b08 a44s wp6i en

Coordination action of the European Network of Territorial Intelligence Indicators and shapefiles until Communes level for the European Territorial Indicators Portal Guénaël Devillet WP4i/WP6i Leader Christophe Breuer WP4i/WP6i researcher University of Liege - SEGEFA Coordination meeting WP6 - Besançon

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Sixth annual International Conference of Territorial Intelligence "Tools and methods of Territorial Intelligence"


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Coordination action of theEuropean Network of Territorial Intelligence

Indicators and shapefiles until Communes level for the European Territorial Indicators Portal

Guénaël DevilletWP4i/WP6i Leader

Christophe BreuerWP4i/WP6i researcher

University of Liege - SEGEFA

Coordination meeting WP6 - Besançon

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1. Introduction – Objectives

2. Data

1. Geodata - Shapefiles

2. Contextual data

3. Choice to do to define a strategy of action

Plan of the talk

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- WP4i > WP6i Portal indicators

In practice (first part of the work) :

- How to obtain statistical data ?

- What’s the definition of statistics ?

- How to obtain shapefiles for the cartographic representation ?

> ULg must bring to the Slovenian team the raw material to be processed for the cartographic representation.

1. Introduction and objectives

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2.1 – Shapefiles for geographical representation

2.1.1 Procedure from NUTS 0 to LAU 2

2.1.2 Gathering shapefiles

2.1.3 Unique provider

2.2 – Data for indicators

2.2.1 State of work with EUROSTAT

2.2.2 State of work with national providers

2. Data

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First step :

From National level (NUTS) to local administrative level (LAU).

For example :

2.1. Shapefiles

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Second step :

From lower statistical level to communal level:

Presentation: “Selection of indicators for the infra-communal level (Wallonie / Provincia de Huelva / Quartiers sensibles de Franche-Comté, Ormansag)

2.1. Shapefiles

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Combined procedure to have information on :

- Data

(contextual data)

- Geodata


Personalized contact with

the national statistical

institutes (email).

2.1. Shapefiles

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Gathering result (shapefiles)

2.1. Shapefiles

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Problems :

- Diversity of ID – relation between tables and shapefiles

- Diversity of resolution

- Access

- License (cost of accessibility)

- ...

2.1. Shapefiles

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Solution : EuroGeographics from NUTS 0 to LAU 2

2.1. Shapefiles

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EuroBoundaryMap v2.0Cc EUROSTAT

Mapping and Statistical national agencies collectively represented by Eurogeographics

- Names

- Unique code

- Geometry

- Relation with infra-communal level

- Reference scale 1:100.000

Must be completed with national information about infra-communal level (geometry, code).

2.1. Shapefiles

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2.1. Shapefiles

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EuroGeoGraphics said :

“Dear Christophe

Because you are dealing with a EU funded project, EuroGeographics will give their permission for using EuroBoundaryMap only for internal usage in the project and only during the project period. After that period, the normal commercial issues are in force and a new agreement has to be signed.

Unfortunately I am going on holiday today and do not have the time to set up the permission for you. Can you please inform me of your deadlines. “ – Holiday until 15th July

Normal cost :

- Personal use : ~ 15.500 euros / 2 years

- Internet use : ~ 80.000 euros / 2 years

2.1. Shapefiles

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Other providers :

- Gfk Geomarketing- Germany

- All postcode / administrative levels / ...

- Different licenses

- Waiting for answer about costs

2.1. Shapefiles

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Work of WP4i :

Data available on internet

- links

- list

Lower level of availability, but :

- Special structure of data

- Alternative representation

- Different .xls / .tab / .pdf / .doc

- Non-downloadable documents

2.2. Data

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- Last completed : 2005 – 2006

- Files .tab

- ID based on NUTS classification

- No problem of representation


2.2. Data

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LAU 1 / 2 : National providers / Regional providers (DE)

- Internet access to basic data : heterogeneous

- Representation of data : not only downloadable files

Direct posting

- Definition of data : variable, not always explained

- Cost of accessibility : variable, expensive

- Recoding : long, expensive

(Example France : 15 variable, 36783 communes =

551745 entries = many hours of work)

2.2. Data

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2.2. Data

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2.2. Data

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Deciding : If statistical data are ordered. Then for which statistical levels. From which price we do not buy the data. Who administratively manages the files.

3. Choice to make to define an action strategy

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Coordination action of theEuropean Network of Territorial Intelligence

Selection of indicators for the infra-communal levelExamples

Guénaël DevilletWP4i/WP6i Leader

Christophe BreuerWP4i/WP6i researcher

University of Liege - SEGEFA

Coordination meeting WP6 - Besançon

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Summary of the principle :

1. Introduction

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Infra-communal level = Statistical sector

Which indicators :

Depending on census.

Depending on statistics.

Depending on availability in the

European countries.

2. Example « Région wallonne »

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Why ?

- To present “perfect cases” at the conference Besançon 2008 (specifications)

- To check the system and its ability to take into account different geographical levels and databases (indicators)

As decided in Pécs, some members should provide infra-communal data. It is necessary to provide statistical cuttings and geodata (contextual data).

- Belgium (statistical sectors) : ULg - SEGEFA (Christophe) - France (IRIS2000): UFC (Cyril) - Spain (Provincia de Huelva) : UHU (Blanca) - Hungary (Ormansag) : Pécs (Csilla)

3. Examples in Europe

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Deadline : as soon as possible (July, 31st?)

- Definition of indicators for the infra-communal level- Transmission of information (shapefiles and databases)

3. Examples in Europe