b) i) the authority considered the submissions madeby mis ... · thisorder is valid/applicable from...

AERA/20010 /MYfP/DCSC/IGl/CP-II/2016-1 7/Vol-II Airports EconOlllic Regulator\' Authority of India Order No. 22/2018-19 AERA Building, Administrative Complex, Safdarjung Airport , New Delhi - 110003. Date of Issue: 04.10.2018 . . ., Service Cargo Handling .Services, Service provider : Delhi CargoService-Oenter Pvt. Ltd. Airport : Indira Gandhi International Airport , New Delhi . In the ma tter of Multi Year Tariff Proposal (MYTP) a nd Annual Tariff Proposal(ATP) for the second control period in respect of M /s DELH CARGO SERVICE CENTER }'VT. LTD . M /s (nCSe) for provi d ing Cargo Hand ling Services at Indira Gandhi .International Airport, New Delhi. 1. M/s Delhi Cargo Service Cen tr e Pvt. Ltd. (DGSC} is one of the Cargo Handling agencies appointed.by Delhi Limited (DIAL) for ca rrying out Cargo Han dling (CH) at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. The Aut hor ity , vide its IvrYTO Order No. 02/2017-18 dated 11 .05.2017 decided to adopt 'Light Touch Approach' in respect of the ncse for Cargo Services at IGI Airp ort for determ ination of tariff for Second Control Period. Subseque nt ly, the Authority also det ermi ned the Annua:1 ta riff for FY 2016 -17 and FY2017-18 wherein an increase of 7% "vas allowed as requested by the party.The A uth ority vide the following Orders allowed AOs/ISPs to continue with the exis ting tariff till the determin at ion of tariffs for-Seco nd Control peri od : a) b) c) d) 2 . a) M/ s DeSC vide th eir their ATP for FY2018- 19 with proposed average increase of 34% on the existing tariff. Mis DCSe has submitted the audited balance sheet for FY 20 .1 6-17 and una udited balance sheet for FY 20 17- :1 8. M/s DeSe submitted the Annual Compliance Statement (ACS) f or the FY 20 16-17 a nd Provisional Annual Compliance Statem ent (ACS) for frY 2017- 18. M/ s DeSC also submitted the Concession Agreement en te red with DIAL, also Key User Agreements for examinat ion of the Authority. M/ s DeSe also submitted the evide nc e/mi nut es of the stakeholder consultation conducted on 07.11.2 017 for" the p rop osed tariff increase of 34% for the year FY2018-19. M/s Dcse has submitted the Capital Work in Progress (CAPEX) and thei r capitalisation repo rt for the 1<1'2018-19, Actuals an d Proj' APEX for the Second Control Period. Calculations on Aggregate CARR) by 1 \'1/5 DCSe for FY18-1g, FY2 01g- 20 & FY2020-2 ' f • '\ -... ",-

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Airports EconOlllic Regulator Authority of India

Order No 222018-19

AERA Building Administrative Complex

Safdarjung Airport New Delhi - 110 0 0 3

Date of Issue 04102018

Service Ca r go HandlingServices Service provider Delhi CargoService-Oenter Pvt Ltd Airport Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi

In the m atte r of Multi Year Tariff Proposal (MYTP) and Annual Tariff Proposal(ATP) for the second control period in respect of Ms DELH CARGO SERVICE CENTER VT LTD Ms (nCSe) for provid ing Ca r go Handling Services at Indira GandhiInternational Airport New Delhi

1 Ms Delhi Cargo Service Centre Pvt Ltd (DGSC is one of the Cargo Handling agencies appointedby Delhi ImeI~iatiooa l $iip0rt Limited (DIAL) for carrying out Cargo Handlin g (CH) at Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi The Authority vide its IvrYTO Order No 02 2017-18 dated 11052017 decided to adopt Light Touch Approach in respect of the ncse for Cargo Services at IGI Airport for determination of tariff for Second Con trol Period Subseque ntly the Authority also determined t he Annua1 ta riff for FY 2016-17 and FY2017-18 wherein an increase of 7 vas allowed as requested by the partyThe Authority vide the following Orders allowed AOsISPs to continue with the existing tariff till the determination of tariffs for-Seco nd Control per iod

a) b) c) d)

2 a) M s DeSC vide their l ettelmiddot~dateClmiddoto202 2018 submitted t heir ATP for FY2018shy19 with proposed average increase of 34 on the exist ing tariff Mis DCSe has submitted the audited balance sheet for FY 20 1 6-17 and unaudi ted balance sheet for FY 20 17-1 8 Ms DeSe submitted the Annual Compliance Statement (ACS) for the FY 2016-17 and Provisional Annua l Compliance Statement(ACS) for frY 2017shy18 Ms DeSC also submitted the Concession Agreement entered with DIAL also Key User Agreemen ts for examination of the Authority M s DeSe also submitted the evide nceminutes of the st akeholde r cons ulta tion conducted on 07112017 for the p roposed tariff increase of 34 for the year FY2018-19 Ms Dcse has su bmitted the Capi tal Work in Progress (CAPEX) and thei r capitalisa tion report for the 1lt12018-19 Actuals and Proj APEX for the Second Control Period Calculations on Aggregate ~d CARR) by 115 DCSe for FY18-1g FY201g-20 amp FY2020-2 f bull

~ - bull- ~ ~


b) i) The Authority conside red t he submissions made by Mis DeSe and issued a Consultation paper No 142018-19 dateduo Aug 2018 wherein the Authority proposed that M s DeSC may be allowed to charge tariff with an increase tariff of 25 on the existing tariff for FY2018-19 and 20 for FY 2019-20 and 3 for FY 2020-21

(i i) The Aut hority noted th at Mis DCSCs Return on Average RAE ie -2 for FY 2016-17 and the turnover loss in FY 20 16-17 is -2

(iii) The Authority observed that lVI s DCSC incurred losses in FY 2016-17 amp Pyen2017-18 mai nly due to increase in min imum wages and considered t he shortfall whi le calculating the Aggregate Revenue Requirement CARR) for FY2018-19FY20 19-20 and FY202middotO-21

3 a ) The Authori ty sought evidence based written feedback com ments and suggestions from stakeh o lcl~r~ o n ~~e above mentioned consultation paper (CP) by 051b Sep 2018 The A~lthority vide email dated 17 08 2018 informed the same to all concerned stakeholders on the ir registered email IDs In response The Ail Cargo Agents Association of India (ACAAI) and Delhi Customs Clearing Agents Association (DeCAA) submitted their comments on the proposal made by the Authority No other stakeholder has commented on the Consultation Paper Tche 1utnority vide Public Not ice No 18 2018-19 dated 06deg9 2018 dis played in its website the comments of the above mentioned stakeholders _I pO bull owI

b ) Views of the Authority on Stakeholder comments i DCCAA vide their letter dated 05deg92018 commented that the Custom

Facilita tion Fee was not discussed in the stakeholder consultat ion meeting held on 07112017 The Authority considered the comments of DCCM and is of the view that the Custom Facilitation Fee is one among the operating cost expendit ure which has to be borne by the cargo operator as t he mannatplY s~V~s d~ignated J1Y ~Han lt1 li I1 g of Cargo in Customs A R~middotmiddotll j ~ II II AE- ~ ~ d tl - r t 1(ft I j bull 11 h reas eo lLa ~ l ltnt ~~~ ~c bull ~ T ] r e prpl1lnesy ~~l i middot Jy qu~ nthimg a t e financials onactual baSIS an ( fixes the maximum tariff increased tariff which will lead Jhe independent se rvice provider (lSPs) to earn reasonable revenuem al~1pihis opeiationsviable

ii ACCAI vide the ir email 1hited 03o92oi8 com mented th at the tariff increase proposed by t he Authority for FY2019-20 and FY2020-21 should be in consultation with the t rade b odies The Authority cons idered the com ments of ACCAI and is of the view t hat the increase proposed in the CP is based on the ARR calculation required for FY2018-19 and not to overburden the t ariff increase on the use rs the Authority carried forward the tariff increase to FY2019-20 and FY2020 -2I The deta ils of the calculations are already subm itted in t he above ment ioned CPo However the Autho rity will direct Ms DCSC to conduct the stakeholder consultation with its users and trad e bodies on the proposed increased tariff of 20 in FY2019-2o a I 2020-21 and the increase Would be applicableeffective aft ion In addition to this Mi s -A

DCSC should submi 95 ompliance Statement as

~~I l ~ Q~ ~ Rejlnlatofl bullbull7


directeddescribed in AERA Guidelines to monitor any unreasonable profit in FY2019-20 and FY2020-21 Further the ne charges are introduced in the tariff card on the addition of new services by the cargo operator However t he Authority observed that the charges such as Repacking Charges and other new charges added to the tariff card are optional in nature and are available to users only on demand The sam e has been declared by M is DCSC and the same would be not ified in the tariff card The definition of Normal Delivery Charges and Express Delivery Charges as defined by Mis DCSC is also incorporated notified in the noting section of the tariff card


Upon careful consideration of the ruaterial availab le on record the Authority in exercise of powers conferred by Section 13(1) (a) of the AERA Act 2008 hereby

orders that

ei) The Authority vide its rvIYTO Order No 022017-18 dated 11deg52017 decided to adopt Light Touch Approach in respect of the DCSC for Cargo Services at IGI Airport for determination of tariff for the duration of Second Control Period (01042016 to 31032(gt21)

(Ii) The Authorityis of the view that t he Guidelines need not be followed in a routine manner middot middot in t Ligh~Touch approach the FlIrthermiddotTe~ren rl Authority

VI~~1 ~ i ~Rexamines the margins the grOrtli of prbnt and Return on RAB to ensure that extraordinary profits do not accrue to the service provider an d that the ultimate customer is not burdened with higher ta riffs as the latter does not have any say in the User Agreements

(iii) Considering the negative (a) Return on RAB as well as (b) Profit Margin as detailed in Consultation Paper the proposal of Mis DCSC to increase tariff for Tariff Year FY 2018-19i~ found admissible by the Authority The party has asked for in ~ l~eas e-of t[4~~ for JX2gJ8-WI]Dweyer in order to avoid over burdening theJl~e~~ wi~h1iI stcep ipcrease i~psinglcWariff Year the Authority ~

I j I m tl b II T middot (1 middot fmiddot ~ middot ff y aapproves staggeri ng t ie increase overttnree middotaI_ lt efln~ l eurof an increase 0 25~o

in FY2018-19 followed by a 20 increase in FY2019-20 and 3 increase in FY 2020-21 -

Further the increasePifiTatiffiapPIoved fltI I3middot2Q19-20 amp FY2020-21 as above shall be allowed subject to Mi s DCSC duly holding Stakeholders Consultation with its Users and Trade Bodies and on submission of such evidence to AERA Accordingly Mis DCSC is allowed to charge the approved tariff from the date of issue of the order up to 31032019 of the 2nd Control Period for Cargo Handling Service rendered at Delhi International Airport Delhi as pel Annexure-I The increase in rate for rY2019-20 and [tY2020-21 will be notified after stakeholders Consultation in this regard



the AERA Guidelines annually and conduct the Stakeholders consultat ion with the users on the proposed Annual Tariff Proposals (ATPs) in future before approaching AERA for tariff determination

By the Order of and in the Narne of the Authority

RJ~ (Puja Jindal)

Secretary To

Delhi Cargo Service Center Pvtdtd Cargo Terminal -a Gate No-6 Air cargo Complex IGI Airport New Delhi India-l10037

This Order is valida pplicable from the data of Issue of this Order to 31032019 Form F14(bl-Cargo Domest ic

Deihl ( argo Serv ice Cen ter rl v-M e Umlted bull IGl llrpo rt New Deihl

Ti1ri ff 2018middot19 Tarllf 2017 middot 18O~r lllll o n

M ini mu m M inim um rate Rat e In Rate in Rupees

Rupe espCr levied on Rupees per rate Rupees pot Kilogram Domest ic Outbound Cargo Term ina l Stoms

AWDKilo gram per AWD And Processing CharRes

1) General Careo 114 68 Agent Sh ipper

2 Special Canto

54 09 1 134268 Agent Sh lpper

Per D~y Per 214 107

Per Day Per Kg re r Day Per Day Levied 0 11 Domestic Outbound Ol rgo Demurrage Ch~ rRe s Ko ilGeneral Cargo 134 68107 54 Agent Shlpper

21Special Cargo 301 68 Agent Sh ipper

Domesti c Inbound Cargo Term inal Storage And

Processing Charges

1) GUlleral Carne

241 S4 I 54 100 68 Agent Co nsi~ ne e

2 SPecial CarRO

08 107 241 134 Agent Consignee

per Da~ P er


Per Day~ Per Day Per Kg Per Day levie d on Dom est ic Inbound Cargo Demurrage CharRlS KI1

beyo nd fr ee period and 134 68 Agent ConsigneeAlrline1 General Cargo

54 I 1) General CarRO

upto 4 days 107

54 201 68 beyond 4 da ys Agent Conslgnee Airline

beyond free period and 161

33S 68 Agent Co nslgnee Airllne 2) Special Cargo upt o 4da vs 268 54

2) Slleclal Cargo beyond 4 days 375 54 469 68 ARent Consignee Alrline

Rate in I M inim um Minimum rate Rate in Rupees

Rupe~s per rtteRupees Rupees per levied on per Kilogram

AWBKilogram I l per ~W~ Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling CharRes

1) General Cargo S4 148 Airline

2) Special Cargo

118 68 10 70 234 Airline 187 ~

~41middot]RrrDomest ic Inbound careo Handling_Charges I J Ht 1301 I 68 Airline 11General CarRO 1-07

S~ bull I 208 1070 Airline

Domest ic Cargo HaldllOll for Transfer

Isecteneral Cargo

2) Special c ar ito 166

0180 Airline

2) Special Carao 144 0

180 0144 Alrhne

Documentation amp Supervision Serv ices

1 General Ca rao


200 n Agent Shipper Consignee Air1lne

21 Special CarRO 200 1147 Agenl Shlpper Conslgnee Altll ne Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling-full

handling inclusive of document handling and

data manaaement

1) General CarRO 268 ~ I 201 335 Alrlne 161 A vshy 225 I 856- IS 281 1070 Alrln e

Domestic Inbound Cargo Handling-full handling 2 Special Cargo bull 1

1 1~ inclusive of document h~nd li ng and data I III 11 f1III LJ ] - I iTGeneral CarRO



2) Special Cargo

144 268 I 180 335 Alrlne

Minimum rat e

- W 1l 856 I 268 1070

M lnlinum I RIl t e in Rupees I RatQil)~ r8t~R u PO C ~ pe r Kilogram Rupees per IROPf SPrDomestic Security Handling l cvlW onI Kilogram r Pc rlf ~vB deg - AWB

241 301 33S If Inclusive of X-RavPhYsical Examin ation 268 A8Cf1t Sh lppe r Alrline

If E ~c1u s ive o f X-RavPhv ~ka l Exam inat ion 107 168 134134 Allent ShipperAlrline

Other Charges MinimumRate in Minimum rate

Rate in Rupees rat e Rupees Rupees per Rupees per l evlld o n

per Kilogram Kilogram per AWB AW ll

50 of

Handling of Shipper Build ULD or handling of 50 of Applicable IAPplicable NA NA Agent ShipperCoflslgnee Air llne

Handling Charges

Charges M iscellaneous Charges (None o f t he above)shy

(maximum tariff per kg and m inimu m charge

fu ll Ut D for delivery to Consignee-per kg Ha ndling

234 1070 Agent Shipper (o tl siBnee A ~ r li ne

llal nerAWB) I~~ I 187

DRYIce checklist Charxes-ner AWB 7l1rn tlI-A I 642 NA 803 NA Agent Shlpperto tslgnee Alrllne

DGRAcceptance fee-p er AWD ~q~_x I 1 ~H4 N_ NA~ 1605 Agent Shlpper co I15lgnee AlrUne -1338 NA Aeent Shipperco n signee Alrli ne I t r 1n NA 111A~ =

~I I ~fi-+-I- r n 1153 NJ Agenl Shlppe r~ D nsigllee Alrline II II~ - NII -

_ Thls Order Is valldlIpplIcab le fro m the date of Issue of thi s Order to 31032019 Form F14I b-a r~o Domestic Deihl ( luRa Service (ellt er Private Umlted -IGI AIrport New Oelhi

De~cript l ol I I Tarif f 2017-18 I Tariff 20111middot19 I OGll -fee In case shipmen t abov e 70 pieces-per 68 NA I Agcnt ShlpPrCo nsirncc Airline addit ional unit

I I 54 I NA I I Notes -

TIlc Increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2020middot21 will be notifiedpublished after M s OCSC holding the required Stakeholder Consul tat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coffins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempted from th e perview ofTSPcharg e

3 TSP charges is inclusive of forklift use inside the terminal No additi onal forkli ft charges will lJe levied

Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargea ble weig ht of consignment wh ichever is higher W herever the gross weight and (or) VOlume weight is


wrongly indicated on th e AWB and Is actually found more charges will be levl~c on the actual gross weig ht or the actual volumet ric we igh t wh ichever is higher

Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensitive products pharrna live animals hazardous Oangerous goods Newspaper ampTV Reel Consignments

5 Human remains and unaccornpanled baggage of deceased anv ot her valuable andor any other such cargo which requireshave sped al handl lng st orage


Valuable cargo consists of gold bullion curren cy notes securities shares share coupon s travel er s chequ e diamonds (including diamonds of industrial use) 6 bull

diamond jewellery amp watches made of silver gold platinum and ltems valued at U50 1000 per kg amp above

7 Penal charges for misdeclaration of weigh t

varlaton In weight except valuable carte of applicabl e lSI Upto 2 Nil

2-5 200

Gmiddot l 0 300

Above 10 500

For demurrage free period shall be 24 hours from the time of arrival of cargo Demurrage will be calculated fo r the period beginn ing from the expi ry of f ree

8 period t ill the time of issue of Gate Pass Demurrage will be char f (lt~bq or~ilifWi S purpose 24 hours or any part t hereof will be counted as on o day

9 All invoices will be rounded off to nearest Rs5 As per lATA Tact Rule book Clause - 572 rounding off pro cedure whln rounding


Wh en the results of calculations are Rounded off amount

between and will be 1025middot 1074 105

1075 -1124 110

10 For special Cargo consisti ng of pensnsble amp temperature sensit ive products the TSP charges for special cargo will only be appl icable if temperature con t rol facili ty Is

made available other wise general cargo tariff will be appli ed tor such products

11 In case at inbound cargo dem urrage will be applicable in case the segregation otlnbound cargo is not completed due to airline fault ~

This Order is valid appli cab le from t he date of issue of t his Ord er t o 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Umited - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarlff- International Cargo

Form 14 (b) Inte rnational Cargo

51 Descript io n Tariff 2017middot18 Tariff 2018-19

Rat e in M in imum rate Rate in M in imum

rateA EXPORT CARGO Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees per

Rupees Levied on

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AWB

Al Term ina l Storage and Pro cessing Charges

A1 1 Gene ral 112 112 140 140 AgentShipper

Al 2 Specia l Cargo

a - Pharma items 289 28Q 361 361 Agent Shipper

b) bull Live Ani mals 225 225 281 281 AgentSh ipper

c) - Hazardous Danger ous Goo ds 225 225 281 28 1 Agent Shipper

d) - Valuable Goods 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

e) - Perishable 289 289 361 361 Agent Shipper

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

- Human remains Coff in including

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc

A2 X-Ray Charges o r

A2 1 X-Ray M achine charges (City side) 123 123 154 154 AgentShipper

X-Ray Machine charges ( Air side) 123 1070 154 1338 Airl ine

A22 X-Ray Certification charges (City side) 214 214 268 268 AgentShipper

X-Ray Cert i ficat ion ch arges ( Air side) ~ i n4Jmiddotq ~ 107crd 268 1338 AIrllne

A23 Certification for Dangerous goods(City side) 214 214 2G8 268 Agent Shipper

Cert i fication for Dangerous goods( Air side) 214 1070 268 1338 Airline

A3 Demurrage Charges-Expo rt Cargo ( See Note Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied on 6) Kg Kg

A31 General (City side) lA O 140 175 175 AgentShipper

General (Air side) 161 NA 201 NA Airline

middot Per Day Per Par Day Per A32 Special cargo ( See Note 6) [ r I

Per Day Levied on Per Day ~ Jl 7r If -lIKg II ~t rw bull ~ Kg-

a Pharm a items (City side) I 1 Ii I ~3 6 2 ~ I II 36 2~ r- i 415 3 453 AgentShipper

Pharm a Items (Air side) - 0111 bull iii

268 L i NA4 - I I 3135 J r NA Airline

b) Live Animals(City side) 362 362 453 4 53 Agent Shipper

Live Animals(Air side) 268 N ~A 335 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dange ro us GoodsCity side) ~ - 362middot 362 453 453 Agent Shipper

Hazardous Dangerous Goods( Air side) _ ~ 2(8 j I I NA bull 335 NA Airline

d) Valuable Goods(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Valuable Goods(Air side 642 NA 803 NA Airline

c) Perishable(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Perishable( Air side) 268 NA 335 NA Airline

f Newspaper and nJ reel consignments(City

362 362 453 453 AgentShipper side)

Newspaper and TV reel consignm ents( Air 268 NA 335 NA Airline


- Human rem ains Coffin includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage o f Dece ased and NIL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I~~ ~ f ~ Vft

1iI~ R a t e~~t l n Rate in

A4 Cargo Handling Charges Rupe ~r per ees per Rupees Levied on

(Uf Ff B I ~ l p g r a m pe r HAWB

amp n~ ~ r-l trll

~~ c~I~tgtfl ~---r

This Order is valid appli cable from the date of Issue of this Orde r to 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Limited - IGI AIrport New Delhi

Tailf fmiddot Internat ional Cargo Form 14 (b) InternatIonal Cargo

51 Descrlptlon TarIff 2011-18 Tariff 2018middot19

Pallet lsatlon A4 ContalnerlsatlonUnlt lsaUonS tuffing

Charges M l General 225 1070 281 1338 Airline

M 2 Special Cargo

a - Pharma items 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

b) - live Animals 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

d) - Valuable Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 1070 335 1338 Airlhw

- Human remains Coffin ine1 uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NtL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I

I MinIm um Rate in Minimum rate Rate In

Document at io n -Charges rate

levied on AS ~~ p e es _ pe r Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees bull ~ _ I

AW8 Kilogram Kilogram per AW B ~ 4

A51 Cargo Documentation Charges for

200 NA Airline Manifesting etc


Rateai ~ ~atin~ Rate In Rate In -

AG ConsolldatlcnFae Rup ees per Rupt espo Rupees per Rupee s levied on

Kilogram HAWB Kilogram per HAW8

A61 HAWB charges ( Consolidation) NA 1000 fgentShipper Airline

Rate in M inimum rate Rate In M inimu m

Facili tation Fee Rupees per rate

levied on A7 Rupees per Rup ees per Rupees

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AW 8

A71 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentShipper

fil-- rl~

Mlnif UflWte Minimum

Rate in Rate in - 1 fRUpqWer r

rateB IMPORT CARGOt ~ JJ u II I Rup e esfe ~ rRU p e e slp a ~~

Rupees levied on

Po o ~ K lI o g r a m 1 1 1I Aw ~ 1 ~ Kj l ~g r a fn j

r per AWB

81 Term i nal Storage and Processlng Charges I bull

B11 General 605 L 321 ~ 756 401 Age ntConsignee - ~

812 Special Cargo bull shy I i r I - a - Pharma it ems 1043 535 middot1 304 669 Agent Consignee

b) - Live Animals 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

d) - Valuable Goods 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee

ej - Perishable 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee f) bull Newspaper and TV reel consignments 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

- Human remain s Coffi n incl uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

Ra ~ n in Rate in Rat e In

B2 Cargo Handling Charges Rupee ~

~ Rupees per Rupees Levied on

Kl r tT tKil ogram per HAWB

f( ~) ~~ _orIgtll J~



This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

b) i) The Authority conside red t he submissions made by Mis DeSe and issued a Consultation paper No 142018-19 dateduo Aug 2018 wherein the Authority proposed that M s DeSC may be allowed to charge tariff with an increase tariff of 25 on the existing tariff for FY2018-19 and 20 for FY 2019-20 and 3 for FY 2020-21

(i i) The Aut hority noted th at Mis DCSCs Return on Average RAE ie -2 for FY 2016-17 and the turnover loss in FY 20 16-17 is -2

(iii) The Authority observed that lVI s DCSC incurred losses in FY 2016-17 amp Pyen2017-18 mai nly due to increase in min imum wages and considered t he shortfall whi le calculating the Aggregate Revenue Requirement CARR) for FY2018-19FY20 19-20 and FY202middotO-21

3 a ) The Authori ty sought evidence based written feedback com ments and suggestions from stakeh o lcl~r~ o n ~~e above mentioned consultation paper (CP) by 051b Sep 2018 The A~lthority vide email dated 17 08 2018 informed the same to all concerned stakeholders on the ir registered email IDs In response The Ail Cargo Agents Association of India (ACAAI) and Delhi Customs Clearing Agents Association (DeCAA) submitted their comments on the proposal made by the Authority No other stakeholder has commented on the Consultation Paper Tche 1utnority vide Public Not ice No 18 2018-19 dated 06deg9 2018 dis played in its website the comments of the above mentioned stakeholders _I pO bull owI

b ) Views of the Authority on Stakeholder comments i DCCAA vide their letter dated 05deg92018 commented that the Custom

Facilita tion Fee was not discussed in the stakeholder consultat ion meeting held on 07112017 The Authority considered the comments of DCCM and is of the view that the Custom Facilitation Fee is one among the operating cost expendit ure which has to be borne by the cargo operator as t he mannatplY s~V~s d~ignated J1Y ~Han lt1 li I1 g of Cargo in Customs A R~middotmiddotll j ~ II II AE- ~ ~ d tl - r t 1(ft I j bull 11 h reas eo lLa ~ l ltnt ~~~ ~c bull ~ T ] r e prpl1lnesy ~~l i middot Jy qu~ nthimg a t e financials onactual baSIS an ( fixes the maximum tariff increased tariff which will lead Jhe independent se rvice provider (lSPs) to earn reasonable revenuem al~1pihis opeiationsviable

ii ACCAI vide the ir email 1hited 03o92oi8 com mented th at the tariff increase proposed by t he Authority for FY2019-20 and FY2020-21 should be in consultation with the t rade b odies The Authority cons idered the com ments of ACCAI and is of the view t hat the increase proposed in the CP is based on the ARR calculation required for FY2018-19 and not to overburden the t ariff increase on the use rs the Authority carried forward the tariff increase to FY2019-20 and FY2020 -2I The deta ils of the calculations are already subm itted in t he above ment ioned CPo However the Autho rity will direct Ms DCSC to conduct the stakeholder consultation with its users and trad e bodies on the proposed increased tariff of 20 in FY2019-2o a I 2020-21 and the increase Would be applicableeffective aft ion In addition to this Mi s -A

DCSC should submi 95 ompliance Statement as

~~I l ~ Q~ ~ Rejlnlatofl bullbull7


directeddescribed in AERA Guidelines to monitor any unreasonable profit in FY2019-20 and FY2020-21 Further the ne charges are introduced in the tariff card on the addition of new services by the cargo operator However t he Authority observed that the charges such as Repacking Charges and other new charges added to the tariff card are optional in nature and are available to users only on demand The sam e has been declared by M is DCSC and the same would be not ified in the tariff card The definition of Normal Delivery Charges and Express Delivery Charges as defined by Mis DCSC is also incorporated notified in the noting section of the tariff card


Upon careful consideration of the ruaterial availab le on record the Authority in exercise of powers conferred by Section 13(1) (a) of the AERA Act 2008 hereby

orders that

ei) The Authority vide its rvIYTO Order No 022017-18 dated 11deg52017 decided to adopt Light Touch Approach in respect of the DCSC for Cargo Services at IGI Airport for determination of tariff for the duration of Second Control Period (01042016 to 31032(gt21)

(Ii) The Authorityis of the view that t he Guidelines need not be followed in a routine manner middot middot in t Ligh~Touch approach the FlIrthermiddotTe~ren rl Authority

VI~~1 ~ i ~Rexamines the margins the grOrtli of prbnt and Return on RAB to ensure that extraordinary profits do not accrue to the service provider an d that the ultimate customer is not burdened with higher ta riffs as the latter does not have any say in the User Agreements

(iii) Considering the negative (a) Return on RAB as well as (b) Profit Margin as detailed in Consultation Paper the proposal of Mis DCSC to increase tariff for Tariff Year FY 2018-19i~ found admissible by the Authority The party has asked for in ~ l~eas e-of t[4~~ for JX2gJ8-WI]Dweyer in order to avoid over burdening theJl~e~~ wi~h1iI stcep ipcrease i~psinglcWariff Year the Authority ~

I j I m tl b II T middot (1 middot fmiddot ~ middot ff y aapproves staggeri ng t ie increase overttnree middotaI_ lt efln~ l eurof an increase 0 25~o

in FY2018-19 followed by a 20 increase in FY2019-20 and 3 increase in FY 2020-21 -

Further the increasePifiTatiffiapPIoved fltI I3middot2Q19-20 amp FY2020-21 as above shall be allowed subject to Mi s DCSC duly holding Stakeholders Consultation with its Users and Trade Bodies and on submission of such evidence to AERA Accordingly Mis DCSC is allowed to charge the approved tariff from the date of issue of the order up to 31032019 of the 2nd Control Period for Cargo Handling Service rendered at Delhi International Airport Delhi as pel Annexure-I The increase in rate for rY2019-20 and [tY2020-21 will be notified after stakeholders Consultation in this regard



the AERA Guidelines annually and conduct the Stakeholders consultat ion with the users on the proposed Annual Tariff Proposals (ATPs) in future before approaching AERA for tariff determination

By the Order of and in the Narne of the Authority

RJ~ (Puja Jindal)

Secretary To

Delhi Cargo Service Center Pvtdtd Cargo Terminal -a Gate No-6 Air cargo Complex IGI Airport New Delhi India-l10037

This Order is valida pplicable from the data of Issue of this Order to 31032019 Form F14(bl-Cargo Domest ic

Deihl ( argo Serv ice Cen ter rl v-M e Umlted bull IGl llrpo rt New Deihl

Ti1ri ff 2018middot19 Tarllf 2017 middot 18O~r lllll o n

M ini mu m M inim um rate Rat e In Rate in Rupees

Rupe espCr levied on Rupees per rate Rupees pot Kilogram Domest ic Outbound Cargo Term ina l Stoms

AWDKilo gram per AWD And Processing CharRes

1) General Careo 114 68 Agent Sh ipper

2 Special Canto

54 09 1 134268 Agent Sh lpper

Per D~y Per 214 107

Per Day Per Kg re r Day Per Day Levied 0 11 Domestic Outbound Ol rgo Demurrage Ch~ rRe s Ko ilGeneral Cargo 134 68107 54 Agent Shlpper

21Special Cargo 301 68 Agent Sh ipper

Domesti c Inbound Cargo Term inal Storage And

Processing Charges

1) GUlleral Carne

241 S4 I 54 100 68 Agent Co nsi~ ne e

2 SPecial CarRO

08 107 241 134 Agent Consignee

per Da~ P er


Per Day~ Per Day Per Kg Per Day levie d on Dom est ic Inbound Cargo Demurrage CharRlS KI1

beyo nd fr ee period and 134 68 Agent ConsigneeAlrline1 General Cargo

54 I 1) General CarRO

upto 4 days 107

54 201 68 beyond 4 da ys Agent Conslgnee Airline

beyond free period and 161

33S 68 Agent Co nslgnee Airllne 2) Special Cargo upt o 4da vs 268 54

2) Slleclal Cargo beyond 4 days 375 54 469 68 ARent Consignee Alrline

Rate in I M inim um Minimum rate Rate in Rupees

Rupe~s per rtteRupees Rupees per levied on per Kilogram

AWBKilogram I l per ~W~ Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling CharRes

1) General Cargo S4 148 Airline

2) Special Cargo

118 68 10 70 234 Airline 187 ~

~41middot]RrrDomest ic Inbound careo Handling_Charges I J Ht 1301 I 68 Airline 11General CarRO 1-07

S~ bull I 208 1070 Airline

Domest ic Cargo HaldllOll for Transfer

Isecteneral Cargo

2) Special c ar ito 166

0180 Airline

2) Special Carao 144 0

180 0144 Alrhne

Documentation amp Supervision Serv ices

1 General Ca rao


200 n Agent Shipper Consignee Air1lne

21 Special CarRO 200 1147 Agenl Shlpper Conslgnee Altll ne Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling-full

handling inclusive of document handling and

data manaaement

1) General CarRO 268 ~ I 201 335 Alrlne 161 A vshy 225 I 856- IS 281 1070 Alrln e

Domestic Inbound Cargo Handling-full handling 2 Special Cargo bull 1

1 1~ inclusive of document h~nd li ng and data I III 11 f1III LJ ] - I iTGeneral CarRO



2) Special Cargo

144 268 I 180 335 Alrlne

Minimum rat e

- W 1l 856 I 268 1070

M lnlinum I RIl t e in Rupees I RatQil)~ r8t~R u PO C ~ pe r Kilogram Rupees per IROPf SPrDomestic Security Handling l cvlW onI Kilogram r Pc rlf ~vB deg - AWB

241 301 33S If Inclusive of X-RavPhYsical Examin ation 268 A8Cf1t Sh lppe r Alrline

If E ~c1u s ive o f X-RavPhv ~ka l Exam inat ion 107 168 134134 Allent ShipperAlrline

Other Charges MinimumRate in Minimum rate

Rate in Rupees rat e Rupees Rupees per Rupees per l evlld o n

per Kilogram Kilogram per AWB AW ll

50 of

Handling of Shipper Build ULD or handling of 50 of Applicable IAPplicable NA NA Agent ShipperCoflslgnee Air llne

Handling Charges

Charges M iscellaneous Charges (None o f t he above)shy

(maximum tariff per kg and m inimu m charge

fu ll Ut D for delivery to Consignee-per kg Ha ndling

234 1070 Agent Shipper (o tl siBnee A ~ r li ne

llal nerAWB) I~~ I 187

DRYIce checklist Charxes-ner AWB 7l1rn tlI-A I 642 NA 803 NA Agent Shlpperto tslgnee Alrllne

DGRAcceptance fee-p er AWD ~q~_x I 1 ~H4 N_ NA~ 1605 Agent Shlpper co I15lgnee AlrUne -1338 NA Aeent Shipperco n signee Alrli ne I t r 1n NA 111A~ =

~I I ~fi-+-I- r n 1153 NJ Agenl Shlppe r~ D nsigllee Alrline II II~ - NII -

_ Thls Order Is valldlIpplIcab le fro m the date of Issue of thi s Order to 31032019 Form F14I b-a r~o Domestic Deihl ( luRa Service (ellt er Private Umlted -IGI AIrport New Oelhi

De~cript l ol I I Tarif f 2017-18 I Tariff 20111middot19 I OGll -fee In case shipmen t abov e 70 pieces-per 68 NA I Agcnt ShlpPrCo nsirncc Airline addit ional unit

I I 54 I NA I I Notes -

TIlc Increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2020middot21 will be notifiedpublished after M s OCSC holding the required Stakeholder Consul tat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coffins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempted from th e perview ofTSPcharg e

3 TSP charges is inclusive of forklift use inside the terminal No additi onal forkli ft charges will lJe levied

Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargea ble weig ht of consignment wh ichever is higher W herever the gross weight and (or) VOlume weight is


wrongly indicated on th e AWB and Is actually found more charges will be levl~c on the actual gross weig ht or the actual volumet ric we igh t wh ichever is higher

Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensitive products pharrna live animals hazardous Oangerous goods Newspaper ampTV Reel Consignments

5 Human remains and unaccornpanled baggage of deceased anv ot her valuable andor any other such cargo which requireshave sped al handl lng st orage


Valuable cargo consists of gold bullion curren cy notes securities shares share coupon s travel er s chequ e diamonds (including diamonds of industrial use) 6 bull

diamond jewellery amp watches made of silver gold platinum and ltems valued at U50 1000 per kg amp above

7 Penal charges for misdeclaration of weigh t

varlaton In weight except valuable carte of applicabl e lSI Upto 2 Nil

2-5 200

Gmiddot l 0 300

Above 10 500

For demurrage free period shall be 24 hours from the time of arrival of cargo Demurrage will be calculated fo r the period beginn ing from the expi ry of f ree

8 period t ill the time of issue of Gate Pass Demurrage will be char f (lt~bq or~ilifWi S purpose 24 hours or any part t hereof will be counted as on o day

9 All invoices will be rounded off to nearest Rs5 As per lATA Tact Rule book Clause - 572 rounding off pro cedure whln rounding


Wh en the results of calculations are Rounded off amount

between and will be 1025middot 1074 105

1075 -1124 110

10 For special Cargo consisti ng of pensnsble amp temperature sensit ive products the TSP charges for special cargo will only be appl icable if temperature con t rol facili ty Is

made available other wise general cargo tariff will be appli ed tor such products

11 In case at inbound cargo dem urrage will be applicable in case the segregation otlnbound cargo is not completed due to airline fault ~

This Order is valid appli cab le from t he date of issue of t his Ord er t o 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Umited - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarlff- International Cargo

Form 14 (b) Inte rnational Cargo

51 Descript io n Tariff 2017middot18 Tariff 2018-19

Rat e in M in imum rate Rate in M in imum

rateA EXPORT CARGO Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees per

Rupees Levied on

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AWB

Al Term ina l Storage and Pro cessing Charges

A1 1 Gene ral 112 112 140 140 AgentShipper

Al 2 Specia l Cargo

a - Pharma items 289 28Q 361 361 Agent Shipper

b) bull Live Ani mals 225 225 281 281 AgentSh ipper

c) - Hazardous Danger ous Goo ds 225 225 281 28 1 Agent Shipper

d) - Valuable Goods 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

e) - Perishable 289 289 361 361 Agent Shipper

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

- Human remains Coff in including

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc

A2 X-Ray Charges o r

A2 1 X-Ray M achine charges (City side) 123 123 154 154 AgentShipper

X-Ray Machine charges ( Air side) 123 1070 154 1338 Airl ine

A22 X-Ray Certification charges (City side) 214 214 268 268 AgentShipper

X-Ray Cert i ficat ion ch arges ( Air side) ~ i n4Jmiddotq ~ 107crd 268 1338 AIrllne

A23 Certification for Dangerous goods(City side) 214 214 2G8 268 Agent Shipper

Cert i fication for Dangerous goods( Air side) 214 1070 268 1338 Airline

A3 Demurrage Charges-Expo rt Cargo ( See Note Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied on 6) Kg Kg

A31 General (City side) lA O 140 175 175 AgentShipper

General (Air side) 161 NA 201 NA Airline

middot Per Day Per Par Day Per A32 Special cargo ( See Note 6) [ r I

Per Day Levied on Per Day ~ Jl 7r If -lIKg II ~t rw bull ~ Kg-

a Pharm a items (City side) I 1 Ii I ~3 6 2 ~ I II 36 2~ r- i 415 3 453 AgentShipper

Pharm a Items (Air side) - 0111 bull iii

268 L i NA4 - I I 3135 J r NA Airline

b) Live Animals(City side) 362 362 453 4 53 Agent Shipper

Live Animals(Air side) 268 N ~A 335 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dange ro us GoodsCity side) ~ - 362middot 362 453 453 Agent Shipper

Hazardous Dangerous Goods( Air side) _ ~ 2(8 j I I NA bull 335 NA Airline

d) Valuable Goods(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Valuable Goods(Air side 642 NA 803 NA Airline

c) Perishable(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Perishable( Air side) 268 NA 335 NA Airline

f Newspaper and nJ reel consignments(City

362 362 453 453 AgentShipper side)

Newspaper and TV reel consignm ents( Air 268 NA 335 NA Airline


- Human rem ains Coffin includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage o f Dece ased and NIL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I~~ ~ f ~ Vft

1iI~ R a t e~~t l n Rate in

A4 Cargo Handling Charges Rupe ~r per ees per Rupees Levied on

(Uf Ff B I ~ l p g r a m pe r HAWB

amp n~ ~ r-l trll

~~ c~I~tgtfl ~---r

This Order is valid appli cable from the date of Issue of this Orde r to 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Limited - IGI AIrport New Delhi

Tailf fmiddot Internat ional Cargo Form 14 (b) InternatIonal Cargo

51 Descrlptlon TarIff 2011-18 Tariff 2018middot19

Pallet lsatlon A4 ContalnerlsatlonUnlt lsaUonS tuffing

Charges M l General 225 1070 281 1338 Airline

M 2 Special Cargo

a - Pharma items 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

b) - live Animals 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

d) - Valuable Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 1070 335 1338 Airlhw

- Human remains Coffin ine1 uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NtL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I

I MinIm um Rate in Minimum rate Rate In

Document at io n -Charges rate

levied on AS ~~ p e es _ pe r Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees bull ~ _ I

AW8 Kilogram Kilogram per AW B ~ 4

A51 Cargo Documentation Charges for

200 NA Airline Manifesting etc


Rateai ~ ~atin~ Rate In Rate In -

AG ConsolldatlcnFae Rup ees per Rupt espo Rupees per Rupee s levied on

Kilogram HAWB Kilogram per HAW8

A61 HAWB charges ( Consolidation) NA 1000 fgentShipper Airline

Rate in M inimum rate Rate In M inimu m

Facili tation Fee Rupees per rate

levied on A7 Rupees per Rup ees per Rupees

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AW 8

A71 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentShipper

fil-- rl~

Mlnif UflWte Minimum

Rate in Rate in - 1 fRUpqWer r

rateB IMPORT CARGOt ~ JJ u II I Rup e esfe ~ rRU p e e slp a ~~

Rupees levied on

Po o ~ K lI o g r a m 1 1 1I Aw ~ 1 ~ Kj l ~g r a fn j

r per AWB

81 Term i nal Storage and Processlng Charges I bull

B11 General 605 L 321 ~ 756 401 Age ntConsignee - ~

812 Special Cargo bull shy I i r I - a - Pharma it ems 1043 535 middot1 304 669 Agent Consignee

b) - Live Animals 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

d) - Valuable Goods 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee

ej - Perishable 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee f) bull Newspaper and TV reel consignments 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

- Human remain s Coffi n incl uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

Ra ~ n in Rate in Rat e In

B2 Cargo Handling Charges Rupee ~

~ Rupees per Rupees Levied on

Kl r tT tKil ogram per HAWB

f( ~) ~~ _orIgtll J~



This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

directeddescribed in AERA Guidelines to monitor any unreasonable profit in FY2019-20 and FY2020-21 Further the ne charges are introduced in the tariff card on the addition of new services by the cargo operator However t he Authority observed that the charges such as Repacking Charges and other new charges added to the tariff card are optional in nature and are available to users only on demand The sam e has been declared by M is DCSC and the same would be not ified in the tariff card The definition of Normal Delivery Charges and Express Delivery Charges as defined by Mis DCSC is also incorporated notified in the noting section of the tariff card


Upon careful consideration of the ruaterial availab le on record the Authority in exercise of powers conferred by Section 13(1) (a) of the AERA Act 2008 hereby

orders that

ei) The Authority vide its rvIYTO Order No 022017-18 dated 11deg52017 decided to adopt Light Touch Approach in respect of the DCSC for Cargo Services at IGI Airport for determination of tariff for the duration of Second Control Period (01042016 to 31032(gt21)

(Ii) The Authorityis of the view that t he Guidelines need not be followed in a routine manner middot middot in t Ligh~Touch approach the FlIrthermiddotTe~ren rl Authority

VI~~1 ~ i ~Rexamines the margins the grOrtli of prbnt and Return on RAB to ensure that extraordinary profits do not accrue to the service provider an d that the ultimate customer is not burdened with higher ta riffs as the latter does not have any say in the User Agreements

(iii) Considering the negative (a) Return on RAB as well as (b) Profit Margin as detailed in Consultation Paper the proposal of Mis DCSC to increase tariff for Tariff Year FY 2018-19i~ found admissible by the Authority The party has asked for in ~ l~eas e-of t[4~~ for JX2gJ8-WI]Dweyer in order to avoid over burdening theJl~e~~ wi~h1iI stcep ipcrease i~psinglcWariff Year the Authority ~

I j I m tl b II T middot (1 middot fmiddot ~ middot ff y aapproves staggeri ng t ie increase overttnree middotaI_ lt efln~ l eurof an increase 0 25~o

in FY2018-19 followed by a 20 increase in FY2019-20 and 3 increase in FY 2020-21 -

Further the increasePifiTatiffiapPIoved fltI I3middot2Q19-20 amp FY2020-21 as above shall be allowed subject to Mi s DCSC duly holding Stakeholders Consultation with its Users and Trade Bodies and on submission of such evidence to AERA Accordingly Mis DCSC is allowed to charge the approved tariff from the date of issue of the order up to 31032019 of the 2nd Control Period for Cargo Handling Service rendered at Delhi International Airport Delhi as pel Annexure-I The increase in rate for rY2019-20 and [tY2020-21 will be notified after stakeholders Consultation in this regard



the AERA Guidelines annually and conduct the Stakeholders consultat ion with the users on the proposed Annual Tariff Proposals (ATPs) in future before approaching AERA for tariff determination

By the Order of and in the Narne of the Authority

RJ~ (Puja Jindal)

Secretary To

Delhi Cargo Service Center Pvtdtd Cargo Terminal -a Gate No-6 Air cargo Complex IGI Airport New Delhi India-l10037

This Order is valida pplicable from the data of Issue of this Order to 31032019 Form F14(bl-Cargo Domest ic

Deihl ( argo Serv ice Cen ter rl v-M e Umlted bull IGl llrpo rt New Deihl

Ti1ri ff 2018middot19 Tarllf 2017 middot 18O~r lllll o n

M ini mu m M inim um rate Rat e In Rate in Rupees

Rupe espCr levied on Rupees per rate Rupees pot Kilogram Domest ic Outbound Cargo Term ina l Stoms

AWDKilo gram per AWD And Processing CharRes

1) General Careo 114 68 Agent Sh ipper

2 Special Canto

54 09 1 134268 Agent Sh lpper

Per D~y Per 214 107

Per Day Per Kg re r Day Per Day Levied 0 11 Domestic Outbound Ol rgo Demurrage Ch~ rRe s Ko ilGeneral Cargo 134 68107 54 Agent Shlpper

21Special Cargo 301 68 Agent Sh ipper

Domesti c Inbound Cargo Term inal Storage And

Processing Charges

1) GUlleral Carne

241 S4 I 54 100 68 Agent Co nsi~ ne e

2 SPecial CarRO

08 107 241 134 Agent Consignee

per Da~ P er


Per Day~ Per Day Per Kg Per Day levie d on Dom est ic Inbound Cargo Demurrage CharRlS KI1

beyo nd fr ee period and 134 68 Agent ConsigneeAlrline1 General Cargo

54 I 1) General CarRO

upto 4 days 107

54 201 68 beyond 4 da ys Agent Conslgnee Airline

beyond free period and 161

33S 68 Agent Co nslgnee Airllne 2) Special Cargo upt o 4da vs 268 54

2) Slleclal Cargo beyond 4 days 375 54 469 68 ARent Consignee Alrline

Rate in I M inim um Minimum rate Rate in Rupees

Rupe~s per rtteRupees Rupees per levied on per Kilogram

AWBKilogram I l per ~W~ Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling CharRes

1) General Cargo S4 148 Airline

2) Special Cargo

118 68 10 70 234 Airline 187 ~

~41middot]RrrDomest ic Inbound careo Handling_Charges I J Ht 1301 I 68 Airline 11General CarRO 1-07

S~ bull I 208 1070 Airline

Domest ic Cargo HaldllOll for Transfer

Isecteneral Cargo

2) Special c ar ito 166

0180 Airline

2) Special Carao 144 0

180 0144 Alrhne

Documentation amp Supervision Serv ices

1 General Ca rao


200 n Agent Shipper Consignee Air1lne

21 Special CarRO 200 1147 Agenl Shlpper Conslgnee Altll ne Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling-full

handling inclusive of document handling and

data manaaement

1) General CarRO 268 ~ I 201 335 Alrlne 161 A vshy 225 I 856- IS 281 1070 Alrln e

Domestic Inbound Cargo Handling-full handling 2 Special Cargo bull 1

1 1~ inclusive of document h~nd li ng and data I III 11 f1III LJ ] - I iTGeneral CarRO



2) Special Cargo

144 268 I 180 335 Alrlne

Minimum rat e

- W 1l 856 I 268 1070

M lnlinum I RIl t e in Rupees I RatQil)~ r8t~R u PO C ~ pe r Kilogram Rupees per IROPf SPrDomestic Security Handling l cvlW onI Kilogram r Pc rlf ~vB deg - AWB

241 301 33S If Inclusive of X-RavPhYsical Examin ation 268 A8Cf1t Sh lppe r Alrline

If E ~c1u s ive o f X-RavPhv ~ka l Exam inat ion 107 168 134134 Allent ShipperAlrline

Other Charges MinimumRate in Minimum rate

Rate in Rupees rat e Rupees Rupees per Rupees per l evlld o n

per Kilogram Kilogram per AWB AW ll

50 of

Handling of Shipper Build ULD or handling of 50 of Applicable IAPplicable NA NA Agent ShipperCoflslgnee Air llne

Handling Charges

Charges M iscellaneous Charges (None o f t he above)shy

(maximum tariff per kg and m inimu m charge

fu ll Ut D for delivery to Consignee-per kg Ha ndling

234 1070 Agent Shipper (o tl siBnee A ~ r li ne

llal nerAWB) I~~ I 187

DRYIce checklist Charxes-ner AWB 7l1rn tlI-A I 642 NA 803 NA Agent Shlpperto tslgnee Alrllne

DGRAcceptance fee-p er AWD ~q~_x I 1 ~H4 N_ NA~ 1605 Agent Shlpper co I15lgnee AlrUne -1338 NA Aeent Shipperco n signee Alrli ne I t r 1n NA 111A~ =

~I I ~fi-+-I- r n 1153 NJ Agenl Shlppe r~ D nsigllee Alrline II II~ - NII -

_ Thls Order Is valldlIpplIcab le fro m the date of Issue of thi s Order to 31032019 Form F14I b-a r~o Domestic Deihl ( luRa Service (ellt er Private Umlted -IGI AIrport New Oelhi

De~cript l ol I I Tarif f 2017-18 I Tariff 20111middot19 I OGll -fee In case shipmen t abov e 70 pieces-per 68 NA I Agcnt ShlpPrCo nsirncc Airline addit ional unit

I I 54 I NA I I Notes -

TIlc Increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2020middot21 will be notifiedpublished after M s OCSC holding the required Stakeholder Consul tat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coffins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempted from th e perview ofTSPcharg e

3 TSP charges is inclusive of forklift use inside the terminal No additi onal forkli ft charges will lJe levied

Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargea ble weig ht of consignment wh ichever is higher W herever the gross weight and (or) VOlume weight is


wrongly indicated on th e AWB and Is actually found more charges will be levl~c on the actual gross weig ht or the actual volumet ric we igh t wh ichever is higher

Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensitive products pharrna live animals hazardous Oangerous goods Newspaper ampTV Reel Consignments

5 Human remains and unaccornpanled baggage of deceased anv ot her valuable andor any other such cargo which requireshave sped al handl lng st orage


Valuable cargo consists of gold bullion curren cy notes securities shares share coupon s travel er s chequ e diamonds (including diamonds of industrial use) 6 bull

diamond jewellery amp watches made of silver gold platinum and ltems valued at U50 1000 per kg amp above

7 Penal charges for misdeclaration of weigh t

varlaton In weight except valuable carte of applicabl e lSI Upto 2 Nil

2-5 200

Gmiddot l 0 300

Above 10 500

For demurrage free period shall be 24 hours from the time of arrival of cargo Demurrage will be calculated fo r the period beginn ing from the expi ry of f ree

8 period t ill the time of issue of Gate Pass Demurrage will be char f (lt~bq or~ilifWi S purpose 24 hours or any part t hereof will be counted as on o day

9 All invoices will be rounded off to nearest Rs5 As per lATA Tact Rule book Clause - 572 rounding off pro cedure whln rounding


Wh en the results of calculations are Rounded off amount

between and will be 1025middot 1074 105

1075 -1124 110

10 For special Cargo consisti ng of pensnsble amp temperature sensit ive products the TSP charges for special cargo will only be appl icable if temperature con t rol facili ty Is

made available other wise general cargo tariff will be appli ed tor such products

11 In case at inbound cargo dem urrage will be applicable in case the segregation otlnbound cargo is not completed due to airline fault ~

This Order is valid appli cab le from t he date of issue of t his Ord er t o 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Umited - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarlff- International Cargo

Form 14 (b) Inte rnational Cargo

51 Descript io n Tariff 2017middot18 Tariff 2018-19

Rat e in M in imum rate Rate in M in imum

rateA EXPORT CARGO Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees per

Rupees Levied on

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AWB

Al Term ina l Storage and Pro cessing Charges

A1 1 Gene ral 112 112 140 140 AgentShipper

Al 2 Specia l Cargo

a - Pharma items 289 28Q 361 361 Agent Shipper

b) bull Live Ani mals 225 225 281 281 AgentSh ipper

c) - Hazardous Danger ous Goo ds 225 225 281 28 1 Agent Shipper

d) - Valuable Goods 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

e) - Perishable 289 289 361 361 Agent Shipper

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

- Human remains Coff in including

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc

A2 X-Ray Charges o r

A2 1 X-Ray M achine charges (City side) 123 123 154 154 AgentShipper

X-Ray Machine charges ( Air side) 123 1070 154 1338 Airl ine

A22 X-Ray Certification charges (City side) 214 214 268 268 AgentShipper

X-Ray Cert i ficat ion ch arges ( Air side) ~ i n4Jmiddotq ~ 107crd 268 1338 AIrllne

A23 Certification for Dangerous goods(City side) 214 214 2G8 268 Agent Shipper

Cert i fication for Dangerous goods( Air side) 214 1070 268 1338 Airline

A3 Demurrage Charges-Expo rt Cargo ( See Note Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied on 6) Kg Kg

A31 General (City side) lA O 140 175 175 AgentShipper

General (Air side) 161 NA 201 NA Airline

middot Per Day Per Par Day Per A32 Special cargo ( See Note 6) [ r I

Per Day Levied on Per Day ~ Jl 7r If -lIKg II ~t rw bull ~ Kg-

a Pharm a items (City side) I 1 Ii I ~3 6 2 ~ I II 36 2~ r- i 415 3 453 AgentShipper

Pharm a Items (Air side) - 0111 bull iii

268 L i NA4 - I I 3135 J r NA Airline

b) Live Animals(City side) 362 362 453 4 53 Agent Shipper

Live Animals(Air side) 268 N ~A 335 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dange ro us GoodsCity side) ~ - 362middot 362 453 453 Agent Shipper

Hazardous Dangerous Goods( Air side) _ ~ 2(8 j I I NA bull 335 NA Airline

d) Valuable Goods(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Valuable Goods(Air side 642 NA 803 NA Airline

c) Perishable(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Perishable( Air side) 268 NA 335 NA Airline

f Newspaper and nJ reel consignments(City

362 362 453 453 AgentShipper side)

Newspaper and TV reel consignm ents( Air 268 NA 335 NA Airline


- Human rem ains Coffin includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage o f Dece ased and NIL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I~~ ~ f ~ Vft

1iI~ R a t e~~t l n Rate in

A4 Cargo Handling Charges Rupe ~r per ees per Rupees Levied on

(Uf Ff B I ~ l p g r a m pe r HAWB

amp n~ ~ r-l trll

~~ c~I~tgtfl ~---r

This Order is valid appli cable from the date of Issue of this Orde r to 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Limited - IGI AIrport New Delhi

Tailf fmiddot Internat ional Cargo Form 14 (b) InternatIonal Cargo

51 Descrlptlon TarIff 2011-18 Tariff 2018middot19

Pallet lsatlon A4 ContalnerlsatlonUnlt lsaUonS tuffing

Charges M l General 225 1070 281 1338 Airline

M 2 Special Cargo

a - Pharma items 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

b) - live Animals 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

d) - Valuable Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 1070 335 1338 Airlhw

- Human remains Coffin ine1 uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NtL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I

I MinIm um Rate in Minimum rate Rate In

Document at io n -Charges rate

levied on AS ~~ p e es _ pe r Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees bull ~ _ I

AW8 Kilogram Kilogram per AW B ~ 4

A51 Cargo Documentation Charges for

200 NA Airline Manifesting etc


Rateai ~ ~atin~ Rate In Rate In -

AG ConsolldatlcnFae Rup ees per Rupt espo Rupees per Rupee s levied on

Kilogram HAWB Kilogram per HAW8

A61 HAWB charges ( Consolidation) NA 1000 fgentShipper Airline

Rate in M inimum rate Rate In M inimu m

Facili tation Fee Rupees per rate

levied on A7 Rupees per Rup ees per Rupees

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AW 8

A71 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentShipper

fil-- rl~

Mlnif UflWte Minimum

Rate in Rate in - 1 fRUpqWer r

rateB IMPORT CARGOt ~ JJ u II I Rup e esfe ~ rRU p e e slp a ~~

Rupees levied on

Po o ~ K lI o g r a m 1 1 1I Aw ~ 1 ~ Kj l ~g r a fn j

r per AWB

81 Term i nal Storage and Processlng Charges I bull

B11 General 605 L 321 ~ 756 401 Age ntConsignee - ~

812 Special Cargo bull shy I i r I - a - Pharma it ems 1043 535 middot1 304 669 Agent Consignee

b) - Live Animals 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

d) - Valuable Goods 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee

ej - Perishable 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee f) bull Newspaper and TV reel consignments 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

- Human remain s Coffi n incl uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

Ra ~ n in Rate in Rat e In

B2 Cargo Handling Charges Rupee ~

~ Rupees per Rupees Levied on

Kl r tT tKil ogram per HAWB

f( ~) ~~ _orIgtll J~



This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

the AERA Guidelines annually and conduct the Stakeholders consultat ion with the users on the proposed Annual Tariff Proposals (ATPs) in future before approaching AERA for tariff determination

By the Order of and in the Narne of the Authority

RJ~ (Puja Jindal)

Secretary To

Delhi Cargo Service Center Pvtdtd Cargo Terminal -a Gate No-6 Air cargo Complex IGI Airport New Delhi India-l10037

This Order is valida pplicable from the data of Issue of this Order to 31032019 Form F14(bl-Cargo Domest ic

Deihl ( argo Serv ice Cen ter rl v-M e Umlted bull IGl llrpo rt New Deihl

Ti1ri ff 2018middot19 Tarllf 2017 middot 18O~r lllll o n

M ini mu m M inim um rate Rat e In Rate in Rupees

Rupe espCr levied on Rupees per rate Rupees pot Kilogram Domest ic Outbound Cargo Term ina l Stoms

AWDKilo gram per AWD And Processing CharRes

1) General Careo 114 68 Agent Sh ipper

2 Special Canto

54 09 1 134268 Agent Sh lpper

Per D~y Per 214 107

Per Day Per Kg re r Day Per Day Levied 0 11 Domestic Outbound Ol rgo Demurrage Ch~ rRe s Ko ilGeneral Cargo 134 68107 54 Agent Shlpper

21Special Cargo 301 68 Agent Sh ipper

Domesti c Inbound Cargo Term inal Storage And

Processing Charges

1) GUlleral Carne

241 S4 I 54 100 68 Agent Co nsi~ ne e

2 SPecial CarRO

08 107 241 134 Agent Consignee

per Da~ P er


Per Day~ Per Day Per Kg Per Day levie d on Dom est ic Inbound Cargo Demurrage CharRlS KI1

beyo nd fr ee period and 134 68 Agent ConsigneeAlrline1 General Cargo

54 I 1) General CarRO

upto 4 days 107

54 201 68 beyond 4 da ys Agent Conslgnee Airline

beyond free period and 161

33S 68 Agent Co nslgnee Airllne 2) Special Cargo upt o 4da vs 268 54

2) Slleclal Cargo beyond 4 days 375 54 469 68 ARent Consignee Alrline

Rate in I M inim um Minimum rate Rate in Rupees

Rupe~s per rtteRupees Rupees per levied on per Kilogram

AWBKilogram I l per ~W~ Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling CharRes

1) General Cargo S4 148 Airline

2) Special Cargo

118 68 10 70 234 Airline 187 ~

~41middot]RrrDomest ic Inbound careo Handling_Charges I J Ht 1301 I 68 Airline 11General CarRO 1-07

S~ bull I 208 1070 Airline

Domest ic Cargo HaldllOll for Transfer

Isecteneral Cargo

2) Special c ar ito 166

0180 Airline

2) Special Carao 144 0

180 0144 Alrhne

Documentation amp Supervision Serv ices

1 General Ca rao


200 n Agent Shipper Consignee Air1lne

21 Special CarRO 200 1147 Agenl Shlpper Conslgnee Altll ne Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling-full

handling inclusive of document handling and

data manaaement

1) General CarRO 268 ~ I 201 335 Alrlne 161 A vshy 225 I 856- IS 281 1070 Alrln e

Domestic Inbound Cargo Handling-full handling 2 Special Cargo bull 1

1 1~ inclusive of document h~nd li ng and data I III 11 f1III LJ ] - I iTGeneral CarRO



2) Special Cargo

144 268 I 180 335 Alrlne

Minimum rat e

- W 1l 856 I 268 1070

M lnlinum I RIl t e in Rupees I RatQil)~ r8t~R u PO C ~ pe r Kilogram Rupees per IROPf SPrDomestic Security Handling l cvlW onI Kilogram r Pc rlf ~vB deg - AWB

241 301 33S If Inclusive of X-RavPhYsical Examin ation 268 A8Cf1t Sh lppe r Alrline

If E ~c1u s ive o f X-RavPhv ~ka l Exam inat ion 107 168 134134 Allent ShipperAlrline

Other Charges MinimumRate in Minimum rate

Rate in Rupees rat e Rupees Rupees per Rupees per l evlld o n

per Kilogram Kilogram per AWB AW ll

50 of

Handling of Shipper Build ULD or handling of 50 of Applicable IAPplicable NA NA Agent ShipperCoflslgnee Air llne

Handling Charges

Charges M iscellaneous Charges (None o f t he above)shy

(maximum tariff per kg and m inimu m charge

fu ll Ut D for delivery to Consignee-per kg Ha ndling

234 1070 Agent Shipper (o tl siBnee A ~ r li ne

llal nerAWB) I~~ I 187

DRYIce checklist Charxes-ner AWB 7l1rn tlI-A I 642 NA 803 NA Agent Shlpperto tslgnee Alrllne

DGRAcceptance fee-p er AWD ~q~_x I 1 ~H4 N_ NA~ 1605 Agent Shlpper co I15lgnee AlrUne -1338 NA Aeent Shipperco n signee Alrli ne I t r 1n NA 111A~ =

~I I ~fi-+-I- r n 1153 NJ Agenl Shlppe r~ D nsigllee Alrline II II~ - NII -

_ Thls Order Is valldlIpplIcab le fro m the date of Issue of thi s Order to 31032019 Form F14I b-a r~o Domestic Deihl ( luRa Service (ellt er Private Umlted -IGI AIrport New Oelhi

De~cript l ol I I Tarif f 2017-18 I Tariff 20111middot19 I OGll -fee In case shipmen t abov e 70 pieces-per 68 NA I Agcnt ShlpPrCo nsirncc Airline addit ional unit

I I 54 I NA I I Notes -

TIlc Increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2020middot21 will be notifiedpublished after M s OCSC holding the required Stakeholder Consul tat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coffins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempted from th e perview ofTSPcharg e

3 TSP charges is inclusive of forklift use inside the terminal No additi onal forkli ft charges will lJe levied

Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargea ble weig ht of consignment wh ichever is higher W herever the gross weight and (or) VOlume weight is


wrongly indicated on th e AWB and Is actually found more charges will be levl~c on the actual gross weig ht or the actual volumet ric we igh t wh ichever is higher

Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensitive products pharrna live animals hazardous Oangerous goods Newspaper ampTV Reel Consignments

5 Human remains and unaccornpanled baggage of deceased anv ot her valuable andor any other such cargo which requireshave sped al handl lng st orage


Valuable cargo consists of gold bullion curren cy notes securities shares share coupon s travel er s chequ e diamonds (including diamonds of industrial use) 6 bull

diamond jewellery amp watches made of silver gold platinum and ltems valued at U50 1000 per kg amp above

7 Penal charges for misdeclaration of weigh t

varlaton In weight except valuable carte of applicabl e lSI Upto 2 Nil

2-5 200

Gmiddot l 0 300

Above 10 500

For demurrage free period shall be 24 hours from the time of arrival of cargo Demurrage will be calculated fo r the period beginn ing from the expi ry of f ree

8 period t ill the time of issue of Gate Pass Demurrage will be char f (lt~bq or~ilifWi S purpose 24 hours or any part t hereof will be counted as on o day

9 All invoices will be rounded off to nearest Rs5 As per lATA Tact Rule book Clause - 572 rounding off pro cedure whln rounding


Wh en the results of calculations are Rounded off amount

between and will be 1025middot 1074 105

1075 -1124 110

10 For special Cargo consisti ng of pensnsble amp temperature sensit ive products the TSP charges for special cargo will only be appl icable if temperature con t rol facili ty Is

made available other wise general cargo tariff will be appli ed tor such products

11 In case at inbound cargo dem urrage will be applicable in case the segregation otlnbound cargo is not completed due to airline fault ~

This Order is valid appli cab le from t he date of issue of t his Ord er t o 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Umited - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarlff- International Cargo

Form 14 (b) Inte rnational Cargo

51 Descript io n Tariff 2017middot18 Tariff 2018-19

Rat e in M in imum rate Rate in M in imum

rateA EXPORT CARGO Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees per

Rupees Levied on

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AWB

Al Term ina l Storage and Pro cessing Charges

A1 1 Gene ral 112 112 140 140 AgentShipper

Al 2 Specia l Cargo

a - Pharma items 289 28Q 361 361 Agent Shipper

b) bull Live Ani mals 225 225 281 281 AgentSh ipper

c) - Hazardous Danger ous Goo ds 225 225 281 28 1 Agent Shipper

d) - Valuable Goods 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

e) - Perishable 289 289 361 361 Agent Shipper

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

- Human remains Coff in including

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc

A2 X-Ray Charges o r

A2 1 X-Ray M achine charges (City side) 123 123 154 154 AgentShipper

X-Ray Machine charges ( Air side) 123 1070 154 1338 Airl ine

A22 X-Ray Certification charges (City side) 214 214 268 268 AgentShipper

X-Ray Cert i ficat ion ch arges ( Air side) ~ i n4Jmiddotq ~ 107crd 268 1338 AIrllne

A23 Certification for Dangerous goods(City side) 214 214 2G8 268 Agent Shipper

Cert i fication for Dangerous goods( Air side) 214 1070 268 1338 Airline

A3 Demurrage Charges-Expo rt Cargo ( See Note Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied on 6) Kg Kg

A31 General (City side) lA O 140 175 175 AgentShipper

General (Air side) 161 NA 201 NA Airline

middot Per Day Per Par Day Per A32 Special cargo ( See Note 6) [ r I

Per Day Levied on Per Day ~ Jl 7r If -lIKg II ~t rw bull ~ Kg-

a Pharm a items (City side) I 1 Ii I ~3 6 2 ~ I II 36 2~ r- i 415 3 453 AgentShipper

Pharm a Items (Air side) - 0111 bull iii

268 L i NA4 - I I 3135 J r NA Airline

b) Live Animals(City side) 362 362 453 4 53 Agent Shipper

Live Animals(Air side) 268 N ~A 335 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dange ro us GoodsCity side) ~ - 362middot 362 453 453 Agent Shipper

Hazardous Dangerous Goods( Air side) _ ~ 2(8 j I I NA bull 335 NA Airline

d) Valuable Goods(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Valuable Goods(Air side 642 NA 803 NA Airline

c) Perishable(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Perishable( Air side) 268 NA 335 NA Airline

f Newspaper and nJ reel consignments(City

362 362 453 453 AgentShipper side)

Newspaper and TV reel consignm ents( Air 268 NA 335 NA Airline


- Human rem ains Coffin includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage o f Dece ased and NIL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I~~ ~ f ~ Vft

1iI~ R a t e~~t l n Rate in

A4 Cargo Handling Charges Rupe ~r per ees per Rupees Levied on

(Uf Ff B I ~ l p g r a m pe r HAWB

amp n~ ~ r-l trll

~~ c~I~tgtfl ~---r

This Order is valid appli cable from the date of Issue of this Orde r to 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Limited - IGI AIrport New Delhi

Tailf fmiddot Internat ional Cargo Form 14 (b) InternatIonal Cargo

51 Descrlptlon TarIff 2011-18 Tariff 2018middot19

Pallet lsatlon A4 ContalnerlsatlonUnlt lsaUonS tuffing

Charges M l General 225 1070 281 1338 Airline

M 2 Special Cargo

a - Pharma items 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

b) - live Animals 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

d) - Valuable Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 1070 335 1338 Airlhw

- Human remains Coffin ine1 uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NtL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I

I MinIm um Rate in Minimum rate Rate In

Document at io n -Charges rate

levied on AS ~~ p e es _ pe r Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees bull ~ _ I

AW8 Kilogram Kilogram per AW B ~ 4

A51 Cargo Documentation Charges for

200 NA Airline Manifesting etc


Rateai ~ ~atin~ Rate In Rate In -

AG ConsolldatlcnFae Rup ees per Rupt espo Rupees per Rupee s levied on

Kilogram HAWB Kilogram per HAW8

A61 HAWB charges ( Consolidation) NA 1000 fgentShipper Airline

Rate in M inimum rate Rate In M inimu m

Facili tation Fee Rupees per rate

levied on A7 Rupees per Rup ees per Rupees

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AW 8

A71 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentShipper

fil-- rl~

Mlnif UflWte Minimum

Rate in Rate in - 1 fRUpqWer r

rateB IMPORT CARGOt ~ JJ u II I Rup e esfe ~ rRU p e e slp a ~~

Rupees levied on

Po o ~ K lI o g r a m 1 1 1I Aw ~ 1 ~ Kj l ~g r a fn j

r per AWB

81 Term i nal Storage and Processlng Charges I bull

B11 General 605 L 321 ~ 756 401 Age ntConsignee - ~

812 Special Cargo bull shy I i r I - a - Pharma it ems 1043 535 middot1 304 669 Agent Consignee

b) - Live Animals 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

d) - Valuable Goods 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee

ej - Perishable 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee f) bull Newspaper and TV reel consignments 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

- Human remain s Coffi n incl uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

Ra ~ n in Rate in Rat e In

B2 Cargo Handling Charges Rupee ~

~ Rupees per Rupees Levied on

Kl r tT tKil ogram per HAWB

f( ~) ~~ _orIgtll J~



This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order is valida pplicable from the data of Issue of this Order to 31032019 Form F14(bl-Cargo Domest ic

Deihl ( argo Serv ice Cen ter rl v-M e Umlted bull IGl llrpo rt New Deihl

Ti1ri ff 2018middot19 Tarllf 2017 middot 18O~r lllll o n

M ini mu m M inim um rate Rat e In Rate in Rupees

Rupe espCr levied on Rupees per rate Rupees pot Kilogram Domest ic Outbound Cargo Term ina l Stoms

AWDKilo gram per AWD And Processing CharRes

1) General Careo 114 68 Agent Sh ipper

2 Special Canto

54 09 1 134268 Agent Sh lpper

Per D~y Per 214 107

Per Day Per Kg re r Day Per Day Levied 0 11 Domestic Outbound Ol rgo Demurrage Ch~ rRe s Ko ilGeneral Cargo 134 68107 54 Agent Shlpper

21Special Cargo 301 68 Agent Sh ipper

Domesti c Inbound Cargo Term inal Storage And

Processing Charges

1) GUlleral Carne

241 S4 I 54 100 68 Agent Co nsi~ ne e

2 SPecial CarRO

08 107 241 134 Agent Consignee

per Da~ P er


Per Day~ Per Day Per Kg Per Day levie d on Dom est ic Inbound Cargo Demurrage CharRlS KI1

beyo nd fr ee period and 134 68 Agent ConsigneeAlrline1 General Cargo

54 I 1) General CarRO

upto 4 days 107

54 201 68 beyond 4 da ys Agent Conslgnee Airline

beyond free period and 161

33S 68 Agent Co nslgnee Airllne 2) Special Cargo upt o 4da vs 268 54

2) Slleclal Cargo beyond 4 days 375 54 469 68 ARent Consignee Alrline

Rate in I M inim um Minimum rate Rate in Rupees

Rupe~s per rtteRupees Rupees per levied on per Kilogram

AWBKilogram I l per ~W~ Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling CharRes

1) General Cargo S4 148 Airline

2) Special Cargo

118 68 10 70 234 Airline 187 ~

~41middot]RrrDomest ic Inbound careo Handling_Charges I J Ht 1301 I 68 Airline 11General CarRO 1-07

S~ bull I 208 1070 Airline

Domest ic Cargo HaldllOll for Transfer

Isecteneral Cargo

2) Special c ar ito 166

0180 Airline

2) Special Carao 144 0

180 0144 Alrhne

Documentation amp Supervision Serv ices

1 General Ca rao


200 n Agent Shipper Consignee Air1lne

21 Special CarRO 200 1147 Agenl Shlpper Conslgnee Altll ne Domestic Outbound Cargo Handling-full

handling inclusive of document handling and

data manaaement

1) General CarRO 268 ~ I 201 335 Alrlne 161 A vshy 225 I 856- IS 281 1070 Alrln e

Domestic Inbound Cargo Handling-full handling 2 Special Cargo bull 1

1 1~ inclusive of document h~nd li ng and data I III 11 f1III LJ ] - I iTGeneral CarRO



2) Special Cargo

144 268 I 180 335 Alrlne

Minimum rat e

- W 1l 856 I 268 1070

M lnlinum I RIl t e in Rupees I RatQil)~ r8t~R u PO C ~ pe r Kilogram Rupees per IROPf SPrDomestic Security Handling l cvlW onI Kilogram r Pc rlf ~vB deg - AWB

241 301 33S If Inclusive of X-RavPhYsical Examin ation 268 A8Cf1t Sh lppe r Alrline

If E ~c1u s ive o f X-RavPhv ~ka l Exam inat ion 107 168 134134 Allent ShipperAlrline

Other Charges MinimumRate in Minimum rate

Rate in Rupees rat e Rupees Rupees per Rupees per l evlld o n

per Kilogram Kilogram per AWB AW ll

50 of

Handling of Shipper Build ULD or handling of 50 of Applicable IAPplicable NA NA Agent ShipperCoflslgnee Air llne

Handling Charges

Charges M iscellaneous Charges (None o f t he above)shy

(maximum tariff per kg and m inimu m charge

fu ll Ut D for delivery to Consignee-per kg Ha ndling

234 1070 Agent Shipper (o tl siBnee A ~ r li ne

llal nerAWB) I~~ I 187

DRYIce checklist Charxes-ner AWB 7l1rn tlI-A I 642 NA 803 NA Agent Shlpperto tslgnee Alrllne

DGRAcceptance fee-p er AWD ~q~_x I 1 ~H4 N_ NA~ 1605 Agent Shlpper co I15lgnee AlrUne -1338 NA Aeent Shipperco n signee Alrli ne I t r 1n NA 111A~ =

~I I ~fi-+-I- r n 1153 NJ Agenl Shlppe r~ D nsigllee Alrline II II~ - NII -

_ Thls Order Is valldlIpplIcab le fro m the date of Issue of thi s Order to 31032019 Form F14I b-a r~o Domestic Deihl ( luRa Service (ellt er Private Umlted -IGI AIrport New Oelhi

De~cript l ol I I Tarif f 2017-18 I Tariff 20111middot19 I OGll -fee In case shipmen t abov e 70 pieces-per 68 NA I Agcnt ShlpPrCo nsirncc Airline addit ional unit

I I 54 I NA I I Notes -

TIlc Increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2020middot21 will be notifiedpublished after M s OCSC holding the required Stakeholder Consul tat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coffins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempted from th e perview ofTSPcharg e

3 TSP charges is inclusive of forklift use inside the terminal No additi onal forkli ft charges will lJe levied

Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargea ble weig ht of consignment wh ichever is higher W herever the gross weight and (or) VOlume weight is


wrongly indicated on th e AWB and Is actually found more charges will be levl~c on the actual gross weig ht or the actual volumet ric we igh t wh ichever is higher

Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensitive products pharrna live animals hazardous Oangerous goods Newspaper ampTV Reel Consignments

5 Human remains and unaccornpanled baggage of deceased anv ot her valuable andor any other such cargo which requireshave sped al handl lng st orage


Valuable cargo consists of gold bullion curren cy notes securities shares share coupon s travel er s chequ e diamonds (including diamonds of industrial use) 6 bull

diamond jewellery amp watches made of silver gold platinum and ltems valued at U50 1000 per kg amp above

7 Penal charges for misdeclaration of weigh t

varlaton In weight except valuable carte of applicabl e lSI Upto 2 Nil

2-5 200

Gmiddot l 0 300

Above 10 500

For demurrage free period shall be 24 hours from the time of arrival of cargo Demurrage will be calculated fo r the period beginn ing from the expi ry of f ree

8 period t ill the time of issue of Gate Pass Demurrage will be char f (lt~bq or~ilifWi S purpose 24 hours or any part t hereof will be counted as on o day

9 All invoices will be rounded off to nearest Rs5 As per lATA Tact Rule book Clause - 572 rounding off pro cedure whln rounding


Wh en the results of calculations are Rounded off amount

between and will be 1025middot 1074 105

1075 -1124 110

10 For special Cargo consisti ng of pensnsble amp temperature sensit ive products the TSP charges for special cargo will only be appl icable if temperature con t rol facili ty Is

made available other wise general cargo tariff will be appli ed tor such products

11 In case at inbound cargo dem urrage will be applicable in case the segregation otlnbound cargo is not completed due to airline fault ~

This Order is valid appli cab le from t he date of issue of t his Ord er t o 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Umited - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarlff- International Cargo

Form 14 (b) Inte rnational Cargo

51 Descript io n Tariff 2017middot18 Tariff 2018-19

Rat e in M in imum rate Rate in M in imum

rateA EXPORT CARGO Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees per

Rupees Levied on

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AWB

Al Term ina l Storage and Pro cessing Charges

A1 1 Gene ral 112 112 140 140 AgentShipper

Al 2 Specia l Cargo

a - Pharma items 289 28Q 361 361 Agent Shipper

b) bull Live Ani mals 225 225 281 281 AgentSh ipper

c) - Hazardous Danger ous Goo ds 225 225 281 28 1 Agent Shipper

d) - Valuable Goods 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

e) - Perishable 289 289 361 361 Agent Shipper

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

- Human remains Coff in including

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc

A2 X-Ray Charges o r

A2 1 X-Ray M achine charges (City side) 123 123 154 154 AgentShipper

X-Ray Machine charges ( Air side) 123 1070 154 1338 Airl ine

A22 X-Ray Certification charges (City side) 214 214 268 268 AgentShipper

X-Ray Cert i ficat ion ch arges ( Air side) ~ i n4Jmiddotq ~ 107crd 268 1338 AIrllne

A23 Certification for Dangerous goods(City side) 214 214 2G8 268 Agent Shipper

Cert i fication for Dangerous goods( Air side) 214 1070 268 1338 Airline

A3 Demurrage Charges-Expo rt Cargo ( See Note Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied on 6) Kg Kg

A31 General (City side) lA O 140 175 175 AgentShipper

General (Air side) 161 NA 201 NA Airline

middot Per Day Per Par Day Per A32 Special cargo ( See Note 6) [ r I

Per Day Levied on Per Day ~ Jl 7r If -lIKg II ~t rw bull ~ Kg-

a Pharm a items (City side) I 1 Ii I ~3 6 2 ~ I II 36 2~ r- i 415 3 453 AgentShipper

Pharm a Items (Air side) - 0111 bull iii

268 L i NA4 - I I 3135 J r NA Airline

b) Live Animals(City side) 362 362 453 4 53 Agent Shipper

Live Animals(Air side) 268 N ~A 335 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dange ro us GoodsCity side) ~ - 362middot 362 453 453 Agent Shipper

Hazardous Dangerous Goods( Air side) _ ~ 2(8 j I I NA bull 335 NA Airline

d) Valuable Goods(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Valuable Goods(Air side 642 NA 803 NA Airline

c) Perishable(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Perishable( Air side) 268 NA 335 NA Airline

f Newspaper and nJ reel consignments(City

362 362 453 453 AgentShipper side)

Newspaper and TV reel consignm ents( Air 268 NA 335 NA Airline


- Human rem ains Coffin includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage o f Dece ased and NIL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I~~ ~ f ~ Vft

1iI~ R a t e~~t l n Rate in

A4 Cargo Handling Charges Rupe ~r per ees per Rupees Levied on

(Uf Ff B I ~ l p g r a m pe r HAWB

amp n~ ~ r-l trll

~~ c~I~tgtfl ~---r

This Order is valid appli cable from the date of Issue of this Orde r to 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Limited - IGI AIrport New Delhi

Tailf fmiddot Internat ional Cargo Form 14 (b) InternatIonal Cargo

51 Descrlptlon TarIff 2011-18 Tariff 2018middot19

Pallet lsatlon A4 ContalnerlsatlonUnlt lsaUonS tuffing

Charges M l General 225 1070 281 1338 Airline

M 2 Special Cargo

a - Pharma items 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

b) - live Animals 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

d) - Valuable Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 1070 335 1338 Airlhw

- Human remains Coffin ine1 uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NtL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I

I MinIm um Rate in Minimum rate Rate In

Document at io n -Charges rate

levied on AS ~~ p e es _ pe r Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees bull ~ _ I

AW8 Kilogram Kilogram per AW B ~ 4

A51 Cargo Documentation Charges for

200 NA Airline Manifesting etc


Rateai ~ ~atin~ Rate In Rate In -

AG ConsolldatlcnFae Rup ees per Rupt espo Rupees per Rupee s levied on

Kilogram HAWB Kilogram per HAW8

A61 HAWB charges ( Consolidation) NA 1000 fgentShipper Airline

Rate in M inimum rate Rate In M inimu m

Facili tation Fee Rupees per rate

levied on A7 Rupees per Rup ees per Rupees

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AW 8

A71 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentShipper

fil-- rl~

Mlnif UflWte Minimum

Rate in Rate in - 1 fRUpqWer r

rateB IMPORT CARGOt ~ JJ u II I Rup e esfe ~ rRU p e e slp a ~~

Rupees levied on

Po o ~ K lI o g r a m 1 1 1I Aw ~ 1 ~ Kj l ~g r a fn j

r per AWB

81 Term i nal Storage and Processlng Charges I bull

B11 General 605 L 321 ~ 756 401 Age ntConsignee - ~

812 Special Cargo bull shy I i r I - a - Pharma it ems 1043 535 middot1 304 669 Agent Consignee

b) - Live Animals 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

d) - Valuable Goods 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee

ej - Perishable 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee f) bull Newspaper and TV reel consignments 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

- Human remain s Coffi n incl uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

Ra ~ n in Rate in Rat e In

B2 Cargo Handling Charges Rupee ~

~ Rupees per Rupees Levied on

Kl r tT tKil ogram per HAWB

f( ~) ~~ _orIgtll J~



This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

_ Thls Order Is valldlIpplIcab le fro m the date of Issue of thi s Order to 31032019 Form F14I b-a r~o Domestic Deihl ( luRa Service (ellt er Private Umlted -IGI AIrport New Oelhi

De~cript l ol I I Tarif f 2017-18 I Tariff 20111middot19 I OGll -fee In case shipmen t abov e 70 pieces-per 68 NA I Agcnt ShlpPrCo nsirncc Airline addit ional unit

I I 54 I NA I I Notes -

TIlc Increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2020middot21 will be notifiedpublished after M s OCSC holding the required Stakeholder Consul tat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coffins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempted from th e perview ofTSPcharg e

3 TSP charges is inclusive of forklift use inside the terminal No additi onal forkli ft charges will lJe levied

Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargea ble weig ht of consignment wh ichever is higher W herever the gross weight and (or) VOlume weight is


wrongly indicated on th e AWB and Is actually found more charges will be levl~c on the actual gross weig ht or the actual volumet ric we igh t wh ichever is higher

Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensitive products pharrna live animals hazardous Oangerous goods Newspaper ampTV Reel Consignments

5 Human remains and unaccornpanled baggage of deceased anv ot her valuable andor any other such cargo which requireshave sped al handl lng st orage


Valuable cargo consists of gold bullion curren cy notes securities shares share coupon s travel er s chequ e diamonds (including diamonds of industrial use) 6 bull

diamond jewellery amp watches made of silver gold platinum and ltems valued at U50 1000 per kg amp above

7 Penal charges for misdeclaration of weigh t

varlaton In weight except valuable carte of applicabl e lSI Upto 2 Nil

2-5 200

Gmiddot l 0 300

Above 10 500

For demurrage free period shall be 24 hours from the time of arrival of cargo Demurrage will be calculated fo r the period beginn ing from the expi ry of f ree

8 period t ill the time of issue of Gate Pass Demurrage will be char f (lt~bq or~ilifWi S purpose 24 hours or any part t hereof will be counted as on o day

9 All invoices will be rounded off to nearest Rs5 As per lATA Tact Rule book Clause - 572 rounding off pro cedure whln rounding


Wh en the results of calculations are Rounded off amount

between and will be 1025middot 1074 105

1075 -1124 110

10 For special Cargo consisti ng of pensnsble amp temperature sensit ive products the TSP charges for special cargo will only be appl icable if temperature con t rol facili ty Is

made available other wise general cargo tariff will be appli ed tor such products

11 In case at inbound cargo dem urrage will be applicable in case the segregation otlnbound cargo is not completed due to airline fault ~

This Order is valid appli cab le from t he date of issue of t his Ord er t o 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Umited - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarlff- International Cargo

Form 14 (b) Inte rnational Cargo

51 Descript io n Tariff 2017middot18 Tariff 2018-19

Rat e in M in imum rate Rate in M in imum

rateA EXPORT CARGO Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees per

Rupees Levied on

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AWB

Al Term ina l Storage and Pro cessing Charges

A1 1 Gene ral 112 112 140 140 AgentShipper

Al 2 Specia l Cargo

a - Pharma items 289 28Q 361 361 Agent Shipper

b) bull Live Ani mals 225 225 281 281 AgentSh ipper

c) - Hazardous Danger ous Goo ds 225 225 281 28 1 Agent Shipper

d) - Valuable Goods 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

e) - Perishable 289 289 361 361 Agent Shipper

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

- Human remains Coff in including

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc

A2 X-Ray Charges o r

A2 1 X-Ray M achine charges (City side) 123 123 154 154 AgentShipper

X-Ray Machine charges ( Air side) 123 1070 154 1338 Airl ine

A22 X-Ray Certification charges (City side) 214 214 268 268 AgentShipper

X-Ray Cert i ficat ion ch arges ( Air side) ~ i n4Jmiddotq ~ 107crd 268 1338 AIrllne

A23 Certification for Dangerous goods(City side) 214 214 2G8 268 Agent Shipper

Cert i fication for Dangerous goods( Air side) 214 1070 268 1338 Airline

A3 Demurrage Charges-Expo rt Cargo ( See Note Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied on 6) Kg Kg

A31 General (City side) lA O 140 175 175 AgentShipper

General (Air side) 161 NA 201 NA Airline

middot Per Day Per Par Day Per A32 Special cargo ( See Note 6) [ r I

Per Day Levied on Per Day ~ Jl 7r If -lIKg II ~t rw bull ~ Kg-

a Pharm a items (City side) I 1 Ii I ~3 6 2 ~ I II 36 2~ r- i 415 3 453 AgentShipper

Pharm a Items (Air side) - 0111 bull iii

268 L i NA4 - I I 3135 J r NA Airline

b) Live Animals(City side) 362 362 453 4 53 Agent Shipper

Live Animals(Air side) 268 N ~A 335 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dange ro us GoodsCity side) ~ - 362middot 362 453 453 Agent Shipper

Hazardous Dangerous Goods( Air side) _ ~ 2(8 j I I NA bull 335 NA Airline

d) Valuable Goods(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Valuable Goods(Air side 642 NA 803 NA Airline

c) Perishable(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Perishable( Air side) 268 NA 335 NA Airline

f Newspaper and nJ reel consignments(City

362 362 453 453 AgentShipper side)

Newspaper and TV reel consignm ents( Air 268 NA 335 NA Airline


- Human rem ains Coffin includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage o f Dece ased and NIL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I~~ ~ f ~ Vft

1iI~ R a t e~~t l n Rate in

A4 Cargo Handling Charges Rupe ~r per ees per Rupees Levied on

(Uf Ff B I ~ l p g r a m pe r HAWB

amp n~ ~ r-l trll

~~ c~I~tgtfl ~---r

This Order is valid appli cable from the date of Issue of this Orde r to 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Limited - IGI AIrport New Delhi

Tailf fmiddot Internat ional Cargo Form 14 (b) InternatIonal Cargo

51 Descrlptlon TarIff 2011-18 Tariff 2018middot19

Pallet lsatlon A4 ContalnerlsatlonUnlt lsaUonS tuffing

Charges M l General 225 1070 281 1338 Airline

M 2 Special Cargo

a - Pharma items 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

b) - live Animals 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

d) - Valuable Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 1070 335 1338 Airlhw

- Human remains Coffin ine1 uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NtL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I

I MinIm um Rate in Minimum rate Rate In

Document at io n -Charges rate

levied on AS ~~ p e es _ pe r Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees bull ~ _ I

AW8 Kilogram Kilogram per AW B ~ 4

A51 Cargo Documentation Charges for

200 NA Airline Manifesting etc


Rateai ~ ~atin~ Rate In Rate In -

AG ConsolldatlcnFae Rup ees per Rupt espo Rupees per Rupee s levied on

Kilogram HAWB Kilogram per HAW8

A61 HAWB charges ( Consolidation) NA 1000 fgentShipper Airline

Rate in M inimum rate Rate In M inimu m

Facili tation Fee Rupees per rate

levied on A7 Rupees per Rup ees per Rupees

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AW 8

A71 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentShipper

fil-- rl~

Mlnif UflWte Minimum

Rate in Rate in - 1 fRUpqWer r

rateB IMPORT CARGOt ~ JJ u II I Rup e esfe ~ rRU p e e slp a ~~

Rupees levied on

Po o ~ K lI o g r a m 1 1 1I Aw ~ 1 ~ Kj l ~g r a fn j

r per AWB

81 Term i nal Storage and Processlng Charges I bull

B11 General 605 L 321 ~ 756 401 Age ntConsignee - ~

812 Special Cargo bull shy I i r I - a - Pharma it ems 1043 535 middot1 304 669 Agent Consignee

b) - Live Animals 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

d) - Valuable Goods 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee

ej - Perishable 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee f) bull Newspaper and TV reel consignments 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

- Human remain s Coffi n incl uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

Ra ~ n in Rate in Rat e In

B2 Cargo Handling Charges Rupee ~

~ Rupees per Rupees Levied on

Kl r tT tKil ogram per HAWB

f( ~) ~~ _orIgtll J~



This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order is valid appli cab le from t he date of issue of t his Ord er t o 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Umited - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarlff- International Cargo

Form 14 (b) Inte rnational Cargo

51 Descript io n Tariff 2017middot18 Tariff 2018-19

Rat e in M in imum rate Rate in M in imum

rateA EXPORT CARGO Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees per

Rupees Levied on

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AWB

Al Term ina l Storage and Pro cessing Charges

A1 1 Gene ral 112 112 140 140 AgentShipper

Al 2 Specia l Cargo

a - Pharma items 289 28Q 361 361 Agent Shipper

b) bull Live Ani mals 225 225 281 281 AgentSh ipper

c) - Hazardous Danger ous Goo ds 225 225 281 28 1 Agent Shipper

d) - Valuable Goods 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

e) - Perishable 289 289 361 361 Agent Shipper

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 225 225 281 281 Agent Shipper

- Human remains Coff in including

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc

A2 X-Ray Charges o r

A2 1 X-Ray M achine charges (City side) 123 123 154 154 AgentShipper

X-Ray Machine charges ( Air side) 123 1070 154 1338 Airl ine

A22 X-Ray Certification charges (City side) 214 214 268 268 AgentShipper

X-Ray Cert i ficat ion ch arges ( Air side) ~ i n4Jmiddotq ~ 107crd 268 1338 AIrllne

A23 Certification for Dangerous goods(City side) 214 214 2G8 268 Agent Shipper

Cert i fication for Dangerous goods( Air side) 214 1070 268 1338 Airline

A3 Demurrage Charges-Expo rt Cargo ( See Note Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied on 6) Kg Kg

A31 General (City side) lA O 140 175 175 AgentShipper

General (Air side) 161 NA 201 NA Airline

middot Per Day Per Par Day Per A32 Special cargo ( See Note 6) [ r I

Per Day Levied on Per Day ~ Jl 7r If -lIKg II ~t rw bull ~ Kg-

a Pharm a items (City side) I 1 Ii I ~3 6 2 ~ I II 36 2~ r- i 415 3 453 AgentShipper

Pharm a Items (Air side) - 0111 bull iii

268 L i NA4 - I I 3135 J r NA Airline

b) Live Animals(City side) 362 362 453 4 53 Agent Shipper

Live Animals(Air side) 268 N ~A 335 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dange ro us GoodsCity side) ~ - 362middot 362 453 453 Agent Shipper

Hazardous Dangerous Goods( Air side) _ ~ 2(8 j I I NA bull 335 NA Airline

d) Valuable Goods(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Valuable Goods(Air side 642 NA 803 NA Airline

c) Perishable(City side) 362 362 453 453 AgentShipper

Perishable( Air side) 268 NA 335 NA Airline

f Newspaper and nJ reel consignments(City

362 362 453 453 AgentShipper side)

Newspaper and TV reel consignm ents( Air 268 NA 335 NA Airline


- Human rem ains Coffin includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage o f Dece ased and NIL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I~~ ~ f ~ Vft

1iI~ R a t e~~t l n Rate in

A4 Cargo Handling Charges Rupe ~r per ees per Rupees Levied on

(Uf Ff B I ~ l p g r a m pe r HAWB

amp n~ ~ r-l trll

~~ c~I~tgtfl ~---r

This Order is valid appli cable from the date of Issue of this Orde r to 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Limited - IGI AIrport New Delhi

Tailf fmiddot Internat ional Cargo Form 14 (b) InternatIonal Cargo

51 Descrlptlon TarIff 2011-18 Tariff 2018middot19

Pallet lsatlon A4 ContalnerlsatlonUnlt lsaUonS tuffing

Charges M l General 225 1070 281 1338 Airline

M 2 Special Cargo

a - Pharma items 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

b) - live Animals 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

d) - Valuable Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 1070 335 1338 Airlhw

- Human remains Coffin ine1 uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NtL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I

I MinIm um Rate in Minimum rate Rate In

Document at io n -Charges rate

levied on AS ~~ p e es _ pe r Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees bull ~ _ I

AW8 Kilogram Kilogram per AW B ~ 4

A51 Cargo Documentation Charges for

200 NA Airline Manifesting etc


Rateai ~ ~atin~ Rate In Rate In -

AG ConsolldatlcnFae Rup ees per Rupt espo Rupees per Rupee s levied on

Kilogram HAWB Kilogram per HAW8

A61 HAWB charges ( Consolidation) NA 1000 fgentShipper Airline

Rate in M inimum rate Rate In M inimu m

Facili tation Fee Rupees per rate

levied on A7 Rupees per Rup ees per Rupees

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AW 8

A71 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentShipper

fil-- rl~

Mlnif UflWte Minimum

Rate in Rate in - 1 fRUpqWer r

rateB IMPORT CARGOt ~ JJ u II I Rup e esfe ~ rRU p e e slp a ~~

Rupees levied on

Po o ~ K lI o g r a m 1 1 1I Aw ~ 1 ~ Kj l ~g r a fn j

r per AWB

81 Term i nal Storage and Processlng Charges I bull

B11 General 605 L 321 ~ 756 401 Age ntConsignee - ~

812 Special Cargo bull shy I i r I - a - Pharma it ems 1043 535 middot1 304 669 Agent Consignee

b) - Live Animals 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

d) - Valuable Goods 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee

ej - Perishable 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee f) bull Newspaper and TV reel consignments 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

- Human remain s Coffi n incl uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

Ra ~ n in Rate in Rat e In

B2 Cargo Handling Charges Rupee ~

~ Rupees per Rupees Levied on

Kl r tT tKil ogram per HAWB

f( ~) ~~ _orIgtll J~



This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order is valid appli cable from the date of Issue of this Orde r to 31032019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Limited - IGI AIrport New Delhi

Tailf fmiddot Internat ional Cargo Form 14 (b) InternatIonal Cargo

51 Descrlptlon TarIff 2011-18 Tariff 2018middot19

Pallet lsatlon A4 ContalnerlsatlonUnlt lsaUonS tuffing

Charges M l General 225 1070 281 1338 Airline

M 2 Special Cargo

a - Pharma items 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

b) - live Animals 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

d) - Valuable Goods 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 268 1070 335 1338 Airline

f) - Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 1070 335 1338 Airlhw

- Human remains Coffin ine1 uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NtL NIL Nil NIL NA

Human Eyes etc I

I MinIm um Rate in Minimum rate Rate In

Document at io n -Charges rate

levied on AS ~~ p e es _ pe r Rupees per Rupees pe r Rupees bull ~ _ I

AW8 Kilogram Kilogram per AW B ~ 4

A51 Cargo Documentation Charges for

200 NA Airline Manifesting etc


Rateai ~ ~atin~ Rate In Rate In -

AG ConsolldatlcnFae Rup ees per Rupt espo Rupees per Rupee s levied on

Kilogram HAWB Kilogram per HAW8

A61 HAWB charges ( Consolidation) NA 1000 fgentShipper Airline

Rate in M inimum rate Rate In M inimu m

Facili tation Fee Rupees per rate

levied on A7 Rupees per Rup ees per Rupees

Kil ogram AWB Kilogram per AW 8

A71 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentShipper

fil-- rl~

Mlnif UflWte Minimum

Rate in Rate in - 1 fRUpqWer r

rateB IMPORT CARGOt ~ JJ u II I Rup e esfe ~ rRU p e e slp a ~~

Rupees levied on

Po o ~ K lI o g r a m 1 1 1I Aw ~ 1 ~ Kj l ~g r a fn j

r per AWB

81 Term i nal Storage and Processlng Charges I bull

B11 General 605 L 321 ~ 756 401 Age ntConsignee - ~

812 Special Cargo bull shy I i r I - a - Pharma it ems 1043 535 middot1 304 669 Agent Consignee

b) - Live Animals 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

c) - Hazardous Dangerous Goods 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

d) - Valuable Goods 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee

ej - Perishable 1043 535 1304 669 AgentConsignee f) bull Newspaper and TV reel consignments 1043 535 1304 669 Agent Consignee

- Human remain s Coffi n incl uding

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

Ra ~ n in Rate in Rat e In

B2 Cargo Handling Charges Rupee ~

~ Rupees per Rupees Levied on

Kl r tT tKil ogram per HAWB

f( ~) ~~ _orIgtll J~



This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order is validappli cable from t he da te of lssue of t his Order to 3103 201 9

DelhI Cargo Servi ce Center Private Umit ed - IGI Airport I New Delhi

Tar iff- Int ern at iona l Cargo

Form 14 (b ) Internat ional cargo

51 Description Tarif f 2017-18 Tari ff 20 18middot 19

DoPallel1sat io nj

B2 De5tufflngDeCo ntai nerisatlonDeUn itlsatio

n Charges

pound3 21 General 187 1070 234 1338 Air line

B22 Special cargo

a - Pharma items 241 1070 301 1338 Airline

b - Live Animals 241 1070 301 1338 Alrllne

c) - Hazardous Dangerou s Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

d - Valuable Goods 241 1070 30 1 1338 Airline

e) - Perishable 241 107 0 30 1 1338 Airlin e

f) - Newspaper and 1V reel consignments 24 1 1070 301 1338 Airline

- Human remains Coffin Includi ng

g) unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and NIL NIL Nil Nil NA

Human Eyes etc

83 Dem urr ageCharges-Im por t Cargo ( Scc No te Per Day Per

Per Day Per Day Per

Per Day Levied o n 6) Kg - Kg

83 1 Genera l (upt o 4 days)-Clty Sid e 18 7 375 234 469 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- Cit y Side 375 375 469 469 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 562 375 703 469 AgentConsignee

Air side 161 NA 20 1 NA Airline

83 2 Speci al ca rgo ( See Nota 6) Per Da ~er

Pampi~Yct Per Day Per

Per Day Lev ied on ffi l1 r-l Kg a) Pharma Items(upto 4 davs) -City Side 375 749 469 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentC onsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 40 1 NA Airlin e

b) Live Anlmals(upt o 4 day s) -City Sid e 375 74 9 469 936 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 9 36 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- City Side 1124 749 1405 936 Agent Consignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airline

Hazardous Dangerous Goods(u pto 4 ~ a y s ) ~ IIIlI c) ~~ 7 S 7491 469 936 AgentConsignee

Cit y Side rt tr ~r I I j- shy -- -shy _ (5 t o 30days)- City Side l J H _749 i ~ ~ 11 7491

1 bull 1 9 36 ~ 936 AgentConsignee

(beyond 30days)- cnvSid e shy -

1l ~ 2 4 I h 749 L 1405 1 I j I 936 AgentConsignee

Air side 321 NA 4 01 NA Airlin e

d) Valuable Goods(upto 4 days) -City Side 749 [ I 1498 - 936 1873 Agent Consignee

(5 to 30days )- Cit y Side H 9fmiddot bull 1498 1739 1873 Agent Consignee

(beyond 30days) - Cit y Side 2 0 ~33 - - I 1498 2 541 1873 AgentConsignee

Air side 642 NA 80 3 NA Airline

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order is vali dapp licabl e from t he date of issue of this Order to 31032019

Dei hl Cargo Service Center Private Umlted - IGI Airport New Delhi

Tariff- Intern ational Cargo

Form 14 (b) Int em atl on al Cargo

51 DescrIption Tariff 2017-18 Tariff 2018shy19

B32 Special Cargo ( See Not e 6) Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day

Pcr Day Per

Kg Per Day Lev ied on

e) Peris hable(upto 4 days ) -City Side 375 749 69 936 AgentConsignee

(5 to 30days)- City Side 749 749 93 6 936 AgentCo nslgnee

(beyond 30da ys)- City Side 1124 749 1405 93 6 flgaot Consignee

Air side 321 NA 40 1 NA Airli ne

f) Newspaper and TV reel co nsignm ent s (upto

4 days)-Clty Side 375 749 4 69 93 6 gentConsignee

(5 t o 30days) - City Side 749 749 936 936 AgentConsignee

(bey ond 30da ys)- City Side middot1124 749 1405 936 AgentConsignee

Air sid e 321 NA 401 N) Airli ne


- Human remains Co ff in incl uding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc NI ~ NIL Nil Nil NA

84 De-Co nso lidat ion Fee

Rate In


KlIogfa rtmiddotV

Rate in Rupees per


Rat e in

Rupees per

Kil ogr am

Rat e in



Levied o n

B4 1 HAW8 Delivery Charges ( De consolidation) NA

1391 NA 350 gentConsigneeAir lin

B5 Facilitation Fee Bf~q

Rupees er


ri n i ~u m rate 1Rupees per


Rate In

Rupe es per


M inimum




Levied on

851 Custom Facilitation Fee 040 NA AgentConsignee


Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Charge per


Rate in Minimum

Rupees per Charg e per

KilOlram B ltJ~

levied on

C1 Incom ing CourIer Charges- - Int ern ational I ~ I ~

Cll [Courier cargo facilitation

C12 IDetent io n Charges

bull Free Period

- 4t h day to 10th day

- 11th day to 20th dav bull 21st day to 30th day

- Beyond 30 days

tl 1 1

rll R r1 ~1 1 I1 1rl l __ I 1O ~ 0 5 _

r U at ~ l ti J ~ MiniimjllY I Rai~i ~ R J ~ e~s pM c~ a rg e ~ c r RU p G1fs ~per Kilogra m Bag Kilogra m

K -1- - -- - NA

I --=-n I 268

~ I I 402






Bag NA





Agent Consignae

Levied on





Agent Consignee

C13 IDemurrage Charges (Sec Note 6 )

C2 [Outgolng Courier Charges -- Intern ation al

C21 [Courier cargo facil it ati on

C22 IX-ray charges

Rate In

Rupees per


Minim um

Cha rge per



Rate in

Rupees per



4 14


M ini m um

Charge pe r




Agent Consigne e

Levied on

AgentSh ipPQr

Age nt Shipper

C23 1DemurrJgeCharges ( See Note 6 1 ~ I 500 NA






AgentS h iP ~ r

Levied on


This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order is validapplicab le from t he date of issue of t his Order t o 31032019

Dplh i Cargo Service Center Priv ate Limited - IGI Airport New De ihl

Tari ff- Int ern at ional Cargo

Form 14 (b) Intem at ional Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tar if f 2018-19

01 Trans hipment charges-i nternational to

Internat ional

0 11 General Cargo 23S 294 0 Airline

012 Special

813 NA Airlin e CargoDGRValuablePerishable Phar m a

02 Transhipm ent charges-i nternational to

d omest ic

0 21 General Cargo 235 294 0 Airlin e

02 2 SpecialSensitive Cargo 813 NA Airli ne

0 23 DGRValuablePerishablePharm a 813 NA Airline

D3 Transhipment charges-domestic to



D31 General Cargo 315 NA Airl ine

0 32 Specia l Sensitive Cargo I 8 13 NA Air line

03 3 OGRValuablePerishablePharma 813 NA Airli ne

Dem urrage C h a r g~ s-Tr anshipment Cargo- Int I Per Day Per

D4 to Domestic TP Per Day Levied on

( See Not e 6) Kg


D41 General (upto 4 days) 187 375 Airl ine

0 42 (5 to 30da ys) 375 375 Air line

04 3 (beyond 30d ays) 562 37 5 Airline

0 44 Spedal Cargo ( See Note 6) 1~ Ji 11 vpn1 Per Day Per

Per Day LevledonKg a) Pharma items [upto 4 da ys) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airl ine

(beyon d 30days) 1124 749 Airline

b) Live Animals(upto 4 days) 375 749 Airline

(5 to 30days ) 749 749 Airli ne

(beyond 30days) 1124 749 Airline

c) Hazardous Dangerous Goods(upto 4 days) bull ~

375 749 Airline H

(5 to 30days) I ~ middoti l~ 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30days) I i l ~ i bull1 1

1124 749 Airline I

d) Valua ble Goods(upto 4 days) - 1I C

7 4 9 ~ 1498 Airline

(5 to 30d ays) 1391 1498 Airline

(beyo nd 30da ys) I ~

203 3 1498 Airl ine I ~-

e) Perishable(upto 4 days ) ~ I 3 75 749 Airline

(5 to 30days) r-shy

I 749 749 Airline

(beyo nd 30days) l1 r24 749 Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments (upto

375 749 Airline 4 days )

(5 to 30days) 749 749 Airline

(beyond 30da ys) 1124 749 Airline

- Hum an remains Coffin in cluding

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and Nil Nil NA

Hum an Eyes et c

Demurrage Charges International to Per Day Per

D5 Intern ational amp Domest ic to Inte rn ational TP Per Day Levied on

I( See Note 6) ~~l1lJ f~ Kg

D51 General A~ ie-~ 161 NA Airline

D52 Special Cargo

~~~~I ~ Por Day Por

Per Day l evied onKg a) Pharm a Items IJl 268 NA Airline

-ij 1 J


This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order is validapplicable from the dat e of issue of this Orde r t o 31 03 2019

Delhi Cargo Service Center Private Llm lted - IGI Airport New Deihl

Tarl ff - lnternatlonal Cargo Form 14 (b) Intemational Cargo

51 Descrip tio n Tari ff 2017-18 Tariff 201 8middot 19

b) Live Animals 2 68 NA Airline

c) Hazardous Dangero us Goods Valuable Goods

2 68 NA Airline

d) 642 NA Airline

e) Perishable 268 NA Airline

f) Newspaper and TV reel consignments 268 N A Airline

g) Human remains Coff in in cludi ng

unaccompanied baggage of Deceased and

Human Eyes etc

Nil Nil NA

D6 Transhi pment Cargo - Oth er charges c


Rat e In

Rup ees pe r

Kil ogram


Minim um



per AWB

Levied on

a) Sector Charges (Per Kg) 161 NA Airline

b) Carting Chargesmiddot Transhipment (Per Kg) 241 241 Airline

c) Ramp to Ramp Loose (Incoming Loose amp Outgoing Loose) (Per Kg)

268 NA Airline

d) Ramp to Ramp Transfer (Per ULD) 670 NA Airline

e) TP - Destuffing charges (Per Kg) 187 187 Airline

Notes ~~ ~~ - _ bull bullbull- ~ I

1 The increase in Tariff approved for FY2019-20 amp FY2OyenO21wil1 be n p ti fi~ 9published after M s DCSC holding the

required Stakeholder Consultat ion

2 Consignment of human remains coff ins including baggage of deceased amp Human eyes will be exempt ed from th e

preview of TSP charge 3 TSP charges is inclu sive of forklift use inside the te rminal No additional forklif t charges will be levied

4 Charges will be on the gross weight or the chargeable weight of consignment whichever is higher Wherever the

gross weight and (or) volume weight is wrongly indicated on the AWB and is actually f ound mo re charges will be levied

on the actual gross weight or the act ual volumetri c w eight whichever is higher

5 Special Cargo (Project heavy cargo) are such cargo which requiresha ve special handling storage instru ctions It also

includes heavy cargo in which any sJ QgI ~ in lti~~al l ieCe hvJng g ~oss yJei]~or volume weight of 3 ton or above L I II 11 Irlmiddot r h - h _ II bull6 Valuable cargo consists of gold Lp IP ~ curr~n ~y not es ~ e~LJQ t i~ s ares5 fre couPqnrtrave er s cheque diamonds

including diam onds of industrial us ~ lJdiam~n d ~~lIey amp y~atches rha a~ oJ sjlver gold platinum and items valued at

USD 1000 per kg amp above

7 Demurrage 71 Demurrage free period shall be as per the Gciiernmentmiddotorder issuedsand in foce from time to time 1 bull _ 72 Free period Shall start from the t ime speci fie di 1 ~I centvant qrd= (s 6f th~9~ve roment Authority in force from time to

time 73 Demurrage will be calculated for the period beginning from the expiry of free period till the time of issue of Gate Pass

Demurrage will be charged on number of days For th is purpose 24 ho urs or any part thereof will be coun ted as one

day 74 After expiry of free period demurrage will be applied for th e applicable period on non cumulati ve basis for the next

two working days provided the Gate Pass is generated within 96 hours from start of th e period as specifi ed in point 72 above

75 If Gate Pass is generated after the expiry of 96 hours f rom start of th e period as speci fied in point 72 above Demurrage

charges shall be levied on the number of days calculated from the star t of t he fr ee period ( ie inclusi ve of free period )

till the tim e of Issue of Gate Pass ( calculat ed in the manner specifi ed in the point 73 above ) on cumulative basis

inclusive of holidays 76 All inv o1ce wil l be rounded off to nearest Rs S ~Ru le book Clause 572 rounding off procedure when

rounding off Unit is 5

When the result

~t- ~fgt~

n I and 1025 middot 1074 10500

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order is validapplicable from t he date of issue of this Order to 31 032019 D~lhl cargo Service Center Private Llmlted - IGI AIrport I New Delhi Tariff- Intern ati onal Cargo Form 14 (b) International Cargo

51 Description Tariff 2017-18 Tarlff 2018-19

1075-1124 I 11000 8





Special cargo consists of perishable and temperature sensit ive products pharma live animals hazardous Dangerous

goods Newspaper amp 11 Reel Consignments Human remains and unaccompanied baggage of deceased any othe r

valuable and or any other such cargo which requires have special handling storage instructions

-- _ _- -- _ - - - - -- - - - -- - -- _middot wmiddot shy_ _

variat ion in weight except valuab le cargo

Upto 2 Nil 2 - 5 200 6 -10 300 Above 10 500 Miscellaneous Charges includes special service requests from the customers other than the services already mentioned in

the above tariff chart l I

Demurrage will be applicable to airlines if customs cleared cargo isstored in the warehouse beyond the free period In

case of export cargo

In case of import cargo demur rage will be applicable incase the segregation of imparl cargo 1s not completed due or airli ne fault

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services

This Order Is validappli cable fr om th e date of Issue of th is OrdN to 31032019

Deih l Cargo Service Cent er Private Limited middot IGI Airport New Deihl

TariH-International Cargo

Form 14 1b) In tern at ional Carllo


FY2017 -HI

SNo Other Charges FY 2018-19 l evied on

1 Terrnlnal Storilgc and ProcessIng (TSP) charaes

Rs 40 1 per kg subjec t t oSpecial Cargo- proj ecll its 321 per kg subje ct to minimu m Agent ShlpperExport

minimum of RsA 013 per AWB Heavy Cargo of Rs3210 per AWB

Its 1471 per kll SUbject toRs 1177 per kg subj ect toSpecial Cargo - Project Agent Consignee

Heavy CargoImport

rnt nlmurn of Rs14712 per AWU I I I I I I I

m inimum of Rsll770 per AWB

2 Ot her Cha rges Special Handling

(Pharmaceuti cal to

maintain product Rs 2i40 perPltillet I Rs 2675 per Pallet Agent Shipper Alr line

tem perature on

reou est) Strapping charges


Rs 20 per package Agent Shipper Alrl ine

DRYIce Checkli st

Rs 16 per package

RS 1338 per AWB Agent ShlpperAirllneRs 1070per AWBcharzes

Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AW B Agent Shlpp erAlr lineDGR Acceptance fee

LIve Animal expo r t Rs 2140 per AWB Rs 2675 per AWB Agent ShlpperAlrll ne accept ance charges Export Perishable

Temperature Check l1S Rs 161 per AWB I Rs 201 per AW B Agent ShipperAir llne 21 I Export I er CHM

Full HAWB data Rs 54 per HAWB subje ct to I Rs 68 per HAWB subject to Agent ShipperAlrline

minimum INR 535- min imum INR 669shycapture charges DGR-f ee in case

shipment above 20 Agent Shipper AirlineRsr4per at~l tI~nahm l t ~- r Rs 68 per additional unit ~middot l middot i -I~loleces

Rs 140 Kg subject to minimum Rs175 Kg subject t o minimum

of Rs140 per AWB or 25 more of Rs175 per AW B or 25 more

Express Services than the TSP rate for the category than th e TSP rate for the Agent ShlpperAirll ne

Ithe cargo falls under (whichever is category th e cargo falls und er

high er) (whichever is higher)

Back to Tow n 50 of applicable TSPcharges 50 of appli cable TSP char ges Agell t Shlpper A irline

Delivery order fees Rs2140 per MAWB Rs2675 per M AWB Agent Consignee Airline

HAW B Issuance chargel ~ Rs1391 per HAWB - 1 RS1739 per HAWB Agen t I Conslgneeilrll ne middot1 bull

~t~ -t~ m~ r ~~9A flJ~irsU bJect0 JI J 1is75sli)er kg SV I - ~in i l ~l~ toI Ii ~ 4 I r 11 bullbull joflfl s535 per AWil or 25 more rnlrilrnum of Rs669 per AWB or

22 Imp ort Agent Consigllee Airline

the cargo falls under (w hichever is the catego ry th e cargo falls

hlgl1ir) _ - LJ1der (Whichever Is high er)

Express Servl~s l 25 han th J TSP r aro ~ th~ ~at~gory more f hanthJrSp rat e for

rRs20package subje ct toJl lr 1 IStrap ping and

Agent ConsigneeAlr ll neRS16pa cklti lle n~um charges INR 50- perRepacking charges ~ I _ I ~ AWB

Rs2140 per ULD Inclusive of I Rs2675 oer ULD inclus ive of Shr ink Wr ap of ULD Agent Sh l p pe rCOl)~ i gnee Air li ne

material material

Shrink Wr ap of Euro Rs321 per Euro palletskid Rs401 per Euro pall et skid Agent Shlp per Consillnee Airline

oallet Rs2675 per ULD per one way

Airs ide Cool Container I RS2140 per ULD per one way tr ip Agent ShlpperCCIlSlgnee Airli netrip

Minimum charges of ns54- per IMinimum charges of Rs 68 middot per 23 General Repacking charges I AWB PackingRepacking charges AWB PackingRepackin g charges I Agent S h i ppe rCo~s j g n ee Airllne

will fls 16 per package will Rs 20 per package

r et Assistance Rs 1070- per AWB ns 1338- per AWB Agent ShipperCOn signee Airll ne Repacking with

115535 per skid Rs669 per wooden skid Agent Shipper Consig nee gtIrllne wooden skid

Miscellaneous Charges Its 268 per kg (subject to ns 335 per kg (Subject to

(Non e of the abov e) min imu m Hs535 per AWB) minimum Rs669 per AWBj Ag~~e Import General CarBO[Ior f i rst I StorJIN Charge24 Rs 2G 7~ per kg Rs 33 ~ 4 per kg

sfab of 10 davsl


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services


This Order Is validapplicable fr om tile dat e of Issue of th is Orde r to 3103 2019

Delhi CarBo Sarv lce Center Private Lil1l1tlld -IGl Airport New Delhi

T~rnf- I ntcmat lonn cargo Form 14 (b ) ln t ernat ln nni Cargo

Tur in

Impor t General Cargo (beyo nd

SNo Other Charges

Rs 3745 per kg Agel11 Consignee

10 davsl Impor t Perishable Cargol lo r fi rst

Rs 2996 per kgStorag e Charge25 f irst 10 days and for every slab of

Rs 695 5 per kg Agent Co nsigneaRs 55 64 per kg26 Storage Charge slab of 10 days)

Im port Perishabl e Cargo(beyond Rs 76 24 per kgRs 6099 per kg Agent Consignee

10 davs)

Misc ellaneous Charges (None of

27 fi rst 10 days and for every slab of Storage Charge

ns 335 per kg (subject toRs 268 per kg (subj ect to AIrline31 Air Side Charges

m inimum Rs1338 pe r NSI

Miscellaneous Activity Ch rges

minimum RsI070 oer AWBlthe above)

Rs 1500 per AWeNew Charges All ent ShipperConsignee3 2 City Side Charges(None of the above)

M iscella neous Packing Charges Rs 150 per packet Agent ShlpperCon signeeCity Side Charges New Charges33

(None of the above ) Rs1338 per CheckltstRs 1070 per Checklist Air line4 Dry Ice Checkli st (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Rs 2140 pe r Checkli st Rs 2675 per Checkli st Airl ine5 DGRAcceptance fee (per AWB) Air Side Charges

Live Animal Acceptan ce Check Rs2140 per Checklist Rs 2675 per Checklist Air lineAir Side Charges6

and delivery (per AWB)

Export Perishab le Temperature Rs 201 per AWBRs 161 per AWB Air li ne7 Air Side Charges

check (per AW B)

Valuable escort services to amp fro Rs1471 per AWe AirlineAir Side Charges Rs 1177 per AWB8

to th e air craft (per AWB) Empty Pallet Stack making

Rs 1000 per stack Airline9 New ChargesAi r Side Chargescharges

RS165 per kg subject to 10 Withdraw Shipment (X-Ray) City Side Charges New Charges Agent Shipper

rnl nlmum Rs 165 per AW B

Withdraw Shipmen I Rs188 per kg per day subject to Agent Shlpper11 City Side Charg es flIilwctrafiieuros ~ 1 mini mum Rs 188 per AWB


(Demurrage] Rs 5350 per uni t Rs 6688 per unit Airline

DGR fee- in case shipment above

ULD cleaning charges per uni t Air Side Charges

Rs54 per additional unit Rs 68 per additional unit Ai rline13 Air Side Charges20 oieces per unit Special Handling(

14 Rs 2675 per unit Airline

per unit

Air Sid e Charges I1s 2140 per unitPharma ceuti cal temperature)

10 of collectable amount 10 of collect able amount 15 Air Side Charges Air lineCharges colle ct fees (per AWB)

(subject to minimum of Rs535) (subject t o minimum of Rs 669)

Deliv ery Order Charges (per Rs 2140 per MAWB li s 2675 per MAW B Airline16 Air Side Charges t -MAWB)

t I 1 fj rAir Cargo Freight Consolida t ion RSlpoper S (fyllll [1um Rs 20017 City SiOe_Charges Agent Shlpp err71 N e~~C~~rJ




Fees(ACFC) - 1 perfMWBI~I bull I I I l Rfmiddot2JP Ri1r kll (lv1inimum Rs ~ t bull Ijqew Charges I IJ18 Bag Handling charges Air Side C iarges Airlineh Oji

Segregation Charges (all

Amendment HAWB Feeding - ---t r shy -

19 New Charges Rs 911 per HAWBCity Side Charges

r C-I Agent Ccnslg nee (Re-weight of Import

I bull L Conslanrnent)

Electricit y Charges for RKN - l1li20 New ChargesAir Side Charges Rs 1946 p~r cont ainer per day Airline

Container Air side 1City Side

21 New Charges Rs 2526 per dolly one way t ripCoo l Dolly Charges Agent Shlp perConsitinee AlrllneChar pes

Note Charges above such as Repackin g Charges Hilwa deconsoltdat ton charges HAWB Data Capture Charges All Mlsscclaneous charges Air Carg o

Consolidation fee SegraftaUOn Ch~ rses HAW B consoli dat io n Charges cool dolly cha rges and electricity charges fo r RI(N Conta iners are optional in n~ tu rc and are

avail able to users onl o n de m and

Express Ch l rges sor~ i ce t he cornpandefi nes the exp ress service oHered 10 customers wilh 04 hou rs of express serv ice w hich Includes

) Expo r t - Acceptance at truck do ck )(-raylluil t up

bl lmport middot Release ta kes p rIor i ty over norm al general cargo

Any other service which Is not Included In expr ess service as deff ned above are norm al services