bacis current 2014-15 ssc bylaws

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  • 8/9/2019 BACIS Current 2014-15 SSC Bylaws




    Article I - Duties of the School Site CouncilThe School Site Council of Banning Academies of Creative and Innovative Sciences (BACIS),hereinafter referred to as the Board, shall carry out the following duties:

    ● Develo and a rove olicies that guide the school!s ositive develo ment"● #$tain recommendations for, and review of the ro osed S ingle Plan for Student

    Achievement from all school advisory committees"● %rovide ongoing review of the Single %lan for Student Achievement and its im lementation with

    all sta&eholder grou s, and ma&e modifications to the lan whenever the need arises"● Annually, (and at each semester, grading eriod, etc"), evaluate the rogress made toward school

    goals to raise the academic achievement of all students"● Develo and maintain an outreach lan to ensure roductive relationshi s with community

    artners"● Su ervise the e' enditure of BACIS Title I Title III categorical funds"● Develo and a rove the lan and related e' enditures in accordance with all state and federal

    laws and regulations"● Carry out all other duties necessary to ensure the effective im lementation of the BACIS school


    Article II - Members

    Section A: CompositionThe Board shall $e com osed of * mem$ers, selected $y their eers, as follows:+ A total of school staff mem$ers, to include:- . classroom teachers, elected from the BACIS /aculty- The BACIS %rinci al- Two other school em loyees who wor&s at BACIS for at least half of the day+ A total of mem$ers who do not wor& for BACIS, to include:- 0 arents or community mem$ers- 0 students

    Board mem$ers chosen to re resent arents may $e em loyees of the school district so long as

    they are not em loyed at this school"

    %arent mem$ers may choose to grant one of their ositions to the student $ody and1or acommunity mem$er"


  • 8/9/2019 BACIS Current 2014-15 SSC Bylaws


    Section B: Term of OfficeAdult Board mem$ers shall $e elected for 2 year terms"

    Student mem$ers shall $e elected for a one year term"

    Section C: Voting Rights3ach mem$er is entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on any matter su$mitted to a vote ofthe Board" A$sentee $allots shall not $e ermitted"

    Ties will lead to further discussion" 3ach voting mem$er will have two minutes to state his or her case $efore the Board votes again" If the second vote results in a tie, then the Chair willdetermine the outcome of the vote"

    Section D: Termination of MembershipThe Board may, $y an affirmative vote of two4thirds of all its mem$ers, sus end or e' el amem$er who fails to erform his or her duties ade5uately, as determined $y the Board" Thisaction must $e initiated $y a mem$er who ma&es a motion at a regularly scheduled SSC meetingwith a written descri tion of his or her 6ustification for nominating the mem$er for removal" Thevote for termination of mem$ershi will ta&e lace at the regularly scheduled meeting followingthe meeting in which the motion is made"

    Any elected mem$er may terminate his or her mem$ershi $y su$mitting a written letter ofresignation to the School Site Council chair erson" 7oluntarily de arting mem$ers should ma&eevery effort to resolve any unfinished School Site Council $usiness $efore termination ofmem$ershi " Duties will $e reassigned $y the Chair"

    Section E: Transfer of Membership8em$ershi on the School Site Council may not $e assigned or transferred"

    Section F: Vacancy Any vacancy on the School Site Council occurring during the term of a duly elected mem$ershall $e filled $y emergency election as soon as ossi$le and the mem$er will last for theduration of the e'isting"

    Article III - Officers

    Section A: OfficersThe officers of the School Site Council shall $e a chair erson, vice4chair erson, secretary

    arliamentarian and other officers the SSC may deem desira$le"

    The chairperson sha !● %reside at all meetings of the School Site Council"● %re are and distri$ute the agenda for each meeting"● Be a staff mem$er or a arent"

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    ● Sign all letters, re orts and other communications of the School Site Council"● %erform all duties incidental to the office of the chair erson"● 9ave other such duties as are rescri$ed $y the School Site Council"● The ecords of the SSC will $e stored in a file &e t in the 8ain #ffice"● The %rinci al may not $e the Chair erson or 7ice Chair erson"

    The "ice#chairperson sha !● e resent the chair erson in assigned duties"● Su$stitute for the chair erson in his or her a$sence"● %rovide notification of meetings to all sta&eholder grou s"● %erform other such duties as are assigned $y the chair erson or School Site Council"

    The secre$ar% sha !● ;ee minutes of all regular and s ecial meetings of the School Site Council"● Transmit true and correct co ies of the minutes of such meetings to mem$ers of the council, to

    all BACIS sta&eholders, and to the general u$lic"●

    %rovide all notices in accordance with these $ylaws"● Be custodian of the records of the School Site Council"● ;ee a register of the names, addresses, and tele hone num$ers of each mem$er of the School

    Site Council, the chair ersons of school advisory committees, and others with whom the schoolsite council has regular dealings, as furnished $y those ersons"

    The par ia&en$arian sha !• Assist the chair erson in maintaining order"• Should $e familiar with the committee!s $ylaws, arliamentary rocedures and o$ert!s

    ules of #rder"• %erform other such duties as are assigned $y the chair erson or School Site Council"

    B: Election an Terms of OfficeThe officers shall $e elected annually, at the first SSC annual meeting, and shall serve until eachsuccessor has $een elected"

    Section C: Remo!al of OfficersAny officer who fails to ade5uately erform his or her duties may $e removed from office $ytwo4thirds vote of all the mem$ers"

    Section D: Vacancy A vacancy in any office shall $e filled at the earliest o ortunity $y a s ecial election of the SSC,for the remaining ortion of the term of office"


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    Article IV - Committees

    Section A: CommitteesThe School Site Council may esta$lish and a$olish committees to erform duties as shall $e

    rescri$ed $y the Board" At least one SSC mem$er shall serve on each committee" Allcommittees are advisory in nature, and shall recommend actions to the SSC" =o committee maye'ercise the authority of the School Site Council"

    Standing committees will include Disci line, %rofessional Develo ment, Student Affairs, andBudget"

    Section B: Other Stan ing an Special CommitteesThe School Site Council may esta$lish and a$olish standing or s ecial committees with suchcom osition and to erform such duties as shall $e rescri$ed $y the Board" =o such committeemay e'ercise the authority of the School Site Council"

    Section C: Membership>nless otherwise determined $y the council, committee mem$ershi will $e o en to mem$ers ofall sta&eholder grou s" 3ach committee shall elect its own chair, who will re ort to the SchoolSite Council" It is recommended that the Chair $e someone who is not already a mem$er of theSchool Site Council

    Section D: Rules3ach committee may ado t rules and e' ectations for its own government not inconsistent withthese $ylaws or rules ado ted $y the School Site Council, or olicies of the district governing


    Section E: "#or#mA ma6ority of the mem$ers of a committee shall constitute a 5uorum, unless otherwisedetermined $y the School Site Council" The act of a ma6ority of the mem$ers resent shall $e theact of the committee, rovided a 5uorum is in attendance"

    Article V - School Site Council MeetingsSection A: MeetingsThe School Site Council shall meet regularly on the first ?ednesday of each month" S ecialmeetings of the Board may $e called $y the chair erson or $y a ma6ority vote of the School SiteCouncil"

    Section B: $lace of Meetings

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    The Board shall hold its regular meetings at a facility rovided $y the school, unless such afacility accessi$le to the u$lic, including handica ed ersons, is unavaila$le" Alternate meeting

    laces may $e determined $y the chair erson or $y ma6ority vote of the School Site Council"

    Section C: %otice of Meetings

    ?ritten u$lic notice shall $e given of all meetings at least @2 hours in advance of the meeting"Changes in the esta$lished date, time or location shall $e given s ecial notice" All meetings shall

    $e u$lici ed in the following venues: email sent to all staff and arents who have emailaddresses in the school s data$ase, osted on the school we$site, recorded hone message sent toall students! homes, is osted in a u$lic lace, sent home written notice with students, anddis layed on the School 8ar5uee" 3mergency meetings may $e called with 20 hours! noticewhen re5uired $y e'ce tional circumstances $eyond the control of the School Site Council"

    All re5uired notices shall $e delivered to School Site Council and committee mem$ers no lessthan 0 hours, and no more than @ days in advance of the meeting, ersonally, $y mail, or $y e4mail"

    Section D: "#or#mThe act of a ma6ority of the mem$ers resent shall $e the act of the School Site Council,

    rovided a 5uorum is in attendance, and no decision may otherwise $e attri$uted to the SchoolSite Council" A ma6ority of the mem$ers of the School Site Council shall constitute a 5uorum"

    Section E: Con #ct of Meetings8eetings of the School Site Council shall $e conducted in accordance with the rules of orderesta$lished $y Education Code Section < 0@c, and with Robert’s Rules of Order or an ada tationthereof a roved $y the School Site Council"

    Section F: Meetings Open to the $#blic All meetings of the School Site Council and of committees esta$lished $y the School SiteCouncil shall $e o en to the u$lic" =otice of such meetings shall $e rovided in accordancewith Section C of this article"

    Section &: Cancellation of Reg#larly'Sche #le MeetingsIf no items have $een su$mitted for the agenda, the chair erson may cancel any regularlyscheduled meeting" =otification must $e made as descri$ed in Article III, Section C, $etween 20and @2 hours $efore the scheduled meeting start time"

    Article VI - AmendmentsAn amendment of these $ylaws may $e made at any regular meeting of the School Site Council

    $y a vote of two4thirds of the mem$ers in attendance, assuming a 5uorum is resent" ?rittennotice of the ro osed amendment must $e su$mitted to overnance Board mem$ers at least @2hours rior to the meeting at which the amendment is to $e considered for ado tion"

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