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BaanERP (Grieg SP4 and Corelli) Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance Advice

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Page 1: BaanERP (Grieg SP4 and Corelli)

BaanERP (Grieg SP4 and Corelli)Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001AImport and Export File for the EDIBusiness Document Remittance Advice

Page 2: BaanERP (Grieg SP4 and Corelli)

A publication of:

Baan Development B.V.P.O.Box 1433770 AC BarneveldThe Netherlands

Printed in the Netherlands

© Baan Development B.V. 2000.All rights reserved.

The information in this documentis subject to change withoutnotice. No part of this documentmay be reproduced, stored ortransmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical,for any purpose, without theexpress written permission ofBaan Development B.V.

Baan Development B.V.assumes no liability for anydamages incurred, directly orindirectly, from any errors,omissions or discrepanciesbetween the software and theinformation contained in thisdocument.

Document Information

Code: U7400A USGroup: User DocumentationEdition: ADate: April, 2000

Page 3: BaanERP (Grieg SP4 and Corelli)

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



About this document iv

1. General principles 1-1Available kinds of data records 1-1Branching diagramm 1-2Key fields outgoing 1-3Key fields incoming 1-3Business Partner Relations 1-4Network directories 1-4BaanEMIS V Messages - Conventions 1-6What is new in comparison to BaanEMIS for BAAN IV 1-8

2. Data record description by kind of data record 2-1SA1 MESSAGE OVERHEAD 2-1SA2 REMITTANCE ADVICE HEADER 2-11SA3 REMITTANCE ADVICE LINE 2-17

Appendix A Sample file 1

Table of contents

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About this document

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



About this document

This documentation describes in a detailed way the standard inhouse dataformats, which the BAAN Electronic Message Interchange System BaanEMIS Vrequires as interfaces to the respective EDI Sub-System.

The documentation is intended for developers of EDI Sub-Systems, which wantto realize an interface of their software to BaanERP. Furthermore, it supportsconsultants, who want to implement and verify such an interface within acustomer project.

Chapter 1 gives an overview over the general principles of the relevant EDImessage. For example available kinds of data records, message structure, keyfields and other conventions.

Chapter 2 describes all corresponding kinds of data records for the EDI messagein a detailed way. All data fields are listed in an overview table in connectionwith the corresponding table fields. In addition, every single field is described ina more detailed way. You will find information about the general conditions,which you need to observe for the processing in the EDI Sub-System or inBaanERP.

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



This section describes the BAAN EDI inhouse format for the business documenttype Remittance Advice.

Available kinds of data recordsThe use of the following kinds of data records is conditional (C) respectivelymandatory (M), when you transmit information about remittance advices.

Id Status Name

SA1 M Overhead

SA2 M Remittance Advice Header

SA3 M Remittance Advice Lines


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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Branching diagrammThe following data record structure is used for the message type BaanEMIS –Remittance Advice:





1 1





Status: Frequency:

M: mandatory in message 1: once by message

C: conditional in message R: repeatable by message

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General principles

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



For example, for two required orders with each two lines the BaanEMIS V filehas the following structure:

SA1 ... BaanERP Overhead

SA2 ... Remittance Advice Header

SA3 ... Remittance Advice Line

SA3 ... Remittance Advice Line


SA1 ... BaanERP Overhead

SA2 ... Remittance Advice Header

SA3 ... Remittance Advice Line

SA3 ... Remittance Advice Line

Key fields outgoingThe EDI business document “Remittance Advice” outgoing is not supported byBaanERP yet.

Key fields incomingThe following structure of the key fields is used to determine the related datarecords of an remittance advice message:

Kindof datarecord

Key field 1 Key field2

Key field3

Key field4

Key field5

Key field6

SA1 MessageReference

SA2 MessageReference

SA3 MessageReference




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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Business Partner Relations

Outgoing Remittance Advice Incoming Remittance Advice

Identification ofthe sender


Network directoriesThe so-called network directories form the basis of the communication betweenthe EDI Sub-System and BaanERP. These directories are established in BAAN.The network basis directories for each network will be defined in the BAANsession SEecedi0120m000. For the network BaanEMIS V, the basis directoriescan be indicated in the following way:


BAAN will additionally create the following subdirectories:


The above mentioned directories have the following function:

1 .../appl_from/: In this directory, BaanERP records the outgoing messageswhich are the defined BaanEMIS V inhouse format files. The EDI Sub-System can collect them from here.

2 .../appl_to/: The EDI Sub-System writes the incoming message into thisdirectory in the BaanERP inhouse format.

3 .../command/: Directory of the semaphores.

4 .../store_recv/: BaanERP stores in this directory processed incomingmessages, if the configuration is accordingly. During this process anadditional subdirectory by incoming message file will be created which isnamed with a date and time stamp indicating when the message was moved.

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General principles

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



5 .../store_sent/: BaanERP stores in this directory processed outgoingmessages if the configuration is accordingly. During this process anadditional subdirectory by incoming message file will be created which isnamed with a date and time stamp indicating when the message was moved.

6 ../trace/: BaanERP creates under this directory a log of the incoming andoutgoing messages in the processing order, if the configuration isaccordingly.

For every message type one network directory will be used for outgoing and onefor incoming messages. This means that one message file contains data forseveral business partners.

The file name of the BaanEMIS V inhouse format file of the remittance advice,which is being described in this documentation, is defined in the following way:

Direction File name Network directory

outgoing ../appl_from

incoming rad001.txt ../appl_to

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



BaanEMIS V Messages - ConventionsThe following general rules apply to a message record in a BaanEMIS Vmessage file:

1 Every message record starts with “SAx“2 Every message record ends with “SAx_END“3 The length of a data record can vary.4 The message record must consist of all fields, even if not every field contains

a value.5 The fields in the file must be separated by a ; .6 A filled string field have to be put in “ ....“ .

In the following sections you will find the format descriptions for the individualkinds of data records of the interface file. The table contains the following data:




The first block of the table describes the format of a kind of data record:

Pos. Position of the field in the data recordField description Description of the fieldKey Key field outgoing (O) / incoming (I)ST Field status mandatory (M) / conditional (C)FM Field format

an..14 alphanumerical field with a maximum of 14 characters

an14 alphanumerical field with exactly 14 characters

n..10 numerical field with a maximum of 10 charactersn1 numerical field with exactly 1 character

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General principles

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Mapping from ApplicationTable Fields (Out )

Mapping to ApplicationTable Fields (In)

Table Field Action Table Field Action

The second block of the table describes the corresponding table field in BaanERPas well as possible special actions, which will be carried out during theprocessing of the messages.

Following the table overview, every field is described in a more detailed way,including information about the processing in the EDI Sub-System and inBaanERP.

In the past, there seemed to be some doubts about the way BAAN points out aposition within the message file. Here are some additional explanations:

As defined in BaanEMIS V a position within a message file is pointed out usingtwo semikolons.

To draw an example: p6$[p�����3RVLWLRQ�����p6$[B(1'p

If an position in a BaanEMIS V Message File is not taken by a value (this meansthe position is empty), the position is pointed out as shown above. Moreover theBAAN EDI Module distinguishes between numerical and alphanumerical dataformat. If a position defined as numerical is empty the position is pointed outusing semikolons. On the other hand empty alphanumerical positions areexported in two way. The first way is to point out a position using thesemicolons. The second way BAAN exports empty alphanumerical positions isto write two inverted commands within the position. This depends whether thealphanumerical field exists in BAAN’s database or not. Finally we take a look atthe following example:

empty numerical Position:


empty alphanumerical Position:




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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



What is new in comparison to BaanEMIS forBAAN IV1. The Overhead has been changed. Please refer to Chapter 2 for more details.

2. Furthermore the positions of the rest of the data records has beenrestructured.

3. Coming with BaanEMIS V we have to introduce a new date / time format.The new date format consists of at maximum 14 digits as shown here.

The new format is now: CCYYMMDDHHMMSS. The date / time information isput as an numerical field to the position within the message.

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General principles



4. Coming with BaanEMIS V, we introduce a new message naming andversioning:

a) Each message type is named by abbreviation and its version number.

To draw an example: INV 001

b) It is possible to define different releases to one message, e.g. Release A,B,... a.s.o.

Example: To draw an example: INV001 A for an INVOICE

Message Type:



of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance


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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



In case of adding new positions to message type a new version will be released.

We have the aim that the BaanEMIS V Message standard fits to needs of externaland internal EDI. Hence we decided to deliver two different conversion setupsfor one release. One for external EDI and one for internal EDI. The conversionsetup für internal EDI gets additionally the extension “I”. The structure is thesame. For the internal EDI a conversion is only for the business partner codesnecessary. Therefore the setup for the internal EDI has a minimum ofconversions. It is also possible to use the iternal setup for external EDI and theother way around if additionaly conversion is needed or not.

To draw an example:

INV001 A


Release A forexternal EDI

Release A forinternal EDI

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General principles

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



5. Incoming and outgoing messages have now the same file name.

6. The name of the message file is now depended from the message version.

7. Alternative Items / Item Code Systems

In comparison to BAAN IV the conversion of the Item Codes (customer’s itemcode) has been changed.

BaanEMIS V comes with two predefined qualifiers in order to determine theinternal item code. The Item Code Id’s are used in oreder to distinguish betweena general item conversion and a conversion which is business partner related.

Therefore two Codes for the Item System are defined.

Looking at BaanERP Common data we will find the used table to translate theitem codes:

a) General Code System:

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



b) Business Partner specific Code System:

The exported BaanERP Item Code is a string with at maximum 47 digists. Atminimum the item code contains 10 digits. To draw anexample: “.........1” (nineleading blanks and at minimum one sign).

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance




Status: Mandatory

Frequency: Once per remittance advice

Description: This data record contains information about thetransmitter, the message type and the time of thetransmission. The message reference identifies allrelated data records of this message.


Table Fields (out)

Mapping to Application Fields




Key ST FM Table Field Action Table Field Action

1. Kind of data record I M an3 SA1

2. Message reference I M an..14 ecedi702.bano Generation

by EDI Sub-


3. Identification of the


M an..17 ecedi702.bpid Conversion

(see below)

4. Identification of the


M an..17

5. Message M an..6 ecedi702.mess Conversion

(see below)

6. Organization M an..6 ecedi702.orga Conversion

(see below)

7. Order type M an..35 ecedi702.koor Conversion

(see below)


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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance




Table Fields (out)

Mapping to Application Fields




Key ST FM Table Field Action Table Field Action

8. Transmission reference M an..20 ecedi702.msno

9. Date / Time of


M n..14 ecedi702.send

10. Transmission reference


C an..20 ecedi702.prno

11. Identification of the

technical message


C an..35

12. Identifier of Test


C an1 ecedi702.test empty means



1 means Test


13. Message Function C ecedi702.mest leave the



this means:


14. Data record end sign M an7 SA1_END

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Detailed description: Remittance AdviceKind of data record: SA1 Overhead

Description: This field identifies the kind of data record inthe message block. It contains the constant value‘SA1’.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: This field will be filled with the constant value‘SA1’.

BAAN: None

Description: This field identifies all connected data recordsof one invoice. The numbering, which has to beclear by invoice, helps to control thechronological order of the invoices and thecomplete transmission. The field consists of afix item with four characters, the current date(format: YYMMDD) and a serial number withfour characters.

Position 1 Field format an3 Field status M

Field name Kind of data record (Key field out/in)

Position 2 Field format an..14 Field status M

Field name Message reference

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



The special format will be defined in thenetwork parameters in the BAAN tableTBecedi020. When generating the messagereference with the EDI Sub-System, the createdmessage reference needs to be specific, thatmeans unique. While storing the messagereference BAAN controls whether it is specific.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: The EDI Sub-System generates this number toidentify an invoice and writes it into all datarecords of an invoice.

BAAN: Mapping to BAAN table field TFecedi702.bano.

Description: This field contains the identification of thesender (e.g. the ILN Number)

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: The identification of the sender determines thecorresponding business partner (customer) andthe network in the table TBecedi028 ‘Relationsby network’. This identification is mapped tothe BAAN table field TFecedi702.bpid.

Position 3 Field format an..17 Field status M

Field name Identification of the sender

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the identification of thereceiver.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transmission of the value from the message file.

BAAN: On the incoming side this field will be ignored.

Description: This field contains the code for theidentification of the concerned message. Thecode for the message type ‘Remittance Advice’is RAD001.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: This field will be filled with the constant value‘RAD001’.

BAAN: The message code in the table TBecedi001‘Supported EDI Messages’ determines, whichinternal message in BAAN is connected to thisorder. In the BAAN table TBecedi005 ‘EDIMessages’ is determined for every messagewhich session (Dll ) is used in BAAN toprocess the order. The message code is mappedto the BAAN table field TFecedi702.mess.

Position 4 Field format an..17 Field status M

Field name Identification of the receiver (Key field out/in)

Position 5 Field format an..6 Field status M

Field name Message

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the organization (Standard),which is used for the EDI communication.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: This field will be filled with the constant value‘BaanEMISV’.

BAAN: Mapping to BAAN table field TFecedi702.orga.

The corresponding organization must have beenentered into the BAAN table TBecedi003.

Description: This field contains a code for the concernedOrder type. You can define a code with yourbusiness partner or use RAD001 or blank.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping to BAAN table field TFecedi702.koor.

In the BAAN table TBecedi200 there must be anentry for this remittance advice in connectionwith the respective message and organization.

Position 6 Field format an..6 Field status MField name Organization

Position 7 Field format an..35 Field status M

Field name Order type

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the reference code which theEDI Sub-System applied to this transmission.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transmission of the value from the transmissionfile.

BAAN: Mapping to BAAN table fieldTFecedi702.msno. This field should contain thecustomer remittance advice number.

Description: This field contains on the outgoing side thecurrent date / time, on which the order messagewas created. On the incoming side, this fieldcontains the arrival date / time of the remittanceadvice at the EDI Sub-System


Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Entry of the arrival date / time of the message atthe EDI Sub-System.

BAAN: Mapping to BAAN table field TFecedi702.send

Position 8 Field format an..20 Field status M

Field name Transmission Reference

Position 9 Field format n..14 Field status M

Field name Date / Time of transmission

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the reference number, whichthe EDI Sub-System applied to the previoustransmission.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transmission of the value from the transmissionfile.

BAAN: Mapping to BAAN table field TFecedi702.prno.

Description: This fields contains an identification of thetechnical message creator.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: The EDI Sub System put its identifierer to thisposition.

BAAN: None.

Position 10 Field format an..20 Field status C

Field name Transmission reference old

Position 11 Field format an..35 Field status C

Field name Identification of the technical message creator

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: Identification if the message is a test message oran original message.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transmission of the value from the transmissionfile.

BAAN: Test messages are checked but not entered in thesystem. There will be a report, if the message isokay or not.

Description: Function of the message.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Leave empty


Position 12 Field format n1 Field status C

Field name Indentifier of Test Messages

Position 13 Field format an..35 Field status C

Field name Message Function

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field indicates the end of the data record. Itcontains the constant value ‘SA1_END’.

Position 14 Field format an7 Field status M

Field name Data record end sign

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance




Frequency: Once per Remittance Advice

Description: This record type is used for the transmission ofremittance-related data. The record contains informationabout the identification, the date and the total amount ofa payment order to a creditor. This record type isavailable exactly once for every remittance number. Allrecords up to the next record of the type SA2 refer to thesame remittance number.


Fields (out)

Mapping to Application

Fields (in)



Key ST FM Table Field Action Table Field Action

1. Kind of data record I M an3 SA2 2. Message reference I M an..14 ecedi702.bano 3. Identification of


M an..17 tfcmg506.pbbp Conversion

4. Payment advice

number /



C an..6 included for

future releases

(not supported


no action

5. Total Payment

amount / toatal

amount remittance

C an..13 refer to Pos. 4 no action

6. total discount


C an..13 refer to Pos. 4 no action

7. Payment type C an..3 refer to Pos. 4 no action

8. Supplier Number C an..6 refer to Pos. 4 no action

9. Customer number C an.. refer to Pos. 4 no action

10. Transmission date C n..14 refer to Pos. 4 no action

11. Payment date M n..14 tfcmg506.stdt

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



12. Adress/Partner

Code ID

M an..6 ZZ Qualifier 1

for field



13. Adress/Partner


M an..6 PBBP Qualifier 2

for field



14. Record end sign M an7 SA2_END SA2_END

Detailed description: Remittance AdviceKind of data record: SA2 Remittance Advice Header

Description: This field identifies the kind of data record inthe message block. It contains the constant value‘SA2’.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: This field will be filled with the constant value‘SA2’.

BAAN: None

Position 1 Field format an3 Field status M

Field name Kind of data record (Key field in)

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field identifies all connected data recordsof one remittance advice. The numbering, whichhas to be unambiguous by remittance advice,helps to control the chronological order of theremittance advice and the completetransmission. The field consists of the currentdate (format: YYMMDD) and a serial numberwith four characters.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Refer to data record SA1


Description: This field contains the identification of thesender.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transsmission of the value of the message file.

BAAN: Mapping to Baan table field.......

Position 2 Field format an..14 Field status M

Field name Message reference (Key field in)

Position 3 Field format an..17 Field status M

Field name Identification of the sender (Key field in)

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: empty

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:


Description: This field contains the date of the statement.


Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transmission of the value from the message file.

BAAN: Mapping to the BAAN table fieldtfcmg506.pbbp

Position 4 - 10 field format Field status

Field name

Position 11 Field format n..14 Field status M

Field name Statement date

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the Adress/Partner Code IDfor the conversion of the business partner.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Provides value “ZZ” as a default

BAAN: Baan uses the content of the field to convert thebusiness partner.

Description: This field contains the date Type of the EDIbusiness partner.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Provides value “PBBP” as a default

BAAN: Baan uses the content of the field to convert thebusiness partner.

Position 12 field format an..6 Field status M

Field name Adress/Partner Code ID

Position 13 Field format n..6 Field status M

Field name Adress/Partner Type

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field indicates the end of the data record. Itcontains the constant value ‘SA2_END’.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: This field will be filled with the constant value‘SA2_END’.

BAAN: None

Position 14 Field format an..7 Field status M

Field name Data record end sign

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance




Status : Mandatory

Frequency :

Description: This record type supports the transmission of individuallines of the remittance advice to the creditor. Theseinstructions refer to the corresponding identification ofthe remittance advice which is indicated in the previousrecord type SA2.


Table Fields

Mapping to Application




Key ST FM Table Field Action Table Field Action

1. Kind of data record M an3 SA3

2. Message reference I M an..14 ecedi702.bano

3. Identification of


I M an..17 tfcmg501.pbbp Conversion

4. Payment advice

number /



I M an..10 included for

future releases

(not supported


no action

5. Line number M n..6 included for

future releases

(not supported


no action

6. Transaction Type M an3 tfcmg501.ttyp

7. Document

(Invoice) Number

M an..15 tfcmg501.6ninv

8. Currency M an3 tfcmg501.ccur

9. Tranaction


M n..13 tfcmg501.amnt

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance




Table Fields

Mapping to Application




Key ST FM Table Field Action Table Field Action

10. Document

(Invoice) Date

C n..8 tfcmg501.docd

11. Transaction Date C n..8 tfcmg501.trnd

12. Reference C an..35 tfcmg501.pref

13. Description C an..35 tfcmg501.desc

14. Bank account C an..25 tfcmg501.bano

15. Name C an..35 tfcmg501.nama

16. Discount Amount C n..13 included for

future releases

(not supported


no action

17. Customers Plant C an..35 included for

future releases

(not supported


no action

18. Adress/Partner

Code ID

M an..6 ZZ Qualifier 1

for field



19. Adress/Partner


M an..6 PBBP Qualifier 2

for field



20. Data record end


M an7 SA3_END

Detailed description: Remittance AdviceKind of data record: SA3 Remittance Advice Lines

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field identifies the kind of data record inthe message block. It contains the constant value‘SA3’.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: This field will be filled with the constant value‘SA3’.


Description: This field identifies all connected data recordsof one remittance advice. The numbering of themessage reference, which has to be clear byremittance advice, helps to control thechronological order of the message and thecomplete transmission.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping position value to BAAN table fieldecedi702.bano

Position 1 Field format an3 Field status M

Field name Kind of data record (Key field in)

Position 2 Field format an..35 Field status M

Field name Message reference (Key field in)

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the identification code of theidentification code of the sender in the incomingsite.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transmission of the value from the message file

BAAN: Refer to data record SA2.

Description: This field contains the unambiguousidentification of the remittance. It serves as linkbetween the EDI remittance advice and theactual receipt of payment.

The content of this field is not used on this levelof the message.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

Position 3 Field format an..17 Field status M

Field name Identification of Sender (Key field in)

Position 4 Field format an..10 Field status M

Field name Payment advice number / ID remittance

(Key field in)

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



EDI Sub-System:


Description: This field contains the line number of theremittance advice.

The content of this field is not used.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping of field value to BAAN table field .....

Description: This field contains the transaction type of theoriginal invoice.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Can be provided for informational purposes.

BAAN: The content of this field will be mapped to fieldtfcmg501.ttyp

Position 5 Field format n..6 Field status M

Field name Line Number

Position 6 Field format an3 Field status M

Field name Transaction Type

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the original invoice number.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping of field value to BAAN table fieldtfcmg501.ninv.

Description: This field contains the currency of the payment.The currency code is defined according to ISO4217 (for example, DEM for German mark)

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping of field value to BAAN table fieldtfcmg501.ccur

Position 7 Field format an..15 Field status M

Field name Document Number

Position 8 Field format an3 Field status M

Field name Currency

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the amount of thetransaction. It contains a numerical value(format: ‚NNNNNNNNNNN.NN‘) including thevalue sign.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transmission of the value of the message file.

BAAN: Mapping to BAAN table field tfcmg501.amnt

Description: This field contains the date of the invoice(format: YYMMDD).

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Transmission of the value of the message file.

BAAN: Mapping to BAAN table field tfcmg501.docd

Position 9 Field format n..13 Field status M

Field name Transaction amount

Position 10 Field format n8 Field status C

Field name Document Date (Invoice)

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: The date of the transaction (payment).

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping of field value to BAAN table fieldtfcmg501.trnd

Description: This field contains reference information to thepayment

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping field value to BAAN table fieldtfcmg501.pref

Position 11 Field format n8 Field status C

Field name Transaction Date

Position 12 Field format an..35 Field status C

Field name Reference

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the description to the codenumber

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping field value to BAAN table fieldtfcmg501.desc

Description: This field contains bank account number.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping field value to BAAN table fieldtfcmg501.bano

Position 13 Field format an..35 Field status C

Field name Description

Position 14 Field format an..25 Field status C

Field name Bank Account

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the name of the bank

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:

BAAN: Mapping field value to BAAN table fieldtfcmg501.nama

Description: This field is not supported yet

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:


Position 15 Field format an..35 Field status C

Field name Name

Position 16 field format Field status

Field name Discount Amount

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001a Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field is not supported yet.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System:


Description: This field contains the Adress/Partner Code IDfor the conversion of the business partner.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Provides value “ZZ” as a default

BAAN: Baan uses the content of the field to convert thebusiness partner.

Position 17 Field format Field status

Field name Customers Plant

Position 18 field format an..6 Field status M

Field name Adress/Partner Code ID

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance



Description: This field contains the date Type of the EDIbusiness partner.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: Provides value “PBBP” as a default

BAAN: Baan uses the content of the field to convert thebusiness partner.

Description: This field indicates the end of the data record. Itcontains the constant value ‘SA3_END’.

Processing outgoing

EDI Sub-System:


Processing incoming

EDI Sub-System: This field will be filled with the constant value‘SA3_END’.

BAAN: None

Position 19 Field format n..6 Field status M

Field name Adress/Partner Type

Position 20 Field format an..7 Field status M

Field name Data record end sign

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Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance







Appendix A Sample file

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Data record description by kind of data record

Definition of BaanEMIS V RAD001A Import and Export File for the EDI Business Document Remittance

