b. got subsidies could encourage american …...federalists vs. republicans (each considered the...


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Page 1: b. Got subsidies could encourage American …...Federalists vs. Republicans (each considered the other a faction) Federalists supported the Washington Administration Republicans led


Page 2: b. Got subsidies could encourage American …...Federalists vs. Republicans (each considered the other a faction) Federalists supported the Washington Administration Republicans led

The George Washington through James Madison Years. (Chapter 8) Politics In An Age of Passion POLITICS IN AN AGE OF PASSION (294-305) Politics in an age of passion; Washington's presidency Outset of the Washington administration George Washington as symbol of national unity, virtue Key figures Hamilton's program (Secretary of Treasury) 1.) Establish the new nations' credit worthiness 2.) Creation of a new National Debt Old debts would be replace by new interest bearing bonds. (Debts from Revolutionary War.) 3.) Creation of a Bank of the United States (inspired by England) PRIVATE Corporation. It would Hold funds Issue Bank Notes that would serve as currency Make loans to the got when necessary. And while returning its profits to its stockholders 4.) Tax on whisky producers 5.) a. Impose a tariff


Page 3: b. Got subsidies could encourage American …...Federalists vs. Republicans (each considered the other a faction) Federalists supported the Washington Administration Republicans led

b. Got subsidies could encourage American manufacturing. Robust economic development Bank of the United States National Army


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Hamilton's program had many supporters American Financiers Manufacturers Merchants


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Hamilton's program had many supporters American Financiers Manufacturers Merchants OPPOSITION AROSE TO HAMILTON'S PLAN IN THE SOUTH /JEFFERSON HAMILTON BARGIN The south had the least interest in manufacturing development and least diversified economy Jefferson believed it to be unconstitutional In exchange for passing the bill, the national Capital would be placed between Maryland & Virginia. The emergence of opposition; Jeffersonian Vision for the republic Westward expansion Land for independent farmers Free trade Critique of Hamilton program - LED TO THE FORMATION OF PARTIES mid 1790s Federalists vs. Republicans (each considered the other a faction) Federalists supported the Washington Administration Republicans led by Madison and Jefferson More sympathetic towards France.


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Had more faith in democratic self-government Threat to liberty from a standing army Favoritism toward speculators at expense of small farmers Favoritism toward diversified North at expense of agrarian South Bases of support The Jefferson-Hamilton Bargain; 1790 compromise Divisions over foreign affairs The impact of the French Revolution Enthusiasm (Jeffersonian) Alarm (Washington, Hamilton) Aggravating developments War between France and Britain Edward Genet tour of America British encroachments on American ships Jay Treaty Political parties Each party claimed to the language of liberty and accused the opposing party of engaging in conspiracy to destroy the liberty The Federalist Party Agenda and philosophy Hamilton's economic program Close ties with Britain Suppression of popular unrest (Whiskey Rebellion) Occurred in 1794 Pennslyvania farmers sought to block collection of the new tax on distilled spirits Stated "Liberty or Death" Washington sent in 13,000 troops Rebels offered no resistance Fixed social hierarchy "Freedom rested on deference to authority." Excess liberty from the American Revolution was degenerating into anarchy. The Republican party (DOES NOT HAVE ANY CONNECTION TO THE MODERN DAY REPUBLICANS WHO WERE FOUNDED IN THE 1850's) Agenda and philosophy Democratic self-government Aversion to social and economic inequality Bases of support Intensity of partisan debate Expanding the public sphere; public debate Contributing factors Partisan divisions British radicalism


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Emigrants to America Thomas Paine's Rights of Man Affects of Expanding the Public Sphere More citizens attended political meetings and became enthusiastic readers of pamphlets and newspapers. Rapid growth of American press. Manifestations Political meetings, pamphlets, newspapers Democratic-Republican societies Emerging principle of democratic rights Implications for partisan politics Federalist alarm Republican receptiveness The rights of women Expanding participation in public discussion Influential voices Mary Wollstonecraft Published pamplet about woman rights Judith Sargent Murray


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Vision for the republic Westward expansion Land for independent farmers Free trade


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Federalists vs. Republicans (each considered the other a faction) Federalists supported the Washington Administration Republicans led by Madison and Jefferson More sympathetic towards France. Had more faith in democratic self-government Threat to liberty from a standing army


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Suppression of popular unrest (Whiskey Rebellion) Occurred in 1794 Pennslyvania farmers sought to block collection of the new tax on distilled spirits Stated "Liberty or Death" Washington sent in 13,000 troops Rebels offered no resistance Fixed social hierarchy "Freedom rested on deference to authority.” Ability to subdue rebellion was a major advantagte of a central government


Page 12: b. Got subsidies could encourage American …...Federalists vs. Republicans (each considered the other a faction) Federalists supported the Washington Administration Republicans led

Expanding the public sphere; public debate Contributing factors Partisan divisions British radicalism Emigrants to America Thomas Paine's Rights of Man Affects of Expanding the Public Sphere More citizens attended political meetings and became enthusiastic readers of pamphlets and newspapers. Rapid growth of American press. Manifestations Political meetings, pamphlets, newspapers Democratic-Republican societies Emerging principle of democratic rights Implications for partisan politics Federalist alarm Republican receptiveness


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The rights of women Expanding participation in public discussion Influential voices Mary Wollstonecraft Published pamphlet about woman rights Judith Sargent Murray


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• George Washington’s departure unleashed fierce party competition over the choice of his successor.

• In the election of 1796 two tickets presented themselves: John Adams with Thomas Pinckney representing the Federalists and Thomas Jefferson with Aaron Burr for the Republicans.

• Adams received 71 electoral votes to Jefferson’s 68.

• Because of factionalism among the federalists, Pinckney received only 59 votes, so Jefferson, became vice president


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• The US was a neutral nation during the British-French conflict , and claimed the right to trade nonmilitary goods with both Britain and France, but both countries seized American ships with impunity.

• When American diplomats were sent to negotiate a treaty to replace the old alliance of 1778, French officials presented them with a demand for bribes before negotiations could proceed. When Adams made public the envoys’ dispatches, the French officials were designated by the last 3 letters of the alphabet. This became known as the XYZ affair.


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• During the Quasi-War, French ships began seizing American vessels in the Caribbean and the newly enlarged American navy started harassing the French. In effect, the US had become a military ally of Great Britain.

• Adams negotiated peace with France in 1800.


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• Rural unrest grew in 1799 when farmers in southeastern Pennsylvania obstructed the assessment of a tax on land and houses that Congress had imposed to help fund an expanded army and navy. A crowd led by John Fries released arrested men from prison.

• Adams pardoned Fries in 1800, after he had been arrested for treason, but the area which had supported his election in 1796 never again voted Federalist.

• The Alien Act allowed the deportation of persons from abroad deemed “dangerous.” The Sedition Acts allowed the prosecution of virtually any public assembly or publication critical of the government

• 18 individuals, including several Republican newspaper editors, were charged under the Sedition Act.

• Republican press arose as a form of protest


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while Virginia and Kentucky legislatures adopted resolutions that attacked the Sedition Act as an unconstitutional violation of the first Amendment.

• Free expression was protested as being essential to liberty, and the states believed they should have the freedom to not follow unconstitutional laws.


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• “Jefferson and Liberty” became the watchword of the Republican campaign. • During the election, each party arranged to have an elector throw away one of

his two votes for president, so that it’s presidential candidate would come out a vote ahead of the vice presidential. But the designated Republican elector failed to do so.

• As a result, both Jefferson and his running mate, Aaron burr, received 73 electoral votes. With no candidate having a majority, the election was thrown into the House of Representatives. There neither man received a majority of the votes.

• Finally Hamilton intervened and his support for Jefferson tipped the balance. • To avoid repetition of this crisis, the Twelfth Amendment was added to the

constitution, and required electors to cast separate votes for president and vice president.


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• The very first Congress under the new Constitution received petitions, one bearing the signature of Benjamin Franklin, calling for emancipation.

• A long debate followed, and Madison concluded that the question of slavery was so divisive that it must be kept out of national politics.

• Fugitive slave law was passed and provided federal and state judges and local officials to facilitate the return of escaped slaves


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• Toussaint L’Ouverture, an educated slave, forged a rebellious slave army that was able to defeat British forces seeking to seize the island and then an expedition hoping to reestablish French authority. The slave uprising led to the establishment of Haiti as an independent nation in 1804.

• The revolution inspired hopes of freedom among slaves in the US. Black Africans would look to Toussaint as a hero and celebrated the winning of Haitian independence.

• Thousands of refugees from Haiti poured into the US, fleeing the upheaval. They spread tales of massacres of slave owners and the burning of plantations, which reinforced white Americans’ fears of slave insurrection at home.


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• Gabriel’s Rebellion was an attempted revolution organized by Gabriel, a Richmond blacksmith, and his brothers. They planned to march on the city and kill some white inhabitants, and hold the rest, including the Governor as hostages until their demand for the abolition of slavery was met.

• The plot was soon discovered and the leaders arrested. Twenty-six slaves, including Gabriel, were hanged and dozens more transported out of the state.

• The aftereffects included an awareness of slaves’ aspiration for freedom and an increased control over the black population in the south.


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capital’s condition symbolized Jefferson’s intention to reduce the importance of the national government in American life Inaugural Address:

“every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle… we are all Republicans, we are all Federalists” Policies:

Economy in government Unrestricted trade Freedom of religion & the press Friendships to all nations but “entangling alliances” with none

Believed America would flourish if a limited government allowed its citizens to be “free to regulate their own pursuits” Aimed to dismantle the Federalist system & eliminate government oversight of the economy Pardoned all those imprisoned under the Sedition Act Reduced the # of government employees & army and navy Abolished all taxes except the tariff Paid off part of the national debt Policies ensured that the US would not be centralized on a European model as Hamilton envisioned


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Distrusted unelected judiciary & believe in local self-government John Marshall

Appointed to President of the Supreme Court shortly before Jefferson took office Established the Court’s power to review the laws of Congress & the states

Marbury vs. Madison Adams appointed a number of justices of the peace to DC Madison (Secretary of State) refused to issue commissions to the “midnight judges” Four, including William Marbury, sued for their offices Marshall’s decision declared the section of the Judiciary Act that allowed the courts to order executive officials to deliver judges’ commissions, unconstitutional

Decision exceeded the power of Congress as outlined in the Constitution and was void

The cost-Supreme Court had assumed the right to determine whether an act of Congress violates the Constitution: known as “judicial review” Fletcher vs. Peck

Court extended judicial review to state laws Four land companies paid members of the state legislature, senators, & judges to secure the right to purchase land in present day Alabama & Mississippi 2 yrs later many of these lawmakers were defeated for reelection and the new


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legislature revoked the land grant and sales the Constitution forbade Georgia from impairing any contract

legislature could not repeal the grant


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resulted from the rebellion of slaves from Saint Domingue against the French when they were sent by the ruler of France to reconquer the island had to abandon the conviction that the federal government was limited to powers specifically mentioned in the Constitution bought for $15 million to increase American access to the port of New Orleans for trading doubled the size of the US, ending French presence in North America believed he was securing political stability for centuries


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sent into the Ohio valley w/ 50 members to explore new territory objectives:

study the area’s plants, animal life, geography discover how the region could be exploited economically

hoped they would establish trading relations with western Indians & locate a water route to the Pacific Ocean 1805: set out with Sacajawea who served as their guide and interpreter returned in 1806-

brought lots of information about the region & many plant and animal specimens failed to find a commercial route to Asia, but demonstrated possibility of overland travel to the Pacific coast found Indians in the trans-Mississippi West and connected to global markets

success strengthened the idea that American territory was destined to reach the Pacific


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Incorporating Louisiana • Significant non-Indian population: New Orleans • 8,000 inhabitants • 3,000 slaves • 1,300 free persons of color • Free blacks: (Under Fren. and Span. rule) had nearly all the rights of white citizens • Slaves in Louisiana enjoyed legal protections (unlike those in the US)


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Incorporating Louisiana cont.

• Spanish Slaves: able to obtain freedom through purchase or voluntary

emancipation by their masters

• Slave women could go to court. (protection against cruelty or rape by their


• Spanish and French civil rule: viewed women as co-owners of family property

• Local Legislature: adopted one of the most sweeping slave codes in the South

• Blacks not even allowed to “consider themselves the equals of whites”


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The Barbary Wars • Europe still influenced a great deal of American life • Jefferson did not want to get involved in foreign affairs • Ended up having to • Power of National Government expanded • 1785-1796: pirates capture 13 American ships • More than 100 sailors kept as “slaves” • Paralyzed American-Mediterranean trade • Federal Government paid hundreds of dollars in ransom • Agreed to annual sums to purchase peace • 1801: Jefferson refuses demands for increased payments.


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The Barbary Wars cont. • Pasha of Tripoli declared war on the US • Lasted until 1804 • American squadron won victory at Tripoli Harbor • Victory commemorated in “The Marine’s Hymn” • Treaty ended war • Freedom of American commerce • Tripoli soon resumed harassing American ships • After War of 1812: Barbary interference with American shipping ended • First American encounter with Islamic world


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The Embargo of 1807 • International Trade Law: neutral nations could trade non-military goods with

countries at war. • 1806: each combatant (Britain and France) declared each other under blockade • Royal Navy resumed the practice of Impressment • 1807: the Royal Navy had more than 6,000 American sailors • Claimed they were British citizens and deserters • Jefferson: the economic health of the US required freedom of trade • No foreign government had the right to interfere


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The Embargo of 1807 cont. • Decided to use trade as a weapon • December 1807: Embargo put in place • Navy sealed off ports and seized goods with out warrants • Army arrested accused smugglers • Hoped it would lead Europeans to stop their interference with American shipping • 1808: American exports dropped by 80% • Britain nor France took much notice • Non-Intercourse Act: banned trade only with Britain and France • Jefferson unintentionally helped Hamilton’s idea of Manufacturing


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Reversed Jefferson’s policy. Opens ports to both France and Britain If either tried to interfere again the president could re-inforce the embargo


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Growing Crisis o Deteriorating relations with Indians in the West propelled the U.S. toward war o Jefferson was favorable of the removal of Indians that would not “civilize themselves” across the Mississippi River § The Louisiana Purchase made this a more feasible plan o Benjamin Hawkins encouraged African-American slavery among tribes


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The Indian Response o 400,000 Americans lived west of the Appalachian Mountains o Indians reconsidered opposition § Replaced with merge of cultural traits – “Assimilation”


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Tecumseh’s Vision o Militian message preached by Shawnee brothers o Tenskwatawa – religious prophet, preached that White’s were the source of all evil o 1810- Tecumseh called for attacks on American frontier o 1811- American forces (under William Harrison) destroyed Prophetstown


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1795- James Madison writes that war is the enemy of true liberty § breeds taxes, debts, and armies o Reports of British encouragements of Indian attacks led by Tecumseh o 1812- Attacks on American shipping continues, Madison begs for Congress to declare war o Vote showed a divided country § Northward states against war, South and West were strongly for it o Bill passed by (H.O.R.) 79-49 and (Senate) 19-13 § Smallest margin of any war declarations in American history o Hard to finance war as northerners wouldn’t lend money o 1814- After Napoleon’s defeat, Britain invades he U.S. and burns he White House to the ground o Few military victories § 1812- Frigate Constitution defeats warship Guerriere § 1813- Commodore Oliver H. Perry defeated British Naval forces on Lake Erie § 1814- Fort Henry stands up to British bombardment, at this battle, Francis Scott Key composes “The Star-Spangled Banner” o Two front struggle; Indians and British o 1813- Indians led by Tecumseh were defeated and he himself was killed o 1814- 800 Creeks. Andrew Jackson writes “The power of the Creeks is forever broken” o 1815- Jackson fights off a British invasion, earning him the title “war hero”


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o Treaty of Ghent- signed by British and Americans § Signed 1814, but ships carrying news did not reach America until the battle had been fought


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-Happened in 1812. -Called the second war of independence -Caused widespread opposition to the conflict -Confirmed ability of a republican government to conduct a war without surrendering its institutions. -The war completed conquest of the area east of the Mississippi river. -Broke remaining powers of Indians in the Northwest. -Significantly reduced Indians holdings in the south. -Opened rich new lands to American settlers.


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-It was Jefferson’s and Madison’s wish to eliminate the federalist party in which they succeeded in. -At first, the war actually led to the revival of the party and its fortunes. -The Federalist Party self inflicted a blow to themselves that caused their downfall. -They were the charged of lacking patriotism at the convention. -Within a few years, the party completely disintegrated and no longer existed.