aves de honduras

Honduras Naturetrek Tour Dossier 2010 Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England T: +44 (0)1962 733051 F: +44 (0)1962 736426 E: [email protected] W: www.naturetrek.co.uk Outline itinerary Day 1 Fly San Pedro Sula Day 2/4 Lake Yohoa Day 5 Tela - Olanchito Day 6/8 Pico Bonito Day 9 In flight Day 10 Arrive London Dates & Cost Monday 25th January – Thursday 4th February 2010 £2,195 Friday 19th March – Monday 29th March 2010 £2,295 Single room supplement £350 Grading Grade A. Easy birding walks only Focus Birds (mainly), butterflies & other wildlife Spot-breasted Oriole by B Palacios Palacios Honduran Emerald by B Palacios

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Una descripcion de algunas aves de Honduras


Page 1: Aves de Honduras

Honduras Naturetrek Tour Dossier 2010

Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England

T: +44 (0)1962 733051 F: +44 (0)1962 736426

E: [email protected] W: www.naturetrek.co.uk

Outline itinerary

Day 1 Fly San Pedro Sula

Day 2/4 Lake Yohoa

Day 5 Tela - Olanchito

Day 6/8 Pico Bonito

Day 9 In flight

Day 10 Arrive London

Dates & Cost Monday 25th January – Thursday 4th February 2010 £2,195

Friday 19th March – Monday 29th March 2010 £2,295

Single room supplement £350

Grading Grade A. Easy birding walks only

Focus Birds (mainly), butterflies & other wildlife

Spot-breasted Oriole by B Palacios Palacios

Honduran Emerald by B Palacios

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Tour Dossier Honduras-Birds and Butterflies

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NB. Please note that the itinerary below offers our planned programme of excursions. However,

adverse weather & other local considerations can necessitate some re-ordering of the programme

during the course of the tour, though this will always be done to maximise best use of the time and

weather conditions available.


Honduras is an enchanting place where the past mingles with the present. It is a land where mountains run into the sea, where ancient civilizations once thrived and where one can still be immersed in large expanses of wilderness. The country is about the size of England and is part of northern Mesoamerica, sandwiched between Nicaragua to the south and El Salvador and Guatemala to the west. The sparkling Caribbean Sea lies off the north coast. It is 83% mountainous with the highest peak rising to 9,000ft. More than 100 protected areas of different sizes dot the countryside and these represent every major habitat found here. In eastern Honduras the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve alone is larger than all of Costa Rica’s reserves combined. Such is the low volume of visiting natural history tour groups that it is not uncommon to have a whole national park to yourself! Honduras sits on an ecological divide and contains elements of North America, Central America and South America, making this a naturalist’s paradise. There are many major ecosystems that range from coastal mangrove estuaries, vast wetlands, and lowland rainforest to cloud forests, vast pine/oak forests and rain shadow valleys harboring arid thorn scrub forest. The country then is a birders paradise and even though it ‘only’ possesses 740 species of birds (but waits in expectation of at least another 70 to be added to the list). It has one known endemic (Honduran Emerald) and offers some spectacular bird watching in its diverse and accessible habitats. Some species that are easier to see here than elsewhere in their range include Keel-billed Motmot, Lovely Cotinga, Fulvous Owl, White-breasted Hawk, Guatemalan Screech-Owl, Great Swallow-tailed Swift, Speckled Mourner and White-vented Euphonia to name a few. It is believed that some 1,000 species of butterflies within six families are resident in Honduras. Anywhere one goes there are a myriad of sulphurs, swallowtails and brushfoots. The multitude of skippers, hairstreaks and colorful metalmarks is bewildering. Honduras has all six of Central America’s Morpho species, five Caligo (“Owl’s-Eyes”), over 30 swallowtails and nearly fifty sulphurs. We have designed this tour to take us into many of the major ecosystems where we will encounter a wide array of both bird and butterfly species. Leaving Olanchito, we will be indulged by our three night stay at the luxurious Lodge at Pico Bonito. Sitting at nearly sea level, the Lodge is nestled at the base of 250,000 acre Pico Bonito N.P. which has contiguous forest cover from sea level to over 8,000ft. During the cold, rainy season Resplendent Quetzals, White-winged Tanagers, Common Bush-Tanagers, Green-breasted Mountain-Gem and other cloud forest denizens regularly migrate down slope and can at times be found here. Here we will hike the Lodge trails through lowland rain forest in search of keynote species such as the prized Keel-billed Motmot. The observation tower by the river can produce the glimmering Lovely Cotinga which often sits atop the emergent trees. During our stay we will also visit the 30,000 acre Cuero y Salado wildlife refuge, a coastal mangrove estuary. We must take a short train ride to reach the reserve then will take a two hour boat ride in search of mammals, reptiles and birds.

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The extension to Copan Ruinas is a must for those wishing to see one of the most well known of all Mayan archaeological sites. Its well preserved carved glyphs found on stelae, walls, stairways and other structures tell the history of Copan and have been interpreted by top scholars from around the world. A guided tour of the site will be given. The birding in Copan is also good and the area harbors over 400 species. Copan also has a wide variety of forested habitats and sits close to the continental divide so it shares both Pacific and Caribbean slope elements. We will stay three nights at the newly built La Chorcha Lodge which is located in the grounds of the Enchanted Wings Nature Center, built and operated by your in-country guide, Robert Gallardo. We will bird two different sites and hope to encounter some forest interior specialties.

Day 1 Monday

Arrival in Honduras

We depart from London Heathrow in the morning. Upon arrival in San Pedro Sula in the late afternoon we will drive for 1 ½ hours south to the Lake Yojoa basin and make our way to our nice and comfortable ranch-like hotel within Cerro Azul Meambar National Park. Once we get settled into our rooms we will do some initial birding in the grounds if time permits.

Day 2 Tuesday

Cerro Azul Meambar National Park - Lake edge

The first part of our holiday takes us to the scenic Lake Yojoa area. This is the country’s largest natural lake which covers 50 square miles and actually sits in a volcanic depression. It is also one of the wettest places in Honduras due to the effect of the mountains which surround it. The impressive Santa Barbara N.P. covers some 30,000 acres and sits to the west of the lake, with Cerro Azul Meambar N.P. to the east which covers over 40,000 acres. The various forested habitats and the wetlands combined make this one of the most avian-rich areas in the country, boasting well over 460 species. Ten of Honduras` Rallidae (crakes and rails) family members are found here. This morning we will bird Cerro Azul Meambar N.P where we will have access to mid-elevation rainforest at 3,000ft. At times there are fruiting fig trees near the visitor center which attract toucans, tanagers, thrushes and the lovely Blue-crowned Chlorophonia. Hummingbird feeders attract a variety of species including the giant Violet Sabrewing, White-bellied Emerald and Long-billed Starthroat. For the past few years a spectacular male Black-crested Coquette has made his seasonal residence here. We will bird one or two of the trails in search of species such as Plain Antvireo, Keel-billed Motmot, Barred Woodcreeper, Golden-crowned Warbler, Long-billed Gnatwren and Stripe-tailed Hummingbird. Other more secretive species found in the park include Northern Nightingale Wren, Scaled Antpitta, Tawny-throated Leaftosser, Barred Forest-Falcon, Great Curassow, Spotted Wood-Quail and Ruddy Quail-Dove. At one point we will also bird part of the entrance road in search of a few key species such as Rufous-breasted Spinetail, Prevost`s Ground-Sparrow and Green-backed Sparrow. The afternoon will be spent birding down at the lake’s edge in search of Olivaceous Piculet, Tropical Parula and Rallids. We will stay for three nights in a comfortable hotel here and wake up to a variety of bird song early each morning.

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Day 3 Wednesday

Lake Yojoa

This morning we will do some birding around the lake shore at Agua Azul or Las Glorias in search of Ruddy, Yellow-breasted, Grey-breasted Crakes and Black and Spotted Rails. We will also check another of the surrounding areas and will explore Finca Paraiso, where a variety of new species can be find such as Yellow-winged Tanager, Yellow-throated Euphonia, Bat Falcon, Brown Jay, Northern Barred-Woodcreeper, Striped-throated Hermit, White-fronted Amazon, Brown-headed Parrot, Emerald Toucanet, Philadelphia Vireo, the beautiful Elegant Euphonia, Olivaceous Piculet, Killed-billed Toucan, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, amongst others! In the afternoon, and if weather conditions allow, we will take a boat ride along the north shore of the lake. We will look here for many other flocks full of many sought-after species such as Montezuma Oropendola, Spot-breasted, Orchard, Baltimore, Yellow-backed and Altamira Orioles, Crimson-collared Tanager, Rufous-naped Wren, Wood Thrush, Limpkin, Tennessee, Magnolia, Chesnut-sided, Black-and-White, Yellow and Wilson’s Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Grey Catbird, Blue-winged Teal, Sora, Northern Waterthrush, Spot-breasted Wren, Bare-throated Tiger Heron, Sungrebe, Scrub Euphonia, Hooded Warbler, White-throated Flycatcher, Streak-headed Woodcreeper, Brown-crested Flycatcher, Warbling Vireo, Green-breasted Mango, Olive-throated Parakeet, Red-lore Amazon, and much more! We will be back in our hotel in the late afternoon to enjoy some drinks, followed by a delicious dinner. We maybe go out again after dinner in search for nocturnal birds around the lodge.

Day 4 Thursday

Los Naranjos Archaeological site to Tela

After breakfast we will go to Los Naranjos archaeological site located along the north shore which is thought not to be of Mayan origin. Very little excavation has been done, but there is a small museum with some pottery on display. The area, however, is filled with birds. There is a gravel trail as well as an elevated boardwalk where we will go in search of Rufous-naped Wren, Rufous-and-white Wren, Sungrebe, Muscovy Duck, Striped Cuckoo, Ivory-billed Woodcreeper , Altamira and Orchard Orioles, Masked Tytira, the rare Rufous-breasted Spinetail and a host of migrant wood-warblers. After lunch we will drive for approximately three hours to the coastal city of Tela where we will spend one night at the Maya Vista hotel which is built on a hill and overlooks the Caribbean Sea. Birds frequently seen at eye level from the different levels of the hotel include Pale-vented Pigeon, Yellow-winged and Blue-gray Tanagers, Melodious Blackbird, Yellow-throated Warbler and Clay-colored Thrush. We will enjoy a nice seafood dinner by the beach.

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Day 5 Friday

Lancetilla Botanical Gardens to Olanchito

After an early breakfast, we will visit the historical Lancetilla Botanical Gardens in Tela, located along the north coast. It was founded in 1925 by William Popenoe of the United Fruit Company initially as a research station for testing different varieties of bananas. Since Popenoe was a plant biologist he also experimented with fruits and plants from all over the world. We will bird part of the entrance road and a section of reserve behind the gardens. This morning we will enjoy the full splendor of the Neotropics and witness a plethora of birds that are associated with lowland rainforests. During our visit to Lancetilla we will bird along a 400 ft. stretch of quiet side road, a stroll which often produces 60-80 species! Notable birds include Great Antshrike, Scaly-breasted Hummingbird, Tawny-winged Woodcreeper, Olivaceous Piculet, Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet and Rufous-tailed Jacamar. Other species typically found there or elsewhere in the gardens include Smoky-brown Woodpecker, Cocoa Woodcreeper, Black-headed Trogon and White-collared Manakin. After Lancetilla we will drive approximately two and a half hours to Olanchito via the lower eastern section of the Nombre de Dios mountain range. The beautiful Pico Bonito National Park is located in this range. The gateway to the Aguan Valley’s arid thorn scrub forest and home to the endemic Honduran Emerald. We will visit the newly decreed 4,000 acre Honduran Emerald Reserve; the country’s only designated area for this critically endangered species. Finding the Emerald is usually not a problem as it is the most abundant hummingbird which has carved out a niche feeding on a variety of cacti, Euphorbia and bromeliad flowers. Being there you will almost think you are in Arizona’s desert environment. The isolated population of the White-bellied Wren which is common there is currently under investigation pertaining to its species status. We will check in our basic but comfortable hotel and we will have dinner in a very traditional family-run restaurant in the heart of Olanchito, enjoying the superb cuisine of the region!

Day 6 Saturday

Olanchito, Honduran Emerald Reserve to Pico Bonito

This morning we will rise early and travel an hour to the Reserve. We will first bird along the entrance road in search of the Honduran Emerald then later along a trail through the scrub forest. Noteworthy species found there include the White-lored Gnatcatcher, Lesser Roadrunner and Lesser Ground-Cuckoo. We will also search some of the open fields for the strange Double-striped Thick-Knee. Scanning the skies often produces King Vulture, Plumbeous Kite, Hook-billed Kite and other raptors. We will have lunch at a family’s home near the reserve. After lunch and checking the surrounding fields adjacent to the house, we will drive back to Olanchito to collect our belongings and check out. We will then drive a couple of hours and return to the north coast for our three night stay at the Lodge at Pico Bonito. This fantastic place is uniquely located at the foot of Pico Bonito National Park and is nestled between the Corinto and Coloradito Rivers. The 400-acre-reserve borders the park and is compromised of various habitats including riparian areas, lowland tropical wet forest, and some small plantations (coffee, banana, orange and cacao). Each area harbors its own set of bird species with some being

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confined to very specific areas, while others can be seen at several sites. The lodge’s three strategically located observation towers offer maximum viewing and photography opportunities. Upon checking in we may have time to go up to the tower to start looking for the rare Lovely Cotinga and all the birds found in this stunning site, followed by a well deserved dinner and restful night.

Day 7 Sunday

Lodge at Pico Bonito

Today we will devote the entire day to birding the Lodge’s trail system, towers and decks. We will search for many forest-dwelling species that include Slaty-breasted and Little Tinamous, Violet-headed Hummingbird, Tawny-crowned Greenlet, Green Shrike-Vireo, Black-throated Shrike-Tanager, Tody Motmot, Chestnut-colored Woodpecker and our first shot at the Keel-billed Motmot. Overlooks often produce White Hawk, Black Hawk-Eagle and at times Ornate and Black-and-white Hawk-Eagles. Other species we will be on the lookout for include Great Potoo, Guatemalan Screech-Owl and White-vented Euphonia. The afternoon can be spent birding the lower Lodge grounds and perhaps searching again for the cotinga. Many species of parrots, toucan, flycatchers, orioles and hummingbirds can be found around the pool area.

Day 8 Monday

Cuero y Salado Wildlife Reserve

After early pre-breakfast birding around the lodge’s gardens, we will get ready to jump on our bus and drive towards the mangroves of Cuero y Salado, located 30 minutes away from the lodge. After we arrive at the reserve’s main entrance, a very traditional small truck-like train will give us a short train ride along the wet plains overlooking the fantastic Pico Bonito National Park right behind us. We will scan the marshes for Wood Stork, White-tailed Kite, Bare-throated Tiger-Heron, Laughing Falcon, Mangrove Cuckoo and Red-lored Parrot. We will then board a boat and cruise slowly through the mangrove estuary which is comprised of three different species of mangroves, as well as other hardwood tree species. Mantled Howler and White-faced Capuchin monkeys are fairly common here. Crocodile and Caiman populations are also plentiful. The metallic blue Common Morpho and Shining Morpho butterflies are also a welcome sighting amidst the green foliage. Birds frequently seen here include Sungrebe, Western Slaty Antshrike, Boat-billed Heron, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and an assortment of kingfishers. If we’re lucky we will spot the secretive Agami Heron of which there is a small population in the reserve. Gray-headed Kites are also frequently seen wheeling overhead. We will have lunch at the Lodge and then we will spend the afternoon birding the trails again or birding the lower grounds or in the tower area. Many birds still to be seen here include Brown-hooded Parrot, Killed-billed Toucan, Great Potoo, Lovely Cotinga, White-trhoated Robin, White-necked Manakin, Black-headed Trogon, Cocoa, Spot-crowned and Olivaceous Woodcreepers, Red-capped Manakin, Green Shrike Vireo, Black-throated Shrike-Tanager, Russet Antshrike, Rufous Mourner, Dusky Antbird, Ovenbird, Royal Flycatcher, Tufted Flycatcher, Honduran Screech-Owl, Black-faced Antthrush, Olive-backed Euphonia, White-winged Tanager, Black-faced Grossbeak, and much more!

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Day 9 Monday

Lodge at Pico Bonito to San Pedro Sula, Copan extension begins

This morning we will bird the Lodge area once more in search of species we may have missed over the past two days. The loop trail always reveals different species each day and one never knows what may turn up. Other sought after species seen here include Pheasant Cuckoo, Tawny-faced Quail, Crested Owl, Bicolored Hawk, Solitary Eagle, Black Hawk-Eagle, Yellow-eared Toucanet and Black-faced Antthrush. After lunch and check-out we will head back to the San Pedro Sula airport for those not continuing on to Copan Ruins. After a transit in Miami we board our overnight transatlantic flight back to London.

Day 10 Tuesday

Arrive London

Our flight is due to arrive back at Heathrow mid-morning.

Copan Extension

Cost: £360 (single supplement £90)

Day 9 Monday

After dropping some of the group at the airport we will make the three hour trip west toward the Guatemalan-Honduran border. After getting settled in we can relax and look for some birds in the grounds. The hotel was named after the large variety of orioles that are found in Copan. Found here are 8 of the 10 species in Honduras. Common on the grounds are Spot-breasted, Streak-backed and Altamira Orioles. Also found at the lodge are Rufous-naped Wren, Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush, Blue-crowned and Turquoise-browed Motmots, Salvin`s Emerald, Cinnamon Hummingbird, White-throated Magpie-Jay, Rufous-browed Peppershrike, saltators and Rufous-capped Warbler. Tonight we will dine at the Hacienda San Lucas which overlooks Copan Valley and the back side of the ruins. We can relax and bird watch from their terrace and perhaps see passing parrots, parakeets, motmots and other birds.

Day 10 Tuesday

Laguna San Francisco road & Copan Archaeological site

After an early breakfast, we will drive along a metalled road, not far from our hotel, and into the nearby foothills by 4WD vehicle, gaining nearly 2,000ft in elevation. We begin with farmland and pass into scrub, broadleaf

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forest and pine/oak forest which will reveal a wide range of species. A typical morning of birding usually produces 70-85 species of birds. We will be on the lookout for Crested Bobwhite, Gray-crowned Yellowthroat, Plain Wren, Azure-crowned Hummingbird, Bushy-crested Jay, Yellow-backed Oriole, Emerald Toucanet, Brown-backed Solitaire, Ruddy Foliage-Gleaner, Grace`s Warbler, Olive Warbler, Red-throated Parakeet, Blue-hooded Euphonia, Blue Grossbeak, Indigo Bunting, Rusty Sparrow, White-throated Magpie-Jay, Barred Antshrike, Plain Chachalaca, White-collared Seedeater, Rufous-browed Peppershrike, Bushy-crested Jay, Blue-hooded Vireo, Black Hawk, Hermit Warbler, Black-headed Siskin, Orange-throated Parakeet, and many more. After lunch we will visit the Copan Ruins archaeological site where we will receive a guided tour through the main plaza. We can also visit the sculpture museum which houses a replica of the Rosalila temple. Bring your bins as good birds can be seen here too!

Day 11 Wednesday

Birding in Copan, transfer to San Pedro Sula

Today we will bird a different area of Copan and the site will depend on current road and trail conditions. The site, however, will be one of various broadleaf forest sites found around Copan. Depending on the site we will look for Wine-throated Hummingbird, Green-throated Mountain-Gem, Nightingale Wren, Brown-capped Vireo, Slate-colored Solitaire, Spectacled Foliage-Gleaner, Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge, Royal Flycatcher and many more. After lunch we will check out and head back to San Pedro Sula in order to catch our international flight.

Day 12 Thursday


We arrive in London during the afternoon.

Single rooms and group size

The vehicle we generally use for this tour could be a microbus or a 10-seater American furgoneta, suits a group of 9 no more. As with all bargain tours, the tour is carefully costed and should numbers fall short of 9 we may have to impose a small group surcharge of 10%.


Standard flights are with American Airlines via Miami.

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To enjoy the trip to the full you should be reasonably fit and mobile as we will be spending the majority of each day on foot. The trails are steep in places and can be muddy, although rest periods can be spent at the lodges, where there are numerous hummingbird feeders.


The climate in Honduras varies enormously, depending on the region and the altitude. San Pedro Sula is warm and humid, but with pleasant cool night. Pico Bonito is also warm and humid but might be quite chilly, especially on a wet day. Olanchito and Copan are very warm areas but humidity here is very low. There is a possibility of heavy rain at any time, but hopefully not to the extent that it will spoil your enjoyment.


Please inspect the separate clothing list, sent to you on booking, thoroughly.

Food & accommodation included in the price

All accommodation and meals are included, except for personal expenses.

Extra expenses

Please note that we do not include the following in the cost of this holiday: foreign airport taxes (currently $37 on the international departure from San Pedro Sula) and all items of a more personal nature such as drinks, laundry, tips and souvenirs.

How to book your place

In order to book a place on this holiday, you will need to read our main Naturetrek brochure and complete and return the enclosed booking form together with a deposit of 20% of the holiday cost. If you do not have a copy of this brochure, please call us now on 01962 733051, and we will gladly send you one.