averbs and time expressions, diego


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 2: Averbs and time expressions, diego

Every day I try to do something important for my family.First I greet my wife and children every morning, and thank God for a new day of opportunities.I prepare delicious meals for my family three times a day, because I always work at home, for this reason I am the one who is available for cooking.We sometimes eat lunch or dinner out, especially every other Sunday, but we never do it every day, it’s too expensive and there’s no time!I help my older son with their tasks every night, and we study English together every Saturday.I take my baby to the park twice a week, and there we always share with other children. It’s a way to teach him values.My family and I visit a different city or place once a year, on vacation, and from time to time we visit some friends and family members.

This is how we practice some values, especially justice, because as parents my wife and I have to give our children what they deserve: love and respect.

And the most important thing: we are always happy!