back to the basics the moment we first believed -raphael mndalasini


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Back to the Basics- The moment we first believed is a three-part booklet that explores on prayer, the word of God, fellowship, witnessing Christ and discipleship as our basics of faith. The second part gives a closer view of faith, hope, and love. The final part is a call to action of three groups of people. The first being people who have never accepted Christ , the second group comprises people who have accepted Christ but are convinced their lives are not sincere before God , and the third group is made of people who believe they are faithfully serving God but want divine strength to do more for Him. It is time to go back to the basics of faith and resurrect the passion we received that time we first believed.


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3 Back to the Basics- The Moment We First Believed| Raphael Mndalasini

This work is dedicated to the people that I met

at Lilongwe CCAP Youth Ministry and the catechumen

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4 Back to the Basics- The Moment We First Believed| Raphael Mndalasini

All Scripture quotations unless stated otherwise are taken from the HOLY BIBLE,

NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984 by

International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society.

Abbreviations as used in this booklet

NIV- New International Version

KJV- King James Version

ASV- American Standard Version

Cover Photo:

Copyright© 2014 by Raphael Mndalasini

Some rights reserved. The author reserves the right to be recognized as the

copyright owner of this work. This booklet cannot be reproduced, photocopied,

transmitted and redistributed in any media or form without prior written or

express consent from the author or publisher.

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5 Back to the Basics- The Moment We First Believed| Raphael Mndalasini

Table of Contents

Foreword ............................................................................................................ 6

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 7

Part One ............................................................................................................. 8

The Basics Of Our Faith ..................................................................................... 8

Prayer .............................................................................................................. 9

The Word Of God ......................................................................................... 13

Fellowship ..................................................................................................... 16

Witnessing Christ .......................................................................................... 19

Part Two .......................................................................................................... 25

Faith, Hope, And Love ...................................................................................... 25

Faith .............................................................................................................. 26

Hope ............................................................................................................. 29

Love .............................................................................................................. 32

Part Three ........................................................................................................ 35

This One Thing ................................................................................................ 35

I Want To Believe .......................................................................................... 36

I Want To Believe Again ................................................................................ 36

Nothing But His Strength .............................................................................. 37

About Ezekiel Books ......................................................................................... 38

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................... 39

About The Author ............................................................................................ 40

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6 Back to the Basics- The Moment We First Believed| Raphael Mndalasini


It is evident worldwide that many people after coming to Jesus Christ as their Lord

and Savior, do backslide. Vigorous men and women, who even came to the point

of mentoring others as well as delivering fellow possessed peers are now far to the

opposite side. Many of such backsliders question themselves how, where and when

it happened in their lives. They even do not know what to do for them to revive

their spiritual lives.

Raphael Mndalasini has attempted to give answers to such dilemma by writing this

inspiring book “Back to the basics”. Raphael has tried to help the readers know

how to check foundational aspects of their walk with Jesus Christ. By doing so

people may come back to the basics of their original foundation of faith. In this

booklet, the author reveals that for one to go back to basics of faith, needs to focus

on prayer, studying the scriptures, fellowshipping with others saints, witnessing for

Christ and discipleship. The guiding principles should always be faith, hope and

love as narrated by Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. All people without Christ,

saved sinners still living in sin and saved people longing more spiritual powers are

asked to take action accordingly.

In this period where the devil is determined to cheat young men and women so

that they become his tools to fight against God’s eternal plans for them, the book

“Back to the Basics” will save as a foundational spiritual material during youth

meetings in all Christian Churches everywhere. This is a highly recommended

material for both unsaved, backsliders and active saved people of God. Here is a

booklet for discipleship of Christian laborers of the vineyard.

Rev. Bossman S. Chitheka

Lilongwe C.C.A.P

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7 Back to the Basics- The Moment We First Believed| Raphael Mndalasini


We begin our Christian walk at one point or the other. When we accept Jesus

Christ as our Lord and Savior there are people who encourage us to pray, study

God’s word, fellowship with others, and witness to others about Christ. These are

the basics that shape our walk with the Lord. However, somewhere along the way,

we neglect these basics and no wonder we have difficulties living a more victorious

Christian life. It is for this purpose that if we have left that path then we should get

back to the basics and seek a fresh start.

Getting back to the basics is not a restraint from growth but rather an attitude to

keep us in check of the foundational aspects of our walk with Christ. We should

therefore allow ourselves to live a more balanced Christian life. This is a life where

we pray earnestly, study God’s word sincerely, meaningfully help others to grow in

Christ through fellowship, and passionately share about Christ to others. Each day

we should rekindle the fire that we caught the moment we first believed.

Back to the Basics- The moment we first believed is a three-part booklet that

explores on prayer, the word of God, fellowship, witnessing Christ and discipleship

as our basics of faith. The second part gives a closer view of faith, hope, and love.

The final part is a call to action of three groups of people. The first being people

who have never accepted Christ , the second group comprises people who have

accepted Christ but are convinced their lives are not sincere before God , and the

third group is made of people who believe they are faithfully serving God but want

divine strength to do more for Him. It is time to go back to the basics of faith and

resurrect the passion we received that time we first believed.

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9 Back to the Basics- The Moment We First Believed| Raphael Mndalasini


No child of God can contest the significance of prayer in our daily walk with the

Lord Jesus. Prayer forms the very breath we have in the presence of our Lord

Almighty. The first time we believed we were encouraged to talk with God through

prayer. It is certain that prayer is the direct line that keeps us in touch with God

who is not only a Father to us but a Friend also. Prayer brings out our sincere

dependence upon the Supremacy of God and the Sufficiency of His grace. Even

our Lord Jesus Christ in His earthly ministry took a hard line on prayer that the

results of each day’s work were amazing.

In Matthew 6v9-13 the Lord left us a model of prayer that reveals the power

within our prayers to the heavenly Father. In the Lord’s Prayer we learn that prayer

has the ability to stir our conscience to the relationship we have with the Lord God

Almighty as our Father. In knowing that we are the children of God we have the

confidence that what belongs to Him is also ours. God our Father though highly

exalted above everything lowers Himself down to our level meeting us at the point

of prayer to hear our petitions. This gives us the boldness to know that whatever

we ask He hears us and we receive if we ask according to His will. “Our Father in

heaven” is the greatest promise of every good thing we have in Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s Prayer also teaches us that prayer draws us to marvel at the Majesty of

God. “Hallowed be your name” reminds us that the God of heaven and earth is

worthy of our praise and adoration. He has exalted His Name and Word above

everything. It is befitting that we praise our Lord for He has ordained praise in our

hearts for His goodness endures forever. “Let them praise the name of Jehovah;

for his name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and the heavens “(Ps

148:13 ASV).

Prayer allows us to attract the divine presence and authority of the Lord God

Almighty. “Your kingdom come” is a call to surrendering our lives to the

Lordship and influence of God’s kingdom. The dominion of the Lord endures

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forever and gives us a sure foundation to rest upon our faith in Him. Prayer thus

influences us to adopt lifestyles of the kingdom of righteousness and holiness.

Prayer awakens us to the truth that the Lord our God is Sovereign for He does

whatever pleases Him. In prayer we have the boldness to say “your will be done

on earth as it is in heaven”. Sometimes we have questions as to why God might

have never brought an answer to that prayer or might look not interested to

intervene in our issues. The more we avail ourselves in the place of prayer we will

realize that the Lord never ignores our petitions. He is always working out

something better for us knowing that “many are the plans in a man’s heart but it

is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21). Prayer opens our

understanding to accept the Sovereignty of our God.

Prayer connects us to the divine providence of our Father in heaven. “Give us

today our daily bread” is asking from a God who has made provision for

“everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3). He is the Lord who

gives us food at the proper time and when He opens His hand, we are satisfied

with good things that are kept in store for the righteous. The Lord will never be

mistaken to give stone for bread or snakes for fish. Prayer brings us in contact with

glorious riches in Christ that He supplies to all of our needs.

It is through prayer that we have a rare opportunity to ask for the forgiveness of

sins from the Lord who is slow to anger but quick to show us compassion.”Forgive

our debts” is being broken for the overwhelming shame that sin brings into our

lives. This is the confidence in the Lord who has the power to forgive sins

according to the riches of His grace. The forgiveness of our Lord is of much effect

in our lives taking the same measure “as we also have forgiven our debtors”.

Prayer is the ultimate channel for the Lord’s forgiveness upon our lives.

Prayer enables us to experience God’s faithfulness when temptations come our way.

” Do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil” is being sure that the

Lord is able to make us stand firm and that He is faithful not to let us be tempted

beyond what we can bear. The Lord Jesus Christ told the disciples “pray so that

you will not fall into temptation” (Mark 14:38) and this remains true even to us.

Prayer builds a hedge around our lives against the influence of the evil one. It is

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through prayer that we can cry out to God for the salvation of our souls amidst

great temptations.

The Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us to pray in His name and this is the key

that unlocks every promise attached to prayer. The name of Jesus Christ is the seal

of authority to every prayer we present before the Father. The name of Jesus gives

us access to the fullness of God that consumes every lack within us and that our joy

is made complete. In His goodness the Lord Jesus told us the route to answered

prayer by saying “my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name” (John

16v23). We have the greatest assurance that the Father in heaven is faithful enough

to honor the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today we can pray in the name of

Jesus Christ and receive from our Father every good thing we have in His beloved


We should also remember to always pray in the spirit as Paul wrote to the

Ephesians Church “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers

and requests” (Ephesians 6v18).It is by praying in the Spirit that we can know the

mind of God and thus pray according to His will. The Holy Spirit helps us to

discern truths about the supernatural realm and it is Him who perfects our prayers

to the Father. We should therefore surrender our natural self to the presence of the

Spirit in order for our prayers to prevail so much.

Our plans for each day have to include seeing more of us in prayer. We might

have lost the energy for prayer but the Lord offers us a fresh start to persist in

prayer. The Father in heaven has humbled Himself so much to meet us at the

point of prayer. The strength from God’s presence will give us the new lease of life

to face each day with hope. We cannot afford to let go of the significance of prayer

in our daily walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.


a) Is prayer still relevant in your life?

b) Do you find any encouragement through prayer?

c) Do you want to pray more than you have done previously?

d) Are you able to call others to the place of prayer?

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e) Can the Lord teach you to pray effectively?


Dear heavenly Father, I want prayer to still be relevant in my life for the many

years to come till I appear before you in glory. Help me to find deep

encouragement in praying more to you. Give me the strength to pray even more

today and teach me to pray effectively. Join my heart with others in the faith in

calling upon your name in prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ, I have prayed,



� Mark 1:35

� Luke 6:12

� Acts 1:14

� Acts 4:31

� Ephesians 1:15-17

� Ephesians 6:18

� Colossians 1:9

� 1 Thessalonians 5:17

� 1 Timothy 2:1, Philemon 6

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We can still recall from the first time we said yes to the Lordship of Jesus Christ

that the friends who shared us the good news of salvation encouraged us to read the

Bible more often. They did not mention it out of tradition but rather out of God’s

truth that His word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our paths. The word of

God carries with it an eternal value that builds in us the life we receive from the

Lord Jesus Christ. We “have been born again…through the enduring and

living word of God “(1 Peter 1v 23).As we engage ourselves in prayer we cannot

neglect the importance of God’s word in our lives.

The word of God releases upon us faith to believe the redeeming work of Christ

“who gave Himself a ransom for all men” (1 Timothy 2v6). The word of Christ

brings to us the message of the cross which is the power of God to everyone being

saved. It is evident that the word of God is inspired to make us “wise for salvation

through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3v15). God’s word is the wellspring of

faith towards the righteousness of the eternal Father.

God’s word is the truth that changes and sanctifies us for His purpose and pleasure.

In changing our lives the word of God as light broadens our vision along the paths

of righteousness and holiness. This is the light that exposes the misdeeds of the

world “for God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1v5).

This light challenges us to “have nothing do with the fruitless deeds of

darkness” (Ephesians 5v11) that we may enjoy fellowship with the Father and with

His Son Jesus Christ.

The word of God enriches our understanding of the God we have come to know.

It is through the word that we understand the Lord has given us great and precious

promises through Jesus Christ. Our knowledge of these promises empowers us to

“participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world” (1

Peter 1v4).It is for this reason that if the word of Christ dwells in us richly will be

effective and productive in the knowledge of our Lord. God’s word grows our

knowledge of the amazing relationship we have with the Lord God Almighty.

God’s word provides enough detail for the reason of our hope in Christ. Fully

equipped with the word we can prove from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.

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In this generation where God is considered less important we can find our basis

from the word of God that is living and actively capable of judging the thoughts

and attitudes of the heart. The word of God is capable enough to shut down the

hatred towards the eternal godliness and righteousness of God.

Today is the best time to make studying of God’s word the very part of our lives in

fellowshipping with the Lord. The word of God has to translate to us the abundant

life of Christ as every form of unbelief edges away from us. Let us allow God to

open our eyes of understanding that we may see the wonderful things of His

eternal word. We need God’s word even more for us to learn of the promises that

give us hope for the inheritance stored up for us in heaven.


a) Is the Word of God still relevant in your life?

b) Do you find any encouragement in studying God’s word?

c) Do you want to study God’s word more than you have done before?

d) Are you able to study God’s word with others?

e) Can the Lord teach you to study His word effectively?


Dear heavenly Father, I want your word to be relevant in my life for the many

years to come till I appear before you in glory. Help me to find deep

encouragement in studying your word and let its fullness dwell in me. Give me the

strength to study your word even more and open my eyes to see the wonderful

things you have promised in your word. In the name of Jesus Christ, I have prayed,



� John 15:3

� Romans 10:17

� Hebrews 4 :12

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� John 17 : 14

� Acts 19:28

� Colossians 3:16

� Colossians 1:5

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Fellowship provides us with a sense of belonging to the household of faith to which

our God has called us through Christ. The Lord our God designed fellowship as a

place for us to grow in the salvation we have received from Him. He wants us to

appreciate how much effect His grace has upon others who have also believed that

together with them our joy might become complete. It is for this reason that the

first time we believed we were encouraged to frequently meet with other believers.

Fellowship connects us to the abundant life expressed through the many gifts that

the Lord has put in every believing person.

First, our fellowship with God extended to other believers gives us the full

assurance of salvation. Our natural family gives us identity and it is this identity

that instills in us the element of security. This is also true to our fellowship as

believers where we witness the stories of other people who have been changed by

God’s grace. The testimonies of these people assure us of being saved too and that

the Lord’s grace is not of vain working in us. It is in the beautiful light of

fellowship that “the blood of Jesus… purifies us of all sin” (1 John 1:7) helping

us more and more to contain the reality of the work of salvation in us.

Second, fellowship provides us a place to grow in our faith in Christ. Growth and

maturity of the life we receive from the Lord Jesus Christ do not happen just

overnight. There are processes that we need to go through for us to grow and

mature in the faith. It is without doubt that fellowship offers us the place to receive

mutual edification and encouragement. Fellowship introduces us to people who

through the tests of time have matured through faith and their hearts are open

wide to welcome others coming to connect to the fullness of Christ. It is through

fellowship that we learn the traditions of the Christian faith. We can grow in our

faith if and only if we are joined together with other believers.

Third, fellowship helps us to approach life challenges differently. Fellowship allows

us to experience love that casts away our fears about the tough times we go through

in this life. The courage that we see in others who have endured hardships gives us

the strength to face yet another day with hope. Fellowship proves to us that we

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have received the Spirit of boldness, love, and that we are not exempted from

challenges and difficult times.

Lastly, fellowship releases upon us the abundant life of Christ as each one of us uses

the gifts that we have received from the Lord. It is fellowship that translates the

Lord’s words that “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the

full”(John 10:10) into reality. This abundant life flows from the body of Christ

which is His fullness. Fellowship, being an experience we can not neglect in the

Church, helps us to tap into the fullness of Christ as each one of us exercises the

gifts of the Lord. We were made to belong together and given gifts to enable us fit

together in the family of God. Fellowship is the key that unlocks the doors for us

to live through a full, abundant, and quality life freely given us from the Lord Jesus


Let us choose to remain connected to the fellowship of believers whether in our

local church or elsewhere. Our goal has to make fellowship more meaningful

through our participation in the divine work of the Lord. This is possible only if

we accept that we were meant for the body of Christ and without this body we

cannot be filled with the fullness of Christ. Let’s get back to value fellowship as we

did the first time Christ made our lives His home. Significant fellowship is what we

need for us to live with hope today and the years ahead of us.


a) Is being part of fellowship still relevant to your life?

b) Do you find any encouragement in sharing your life through fellowship?

c) Do you want experience meaningful fellowship in your life?

d) Are you able to call others to the fellowship of believers?

e) Can the Lord help you find significant fellowship?


Dear heavenly Father, I pray that you refresh my understanding of fellowship. I

pray that I have the faith to find encouragement sharing my life with others who

have believed. I desire to experience fellowship that is significant in my walk with

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You. Lord, give me the strength and courage to invite others to the fellowship of

believers that together we might find hope in Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, I

have prayed, Amen.


� 1 Peter 4:10

� 2 Timothy 1:7

� Hebrews 10:25

� Ephesians 4:2-3

� Romans 15:4

� Acts 2:42-47

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The Lord has never left us without witness. Since the creation of the world, His

greatness is revealed in what He has made. When we have believed upon the word

of truth we are included in Christ and we become a new creation made to reveal

the wonders of God’s great salvation. The Lord Our Father puts the testimony He

has given about His Son in our hearts that we might bear witness to it. It is for this

reason that the moment we first believed we were encouraged apart from praying

to God, studying the word and fellowshipping with other saints that we should also

witness Christ to others.

First, witnessing Christ to others is born out of our good response to the gospel of

God. We are unashamed to tell others about Christ for we know His message is the

power of salvation to everyone who believes. The promise is that everyone who

believes fits in the salvation of our Lord Jesus and is no longer subjected to eternal

punishment in hell. We tell others about Christ saving our lost souls because it is

good news and no one keeps good news to himself. Witnessing Christ to others is a

result of us being ransomed from sin into the saving arms of Christ.

Second, witnessing Christ to others solidifies our understanding of God coming

near us to build a personal relationship with us. The truth of God sinks into our

lives whenever we search the Scriptures. It is this truth that prompts us to testify

about our Lord Jesus Christ even as the Holy Spirit testifies also about Christ. We

speak of the things we have believed and our hearts are filled with assurance that as

His word abides in us He also abides in us. It is because Christ has come into our

lives to give us an understanding “so that we may know Him who is true” (1

John 5v20).

Third, testifying to others about the Christ is the task that every believer has

received from the Lord Jesus. Apostle Paul challenges us by saying” I consider my

life worth nothing to me, if only I may…complete the task the Lord Jesus has

given me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” (Acts. 20 v24).

These words of Paul should encourage us to seek the highest goal of witnessing

Christ to the nations, the peoples, the tribes around us in season and out of season.

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Everything we have in this life to live for is to know Christ and sincerely making

Him known to other people.

Fourth, witnessing Christ is a task we should do more often that “we may be

mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Romans 1v12).Each time we should

long to see our brethren in the faith and tell them how much the grace of God is

working in our lives. This is the basis of testimonies in our gatherings or inner

circle meetings. In our testimonies we will learn how others find strength amidst

great trial and the outpouring of thanksgiving from the heart that has seen the

victory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us therefore never tire to bring up the

testimony of Christ to our fellow believers for the benefit of all.

Additionally, witnessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ should not be “simply with

words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction”

(1 Thessalonians 1v5).The reason is to save the hearers of the message of Christ

from resting their faith on our wisdom but to put their trust in God’s power. This

is the power that brings deep conviction that we are reconciled with God through

Christ’s death on the cross. It is the Holy Spirit who leads people to believe upon

Jesus and receive mercy from God. Therefore, let us depend upon the Holy Spirit

to give us divine ability to witness the gospel with power.

Lastly, witnessing Christ to others puts a mark or memorial in God’s presence. It

pleases the Lord to write our names in the Book of remembrance for honoring His

name by speaking more often about Christ. Malachi puts it right by saying “Then

those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened

and heard. A scroll or remembrance was written in his presence concerning

those who feared the LORD and honored his name” (Malachi 3v16).In eternity

God Almighty remembers us for boldly speaking to other people about Christ.

We can live better for our Lord Jesus if we embrace testifying about Him as

everything we have to live for in this life. Every aspect of our lives has to bear

witness of the saving power of the name of Jesus Christ. Our testimony will

encourage others in the faith and more importantly God will forever remember us

in eternity.

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a) Is witnessing Christ to others still relevant in your life?

b) Do you find any encouragement in sharing the message of Jesus Christ to


c) Can the Lord help you find strength to witness more about Him?


Dear heavenly Father, I pray that you refresh my knowledge and understanding

about witnessing Christ to the nations around me. Lord, give me strength and

courage to speak more often about your kingdom and the power of Your salvation.

Help me Lord to take witnessing Christ as the task I have to complete in this life.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I have prayed, Amen.


� John 15:26

� Romans 1:10-12

� Matthew 24:14

� Mark 16:15-16

� Luke 24:45-49

� 1 Corinthians 1:18, 2:1-4

� Acts 1:8

� Colossians 1:19-23

� 1 Thessalonians 3:2-5

� 2 Timothy 4:2

� Philemon 6, Revelation 12:11

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We often have people who come to believe upon Jesus Christ as their Lord and

Saviour but always find it hard to catch up with growth and maturity in their

new walk with God. These people find themselves to be two or three more steps

behind everyone they consider to be a Christian and no one is available to give

them the answers to their questions about their new found faith. Many who are

already in the body of Christ enjoy preaching and witnessing but find it time

consuming to care for the new converts. What we are missing in our day and

age is an unwavering commitment to the ministry of discipleship.

Discipleship is a lifetime commitment to teach, help, and train new converts to

a firmer and fruitful walk with the Lord. It is also a path that leads us to invest

in lives whom God has called to be followers of the living faith in Christ. In

giving us an example the Lord Jesus walked with the disciples for three years

until he was satisfied they were spiritually steadfast and able to disciple others(2

Timothy 2:2).A new convert can never move on to maturity without a spiritual

father who understands the wisdom of biblical truths. The matured disciple

maker should impart truths about grace, salvation and righteousness, that the

Lord has revealed in His word so that the newly converted person or disciple to

understand the divine plan of God to humanity.

It is important that a disciple must be made to understand that eternity is

guaranteed to every believer like him or her (1Pet. 1:4-5). A disciple has to be

assured that the moment a believer departs from this life, one is automatically

face to face with the Lord for ever (2 Cor. 5:8). Resurrection body will be given

at the rapture, a body like that of the resurrected Christ without sinful nature (1

Cor. 15:35-45) and will forever be free from the slavery and temptations.

Biblical teaching is very essential to the disciple. God’s plan to new converts is

that they are to be glorifying God in time to time so that they realize the peace,

happiness, and contentment that come from learning Bible doctrine. The

absolute truth of God’s word becomes the measure of their conscience,

thinking, and mental attitude. Biblical doctrine is the mind of Christ. When a

convert is lead to know who Christ is really, one begins to share His thinking (1

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Cor. 2:16). God’s command is that believers must be thinking divine viewpoint

so that His gracious purpose can be fulfilled in their lives.

These new converts must be allowed to grow so that they will be strengthened

in their faith ( Acts 14:21-22), they will be prepared to serve God by building

up the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11-14), they will be able to begin to demonstrate

the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives (Gal 5:22-23), they will be able to

develop endurance and patience in times of temptation and trials (Col 1:11-18)

and they will grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ so that their lives will

bring glory to God (2 Pet 3:18).

For the discipler to achieve discipling the converts, there is a need to have a

courageous heart (1 Thess. 1:2-3), a mother’s heart (1 Thess. 2:7), a father’s

heart (1 Thess. 2:11-12), a one’s own sharing heart (1 Thess. 2:8), a blameless

heart (1 Thess. 2:10). This will assure them of love and acceptance (1 Thess.

2:7-8), security and protection ( Col 1:9-10, Acts 15:36, 1 Cor. 4:17, 2 Cor.

2:9, 1 Cor. 10:13, 1 Thess. 3:1-3), spiritual food (1 Pet 5:2, Jude 20-21, Acts

20:32, 1 Pet 2:2-3) and fellowship with others (Heb 10:24-25, Eccl. 4:9-12).

New converts should not just be left alone the moment they come to the Lord.

There are so many things they need to undergo. They need to learn to love

others (John 13:34-35), to live a joyful life (John 16:24), to know what God’s

will is and then to do it (Romans 12:2), to understand and live a life of faith

(Gal 2:20), to know how to distinguish good and evil (Heb 5:14), to know how

to explain his/her faith to others (1 Pet 3:15) and to learn to obey God’s

commands (1 John 2:3).


a) Are you willing to take another step of making disciples?

b) Do you believe the Lord has given you the power and authority to impart

His word to the nations around you?

d) Can the Lord help you find courage to invest in discipleship?

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Dear heavenly Father, I pray that You create in me a willing spirit to accept the call

of discipleship. Lord, give me strength and courage to invest my time and resources

in helping others know You better. Today I commit my life to the great

commission. In the name of Jesus Christ, I have prayed, Amen.


� Matthew 28:18-20

� Acts 15:25-26

� 2 Corinthians 6:17-18

� 2 Corinthians 12:15

� 2 John 9

� 2 Peter 1:3-11

� Ephesians 5:1-2

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FAITH The Scriptures contain deep truths that show us how from the beginning the Lord

has been working to reveal faith unto us. Faith is at the very core of our salvation

and the life we have in Christ Jesus. The Lord has given us faith as a gift that we

might receive the “grace of God that brings salvation” (Titus 2v11). Faith has

come to take away the boasting that resulted from the works of the Law. It is faith

that gives us the freedom to partake of the righteousness of God regardless of being

Jew or Gentile. Faith is the new Law of the Spirit that liberates us from the holding

of worldliness into a life that bears fruit to the Living God. Today let us again learn

about our faith in Christ.

One, faith is surrendering our self-sufficiency to the sufficient grace of God. The

Lord has set a lasting memorial for the men and women written in Hebrews

chapter eleven who were commended to have walked by faith. In their weakness

they expected strength from God, in their distress they saw God as their rock and

fortress, when hardships came their way they believed “a righteous man may have

many troubles but the Lord delivers him from them all” (Psalm 34v19), and

when persecuted they rejoiced knowing that the Lord was their great reward. The

people in Hebrews eleven gave up what could define them as men of valor, wise

kings, rich rulers, and men of exploits to the enduring place of faith in God. In

their example we find faith as a place of God’s sufficiency.

Second, it pleases the Lord that our faith should grow. Paul in his epistle to the

Thessalonians wrote “We ought always to thank God for you…because your

faith is growing more and more” (2 Thessalonians 1v3).The more we open our

lives to the learning of God’s word, faith builds in us. Faith that has grown widens

our reach for perfection in the promise of Christ’s life in us. It is through this

perfection that we will be without any lack knowing that faith has connected us

into the generosity of our God who gives to all without finding fault. It is time we

should aim to grow in our experience with faith.

Third, faith becomes more authentic with our works. Faith without any evidence

of works is without life and therefore without impact. Our deeds have to reflect the

life and purpose we have received from Christ that is to reach for the hopeless and

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restore hope in them. Our confession of faith has to be made more certain by

actions that prove we have believed in a merciful God. Faith has to be followed by


Moreover, faith has undetermined worth greater than choice silver or gold. This is

the great treasure in our earthen bodies. Faith points us to our eternal inheritance

that can never spoil or fade. We can therefore not dare to walk away from the faith.

The journey of faith to our eternal inheritance may seem long but we will one day

reach the finishing line. This faith is worth fighting for and keeping till we receive a

glorious and rich welcome into the kingdom of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Faith is more than the precious things of this world.

Lastly, faith has a goal, a purpose that we should wait to receive. This is the

promise of faith that we receive salvation of our souls through the name of Jesus

Christ. The Lord has said that “whoever believes in Him shall not perish but

have eternal life” (John 3v16). Eternal life is to know the true God and Jesus

Christ whom He sent to proclaim the Word of life. The Lord our God has written

His testimony on our hearts that He has given us eternal life. We have this promise

as a sure foundation that holds us till we see the deliverance of our Lord from this

dying world. Faith is a place of our salvation.

We can therefore surrender to faith and grow everyday in it. We should find

comfort and encouragement in the promise of faith even as our actions will prove

that we have believed in a God who has let mercy to triumph over judgment .We

should continue fighting a good fight of faith till we finish the race marked out for

us .In our fights we have confidence because we know Christ is the author and

finisher of our faith. Let us not walk away from the faith.


a) Is your faith still worth fighting for?

b) Do you find your faith worth sharing?

c) Do you want experience news levels of understanding the faith?

d) Is faith made certain through your works?

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e) Can the Lord increase your faith?


Dear heavenly Father, today I commit my heart to learning about faith. I pray that

you increase my faith as I surrender my lack to your sufficient grace. Dear Lord,

help me to overcome my unbelief. I believe Lord; help me to believe even more. I

pray to never walk away from the promise of faith. In the name of Jesus Christ, I

have prayed, Amen.


� Hebrews 11:1-39

� Ephesians 2:8

� Ephesians 3:17

� Philippians 1:27

� Philippians 3:9

� 1 Thessalonians 3:10

� 1 Timothy 1:19

� 1 Timothy 3:9

� 1 Timothy 4:9

� James 1:3

� James 2:17

� 1 Peter 1:7-9

� Hebrews 12:2

� Hebrews 13:7

� 1 Corinthians 13:13

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Hope is what gives us the energy and audacity to say goodbye to today and wait on

for our tomorrow to come. We live each day expecting a better outcome from life.

The substance of the things hoped for builds and gives us the courage to remain

hopeful. Hope is what yields faith in us. We might have lost hope but this is a

great time to choose hope as our best companion.

First, we should understand that Christ being in us is the hope of glory. If ever we

are living for Him in this present world, our desire is to inherit the more glorious

world which our Lord has promised to every person who believes. The world may

encourage us to have hope but it does not offer full understanding of hope that is

lasting. It is only the Lord Jesus Christ who aligns our lives to an enduring hope.

This is better hope.

Second, “hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love

into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given” (Romans 5:5).This

hope helps us live each day confident that the Lord has accepted us regardless of

our backgrounds be it race, religion or in any way we may think. He has purposed

that we embrace this hope resting on His eternal love. This is the love that calls us

to forsake our ways to follow the path that leads to peace with God by being

justified through faith in Jesus Christ. We can therefore walk heads held high

knowing the Lord has welcomed us into His heart without considering the barriers

that limited us from receiving abundant life.

Third, it is possible that at one stage in life we will reach our limits of hope. This is

a season we think we are done and that we are as good as being dead. It is a time

we look for alternatives to take the place of our hope in what the Lord Almighty

can accomplish in us. The hope in us dies. Graciously, the Lord appears on the

scene and pours out faith into our hearts to believe that He has the power to fulfill

His promises. The Lord Almighty resurrects hope in us that we should experience a

turn around.

Lastly, hope is our best companion through the thick and thin of life. Hope abides

forever with us. Even when our best resolves, talents, and aspirations cease to

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function hope will still come knocking at our door. We might have given up hope

but it does not mean it will give up on us. If we hear hope calling from the outside

let us gladly open the door and welcome hope into our lives. Hope is what we need

each day.

Perhaps our dreams, aspirations, plans, relationships, and passion for God might

have died and we surrendered hope to fear and failure. The Lord is able to restore

hope in our lives that we may live in the place of rich fulfillment. He is not only

looking at us enjoying good life on this earth but also that we focus on the hope

that is stored up for us in heaven.


a) Do you still have hope or you are hopeless?

b) Is your hope in life based on eternal things of God?

c) Do you believe the Lord has the power to accomplish what He promised



Dear heavenly Father, I commit my life to a fresh experience with hope that

endures forever. I might have wavered through unbelief but today I pray that you

restore my life to rest my hope on your eternal and precious promises. I believe you

are able to accomplish what you said you will do for me. In the name of Jesus

Christ, I have prayed, Amen.


� Colossians 1:27

� Romans 4:18-25

� Romans 8:24-26

� 1 Corinthians 13:13

� Hebrews 6:11,18,19

� Hebrews 7:19

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� Titus 2:13

� Job 14:17, 19:25, 33:26-28

� Psalm 31:24, 71:5, 130:7

� Jeremiah 17:7, 29:11

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God is the very definition of love and without Him we can never experience the

true warmth that love brings. It is from the beginning that God passed to us the

message of love when He created man in His own image and gave him everything

for life and godliness. This message of love is made firmer in the history of time as

Jesus Christ came to save mankind. The Scripture puts it correctly “for God so

loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in

Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). In His teachings the

Lord Jesus Christ reminded His followers of the greatest commandment to say

“love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12).Is learning about love worth

it as we search to get back to the basics?

First, “God is love….and we love Him because He first loved us” (1 John 4:16,

19).It is God who pours out His love into hearts through the Holy Spirit that we

should be able to pass beyond the natural love into a love for the things that are in

Christ Jesus. It follows that the Holy Spirit rearranges our natural passions to be in

line with the divine will of God which is good, pleasing, and perfect. If we are able

to honour God today it is because He humbled Himself first to our level even to

the point of death on the cross that we may still say “His love endures forever”

(Psalm 136).

Second, the Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us to love one another and this is

the greatest commandment. Our love for one another is a beautiful exchange as it

leaves us without any owing to the righteous demands of God’s Law. The love of

God extended to others around enables us to walk and live in the light of life. It is

in this light where we do everything in our best interest not to take advantage of

our brethren or wrong them. We can truly live to please God when we have

opened our hearts wide to love others deeply with the love of Christ.

Third, “love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).In an unexpected response

to the insults thrown upon Him, the Lord Jesus Christ prayed to the Father in

heaven and said “forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”

(Luke 23v34).These words were enough evidence that He had poured out His life

for the “sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors” (Isaiah

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53:12).If the Lord Jesus being in such deep anguish and rejected state showed His

love then we too can go out each day to love the worst of the people in our society.

We can sincerely go out there and conquer every form of evil with the good that

God has shown us.

Finally, the love of God compels us to share everything we have received from

Christ. Paul writing to the Thessalonians said “we loved you so much that we

were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as

well, because you had become so dear to us” (1 Thessalonians 2:8).This is love

at its best when we make every effort to make known to others the wonders of

God’s word and additionally share with them the good things we have pertaining

to this life. It is such love that invites us to our knees to continually pray for our

brothers and sisters in the Lord for strength and courage. This is love worth


God’s love abides forever and He has instructed us to love another. We can

certainly overcome the evil around us with good because love tells us. The love of

God is the right substance to help us serve better in the kingdom. Let us therefore

abide in love as the Lord Jesus Christ has taught us.


a) Do you love God?

b) Do you love other people?

c) Can the Lord help You love Him and others deeply?


Dear heavenly Father, I commit my life to love You more. Help me Lord to find

strength to overcome evil with good. Lord, I pray that You help me love others

deeply and quicken my life to share the good things You have given me.


� Romans 12:9-21

� 1 Thessalonians 4:1-11

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� Colossians 1:3-6

� 2 Thessalonians 2:13-16

� Titus 3:4-5

� John 13:34-35

� John 15:13-14

� 1 John 3:16

� 1 John 4:11

� 2 John 4-6

� Ephesians 3:17-18

� 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

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You have never given your life to Jesus Christ that He should be Lord and Saviour,

and after reading this booklet you are saying in your heart “I want to believe”.

The good news is that whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

The word of salvation is near you. Friend, take the bold step to make a good

confession of what you have accepted in your heart taking Jesus Christ to be the

right path for the salvation of your soul. In your response to such faith, please pray

like this:

Father in Heaven, I accept that I am a sinner and without your mercy I am

lost and doomed to eternal hell .I believe that Jesus Christ died for all that If

I live today I should no longer live to myself but to Him who was raised

from the dead. I now receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I have prayed, Amen.

The prayer is not an end in itself but a step towards building an enduring

relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ. Seek counsel from a mature

Christian in your local church, find time to pray and study the word of God with

others. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit to work in you both to will and to act.



You have given your life to Jesus Christ but your walk has not been that right.

There are areas that you have compromised in your faith and you are saying in

your heart” The one thing I want is to believe again”. There is grace for you

friend. The Lord Jesus Christ is at the Mercy Seat waiting for us to call for help in

our times of need. If you mean it to renew your commitment to a sincere walk

with the Lord, please pray like this:

Dear Heavenly Father, I accept that if I ever needed You then it is now. My

walk with You has not been that right as I have pursued my own ambitions.

Today I surrender my life for the renewing of the mind as I believe Jesus

Christ is all I need in this life and in eternity. Let the Holy Spirit remind me

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of your sacred truths that I should abide in faith, hope, and love. In the

name of Lord Jesus Christ, I have prayed. Amen.


You might be the one person who is serving God faithfully and after reading this

booklet your life has been inspired to do more. You want to know Christ even

more and the power of His resurrection. You are saying “the one thing I need is

nothing but His strength”. You want strength to overcome more. You want

courage to pray more, study God’s word more, fellowship with others more, and

witness Christ to others even more. Friend, take a bold step of faith to pray for

God’s kindness over your life. Please pray like this

Dear Father, I thank You for keeping me safe and sound within the bounds

of Your promises. I thank You Lord for sustaining me amidst great trials and

temptations. Lord, I pray that You give me strength to overcome more and

more, to passionately study the word, intimately pray more, fellowship with

others with meaning, and sincerely share the gospel of Christ. In the name

of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have prayed. Amen.

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We will appreciate any feedback you give after using this booklet. Share us your

thoughts and experiences after using the booklet we provided you. The lessons you

have learnt through reading and studying this booklet if shared with us will help us

a lot. Feel free to send such valuable feedback to the following email addresses and

telephone numbers

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Mobile: +265(0) 999 650 187


Ezekiel Books is part of a wider mandate to create and distribute literature that

advances the values of the Christian faith. Our goal is to revitalize the writing and

reading of authentic Christian literature and making it available through any

possible media.

We currently operate a blog called Ezekiel Books that branches into three separate

blogs namely the Poetic face which is exclusive for poetry; Express Purpose is for

articles covering a wide range of topics, and finally Letters to Ezekiel which is

exclusive to excerpts from the Letters to Ezekiel collection.

The blog address is

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This booklet would not have been possible without the grace of the Lord working

so effectively to see its release. There were so many delays but the Lord Jesus Christ

gave me the courage to write despite the refusal of other life’s demands.

I express my sincere thanks to Rev. B.S. Chitheka, resident minister of Lilongwe

CCAP, for accepting to write the foreword to this booklet. I am humbled that out

of his many engagements the Reverend did find time to go through this booklet.

Thanks to Madalitso Chikumbanje whose contribution to this booklet is very

difficult to calculate. He made reviews of the manuscript and proved to be reliable

for the editorial task that was set before him.

Thanks to my family residing at Biwi that during our evening devotions we were

able to find encouragement in whatever is written in this booklet. We shared on

prayer, the word, fellowship, faith and hope. Those evenings were quite amazing.

Finally, thanks to everyone who has been part of Lilongwe CCAP Youth Ministry

for this booklet is dedicated to them. These are people who have contributed so

much to my upbringing in the faith. This dedication is a mark to future

generations that serving Christ is all we have to do in this life and that a youth

ministry in any congregation remains a vital place where people can build firmer

foundations in the faith. At the catechumen I have met amazing people who have

challenged me to seek the Lord even more and this work is also dedicated to them.

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Raphael Mndalasini is an author, speaker, entrepreneur and

pastor. He champions creating opportunities, inspiring

individuals to live bigger than their dreams, passionate about

reaching to the younger generation with the gospel of Christ, and intimate with

writings that have a personal touch. It is from early years in his life that the author

cultivated deep interest in writing. He believes written works are significant to

preserve knowledge that we can pass on from one generation to the next

Raphael Mndalasini has authored Letters to Ezekiel, Who Can Find a virtuous

woman (Bible Study notes on Proverbs 31), and When My Heart Fails (Bible

Study notes on Psalm 73) plus several articles.

Raphael was born in Lilongwe and grew up there in the suburbs of Biwi. He began

his journey as a Christian during the time he attended secondary education at

Chipasula between 2001 and 2004 .He attributes to the radical change that

happened in his life as a result of the work of a student ministry called SCOM

(Student Christian Organization of Malawi).

He reckons that through being involved in SCOM a passion to share God’s truth

and disciple young people was born. Today Raphael is an active member of the

youth ministry at his local church. He is also part of the Worship Team and spends

time teaching at the Catechumen.

Raphael Mndalasini is an Information Technology professional who graduated

from the University of Malawi in 2009. He has two siblings Kate and Peter and he

lives in Lilongwe. In his spare time the author likes to read, write, follow current

affairs, and listen to gospel music.