background screening

Background Background Screening Screening Capt SB Tyagi, COAS CC*, CSP, CSC Capt SB Tyagi, COAS CC*, CSP, CSC

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Page 1: Background screening

Background Background ScreeningScreening

Capt SB Tyagi, COAS CC*, CSP, CSCCapt SB Tyagi, COAS CC*, CSP, CSC

Page 2: Background screening

Capt S B Tyagi

Why Background Why Background Screening?Screening?

Criminal background check, sex offenders

Employment history & education, Driving records, Credit history, Restricted parties lists and more. Clearly the drive to background

screening is prompted by the desire for a safer workplace, the need to hire better people and threats of litigation for negligent hiring and retention.

Page 3: Background screening

Capt S B Tyagi

Best ways of Best ways of background background screening screening

Applying background screening haphazardly and without a carefully formulated plan can leave organizations vulnerable to negative events they are trying to avoid, as well as to criticism, employee dissatisfaction and even litigation.

To avoid these problems -make it an accepted and standard part of company’s carefully considered background screening policy based on best practices.

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Capt S B Tyagi

Understanding the Understanding the ProblemProblem

A screening policy begins when security professionals meet with their human resources counterparts,

as well as all other staff members responsible for the hiring or contracting of workers throughout the organization.

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Capt S B Tyagi

Understanding the Understanding the ProblemProblem

The goal is to truly understand steps of hiring and contracting, and all the potential points of vulnerability.

For example, many companies perform criminal background checks as a matter of policy.

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Capt S B Tyagi

Closing the Extended Closing the Extended Workforce LoopholeWorkforce Loophole

Workplace vulnerability - the presence of a largely unscreened extended workforce.

CSO at a global company….. “No employee of the company, including himself, got into the CEO's office without a background check, security badge and escort - no one, that is, unless you counted the man who watered the plants in the CEO's office who had free access with no screening whatsoever”.

Even in stringent employee screening policies … no plan for vetting vendors, partners, and temporary and contract employees.

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Capt S B Tyagi

Closing the Extended Closing the Extended Workforce LoopholeWorkforce Loophole

What is Extended workforce? Loophole exists largely as a function of

procedure, management and technology challenges. Typically, all direct workforce applicants are processed by security and human resources through the corporate screening process before being hired.

Indirect workforce: employees of maintenance company, IT contractors or marketing consultants, are oftentimes not required to go through security and HR departments before being granted access .

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Capt S B Tyagi

The Most Critical The Most Critical Step: Step: The Standard PolicyThe Standard Policy

Having a standard, mandatory background screening policy for every employee and vendor -from top executives to part-time workers - not only protects the company's workforce, property and information, but it also eliminates any inconsistency and helps ensure that information gathered is used appropriately.

Protects the company by ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

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Capt S B Tyagi

Complete, Accurate Complete, Accurate and Consistent Dataand Consistent Data

Screening should always include a careful cross-check of data provided in the interview; resume, job application form, background verification application and background check report.

Incomplete information can reveal gaps in employment and education. Inconsistencies should then be explained by the applicant.

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Capt S B Tyagi

Ongoing Protection Ongoing Protection

Consider regular post-hire criminal background & drug screenings of employees and vendors to protect the workforce.

Background screening policy should be regularly reviewed for its responsiveness to company needs.

With screening of the extended workforce as a standard procedure and a carefully crafted background screening policy in place, security professionals will protecting their employees and company.

Page 11: Background screening

Capt S B Tyagi

Pre-employment Pre-employment screening screening

Criminal records Former employers Background checks Employment background

verification Background Verification

(Residence, Behavior/ Perception) Academic / Professional Verification Bad Credit History Verification

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Capt S B Tyagi

Character Reference Character Reference VerificationVerification

Supplied references are asked pre-designed list of questions.

Pre & Post Employment Background Verification works in four critical ways: Discourages applicants with something to hide. A

person with a criminal record or false resume will simply apply to a company that does not carry out background verification.

Limits uncertainty in hiring process. Using instinct in hiring process can be important, basing a decision on hard information is even better.

Demonstrates professionalism, that an employer has exercised due-diligence in its hiring process.

Encourages applicants, to be forth coming in their interviews.

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Capt S B Tyagi

Not the function of Not the function of HRD DepartmentHRD Department

No more collection of references from the concerned person itself or asking for character verification by the police & believing them to be whole truth!

So far, we at the perils of being called unprofessional believed them to be so!

Specialized security function needing certain degree of expertise and relates to not only the employees but to all the potential customers, venders and service providers.

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Capt S B Tyagi

International Council of International Council of Security & SafetySecurity & Safety