b2b marketing: brave new world, same old you?

[email protected] IBM B2B Marketing’s 2 nd Annual Conference – 11 th November 2010 Pete Jakob IBM Brave New World – Same Old You?

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Keynote presentation from B2B Marketing Magazine annual conference on 11th November 2010 in London.


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[email protected]

B2B Marketing’s 2nd Annual Conference – 11th November 2010

Pete Jakob


Brave New World – Same Old You?

Page 2: B2B Marketing: Brave New World, Same Old You?

[email protected]

Brave New World

“Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get


Sydney J Harris

Page 3: B2B Marketing: Brave New World, Same Old You?

[email protected]

Brave New World

The Buyer is now firmly in Control

Larger DMU

Longer Decision Cycle

Increased use of Peers

Greater Choice

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[email protected]

Brave New World

The Marketing Process is Evolving Rapidly

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[email protected]

Brave New World

The Marketing Process is Evolving Rapidly

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[email protected]

Brave New WorldMarketing leaders are challenged to meet

business expectations with limited resources.

CMO Challenges

71% are concerned about limited or absent financial and measurement skills development in marketing teams

77% are concerned that their CRM data does not allow for accurate customer analysis and profiles

46% believe CRM systems are ineffective in analyzing customer segments

Sources: 2010 IBM CEO Study, Marketing Week Dec ’09, 2009 CMO Survey

CEO Initiatives

85% of CEOs want to gain more visibility into their businesses

88% will focus on getting closer to their customers in the next 5 years

82% want to better understand customer needs

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[email protected]

Brave New WorldThe expectation put upon B2B marketing

organisations are increasing

Deeper understanding of customer needs and desires

Greater ability to deliver personalized and relevant interactions

Improve visibility of marketing effectiveness

Create rich and compelling brand experiences

Consolidate fragmented marketing


Increase agility to respond to market changes

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[email protected]

Brave New World

So how are we doing?

CMO Pressures

Buyer Process Marketing technologies

Marketing Expectations

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[email protected]

Brave New World

Marketing reaction – MORE!

Page 10: B2B Marketing: Brave New World, Same Old You?

[email protected]

Brave New World

Marketing is a System

1. CreateResponses

2. Nurture & Score 3. Progress Leads



Marketing Create Marketing Assist



Sales Pipeline

Campaign Planning /

Asset Development

Marketing Planning


Page 11: B2B Marketing: Brave New World, Same Old You?

[email protected]

Brave New World

Some Observations from the Marketing Transformation at IBM




Page 12: B2B Marketing: Brave New World, Same Old You?

[email protected]

Brave New World

1. Open Your Mind

www.davidco.com www.successintelligence.com www.sethgodin.com www.velocitypartners.co.uk

Page 13: B2B Marketing: Brave New World, Same Old You?

[email protected]

Brave New World

Campaigns were planned, executed, nurtured, adjusted and measured within a suite of integrated tools

We could re-use elements of campaign execution

Program Leaders could select audiences for their activities simply and directly

All marketing responses were captured in one place, quickly

Responses were passed automatically to the right people (LDRs etc)

The Lead Devt Reps had rich profiles for their calls (response history, Open Opportunities, etc)

The current status of responses being nurtured was visible

All the relevant campaign measures were visible via simple, visual dashboards

You had the opportunity to influence the design

…Delivering Value from Marketing became Easier

2. Develop a Vision

Wouldn’t it be great if..

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[email protected]

Brave New World

3. Link to a Broader Context

Engage in remarkable conversations...

With the right customer communities…

In an inspiring way…

Through the most relevant method…

Which builds relationships…

And creates value for both parties

“Respectful Marketing”


Content Marketing

Marketing Database

Sales Alignment

Response Management & Nurturing

Campaign Design &


Reporting and



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[email protected]

Brave New World

3. Communicate Progress - Constantly

Response Definition


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[email protected]

Brave New World

4. Invest in Skills

Develop skills that will be needed in the future

Create space to learn

Individual plans

Encourage personal ownership

Specific Investment AreasEnd to End Campaign Planning

Data & Targetting


Influence and Leadership

“Have you invested as much

this year in your career

as in your car?”

Molly Sargent

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[email protected]

Brave New World

5. Encourage Experimentation

In the spirit of science, there really is no such thing as a "failed experiment." Any test that yields valid data is a valid test.

Adam Savage

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[email protected]

Brave New World

6. Expect Setbacks and Celebrate Successes

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without any loss of enthusiasmWinston Churchill

Source: Gartner Group

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[email protected]

Brave New World

The Brave New World must also be HUMAN


The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers.

Sydney J Harris



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[email protected]

Brave New World

Concluding thoughts…

Avoid being seduced by the shiny

Digital must deepen not cheapen the engagement

Transformation is for life