avaya wireless lan

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  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN


    Avaya Wireless LAN 8100

    Customer Presentation

    February 2012

  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN


    2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 2


    1. Market Trends

    2. Avaya WLAN 8100 Series Overview

    3. Avaya WLAN 8100 Details

    4. Avaya Can Help You Get There

  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN


    2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 3

    By 2015, 80% of newlyinstalled wireless

    networks will beobsolete because of alack of proper planningGartner, 2011


    Is your network ready?

  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN


    2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 4

    Social and Market TrendsOrganizations face a tough economy, aggressive competitors,

    fragile customer loyalty, and changing demographics

    Economyand Recession




    Virtual Worlds

    and Communities

    Mobile Living


  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN


    2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 5

    Consumerization of IT strongly impacting WLAN

    70% of new enterprise users by 2013 willbe wireless by default and wired byexception - Gartner

    Enterprises deploying iPads will need300% more Wi-Fi Gartner 2011

    72% of organizations permitting the use ofemployee-owned devices Aberdeen 2011

    Video soft clients growing at 340% through2015 Gartner 2011

    Wireless LAN has never been in greaterdemand due to the explosion of smart-

    phones, tablets and high bandwidth video and

    collaborative applications

    In the past WLANs were

    deployed for convenience; theywere not designed for pervasiveWi-Fi services, real timecommunication and high


    BYOD andConsumerization

  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN


    2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 6

    Strong growth in Wireless-Enabled Devices

    The number of mobile-PCenabled workers relying ona wired Ethernet switchconnection will declinefrom 2010 through 2015,

    as WLAN coverageexpands in enterprises.

    By 2015 there will beenough WLANinfrastructure installed tosupport almost 51% of theworldwide professionalmobile PC installed base

    Gartner, Jan 2012

  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN

    7/12 2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 7

    WLAN 802.11ac standard is on the horizon*.

    Promising MUCHfaster networking speeds3x the throughput of 802.11n











    802.11 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n 802.11ac

    Max Throughput (Mbps)802.11ac :

    Uses 2 to 4 times the

    frequency bandwidth (80-160MHz)

    More efficient data transfersthrough sophisticatedmodulation,

    More antennas (up to 8)

    * Enterprise 802.11ac Access Points are anticipated to begin rolling out in 2013

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    8/12 2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 88

    Enterprise WLAN market 40% CAGR through 2015

    Total Global 2010

    WLAN Market = $2.6B

    ~$1.3B in 802.11n APs~$1B in wireless switches

    $6.1 billion market by 2015

    802.11n accounts for 92% installedbase by 2015 (Gartner 2012)

    Top Trends driving growth (IDC Jan 2012)

    Consumer Video over WiFi

    Bring Your Own Device

    WiFi Offload

    802.11ac upgrade cycle

    Through 2015, spendingon WLAN enhancementproducts will outpacespending growth on

    controller solutions, drivenby the differentiationprovided by networkapplication services as wellas by the uptake ofcontrollerless solutions

    Gartner, Jan 2012

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    9/12 2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 99

    CIOs Top Challenges for Wireless LAN networks

    Eliminate the inefficiencies of overlay networks and leveragevirtualization to drive down costs

    Ensure quality of service for all Wi-Fi applications, especially realtime applications such as video & UC

    Implement a scalable, future proofed infrastructure that canaccommodate video, BYOD & 802.11ac bandwidth demands

    Reduce Cost

    Real time Application Support

    Accommodating Mobile Traffic Explosion

  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN

    10/12 2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 10

    Agenda Mobile Collaboration

    1. Market Trends

    2. Avaya WLAN 8100 Series Overview

    3. Avaya WLAN 8100 Series Details

    4. Avaya Can Help You Get There

  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN

    11/12 2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 1111

    Introducing Avaya WLAN 8100 Series

    Unified Solution with lower TCO

    Real time Optimized

    Leading ScalabilityNext generation architecture that integrates wireless LANforwarding directly into the switching architecture providing themost cost effective way to support the mobile traffic explosion

    Unified Wired/Wireless Network & Management & Policy

    Controllers become virtual applications; not linked to hardware

    Industry leading video & voice over Wi-Fi (Third party validated- Miercom 2011)

  • 7/28/2019 Avaya Wireless LAN

    12/12 2012 Avaya. All rights reserved. 12

    Foundational WLAN network forAvayas Mobile Collaboration solution

    Faster collaboration accelerates business

    Empowering the right people globally

    Accessible through presence, messaging, voice and conferencing

    Smarter decisions drive customer satisfaction and results

    People productive everywhere across mobile, teleworker, and office clients

    Avaya Flare Communicator foriPad powering decision making on the go

    Reliable integrated collaboration solution lowers TCOBuilt on proven Avaya Auraenterprise-wide foundation

    Real-time optimized and secure WLAN networking and SBC support BYOD

    Professional Services expertise accelerates adoption

    Flexible deployment and managed service choices (including OPEX models)

    Accelerate your business with faster collaborationand smarter decisions anywhere on any device