b^ days h msm&gm ^wmsmob pomfinisff aawenshs...

WSi5?'U!.I>' '•"J»'iU'~'.l''~'l IJ'MBJC!'""''''^'',""!'' ;•• af" 'tMci^aiffil, ^- •i*L,;:ji,wii«-4*i».'i , -.if.'-' •^IAJV^ ,' iJii^ii^ii *ww-'•» :.i«. ••! •:..i •<«•-:•>: -/^:^t ^J'; •.^.^mmmifitr*imi¥t»:r<»f -»''»•#*•«.:-•*. -;,••»>« -^Ofc. XXVfc ^J©. 4r B^ DAYS H Ej^- *»*•"•• 4 ; r^ JpHlMr WIB Cue Ppstpoaii Aw«te ani HaB Triliib CMK ' eonnty conT«nei lun MeaSky nont- -lles, Judc* SmUMl G. Bnot Bnndins, and eonthRMd in'MniML-for (wa tiiMy djnr« ««l}a«rniof to JloAdky; Ame 14! nj pi'aiMndiiigi AiHg^i:- Law. COMI The:«nt>4 Jary ratumd <ib« tdkm- iiUr {ndieti&&ita: Cemmonwa^th Mgi^itgisAmi.pByim, inMetiami tot Mony, a trntbUEl, aiul Coauastniwltii a feloay, 8 \nn UB. Conufnonwealth against. Earbert Davia—contiBiMd nitU Monday, Oeto- haril} <i«teula9t. mad Joha Davit, Ui SBW> «iitar aaeh-iiitp fBWkboiid for Jkavia' ap>«araiapa on day MOOT trial: ^- HM^ZB, M ManawaiT. ConunonwaaUii aMtf|wt Hatvey;G4x- OaM.dvptiwMd^ CoBUMinnaHlr agafaut W^aaU>€l» BtiUiBfete«nfc^£nr fakmy—<»w e timiaa JU» Hoakb7> Oe^>W l U de- ^Wdatf; «i«X SUlMr MfeiMk iteaty {mMy beiss rq^Mawtal l^ G. J. Mactaa), cntand acA firta boB« oi^d« fat Uit PSA «|78TIN n INBfOmP^MI «v .'vgiiiii tm'l ifattMBMLfaai Uaicr «»B« KarlJ. AaMin. iaaaiaaM agant, azv laatad OB^algittaf liay S following tha murdar Qf X. B. B. Davia^^waa in- owga 8f Uurgwaia 3^~wban tie Aa« tana «( Mta «|Ridt eoart eoa- v«Md hara. cm Monday. Wh«a tiia eallad Mr. Anatia, withoat jdaatoniag'to the latietatent, entafad a plaa <rf"nat-gaatr-a«i^ uiwwi tor ctotiaiiatiw'af tlM eaaa, applying for bair iCJm^caaa WW aat for. trial Tnaa- dky, Oatobar 6. - Bail'waa rtavrtd, Mr. Austin, Dr^J, J. C. Maradith, m*. Margaratjfflasi^ and Mn. Mai? C. Sonafrank <1^.' law) executing bosdLin tba aim o^ $IO;000 eacb for Isia appaaraaee on tba dlay aet far tha trial. Mr. Aaatta'* a(- ii^rntytmrVtr. Mm 1. Lee, of Lyn^ Tmt, aad aCaa*n^T. E. IMdUw and C. Waaltii'a Attoruv Tfaoa. H. Coiunoa- TRtt,«» anteal frq« «iaa«i'a oafrt^ .lia mriatad in the praMtiUtipaJbtJbu .^ M4. tor a( tiia aatata of Gaor«a J. Laetuod^ ^eaaaadf adBdidatrattor.VMliata, ••- tetag iA^^booi o r | < l ^ vttii J, IH tDonntr, jHualy. * <;SertqNte Jl^ar yariattlrt to ra- daam ktivaalMia'M Iteafla MHar, ;¥< -^IW of William M:ilrvMt grf- - iMtod and adiaittad $9 Mesid} ^i# vilte A. Wbaalair, exaeatot naMcT fai 4riB, qualiilaa by ai>tarfag^iB*»itiM« _ Imd witbovt^ecBti^. Komina^i^'of conflniad^ '•• » " «iM, Haiti i»^^«;-B. HMtry 7)K»np8<n a g i h u t 7^ V. JCap^ Certificates gaanted to John Q. Pet- ttt f<»r^a)»taintag liHiiwi of adttiaia> MVaXt BIBJHSAT tAXFt WanMai ^ t t i a ' BIZUI msm&Gm ^wmsmOB Twig Eatertiln Tt^mlmn mi Mirieal Pr^;fuw.i The Baddiffe ehanUiwia cioiid a three-day angaganwntrkara ] a a t ^ « ^ in tha ahaataaqna' taut iiaat ti» a»nrtr booaa. The pgrogcam inetadad a lac- tmra hy Prr^faaar W: ftidfh, of tW^ gate Untraraity,apdaeoacart aad«i' tartainmaat by tan yonng BMe, todiai^ ing e i | ^ nambara af tiba "Amtrk^rA- AH" dataehntant from the OHStp^Jp- ton recniit edoeational eaotva. Ig Dr. Smitl^a ssbjfet waa 'Vmui AnmriQa." "The anehora Ol ,||aao«-' racy ua jostiea and eomaton aaasat fittA th«re can ba no atabflity-iidktil w* bKve beiti of thoae virtoea in-Aor dam- aaaey,r Dr. EMth dadarad. Zketwo forcea at woricto~\tai»n^a» the fta- Ullty td the goTammant, ha aaid, are POmFINISff H^GBAQE CiMMMac«aiaBt-.^t«<r. f . P. JXChrkMakMAddnM. Sapraaantativa Hanry D.. Flood, of Virginia, and Mr. John S. Barbour, Waabiagtoa attomay. eama to Uow« FaoiHaa and frianis rf tiie 400 atti-l *"*' • » « " * bee«»Mha aantaa rf * | denial tM ^^-yitTT giaJiil aehod) P ^ — *^^^^ *^ "*^ ^*'*** •^^'^^ IMW^'^^VLWI^ : ^ PortaaT' reyolation and raaetim, and the ba^ roadiMn_,iiCTt ba aoaght—'Sia. ajwt canaulty aadiaBea^^Mendair avi^ping in the ehantanqaa.t«it whan wa" annaai conual __ wm b^ Sqpt Chariaa B. McDan^ aid laaaidad fod at th«> teaciaaion of <b« prograltt pt^aaotad eartllcatea of jpromotioa to hjgh achool t6 fwty pu- yilaaf Uia eighth grade who bOA aeata ii-:hoaaf on tha piatfgcn and took ^part in tb« azardsak of tha aTenittg. Tba^proipam opened with a.d>ona, ••Freedom'a Banner." which waa fbl- lowed by the Invacatian o<|rered by Bar. A. Stoart GSiaen. Bav. TT^ DuClark, pastor of tba Manaaaaa Baptiat Chureb, made the addidte to the grad> ifEalMtlebaioiatiie ^ natasi. Amaaiiey partgr ot UtOa people apant Toiaday.miing at the bdkna tt Mr. aBftt'^aBiaw wc W' jxyuMtn m Jvaat anaat to edabrato tba aixth birthday ama- i^araary of IMr tttUe jgraaddaaghtet, Kfiaa EatkiBr KTarran Patliai Tha gneata wMft >«eef«ad.an tiia.apacioai iawn by Oa »«o|hoa4jtia^'a«lsto4 by f«er matb«r,lfi«:£ Fnmk;fa«tia. aai Mj^; Hynavb .Bingand ^raa^ gipnea # » a j|ia<ial]1l^ Oe lawn, Waa A^ Weir WMna .winning tba prisa fa "tiib' clothea^liiia raae and IfiflaJSMbtefa^ PM; ba^^ wlfat.Mir^yamit hant. I ^ - •• 1 ••-. .liia»»tta.gwnttgiiba.yiwii<; poa^ the aahitataty waa given by Bd- WftiTlAia, •<» et Mr. and iba. Var. con <|E. lake. M W Saaa^ Ui HatHr "WaJBva ao doae togalhar tint ^ '^aoa, gMAddaogfater of Bar. and Mn, Jaaa wa Uw-aa bn>thera.aad'Mibb«ia i^artwood BntehiHO. waa -valadieto- we liaOt eanlluiia to titbi aaah atW," Jjjn auJ Mr. Jriia 43aada, aea af Jb. the apanlHr aaid, la aoauaiaf # tha ifed Mrs. Wffliam B..Gooda, waa daaa aitBBtiaai: -W are a aai^riwabaod: prapfaet lOaa Caulattna Moaar, daagh- Wamtaatbaabntb^rbpod.'* !>ar of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moaar, gav« Tha "Amaaieaam-ASr ware «i|^t an amaaing taading ontitjfiri "Whan y^g nan of ^SiSvwt natiooalitlea the Miaiatar Comaa^ta.lte;'' Miaa *baJ>HTa eoma togoOMr aa AaaaaUw Baa* Uea, daagtatar of l i n . W: K. eitisma n a d a r ^ »aiia*qia ifatf, ri90 Biea^ « * » a Aamatte lawUng, "A Sol* aumbacr of tba United SUtea a n ^ . dier of ttaJEnpnar," by Thamas Nai> An of then have ban leaiafalg ipi lai^ PimLaad Mod liyaa. aon of lb, read, writo and qteak SngUah abBt»itmi'3^'*.^:Vit9B;tm»fiipKoik Fateawy at tiia Camp Upton aahaal ^^ S ^ w a t ^ a l A i Maoda,^ tbaiiBair for iilltaratoatidtedgn boniaetd^era: l([|»iui.<<Ba ii^ialaae «aor theirnppart Fmeai Sartdft,Greeee, Italy and atbar4|i|lag tta yaar and empbaairinf ^Oa «bBntriaairiba'c»WMldann«^ra- Bead af.a adUnl aa^artUB md gym- •anted and aad»«tin J « ^ i « a toltob-a^iinit: ' ' ' ing «t«f^ to the apantty of Ua adop. The arankal tioaaad to the flag Wfanna-oSbaf daa Aa. iMcttoa, af Jirft. JK. mada thaua^vea nndentoed' In very I(odga| warair ^9ba AjgA good Bni^i^ Ida, wiTliii aatitt^Jtoi.11 Xko«atoHu>¥I««a •haai MMaaaHto «aia .arvafl «" « • ^ .«a^aatwa%-and with gxaator Ftoir- and "AMa wS^la,*-^ eMe tbaa tb^ wan abla «»^ apaalc^ei^aanHa raadiaga, "A Si^amer Oww. Tbiy dao wa«% Ouaagk -ttytiam 1 Ijia ar*T«ikd 'SeaaJifinMtbaa Than a aiiich ,l|Mg> an aQay. »•> i^iyideaBy Map," ware g i n n by a gnaip af giria atroar ted tbapietarfaiiwdUI. Thcy^ odar the 8i9errisi9a af Jba, Atdga. % Jlntioaiin p6raoBal«eatate :M 9atiii; ' •BaPia!,.eii|pnng ini B.T. Capcb,.**)^ . Leidfa^^j^biia .A^na, 1< wMaa faOaalsaaule ^rtiia'aarnQ in an *•-> ^XU^ «ftr^va,Batttac^#r*falfeJMi»bitfc x.S!!^ ilM priadpat'^alSiitaBn h^ f larg^ :ypjBhp|im- «i :|)^»Bofb9r,f|aHfBii maaa anrmaanted^ byV r o ^ fatiaS Ibby of tb4'lUiwpia famllr « i d « ^ : ^avoHi ware littla paper faata.enMM^g nia» BMptpa of d»^^w,a)itoi..f.. -»-=?,:. .? TRe gi)e8ta'w«r«ir Anii#'MM Bitty DMija.Awie Mii Billy OampCT, Prea- ^ y ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ McUH^iHn,^iataaaaka^oa Jasb ai»dJBo» B a t ^ e , Darotty Li^ ^01^1^^ SSMHUM KeiwBe^ui^Francea Bnahong. Marr ;^:^r:^,rr„ •'^ '~"'^^ Im a»*Siiey Ak^^ton. Maafe Bah-' "«»Tan naua 4»ftt«^B««r ^Ot^r^dbilto^W^ anf l]W^y iRdaca, laM'SBot, Mkv aai# I1J« A TIEAB IK KXnhSm FN^TIN COIHt^ ir* Hood, AttMM7 aitrhMiraiMOtlim AiiMrafaiSadk. 'willeoataat opened in tly drcoit eoart hen Taaaday, lawyan Aid <»»««^~* «f*,^..^ j^^»t.tp-^,j bft a l}v^ aenflto. The action waa eo Mrift that many wfteeaaea wen ana- U e to^faUow the blowa, bat the bloody appearance af the primary epnteataata proved that aomebody'a aim ,waa tnia. 'The troiMa started whan Mr. Barbour, coontd £^ jttoponanta, after bearing aAdayito of tiw eontastanta, branded tham "tdHUea." Bq>reaentotive Flood, wboaa wife ia bitarertad in the aoit aa a sistaf of the btte Paol V. P<»taar utd n^ a' banaAdaiy aadar tha 4anaa of Us wfli, was qidek to raaant the aOe- ' gation, which."no one tat a honnd" woo^ bava made, he declared with beat In an instaiit the two wen to- gatbar, and surivuuded by aa excited glttiv ef partidpilata and peaea-audc- ara. Mt, Baiboar Ut the ilret blow, aeowdinc to witaaaaee, striUag Mr. Flood, iriw ra^omed Aa iBati«» with bk caaa, after wUeb lb. wmiaai P. VaradRh, aftWaaUactan. iriMae wife la ditaf baMOdaty aadar tha.wHl, ad- vaaead i^oa M!r. Fload.-' What «tdir Jadpe Biawt ieaAMd a aanra laptliuand adtt- evt liapaaliy saaa na oaitawipt ef aoort 'am caae waa cowtbMWd" to JblylVi HI ware a | ^ erow4 tedjiwipaand to a t Be*. WiBbua Stanne^ pastanaf Gnea •*• *• be habTTlfeaday avaatog ia Oa Althoogfatbf Het of gradaatce haa Botbaen aaaoBaoed, plana an in raadt- for the annn^ aanmnnreiwatit ax- Ugbecbaal.iriik^ aawENSHs Jtirglar Saeeomlig Ut ExfMMM HhuM Ifcaartt liiwargl on Wednwiigy. Harrison Daniel Wenrich, promi- inent member of the Lutheran congra- gati«fi-«nd Maneft»a8 busiitesa mau foe thirty-three years, died Sunday even- ai'hliliome in Grant avenue after a bmg period of il! health. H.I>. WXNBICT by* - INaand aervieed, I af relativae and'friends, ttaraoeaat Bathd Lath. Ghoreh bjr tha paator, Bav. B^iar Z. Panea, aad iafennant waa mad* feu tha Lathaaaaeaaietary near Badibdl with Maaowic canmonica aadar tha Kaaaaaab I^dga, No, US. A. F.aad.A.«. Meaiban at ftteea WSBim Lodge, Tndnamdaat Order dt Odd Pdhnab iagK~ " ~ " " " Orte FcciHBBt r Den tv^ I aid. legaBy a^»«9dby Bobieto L^^i jw^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mgar Cen- Lynii;withtba«onaentofGaerga nS; BoAvDairio. Eleaaor GibaoD.' a - A | i e a , father of eaid cUld.^ to adopijlea-aad changcirf name ftaia L^Qiae^rr'AyMB t d r u « d a e ^ . LynfL Joy thafe part & t^ pragrani aa awwitMathodiat Epiacopal OHieh, Saath, W any mamhttfTtf tUtaadfauea. - pftatouaead the benadtetilik. T^fizit-afteriMMaland avenfng ad^ The gradnatee wan: Jane Uttar- dnaaea wara.ma^ by^Di:» Bobart W.- bad^ BBUL Walfley, Jobb Goode. Beae Wiedar, Kannia Bafar, a f t h e ABea k" Ihe Joba- Hutubahar l^dman. 8u- JflJbU^fl«JMnfiatimi Boaby Daeria, Eleaaor Cibeei^ Sara mixabea Lawie. BOIy Bav^r .lEa^itriBft Kini^ J f a i r ^ }jif» aad adtaaaao. J[^yi#aB, tngfthat. wt^ Bay T. Laadi a g a l ^ W. U BIM^ -sttachmant-^yattor .a^l#l«f Sll latcaatof plato- /Leaahmaa 'g^innt JPWP*— .mnlafad Mattteiuf Bank of , pjgiatien—BMfmdaat tVrtttea et4lnMat>n«J filMc. -•'••"* ~ ;Apf)Uc«tiona for p^iaiMia' of Lon- te.G. Nied and Eouna Jaaa WdflcyJ wUewB of Ccad^danto addiars, aa| jtaiqClff^ J^ *l\ McDonald,'.poaibdante aoP" ''' 9: to 11a ef*- jBft, Ml^aPpUeati^ llwibpe foe; ra-ri^tiaB.^ * •Wraved. ^,MB L. aad JkeeevMe^ -»aow«d. - Janaaaa, JaBor, Clwk's lists of writingr admittedlo raCHa dorlag aad aiaealaat MM c«^ exammad and ordered filed. A i motioa of J. P.Taarhwian, cocai- ty treaswar. B. B. Oeeiear dqtuty traaannr to aeBaef taaaa ia Gifticavina diaMat Wm of Faaaie C. Peanaen, deceaeed, pr^ated. on aaotiea af Lala i- Pear- . ' V ^ dtocstrix. "tt B. A Weatfaarford agaiaat ^ Jaiaaa McBeth-PiailMid agraad. * agattit JM I**- Okanga' e n c a r y Co., i^ahiat I. W. A Don Dismisaed agreed. Fertilizer A Cbenucal Ca., Inc., against Cohnnbns Baraea, notiee—Jadgmeat for plaintiff to f- eoabr S2M.27, int«reit and cbets. Thnp for filmp property book and other tax .-xxiks of the CommjsrioBara of Rf'veni;'' " T I let-. •- Ot^fotwr 4 dik:QtiBimi$OQUocd^ l e U x t a l ^ Bltt day. •> • •- .- •./" '' iWeaMiaeatnat tEart J. Jfli^ j^faMp-Oaaa ,94(rs^ Glaaiar, Mrs. Mery €i. Swaftanb aaid Dr. h C.JferadW>» hnadad ia^anatJaf lEtMtt. fe*; lia-'l*-"--'"•---^'^ cpartanOctobCTlS. - ' -•• V^ H' Bobart A- ItiMeen agaimt IGlf. garet Baldwin et ^a^RoIe .hatato- for»> isaaad jaqartiBKd, wid» leava & «r aH# ler'•fata*^ vaoattoa i^tar^ daa, naikti ta> ilAii^ Jatfti. ' \ c - C A Sindair aad'Bobot 4 . H a t ^ jawV' tmateja, «agaaist Ja|iiae La^ jr., afc- at—Decree 'far rafc agaiait gigBttute TapecdKr~r*faanal>ia flraf leh nanieon, Qhiikhia^^^toeg, Hibbat Ea^ BeaddaQT. Vlr- eeeapany, toinpoead af Mr. Bead, a*a Maada WdBay, Bang, Vbh-Jm^^ who stayed tta- teOe Cwnwall, Hden xykvliAe. and Mis* EtheT^AM^k^ gjj^ ORI^ llBi^ acoiqiaaist aad dngar, waa ^pdl ta^ Arawnen MO^red-Diddas, NaUa Bay- ceiva^i Aaae^g ^ n n n A a n warti^ of aiond,. Nod L^na, Baft .gJadtehaj apedtf BMallM^^wan Mr. Baad% aola, Falheiliii ' JTiiiiaei. Teiiiip Halfi^ "Nfeoiur a jjjgiinii ado, ^H^rry FredaBaila, Margaiat Baaaatt, Oecar ' ' {^-^hpo aad BlBe, Cailton Athey, Hden Caaaftn, - ^ftont Bdan ^rtai. Gay Vhitme^. ^m 1iM> iehneoa aaf B*pMl Uka. Other byMifirHliiiiiiC;. -•> t-aialiilB wta ncafcM tha". aaak buliiaa Uw aa|t|aato ba- waavs gCptociavGonnar, ^CBh^tw I Ba^iiat OtaT^ .Hie avanto rpnir witk 4^ banqoet of the Jkhnnat juapdatiab at tha high achod boOding. wban tha gradnatee a n to be wdeemt I. E, Canaoa, F. C. Bai^mgj^^ J. P. Leaehmaa. K. & Hy|MB, CL K: Naab, W. Hill Brawn. D. i. Arringtaai aad 6. Baymead BatdiO^ *Mr. Weodeb i«a beta aixty-thna Tba baccflamate earviee wfD brid at the Baptiat CharA Svidq;, evaafaig. Bar. PefiaieBl fTiae. | preach tha aanBcai. ' , DK W . J.^Yooag, ef tiM state aor^ mal sdMri at Hacrifoabars, is i l BMkf the addna* ^ BM gndaataB Tliaday evfaibc. Mise Beriha Watia wiO da- ef wateeaaa. Miaa yaan ago in.Beravll]e, B a r ^ i Pk.,whar8bav«ithiiaartyHfe. Ha waa^aaarried NovanAei' 2,1898. forty^ eaa yaan ago, .to Mto Adah C. Hat. aad e^^yaazs iBtar tba eoovla to Maaaasaa. Mr.. WeKicBantaeo - ing tba jaweky badnaaa, ada^ ba«o»- ftawad aa to the tone ^f hfi fritt flV' be near wBh. the awaptien^^-K t|^Br* q^t ia •Co«tog^l^ Va., 'W WIIXJNB Grave n a t e i eaid^Katb- an ptorcbaaa-af GaiUsrfeKal. to' pay | M to C. K. N)ed aa conaad f defendant aad^-aUaMny peadeato Uto J. P. Dafvto itt."^ against Carty Copan at al—Oatfaa aaflhaeiBlag.Aa< tins Commteaiener Uoa to par. Nt^C7 balaane in faad daa Jaatto for MabkCaat HaOlaJL Coekerille'et al—Decree against plaintiffB aad daftadanta, ra- tafaaUa firat ioly rtfee, to aOflgatioM of petittiMi of W. B. F n ^ .lohn W.^Iall et al afjamst Annie H. Hoffman et al—Decree confirminfc re- ports of Special C'lmmissioror T^.on-.a* < <]y^Werfc U a < » The to the Waiaaadayla p^ggraialfe by etariear tor ypBBf aad aid by PanUae Xdbwiea,. Jaaier orgaaiser: laitiipe lij Ml h.f W*^i Bia-cttfttf a aeaaect by fte^ ' -MK: vtbUntit, whfwaa aaatttad t..,^ \fS a aaieist aad by an arcaaBpaaist Tha echod tbia year had aa muA-V^f^L^!^^ aad Itoparaedatar.-waa greatad wftb aMBtaf dtt. Mn. C. M. Laikia waa phadldl aad the faOawteg A g a w tha rtdto a i h a w . ware «raa-^fr«ar to chB>s» ef tha ^aeriptfana of .fThe BaBaiy71««har. Mii' E. "D.: WSaler, eighth ctade: lia^hjrae'' aaai^Aaa Maria." IhB a»i?ie^^Taea B^ Mata, aaaaatii grade; .cieaipaalat. aa arth» ef yaw' taieat, Miaa MarioM^ Man Lev^ dztb gave piaao aalea aad hrihaarafi fawer'-grade; Mi« 9 a i e Lawson, fiftt grade; iXha LUaJy. E«ns8, fte«-grade; <]ifa~.ftaila WMen CSJi^, t^d gifda; Idaa Daiato HiB Braw& Me<itf fradd^ aad IBaa Graea B. Metait^ BMt Opar to fta lanAg GbrI ef Teda(^ aad naea ef AgHeaten fai tha B i ^ JBdMaL" Spacid janaic wOl b* n a - datBl Is the dioras dasi -rfli^^lfcGymald wlB - Mr. Wearidi Mt to^naka faia hi CovJBctoa^ bat ratanaed to apoa the earant' aoUcte-^ t l o o a f friaade ba j^pd m a ^ to ^ vfetofty'TW tiha Jaat toni ar ti)mm yean ha had aamd a«^^« aai^pl^ af tiietoaneoaacilbeia. v fia jb aarviwd by bia wldow^ WMB, MI. WBaua N. Wenrteh, af ^ . and thaFanaia ^__ eftba Dixie tbeatni^ and Mr. (Sariee a Weari^ af W^ah- togtaa, who ia eoaaaetad with ^ Peat OAca Dena>tBHtt'^'dmB~j^^^^v^ ^ I lbB.-Walter F. Hibba and Mrs. J. H. d i ^ , Baxrada, ef Maaaasaa, aad Mn. ThMB- pri».tha Jbbaaea eenificatoB, iieaala awardaa. aa M. Watktoa. af AkxaadJia. aad cna. laiaeai, Mbaa Adkb Waarieh..<rf Wadk, fagtoB, trtM «|Ba reared BUSTBBBSMBBT EkbnB, Beeratary) Pwdtry ClBhu ss ufvwBvn tiiuw Manh #, 1»». The maiHag waa| to erdar by Fatttt, who argaalaed tbs dabfiiraa with aatr AttidBalllHl^thafian>pad^ga^ DaaM Hai' Oar Wedaaaday, Onvatoa achod annrgad tobei mvited to attead. (Katto Ifoea, Betwrter) Hie Boay ieae aastfer tibetr da. Oar teacnai' ebowad ne BMBsan length^Jor oar aprons. At oar next iiiedlng wafaepatoeat interaatod intiM•*'\ iTBrt tl f«rfMlT aad start oar aprona. Alao oar teach- -r^mr No. fiO. Patriotir or ia plaaninr to gfvc n« a whole day, I so that we can havC a lesson on bread <'-!«'r. ! making'. kX. prig interested in onr vnrk arp ir.vifed t-o attend our meet- Bad awBogiaa^jrill be BUtobctii Qnarlea iebnaon award, oftaad for the flnt tiae tide year, Wfll Be ccntinaed amtwaUy. fba priae is to' be parduuMd with the in- tereat fMn a |1<M Liberty bead pre- aaatod to dM^adted by'Dr. and Mn. jR B; C Jfnbaann with the reqneet Hart tiie iacoBM be niad for a mathepaatira priae to a member ef tiie inaier dan, to which tlieiss^I^Mil loaged at tha.thaaaf WUla fonad faivtotieaB to fhaeoBH maneeaaeat axerdBee an iaaoed by tiic faeaKy BIKI gmflaating daaa, todod- IBC eaida to ba prsaentail at tii* door; ttiefanrltatiaBVst is not avaOahle this year oa aecaant af the iDaaM of the prhidpal, Wm Bagaida H. Oahoarn. As it haa baaa tha eoetoB aftiMfaeal- ty to aea Ihat aO pereane iataiaatod to -ef the B^ad, as waB as ef a n invited, the BtmHj todtoa an who may be everloobed tUa apply at tha ached far tote PBanfTBBIAN LANK MBBT (Mn. J. H. Dodge, SaentBiy) lira. Etchiaon and Mn. Grip, repre- senting the Washington Prasbyterld Society, met with the Manaaaaa Prea- byterian Missionary Society at the church Tuesday afternoon for the pur- pose of orjranizmc: young p«viple's 'so- . • : it>!" M-. Etx-h-sor. &"• N!"^. 'irir _ aa a a. the Weda% honsehdd. ^Another aeai Paid Deway Weaiiefa, died to ia- f^Bcy andis bariedben to the family tot totito£atheraa cemetery.; He alea leavaa faartroUien isra~sista, Mre. Edward liong, of Banding, Pa., and Haasn: Morris M. Wenrich, Coving-* ton. Vs.; Frapdil Wenricb;; Babesoaii^^ • Pk.; Nathaiihi^B. WeariCh, Beading. V ^ aad Lewis Waerlcb,^ laaraafM- , coonty. Pa., aad^kaa grandchfl^nn-^ } WiDMlmiaa and Wilaon Kdfar Ww- rieh; Catharine, MuganC, Trank£n. A Laaiae, Eliiabeth aad Herbert Harrl> aea Bibbs; C^arlea Daaid Weber Wearich nd WiDtoW Barriaan Wat- kins. v^_^ Among the rdativea aad frieaf who caaae to Manefaaa to attend tba funeral wan: Mr. aad Mra. C. C. Wenridi, Min Adah Wenrich, Mra. Claiatiae Weber, Itxa. Bertha Yoaag aaf Mrs. Emma Bbach, of Waahing- toa; Mr. aad Mrs. Thoataa M. WatUaay Mn. Silaa Davara aad Mra. Latna Watidna, ail Ataaadria; Mr. and Mra. Fraada Wenrich aad Meeeaa Tlujd Wearich aad Lewfe TTagar, ef Roba- M i a , Pa.; Mra. Edward L o ^ and Mr. lUtitaaid H. Wenrick, of Bwdisg»" Ph.; Mleaii Muy aad Beada Hibba, af The Plaina, and Mr. L M. Ota, af Bowmana. '—Marriage licenses were issued in Washingrton this week to Fred D Ray, of Agnewville, and Sarah F . . -., of Rectortow-n; Ca- .->;•- i-

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Page 1: B^ DAYS H msm&Gm ^wmsmOB POmFINISff aawENSHs H^GBAQEeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · ware littla paper faata.enMM^g nia» BMptpa of d»^^w,a)itoi..f

W S i 5 ? ' U ! . I > ' '•"J»'iU'~'.l''~'l IJ'MBJC!'""''''^'',""!'' • ;•• af"

'tMci^aiffil, ^ - •i*L,;:ji,wii«-4*i».'i , -.if.'-'

• ^ I A J V ^ ,' iJii^ii^ii *ww-'•» :.i«. ••!

•:..i •<«•-:•>: - /^ :^t ^J';


- » ' ' » •# * •« . : - • * . - ; , • •»>«

- ^ O f c . XXVfc ^J©. 4r


Ej^- * » * • " • • 4 ; r JpHlMr WIB Cue Ppstpoaii

Aw«te ani HaB Triliib CMK '

eonnty conT«nei l u n MeaSky nont--lles, Judc* SmUMl G. Bnot Bnndins, and eonthRMd in'MniML-for (wa tiiMy djnr« ««l}a«rniof to JloAdky; Ame 14!

nj pi'aiMndiiigi AiHg^i:-


The:«nt>4 Jary ratumd <ib« tdkm-iiUr {ndieti&&ita: Cemmonwa^th Mgi^itgisAmi.pByim, inMetiami tot Mony, a trntbUEl, aiul Coauastniwltii

a feloay, 8 \nn UB. Conufnonwealth against. Earbert

Davia—contiBiMd nitU Monday, Oeto-haril} <i«teula9t. mad Joha Davit, U i S B W > «iitar aaeh-iiitp fBWkboiid for Jkavia' ap>«araiapa on day MOOT trial: ^ - HM^ZB, M ManawaiT.

ConunonwaaUii aMtf|wt Hatvey;G4x-

OaM.dvptiwMd^ CoBUMinnaHlr agafaut W^aaU>€l»

BtiUiBfete«nfc^£nr fakmy—<»w e timiaa JU» Hoakb7> Oe^>W l U de-^Wdatf; « i « X SUlMr MfeiMk U« iteaty {mMy beiss rq^Mawtal l ^ G. J. Mactaa), cntand acA firta boB«

oi^d« fat Uit PSA

«|78TIN n INBfOmP^MI

«v .'vgiiiii tm'l ifattMBMLfaai



KarlJ. AaMin. iaaaiaaM agant, azv laatad OB^alg i t ta f liay S following tha murdar Qf X. B. B. Davia^^waa in-

owga 8f Uurgwaia 3^~wban tie Aa« tana «( Mta «|Ridt eoart eoa-v«Md hara. cm Monday. Wh«a tiia

eallad Mr. Anatia, withoat jdaatoniag'to the latietatent, entafad a plaa <rf"nat-gaatr-a«i^ uiwwi tor ctotiaiiatiw'af tlM eaaa, applying for bair iCJm caaa WW aat for. trial Tnaa-dky, Oatobar 6. -

Bail'waa rtavrtd, Mr. Austin, Dr J, J. C. Maradith, m*. Margaratjfflasi^ and Mn. Mai? C. Sonafrank <1^.'

law) executing bosdLin tba aim o^ $IO;000 eacb for Isia appaaraaee on tba dlay aet far tha trial. Mr. Aaatta'* a(-ii^rntytmrVtr. M m 1. Lee, of L y n ^ Tmt, aad aCaa*n^T. E. IMdUw and C.

Waaltii'a Attoruv Tfaoa. H. Coiunoa-

TRtt,«» anteal frq« «iaa«i'a oafrt^ .lia mriatad i n the praMtiUtipaJbtJbu . ^ M 4 .

tor a( tiia aatata of Gaor«a J. Laetuod^ ^eaaaadf adBdidatrattor.VMliata, • • -tetag iA^^booi o r | < l ^ vttii J, IH tDonntr, jHualy. *

<;SertqNte Jl^ar yariattlrt to ra-daam ktivaalMia'M Iteafla MHar,


- IW of William M:ilrvMt grf-- iMtod and adiaittad $9 Mesid} ^ i #

vilte A. Wbaalair, exaeatot naMcT fai 4riB, qualiilaa by ai>tarfag^iB*»itiM«

_ Imd witbovt^ecBti^. Komina^i^'of

conflniad^ ' • • » "

«iM, Hai t i i»^^«;-B.

HMtry 7)K»np8<n agihut 7 V. JCap

Certificates gaanted to John Q. Pet-ttt f<»r^a)»taintag liHiiwi of adttiaia>


WanMai ^ttia' BIZUI

msm&Gm ^wmsmOB

Twig Eatertiln Tt^mlmn mi Mirieal Pr^;fuw.i

The Baddiffe ehanUiwia cioiid a three-day angaganwntrkara ] a a t ^ « ^ in tha ahaataaqna' taut iiaat ti» a»nrtr booaa. The pgrogcam inetadad a lac-tmra hy Prr^faaar W: ftidfh, of tW^ gate Untraraity,apdaeoacart aad« i ' tartainmaat by tan yonng BMe, todiai^ ing e i | ^ nambara af tiba "Amtrk^rA-AH" dataehntant from the OHStp^Jp-ton recniit edoeational eaotva. Ig

Dr. Smitl^a ssbjfet waa 'Vmui AnmriQa." "The anehora Ol ,||aao«-' racy u a jostiea and eomaton aaasat fittA th«re can ba no atabflity-iidktil w* bKve beiti of thoae virtoea in-Aor dam-aaaey,r Dr. EMth dadarad. Zketwo forcea at woric to~ \tai»n^a» the fta-Ullty td the goTammant, ha aaid, are


CiMMMac«aiaBt-. t«<r. f . P. JXChrkMakMAddnM.

Sapraaantativa Hanry D.. Flood, of Virginia, and Mr. John S. Barbour, Waabiagtoa attomay. eama to Uow«

FaoiHaa and frianis rf tiie 400 atti-l *"*' • » « " * bee«»Mha aantaa rf * | d e n i a l tM ^^-yitTT giaJiil aehod) P ^ — *^^^^ *^ "*^ *'*** •^^'^^

IMW^'^^VLWI^ : ^ PortaaT'

reyolation and raaetim, and the b a ^ roadiMn_,iiCTt ba aoaght—'Sia. ajwt

canaulty aadiaBea^^Mendair avi ping in the ehantanqaa.t«it whan wa" annaai conual __ w m b ^ Sqpt Chariaa B. McDan^ aid laaaidad fod at th«> teaciaaion of <b« prograltt pt^aaotad eartllcatea of jpromotioa to hjgh achool t6 fwty pu-yilaaf Uia eighth grade who bOA aeata ii-:hoaaf on tha piatfgcn and took part in tb« azardsak of tha aTenittg.

Tba^proipam opened with a.d>ona, ••Freedom'a Banner." which waa fbl-lowed by the Invacatian o<|rered by Bar. A. Stoart GSiaen. Bav. TT^ DuClark, pastor of tba Manaaaaa Baptiat Chureb, made the addidte to the grad>




Amaaiiey partgr ot UtOa people apant Toiaday.miing at the bdkna tt Mr. aBftt' aBiaw wc W' jxyuMtn m Jvaat anaat to edabrato tba aixth birthday ama-i araary of IMr tttUe jgraaddaaghtet, Kfiaa EatkiBr KTarran Patliai Tha gneata wMft >«eef«ad.an tiia.apacioai iawn by Oa »«o|hoa4jtia^'a«lsto4 by

f«er matb«r,lfi«:£ Fnmk;fa«tia. aai Mj^; Hynavb .Bingand ^raa^ gipnea # » a j|ia<ial]1l^ Oe lawn, Waa A ^ Weir WMna .winning tba prisa fa "tiib' clothea^liiia raae and IfiflaJSMbtefa^ P M ; b a ^ ^ wlfat .Mir^yamit hant. I ^ - •• • 1 ••-.

.liia»»tta.gwnttgiiba.yiwii<; poa^

the aahitataty waa given by Bd-WftiTlAia, •<» et Mr. and iba. Var. con <|E. lake. M W Saaa^ U i HatHr

"WaJBva ao doae togalhar tint ^ ' aoa, gMAddaogfater of Bar. and Mn, Jaaa wa Uw-aa bn>thera.aad'Mibb«ia i^artwood BntehiHO. waa -valadieto-we liaOt eanlluiia to titbi aaah atW," Jjjn auJ Mr. Jriia 43aada, aea af J b . the apanlHr aaid, la aoauaiaf # tha ifed Mrs. Wffliam B..Gooda, waa daaa aitBBtiaai: -W are a aai^riwabaod: prapfaet lOaa Caulattna Moaar, daagh-Wamtaatbaabntb^rbpod.'* !>ar of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moaar, gav«

Tha "Amaaieaam-ASr ware «i |^t an amaaing taading ontitjfiri "Whan y ^ g nan of ^SiSvwt natiooalitlea the Miaiatar Comaa^ta.lte;'' Miaa *baJ>HTa eoma togoOMr aa AaaaaUw Baa* Uea, daagtatar of l i n . W: K. eitisma n a d a r ^ »aiia*qia ifatf, ri90 Biea^ « * » a Aamatte lawUng, "A Sol*

aumbacr of tba United SUtea a n ^ . dier of ttaJEnpnar," by Thamas Nai> An of then have ban leaiafalg ipi lai^ PimLaad Mod liyaa. aon of lb, read, writo and qteak SngUah abBt»itmi'3^'*.^:Vit9B;tm»fiipKoik Fateawy at tiia Camp Upton aahaal ^ ^ S^wat^alAi Maoda, tbaiiBair for iilltaratoatidtedgn boniaetd^era: l([|»iui.<<Ba ii^ialaae «aor theirnppart Fmeai Sartdft,Greeee, Italy and atbar4|i|lag tta yaar and empbaairinf ^Oa «bBntriaairiba'c»WMldann«^ra- Bead af.a adUnl aa^artUB m d gym-•anted and aad»«tin J « ^ i« a toltob-a^iinit: ' ' ' ing « t« f^ to the apantty of Ua adop. The arankal tioaaad to the flag Wfanna-oSbaf daa Aa. iMcttoa, af Jirft. JK. mada thaua^vea nndentoed' In very I(odga| warair ^9ba AjgA good Bni^ i^ Ida, wiTliii aatitt^Jtoi.11 Xko«atoHu>¥I««a

•haai MMaaaHto «aia .arvafl «" « • .«a^aatwa%-and with gxaator Ftoir- and "AMa w S ^ l a , * - ^ eMe tbaa t b ^ wan abla «» apaalc^ei^aanHa raadiaga, "A Si^amer Oww. Tbiy dao wa«% Ouaagk -ttytiam 1 Ijia ar*T«ikd 'SeaaJifinMtbaa Than a aiiich ,l|Mg> an aQay. » • > i^iyideaBy Map," ware g inn by a gnaip af giria atroar ted tbapietarfaiiwdUI. Thcy odar the 8i9errisi9a af Jba, Atdga.


Jlntioaiin p6raoBal«eatate :M 9atiii; ' •BaPia!,.eii|pnng ini B .T. Capcb, .**)^ .

Leidfa^^j^biia .A^na, 1<

wMaa faOaalsaaule ^rtiia'aarnQ in an *•-> ^XU^ «ftr^va,Batttac^#r*falfeJMi»bitfc x.S!!^ ilM priadpat'^alSiitaBn h ^ f larg^

:ypjBhp|im- « i :|) »Bofb9r,f|aHfBii maaa anrmaanted^ b y V r o ^ fatiaS Ibby of tb4'lUiwpia famllr « i d « ^ : avoHi ware littla paper faata.enMM^g nia» BMptpa of d»^^w,a)itoi..f.. -»-=?,:. .?

TRe gi)e8ta'w«r«ir Anii#'MM Bitty DMija.Awie Mii Billy OampCT, Prea-

^ y ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ McUH^iHn,^iataaaaka^oa Jasb ai»dJBo» B a t ^ e , Darotty L i ^ ^ 0 1 ^ 1 ^ ^ S S M H U M KeiwBe^ui^Francea Bnahong. Marr ;^:^r:^,rr„ • ' ^ ' ~ " ' ^ ^ Im a»*Siiey Ak^^ton. Maafe Bah-' "«»Tan n a u a 4»ftt«^B««r ^Ot^r^dbilto^W^ anf l ] W ^ y iRdaca, laM'SBot, M k v aai#



ir* Hood, AttMM7 aitrhMiraiMOtlim AiiMrafaiSadk.

'willeoataat opened in tly drcoit eoart hen Taaaday, lawyan Aid <»»««^~* «f*,^..^ j^^»t.tp-^,j bft a l } v ^ aenflto. The action waa eo Mrift that many wfteeaaea wen ana-Ue to^faUow the blowa, bat the bloody appearance af the primary epnteataata proved that aomebody'a aim ,waa tnia. 'The troiMa started whan Mr. Barbour, coontd £ ^ jttoponanta, after bearing aAdayito of tiw eontastanta, branded tham "tdHUea." Bq>reaentotive Flood, wboaa wife ia bitarertad in the aoit aa a sistaf of the btte Paol V. P<»taar utd n ^ a' banaAdaiy aadar tha 4anaa of Us wfli, was qidek to raaant the aOe- ' gation, which."no one tat a honnd" woo^ bava made, he declared with beat In an instaiit the two wen to-gatbar, and surivuuded by aa excited glttiv ef partidpilata and peaea-audc-ara. Mt, Baiboar U t the ilret blow, aeowdinc to witaaaaee, striUag Mr. Flood, iriw ra^omed A a iBati«» with bk caaa, after wUeb l b . wmiaai P. VaradRh, aftWaaUactan. iriMae wife la ditaf baMOdaty aadar tha.wHl, ad-vaaead i^oa M!r. Fload.-' What «tdir

Jadpe Biawt ieaAMd a aanra laptliuand adtt-evt liapaaliy saaa n a oaitawipt ef aoort 'am caae waa cowtbMWd" to JblylVi


ware a | ^ erow4 tedjiwipaand to a t Be*. WiBbua Stanne^ pastanaf Gnea •*• *• be habTTlfeaday avaatog ia Oa

Althoogfatbf Het of gradaatce haa Botbaen aaaoBaoed, plana a n in raadt-

for the annn^ aanmnnreiwatit ax-Ugbecbaal.iriik^


Jtirglar Saeeomlig Ut ExfMMM HhuM Ifcaartt

liiwargl on Wednwiigy.

Harrison Daniel Wenrich, promi-inent member of the Lutheran congra-gati«fi-«nd Maneft»a8 busiitesa mau foe thirty-three years, died Sunday even-

ai'hliliome in Grant avenue after a bmg period of il! health.

H.I>. W X N B I C T

b y * - INaand aervieed, I af relativae and'friends,

ttaraoeaat Bathd Lath. Ghoreh bjr tha paator, Bav. B^iar

Z. Panea, aad iafennant waa mad* feu tha Lathaaaaeaaietary near Badibdl with Maaowic canmonica aadar tha

Kaaaaaab I^dga, No, US. A. F . a a d . A . « . Meaiban a t ftteea WSBim Lodge, Tndnamdaat Order dt Odd Pdhnab iagK~ " ~ " " " Orte FcciHBBt r

Den tv^ I

aid. legaBy a^»«9dby Bobieto L ^ ^ i jw^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mgar Cen-Lynii;withtba«onaentofGaerga n S ; BoAvDairio. Eleaaor GibaoD.'

a - A | i e a , father of eaid cUld.^ to adopijlea-aad changcirf name ftaia L^Qiae^rr'AyMB tdru«dae^. LynfL

Joy thafe part & t ^ pragrani aa awwitMathodiat Epiacopal OHieh, Saath, W any mamhttfTtf tUtaadfauea. - pftatouaead the benadtetilik.

T^ fizit-afteriMMal and avenfng ad^ The gradnatee wan: Jane Uttar-dnaaea wara.ma^ by Di:» Bobart W.- bad^ BBUL Walfley, Jobb Goode. Beae

Wiedar, Kannia Bafar, af the ABea

k" Ihe Joba-Hutubahar l^dman. 8u- JflJbU^fl«JMnfiatimi

Boaby Daeria, Eleaaor Cibeei^ Sara mixabea Lawie. BOIy Bav^r .lEa^itriBft Kini^ J fa i r^ }jif» aad adtaaaao. J[^yi#aB, tngfthat. w t ^

Bay T. Laadi a g a l ^ W. U B I M ^ -sttachmant-^yattor .a^l#l«f S l l

l a t caa to f plato-

/Leaahmaa 'g^innt JPWP*—

.mnlafad Mattteiuf Bank of

, pjgiatien—BMfmdaat tVrtttea et4lnMat>n«J filMc. -•'••"* ~ ;Apf)Uc«tiona for p^iaiMia' of Lon-te.G. Nied and Eouna Jaaa WdflcyJ wUewB of Ccad^danto addiars, a a | jtaiqClff^ J ^ *l\ McDonald,'.poaibdante aoP" '''

9: to 11a e f * -

jBft, Ml^aPpUeati^ llwibpe foe; ra-ri tiaB.

* •Wraved.

^,MB L. aad

JkeeevMe^ -»aow«d. -

Janaaaa, JaBor,

Clwk's lists of writingr admittedlo raCHa dorlag aad aiaealaat MM c « ^ exammad and ordered filed.

A i motioa of J. P.Taarhwian, cocai-ty treaswar. B. B. Oeeiear dqtuty traaannr to aeBaef taaaa ia Gifticavina diaMat

Wm of Faaaie C. Peanaen, deceaeed, pr^ated. on aaotiea af Lala i - Pear-

. ' V ^ dtocstrix. "tt B. A Weatfaarford agaiaat

^ Jaiaaa McBeth-PiailMid agraad. * agattit J M

I * * - Okanga' encary Co., i^ahiat I. W. A Don Dismisaed agreed.

Fertilizer A Cbenucal Ca., Inc., against Cohnnbns Baraea, notiee—Jadgmeat for plaintiff to f-eoabr S2M.27, int«reit and cbets.

Thnp for filmp property book and other tax .-xxiks of the CommjsrioBara of Rf'veni;'' "T I let-. •- Ot^fotwr 4

dik:QtiBimi$OQUocd^ l e U x t a l ^ Bltt day. •> • • - .- • . / " ' '

iWeaMiaeatnat tEart J. Jfli^ j ^ f a M p - O a a a

,94(rs^ Glaaiar, Mrs. Mery €i. Swaftanb aaid Dr. h C.JferadW>» hnadad ia^anatJaf lEtMtt. fe*; l i a - ' l * - " - - ' " • - - - ^ ' ^ cpartanOctobCTlS. - ' -•• V^ H'

Bobart A- ItiMeen agaimt IGlf. garet Baldwin et ^a^RoIe .hatato-for»> isaaad jaqartiBKd, wid» leava &

«r a H # l e r ' • f a t a * ^ #» vaoattoa i^tar^ daa, naikti ta> ilAii^ Jatfti. ' \ c -

C A Sindair aad'Bobot 4 . H a t ^ jawV' tmateja, «agaaist Ja|iiae L a ^ jr., afc- at—Decree 'far rafc agaiait gigBttute TapecdKr~r*faanal>ia flraf

leh nanieon, Qhiikhia^^^toeg, Hibbat Ea^

BeaddaQT. Vlr-eeeapany, toinpoead af Mr. Bead, a*a Maada WdBay, Bang, Vbh-Jm^^ who stayed tta- teOe Cwnwall, Hden xykvliAe. and Mis* EtheT^AM^k^ g j j ^ O R I ^ l l B i ^ acoiqiaaist aad dngar, waa ^pdl ta^ Arawnen MO^red-Diddas, NaUa Bay-ceiva^i Aaae^g ^ n n n A a n warti^ of aiond,. Nod L^na, Baft .gJadtehaj apedtf BMallM^^wan Mr. Baad% aola, Falheiliii ' JTiiiiaei. Teiiiip Half i^ "Nfeo iur a j j jg i in i i ado, ^H^rry FredaBaila, Margaiat Baaaatt, Oecar

' ' {^-^hpo aad BlBe, Cailton Athey, Hden Caaaftn, - ^ftont Bdan ^rtai . Gay Vhitme^.

^m 1iM> iehneoa aaf B*pMl Uka. Other b y M i f i r H l i i i i i i C ; . -•> t-aialiilB wta ncafcM tha".

aaak buliiaa Uw aa|t|aato ba-waavs gCptociavGonnar, CBh tw

I Ba^iiat OtaT^ .Hie avanto

rpnir witk 4 ^ banqoet of the Jkhnnat juapdatiab at tha high achod boOding. wban tha gradnatee a n to be wdeemt

I. E, Canaoa, F. C. Bai^mgj^^ J. P. Leaehmaa. K. & Hy|MB, CL K: Naab, W. Hill Brawn. D. i. Arringtaai aad 6 . Baymead BatdiO^

*Mr. Weodeb i « a beta aixty-thna

Tba baccflamate earviee wfD brid a t the Baptiat CharA Svidq;, evaafaig. Bar. PefiaieBl fTiae. |

preach tha aanBcai. ' , D K W . J.^Yooag, ef tiM state aor^

mal sdMri at Hacrifoabars, is i l BMkf the addna* ^ BM gndaataB Tliaday evfaibc. Mise Beriha Watia wiO da-

ef wateeaaa. Miaa

yaan ago in.Beravll]e, B a r ^ i Pk.,whar8bav«ithiiaartyHfe. Ha waa^aaarried NovanAei' 2,1898. forty^ eaa yaan ago, .to Mto Adah C. Hat.

aad e^^yaazs iBtar tba eoovla to Maaaasaa. Mr.. WeKicBantaeo -

ing tba jaweky badnaaa, a d a ^ ba«o»-ftawad aa to the tone ^f hfi fritt flV'

be near wBh. the awaptien^^-K t| Br* q ^ t ia •Co«tog^l^ Va., 'W



nate i eaid^Katb-

an ptorcbaaa-af GaiUsrfeKal.

to' pay | M to C. K. N)ed aa conaad f defendant aad -aUaMny peadeato Uto

J. P. Dafvto itt."^ against Carty Copan at al—Oatfaa aaflhaeiBlag.Aa< tins Commteaiener Uoa to par. Nt C7 balaane in faad daa Jaatto for MabkCaat

HaOlaJL Coekerille'et al—Decree against plaintiffB aad daftadanta, ra-tafaaUa firat ioly rtfee, to aOflgatioM of petittiMi of W. B. F n ^

.lohn W.^Iall et al afjamst Annie H. Hoffman et al—Decree confirminfc re­ports of Special C'lmmissioror T .on-.a*


<]y^Werfc Ua<»


to the

Waiaaadayla p^ggraialfe by etariear tor ypBBf aad aid by PanUae Xdbwiea,. Jaaier orgaaiser: laitiipe lij Ml h.f W*^i Bia-cttfttf

• a aeaaect by fte^ ' -MK:

vtbUntit, whfwaa aaatttad t . . , ^ \fS a aaieist aad by an arcaaBpaaist Tha echod tbia year had aa muA-V^f^L^!^^ aad Itoparaedatar.-waa greatad wftb aMBtaf dtt. Mn. C. M. Laikia waa

phadldl aad the faOawteg A g a w tha rtdto a i h a w . ware «raa-^fr«ar to chB>s» ef tha

^aeriptfana of .fThe BaBaiy71««har . Mi i ' E. "D.: WSaler, eighth ctade: lia^hjrae'' aaai^Aaa Maria." IhB a»i?ie^^Taea B^ Mata, aaaaatii grade; .cieaipaalat. aa arth» e f yaw' taieat, Miaa MarioM^ Man L e v ^ dztb gave piaao aalea aad hrihaarafi fawer'-grade; Mi« 9a ie Lawson, fiftt grade;

i X h a LUaJy . E«ns8, f t e « - g r a d e ; <]ifa~.ftaila WMen CSJi^, t ^ d

gifda; Idaa Daiato HiB Braw& Me<itf fradd^ aad IBaa Graea B. Metait^ BMt

Opar to fta lanAg GbrI ef Teda(^ aad

naea ef AgHeaten fai tha B i ^ JBdMaL" Spacid janaic wOl b* n a -datBl I s the dioras d a s i -rfli^^lfcGymald wlB -

Mr. Wearidi M t to^naka faia hi CovJBctoa^ bat ratanaed to

apoa the earant' aoUcte-^ t looaf friaade ba j pd m a ^ to ^ vfetofty'TW tiha Jaat toni ar ti)mm yean ha had aamd a« « aai^pl^ af tiietoaneoaacilbeia. v

fia jb aarviwd by bia wldow^ WMB, MI . WBaua N. Wenrteh, af

• ^ .

and thaFanaia

^ _ _ eftba Dixie tbeatni^ and Mr. (Sariee a W e a r i ^ af W^ah-togtaa, who ia eoaaaetad with ^ Peat OAca Dena>tBHtt'^'dmB~j^^^^v^ ^

I lbB.-Walter F. Hibba and Mrs. J. H. d i ^ , Baxrada, ef Maaaasaa, aad Mn. ThMB-

pri».tha Jbbaaea

eenificatoB, iieaala awardaa.

aa M. Watktoa. af AkxaadJia. aad cna. laiaeai, Mbaa Adkb Waarieh..<rf Wadk, fagtoB, trtM «|Ba reared

BUSTBBBSMBBT EkbnB, Beeratary)

Pwdtry ClBhu ss ufvwBvn ti iuw

Manh #, 1»». The maiHag waa| to erdar by

Fatttt, who argaalaed tbs dabfiiraa with aatr AttidBalllHl^thafian>pad^ga^

DaaM Hai'

Oar Wedaaaday, Onvatoa achod annrgad tobei

mvited to attead.

(Katto Ifoea, Betwrter) Hie Boay ieae aastfer tibetr

da. Oar teacnai' ebowad ne BMBsan length^Jor oar aprons.

At oar next iiiedlng wa faepa to eat interaatod in tiM •*'\ iTBrt tl f«rfMlT aad start oar aprona. Alao oar teach-

-r^mr No. fiO. Patriotir

or ia plaaninr to gfvc n« a whole day, I so that we can havC a lesson on bread

<'-!«'r. ! making'. kX. prig interested in onr vnrk arp ir.vifed t-o attend our meet-

Bad awBogiaa^jrill be BUtobctii Qnarlea iebnaon

award, oftaad for the flnt tiae tide year, Wfll Be ccntinaed amtwaUy. fba priae is to' be parduuMd with the in-tereat fMn a |1<M Liberty bead pre-aaatod to dM^adted by'Dr. and Mn. jR B; C Jfnbaann with the reqneet Hart tiie iacoBM be niad for a mathepaatira priae to a member ef tiie inaier dan , to which tlieiss^I^Mil loaged at tha.thaaaf

WUla fonad faivtotieaB to fhaeoBH maneeaaeat axerdBee a n iaaoed by tiic faeaKy BIKI gmflaating daaa, todod-IBC eaida to ba prsaentail at tii* door; ttie fanrltatiaB Vst is not avaOahle this year oa aecaant af the iDaaM of the prhidpal, Wm Bagaida H. Oahoarn. As it haa baaa tha eoetoB af tiM faeal-ty to aea Ihat aO pereane iataiaatod to

-ef the B^ad, as waB as ef

a n invited, the BtmHj todtoa an who may be everloobed tUa

apply at tha ached far tote

PBanfTBBIAN L A N K MBBT (Mn. J. H. Dodge, SaentBiy)

lira. Etchiaon and Mn. Grip, repre­senting the Washington Prasbyterld Society, met with the Manaaaaa Prea-byterian Missionary Society at the church Tuesday afternoon for the pur­pose of orjranizmc: young p«viple's 'so-. • : it>!" M - . Etx-h-sor. &"• N!"^. ' i r i r

_ aa a a. the Weda% honsehdd. ^Another aeai Paid Deway Weaiiefa, died to ia-f^Bcy andis bariedben to the family tot totito£atheraa cemetery.; He alea leavaa faartroUien isra~sis ta , Mre. Edward liong, of Banding, Pa., and Haasn: Morris M. Wenrich, Coving-* ton. Vs.; Frapdil Wenricb;; Babesoaii^^ • Pk.; Nathaiihi^B. WeariCh, Beading. V ^ aad Lewis Waerlcb, laaraafM- , coonty. Pa., aad^kaa grandchfl^nn-^ } WiDMlmiaa and Wilaon Kdfar W w -rieh; Catharine, MuganC, Trank£n. A Laaiae, Eliiabeth aad Herbert Harrl> aea Bibbs; C^arlea Daaid Weber Wearich n d WiDtoW Barriaan Wat-kins. v _

Among the rdativea aad fr ieaf who caaae to Manefaaa to attend tba funeral wan: Mr. aad Mra. C. C. Wenridi, Min Adah Wenrich, Mra. Claiatiae Weber, Itxa. Bertha Yoaag aaf Mrs. Emma Bbach, of Waahing-toa; Mr. aad Mrs. Thoataa M. WatUaay Mn. Silaa Davara aad Mra. Latna Watidna, ail Ataaadria; Mr. and Mra. Fraada Wenrich aad Meeeaa Tlujd Wearich aad Lewfe TTagar, ef Roba-M i a , Pa.; Mra. Edward L o ^ and Mr. lUtitaaid H. Wenrick, of Bwdisg»" Ph.; Mleaii Muy aad Beada Hibba, af The Plaina, and Mr. L M. Ota, af Bowmana.

'—Marriage licenses were issued in Washingrton this week to Fred D Ray, of Agnewville, and Sarah F . . -., of Rectortow-n; Ca- .->;•- i-

Page 2: B^ DAYS H msm&Gm ^wmsmOB POmFINISff aawENSHs H^GBAQEeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · ware littla paper faata.enMM^g nia» BMptpa of d»^^w,a)itoi..f

iiiiTr —

- . . . i ^ -

ckTBjiasm mmm

TiaiM kar pumta, Mr. a d Mn. B. F. Alnra. rttimtly

SAT. HMur Wrich «ad Mn. W«M

wia to kdd'M tkt oMnl

M i 2& 'HAMABSilS JdMOfAL. H A » A 8 8 A 4 YlRfiCaA FBpXAYr JUNE 11, 1929

Chib « u «rta>teindt

Mrs. 'Ll B. Fatde uoA daughter,

tie and B n AlMn.Jrv'**'* WfMiHfl viaitort lifft wiMt ; ' ; : . ' 4

Mx. and Mc* Cw) Lyndaa AndarMmr aad toby «i|d M9> BwUnr Aadwton, cf Washfaictoii. turrii ton tWtbw at the horn* of Mr. mi Mra-1. L Aadar* son. i -

Mr. Johs W. Pbtot. of Waahiacton, was tto foaat ttt Uft sister, Mrs. L. J. Pattis.laatwMk.

Dr. J. L. Banfocd, of Qtfton, and Mr. Frank W: Brow«r, of tba Baading, Pa., baseball team, q ant a faw daya recently at Looa Oak Fam, tto tooM of Dr. and lbs. C. F. Browar.

The f oBhdattoB toa tosn laid iae Mr. E. N. FatSi's'SaiMr'^ "

Mr. C. H. tMj baa xwaatly drlUad a weli on ttoUasoB^afBi Mar^Maaa; ville, and is now drOliog ona for Mr. L. J. PatUe.

Mias Baalab AUisoa viaitod bar brother, Mr. I)«iM7 ABisoB, in lowsr Loudoun last wsek.

Mrs. John WaUs, of Boll Ron, visiW ed her lister, Mrs, D. F. Klnetoloe, rau cently.

Mrs. e. F. Browar, Jr., and her Itttle 4auKhter, Elaanor, ot Roond Bill, spent last weak-and -with her mothar, Mrs. M. K. WiUns,- of Sodley, and other relativea.

Miss Betty Nieb<^, «f MaojMiaaa, spent tlie w^k-end with Miaa-Maii krie BtOwer. *• '

Miss June MoCotetoon. ot Laasborg, is a guest at tto tonta of her cffoa^ Mr. and Mra. €tox4aa B. MeDootf^ "t Oakwood. '--'s. • *

Uttle' MwaHL ":lt«HHM»l.M!l>----la">'; erine Pattie and Mufter Edward Pat> tie attended a mastv«ajoyable chil­dren's -party Tneaday- evti^ntr at tto home of Mr. Ad Mta. Ifc E HyaaMi^ ^ ManasBas the oceaaioBtoing ttoafacn birthday Of their gtanddaagfatar, Mtoi Esther Warren faitia. -

Mr. Willard PeaoaMm waa a Haynuo^ ket Tisitoir laat thnt^day evenfaig.

Mr. C. F. BrancJir.. of M p ^ flQUt spent Sunday with. r^rtSieirtora.^

[mm aStimi, Oatmtf Agant)

-Tto date fat t U s m r was May 16. The M-

HmK- MA'y KlagNe, Briatdw,

4Nk^teM'y«*rt ItoinsH- Boaanberger. MaoMaaai Mtaaia BIlMwii, r»yi|ini. Gkni Bowman. QAll>d»;-Huiti1&oa,

viUaj Audzay Catrart. ^iwmwyi^ Naqpd _FaiuBso< MfaaOeyiOti Aadray

£= • — », ar4. .


The cloaing -HigE School took ] aea~BiHTB«Diiday erening atvtto pari^ hall in tto pres­ence of a'large gatberins cdTpatnas and friendif «tf tita aetool: A wdl v^ ranged and, »Hin|ctiw . H»gwm waa presented. ., , ^- "^^

«. Th9 gra4nata» were: Alma Gii£ ham Brady, Aa|ta iMiB* Sfaniwto and Jennie .MfS^irat Fiatetor. Ttoir were tba raaiytoiteoi axmfola a£flow>

•m, pftf^«!» J « ^ * * * ? * * w « t h * mcnyiriindl. ' ' • ''• !':'''.'•

Tht r)tjA Mriftff irit —-* Vr, ^ '^ Shumate, Ifisa^Brady waa tiie daps prophet -vid'^waa Fletctor waa/tih^ valedictorfstt^r^e dipfeiai| 4rera pre­sented liy Siqtt. -ttd^oalJi "andVad dresses wo* mada bgr Baivr Hstotr Welch, < -Gaii|Mf*Ql(t. aa^ X(W. BMn S. Hinka, tft Kaiylaad.

Then are fsw' towna ttie siae of Haymarket that fean- boart rtf w^fe good -mevtag pteban alWwaT



Tldrty4we Hed^cft^^llctt^


9 Three Eranddaaffhten ctf king: of the Postiacs, two of WUch h>Te Jf 25-Ib sire and one by aSl-lb sire. IVe test hcifM* abo has a 2 -Ib dam.

IHiree daoffhteAs < Oakland King Pontiac, a sen of thc KranA pld_eoW> [aJBde Burke, )irho aiade Im thirty-two poond rwAnrd «i tiie a«« of nine

_ ^ ^eanj. Jffl ^ Arti^ aM.7MM^iA. --...jC.yL.^^

i f l r o e Kianddaiwhtcia ol EiQJi Pontiac K^jy^» two of which have the S2-lh'8k% King Pontiae Konigim Cone^nlia* a^d wwwjQfcie<»*DaK«ji Pw*, the Kenlfai^ M a c sbraa t r Ihf iUiii^-ive#Min4 haB»^^^ Pontiae S p # ~

'gCB 2Bd. '•.-"• ' ^ ' i- •- ,

\ Thaejrill be aeTerai danghtm of Pietje 2ra WoodcrcMt Ladltnil bred ttf . Sir Koradyke lypitiac Artis,,a 8l.71-n UdL A mmber of the tinvlB wQ L inshi^'hi JiJBuriaid Ji*r, others h d « in theaimuB« iuitfllBf^'-^——-^-—

' ' • * • •

«Hin Pfaw Yeetaan Dffl is a maddaaghtar of KiagKonMbdEa^wlle Vak h«r„ 4k^ has a 28-1b record and h«r haifinr c^taha aotd at wr* «i thiaaJMrotfc

; lltaired hy ^thlrtj^pt^OHlaw^ Uag-AmlttiiMpdyiM ^ ; \ r

flijM^ of p d i ^ iM Bii^^ f Many Veeiaan DcKol is \ aadJnaareeord of 2 1 ^ aaV

K ' t p ^ ^ e l l » l p t « hi^»a>b«v'aM'tlie

n fif^r^f^^wftie thxaainRjeidveB «»f



-'x=^ -<: ; M..

% A- .»i -JS*-

are held at tias pariiA hall bare every Friday eveaing. Only pMarea of tto hig&est jordor are showB ald^ tto peo­ple of tto einB^^mfly are show^ their ajqiraeiatibB of tto aame by their fnll attendaiiw, Tonight "String Beans" witik.Ctoilaa Bay w^ to paii-sented. PWaMa FaWWaia tt "H* Cornea Up Smffing" wffl to tto a*r traction naat wasfc. ife. ChariM X GiDiss is in diatga tA Aa niacM—. „j.

Ifiss Mary B. SMM^ VrtM^ # Haymarkat Setoel, ha* is i iasJ 'to her hmneat AAtorat

Ber. ^dwin B. filaito. of l^fyfud, laat in the

Mr. and lira. Th^i ITOHamBWi, e | Thaolegicid Wsailaaty, fff vWttetf their Biatir. Mia. ^Oarwil B ^ of SWrlay, .

-Bev. W. W. GOUaa, «C BattiaMra, spmt asveni Siya 4 i a wtok Mai~B8 brathar aad sister-totes^ Ifr. aad Mrs. Ctortea J. GiSte. Bev. ICr. OB-liss andhtefaarily wOl rotan later to4 (/(wupy ttolF

Mr. B. A. Baat made a t« WaaUagton

Mr. 3. B. BWi^ waa te this weak aa a jnror.

Mr: and Mrs. T. J. Mnrdy TisH to Manaaaas Taeaday.

Mrs. Maada S.'SaK Miaa Laatm Baala, of ed triaadaa* tUa weak.

WUlaH. Pranaky sraa trip to Briatow Taeaday known liiiiiii illHMIItihi Mi effectaaDy that to tsaa i W l * te phone im a aiaehiBiai toMa to esidd ratom to HaymarkaC

Mr. Z. B. caark aad family to»e moved into their new hoaae, raasntly purc.".A«e<i, on the Carolina wad am

: r.urard labor puftor of the


Bqutf to New Yock toSlnFfaiidMoI

.wift no change of I

tbctcnific wei

let 19 to


iM <]iniBfy in every pvt; I ibntiaft oCtka «aaderW

-«f the rwSkal new Tr^cx ^ P '?! SS.4S adtat MT faoM. V —'

MSW raDfCB wnxiAM J. L BawnAI.!.. Mam


= ^

^raURSDAY, JUNE 2 ^ At Ekv tt CyCUick

W^ WijS MO M V ^ pUn of ShoM-moftljr t o i r Q»Brt«r»—tor - - ~'

K(EN, WOMEN aB< Gt9U>Ri^ wail kiHiwu lifauda aa -Sjijpiefe feryiJ^^^J^

Armada and AS AnMrkgL, iiHhick range now fron

%% to $12 per pahr vriH be ebW. " ^


. Bttt>ot ^ the very Vik|t#Bt Hf le.^ JMtiad m d ^9uf

Lf||f«|hia III Sbdeii J. ._ . ' " ' • . ^ : •:

'^•J. ?;u:.-'"''


• * « • ^ ^ • wieli ^** i III rftnii?

1 ^ % i ip frw iiUMpif 4d»i pal cipp

w J ^ ^ W ^ ^ ^ V W ^^^B w , jp n _ e^M^ W^^^^i^t^Kfp


^ i ^



YOU want acre milr and craMa7 If to. yoariMntd^eed EUKEKA: DAIRY RATtOIl'

ikeyghMtnqnaiatsrandaafeillp .M. for beat Yon any be itam MaMonti bnt we cn» L A A yonr feed dealer abont EUaEKA wbnt yon bave loaf bean liinhjeg ^|gs^


Tffi VIOliA FEED Affi) iffliJNe C O m i A T m 1 ' ALEJ^DRL\, VIRGINIA

f <>«- . # < > i H " * * * * i ^ »..><»>«"••<»*» 4 »,» t » t ^ • i l l tfBt^-wt^r-f*

Page 3: B^ DAYS H msm&Gm ^wmsmOB POmFINISff aawENSHs H^GBAQEeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · ware littla paper faata.enMM^g nia» BMptpa of d»^^w,a)itoi..f

^f>,i*«ii« .;i«diiak.,i.<..>i^


?»^ M nrma rlnm aall i

i FxUaf, Imt 11,192« *

vvH^poapsT CX>lNtt

*u« I •« tiM fBToarit «t Mir. I^vm-KIML TIte titia'afth* pons ta

^ 1 awaU DicTdHilfl^" aad tha an-:fhor iaHaM aau»c tiw nalatnmv^ than «i aoma of tU floftat poema avwr wdttaor^ It U n^niaeti tnm M>. XOpiaii Tbv^paoii'l "BvaUar'T^ata"

aarvinir of a plaea a m ^ k f l '^n^^

/avodtaa tabmittad 'irOl ba pob-Uahad vaakl^ in iba ordar raeeivad. Do not think that your coatribntioik

;liaa tiaco ovarlookad !f it hM not ap-. paand in tha.poatnr eanar. Soma bo<br fJaa anivaiif «haad o< ym and haa baaa- n ticomad aeeaiidinfir< fwlay^ jKavadta foUoira: .

,? ^ , If I Sliadi DW To-NlKht.

^ I dkdti]<i dia tOQii t, . Hy Muda wpaii> lo^; «pm sqr «iiat

Ba«Ma t ^ laid it in iia f««tii>« plaei, And daam daatii had laft ii iriiMat

,,.«Mr;^ • ^ -• . , ; -A MUayinK anonr irMta 8awa>» againat

my Ifalr, • " ' ' W«qU amoaOi It ^Jemn^^iMctmiM

laliiliTinMi. And fold Bty iMuula wUh'UnsariBC

JPMr haada, aa mastj aiA $o « iL-to-"irfgfctl

If I ahoold Aa t o p i ^ 1 ^ JHatdK^woDld «aa *» miad, w^

laving fSMiK' Soair kfakOy <lMdJli» iq^ fai^d^i»d

" ' " tnSii " ""^'

1 aald} -' Xmada.oB'«ldeh tiba wQIfaic faat had _, " • l^iu '^ " •, "Tb* mamaary of my aalflahaaaa And

U 'Jilda; H r Utty imdtvMU aS ta^ a^la

'':;- - ''' DotOgtA. - •'^-'' • '' • ' '-

X I ahmild dis t m l i ^ Bran haartaWnapad « « ^ tara <

more to ma,

WosM look open ma «a of yartr Vl^ dmapa,

Aal aoftan, in the (dd famQIar «•#! :Vbr vho CMld -wx'iM^im^ym^

.adooa^l^ i-. ;/. :' :-^ " ^Se I /mi |^ .Bfat, fefgiren 1|r all. to-

O. fiknda, I pray io-nii^ Kav net^ lhr Uaaaa for myjhad ogJd

^na way it ttaalr. lat BM fM «haB

S * >

'TUnk flCBtiy of an; I am filmal worn; ~ Xy f d t e r ^ faat aii^ IdaMad iriMi

• --maiVAtlMHa; _, '••V , ' - r—-•;

,•.,.-"^pia^d! -• - - _:^:; . . Wbap dwamlaaa-wat la a4p» tdmU

:•;, . ".^aatna*^" -^W/* ;-> , •Tfc* twiflitniii far wMdi


Mr. and Mra. Httrbatt Poredl ara ^ ^nfain at homo to aa thah-friaida ami

-Baichborv yr.PiBeaDl||ahaM«ifto m and waa eyiAiif to g a liiplltf in

lEtaatiaoahwrg Ijir aavaeal anpki «14k ^maadidtb. * ^

nia iafknt of Mr. aad Mra. LafiMi-3 d . af Saat Pteaaut. MA. «aa M a d ^ Woodbfaw'o^ "mday •ftaroouit. Mrv Bdl, bafoata bav mforiasa,-waa

• Ifiaa Zon Braadan. ( . Old Jnpiter Ptarina paid oa a voay

welooaM <ririt laat waak aad eeotfamad hia atay antil tka grMsd araa th^-

^ oo^tly aoakadr — -• ~ Wa«t amtday, faaa it, will ha ahil

diaa'a day mt tha WooAiaa Cknnft, .amt.-i. A. Golitaav paator. Tka So*'

day SefacM aad Oadie IML praccaa mm }m givm la tha m«imh«. £««ry laotiMf latha Qomawity la moat eor-diaUy hnltad to eonm and (riar %a baby. At 8 o aioek ^ cWldioB'k day fcosraa «&l ha eutiad oat hy tha moiban.af Ok rtiaiiiijr SdMxd aad thair trieada. Bvatyhady ^^ paator wiB mate aa aadi inantiitg.

^ATONIC i ._ iv7JBi'nv«;If" •

Acid-Stomach EATONir^ [>.. Sxt

B«M ir a besqtiM, pun whita fakh _ aakM it wmderAiUy aiastie atd a ea tpood, m<tai or plaijir a

MtaiMk,ahipoc^off. £

hjr a ptoaaai tki* Can ba iwad tifiiw

SaiOy 9Spli«l idth a hrwh.

_ imXE ENAMCL li tt* faaat whitafioiib ter painting Liriag RoaoVrfl

Boona, &uhiooma, Badrooiaa, KHohmfc J n i ,/.>^sj^JKo^^JeDBad«,aodo«»»fani«t«iia. ,; . :

. ifai *» litmttviA «a»p and wHw vttkMt <aMm »*>*». m6ut 9r —-—.,_;-^

W. F. DOWLL. Maiwaaaa. ya.v

JORDAN XjiHSAN. Eayaurhal. T«.

Mr. Farmer, Mch af your | icce» tUs year deiydson ;& way yoB br^ y m $ te4 Pm't kt lie price wwy yofl. bat, become a "miik^ A dieap feed m ^ may resoh. Let tts B y w reqoffweris iridi a^priii^ p A j T a d JBSQlt yoi i q ^


.^ . . • • . • • • • • • •^^^.^•^• •^•^• • • • • • • • • • • •#


t Afifi Y<»} CABBTING

-mvMiY i f iTBBCApit fBSr ji&;s H^ inr.

DEAL is'^Gmi^Tsiiooim

|3HE MEN W ^ £ 0 ^ KNOW THAT rra: BAifKia HAS fflH FTOgyg ( OMOTANg.Y 0 ^ - i m I ^ ^ OF TRAS&'nBSf CONSULT TfBIR BANDBt

t r a o f P K p B s Of* iims gisiiTiJTpoN ABB I B A ^ Aa» ALL yajOB f^^jj^tYB TOUIN Iflfi


fl KATI f^. H K S O A S B D Towinmnuiec by i i iuMOBi tiuttwffl coriomoiiu irith tke minme^ te BBPLACraiENT. VALUE <rf jMur pnoperty?

. f SAVE YOU CONSIDERED IMW laefc • o a y fai ttGin^lM OBLtGEDTO^tilBIBnnXJit

t j f iS^Sool^USl^SSS nto3^CiBT TO i>]s-teB T ^ B PCMNTS WEW \3^ INSOTU ANCBA6BNT. *^ *r N ^ iraB OOST OF INSURANCE HAS NOT l £ _

j r t : ^ i -


! PiSURANCB AtiPHnr, o c ; At

. - ,__C-



's and Dyers Pared Poit Siniee^ tl)« bcMM 4eMM O T M I



-*» i l ^ . .nOBD UHBTTJbOAK


h f

"^ lo£'



V Twnt

Hatiflial Baakef Mamttiai

The Hoffman Company, Iiic» EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS


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mMtt griiHln«iiaeoai« mUI. t.! - .

—Miu Katk BridMrell, wb»-war formerly emplograd at l lr . ; <t. H. Steele'!

eoQKtjr. vixlninH tavriid on Tmadir «t EMabvrc. Ha «ms siz^-fMr y A n old «B4 ksd kam «aiplo7«d by tk« WftiUnctoii uid Old I>«iniBlMi mU-

Hy dMcUsn, J*uuy, 6«nlo«. NalUfe, ' li»Bd, Ida, Lacy u d A«fttw. His

wtta di«d in 191».

- —^fiSVtttmm ttmi pt aspMia ui> —Mr. and Hn. W..S. Ryla«d.^bo

have occupiad ajailinajli wMh (jha Misses, Boahoitg ia Waat Btr««t,'IiaT« moved into tha Aal^gcd. apartamnta in Lee avenua.

—Mr. and Mr*. 0 . W. .Obafftr hteff issued iovitationi for tha marriaca ei" their daosfatar, Faaria Ztsm, to Sav. WilUam Davla M laSr, on Toasday, June 22, at 8 o't'htk..

—CKiiamn'a aay aTawiiaa, tcaa<t-ule4 to be h ^ at tka BvddiaUlIaibo-diat Church oa BtmiaVt hava baan postponed to a latar data» irWeb it to b« announced ahprtly.

gnyitad an appadi to W^iaia Harris, eolwad, wtiA was oonTietad.;. M the 4ip|^ t a m aC' tk^'^efriaJt eoort a< Prfaea WiUknt eo«sty on tha dtaifa of robUnff MrrC. % Faiaa. o« Manaa-•af, last paewibar. Coi. Bobart A. HatehhMm, vho pNstatad tha pad-tiOB for iha ^vptti *• tha aN^awaa eoort, askad for a ivrwHil on tha troond of- allagad of tha'trial aoort

It ia always a diaappalgtinit to

iMtt O M I « BarapMd by Cuart of

flr»4«aWwjafthc of a|9atUe«Viiiriai*, tmto «tjrnharflla. Mr. X OV J* thvn, of HftymarlMl. wp«.t|)l anMal lacahHt Mr. ItKOmfmO, of fpUr

—Mr. auU Mta. H. M. Hoof, of Cal verton, have rantad apartmants over the furniture stora of Mr. S. T. Hall. Mr. Roof is employed by tha U|nas-sas Peed ajid MllllttS CuiHpmiyr*^—

—Rev. L. C. Mesaick Iws been boid-ing a series of veatingB at Aden U. B. Church. The paster has bean assist­ed by Rev. Jacob Halpeniyy, of Manas­sas, and Mr. George Paul B timr, of Penn's Grove, N, X

—Elder J. F. Britton, who has been at Sibley Hospital in Waahintfton for several weeks, is improving and ex­pects to be able to-Jeaice tamonaw for Vienna", to be Wlflrlte y^n^fbtet, Mrs. Fred H. Nelson. ^ 'i '

—Mr. Leslie E. Bloogh is'attending, as a delegate from Cannon Brandt Sunday School,- the state Sunday School convention of the ChOrcfa of the Brethren. which has been in

the aditof when an intereating news lattar la taceived witboot tha name of the solder, for aalaaa the writer's name is fnmished (not for pabUeaiion, bftt aa s matter of good faith)-th» rommnnicatJan -gnaot be ptabliabad. Not long ago a partiealariy newsy letter frwn a neighboring eemaimtity arrived and/iriiea we looked for the sender's slgnatma it ptwad to bt

didnt *<Gnaas Who." Of eoatw have time to goeaa.

. TMa eaae grew ooto t • eattie eo»-tHWt invalijng 1 7 _ . Wtkril f lOJMIO, u d tSo'cBKp couri of PrfaMCijaQiam eoonty dadded the eaae agafawt Mr. Latham, bnt the su*

p a e ^ aanrt rawaad UUp dadaioii aadtl suaUbed 'tha eantantion of Mr. Jju tham^ lawyera on tiw law.

Mr. Latiiam, was repreaented bf Meeara. H. Thomto* Davlaa and'I^bt A. HvteUaea; widia Mr.-Pow^ waa repreaented by Ifaaara. Thoa. M. Llea. of ManaawB, aaA | . m^ Gerntt, 9i Laeaborg. ^ '

The original suit and tfa« appeal

this e^gn^. espa^aqy wsoag cattle daalna and famma.

meam ^ FKJi AT^ JUNE 11, 192tl

# f f ian


far I>raMbttiaa Ageat te Fa«a iary TUfd l^Bie Next October.

The third trial of I^^yfaib^on Oflioer William C. Hall. charged

0 ^ with the

Shackelford murder of Baymond and Lawrence D. Hudson on the vaSey tnmplke Kareb.29, iSlO.haa bam con­tinued by Jzdge Brc:;t to the second —IfisB Isabelle Hutchison, eecxe^aiy .

of the Ladies' Memorial Asso^tiep Monday of the October teim of coart of ManaiwaS, has reported an error in the annenneement made of th< cer-tiflcate recently received by that asso­ciation. The dbenmeiit, Miaa Hatch-ison explains, ia a certifieate of rela­tionship to the Confederated Southern Memorial Association, with wiuish the

HaU, together with Harry. E. Sweet, J. H. SulHvan and W. B. Dtmleavy, his depotiea, was arrea&d after tlie shoot­ing of the alleged bootleggers, Hmlson being instantly kUled and Shackelford-dymg iiTa Winchester hospital.

tified fo^ years ahhongh the loral as?' aodatlbn, ort^iaed-lii 1867^ 6 « der tkan the-KeivaniiBrHM^- ' '

^ A woman's home demonatratkm' club was organized at Fayman SCIXMI on May under the dlraction nf Mi«.

ryman, president; Mrs: Myrtle &em

this week at Harrisonburg...

—Rev. George M. Crabtree,T wife and baby, are in the coun^ working among the Mr. Crabtree is tlie prteoa-evsng^at and the institntion is located atjflat-lett, Va.—Virginia Star, Oolpeper.

—A son, John Baseom Gadtes, jr., was bom on Sunday to Mr, and Mra. au uigau ftw Uia •chuoL J. B. Gaddes, of Wa^ington. Mrs, Gaddes will be remanbifred here as Miss Faith Pendletni Cbafouni, daughter of the lata P. P. of Manassas.

—Rev. E. E. Btoni^ of the Manaa-sas congregation, and Mr. Noah E. Garber, of the Vallfly eoncragatifln, left yesterday for Sedalia, Mo., to at­tend the annual iirtematpoawl oeedCer-ence of the Churdi'of the Krethnn. Rev. Mr. Bloag^ is OiMted tmne the last of neit week."": "~

—A p a j ^ wtW.^rao last Saturday evening at Oie heane Of Mr. and Mra. C. A. Barbae in celebrathm of the birthday of their smi, Anstin. In ((pita

young pet^le of the neiiJIibariMad were presort. ;]||sf&Msiantnta served at a lataktaE-'';

Weira Bang<dey, of *f!hriatiansbarg, and the farid(«r6(wi is the eldw son <^ Rev. and Mrs. E. XrBMMb, who Hvetf in Maosaaaa wldlq.Satv.JCr. Roads waa paster of Oraee HL & Choreh, S e t i ^ The young brU^mom ratensfl tha ariny from Manassas and served in -France with the 318th infantry.

-rMra. Lillism EektfThiwmm, wi­dow of E. L. ThomaeB,-died Tuesday afternoon at the home of her aistOT, ^faa. H.X. Willis, of Waahaigtan. fol-

—Representstive R. Waltw Moere,-of the 8th ceagr |Mi0nal ^strict ,wffi have no oppositiaa i s the pcimaiy Sat for August i and will be declared the party nominee. Ihe time limit te candidates deairint jo enter the expired June 1, and t h e e i ^ BBBH mitted was tliat of M oore.— '

—A meeting of the e^aentive mittee of the Prince Wiltissi fair, *».•. getber with the sopeijatendents of de­partments and thsir aaaislBato, wID ha held in the oOe* af ttrMi9«Gli]^Fi»r pies Bank Boildhig, aatorday, Jaae-U; at 2 p. ra. ndiii piiisims hilM.«alsils the progress of the ftdr a n alaa iavlt-ed to attend thia

—Miss Dorotliea bene Randall eala-' brated her twelfth biilhday T&Maday evening by oitertaiains a puty af her young frienda at tiw hlBM af INT par­ents, Mr. and Mra. J. t BandslJ. fai Main street. After and music on the enjoyed iiifisahMMJS «ara Bsrvsd by Mrs. RsndaO. aasistad by Mxa. Randall,

—Dr. Edgar C. been in duurga ef tha health rampaign siaee last leaves Monday ta take ap waric in Henry voonty. Dr. and Mn. win maka tha t>^ ta Uwrnj by mobile, ste^piag te RUnsand ta fer with the atate health Mr. R. R. tor with tha


—Miaa 8ai» EUaaboth LOTvia antai^ uined aboat to^^ftva of her tttia friends fisaa tha of tha MMsaai* iag at thakaaM af and Mia. Gr4^ M. Lawla, Ontdoer gmtm af avary enjoyed oa tha spaeiena grenade of the Lewia haasa and lisl^hifBl reftwh menu ware a«iad. Tfea Httla paopla made tha li% ftam Maaaasna by aa-

Manassai asioCfAtion has .bae^ Idazu, ^wji^iS^eaxibn'o^ jgBiuv,|a-sdtad^Mush time ia a'jrangJniy.'

Tiier^Rtfmbltr's stos^es, an exdoaive feature of The Washington Sunday Star, have proved one of the biggest

>.„,._ „ -,.,. . _ . , BVBUl tu ueweuaperdetn.—They are Lillian V. Gilbert, county home dem- p^^ ^r y o ^ ^ n d ^ the^ M 4 ^ onsttation .agent. Tht jti^mas-ud. ^^^^^'^^^^;^^^^i^ 6^i were elected: Mr.. T; i j ^ . n«>aw««^^-.«wy-on* -nie Rambler

is now writing of the fistorie Potomac

I» ^ ^ ^ ^ U ^ ?*•»*» *«atHre, and order yoor copy of i^^^^^tTgmJBtfbaf ftar today. secretary, «nd ^Kra. Va^- Ha^<m,

treasurer. tb9-*iAia iJlamriniMrork for sdMMl tedP MSiMiBMjr-httHit haa eonsidca«d tlie possibility of providing

—Cards liave been reeehred, in MCt nassas anaoonciag the marriage «f Mhta Virgfaihk Suigaley and Mr. Bd-wnd AL RoaA ' jr., beth Ghrlsgana-burg, wltich took i^aoe at Christiana-borgwiMaji* M. . The bridn- Is • danrbtCT pf thr. ^nd Ifm, Wmlt^

lowing a strplce of paralyata snCarad earlier in the iiay.' Fa laa l aerviees tsek ^aee today, with faiteAn^ in the family b ^ in the coaatery at .Orange. Mra. ^Thenison made many finenda fai Manassas wliile viaithicJMK skter during the many years of. the WOIia family^ xaaidenoe hara. O M eamc"^ MswasMfs en ManMtrhit day

eaate a aadi

Ouislshic na -IfaL WUIIa

aad:M»a. Baeen. ef Montana.;

Yourt^ac See iJs l o r ' ^ w r Smnnier and : l ^ Require ^ menti. We^can assure you pJE



» » »



r ir i i rMi i anMb vaaik 4M^ »»^^^

^ : i r ^




W i ^ - : - ^ - . j y ^ Y PEED 16^ F ^ C^IX PROTEINl 5 PEft CSffT FA^

m^ ^^*^" ! " "^ . r . *

rM ^-\^'i^ •>,

. . ._ ,^ .

^pmH ROBBRlSKStN, Pioprktoc^



—UM tmifMm ia h m



» I

Is Your Sdbtcriptiop to The sKHJRNAL Paid in Advance?

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l i l tr VUto4 Us pwr«at», lb. and

"* ""^ U Wtit jitaaut^ tp Nop-vMk aftvr » riMrt viait to

r. J. CbMMH«r awl iNf son, H^ «v^ vtaiipy Jfr^BfWuMn mt tl^

f^Hk^T.fionnuXL, of AgMWvilk, i|lldtiMfB# «< wfmm fw dhtifet

ai)4 Uttl* •i*^ •pandiac

( ^ Miat Martha FniK«fi ThovM. N r t Xyw Heishta, ia vifHiiMr bar mffpfT«»itff. Mr. and lira. Thomaa

vjattia BaKtMifc

Ur..aBd Mra. R. L. U p t o . ot DaU aplaaa, apant tha ira^-aBd with Mr. Uwlar'a pareata, Mr. and Mn. C. L. Lawkr, naar WatUBcton.'

Mra. Fox^CfiM B. Hoaff aod bar baby aoa, FoBtaina, «bo ara tha knaata of Mra. HooCa paranta. Ifir. and Mra. G««>rKa H. taith, apant UM wa^-«nd wHh r^tivaa at Quljmpve.

Mra. HaR7 Bartlatt Danham u d Ma. jata rnmiBia mat, at wtiH-

lire**!), at tha Havan. V IVtUla fWdUtt aud llUla MJaa. Hehw iBr;' Radm(»d £MacBian, who. la il^itg hta b<»ne with hia aon ia Rich-aiit^ racently viaitad raUitivaa tuid' aoda at hia old hmna at Oceo<iiiaa.

i ^ W. )f> t>«min«, of (Maado, Bii Itrrivad yaatatdajr to apaad aoaia ia jwitii heriiKothfr ttnl aiatar' a* T^Ot. aad'Mra.JC. S.'C. J<AiMWB.

. Mr. Robert Lawreaoe haa retaraad to CStaatar,: I^:; after treading eeveral Weeka with his. brother and siater-ia-laW, M!r. jutd Mra. AB>ari Lawrmea.

Mr. F. C. Rorabaugh hSs returned tfr.^ aad Mnp Artimr Wattord [ tronra ivlrtr to rdattfvi U Savaj^j

drparanli, l£r, aail lira. 6. W-aadL Kr. aod Mra. G. W, Mer-

Caniin»:Kriaea« w l i b - ^ beea St tha jkMtte-af Jlr. « id Mra.

if apoidliic aoBM'thna aiaiwTiA^lUAM MU^ jSage -the

i ^ M d Mra, Nalacm Waaq^air; of fMn^iWai -A|a^' era ~apeadiB^ tike IrtPof Jvae here wiOi Ifira. Wam-if^iparentar' Mr. and Mra. R. H. viKjK :-0na«9W>

?n^ W. EUia Aylor,- of McGaDkr

a. W. Q. Axlor.

dr. imd Mra. C L. Anderaon and ie ^ 3 a ^ g h t e r , J Kdae Eatber, of iaMiE«to&, ham hmn^vOtaiit I f e deJ|ito'a, Ji^aBta, ME,-«ad'Mok'L La^taiQB, oi CMharidB.

fra. Faaaia Bmfaray ^ zecantiy '-Ma^gsy^jJl!^tumjib»-y^ mate

t i^a Witt IMT j|aa,~l&r. €^ D.

iagteni mambera of Coaatitatiop Chap* tar« Dacghtara ot tha Anaarie^ Bevo-lutimv wan hare thia weak looUBg up raeorda a^ the ttnrthome ot thidr aacaatora who lived at Diutfriea.

OA. aad Mra. H. L WUliarof Warii-ington, accompanied by their daughter and baby graaddanghtar, Mra. Helen

Loote NriAeit^ and Mra. WilUa' aia-ter, Bfra. E. L. Thomaoa, were the gaeita of Dr. and Mra. J. C. Meredith «a Memorial day.

Mdt H»j waa aeawnpaaiad haa^ hf his graaddinighter, Miaa Margaret Ro-rabangh.

Mrs; Frederi4^ Huatoa Coz, of JFaidkington cpeist several- daya w i ^ relatiTea here tibla week irtide I w i ^ Cox waa atten£i^r> aa^JMegafe fpoift

the WashbigtaB; the Afnericaa,

aaanal ateeting Baakoa^ Aaaodikfioa

aboud /ni ia Midbud'' in jkte Chsaa^ peak»'W<

Itr.sad Mrs. H. A. B<Aa<m, of Hnat-ingtoa, W. Va., snivjed (« Tneaday Jo spend jdwaaamiCT at the Heban btui-gtdow, their anamer hoiaa^wwt 1 6 -

n a y w e n a e e ^ jpraied ny "•* Jftwtan-EdwfaL *o?>

ikm, "^^ if» aee^tod a ^ ta^lSir:f^P*^aMJAsf,<d}JxdamUmi,A IMatorate ti^.&aaA Htm.

tn. David B. teiitii aad her tfarae iiV^dhfldzai-JBIdrad, D. B., Jr., and |»y'--^» 1^ Oapa <SrazdeMi, Ma.,

aoiaa^tiBiarwtth Mi>r iatbtr, Kr. >. T. Leaehmaifi:

.K,fi. Bryant aad their [ dani itar^ Paal and fbriatine, , IGah., a n rMOat Mtwi Srjh-

aad Ifr. Bryairt^ famlhar, aad'ib. K I^'brr-

i|M.'3iaiMa B. |<aB^ hnt ratnrnad mOmit atar ia QyattaflBa. V4n

ttB.J). M. Fitta aal her two eUl. i b ^ t q r aad D M U , «tf K b ^ a n

_ _ «t * • hena ef Jbm. PUfa lir, Mr. S. m.

hf M ^ . F M B , i i i to MBt^lmt,'--

imj Ja]aea.Hoag)rt«» Nalaoiu Ib.aad Mrs. NelaoB and Miaat* mbubtOt aad Bettie ^aaellelaan wffl arrire'later.

Miaa Dorothy Loewtla JohpUNn haa nta^iMd fiam Lyndritarg to q aiKl th«

with'her paraota, Dv. aad Mra. C. R.~C. JohaB(«, af t« ieomplet* ing her aaphonon year at Raadol^ Macon Woma'a Cdlege. . She waa ae-. e6n>gat>iad by two daaoaatca, Miaa


M i t c M Lnirit in "Chfldren of Banwhment**


Thursday, June 17 Eind Bennett in "The Woman in the



Friday, June 18 'The Tree of jff Knowledge'


Saturday, June 19 R u ^ ^ o t e d ^ t n ^ ^ ' A t v e n t u m ^ ^ ^ EPISODE No. **rHE SUBSTITUTED MESSENGER.^ SEN-NETT COMEDY, F R E ^ FROM CITT, NEWS AND PATHE mnOEW. MATINEB. 3 p. m^ fc-lle. Night. 8 p. au, lle-17&

GEO^&MOiai^Y, JUNE 21, 'THE WESTERI^BR''—A GOOD .__•'•.•-•-, _ WESTERN • •"-•._-•

jBcscKn. FUND;

Althon^ tile graded scho<d has doaedaad the high .adwcA -haa Dearly eeaapleted' the tcfia, ooatribotioaa to the entity adwol^tteaanry i vc xvport.:

, duteaaa of ihe ad ood board. If payateata cmitfanie to arrive the achool fond win be ia emwideral^y better

•ha|>e for closing acconata for the preset term, aad patroas mA achool children will be ai^ to face a brighter ootiook fw the eomiag year. Theiiew atirtrifcationa a n : line-Qoigg, CUfbo;' oA'xeraon;; l DD

T. F. Am^a A. LjrnhfMB,..

F. K i n g . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . S. T. H a l l . . . . . . . - . . , ; . . . ,

. . . 5.00


..T16JO6 .. 5.00

fnrniali tli« town

Davis win cunilauB tir

and cotu^y; wh«i posBiblc, with ie* ft, alio fad wh«i.ftxailal^ I aolidt your patronace and will endeavor to give yoa acrvlec. Cone down aMFloolc over the plant. Yon are wekone. I abo wane to f hank thoae whom I have met tar their hearty wdfeeme.

The pr«8»t prices win eontinoe on aceoant of the high cost of operation. With' y~«iCr coH>petatioii,-i expect tohnild iwa hoeina— that wilU be bcneidal to tlie eMBasonity.


Laoraaee W. Walton, Manag«r


raplwiai ar faraiah, th»^ aprlag aad

^ ~ l [ b u S B F U R N I 8 f f i m n

l O w apadoaa graaad iaar keeplag departiaat aCata t aad BMat receait darlaaa fai BtaMila, laaiidry



fTbe iargeat ataefc ia the Soatt. tha BMat elegaat predae-

m wen aatha leaa sipaaalia Taw iaapactiaa iaritaC

l i l 6 F St. and 1214-18 G St., ^ W A S H I N G T O N . D. C. .

»i_.T_'i _ 1 _ i _ I _ F_ I _ I _ r _ f i I_ I.


Ksids of Cemeta?

jtffawugueaigiufii iinn' r^ F^T^ r-iTF^I.. I iTT'-TF _ I i.n-_T_ T



SORE. . Stb asd 1 Streets, N. W

Washiiigtoii D/d MmmttiAmmmmSm'


DIAGNOSTICIAN Spedala i i Cfamie DiMMi .

Thnr ii ahtaiajL


«ad MiK MaiioB Baiiidry Ifooza, of SaVutaafa, Ga^ w1» left, on Thmaday to stake tiw *Ap ta Savi lnndi I7 boat lOaa libort aad Miaa Wgr atUnded the a—naaaeqaiat W . at - A B | J I H | | ^ hwt^fnAi -B3-srT—rn r


af tUa aertlDir itie b a r eagtB. .GHdeaor f se : hi^U*« plowiag

QUO*' Miaa Lodle Laaafo^ ia

8oia»|lawte Wa4d«Cfeli«> eunpanied^y her

i^endiag -She fa-Mr: Wm.Aaim

KiaaHfur ma Ka«a loat valaaMa enra leeaeti

Mrs. Mat rkmnaa aad bar tac; Maa AhalFkMMa^ aaiMSaa JU.

i-^^hdp of nuaeni wMer I Thirt'a


mmi •m'

Tom Edwards •a- com^rtaik JMng car brtakfisi, tights jiUtug tk« ktml ef kkrettarimd

aaiid4t «pw»ert<rrMew US,M»^« mtd akUfipimi, Tom &mmnb.

' t1le^dnl^Stat shoaMS~you a glass dr soda wit^some BtSstjBt a boi-trf— powerful purgjatxves. You get acdcm anriAt.Y<

ciaaeand yoa e u aot set w d nti'die " •• aeaIfaaiwpn (.auKaaucfcclialaS" ffeatknirof aatoK. Yoakamrdieciect —fiad the caoK. 'Send aie year BHae aad addioB aad let BK tln^r yoer caae.


Rector & Co* HAYMARKET^ VA.


ELLO Edwardst 1M^ on this _ ^ _ tfipP What** that. bMtIo of fSim od fte window siU ¥*y'

**t1iat i'li tell^cNi hy aslciag you ~„ .^ ^^-^ . , , . j jaaewfagr**" —' -^^——^ an wgfat. You fed weak for a dayime

^pBhMt ~ . A e . ^ J ^ J ^ work i^aU without tliesedni^." o r d e r s m the dmar this morimuP" - n . . ! i-i « ^ - « * ^ » A ToHi i©'*

<*wirir w . .rji T nt^gA^mUS^ "BullMiw did you getooto Nujoir • Why. le f»see-Ineededahtt le . . ^ ^ ^ Joe Bates, a doctor

mineral water and' irkm&ot majej-sawme taking a ^' u .. i u i „ ^ . . ^ . 1 . . ^ for constipation—the second one l i t t s b o ^ h a r e J i M ^ o c ^ i n y ^ week. J<Ebouneed right up in tue

» J t S » j S r i y » ! 2 ? ' "'' *"'* P"^***^ for an hour on the Y o u ' ^ -'^Sure. Yon ti4«a>led with

pation mudi?""' ., ^I'mnottrowWwiwirhitarall-But I wooki be if it wMB^tforttatbottle,"

•*Good,eh?V_ .. **Life insurance. I've been on die

road a longtime. You know raking orders firoaa a tim^^ablerrl've got a IHretty strong oonsCitation, but the Kfe waakaiingme. The hours, this iifty-

of drinking water

to neariy m a mm. And I tteWMc.**

»«thHiabit?" -; ••Yea. Yott know^^ih*

our utibernal CM ani. Then lie iHit me on the Nu jol treat­ment—a tablespoofiful twice a day."

~«*And the effect?" "None for the first day or two. And tfaev

IbegantofeelUkemyoldaelfeiaui. Ifot bmk my ^>pedte sadtook a«« faodeelen-NniotirBe ck<ntn< me out—riddind me o<

You eee, Nojol^works oo a inetcad of &iKiai or irritat-

»item, it salipiy solteiis flie food lliis heba alLdiaee tiny mueclee in

Oe walls of the mtestines, ceatfactiai and -«»pandin<ae thry shonkl, to squeeze the iMid waste akmtf eo that it passes natameay ont of the system. It h^eNatnre to keSp

for evacuation. Besiaes, K a absolutely hennieea and pleasant to

That's irestt Niqol sounds like die only latkinaltreatnientforcodSrtipation. I always

©^3* l l s i m i Method •f 'TrmtimtmOUQm^Uimt

PwMnpt M Satfcfartory Serriea, Hearse Fondsked for Any

HeaaenaMe IHstaace.


ahowing t}ie asetaatre and diatincthre featuree wem tgr t h e .

lertwenr %n t£. =^---

RlCffS UMl F. Street, T M t h .

RUST & 6 I L L I S S




MOZiOB TO THB PUBLIC The Caaftrai Motaal lUvboaw Co.

tha State Gerporatta^ tha feUowiac laiiaaj

athadali «< rataa, affaetiva an aad tS^ t i r l a ly l^iWS,




OBRtJAKT NOncBS. BTC Maaaorial reaelatioae. cardi of

thaaks, afcttaary aotieaa of avary kia4 (aoteapi « a«wa aeeooat of a death ahaa it oceora) are imortwl at tha rata af S6 oaata aa i a d , payable in aA-

B yaa do aot kiww bow Koch atttsaWrfli

Page 6: B^ DAYS H msm&Gm ^wmsmOB POmFINISff aawENSHs H^GBAQEeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · ware littla paper faata.enMM^g nia» BMptpa of d»^^w,a)itoi..f


'mffi]nsPAi& *

tM endow cvaAmfJi Ui

^fiinii<TC|1iijtJ^Tlj^ r«» ?*:?^ «* ^p-wttiw ^M JIM

Ewell Camp CoBua(uid«r ^bim/tM Brief llMMfi*! 8k||i|Mi §('

•ioM to ttw CQi)f«a«at«_siBMBm gf KkiuBond, to bo plae«4 irttb tb* roator nAdo in tte baadmitiiit of Us eon-

The foUowinc tri otM to Confod«r> ate veteran* who havo putod kwmy during the ymu oBdinr wMr^GmfWh erate memorial day m n road at tho memorial day oxoreiaos by Bm. Watt-wood Hutchison, comnMuWin «f Ejrall Camp, Conf«d«rat« • • t a n u :

lolw B. Tilktt.

i m HAitiaiAS JOOIINAI ^ •BBB ' - ^

miM him— " Ib t putbir k bnt BMitt aonmr Whw wo can My, 'Wo win moot in

«t«nity tomorrow.'"

F R I D A T , J U N E 11. 1929.

n«j»r_in.n.] g , f l , n ^ M ^ gn^r^^U'jf^Zt

TO THK DKnOBS OF W, A. WOOD W. A, Wood having made an a«-

•ignmont to tbt ondaraigned, aa trna-taa, for the baneflt of hla craditora;

"Comrade TOl^ at tho.bnaldng aut tUa ia to' notify all t>eraona who aro of the war between the atatea enliated in Company H, Virginia cavalry, of which William C. Brawner, killed ia the Maryland campaign in 1869, waa captain. • . , . . .

"Comrade TiUett waa a member ol the Ladieg' IfemOTial Aaaociation of Manassas and toolc a Iceen intereat in all that prrtaJTMd to the good of the association. Under the aoapicea of the said association he bnilded the stone monument which now mmrkB the" resting place of the heroes of the first and second battles of Manaasas, who gave their lives in the daf^i^ of home and fireside. Tha toonse flgora of S Confederate soldier which raaU on the top of the monument waa the gift of the Manassas Chapter, U. D. C "

B. T. 9 . Hodge. ' "Comrade Hodge W H bon ia Au­

gusta county and at an aarly age en­listed in the service of King Emanuel and remained a fklthfol soldier of the cross until May 80, whco the door of heaven was opened to NO^ya Ua « i i t t and hear his Saviour sty, "Wrtl dotte, thou faithful servant Coma an higher.' ,

"At thcage of tixt«en he eidtotad in the A u ? u ^ guards and Mrvedfeaqotw I

all dehts and aoeounta due to the aaid Wood arc payable only tft^tht w»dar-aigned tmatee, or to his duly KaOu»-laed or accredited attorney. _^ ,

An perkohJ in&bi»d to tha aaid Wood are nnueated t« fMthwith fty aueh debta & the undertlgMdj Slid all peiawia Imvini against aaid Wood artf reqneated to P»s«at auch claiuia, wtUi ppopw proof, to tha idideratgned. 62-4 J. P. KERUN, Trustsa.



BirdBit M. B. Haslm. Vka-P(«k

Oeou B, Wa«aU, CaaMv, .

First National^ank AIB1CAWI>ffU. Ar-



"ANN" -IfNow you will want to know who Ann" 1B and just to show you

there's nothing meiui about as we v e s<dng to t ^ yon. E*«w dosd*. IJIt's anticipation! !FWe have anticliMded your wants tiiiM yvar by setting in a nice' bvmaim crop of Martha Wash-l Insteo candy.. Now It doemt matter whether her name . is "Mar «r "Anotajer^—get ri^t

U'l ISl Praaipt

SwyiSsaad PreAta

AH parties indebted to E^JtCoBiier will ptaug

come forward and settle, ing claims against the WK sent them for pa nsHmtt


hav pre-







%9'•W boslMSB l9cdi, tt yo« W»at to g«t nmUs^ . , 4 L ' / - - - - - - • - - : T - • : • .#• ••4 ^ e Jovrn^ 11.50 a jmt.


^ • 4 $ ^ - - ^ ^

gives to an

tka Ui«e4 Btatas sad:

Manassas Traosfer Co. ) w. & Araxr,

sr other •n

"THE B0S?COR>aER- PENNA.«^ Op-WSA-J. WASHINGTON, 6 . C. flmftWR.!.

ably ^mtu'7^^!i^irT«!^^\ll^ *?.«*^ take her a box. ~ tanL ZMi eavitring yon* "Ami'* hem and bqy bortlia bwt drink

tox. After fli#w»rh«s»itoradH««i.. den • Sidney 1%«bl«gfa«j flaminair, graduating ytm hoa&t. Sad w v « -^ined to the i*ftiilflyy jn {h^ P — ^ -tenan Church, of Wlii^ ht « M a

IX Baker UiiiderfaJrer

^r; but later his otitf tamed towarC teaching as the taknT ^Idefa had beam intrusted to him and ••"tltinmlfa tMy work «itU about a year ago.

">.^ the tin I'^^^r'wfmm iaah Johnson prqjprad' ira men of Prince; WiUiamMrho aarv«d i a the war of the adxtiea* Comrade Aodg* and the men of the nompany to wl i i^ he belonged prepared one ot Ida eoaa-pany which was so fatthfolly done that it is preserved in a a n ease In^Oa

TIBBtt rAmr h«» been working overtime ^ Oe whole amnge^ mart of o«r stofe^ We have pamted and dseovated nnt^^riie'a Qii^ and spas, Newetmieenin mS. let as IMMB '

Anaf tacsBnm La« AsKrHear C C

2>MB«t atttttfaa ghw* aH PMeosaslMfavfaod



fGet acqnaintiaii with **Anii.*



F.N:£AltKlK CinL BNODiBItt ANl)130tmrkW

MAHAasasgyA. jma^^cs^

D C M T B T Oae».-H%|hL A Giddtngr

- A ^ ^ ^ g j w ^ ^

-TTh^^MWrrow cAn, U fifet, be (SMtf ''dttdT tf« well as by tbn hnr fcfa»wrfr f.n->^«i.

d ^ E N WHEELBAHSCJWS, io6xxiy,. t» LiHiwMff, $3Ux uBfaue^msdci <H uffiB setected hAdwood, smooth ta^akv

W in. rfwft«^22 in. i&* spoke at«i: wheete. Whed runs in iron ^ftw strong^ hcteed; sides ar^ «&*»(»' Ma3!tfw4reiBtofiO Bbs;


»fKtf .f^^,.



I I I ,

[otlihig 3frfl

—Same as above, except weight is MJbs;«Ki 64 Indwe feBg —G0ASTE3R EXPRESS WAGON No. S. wttii r^movi^ express boK, which can •be teken oflf or r^laced hrflue^ mjuuter perfect steerinsr mechanism, white ash spmg board; bottom-86 iL long, and 14% m. wider I%x3^ in. rock maple 4Xle8, with t«)ered iron thimble skeins: H in. Tirtieels, with % in. rock maple spol^; i^x% m. nx* elm rims, bent in «»e PMsee; irgir fii*s with welded anff «arunk sted 6res; malleable inm ^unde; rock maairfe pofeTBtrong iron ^ t h wheels iiani briws on fitmt MHT

^ : 8 a f e P r i c e „ _ . _ . „ : _ _ . : ^ 8 . 4 5

• 'Same^M ^ v e . But larger, strongez^ and mcwe heavily baift wwm. At |g.4^




if you want quality meats uid gr6ceik^"&^S^fi^ prices, go to Conner ~& €< *s Cash Store; We have j ust overhauled our burge refrigerator in so as to give you the best meats at all times. " ~ Do not forget our prices on grocedes. We carr^a full line ofldt kinda a i i4^ going to he^ you'^ht old H. C. L^ as hfi has Jbeen a bald M fellow on us alL

when ordorJiB spyy^: ikm KANirS—FODBXH FLOOK

• «

- i


<m Cx>ffee; Bsus-

LQH Cabot ^

M\fimm Spsoi

i3 flaiTcr

4ScQmiUmCdtt3k iScCMdlsMcMKltc

We pay the Cash for aU Unds of Produce—Eggs, Chickens, Calves, Hogs, Hides, Etc.

TOURING CAR 'With d«Bl flMtrkatartlng aaiJtgiuiiig A . . . . . . , , . . . ; . . H M

SEDAN . . . . $ 8 7 5

with dual •ystaanaai

ckctrie startii^'Hi^

with AMI tiaetrie startfa^ aai Bghtiar . . . .WW

^ ^

Tnick Cliai5bJ^2>r!?d^ $600 Th«aapgkaaars^«.WI>alni(.'^

VEMt«r'»8MJlf. o. b. Dmbon. MA.

W.EMCCOY Aatkaiiasd Btlm aad Servka MANASSAS VIRGINIA

\ i .

• > • : • • : • • > • > • > • > • - «

A A . ^ « U U t W « « M « , *•*»«!


Page 7: B^ DAYS H msm&Gm ^wmsmOB POmFINISff aawENSHs H^GBAQEeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · ware littla paper faata.enMM^g nia» BMptpa of d»^^w,a)itoi..f


PAGE SEVEN v^mmofi

i-^j .,•- -^* - f - ^ - ' r ' -"V'tT •' ' ^




Th* elMinr excrdaM.of ClUt«>

ffinaing witb tb* ImcraUprot/iTBMm whidi WM prMtehed .in UM Baptift Chufdt HmKUy vimaia^ by B«v. S. B. CMIKUL A play^ "The Matrimnntol E«ch>ng«," WM ghwn T u — ^ •^-tpg waa tm commwig»wnt propT t<tf-lowed '911—WMBMaiyi • xn*"MW '»'W «v«nta wen field ia the aaaemhly haU of the hi|^ eehool baildins^ and were well attended and iveeeaafully. r«ii. dered. TY^vn were six gradaatae: ttiuei NinJa Ford. Alice Merchant, ChrUtine Fergnaelh, Helen I^lgin and Frances Kobey and Clarenee Bebey.

Be*. Thomaa MaeLeed preaehed Sunday m<»ninK in the Pi^byterian

• n • -ir'~-

5IC WI • « ^ | I

TO OURttlSI^WR^tND F r a ^ ^ cnuRb fr Matthew ».». All the.

$i(ii|derst Heal Ifjurket dAl^ARY WAY,

iimA$i^'f ^^'•.^: "^^< J I R G I N ^

l i:

powers God'has given na, Rev. Mr. | MaeLeod said, are expected to M put, in the baidt of life and oaed fw-the | benefit of the world. |

Rev. Edward Tab«Hr preached at the; Baptist "Ohmeh Bandsy mnming snrt evening, the tobjeet of the evening

Miss Katberine Wells, of, Washing ton, spent the week-end with friends here.

The boys' cinb bad to abandon its camping trip last Satorday flja ttgnnat of the heavy^donmpour of rain. i

The Manassas graded school having ^ closed, the Oifton eomnraters have| been reduced to one. j^udoit. Paid I Qoigg,, who ie in high school. Vinton | Southard left Wednesday for hi8| grandfather's home near Harrison-^ b«rg, wher^ be will spend the f^nuner.' -. Mrs. W. H. Edwisrds ha%jMtiimed pfrom a visit to VienWi. *

Mrs. J. J. Brooke, of Koitristown, Pa., is visiting relatives herer>r

Mrs." Kate WaDer Barrett was ac-(^mp»nje4te,Ivakot»xm June ^^7 •. ttttttfter-flr^^egirtes frtm tJ»i-"Ftolf-ence Crittenton conf«ence-at Wash^ ingfaa^ Luncheon was served in the 4n&g room •U'nUrats is the JNsiota glr«, who abo V ^ * ^ ' * ^ " ^ * ^ *«>'''

On and after July 1, 1920, we will con­duct our business on a strictly cash basis Many of our competitors and brother merchants have resorted to this plan, owin^ to the fact that

competitoi . to this pli__, p keeping books and making collections are very slow


4Pki6 Framibag, Etc.

from the' ffiiftoD peigU^hood weTf: a ^ ^ . B. Dp t •»!: diildhter; >ir«' Poind«Xter,v»Ir». WlltBnsUriu^ Bfas: Quigg and Mfs. Upp. . , The.ca#enters are mrw tnUding a J

. vanninr ^taSIMmeiit -a* this imftita- f | ti Hi and vriwn it is finished will break gionfa^ for a haspjtaL Mrw. JBarrett

ana expensive. We expect toxut down on our profit, and instead of keeping books we^ore going' to give it to the buyer, which puts money in your pocket and is less trouble for us. All machinery will be ^Id on the basis of the customer giving a tradei acceptance due at settling tinier without in-, terest We are sure it will not be ar naui^ troiible to t te b n y # a i keeping a book account. Give ur a cafl when yoii H^sd anything in the inal^iinenr line. Our motto is FULL WEIGHT and FULL MEASURE. .Our aimiis to please ytou and if JMNBT

|.^^)lease^rou teU others, if not, tell us. ^


iSlilflilea^ .'^^tginbf' axi<r

" . • v . J M ; ^ \ ^ •-:•.• T^-.i^f


MH in BM syefseh to the »isi»sfi the tJnfted' Statea needs fiiins suieh farms jw Tvakota. IvakoU -is 'wm-port44 by the leftovfrs from the otUer TfsoMKe' <Uttentaw. nuisdonsr^uhe^ stated. Revl and Mrs. A. Stout Gib-j son,'of Manassas, were present. Rev.-* Mr. 4 faaoa rnnde «-few rowwrira, as-j pMnUng Ids pbalaare at b^ng pnsent and his satiaesetien that smeh a worit is under way.

Invitatiims are oat for tlie marriage dt'Misa San. Grewe aadMr: G«av» Earl CieMs,^.both «t Waahingioa, 7hl^ w to taks vHf^im^Vl 9 Cal-V«(^ B f i i ^ Chnjsel in W M i i n C ^ Ml« Crewe is very pispalsir wiOt n e younger eet IB' <^ton, having made

^ J^iom wiUrhearunde and-<Bntjwge f®tse*«»«l yeSST ««»*««t t«~*«^ qiiftoD. Ugh aehoel in 1914 and sue-ceaafnlly^teadiing ona. of th« classes during J ^ t o m of 1917:48^-. E%9 has beea «^lsyed i n t i w Treasurr De-partmsei sinoe 1918. ,

R is «UB»end tet tiMte «M OOMT mdPBg taOs tff xi^g in the nssor fa-


^'-••'••:-M, if:v^-^


1 ^ Ladsie MapUs, o(f Hillsdale, Md.* is sBSndiwg :heme tisse here on

^4h*-ill«aaa e< Mr sMthc^ Mrs. h. P.- Mapfais.

Ifr. liosiwrd GMpar, of Waridngtcn, ^ o o t a i m m ixs* at Oe h«"»« «< >«*•


"TAHJORBD Fok i ^ w THE PWSQII^ mqsi^

tliB is theTanngs^ Ihiflii It k w w i T r A ) business with aHwfao

oiiB*, «ft tt* bas» of •

^ Mn. W. B. MapUs a*d MB, GIsvi, s»aa« ^oiiday with

:TiiWW8'T««B»^ '^' " ^ J * ^ ^

lOaa Ladsie Maphis and. Mrs. W. B.^ MraUs viB I«n« SsiaxdiV to * « ^ • fcw dsy* wMi Mte »>il^ ^

ii^FiBBy Dove was tM i W B s y a e las*

: viU* visitor kwk Meali

ImnidsiiaBiMr than in those of all-wool, mtaUty remntaL RdlULS muit be dbofougM)^ sfanialc The taSksntoik ^tnSL dome. The styles new and smart. And jost diese qtiL Kinchbauiti Midsumner


H Reasonable Prof i t^


_ attended the bcothMr.lfr., Henry

^ of Hicksry Qtvf^ ir. «. t>.Caril»««

125,1^30, « 5 , MO .^iZ

Seetdi Brscaun^ Ctaslus^Mokaits,


^Store JD die Siiriokd M i n g North Main Street, HaBUsas, Va.


*^*^ L C l M s i c u i W . I L Isr

i i » -


Ifias 8Hff»« V. HooBt has rsMrasd from a short visit to frieods in Ato-sndria.

, Invitations were received here this

•w*ek for the marriage of Miss Sara

_ t.- -^-r--r«;:.wir^i1» ilauehS— s< Mrs.

A.*. .%3eLL< 19»,

I VirgiiATS«wi;-BBlT daugbtss s< Mrs. j s

W. G. Cnw,dt _ . •f llMNMghfare, to Mr. Gmtm • « * Harris. e< Boston, Mass. . tU wsd-dinc wiH take place at Calvwy Bi»-ttet Chorcfa, WasUnglsB, a C , ea JuBS 17 at half past six o'deA-

Mr. Robert Edwards 4kas porehaaod

A Mi^er from tended tlM eoaHMaesBMat axareia«| at HayMikat » g h SdMd laat Ttandar eveniBC, MiM Jemde VMAsr, at ThocivhfiMPa, hdag 09* • ( tiM iZMk

Tfce Jennal. $LM a year—worth R.

•BONGS o r LOYI AND W A V 1^ Dr. ft M. OarkaMi



»a»»>se>>eseeeeee «••»**•»*•


Page 8: B^ DAYS H msm&Gm ^wmsmOB POmFINISff aawENSHs H^GBAQEeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · ware littla paper faata.enMM^g nia» BMptpa of d»^^w,a)itoi..f

PuUjic 8«le— FazBujxg hasi»-vaeatarhmvy draft nure, can-

Our car of cow peas ar» lMr%

u» for MlUet and Sorghum. J. a. Burke A Co. g-tf

For.Sale--Cheiiffieporti«m in 7 E XTHitdwH.

For Sdo--^hro Pord toatrfaur OOT. 5-P. BtoU, MKUWMaTM


Por Bal»~fi«gi8tw«d Holatdn yvaHing boIL sired by famovs 160,600 bun, fang S^^a Pentfce. ftlce, $150. Als»^ Tsgisterad ^ calf, $76. Four young aowa,, $30 sach. Some t|Mm>ai^l««d Pi$B, 6 weeks old. dMiee at $6 each, $9 JO perpafr. Good four.

poBsibie dupilcate atthe prices— S c S S * ' ' $28.96 to $45.50. If you need a ' GOOD refrigerator we can inter. Por Sale—Tomato and est jrou. W. C. Wagener. 8-1 [bage plants, good varieties -yF— " . w. ..«,«„««. ir-x »«so iHoui*, wwa vanenes. AH

Maxwell roadster m. excellent Jdnda^tlgarrfan seada in bulk ur

• Lost—^Tire and rim Thursday night near intersection t>f Gainesville and Greenwich roads. $1D reward: Apply this office.

Qyetlaad-Touring Car, excel-eat-conditioB, run ouly 8,00f miles; bargain. O. E. fewman

For Sale—Pine slabs for fir»-wood, 8awed stove length. H, P. Young, Manassas. 1-2*

right party.* See Dr. S ^ Simp­son. 17

Bee-ke^>er8' supi^les for sate. Hives and other fixtures in good condition. Mbderatg-price. Ad­dress/ Johan Bfiddlethon. Bris-tow, Va. • 1^*



Tka JMimaU;$lja »ycar.

Caibula the disiftfa^ant drys ^l ite: Try it. l>rinc« liamPharmaay,-^ — 4S^*f

Single comb Rhode Island Red egga for aale, $1.50 aettbg of 15 ofga. Badaead i>rice In 60 and 100 lots. J. H. Staetoj liuas-aas, Va. 4&4f,

Wanted-«M)00 w ^ oak

I FRIDAY, JUNE 11. i92fl

1 tl« dreah Court ^ Piiae* VO-Ibm C«iBt7, Vi^tois.

mmvBT L. milliBH, justasua. W CHANCVBT.

Upm U* writtaa •ni'lKatioa vt tbs oomptoinsnt aUtiag •|i*eificallr th»

JmSITfarm, hi|4i state of cultivation, growing crops, good orchard, ^lendid op­portunity for industrious man with (Small faarfly. See Princi­pal. Manassas Industrial School

For Salfr—Seven-room dweS- WATCH YOUR LABEL « * house J( to be moved fr«m Whmi your cnbMBrlption mmnent ia lot). W. E^ MfpTT. Mannnsaa-1 ' ^ ^ 9"^. 1>1MM d* not uk Q» to

—., , —i»end a r*M^ W4tck the addnM Trv a box of Marsdle Face

Powder, 80 cents. It's fine. Pnnce William Pharmacy. 47tf

^C^Ktxal Mutual Td^hose stock for sale. Ajflply Box 86 Manassas, Va. 49-?

Wanted—Bian to clear 10 actas of land. 0. R. 0. Johnson, Ma­nassas, Va., 4g.7

[• chafed with each payment In - —agred with each pa better times It It oor poUeV to make each corrections on the Thaillng list

^ wseHy as tliei uuiuj. but fai tfaaw UK ithe present when we are serioosly

-jpped by iBck ot labor, the time occasionaUy stretefaM into a month. If the change it not made vitidn a reasMiable length f time, ask to know tlie rcaeon-why.

lait takrarn sce'o< abode o< tbt liBdant and that the dofatdant ia not • iwidMitW tite 8t«te •( Virginia, tiM eoort dothjen iUs atii dar <tf ivxtt, 1920, gnat theitaDowinf ocdar of pob-Ueation:

^Gtlnr decree sranttnar to the complainant an mtrmjiu\K Hi I wAve zTom wie aeieuuani, on the KTooada et wiifol deaertioii and abandonment for a pviod of ^ more than tiiree T""* r***' ^f *}'r Hntltn-

eeonty of Prince William, Vlr^nia «aoe a week for few swaeei<^ weeics'' •od« oepy poatwl at tlie fr** door of j>» penythonae ef this eomlgr, oa « brirfMe the next aooeedias raia day «f-t«r tfaia ordtf k antared; that a eww of this otd«r be sent by registered mail ,^jke Xl«!t of__ " ^Seasad te Ibe aaid non-restdaajyi L. fmsatatt St Jersey City, New J ^ S the teat kaown yost omee ad4NM and

tioa of this suit;, and for general reliel An atBdavlt hariag be«i made and

filed in this cause, that the defendant, Harvey L. UiUeT, is not a resul t #f the State of Virginia, and the aald de-fendaiit. iict" viag entered liia ap-

The Jovirnal $1.60 a year in advance' and worth tlie differeocs.

coort, within tea days^fter tiie doe pnblication of this order and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit; tiutt a copy of this order be fbrthwiti inserted in the Manassas Jonrhal, a newspaper published in the

ykca ef abed* «f the aaid iwa4^d«iit dvfnidsBt.

GEO. Q. TtlXti, Chrtc 9f itia dwuHT-fc- mgarr

A eqpy Teata; i^ GISU. 0. TVL8E, Caerk.

a-4 By Ua d^uiy, t. UtDUJM.

"Wa have moved our stora and lunch roan to the rooas foraMrly ijsed as a barbfr sho|p» Iltiaisa ax^ ooinf&rtaUa place aad we

pearance, it is ordered dat he do ap­pear In tte clirt'i officeSf«»Ta1H'»»*do-OllirbaBt-4oplN«|a

Come and aae 08,


^ &€lv6r tistsde

giag not be €<JI^^ stffl M

^BSelMI airi w f e ^ at kst tiian ihey can be

StiU we ^^»teii4te^Ji||(i ja i a ^ ^ ^ i^

^;r—'••-• •• ,.".'./'. •" - : ; — — -^ Wonien's Shoes. $1.59

---r - f HIT II — — ; : — s ^^ - ^^**^ ' -' ^ J » ! ^ ^ « ' T ^ W frith valaiai^li^^kyititton antf fi^S w w ^ a H aiaes firom 5 tTll.^ A.iew tans bat BMMtlyUack shoes ai« in tihclot. ~

ie.OOBIiieWoi!fcSyrtL..v. $S25 KImki Pants . .!v ^ Beys'Baseball Salts . .

^Ww-iftlioiraHStnwr ^ aadgirlsr. Thera are aaaie Okiaela at aaaa priea hot abas^r» ^ J |0 Pr Cent Oif AfrCapa. h*^ »«k«a. MaaOy 5 a i ^ f t i r f i T f c i S i ^ S • » 15£?5w»«LAHUa*«w«ar. an Orforil h i k t tot wortli l^i t1». fi"^ i W l d t e e f

When yoh coBsida- that theie b B O U ^ W^ caa 1 ^ for M.98 at teetoty, yt^ ca» famaaiaa i a d g a i ^ r f thevalacaweftreoffriag. /

Woiwn's Sflk Hose . i ; . . . . . ,

WideBrtiieidei^ FInaiif Inj

• ^ w » i . — * - w - * . ^ ^ ^ » « ^ » » a- — M • — 1 »••

ip^afcrjal -for

?^^i^"^J*?]^^Y' JUNK W, aad «rfli« SatoriT

toseeifywrMflywaatalMugala. ' ^ " • w

^i^-T^TT ^^m af»;1alr'afcee8 in white attC iffick. ifnafy a l

siaiea in white, fiiaefcancaiiyaBsBandlles. But thiaK of A tlHOE FOR A WOMAN at $1.59 whea it takes $2



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i ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ J S ^ « » * LESS THAN $4.50 to


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CASE OP m S w . ™* « C W I » ^ » . IT » A

nsons artment MANASSAS, VIRGINIA

• r^" ,i.J* :,„;., -:iiii»ihift^b'


