ba 2/5 1. what is the fertile crescent? 2. what is ka’aba? 3. what is shari’ah? 4. how did...

BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

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Page 1: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

BA 2/5

1. What is the Fertile Crescent?

2. What is Ka’aba?

3. What is shari’ah?

4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Page 2: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Africa Review

Bantu people were forced to move south due to bad farming practices that increased desertification Jungles slowed this migration and increased the

spread of the Bantu language Atlantic ocean-west coast Indian Ocean- east coast Mediterranean sea-north coast

Page 3: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Feudalism/Manorial Review

Purpose: Protection for nobles and peasants Economic stability and wealth for nobles Land and food for the poor (video)

Established a rigid class structure Feudalism and nobles power grew because

of Crusades

Page 4: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Feudalism/Manorial Review

Manorial system- a land system in which the lord owns land and loans it to the vassal generally for farming purposes. The land the vassal gets is known as a fief

Feudal system- a social hierarchy in which the king is on top the nobles and the knights offer protection and the serfs are on the bottom working their land (fief)

Page 5: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Feudal System

Manorial System


Page 6: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Islam Review

After the 4 “rightly guided” caliphs Islam split Sunni- followers of the most qualified caliph Shia-followers of the caliphs that are decedents of


Page 7: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?


Catholicism Led by the pope Pope Urban II Began the Crusades Began to give the title “Holy Roman Emperor” to show

unity between church and state Eastern Orthodoxy

Led by Patriarch with emperor above him. Became religion of Russia after the Byzantine Empire

Both are monotheistic and Christian

Page 8: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Religion Review Cont.

Lay Investiture- kings appointed church officials and the belief that no one could question this appointment

These appointments were removed by the pope stating that only the church could appoint religious leaders and bishops

Page 9: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

China Review

Yuan dynasty started by Kublai Khan Ming dynasty helped to increase trade along

the Silk Road Trade increase in Europe and Asia

Page 10: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Byzantine Empire Review

Justinian’s Code Rule of Law restricts the power of the emperor

Constantinople location and geography helped to protect it from invasion and increased trade

Fell due Bubonic Plague Crusades and split of Christianity Foreign attacks

Page 11: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

GPS Standard

SSWH5 The student will trace the origins and

expansion of the Islamic World between 600 AD and 1300.

Explain the origins of Islam and the growth of the Islamic Empire. Identify the Muslim trade routes to India, China, Europe and Africa and

assess the economic impact of this trade. Explain the reasons for the split between Sunni and Shia Muslims.. Analyze the relationship between Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Page 12: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

3 Reasons for Successful Arab Armies

1. United in belief that they had religious duty to spread Islam Saw conquests as Jihad: fair, defensive warfare

permitted by the Quran ---”struggle in the way of God”

2. Well maintained Muslim armies Byzantine & Persian empires weakened due to Arab


3. Most conquered people open to Islamic religion Treat conquered people with respect

Persian & Byzantine Empire forced religious unity among people

Page 13: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Ibn Sina

Muslim scholar

Develops medicine as field of scientific study

Writes medical encyclopedia Stresses contagious nature of certain diseases

Shows how diseases can be spread by water supplies

Page 14: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Ibn Battuta

Traveled most of the known world and all of the Muslim world

Wrote a book about his travel

Page 15: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Call for a Crusade

Jerusalem: holy city for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism

Jews: God’s city & site of Solomon’s temple

Christians: Jesus crucified & resurrected there

Muslims: Muhammad ascended to heaven from Jerusalem

Page 16: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Call for Crusade continued

600’s-late 1000’s: Muslims control Jerusalem/Palestine Allow Christians & Jews to live peacefully

Late 1000’s: Seljuk Turks conquer Jerusalem/Palestine Also threaten Byzantine Empire

Threat leaves European rulers concerned for Christians in Palestine & Byzantine Empire

Page 17: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

4 Reasons People Join Crusades

1. Knights able to use fighting skills

2. Peasants able to break feudal bond

3. Pope promises all immediate salvation into heaven if fighter dies freeing Holy Land from non-Christians

4. Adventure & possibility of wealth

Page 18: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

First Crusade

1096: period of major persecution of non-Christians Especially Jews

3 armies of knights & volunteers travel from western Europe to eastern Mediterranean Killing & massacring many Jews along the way

1099: Crusaders reach Jerusalem

After 2 month siege, Jerusalem falls to Christians Kill most of Muslims & Jews in the area

Page 19: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

1st Crusade

Page 20: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

3 Results of First Crusade:

1. Reinforces Church Authority

2. Strengthens western Europeans’ self-confidence

3. Feudal states set up in Syria & Palestine Conquered by Seljuk Turks in 2nd Crusade

Page 21: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Third Crusade

1187: Saladin unites Muslim forces & captures Jerusalem

Saladin: Sultan of Egypt & Syria

European emperors from Germany, France & England unite warriors to fight

England’s leader: Richard I AKA: Richard the Lionheart

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Page 23: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Richard the Lionheart (video)

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Third Crusade continued

Saladin respectful to Christians after capture of Jerusalem

Richard the Lionheart brutally massacres Jews & Muslims (video) Trying to force Saladin to surrender

Richard never able to defeat Saladin Saladin keeps control of Jerusalem

Allows Christian pilgrims access

Page 25: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

Baby Brigade Occurs in 1212 Youth named Nicholas of Cologne (Germany) announces

God inspired him to lead a “children’s crusade” 30,000 children (18 & younger) join him on march to Mediterranean (video) Want to peacefully convert Muslims in Jerusalem to Christianity

Many die of starvation, cold, or sold into slavery

Movement led to 5th Crusade

Page 26: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

5 Effects of the Crusades

1. Helps breakdown feudalism (video)

2. Increases king’s authority Able to increase taxes to raise armies

3. Trade expands in Europe & Southwest Asia

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Effects continued

4. Lessens Pope’s power

5. Muslim hatred of Christians & Jews increases Slaughter of Muslims leaves bitterness

among all groups

Page 28: BA 2/5 1. What is the Fertile Crescent? 2. What is Ka’aba? 3. What is shari’ah? 4. How did conflict among Muslims result in divergent views of their faith?

EA 2/5

Which group of Muslims believe the caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad?

What city is a Holy City for Islam, Christianity, and Judaism?