ay 11nnly luei padadtk mccrackenw - library of congress · ied konnn pitcher crones of left arm...

af TRIO WKATHKR 11nNly cloudy tonight mid I Saturday Irolialjjy occasional showers null cooler l > y SaturdajY I 1 The Now is lire Tim of fates Terms TO I KEEP ON N H Sept 1t going Into ef ¬ feet was at highi noon by thu envoy n thin hotel with ¬ out at a nt the navy yard It wax called at once lo Jen and Oya runt I Vero St Sept ¬ es trout the army In just say that tho news of peace was by the troops with great and the ¬ ed their joy by ouch dthor and 1 at once began a joyus The ute nt the of and tho army is to win a series of of Japan Sept l an ¬ was made today that a has been from the of Japan his consent and to the peace terms and 1 to nn Plan Illg cal IA move meat Is on foot to give t to tho of Presl ¬ dent pence by him In a on his return to the tho last ot i the month It Is to have a great Qf on avenue and have tho city < bl < an escort of and civic bodies TIll Ull Sot Attend Hay Sept 1 has an to attend a at Word hero that a was to an and Loob wlwd that l It would be useless as tho will not lenvo flay until ho re turns to Sept 30 1 to Ho I Sept there tray be some for delay over the tho ex ¬ is that tho pence treaty Russia nUll Japan will bo signed There Is nt n slight over to tho Island of hilt I IP Is a under ¬ will soon bo Witht this the first rough draft of the treaty Is Tile Usual Meted Out Par thin UMiinl Crime Sept IA negro name d was at Miss last night for an ivsxaultt on tho sevon year old of a near Fly 1 Wheel Kills Seven Men Pa Sept IA fly Wheel la thou Tilbu works burst this and seven mon were 1 killed and ten I Wheat Open Close Spt 72 4 72 + Doc 73H 734 Corn 38 May i 38 Oats Del + > I fit i y 21 Pork j ti 1620 1505 Colton Oct 1070 10G8 Dec 1077 1070 Jan 1082 1084 lock I C 170 Si H Rdg I 4 i II ek Ay it luei i 1 s tI I iSAT XVII NO 210 PADUCAH KENTUCKY FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 1905 10 CENTS PBK WEEK ARMISTICE SIGNED AT HIGH NOON TODAY War Really Over Soldiers Overjoyed Emperor Japan Approve Russian Officers Disappointed WANTED h1011TINL ARMISTICE AGRiMD Portsmouth proclamation armistice Immediately signed formality sjteclal meeting Llncvltch Marshall Troops Happy Petersburg IDlslatch Manchuria received received enthusiasm soldiers manifest kissing celebration odlcdrs openly express displeas closing hostilities declare prepared brilliant victories Emperor Agrees Portsmouth Formal nouncoment message received Emperor giving approval agreeing armistice Demonstration Washington expression countrys appreciation Roosevelts achievement greeting demonstration capitol proposed outpouring citizens Pennsylvania decorated Hndttngn ri6lho president military Prescient Oyster President Roosevelt declined Invitation banquet Portsmouth reached committee coming present Invitation Secretary president Oyster Washington Treaty Signed TueMlay Portsmouth 1Whllo Unlocked phraseology present poctatlon between Tuesday present disagreement articles reining Saglmllon thought complete standing reached exception practically finished NEORO LYNCHED Piinlklmient Memphis BccBly lynched Rosetta attempted daughter prominent planter Iloaotta MdKeesport National afternoon Injured TODAYS MARKET Doc8S li3lX Onta 17- 14N 14814148r 11611051A MlNOIt MISIIAlS Several Reported to the Illinois Central this Morning Yesterday WitS a day of minor ac ¬ cidents In tho local I C shops George Seltz n machinist was in jured by a driving rod falling on his foot He will bo disabled somo time ono too being mashed nearly off W L Cavitt a car repairer was struck In tho head by a chisel anti a deep gash Inflicted Ed Dyers colored a brakeman was assisting In pulling down a water tankspout at Cumberland river when tho spout suddenly lowered and truck him in tho head Inflicting a severe wound r LOUISVILLE PLAYERS SEVEN OF THEM HURT IN KAN SAS CITY COLLISION Wagonette Was lilt by Trolly Car Players Disabled For Several Days Kansas City Sept lSoven mom ¬ bets of tho Louisville baseball club wore Injured In n collision yester ¬ day between a trolley car and a wag ¬ onette In which th + club was balm token from tho ball pork to tho hotel The l injured I Ed Konnn pitcher Crones of left arm fractured and dislocated concus ¬ aloe of lento bones of right hand fractured eyeInjured Fred Clay center fielder Lorry Qulnlan shortstop thirdlJUsoman Nathan Wilbur secretary of the club hilly Hallman right fielder Illplrer Stccher With the exception of Retina nonn of the victims Is seriously hurt ghteenth ¬ blockfrom ac- cident occurred W111train pIatad TenchToledo game Secre ¬ tar thInjured for several days and that ball players would have to be secured for the games to ire played during next T nI XEW FIRM Reglns Business ut Cairo Former Padiichhans Injt Cairo III Sept lTho now wholesale grocery concern the ScuddcrsGnle Wearers Co began business today Tins company Is a consolidation of two very prominent ofSt of this city The former opened up In Cairo only a fow months ago but as it succeeded ono of tho oldest concerns In the city Its success was great from the start Tho Fields Wonren Co IIHH boon hero longer though its business career hero has beep comparatively short Tho active management of tho now company will bo practically the same as tho old FleldsWoaren company BYSTANDER KILLED Inn Pistol Duel at Louisville A Bintender Badly Womulril Louisville Sept tTho com ¬ plaint of Charles Patton colored that the beer was lint caused a Ills ¬ tol duel between Patton and John Hennessey a whlto bartender midnight Charles Sheriff n negro bystander was killed and Hennes ¬ soy was vounded TIN KILLED lit tho Wreck of an English Express Train London Sept 1 ITho Cromor l Express on tho Great Eastern I wax wrecked at Cholmsford this morning The pfficlal report says that ton persons wore killed The train sud- denly loft the rails and dashed Into tho station and tho wreckage caught i fire Several persons wore cremated I Admiral Deweyt Hrother Dead Montpeller Vtf Sept 1 Charles Dewy the only brother of Admiral Goo pewey died at hs home horn Blest I night aged seventynine R II NOT MDCH CHANGE AT NEW ORLEANS 441 New discs anti 0 Now Foci Yesterdny Six Deaths Shows a DecreaseIt Is Relieved tho Scourge IB Get ¬ ting Under Control MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Report to m yesterday i Now cases 41 Total to date 1919 Deaths G Total 277 New foci C Todays Fever Report New Orleans SoptiAt noon ton now cases and ono death from yellow fever had been reported The dead man Is a negro I Situation at New Orleans t Now Orleans La Sept IEvl decning his deep sympathy with New Orleans President Roosevelt yes ¬ terday sent a notable acknowledge ¬ mont to Mayor Dohrmnn of a tele ¬ gram applauding the presidents ser ¬ vice to humanity In restoring peace In the far east Mayor Behrmans telegram was New Orleans hastens to give ox ¬ pression to her profound admiration of your wonderful accomplishment It must prove a source of lastln e pride to all true hearted American- to feel and know the whole civilized world Is paying homage to tho great t chieftain of our country from whos- master mind emanated an achieve ¬ ment In the cause of humanit which wIll rival any of tho masts strokes which ever have been or over will bo recorded In history Tho president replied No tele ¬ gram has touched mo as deeply n the telegram from you showing that In the midst of her great trial New Orleans Is so keenly alive to all that effects tho Interest of tho world and t1iQ liorj6rCoirowxicountry You havo given tit expression to the feel Ings of your bravo and gallant pee ple for only those with lofty souls I can in the midst of their own grief find tlmo to think of others I trust I need not pay how deep and con ¬ stant my anxiety Is for the welfare of your city and state The new business year in New Or ¬ leans opening today found the yel law fever situation BO evidently un ¬ der control that based on present conditions business men and Oman ¬ ciers are looking forward to excep ¬ tional activity In nil lines of Indus try when the fever Is finally stump ¬ ed out and free Intercourse resum- ed ¬ The report for yesterday again was favorable as to new cases an deaths tf Surgeon Von Exdorf returned l from a trip to Leevlllo Doscrlbfn tho conditions there ho said thor are 175 people In the settlement of whom 175 uro now ill Between 20 and 30 deaths have occurred thorn since the yellow lever appeared I Lt0110 PAID For Loss In Ihn Recent Tobnc Warehouse Fire Tho Insurance adjustors who are herq settling tho loss of tho Farmer Graham and others who sustained I losses in tho warehouse flro last week havo settled all but a tow hun ¬ dred dollars qf tho entire loss It Is said that the total figures f In 43000t The loss of the dealers on all full 1 Insurance was paid but some buy ¬ ers had more Insurance than tobac- co ¬ on hand and those losses were of t course apportioned and not paid I in I fullOne matter with tho Graham com ¬ pany Is hanging flro but this only be- cause ¬ the adjustors have tq go over some books before adjusting the loss JURY DISAGREED i Amt the Mini Who Hung It1 Is Pro tucted by Soldiers Russellvlllo Sept IThe Fletch ¬ er jury was discharged at 11 a m today being unable to agree Eleven worn for the death penalty and ono Mr Christian for ten years and rec ¬ ommendation for a pardon He i Is now lu the protection of the military d I s L Ki = o TIMEKEEPER QUITS t Mr Lawrence Hermann Accepts 10 ¬ sition In Evansvllle Mr Lawrence Hermann who has been employed as timekeeper In the l local J C master mechanics ofllc has resigned and gone to Evansville t the change being effective today Mr Frank Theobold who has been t timekeeper In the woodworking do ¬ partment has been promoted to the position vacated by Mr Hermann and assumed his new duties today Mr Qua Dlchon Is acting temporarily In Mr Thcobolds place Mr Hermann succeeds In Evans vile Mr E Manion resigned from a clerical position In the general of ¬ fices rime Temperature Yesterday tho maximum tempera ¬ ture reached 94 but today It has not been so high but has been very close The lowest last night was 70 Today the highest will be about 85 or 87 MORRISON CAUGHT FORMER STREET I CAR CONDUC ¬ TOIL ARRESTED AT MILAN TENN Is Charged With Conspiring to Dc ¬ fraud the Street Car Coin imhy s Detective T Ji Moore returned at Edgare officers had been allot for several monthsThe cone spiring to defraud the Paducah City Railway out of money ° yHe was employed on the street care as motorman and conductor and while acting as the latter In some- way got hold of an extra cash regis ¬ ster He would use this extra regis ¬ ter It Is alleged In collecting ring Ing up each fare but when he went to go oft duty would take his regu ¬ tar company register aniLrlng I up the nuinlftPof fareshewanfe3r to give the company and pocket the rest It Is further alleged that tho boy loan ¬ ed the register to other conductors who used U or attempted to use It In defrauding the company out of mon e The boy is being held and is at ¬ tempting to give bond for his appear ¬ once before an examining court Detective Moore had no trouble with Morrison and allowed him as much freedom as he desired Morn ¬ son was In Memphis a short time af ¬ t ter ho left Paducah but for nine weeks had been clerk In the hotel at MilanIt Is understood that Morrison has nothing to say about the charge wered n RYASa SUMMONS THREE I 10 COMIC UP AND EXPLAIN May Flee Them for Working Mines f0Um Livingston County Clerk R Ptiryenr of the fed ¬ eral court of this district Jhia morn Ing received an order of an unusual natureIt In the case of W H Mann against tire Marlon Zinc Co and others a suit to softie the ownership 1of mineral property In Livingston and Crittenden counties During a recent sitting of court the judge sus- tained ¬ an injunction restraining any ¬ one In the suit from digging or work fug tho mineral property Nothing was done with the property until several weeks ago when It is claim ¬ ed W H Mann W I LI Kennedy and C Sr Knight parties In the suit be ¬ gan digging This Is In direct conflict with the Instructions of tho court and the ordor received this morning sum ¬ moned time throe above mentioned persons to uppear in Louisville bo fore Judge Walter Evans on Sep ¬ ember 8 and show reason why they should not bo punished for contempt of court In tailing to carry out tho provisions of tire Injunction The suit has been In federal court for sojiietlme and has been one of t stoat interest 0 j ENCAMPMENT IS NOW ALMOST OVER Dinner Tomorrow Will ho the last Meal Tire Work of Tacking Regan Todayf Soldiers Leave Tomorrow Night At 10 Oclock LAST DRESS PARADE TOMORROW In a few hours the encampment will como to an end Today a grnt deal of equipment was packed for shipment and tomorrow morning hoI quartermaster officers will begin loading baggage cars The camp will be struck tomorrow shortly after boon Dinner will bo tho last meal served bat the men will be Issued traveling rations At first It was thought that It would take until Monday to get everything away but the officers will finish In time to get away tomorrow night at 10 oclock when the regi- ment ¬ leaves for home on a special trainAll tho companies have finished shooting on tho target range and this afternoon the targets were taken down and packed for shipment to Frankfort This morning the five best shots In each company were on the range and after they finished shooting some of the general officers went over and shot with pistols The regimental officers shot yesterday af ternoon and some good scores were made The final dress parade takes plaoe tomorrow afternoon In tho baseball park The parade this afternoon was attended by a small Crowd The men suffered considerably front the In- tense ¬ heat The last guard mount will be tomorroV morning Up until noon the dally routine will be car ried out after which the tents will bo taken down and each one carefully folded and loads l onto wagons lo- bo hauled to Eleventh and Broad- way ¬ for loading into cars Col A T McCbfmackwlir ni rIte n TTnaTInspec tlon of the camp tomorrow morning and have It eleaned so it will be left In a good sanitary condition Capt Mervln Parrent of the quar ¬ termasters department leaves tomor ¬ row night for RusSellvIllo to join the troops there where he Is acting quar- termaster ¬ and commissary He had to return here to assist 1n shipping the equipment Capt iParrent Is afraid there will be trouble at Rus sellvillo on account of the jury failing to agree In the criminal assault case The officer of the day is Capt H Boswell of company I Mayfield and officer of the guard Lieut Shanks of company E Madlsonvllle The work of tho paymasters de ¬ partment has been completed and last night Col Mott Ayres and Mrs Ares left for Fulton to remain a fe days and Capt C E Wright an assistant In the paymasters office returned to Frankfort Yesterday and today have been tw of the hottest days of the encamp ¬ ment There were several heat pros ¬ trations but none of any serlous nose Encampment Notes Some of tho officers say they will 1 bo gladwhen the encampment Is lover as they are getting home sick I A long distance telephone message from Kussellylllo this morning stated that everything was quiet there al ¬ though the people do not feel very good over the action of the Jury which failed to agree Tho health of the camp continue- good There are nd cases In the hos ¬ pital Private Martin of the Second regl ¬ wont who came to Paducah with ty ¬ phoid fever has about recovered Ho has been confined In Rlverall hospital and was treated byDr Cole- man CHICAGO FIRE 970000 DlllllllhWolllcn have n Narrow Kscitpu l Front Hotel Chicago Sept 1Flro this morn- Ing gutted tho building at 363 Klnse street loss seventy thousand dollars The smoko entered the ho ¬ tel Nicholas causing a panic Six woo men were rescued from windows b i firemen I h r 1 y1- M r 140 c COMMEUCIAL CLUB Sending Out Much Advertising Mat ter Mr D W Coons secretary of the Commercial club Is this week send- Ing ¬ out 3000 printed advertisements of the city of Paducah through tho east parch and middle west The commercial club has done a world of good In advertising the city and while Its work In establishing factories and commercial enterprises hero has not been what they hope to make it a world ot trade has been secured and benefits and advantage for Paducah merchants In many oth- er ¬ ways which are not seen from the surface DOWN THE SHAFT WILL CAMPBELL FALLS 25 FEET IN HIS SLEEP- Walked Down tho Elevator Shaft Was Not Seriously In- Jured Early this morning Mr Will Campbell of tho Dorherty Dry Good store met with apecullar and painful accidentMrCamllbellrooms above the store and last night he walked to the freight elevator In his sleep and fell 25 feet down the shaft landing on his left side The left foot hip and arm were badly bruited by the fall Mr Campbell In falling struck the top of the elevator and In some way started the elevator going down ¬ ward He crawled back up the steps and retired thinking that the bruises were of little consequence- Dr P H Stewart was called this morning and though no bones were broken Mr Campbell was suffering a great deal of pain Dr Stewart had him removed to the Riverside hospital jvhere he Is resting nicely today DIED IN DENVER I Mr Frank Itlplcy Aged ai Dies of ConsumptionA Native of Paducah 4 Relatives hero this morning re ¬ ceived a telegram announcing the death of Mr Frank RIpley of Man ¬ phis Tenn at Denver Col last night at 10 oclock of consumption The deceased was born In Padu cah but when young removed to Memphis his father Mr James Rip l ley making that city his home The deceased was 21 years of age and 14 months ago was taken to Denver for his health Ho was benefited by the change until a short time ago when he began to grow worse The deceased leaves two near rel ¬ atives In Paducah Mr Geo RIpley of the Ice factory an uncle and Mrs G R Davis an aunt He was well visitedw his niece Miss May Davis of Fifth and Madison street annually The remains were shipped from Denver ino ¬ formation can be had relative tothe burial It Is presumed tho body will be brought to Paducah for inter ¬ mint the family burial grounds be ¬ ing here The young man was popular i In Paducah and leaves a host of friends 1to mourn his death ARMY SURGEON In Paducah Today Visiting Dr Frank Boyd Dr W Amesse of Seattle Wash who I Is temporarily In charge of the marino hospital at Cairo was a call er at Camp Yelser this morning Dra Frank Boyd whom he knew as an army surgeon Ho called on Cal Mc- Cormack and other omcers at the camp Dr Amesse Is In charge of the marine hospital at Seattle and has served with the U troops In the stire ¬ geon In Paducah- IIIOMINENT MAN COMING Reid Office Under Grant and Hullt Paducahs JoInt Market House Mr Green B Baum who was and ¬ itor of the treasury under Gen Grant mind who built the old marks house In Paducah years ago will ar ¬ rive in Paducah tonight on business He U interested In the wheel factory mentioned a few days ago that de sires to locate here yA- k T T la Padadtk and McCrackenw Vaunt1 moro people read The Sun than any other paper 1 1- rltl ±rr- t i t 1 C p y l J y J 0 J y J S ANOTHER ERROR IS FOUND IN ORDINANCE r Heat in Franchise Ordinance Causes More Vexatious Delay I teeMayor Sign More Called Meetings Necessary J iiI e IT IS DUE TO CARELESSNESS 1 The city seems to be having tf great deal of trouble getting Its ore dinances Inshapo before they can be ¬ come laws and bfe enforced Itf was not long ago that the antispitting11 ordinance after going the rounaso tho boards had to be passed over again because tho word walk 4 had been left oft sidewalk making the ordinance meaningless Yesterday the aldermen discovered that the word general had been left off general council In tho quar antine ordinance and decided that It would have to go In The ordinance was then amended and the previous three passages of the measure were thus rendered use less as the ordinance had to be pose ¬ ed all over again It was only a short time after- wards ¬ that Mayor Yelser In read Ing over the two franchise ordinan ¬ ces discovered that there was asn ¬ perfluous word in the title of ono of the ordinances It was in the ordi- nance ¬ providing for the sale of a- light and power franchise The board of aldermen yesterday gave final passage to the two ordinances for the sale of a street railway and a light and power ordinance and the coun ¬ cil having already passed them they were handed to the mayor to sign He found the railway ordinance all right but In the title of the light and power ordinance the sup rfJu ¬ ous word heat was found The company already has a heat fran ¬ chise and there was nothing l In the body of the ordinance referring to heat but Mayor Yelser declined to sign tho light and power ordinance until the word vheat In the title was eliminated This morning the board of alder- men held another called meeting and gave second passage to thejymr antlne ordinance as amended yes ¬ terday and first passage to the light and power franchise ordinance as changed today by taking heaff rotn the title The board will meet again tomor ¬ row morning to give second passage to tho light and power franchise or- dInance and then tho council which has already passed It twice will have to pass it twice again with the word heat stricken out The board of aldermen came near killing the quarantine ordinance to ¬ day It seems that the board la op posed to a quarantine under present conditions and had one memberto ¬ day agreed to vote against the ordl nance with the others it would havo been killed He is opposed to a quay ¬ antine but advised the members to- go ahead and pass the ordinance and let the question of a quarantine come up later All this error and confusion In the transaction of public business seems to be uncalled for and is due entirely to carelessness on part of the solicitor In preparing ordinances and the indifference of meipbera of the boards who seldom pay anYat tentlon to the ordinances road and when they do catch mistakes It Is usually by accident These called meetings cost f3j for each member present t but thoetreet railway company had been paylngfor them V DESERTED SHIP Site Sprung u Leak and Crew arid All Abandoned the Vessel Ft Worth Texas Sept Irhe schooner John Francis was abandon- ed ¬ by her crew sixty miles oft the coast of Galveston the schooner was bound for Coatzacoalcos Mex¬ ico with a cargo of lumber She sprung a leak and was fast sinking when the crow deserted Thomen pulled a life boat against a heavy gale sixty miles to Galveston In twentyfive hours I Illgi Flro at Jackson Tenn Jackson Tenn Sept lkThe Jackson Woolen Mills and trousers factory burned todays losS i hun ¬ dred thousand u > vk vk- A Y Cam

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Page 1: Ay 11nNly luei Padadtk McCrackenw - Library of Congress · IEd Konnn pitcher Crones of left arm fractured and dislocated concus ¬ aloe of lento bones of right hand eyeInjured fractured


11nNly cloudy tonight midI Saturday Irolialjjy occasional

showers null cooler l>y SaturdajY



The Now is


Tim offates Terms


ONN H Sept 1tgoing Into ef ¬

feet was at highi

noon by thu envoy n thin hotel with ¬

out at a ntthe navy yard It wax called at oncelo Jen and Oyarunt I

VeroSt Sept ¬

es trout the army In justsay that tho news of peace

was by the troops with greatand the ¬

ed their joy by ouch dthor and1

at once began a joyusTheute nt the of and

tho army is to wina series of

of JapanSept l an ¬

was made today that ahas been from theof Japan his consent

and to the peace terms and1

to nn

Plan Illgcal IA move

meat Is on foot to give ttotho of Presl ¬

dent penceby him In aon his return to the tho last otithe month It Is to havea great Qf on

avenue and have thocity < bl <

an escort of andcivic bodies

TIll Ull Sot AttendHay Sept 1

has anto attend a atWord hero that awas to anand Loob wlwd that lIttwould be useless as thowill not lenvo flay until ho returns to Sept 30

1to Ho I

Sept theretray be some for delayover the tho ex¬

is that tho pence treatyRussia nUll Japan will bo

signed There Is ntn slight over

to tho Island ofhilt IIP Is a under¬

will soon bo Witht

this the first rough draftof the treaty Is

Tile Usual Meted OutPar thin UMiinl Crime

Sept IA negro name dwas at Miss

last night for an ivsxaultton tho sevon year old of a


Fly1 Wheel Kills Seven MenPa Sept IA fly

Wheel la thou Tilbu worksburst this and seven monwere 1killed and ten


Wheat Open CloseSpt 72 4 72 +

Doc 73H 734Corn

38May i 38


+> I

fit iy 21Pork

j ti 1620 1505Colton

Oct 1070 10G8Dec 1077 1070Jan 1082 1084

lockI C 170 Si





ek Ay

itluei i1





War Really Over

Soldiers Overjoyed

Emperor Japan ApproveRussian Officers




proclamation armisticeImmediately signed

formality sjteclal meeting

Llncvltch Marshall

Troops HappyPetersburg IDlslatch


receivedenthusiasm soldiers manifest


odlcdrs openly express displeasclosing hostilities

declare preparedbrilliant victories

Emperor AgreesPortsmouth Formal

nouncomentmessage receivedEmperor giving

approvalagreeing armistice


expressioncountrys appreciation

Roosevelts achievementgreeting demonstration


outpouring citizensPennsylvania

decorated Hndttngn ri6lhopresident military

PrescientOyster President

Roosevelt declined Invitationbanquet Portsmouth

reached committeecoming present InvitationSecretary



Treaty Signed TueMlayPortsmouth 1Whllo

Unlockedphraseology present


Tuesday presentdisagreement articles

reining Saglmllonthought complete

standing reachedexception

practically finished



MemphisBccBly lynched Rosetta


prominent planter Iloaotta






17-14N 14814148r



Several Reported to the IllinoisCentral this Morning

Yesterday WitS a day of minor ac¬

cidents In tho local I C shopsGeorge Seltz n machinist was injured by a driving rod falling on hisfoot He will bo disabled somo timeono too being mashed nearly off

W L Cavitt a car repairer wasstruck In tho head by a chisel antia deep gash Inflicted

Ed Dyers colored a brakemanwas assisting In pulling down a watertankspout at Cumberland riverwhen tho spout suddenly lowered andtruck him in tho head Inflicting asevere woundr



Wagonette Was lilt by Trolly CarPlayers Disabled For Several


Kansas City Sept lSoven mom ¬

bets of tho Louisville baseball clubwore Injured In n collision yester¬

day between a trolley car and a wag ¬

onette In which th+ club was balmtoken from tho ball pork to tho hotel

The linjuredIEd Konnn pitcher Crones of left

arm fractured and dislocated concus ¬

aloe of lento bones of right handfracturedeyeInjured

Fred Clay center fielderLorry Qulnlan shortstop

thirdlJUsomanNathan Wilbur secretary of the

clubhilly Hallman right fielderIllplrer StccherWith the exception of Retina nonn

of the victims Is seriously hurtghteenth ¬

blockfromac-cident occurred

W111trainpIatadTenchToledogame Secre ¬

tarthInjuredfor several days and that ball playerswould have to be secured for thegames to ire played during next


Reglns Business ut Cairo FormerPadiichhans Injt

Cairo III Sept lTho nowwholesale grocery concern theScuddcrsGnle Wearers Co beganbusiness today Tins company Is aconsolidation of two very prominentofStof this city The former opened up InCairo only a fow months ago butas it succeeded ono of tho oldestconcerns In the city Its success wasgreat from the start Tho FieldsWonren Co IIHH boon hero longerthough its business career hero hasbeep comparatively short Tho activemanagement of tho now companywill bo practically the same as thoold FleldsWoaren company


Inn Pistol Duel at Louisville ABintender Badly Womulril

Louisville Sept tTho com ¬

plaint of Charles Patton coloredthat the beer was lint caused a Ills ¬

tol duel between Patton and JohnHennessey a whlto bartendermidnight Charles Sheriff n negrobystander was killed and Hennes ¬

soy was vounded


lit tho Wreck of an English ExpressTrain

London Sept 1ITho CromorlExpress on tho Great EasternI waxwrecked at Cholmsford this morning

The pfficlal report says that tonpersons wore killed The train sud-

denly loft the rails and dashed Intotho station and tho wreckage caught i

fire Several persons wore cremated I

Admiral Deweyt Hrother DeadMontpeller Vtf Sept 1 Charles

Dewy the only brother of AdmiralGoo pewey died at hs home horn

BlestI night aged seventynine





441 New discs anti 0 Now Foci


Six Deaths Shows a DecreaseIt IsRelieved tho Scourge IB Get ¬

ting Under Control


Report to m yesterdayi Now cases 41

Total to date 1919Deaths G

Total 277New foci C

Todays Fever ReportNew Orleans SoptiAt noon

ton now cases and ono death fromyellow fever had been reported Thedead man Is a negro

ISituation at New Orleans

t Now Orleans La Sept IEvldecning his deep sympathy with NewOrleans President Roosevelt yes ¬

terday sent a notable acknowledge ¬

mont to Mayor Dohrmnn of a tele ¬

gram applauding the presidents ser¬

vice to humanity In restoring peaceIn the far east

Mayor Behrmans telegram wasNew Orleans hastens to give ox ¬

pression to her profound admirationof your wonderful accomplishmentIt must prove a source of lastln epride to all true hearted American-to feel and know the whole civilizedworld Is paying homage to tho greattchieftain of our country from whos-

master mind emanated an achieve ¬

ment In the cause of humanitwhich wIll rival any of tho mastsstrokes which ever have been or overwill bo recorded In history

Tho president replied No tele ¬

gram has touched mo as deeply nthe telegram from you showing thatIn the midst of her great trial NewOrleans Is so keenly alive to all thateffects tho Interest of tho world andt1iQ liorj6rCoirowxicountry Youhavo given tit expression to the feelIngs of your bravo and gallant peeple for only those with lofty souls I

can in the midst of their own grieffind tlmo to think of others I trustI need not pay how deep and con ¬

stant my anxiety Is for the welfareof your city and state

The new business year in New Or¬

leans opening today found the yellaw fever situation BO evidently un ¬

der control that based on presentconditions business men and Oman ¬

ciers are looking forward to excep ¬

tional activity In nil lines of Industry when the fever Is finally stump ¬

ed out and free Intercourse resum-ed


The report for yesterday againwas favorable as to new cases andeaths tf

Surgeon Von Exdorf returnedlfrom a trip to Leevlllo Doscrlbfntho conditions there ho said thorare 175 people In the settlement ofwhom 175 uro now ill Between 20and 30 deaths have occurred thornsince the yellow lever appeared

ILt0110 PAID

For Loss In Ihn Recent TobncWarehouse Fire

Tho Insurance adjustors who areherq settling tho loss of tho FarmerGraham and others who sustainedI

losses in tho warehouse flro lastweek havo settled all but a tow hun ¬

dred dollars qf tho entire lossIt Is said that the total figures fIn43000tThe loss of the dealers on all full1

Insurance was paid but some buy ¬

ers had more Insurance than tobac-co


on hand and those losses were oftcourse apportioned and not paid IinI

fullOne matter with tho Graham com ¬

pany Is hanging flro but this only be-


the adjustors have tq go oversome books before adjusting theloss


Amt the Mini Who Hung It1 Is Protucted by Soldiers

Russellvlllo Sept IThe Fletch ¬

er jury was discharged at 11 a mtoday being unable to agree Elevenworn for the death penalty and onoMr Christian for ten years and rec¬

ommendation for a pardon He iIsnow lu the protection of the military



sL Ki = o


Mr Lawrence Hermann Accepts 10 ¬

sition In Evansvllle

Mr Lawrence Hermann who hasbeen employed as timekeeper In thellocal J C master mechanics ofllchas resigned and gone to Evansvilletthe change being effective today

Mr Frank Theobold who has beenttimekeeper In the woodworking do ¬

partment has been promoted to theposition vacated by Mr Hermann andassumed his new duties today MrQua Dlchon Is acting temporarily InMr Thcobolds place

Mr Hermann succeeds In Evansvile Mr E Manion resigned froma clerical position In the general of¬


rime TemperatureYesterday tho maximum tempera ¬

ture reached 94 but today It has notbeen so high but has been very

close The lowest last night was70 Today the highest will be about85 or 87




Is Charged With Conspiring to Dc¬

fraud the Street Car Coinimhy


Detective T Ji Moore returned atEdgareofficers had been allot for several

monthsTheconespiring to defraud the Paducah CityRailway out of money


yHe was employed on the street careas motorman and conductor andwhile acting as the latter In some-way got hold of an extra cash regis¬

ster He would use this extra regis ¬

ter It Is alleged In collecting ringIng up each fare but when he wentto go oft duty would take his regu ¬

tar company register aniLrlngI up thenuinlftPof fareshewanfe3r to givethe company and pocket the rest ItIs further alleged that tho boy loan ¬

ed the register to other conductorswho used U or attempted to use It Indefrauding the company out of mone

The boy is being held and is at ¬

tempting to give bond for his appear ¬

once before an examining courtDetective Moore had no trouble

with Morrison and allowed him asmuch freedom as he desired Morn ¬

son was In Memphis a short time af¬

tter ho left Paducah but for nineweeks had been clerk In the hotel atMilanIt

Is understood that Morrison hasnothing to say about the chargeweredn



May Flee Them for Working Mines

f0Um Livingston County

Clerk R Ptiryenr of the fed ¬

eral court of this district Jhia mornIng received an order of an unusual

natureItIn the case of W H Mann

against tire Marlon Zinc Co andothers a suit to softie the ownership

1of mineral property In Livingstonand Crittenden counties During arecent sitting of court the judge sus-


an injunction restraining any ¬

one In the suit from digging or workfug tho mineral property Nothingwas done with the property untilseveral weeks ago when It is claim ¬

ed W H Mann W ILI Kennedy andC Sr Knight parties In the suit be ¬

gan diggingThis Is In direct conflict with the

Instructions of tho court and theordor received this morning sum ¬

moned time throe above mentionedpersons to uppear in Louisville bofore Judge Walter Evans on Sep ¬

ember 8 and show reason why theyshould not bo punished for contemptof court In tailing to carry out thoprovisions of tire Injunction

The suit has been In federal courtfor sojiietlme and has been one oft

stoat interest





Dinner Tomorrow Will ho thelast Meal

Tire Work of Tacking Regan TodayfSoldiers Leave Tomorrow Night

At 10 Oclock


In a few hours the encampmentwill como to an end Today a grntdeal of equipment was packed forshipment and tomorrow morning hoIquartermaster officers will beginloading baggage cars The camp willbe struck tomorrow shortly after boonDinner will bo tho last meal servedbat the men will be Issued travelingrations At first It was thought thatIt would take until Monday to geteverything away but the officers willfinish In time to get away tomorrownight at 10 oclock when the regi-


leaves for home on a special

trainAlltho companies have finished

shooting on tho target range and thisafternoon the targets were takendown and packed for shipment toFrankfort This morning the fivebest shots In each company were onthe range and after they finishedshooting some of the general officerswent over and shot with pistols Theregimental officers shot yesterday afternoon and some good scores weremade

The final dress parade takes plaoetomorrow afternoon In tho baseballpark The parade this afternoon wasattended by a small Crowd The mensuffered considerably front the In-


heat The last guard mountwill be tomorroV morning Up untilnoon the dally routine will be carried out after which the tents willbo taken down and each one carefullyfolded and loads l onto wagons lo-

bo hauled to Eleventh and Broad-way


for loading into cars Col A TMcCbfmackwlir nirIten TTnaTInspec

tlon of the camp tomorrow morningand have It eleaned so it will be leftIn a good sanitary condition

Capt Mervln Parrent of the quar ¬

termasters department leaves tomor ¬

row night for RusSellvIllo to join thetroops there where he Is acting quar-termaster


and commissary He hadto return here to assist 1n shippingthe equipment Capt iParrent Isafraid there will be trouble at Russellvillo on account of the jury failingto agree In the criminal assault case

The officer of the day is CaptH Boswell of company I Mayfieldand officer of the guard LieutShanks of company E Madlsonvllle

The work of tho paymasters de ¬

partment has been completed andlast night Col Mott Ayres and MrsAres left for Fulton to remain a fedays and Capt C E Wright anassistant In the paymasters officereturned to Frankfort

Yesterday and today have been twof the hottest days of the encamp ¬

ment There were several heat pros ¬

trations but none of any serlousnose

Encampment NotesSome of tho officers say they will1

bo gladwhen the encampment Is

lover as they are getting home sickI

A long distance telephone messagefrom Kussellylllo this morning statedthat everything was quiet there al ¬

though the people do not feel verygood over the action of the Jurywhich failed to agree

Tho health of the camp continue-good There are nd cases In the hos ¬


Private Martin of the Second regl ¬

wont who came to Paducah with ty ¬

phoid fever has about recoveredHo has been confined In Rlverallhospital and was treated byDr Cole-man


970000 DlllllllhWolllcn have nNarrow Kscitpu lFront Hotel

Chicago Sept 1Flro this morn-Ing gutted tho building at 363Klnse street loss seventy thousanddollars The smoko entered the ho ¬

tel Nicholas causing a panic Six woomen were rescued from windows b i

firemen I

h r

1 y1-





Sending Out Much Advertising Matter

Mr D W Coons secretary of theCommercial club Is this week send-Ing


out 3000 printed advertisementsof the city of Paducah through thoeast parch and middle west

The commercial club has done aworld of good In advertising the cityand while Its work In establishingfactories and commercial enterpriseshero has not been what they hope tomake it a world ot trade has beensecured and benefits and advantagefor Paducah merchants In many oth-er


ways which are not seen from thesurface



Walked Down tho Elevator ShaftWas Not Seriously In-


Early this morning Mr WillCampbell of tho Dorherty Dry Goodstore met with apecullar and painful

accidentMrCamllbellrooms above thestore and last night he walked to

the freight elevator In his sleep andfell 25 feet down the shaft landingon his left side The left foot hipand arm were badly bruited by thefall Mr Campbell In falling struckthe top of the elevator and In someway started the elevator going down ¬

ward He crawled back up the stepsand retired thinking that the bruiseswere of little consequence-

Dr P H Stewart was called thismorning and though no bones werebroken Mr Campbell was sufferinga great deal of pain Dr Stewarthad him removed to the Riversidehospital jvhere he Is resting nicelytoday


I Mr Frank Itlplcy Aged ai Dies ofConsumptionA Native of


Relatives hero this morning re ¬

ceived a telegram announcing thedeath of Mr Frank RIpley of Man ¬

phis Tenn at Denver Col lastnight at 10 oclock of consumption

The deceased was born In Paducah but when young removed toMemphis his father Mr James Riplley making that city his home Thedeceased was 21 years of age and14 months ago was taken to Denverfor his health Ho was benefited bythe change until a short time agowhen he began to grow worse

The deceased leaves two near rel ¬

atives In Paducah Mr Geo RIpleyof the Ice factory an uncle and MrsG R Davis an aunt He was wellvisitedwhis niece Miss May Davis of Fifthand Madison street annually Theremains were shipped from Denverino ¬

formation can be had relative totheburial It Is presumed tho body willbe brought to Paducah for inter¬

mint the family burial grounds be ¬

ing hereThe young man was popular iIn

Paducah and leaves a host of friends1to mourn his death


In Paducah Today Visiting DrFrank Boyd

Dr W Amesse of Seattle Washwho IIs temporarily In charge of themarino hospital at Cairo was a caller at Camp Yelser this morningDraFrank Boyd whom he knew as anarmy surgeon Ho called on Cal Mc-

Cormack and other omcers at thecamp Dr Amesse Is In charge of themarine hospital at Seattle and hasserved with the U troops In thestire ¬

geon In Paducah-


Reid Office Under Grant and HulltPaducahs JoInt Market House

Mr Green B Baum who was and ¬

itor of the treasury under Gen

Grant mind who built the old markshouse In Paducah years ago will ar¬

rive in Paducah tonight on businessHe U interested In the wheel factorymentioned a few days ago that desires to locate here



la Padadtk and McCrackenwVaunt1 moro people read The

Sun than any other paper 11-

rltl ±rr-





C p













rHeat in Franchise Ordinance

Causes More Vexatious DelayI

teeMayorSign More Called Meetings

NecessaryJ iiI



The city seems to be having tfgreat deal of trouble getting Its oredinances Inshapo before they can be ¬

come laws and bfe enforced Itf wasnot long ago that the antispitting11ordinance after going the rounasotho boards had to be passed overagain because tho word walk 4 hadbeen left oft sidewalk making theordinance meaningless

Yesterday the aldermen discoveredthat the word general had beenleft off general council In tho quarantine ordinance and decided thatIt would have to go In

The ordinance was then amendedand the previous three passages ofthe measure were thus rendered useless as the ordinance had to be pose ¬

ed all over againIt was only a short time after-


that Mayor Yelser In readIng over the two franchise ordinan ¬

ces discovered that there was asn ¬

perfluous word in the title of ono ofthe ordinances It was in the ordi-nance


providing for the sale of a-

light and power franchise The boardof aldermen yesterday gave finalpassage to the two ordinances for thesale of a street railway and a lightand power ordinance and the coun ¬

cil having already passed them theywere handed to the mayor to sign

He found the railway ordinanceall right but In the title of the lightand power ordinance the sup rfJu ¬

ous word heat was found Thecompany already has a heat fran ¬

chise and there was nothing lIn thebody of the ordinance referring toheat but Mayor Yelser declined tosign tho light and power ordinanceuntil the word vheat In the titlewas eliminated

This morning the board of alder-men held another called meetingand gave second passage to thejymrantlne ordinance as amended yes ¬

terday and first passage to the lightand power franchise ordinance aschanged today by taking heaff rotnthe title

The board will meet again tomor ¬

row morning to give second passageto tho light and power franchise or-

dInance and then tho council whichhas already passed It twice will haveto pass it twice again with the wordheat stricken out

The board of aldermen came nearkilling the quarantine ordinance to ¬

day It seems that the board la opposed to a quarantine under presentconditions and had one memberto ¬

day agreed to vote against the ordlnance with the others it would havobeen killed He is opposed to a quay ¬

antine but advised the members to-

go ahead and pass the ordinance andlet the question of a quarantinecome up later

All this error and confusion Inthe transaction of public businessseems to be uncalled for and is dueentirely to carelessness on part ofthe solicitor In preparing ordinancesand the indifference of meipbera ofthe boards who seldom pay anYattentlon to the ordinances road andwhen they do catch mistakes It Isusually by accident

These called meetings cost f3j foreach member presentt but thoetreetrailway company had been paylngforthem V


Site Sprung u Leak and Crew arid AllAbandoned the Vessel

Ft Worth Texas Sept Irheschooner John Francis was abandon-ed


by her crew sixty miles oft thecoast of Galveston the schoonerwas bound for Coatzacoalcos Mex¬

ico with a cargo of lumber Shesprung a leak and was fast sinkingwhen the crow deserted Thomenpulled a life boat against a heavygale sixty miles to Galveston Intwentyfive hours I

Illgi Flro at Jackson TennJackson Tenn Sept lkThe

Jackson Woolen Mills and trousersfactory burned todays losS i hun¬

dred thousandu



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