awdrat: architectural-differencing, wrappers, diagnosis, recovery, adaptive software and trust...

AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

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Page 1: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis,

Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management

Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL

Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Page 2: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRAT: What are we trying to do?

Recovery and Regeneration

Adaptive Software

Attack Plan Recognition

Attack Plan

Other Sensors: Intrusion Detectors

Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencing

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


• Applications that continue to render useful services even after successful attack.

• Particularly for legacy information systems

Page 3: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

The “On One Foot” Story• We use an Adaptive Software that selects one of several

possible methods based on expected net benefit• The code is annotated by Wrapper Generators• We run code in parallel with a model• Wrappers send events to Architectural Differencing• Deviations between model predictions and observations from

the wrappers are symptoms• Diagnosis infers possible compromises of the underlying

resources and updates a Trust Model• Recovery is effected by restoring corrupted data resources and

picking new method in light of the updated Trust Model

Page 4: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge


• Review of AWDRAT– Emphasis on major changes to the system

• Red Team• Other Experimentation

– Detection, Diagnosis, Correction

– Modeling

• Next Steps• New Directions

Page 5: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRATRecovery and Regeneration

Adaptive (Decision Theoretic) Method


Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencer

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


Page 6: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Wrappers Make The System Transparent

• Methods are executed as raw code (particularly when it’s legacy system)

• How do we know what’s going on?• Wrappers inserted in good places

– Architectural model tells us what those are• All Action Performed Methods (for Swing)

• Key Data Structure Manipulators

• Wrappers intercept events• Wrappers squirrel away important information


Page 7: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge


• Facility to insert Wrappers around Java code without changing the source code

• Depends on JVMTI to rewrite byte-code at class loading time.

• Three types of Wrappers:– Tracers: Like LISP trace facility, prints customizable entry and

exit information – Monitors: Get control both before and after real method– Transformers: Get control before and after, controls whether real

method is invoked and with what arguments, controls what value is returned.

– Transformers are used to implement dynamic dispatch

• Specified at start up with XML spec: <METHOD signature= "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V"

monitor= “tek.mafMed.Mediators.ConstructMission” />

Page 8: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

• SafeFamily wrappers watch all application accesses to OS resources (files, registry keys, IPs, and so on)

• SafeFamily wrapper can detect, prevent or contain accesses to critical resources

JBI Client(in Java)


WIN32 APISafeFamilysensors


SafeFamily Wrappers

Page 9: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Role in AWDRAT

• Attempts to access, or modify, critical resources indicates the system has been corrupted or hijacked, and should be reconstituted.

• Attempts to open communications ports at inappropriate times indicate system has been hijacked

• Execution in unprotected memory indicates memory hijack

• Rule violations are forwarded to the Diagnostic Controller for further action

Page 10: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

The Execution Monitor Generator

• Originally we hand coded:– The JavaWrap specification

– The Wrapper Methods

– Architectural Differencer

• This was tedious, time consuming and error prone• Solution: Monitor Generator

System Model Wrappers

Wrapper Spec

Execution Monitor

Page 11: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Get event info

Get Next Cmd

Get Leg

Get Events


Get MovementGet Sortie


Add Event

Mission Plan

Add Additional Info


Mission Plan


Take Off?


Mission Plan

Mission Plan

Get Events

More Events?


Each component can be annotated with:

• Entry Events• Exit Events• Allowable Events

Control Flow

Data Flow

Page 12: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Example Model(define-ensemble maf-create-events :entry-events ((create-action-performed entry (the-model))) :exit-events ((mission-builder-submit exit (the-model))) :allowable-events ((set-initial-info exit)) :inputs (the-model) :outputs (the-model) :components ((get-next-cmd :type maf-get-next-cmd :models (normal))

(get-event-info :type maf-get-event-info :models (normal compromised)) …. ) :dataflows ((the-model maf-create-events the-model join-exit-exit … ) :controlflows ((after more-events?-exit before join-exit-exit)

(after takeoff?-get-additional-info before get-leg) … )

:splits ((more-events? maf-more-events? (cmd) (build-event exit)) …) :joins ((join-events (the-model) (take-off non-take-off)) … ) :resources ((code-files loadable-files (normal .8) (hacked .2))) :resource-mappings ((get-event-info code-files) …) :vulnerabilities ((code-files loads-code)))

Page 13: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Generating Plumbing

• For every event in the model– Generate an entry in the JavaWrap Specification

– Generate a Java Wrapping method that creates an entry event, calls the main method, then generates an exit event

– Certain wrapping cliché’s (startup method, imposed dispatch, specified by single keyword)

• For every data flow generate a trigger to move the data (similar for control flow)

• For every component generate a forward chaining rule that triggers when all inputs are present and checks the prerequisite conditions

• For every component generate a forward chaining rule that triggers on completion and asserts the post-conditions.

Page 14: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge


Recovery and Regeneration

Adaptive Method Selection

Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architecture level Execution Monitor

System Model

Application Software


Model Compiler

Wrapper Synthesizer

Monitor Synthesizer

System DLL’s

SafeFamily Wrappers

Event Stream

Execution Discrepancies

Failure LocalizationCompromiseDescriptions

• Architectural monitoring• Wrapper synthesis• Diagnosis• Recovery and regeneration• Adaptive method selection• Trust modeling

Page 15: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRAT Monitoring Implementation

Original Java Program


Data Model



Java Mediators




Duplicated Data Model

Lisp Mediators

Application Scripting


Application Tracking

Execution Monitor

Integrity Checks




Event Stream

Method Selection

Page 16: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRATRecovery and Regeneration

Adaptive (Decision Theoretic) Method


Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencer

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


Page 17: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge



Real Environment (Implementation)

Simulated Environment (Model)





List ofConflicts


in out





Architectural Differencing

Page 18: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

The Execution Monitor• Hierarchical Task Network

– Pre, Post conditions

– Entry, Exit, Allowable Events

– Data Flow, Control Flow, Splits and Joins

• AWDRAT Generates– Plumbing to pick up the events and create event stream

– State Machine corresponding to task network, receives event stream, checks for validity

• Module States:– Inactive (data not available, preconditions not satisfied)

– Ready (data available)

– Running (initiating event seen)

– Completed (terminating event seen)

• An unclaimed event initiates diagnosis

Page 19: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Monitor Algorithm• Initially all modules are inactive• When system starts up it creates a startup event for the top level module

– Top level module is put into its running state

• When a module enters running state– Instantiate its sub-network, propagate input data along data flows and control along

control flow links.

• When a data arrives at input port– Check if all data available– if so enter ready state– Check preconditions, signal if check fails

• When an event arrives:– Check if this is initiating event of a module in ready state, if so change state to

running, capture input data in event and apply to input ports– Check if it’s a terminating event of a running module, if so change state to completed,

capture output data in event and apply to output ports, check post-conditions, signal if check fails

– Check if it’s an allowable event of a module in running state, if so capture data in event and apply to output ports

– Otherwise signal an unclaimed event error

Page 20: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Behavior Models• Each mode (good, bad, …) of each component has

a behavior model– Preconditions, Post-conditions

• Generally about data-structure integrity• At a very abstract level data-structures are about:

sets, sequences, mappings• Introduced simple data modeling language:

– Add-to-set, Add-to-mapping, Insert-in-sequence

– Delete-from-set, Delete-from-mapping, Delete-from-Sequence

– Default implementation for each

• Predicate to force consistency check

Page 21: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Example Behavior Model

(defbehavior-model (maf-add-event-to-model normal) :inputs (the-event the-model) :outputs (the-model event-number) :prerequisites ([dscs ?the-event event good]

[dscs ?the-model mission-builder good]) :post-conditions ([dscs ?the-model mission-builder good] [add-to-map (events ?the-model)?event-number ?the-event


Page 22: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRATRecovery and Regeneration

Adaptive (Decision Theoretic) Method


Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencer

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


Page 23: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Dependency Maintenance• Architectural Differencing actively checks those

prerequisite, post-conditions and other constraints in the plan that are easily observable.

• The Diagnostic executive builds a dependency graph between checked and inferred conditions:– Post-conditions and events within a step are justified

with a link to the assumption that the step executed normally and to the prerequisites conditions.

– Preconditions are justified by the causal link in the plan that connects it to a set of post-conditions of prior steps

• If an check succeeds, that condition is justified as a premise

• If an check fails, diagnosis is initiated.

Page 24: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge


Diagnosis with Fault Models• In addition to modeling the normal behavior of each

component, we provide models of known abnormal behaviors.– A “Leak Model” covers unknown failures.– These alternative behavioral models are called computational


• The diagnostic task is to find an assignment of a mode to each computational step such that the behavior predicted by the models associated with those modes is consistent with the observations.– A set of assignments consistent with observations is a

diagnosis; there may be several diagnoses.– A set of assignments at variance with observations is a


Page 25: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Modeling Underlying Resources• The misbehavior of the software component may actually be due

to a compromise of resources used in that computation.• We extend the modeling framework showing the dependence of

computations on the resources– Each resource has models of its state of compromise (I.e. its modes)– The modes of the resources are linked to the modes of the computation

by conditional probabilities– E.g. if a computation resides on a node which hosts a parasitic process,

then the computation is likely to be slowed down.


Uses Resource

Normal: Probability 90%

Hacked: Probability 10%

Component 1

Has modelsHas models

Conditional probability = .2

Conditional probability = .3


Page 26: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Host1 Reads Image File






HighJacked Execution



Adding Attack Models• An Attack Model specifies the set of attacks that are

believed to be possible in the environment– Each resource has a set of vulnerabilities

– Vulnerabilities enable attacks on that resource

– Computational Vulnerability Analysis of the actual configuration can determine the possible attack model

• Given a vulnerability and an attack that can exploit the vulnerability it is possible that the attack compromised the resource with the vulnerability– This is a conditional probability

Page 27: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge












Checked, Pinned at P = 1






P = .9

P = .8

“Logical or”probability table

“Logical and”probability table

“Logical and”probability table

Checked, Pinned at P = 1


Bayesian Dependency Diagram

Bad Image

File Attack

P = .7

Bogus Condition

Page 28: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Summary of Diagnosis

• The result of Diagnosis is the construction of a Bayesian network coupling attacks, resource vulnerabilities, compromised states of the resources and finally the observed behavior of a computation.

• This network assigns posterior probabilities to:– Assertions modeling the state of the computation

– These assertions are the prerequisite and post-conditions of the various computational steps in the plan diagram

– Compromised modes of the resources used by the computation

• The recovery task is to find a new plan and a new set of resources that is most likely to achieve the main goal of the plan, given this updated probabilistic information about the world.

Page 29: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRATRecovery and Regeneration

Adaptive (Decision Theoretic) Method


Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencer

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


Page 30: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

The Trust Model• The Trust Model Includes Probability for Each

Resource that it is in a compromised state.• Diagnosis Updates the Trust Model• Trust Model is Read in Upon System Startup• Trust Model Guides method selection















Page 31: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRATRecovery and Regeneration

Adaptive Software

Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencer

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


Page 32: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge





The binding of parameters has a value to the user




Each method requires different resources

The system selects the method which maximizes net benefit

User requests A

service with certain parameters



The resourcesUsed by the methodHave a cost

Net benefit

Each method binds the settings of The control parameters in a different way




Each service can beProvided by several


A system adapts by having many methods for each service

Page 33: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Method Selection• Given a service name and a utility function,

method selection uses a prolog-like query language to:– Find relevant methods– Find resources meeting that method’s constraints– Bind the service qualities

• For each successful query it:– Calculates the resource cost– Calculates the utility of the service parameters– Calculates net benefit

• Selects method that maximizes net benefit

Page 34: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Extension to Hierarchical Planning

• Utility function returns max and min utility, by iterating over all combinations of unbound parameters

• A method can require sub-services– Sub-service parameters unified with top-level


• Depth first search:– Resources (and cost) accumulates

– More parameters bound -> Max utility descreases

– Net utility descreases

• Branch-and-bound: If current utility < Max so far, then back-track

Page 35: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Decision Making with Compromises

• M is a method, the vector R is an assignment of specific resources to M

• Each resource Ri in R can be in one of several specific modes

• A “resource state” RS is an assignment of a specific mode Ri,j to each resource Ri in R

• The Trust Model (via diagnosis) assigns a probability to each resource state

• Given a method M and a resource state RS we can calculate the vector of service qualities SQ(M, RS) that will be delivered.

• The Utility function U assigns a numeric value to a vector of service qualities SQ consistent with the requestor’s preferences

Page 36: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Successful Execution

• Each method M has a set of preconditions Prei(M) that are necessary for M to execute successfully.

• Some preconditions may not be directly observable, particularly at diagnosis and recovery time. Instead diagnosis assigns a probability to each of these and to their conjunction P(Prei(M)).

• The expected benefit EBsuccess of successful execution is the expected benefit conditioned by this probability:

EBsuccess(M,Ri) ≡ P(∧PRE j (M)) • EB(M,Ri)

Page 37: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Failing Execution

• If the preconditions of M don’t hold, then the method will fail.

• The failure can be assigned a cost FailCost(M)– This is ideally calculated by using a simulation model

of the organzation (necessary for insider threat).

– But it can be provided by table lookup

• The expected cost of failure is this cost weighted by the probability that the method will fail due to the preconditions not being satisfied.

ECFail(M) ≡ (1− P(∧PRE j (M)) • FailCost(M)

Page 38: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Expected Net Cost Benefit

• The total expected benefit is the difference between the expected benefit of success and the expected cost of failure.

• TotalEB(M,Ri) = EBsuccess(M,Ri) - ECfail(M)

• Each vector of resources Ri has a cost RC(Ri)

• The Expected Cost Benefit is the difference between Total Expected Benefit and the cost of the resources:

• ECB(M, Ri) = TotalEB(M, Ri) - RC(Ri)

Page 39: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Optimal Resource Assignment

• The system should select that method and set of resources that maximize the Expected Cost Benefit difference

Selected(M i,R j ) ≡ argmax(i, j)ECB(M i,R j )

Page 40: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRATRecovery and Regeneration

Adaptive (Decision Theoretic) Method


Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencer

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


Page 41: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

MAF-CAF Current Recovery

• During execution we’ve captured the execution history and the intended state of the data structures

• We’ve also updated the trust model based on diagnosis of the last failure

• Recovery can then be accomplished by restarting, replaying the startup history (login, queries,…)

• Recovery continues by setting up the data structures to the intended state

• Method selection is driven by updated trust estimates– Including choice of code resources, class path, etc.

Page 42: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

All Images TrustedNative Method Selected

Create Initial Mission Data

Create Leg

Add Leg to Plan

Save PlanPublish


Execution Proceeds This Far,No Discrepancies




E1 E2



L1 L2 S1 M1 M2

Backup Plan



E1 E2



L1 L2 S1 M1 M2

Initial Situation

Page 43: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Execution Proceeds This Far,Data Structures Corrupted

Backup Plan



E1 E2



L1 L2 S1 M1 M2




E1 E2



L1 S1 M1 M2

Create Initial Mission Data

Create Leg

Add Leg to Plan

Save PlanPublish


The Takeover

Page 44: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Backup Plan

Events Legs

E1 E2

Sorties Mvmts

L1 L2 S1 M1 M2



Dump out good version of mission plan

Update Trust Model

Trust Model


The Recovery

Page 45: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Backup Plan

Events Legs

E1 E2

Sorties Mvmts

L1 L2 S1 M1 M2

Trust Model


Regenerate Mission-Plan

Update Trust Model



JAVA Method

Native Method

Suspect Image,Java Method Wins

Trusted Image,Native Method Wins

• Avoid Unsafe Methods• Avoid Corrupted Code

Resources by using backup copies

Complete Operation and Continue past the attack

Regeneration Through Adaptation

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Red-Team Exercise

Page 47: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

AWDRAT Goals in Protecting MAF

• The data structures maintained by the application should accurately reflect user requests:– Each field of each data structure should be what the GUI requested

– No other fields should be present

– All the fields requested by the GUI should be present

• The application should not be able to open a port to any application other than to the JBI servers with which it must communicate (i.e. the JBOSS server).

• The application should not be able to open a port to a foreign host

• The application should not be able to write files except to the specified directories that constitute its temporary storage areas.

Page 48: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Blue View of Red Team Exercise

• Red-Team provided valuable “system-wide” analysis

• Red and Blue did not spend nearly enough time reaching common understanding– Focus of Our research

– Difficulty of testing client application

– Difficulty of testing Java application (few standard exploits)

• Blue didn’t stage test system far enough in advance– Configuration errors, system crash 2 days before test

– Several things that should have worked failed due to simple bugs

• Red-team was not prepared to test what mattered to us– On the fly, collaborative, ad hoc inserting of bad code

• Definition of success wasn’t always clear

• Red-Team provided valuable long term suggestions

Page 49: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Experimental Methodology

• Modification of class files. – Hand insert attack code into a Java source file, compile and place

the class file into the appropriate directory on the Java Classpath.

• Random attacks. – The AWDRAT controller launches a parasitic thread on startup.

This thread waits for a random delay and then attempts to violate one of the constraints. Which type of violation (and in the case of data integrity which field of which data structure) is chosen randomly.

• Wrapped methods. – A wrapped method is used as a place from which to launch a

simulated attack; for example, by wrapping the “loadImage” method, one can simulate an attack payload that is carried by a corrupted image file

Page 50: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

MAF API Levels

Mission Builder

Events HT

Legs HT

Sorties HT

Movements HT

Mission Data Hashtable Hashjtable





Type TO Time 2005 Loc FRTP

Type L Time 2005 Loc LOCZ



Lower API

Page 51: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Experimental ResultsAttack Type Number

of Attempts

Detected Diagnosed Corrected

Hand Placed 24 20 20 11 Data MAF API 10 6 6 6 Data lower API 5 5 5 5 Port Opening 3 3 3 NA File Write 3 3 3 NA Application Launch 3 3 3 NA Random 26 25 25 9 Data MAF API 6 5 5 1 Data lower API 8 8 8 8 Port Opening 5 5 5 NA File Write 4 4 4 NA Application Launch 3 3 3 NA Wrapped 9 9 9 9 File Write 3 3 3 3 Port Opening 3 3 3 3 Application Launch 3 3 3 3

Diagnosis includes identification of where the failure ocurred, the nature of the failure (bad event, corrupted data) and whether code-files vs. data files are likely candidates.

Page 52: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Modeling Experiment 1• Re-implemented AWDRAT framework after last

PI meeting– At least 1 intent was to simplify building of model

• Used knowledge gained in prior experience to inform model development

• Modeled more of MAF system at much finer grain• Included code files as resources• About 1 week of effort intermixed with debugging

underlying infrastructure– 448 lines, could be shorter

– 39 events

– 23 “hooked events”

Page 53: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Modeling Experiment 2

• Took a modest sized sub-system of Intelligent Room software– Distributed Java-based system

– Server for device switchboard

– Decent documentation available

• Sketched coarse-grained architectural model • Coded up first cut model• Total Time:

– 1 summer intern week

– 2 master student weeks

– Both starting from dead start on AWDRAT and MAF

Page 54: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

What improvements are possible

• Coordination between SafeFamily and Execution Monitor– SafeFamily Wrappers are but not context sensitive

– It’s allowed to write to directory xyz

– But only at specific points of the program

– SafeFamily should block, tell Execution Monitor which can either initiate diagnosis or return and allow the action

• Develop more primitives to simplify behavior modeling

• Use in both server and client of larger application– Application to less safe implementation language

• Hardening AWDRAT infrastructure– Execution monitor in separate process

– Safe and reliable communication between the two

– Use redundant storage for backup data

Page 55: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Finer Grained Recovery

• Currently we always recover by restarting• Could recover by dynamic reloading of code

(class) files in running application– Modularize code resources into loadable chunks

– Perhaps JAR file level

– Rebuild data structures after code reload

• Need to know whether to switch code-file resources– Fingerprint code files

• Need finer grained modeling of dependencies between execution and code resources

Page 56: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Use of Wrappers for Exploratory Modeling

• Building an understanding of the application is the first step of modeling

• Use wrappers to gather data for machine (and/or human) learning.

• Main approach is observational, explanation-based generalization– Method wrappers collect control and data flow

– Multiple runs inform generalization

– DLL wrappers (SafeFamily) detect “dangerous” actions

– Method wrappers (JavaWrap) provides the context

• Statistical techniques characterize non-functional properties

Page 57: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Significant ImprovementsRecovery and Regeneration

Adaptive (Decision Theoretic) Method


Attack Plan Recognition

Attack Plan

Other Sensors: Intrusion Detectors

Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencer

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


Page 58: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Broadening Detection and Diagnosis











Page 59: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Planning and Counter Planning• AWDRAT currently reasons backward from

misbehavior to compromise, to attack• Use planning technology to generate attack plans

– We have already done some of this– Planning “as if we were the Red Team”– Non-linear, temporally extended plans– Plan recognition technology generates recognizer that

projects forward from tell-tales of attack to probability of compromise and misbehavior

• Game-theoretic counter planning– Adaptive method selection

• Limited horizon expected value mini-max

– Insertion of counter measures (e.g. taste-tester, honey-pots, increased run-time variability, contained execution)

Page 60: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Controlling components (2)

• Another way to control a component is to find an input to the component and then find a way to modify the input– Modify the scheduler policy parameters


Scheduler Policy


Input to


control by


Scheduler Policy


Page 61: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Counter Planning to Attack

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Change Password





Page 62: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Use of Wrappers as Sensors

• Current sensors are imprecise and uninformative– Network based sensors don’t observe effect on host

– Host based sensors are typically profile based

• Pervasive use of wrappers in core host software• Using such wrappers we can follow development

of an attack through the host(s) processes– Models (even coarse grained) can identify when

OS/DLL’s are take off-course

• Need to reason about where to place them– Normal program flow

– Attacker plan flow

– Cost-benefit

Page 63: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge

Machine LearningSymbolic Machine Learning

Observational Explanation-based learning

Plan generalization











Statistical Machine Learning



• Approach is observational, explanation-based generalization• Single-shot, and few example learning• Relies on extensive knowledge base and reasoning capabilities• Observing program traces leads to AWDRAT system model• Planning and counter-planning leads to attack plan recognition

• Sensitivity to attacker delays and lack of delays

Page 64: AWDRAT: Architectural-Differencing, Wrappers, Diagnosis, Recovery, Adaptive Software and Trust Management Howie Shrobe: MIT CSAIL Bob Balzer: Teknowledge


Recovery and Regeneration

Adaptive Software

Attack Plan Recognition

Attack Plan

Other Sensors: Intrusion Detectors

Trust Model: Behavior

Compromises Attacks


Architectural Differencing

System ModelsWrapper Synthesizer

Application Software


• Self Monitoring is important and feasible– Even coarse grain monitoring provides information

• Diagnosis can provide useful Trust Information– Even with coarse grained modeling

• Trust Information can Inform Adaptive Choice

• Adaptive Choice can avoid compromised resources

• Wrappers can provide visibility and control for legacy applications– Without (extensive) rewriting in our experience.