b2b growth hacking tactics for lead generation from livestorm

B2B Growth Hacking Tac2cs for Lead Genera2on 07 JUIN 2016 - #LIVESTORMTALKS - EN - 35MIN Gilles Bertaux • CEO @ Livestorm

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B2B Growth Hacking Tac2cs for Lead Genera2on


Gilles Bertaux • CEO @ Livestorm


Ex. Growth @ Mention + Designer @ TOTEMS My twitter: @gillesbertaux


What we’ll cover• Why you have to be legit and how

• How to find a good source of leads

• How to automate. Wisely.

B2Bs should stop worrying about geEng the word out too soon.

We’re Livestorm. We do browser-based webinars for sales and user training.

Click to learn more.

You should care about what’s being said about you instead.

You should (beJer) be an expert on your industry. Be the

{{industry}} guy in the room.

A product built by experts > any other product

Hang out with the cool kids. Produce your own content.

Get quoted.

Become a webinar expert

How we used Quora. One post a day keeps the doctor away!

How we used Quora. One post a day keeps the doctor away!

How we used Quora. One post a day keeps the doctor away!

15% clics and 26% conversion on each visit from Quora.

What if I told you could generate content && leads at

the same 9me?


Live shows

Event coverage

Live video AMAs

Onboarding sessions




Highest conversion % Lead genera2on scalability Content repurposing Huge amount of data*

*When done right!

Ideal workflow is 1h a week. Look for a tool that does the

heavy liYing.

Now is the perfect 2me to start building your exper2se.

How to find a public never-ending source of leads.


You are a one man sales && marke9ng && support team.

Be smart.

Find a source of leads you can almost automate.






Risk of high volume of crappy leads

Sweet spot Too much waste

You’re doing it wrong

You’re not doing anything


You’re broke.

This is how I picture myself on the Internet lately:

Expensive SaaS marketing tool pricing page #837

DIY marke2ng Poach scripting, low-cost leads enrichment…

Poaching your compe2tors customers. Meet Livestorm’s PoacherBot.

Scrap a public source of leads & fetch the info we need

HTTP request to Zapier web hook & send to spreadsheet

Auto clean the data & generate reach out link

Clearbit is awesome. But you’re broke. Enrich your leads for free.

Meet Mattermark. It has a search engine. 🚀

Yummy data. Yummy data everywhere.




Quick version using Spreadsheet

Advanced w/ Wa2r + PhantomJS

Endless possibili2es Host and use an API, enrich CSVs, push as HTTP requests etc.

With great automa2on comes great crea2vity && control.

How to properly automate your reach out process

Automate the process, ease up the profiling.

Comment this webinar on Twitter: #rumblewebinars

Enrich a profile and reach out in less than 5 minutes.

javascript:var xhr =

new XMLHttpRequest();

var data = JSON.stringify({ lead: document.domain, title: document.title });

xhr.open("POST", « https://zapier.com/hooks/catch/XXXX/XXXX/« );

xhr.send(JSON.stringify(data));alert("Pushed " + document.domain + "to Zapier successfully!");

Spreadsheet processing

=HYPERLINK(« https://docs.google.com/forms/d/XXX/viewform?entry_2080418920="&IF(ISERROR(F6);"";F6)&"&entry_345377770="&IF(ISERROR(G6);"";G6)&"&entry_1746975410="&IF(ISERROR(E6);"";E6)&"&entry_1028134012="&IF(ISERROR(D6);"";D6)&"&entry_1480464520=Technology%20-%20Software%20%26%20Services";"Push to form")

Push to replyapp.io

5min workflow. 60min / day = 12 leads / day.

Long story shortYou should find the right balance between automation,

control over your data and time consumption.

Don’t lose your focus on the product.

We’re Livestorm. We do browser-based webinars for sales and user training.

Click to learn more.

Q: Can I have the slides?

A: [email protected]

Q: Who are you again?

Gilles Bertaux (@gillesbertaux)

CEO @ Livestorm

Notre produit : https://livestorm.co