityinteractions, and then combining this with hydrocarbon andenvironmental data, models such as the EIHE can be improved.

Experimental ProceduresSampling Locations and ScheduleSediments were surveyed at both the surface (0–5 cm) and deeperdepths (down to approximately 60 cm) on initial and subsequentsite visits. However, only surface sediments were observed tobe oil contaminated, so all analyses were focused on this upperlayer. Samples were collected, in triplicate, in sterile 50 mlsterile polypropylene containers from control (uncontaminated)and contaminated (oil contaminated) sites along the AthensRiviera and Salamina Island coast, Greece (see Figure 1 andSupplementary Table S1). Sediments were randomly sampled(n = 3) across the distance of each beach. Additionally, coastalseawater samples were collected (we were unable to obtainseawater samples from Athens or Salamina for September 2017)for nutrient analysis [ammonium (NH4

+), phosphate (PO43−),

silicate (SiO2−), nitrate (NO3

−), and nitrite (NO2−)] using a

SEAL Analytical AA3 HR AutoAnalyzer tandem JASCO FP-2020Plus fluorescence detector. Samples were collected in September2017 5 days after the oil-spill, when oiling of sediment wasvisible, at the Athens sites. However, we were unable to obtainsediment samples from all Salamina site for September 2017.Thereafter, samples were collected over a 7-month period (exceptfor October when no samples for “Salamina No Oil” werecollected and November when no samples for all site werecollected). Samples were immediately frozen on collection andstored at−20◦C.

Hydrocarbon Degradation (GC-MS)Hydrocarbons were extracted from thawed sediments. Samples(2 g) were dried with 2 g of anhydrous sodium (Na2SO4). Driedsamples were extracted with 12 ml of hexane:dichloromethane(50:50) in 20 ml vials with Teflon-lined screw caps by horizontalshaking at 150 oscillations per min over 16 h and finallysonicated for 30 min at 20◦C. After centrifugation 12,000 × gfor 5 min, extracts were cleaned on Florisil§ columns byelution with hexane. Extracts were transferred in conical tubesand evaporated to 0.7 ml over an ice bath to minimize lossof light PAHs. Deuterated alkanes (nonadecane C19d40 andtriacontane C30d62 at 10 µg ml−1) and PAH (naphthalene-d8

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and anthrancene-d10 at 10 µg ml−1) internal standards wereadded to each sample and quantification was performed onan Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatography system coupled with aTurbomass Gold Mass Spectrometer with Triple-Axis detector,operating at 70 eV in positive ion mode, using conditions aspreviously described by Coulon et al. (2007). External multilevelcalibrations were carried out using alkanes [Standard Solution(C8–C40); Sigma], methylated-PAHs (1-methylnapthalene,2-methylanthracene, and 9,10-dimethylanthracene; Sigma), andPAH (QTM PAH Mix; Sigma) standards, the concentrationsof which ranged from 1.125 to 18 µg ml−1. For qualitycontrol, a calibration standard (10 µg ml−1) and a blank wereanalyed every 10 samples. We quantified alkanes between C10and C36 including pristane and phytane and the followingPAHs: naphthalene; all isomers of methyl-, dimethyl- andtrimethyl-naphthalenes; acenaphthylene; acenaphthene;fluorene; phenanthrene; all isomers of methyl- and dimethyl-phenanthrenes/anthracenes; fluoranthene; pyrene; all isomers ofmethyl- and dimethyl-pyrene; chrysene; all isomers of methyl-and dimethyl-chrysene. Only those hydrocarbons detected areshown in Figure 3.

qPCR Analysis of Bacterial and Archaeal 16S rRNAGenesDNA was extracted from 0.25 g of thawed sedimentsamples with a DNeasy PowerSoil Kit (Qiagen), accordingto the manufacturer’s instructions. The primers usedfor quantification of archaeal 16S rRNA gene were344f – ACGGGGYGCAGCAGGCGCGA (Raskin et al.,1994) and 915r – GTGCTCCCCCGCCAATTCCT(Stahl and Amann, 1991), and for bacterial 16S rRNAgene, 341f – CCTACGGGNGGCWGCAG, and 785r –GACTACHVGGGTATCTAATCC (Klindworth et al., 2013)were used. These primers have been successfully used to quantifyarchaeal (Huby et al., 2020) and bacterial (Clark et al., 2020) 16SrRNA gene abundances in environmental samples previously.Furthermore, inspection of standard curves showed that allassays produced satisfactory efficiency (85%) and R2 values(>0.99). All qPCR reactions were performed using a CFX384TM

Real-Time PCR Detection System (BioRad) using reagents, cycleconditions, and standards as previously described (McKew andSmith, 2015; Tatti et al., 2016).

Amplicon Sequencing and BioinformaticsAmplicon libraries were prepared, as per Illumina instructions,by a 25-cycle (bacteria) and 31-cycle (archaea) PCR. PCR primerswere the same as those used for qPCR but flanked with IlluminaNextera overhang sequences. A unique combination of NexteraXT Indices (Illumina) were added to PCR products from eachsample, via an eight-cycle PCR. PCR products were quantifiedusing PicoGreen and pooled in equimolar concentrations.Quantification of the amplicon libraries was determined viaNEBNext R© Library Quant Kit for Illumina (New England BioLabsInc.), prior to sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq R© platform, usinga MiSeq R© 600 cycle v3 reagent kit and 20% PhiX sequencingcontrol standard. Raw sequence data have been submitted tothe European Nucleotide Archive database under accession

number PRJEB33987. Sequence output from the Illumina MiSeqplatform were analyzed within BioLinux (Field et al., 2006),using a bioinformatics pipeline as described by Dumbrell et al.(2016). Forward sequence reads were quality trimmed usingSickle (Joshi and Fass, 2011) prior to error correction withinSpades (Nurk et al., 2013) using the BayesHammer algorithm(Nikolenko et al., 2013). The quality filter and error correctedsequence reads were dereplicated, sorted by abundance, andclustered into OTUs at the 97% sequence identity level viaVSEARCH (Rognes et al., 2016). Singleton OTUs were discarded,as well as chimeras using reference based chimera checking withUCHIME (Edgar et al., 2011). Lastly, taxonomic assignmentwas conducted with the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP)classifier (Wang et al., 2007). Non-locus-specific, or artifactual,OTUs were discarded prior to statistical analyses, along withany OTUs that had <70% identity with any sequence inthe RDP database.

Phylogenetic AnalysisThe neighbor-joining protocol (Nei and Saitou, 1987) was usedto infer the evolutionary history of partial 16S rRNA genesequence Bacterial OTUs, aligned with known hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria and closest neighboring accessions usingMUSCLE (Edgar, 2004). Bootstrapping analysis (1,000 iterations)was conducted to determine the percentage of time associatedtaxa clustered together in replicate trees (Felsenstein, 1985);only bootstrap values >70% are shown. Evolutionary distances,units in the number of base substitutions per site, werecalculated with the use of Maximum Composite Likelihoodprotocol (Hanson and McElroy, 2015). Phylogenetic analyseswere conducted in MEGA7.

Statistical AnalysisPrior to community analysis, sequence data were rarefiedto the lowest library sequence value (8,093). Data werefirst tested for normality (Shapiro–Wilks test), those datawhich were normally distributed were tested for significancewith ANOVAs or appropriate linear models. Non-normallydistributed data were analyzed using appropriate GLMs(Generalized Linear Models) as follows. The relative abundanceof OTUs or genera in relation to oil exposure, site, andsample month were modeled using multivariate negativebinomial GLMs (Wang et al., 2010). Here, the numberof sequences in each library was accounted for using anoffset term, as described previously (Alzarhani et al., 2019).The abundance of archaeal and bacterial 16S rRNA genecopies was also modeled using negative binomial GLMs(Venables and Ripley, 2002). The significance of modelterms was assessed via likelihood ratio tests. The EIHE(Lozada et al., 2014) was calculated using the script availableat the ecolFudge GitHub page1 (Clark, 2019) and EIHEvalues modeled using Poisson GLMs. Correlations wereperformed using the Pearson’s correlation with an alphaof 0.05. All statistical analyses were carried out in R3.6.1


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(R Development Core Team, 2011) using a variety of packagesavailable through the references (Venables and Ripley, 2002;Becker et al., 2016; Auguie, 2017; Lenth, 2020). All plotswere constructed using the (Wickham, 2010) and “patchwork”(Pedersen, 2019) R packages.


The datasets generated for this study can be foundin the European Nucleotide Archive under accessionnumber PRJEB33987.


GT, CW, TC, and BM carried out the sampling campaign. AMprovided the country logistics and sampling support. GT andBG performed the molecular work. GT, PC, and FC performedthe analytical chemistry. GT, BM, and DC performed the dataand statistical analysis. GT wrote the manuscript, supplementaryinformation, and produced all figures and tables. All authorsreviewed the manuscript, supplementary information, figures,and tables. BM, TM, CW, TC, LH, and AM secured thefunding. All authors contributed to the article and approved thesubmitted version.


We would like to acknowledge and thank the NationalEnvironmental Research Council (NERC) for primary fundingof this work (NE/R016569/1). Additionally, we thank NERCEnvEast (NE/L002582/1) for funding of this work. DC wassupported by NERC funding while contributing to this work(NE/P011624/1). BM also acknowledges funding from theEastern Academic Research Consortium.


We acknowledge Thodoris Tsimpidis and volunteers atArchipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation (Samos, Greece),for their support during sample collection. We acknowledgeITOPF for providing technical information regarding clean-up operations. Additionally, we acknowledge John Green, TaniaCresswell-Maynard, and Ben Archer from the University of Essexfor providing technical and sampling support.


The Supplementary Material for this article can be foundonline at:

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Copyright © 2020 Thomas, Cameron, Campo, Clark, Coulon, Gregson, Hepburn,McGenity, Miliou, Whitby and McKew. This is an open-access article distributedunder the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use,distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the originalauthor(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publicationin this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use,distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

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