awaken kinesiology - reiki healing - june...

[email protected] Reiki healing for everyone on my mailing list who wants to receive the healing June I started by thinking about and looking at my mailing list, did several Reiki symbols to connect with your energy and stated this simple intention: “This Reiki healing is for everyone on my mailing list who wants the healing. I ask for the information and healing to be at the highest level and vibration possible to help provide everyone on my mailing list who wants the healing with exactly what they need at this time, including love, joy, peace, prosperity and focus.” I then channeled energy to each of your chakra points and took handwritten notes at each step. The notes reflect what I heard and saw; I try not to censor what I am given and just pass it on, even if it doesn’t make sense to me. The Reiki healing component took nearly an hour and I later typed up these notes. The aim of the distance healing is to both provide the insights and the actual Reiki healing, which is clearing and balancing where needed. In many cases the notes simply reflect what is being balanced and shifted. Read through the notes and then you may wish to set aside 30 minutes to lie down and some point and consciously call in the healing. You could say out loud something simple like, “I now call in my Reiki healing from Kerry”. You can do this more than once. Please know, that even if you don’t do this, the intention is that the healing is to be received by you at the most perfect time. Being a group healing, this healing will tap into what is going on collectively and the themes that are common to the group. Of course your individual interpretation will differ depending on your specific circumstances. Take from it what feels beneficial.

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Post on 30-Mar-2018




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[email protected]         


Reiki  healing  for  everyone  on  my  mailing  list  who  wants  to  receive  the  healing  -­‐  June    I  started  by  thinking  about  and  looking  at  my  mailing  list,  did  several  Reiki  symbols  to  connect  with  your  energy  and  stated  this  simple  intention:    “This  Reiki  healing  is  for  everyone  on  my  mailing  list  who  wants  the  healing.  I  ask  for  the  information  and  healing  to  be  at  the  highest  level  and  vibration  possible  to  help  provide  everyone  on  my  mailing  list  who  wants  the  healing  with  exactly  what  they  need  at  this  time,  including  love,  joy,  peace,  prosperity  and  focus.”    I  then  channeled  energy  to  each  of  your  chakra  points  and  took  handwritten  notes  at  each  step.  The  notes  reflect  what  I  heard  and  saw;  I  try  not  to  censor  what  I  am  given  and  just  pass  it  on,  even  if  it  doesn’t  make  sense  to  me.  The  Reiki  healing  component  took  nearly  an  hour  and  I  later  typed  up  these  notes.    The  aim  of  the  distance  healing  is  to  both  provide  the  insights  and  the  actual  Reiki  healing,  which  is  clearing  and  balancing  where  needed.  In  many  cases  the  notes  simply  reflect  what  is  being  balanced  and  shifted.    Read  through  the  notes  and  then  you  may  wish  to  set  aside  30  minutes  to  lie  down  and  some  point  and  consciously  call  in  the  healing.  You  could  say  out  loud  something  simple  like,  “I  now  call  in  my  Reiki  healing  from  Kerry”.  You  can  do  this  more  than  once.    Please  know,  that  even  if  you  don’t  do  this,  the  intention  is  that  the  healing  is  to  be  received  by  you  at  the  most  perfect  time.    Being  a  group  healing,  this  healing  will  tap  into  what  is  going  on  collectively  and  the  themes  that  are  common  to  the  group.  Of  course  your  individual  interpretation  will  differ  depending  on  your  specific  circumstances.  Take  from  it  what  feels  beneficial.          

[email protected]         

Crown    “You  must  feel  very  proud,”  was  the  message  I  got  as  soon  as  I  tuned  into  the  Crown.    There  has  been  much  change  and  growth  for  you  so  far  this  year  and  your  guides  ask  you  to  recognise  this  and  celebrate  it.    I  actually  got  an  image  of  a  champagne  glass,  and  celebrating  your  achievements.    You  don’t  have  to  include  champagne  in  your  celebration,  of  course,  BUT  there  was  a  definite  message  to  celebrate  in  some  form.    You  might  do  this  with  a  partner  or  friend  or  journal  on  the  theme:  “I  now  celebrate.”    This  will  also  help  raise  your  vibration  and  help  generate  more  happiness  and  success  on  all  levels.    Brow    “You’re  starting  to  see  the  bigger  picture,”  I  heard.    There  is  forward  momentum  and  you’re  being  encouraged  to  start  to  look  ahead  to  2017  and  where  you  want  to  be  by  then.      Not  to  wish  away  the  time,  but  so  you  have  a  clearer  vision  about  what  you’re  creating  and  why.    Things  are  moving  quite  quickly  for  you  now  and  much  WILL  be  different  for  you  by  the  start  of  next  year.    In  some  ways  you  might  feel  in  preparation  mode  for  this  but  know  that  all  the  work  you’re  doing  now  will  truly  benefit  you  and  you’ll  be  grateful  by  next  year  for  ALL  of  it.      Throat    Lots  of  communication  wanting  to  flow.    There’s  so  much  that  you’re  trying  to  find  the  best  way  to  organize  and  share  it.    What’s  just  for  you  (eg  your  journaling)  and  what  needs  to  be  communicated  with  others  (eg  friend,  partner  or  family  member)  or  shared  more  widely  (eg  as  a  blog  post)?    “What  do  I  need  to  share  and  why?”  I  was  told  that  if  you  write  this  question  and  answer  it  at  least  10  times  you  will  get  some  useful  insights  and  messages.    

[email protected]         

 Heart    Much  love  surrounding  you  and  new  love  coming  in.      You  are  ready  for  MORE  love,  I  was  told.    This  may  come  in  the  form  of  new  people  entering  your  life,  enriching  existing  connections  or  from  connecting  inwards  and  learning  how  to  give  yourself  more  love.    Certainly,  seeds  are  being  planted  this  month  that  will  grow  and  blossom.      Solar  Plexus    Keep  moving.    You  must  exercise  and  move  your  body  every  day  is  the  message.    You  will  know  if  this  message  is  to  increase  your  exercise,  or  alter  your  intensity,  type  or  variety  of  movement.      Check  in  with  yourself  and  be  sure  to  follow  through.      Sacral    Much  movement  here  and  feels  like  a  clearing/  cleansing  process  has  taken  place  and  is  being  completed  with  the  healing.    Part  of  this  is  releasing  cords  and  connections  to  the  past,  which  may  have  been  activated  by  the  new  ideas,  communication,  projects  and  people  coming  in.      All  good.      This  has  been  gently  cleared.    Base    “Stand  in  your  power,”  I  heard.    This  felt  like  a  reminder  to  back  yourself  and  encourage  yourself  and  remind  yourself  of  all  the  good  things  you  are  doing  and  creating.      There  was  also  a  reminder  that  you  can  get  powerful  guidance  from  yourself  when  you  are  clear  and  you  must  DO  whatever  is  required  to  keep  yourself  clear.      

[email protected]         

Final  message:    It’s  coming  to  fruition  Enjoy  the  ride      Thank  you  for  allowing  me  to  connect  with  your  energy  in  this  way.    Love  to  hear  your  feedback!    Feel  free  to  share  your  observations,  thoughts  or  insights  over  at  my  Facebook  page:      Thanks  for  being  here!    Take  care,    Kerry  xx    PS:  If  you  would  like  to  learn  how  to  align  your  energy  to  your  goals,  check  out  my  DIY  Kinesiology  Kit:­‐kinesiology-­‐kit