marketing & communication plan 2012-2013

Marketing & Communications Plan Fiscal Year 2012-2013

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DESCRIPTION Marketing & Communication Plan 2012-2013


Marketing & Communications PlanFiscal Year 2012-2013 is positioned to assist in achieving statewide goals to increase baccalaureate degrees earned from Arizona’s three state universities. With its comprehensive database of courses and equivalencies, is the single source for transfer credit information in Arizona and serves high school students, community college students, and academic advisors.

Despite the quality of information on the site, it remains underutilized among student populations across the state. There is also a general lack of awareness that the site exists, again mostly to student populations. Conversely, high school, college, and university staff seem well-versed and highly aware of the site.

The lack of awareness can be attributed to the fact that has not been aggressively marketed. In February 2011 a Director of Marketing and Communications was hired to address this. In the past year the Director has worked to brand and market the Shared Unique Number (SUN) System and also to brand the Academic Program Steering Committee (APASC) as an organization. Websites and logos were created for SUN and APASC and SUN was heavily promoted in advance of its launch in January 2012.

Completing the SUN and APASC projects paved the way to make major overhauls to the website with the goal of making the site student-focused, contemporary, and in-line with current web design and marketing trends. The new site is set to launch in Spring 2012.

The purpose of this marketing plan is to promote use of the new site among key demographics and target markets. Using a variety of methods and tactics, the plan aims to reach as many Arizona citizens as possible to increase awareness of college transfer opportunities and ultimately increase baccalaureate degrees awarded in Arizona.

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013

Situation Analysis

• Lack of awareness among student populations• Lack of outreach to rural colleges• Large market can be challenging to effectively reach• No direct line of communication with current students

• Funding could change with state budget issues• Private and for-profit institutions offer easier transfer programs• Duplication of efforts among colleges

• Existing transfer, recruitment, and advising networks and programs provide a channel for direct-to-student communications

• Current educational initiatives can help gain exposure to a wider audience• Increased interest to include K-12 in higher education creates opportunities to serve more students• Economic climate has increased enrollments which widens the potential audience

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013

S.W.O.T Analysis

• High level of support and endorsement from community colleges, universities, and educational leaders statewide

• No competition from outside sources• The site is a quality service that is of high value to students• The site supports statewide goals in post-secondary education• The site is a convenient one-stop shop• Flexibility to incorporate new services and projects• AZTransfer and APASC is highly responsive to demands from colleges and students alike• Strong network of transfer professionals who sit on APASC committees and subcommittees• Used daily by advisors statewide

The S.W.O.T Analysis is an internal reflection of the issues, both positive and negative, facing This analysis identifies areas for growth that will help drive decisions related to the marketing and communications plan.






Parents ofHigh School


Community CollegeStudents

High School Students

ReturningAdult Students

High School Guidance Counselors

Community College and UniversityAcademic Advisors

Community College and UniversityRecruitment and Outreach Staff

Community College and UniversityMarketing and Public Relations Staff

Target Markets

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013

1. Develop and execute a multi-media advertising campaign

2. Strategically develop and distribute marketing collateral

3. Collaborate with the Technology Subcommittee to develop dynamic website content and features and expand mobile applications offered

4. Cultivate AZTransfer’s social media presence

5. Engage with high school students, parents, and counselors

6. Actively participate in campus activities statewide

7. Produce and disseminate relevant messaging to target audiences

8. Participate in activities that support educational initiatives

9. Build statewide collaborations to further AZTransfer’s mission and messages

10. Improve internal communications among APASC committees and ATF’s

11. Promote the Shared Unique Number System and fully integrate SUN into the brand

12. Expand audiences to include veterans and returning adult students

13. Create an AZTransfer scholarship

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013

The overall goal of the marketing and communications plan is to create a greater awareness of the website through comprehensive marketing, advertising, public relations, and outreach efforts that result in increased site traffic.

Specific goals include:


AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013

Get college credit where credit is due tools like the Course Equivalency Guide and Exam Equivalency Guide place emphasis on earning college credit. A campaign of messages playing on the idea of “credit” will engage community college students preparing for a university transfer.

Your link to a higher degree

As a completely web-based service it is necessary to use messaging that directs students to the internet. Using the tag line “your link to a higher degree” helps reinforce the message that is an online service that leads to successful degree completion.


Personalizing the resources on will help students connect and engage with the transfer process. Working with the Technology Committee, tools will be developed to further this message.

Save time and money with a community collegeto university transfer

Highlighting the cost savings of completing an associates degree prior to transferring to the university will attract students and parents alike. Similarly, showcasing the average time for degree completion for transfer students shows additional benefits to college transfer.

Enroll with confidence

The main benefit of is the ability to verify course transferability prior to enrollment. Carrying this message forward through marketing efforts will increase student interest in visiting the site because it focuses on the direct benefit to the student.

High School Students & Parents

General Audiences

Community College Students

Key Messages

1. Develop and execute a multi-media advertising campaign

2. Strategically develop and distribute marketing collateral

Task Description Target Date

a. Create an online advertising campaign utilizing geo-targeting and demographic data to target households with residents between 18 and 24 years of age

Launch July 2012

b. Place ads in community college student newspapers and / or newsletters at each institution

September 2012

c. Place ads in the College Times and the College Times quarterly transfer publication


d. Initiate cooperative advertising to place logo in college publications and websites statewide

August 2012 / Ongoing

e. Identify and place ads in key rural publications September 2012

Task Description Target Date

a. Contact student orientation organizers at college campuses and provide AZTransfer materials for incoming students February 2013

b. Develop a check sheet for students to mark their progress toward transferring March 2013

c. Regularly distribute AZTransfer marketing collateral via mail Ongoing

d. Create a financial comparison piece to outline tuition savings March 2013

e. Create posters for display in advising offices July 2012

f. Create flyers to post on campus bulletinn boards July 2012

g. Create a list of community centers and social service agencies and distribute materials to each (i.e. College Depot, Goodwill, DES, etc.)

April 2013

Tactics and Tasks

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013

The following is a list of the tactics, tasks, and objectives identified to achieve the strategic goals set in this marketing plan. Estimated target dates are also included.

3. Collaborate with the Technology Committee to develop dynamic website content and features and expand mobile application offerings

4. Expand AZTransfer’s social media presence

5. Engage with high school students, parents, and counselors

6. Actively participate in campus activities statewide

Task Description Target Date

a. Create a tutorial video for advisors and students October 2012

b. Create a live chat or “ask an advisor” tool April 2013

c. Develop graphics and interface for a SUN mobile application October 2012

d. Develop a My Transfer application March 2013

Task Description Target Date

a. Develop regular messaging and a schedule to post relevant content on Facebook and Twitter

Launch first messaging in July 2012

b. Create an AZTransfer blog July 2012

c. Cross reference and mention college social media profiles Ongoing

Task Description Target Date

a. Attend and present at each Arizona School Counselor’s Association (AZSCA) conference

Spring and Fall Conferences

b. Participate in the fall high school tour sponsored by AZSCA September 2012

c. Advertise in AZSCA newsletters Quarterly

d. Regularly distribute AZTransfer marketing collateral to high schools statewide

July 2012

e. Develop an web page for parents July 2012

Task Description Target Date

a. Make regular visits to community colleges statewide to answer student questions and provide information

Begin in August 2012

b. Attend college and career fairs at high schools and community colleges Ongoing

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013

7. Produce and disseminate relevant and engaging messaging to target audiences

8. Participate in activities that support educational initiatives

9. Build statewide collaborations to further AZTransfer’s mission and messages support educational initiatives

Task Description Target Date

a. Develop a quarterly transfer e-newsletter for students First newsletter launches October 2012

b. Develop a quarterly e-newsletter for advisors, recruiters, and marketers

First newsletter launches January 2012

c. Pitch transfer-related stories to reporters statewide Ongoing

d. Write and distribute articles for inclusion in existing college publications and newsletters


e. Write blog posts every two weeks and feature guest posts on alternating weeks Begin July 2012

Task Description Target Date

a. Represent on Getting AHEAD committees Ongoing

b. Represent on the Arizona College Access Network (AZCAN) Ongoing

c. Develop a relationship with Expect More Arizona 2013

d. Develop a relationship with First Things First 2013

Task Description Target Date

a. Create a statewide network of college marketing and public relations professionals

July 2012

b. Create a statewide network of college recruitment and outreach professionals

October 2012

c. Assemble a student advisory board / task force March 2013

d. Identify and make contact with student leaders at each college March 2013

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013

10. Improve internal communications among APASC’s committees and ATF’s support educational initiatives

11. Promote the Shared Unique Number System and fully integrate SUN into the brand

12. Expand audiences to include veterans and returning adult students

Task Description Target Date

a. Create an internal APASC newsletter and distribute quarterly to ATFs and APASC committees October 2012

b. Update APASC website to improve content and navigability August 2012

c. Develop a system to post meeting documents online and make them more accessible July 2012

Task Description Target Date

a. Incorporate SUN into AZTransfer marketing materials Ongoing

b. Pitch SUN story ideas to the media in time for one year anniversary January 2012

c. Support colleges by providing SUN news, graphics, marketing collateral, and other resources Ongoing

Task Description Target Date

a. Create a veterans web page on November 2012

b. Create a returning students web page on April 2012

c. Promote veterans page to Veterans Affairs representatives at each campus April 2012

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013




Other Media6%

AZTransfer Marketing & Communications Plan 2012-2013


Pending final approval, APASC has allotted the Marketing & Communications Subcommittee $52,500 in operational expenses to execute this marketing plan. This amount does not include separate allocations for travel, equipment, etc. The funds will be divided as follows:

Evaluation of Results

Results and effectiveness of this plan will be measured and reviewed periodically by tactic. Adjustments to time lines and revision of tactics and tasks may occur as the plan progresses. Effectiveness will be measured based on the following criteria:

• Overall number of unique visitors to• Number of unique visitors to specific target pages such as the veterans page• Number of unique visitors from specific regions of Arizona• Number of college and transfer fairs attended• Percentage increase of social media followers• Number of new links from community college, university, and high school websites