background of tun

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  • 8/18/2019 Background of Tun




    3- Mahathir’s Characters and Personality. a. Look to leadership. Mahathir Mohammed was fond of leadership and love of work

    is done correctly. It was remarkable among his friends and peers for his ability to persade. It also looks like the featres of the

    seriosness and prposeflness. b.!trategic and "isionary #ay of $hinking. %&' Mahathir Mhammad was preferred to stdy

    law( bt it did not happen where he got a scholarship in medicine as e)plained above he wanted to stdy law becase he en*oy

    debating+. ,t medical profession helped him a lot in his work as a politician. e has earned the stats of diagnosis and

    treatment( bringing diagnose diseases of Malaysian nation economically( politically and socially. $he way in dealing with the

    problems of his contry’s was like a relationship of doctor and his patients. %'Mahathir Mohammed( after his visit to /apan and

    !oth 0orea cold be a vision of his contry throgh dissemination of edcation and rely on hman resorces In what was

    called 1Look 2ast’ policy. e was inspired by the /apanese and 0orean e)perience in moderni4ation and ftre vision5.

    %3'Mahathir Mohammed has development a plan is to inclde the development of all parts of the contry( inclding remoteareas. as taken care to bild roads and bridges linking the cities and villages of Malaysia as interested in the elaboration of

    the economic vision for Malaysia 667. Mahathir Mohammed was keen to bild a strong network of contacts in order to

    contribte to advancing the Malaysian economy( and ths was able to enter the contry to the era of fast commnication in the

    early eighties of the last centry. c.Inflential Characteristic. %&'Mahathir is believed in leadership by e)ample8. e was trying to

    implant the vales of #ork loving in Malaysian people by the e)ample( he was spending long hors at work and hardly takes a

    vacation( bt he contines to work to improve the economic sitation of Malaysia %'e was very inflential Mahathir

    Mohammed at the political level as part of the contination of his rle in Malaysia for years 1,arisan 9asional’ and inflence

    the people contining spport the ledge:. d.; !trict

  • 8/18/2019 Background of Tun


    time he is also admit in his memoirs( ;