bac english 2011 with correction


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اللغة في البكالوريا شهادة المتحان المقترح التصحيحةاالنجليزي

األول الموضوع

االجابة عناصر محاورالموض

وعA.comprehension (7.5pts)

1. True or false

  a.False     b.True     c.True       d.False


a.Advertising is the activity of calling something to the attention of the public, especially by paid announcements.

b. By mastering the power of argument.

c.Advertising uses images and words to get these them across

3. It is mentioned in paragraph 2.

4.  a) them: products or services to sell

     b)which: persuasion

Part one

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     c) it: advertising

B.Text Exploration

1. a)persuading = convincing      b)item= product        c)aim=objective          d)reach=attain


verb noun adjective

To persuade

persuasion persuasive

To consume Consumption/consumer


To vary variety various3.

1.b) He says that advertisers master the power of argument.

2.b)We define persuasion as the ability to convince others of your own opinion.

4.  The pronunciation of the final ‘ed’

/t//d/ /id/

Helped Described Persuaded

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   A: Who uses advertising?

   A: How do they advertise?

   A: Why?

Written Expression Part two

الثاني الموضوع

االجابة عناصر محاورالموض

وعA.comprehension (7.5pts)

1. True or false

  a.True     b.False     c.True       d.False


a.Scientists could know about the existence of water on the moon following the analysis of data from aspacecraft that was deliberately crashed into a lunear crater last month.

b. Water could have got to the moon depending on

Part one

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one theory that says water arrived on a comet and never evaporated in the shaded polar craters where temperature is minus 220c.

3. It is mentioned in paragraph 3.

4.  a) they: scientists              b)it: the water

     c) where: shaded polar craters

5.The most appropriate title : b. Water on the Moon

B.Text Exploration

1. a) shown ≠ hidden                 b) recent ≠ previous    c) plus ≠ minus

     d) temporarily ≠ permanently


prefix root suffix


deliberate ly

un solve ed////////////////// Category ical

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////////////////// shadow ed3.

1.b) She asks if they can live on the Moon.

2.b)Water was discovered on the Moon by scientists.

4.  Syllables

1syllable2 syllables 3 syllables








   1.job        2.workers        3.spacecraft

Written Expression Part two

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Correction of BAC 2011 –LP:

Topic One:

Part 1:A/Comprehension

B/Text Exploration

1/a-T b-F. c-F. d-T2/§13/a-Girls..b-Projects that don’t take time /projects with less work and immediate results.c-It has shown that girls out-performed boys at reading at the age of 15 in all 45 countries.4/itsthe academic failure of boys. Their young men theyboys. thosechildren.1/a-improve b-uncertain2/*to introduce-introduction*to prevent /preventive/preventable(preventible)*enjoyment/enjoyable3-b) The teacher wanted to know if Sami had done his homework.b)Microsoft engineers developed a software which helps students improve math skills.4-

/s/ /z/ /iz/characteristics Beginners



Part 02:Written Expression:5pts

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Topic Two:

Part 1:15 ptsA/Comprehension8pts

B/Text Exploration7pts

1/b2/a-F b-T. c-F. d-T3/ a-§3 b-§44-/a-They are dangerous because they contain harmful toxic substances or inactive ingredients..b—lack of borders’ control-weak regulations governing the medicine distribution system-the globalization of markets.c-the loss of taxation revenue.4/itthe counterfeit drug their legitimate manufacturers.

1/a-genuine b-legitimate2/* production-producer-productivity -product / productive*Economics-economy /to economize.

3-a) Counterfeit products are being produced.4-

/t/ /d/ /id/looked governed


5/ethical - internet- site-illegalPart 02:Written Expression:5pts

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Correction of BAC 2011 –LE:

Topic One:

Part 1:A/Comprehension

B/Text Exploration

1/a-F b-T. c-F. d-T2/§2 §33/a-to establish the Kingdom of Babylonb-its geographical situation.c- He found it difficult to use the elaborate system of nail-writing of the ancient Sumerians and commerce demanded quick and practical ways of communication.d-it was a fortified town of the Amorites-its inhabitants- its geographical situation-its trade with the entire world-its language which spread.4/they the Aramaeans. The city Damascushe the Aramaeans businessman.It the spoken language of the Arameans.5/ b

1/a-disappeared b-inhabited c-safe d-ancient2/*to save / safety******* commercial*movement / moving ---movable( moveable)3-a) Damascus was a fortified town while it was conquered by Alexander the Great./ while it was conquered by Alexander the Great, Damascus was a fortified town.b)They could not use the ancient Sumerian writing, therefore they invented a new alphabet.4-

1 syl 2 syls 3sylsmounds desert Difficult


5/ b/ d/a/cPart 02:Written Expression:5pts

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Topic Two:

Part 1:15 ptsA/Comprehension7pts

B/Text Exploration7pts

1/c2/a-F b-T. c-F. d-T3/ a-§34-/a-climate/snow removal equipment/Alaska polar bears/winter tourism/space programs/how rain forests influence the climate/ how deserts are formed/how the polar ice caps affect ocean levels.b—Learning starts with the children’s interests and questions/ various topics/interesting.c-they find it difficult to mix with other people in adult life.4/theychildren in the USA.It to mix with other people in adult life.Their parents5/ home-schoolers/ home-schooling …..Advantages and Disadvantages of Home-schooling.1/a-about b-starts c – opportunity d-difficult2/* to differ / different*influence / influential-influenceable-influenced-* to criticize // critique –criticizer-criticism-critic

3-1-b)Parentsshould send their children to scholl / Parents had better send their children to school2-b/If you don’t convince them, they will refuse your justifications.3-b/I wish I had learnt how to play a musical instrument when Iwas a child.4-

/t/ /d/ /id/Mixedpicked



5/either-home- children - classroomPart 02:Written Expression:6pts