axial (spiritual age) 6 th -4 th century bce

Axial (Spiritual Age) 6 th -4 th century BCE Influential Thinkers • Buddha • Mahavira • Confucius Laozi ? • Socrates • Aristotle Plato & other Greeks New Religions/ Philosophical Systems • Buddhism • Confucianism • Daoism Greek Philosophy

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Axial (Spiritual Age) 6 th -4 th century BCE. Influential Thinkers Buddha Mahavira Confucius Laozi ? Socrates Aristotle Plato & other Greeks. New Religions/ Philosophical Systems Buddhism Confucianism Daoism Greek Philosophy. Zhou Dynasty & Confucianism. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Axial (Spiritual Age) 6 th -4 th  century BCE

Axial (Spiritual Age) 6th-4th century BCE

Influential Thinkers• Buddha• Mahavira• Confucius• Laozi ?• Socrates• Aristotle• Plato & other Greeks

New Religions/Philosophical Systems

• Buddhism• Confucianism• Daoism• Greek Philosophy

Page 2: Axial (Spiritual Age) 6 th -4 th  century BCE

Zhou Dynasty & Confucianism

I. Dynasties in Chinese HistoryII. Zhou DynastyIII. Confucianism

IDs: Mandate of Heaven, Duke of Zhou, Confucius (Kong-fu-zi), d. 479 BCE, Confucian reciprocity, filial piety

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Zhou Dynasty ideals and the philosophy of Confucianism initiated the political, social and familial ideology that dominated Chinese government and society until the early 20th century.

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I. Dynasties in Chinese History

A. Unity of China under dynasty by 1100 BCE

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B. Dynasties as Gov’ts & Periods in Chinese History

Shang Dynasty (1600-1050 BCE)

Zhou Dynasty (1050-256 BCE)

Qin Dynasty (256-206 BCE)

Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE)

Sui Dynasty (581-618 CE)

Tang Dynasty (618-906 CE)Song Dynasty (960-1279)Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368)Ming (1368-1644)Qing (1644-1911)

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C. Shang Dynasty (ca. 1600-1050 BCE)

Union of kings & priests (diviners) in state

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Religious ideas• Ancestor worship• Di (High God, founding

ancestor of Shang family)• Divination by oracle bones

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II. Zhou Dynasty (1027 – 256 BCE)

A. Composition of 4 of 5 Chinese Classical Texts

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B. Governing Ideals

1. Mandate of Heaven

Di = Heaven

King WenKing Wu

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Mandate of Heaven & the Dynastic Cycle

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2. Virtuous Rulers and Ministers as Models

• King Wu• Duke of Zhou• Regent

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3. Values

• Family• Social order• Strong son


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4. Warring States Period* (770-221 BCE)

Breakdown of unityLots of small statesWar & anarchy

(*actually it’s divided into Eastern Zhou Dynasty period, Spring and Autumn Period, and Warring States Period)

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Hundred Masters or Hundred Schools of Thought

Confucius (Confucianism)

Laozi (Daoism)

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III. Confucianism

Confucius (Kong-fu-zi), 551-479 BCE

The Analects

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A. Ideology of Confucianism

1. Hierarchy in Human Relationships leads to social order

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a. Hierarchical Pairs

1. father-son2. ruler-minister3. husband-wife4. friend-friend5. older brother-younger


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b. Reciprocity

• treat those above with respect

• treat those below with benevolence

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2. Achieving Proper Behavior

Rectification of Names

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b. Filial piety

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c. ritual

• Ancestors• “Heaven”

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B. Impact of Confucianism

1. A philosophy rather than a religion

2. Subordination of Individual to Family

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3. Reshaping of Elites as Gentlemen Officials

Gov’t service: highest status

Emphasis on educationTraining in virtue

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4. Virtue & Reciprocity in Gov’t.

Do not seek profitSupport agricultureProtect common people

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Zhou Dynasty ideals and the philosophy of Confucianism initiated the political, social and familial ideology that dominated Chinese government and society until the early 20th century.