autosar diagnostic

7/21/2019 AUTOSAR Diagnostic 1/28 AUTOSAR Diagnostic Overview

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AUTOSAR Diagnostic Overview

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Diagnostic serviceinformation exchange initiated by a client in order to require diagnosticinformation from a server and/or to modify its behavior for diagnosticuroses


function that is art of an electronic control unit and that rovides thediagnostic services


system that controls functions such as test! insection! monitoring ordiagnosis of an on"vehicle electronic control unit and which may be

dedicated to a seci#c tye of oerator $e%g% a scan tool dedicated togarage mechanics or a test tool dedicated to assembly lant agents&

Diagnostic data

data that is located in the memory of an electronic control unit which maybe insected and/or ossibly modi#ed by the tester $diagnostic dataincludes analogue inuts and oututs! digital inuts and oututs!intermediate values and various status information&

Terms and Defnitions

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Architecture – Contents o Sotware Layer

•  The Debugging module suortsdebugging of the AUTOSAR (S)% *t

interfaces to '+U internal modulesand to an external host system viacommunication %

•  The Diagnostic Event Manageris resonsible for rocessing andstoring diagnostic events $errors&and associated ,ree-e,rame data%

•  The module Diagnostic Log andTrace suorts logging and tracingof alications% *t collects userde#ned log messages and convertsthem into a standardi-ed format%

•  The Diagnostic Communication

Manager rovides a common A.*for diagnostic services

•  The Function nhibitionManager  is resonsible forroviding a control mechanism forsoftware comonents and the

functionality•  The !etwor" #ayer  art of

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$hy DCM%

 The functionality of the D+2 module is used by externaldiagnostic tools during the develoment! manufacturing orservice

 The D+2 module ensures diagnostic data 3ow and managesthe diagnostic states! esecially diagnostic sessions andsecurity states

 The D+2 module checs if the diagnostic service request is

suorted and if the service may be executed in the currentsession according to the diagnostic states%

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&verview o the communication between the e'terna#diagnostic too#s and the onboard A(T&SA) A**#ication

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DCM &verview with A(T&SA)

*n the AUTOSAR architecture! the Diagnostic +ommunication

2anager module is located in a 4+ommunication services5$Service 1ayer&%

 The Dcm *nterfaces with communication modules to transferinformation from an '+U to an o6"board Tester and vice"


UDS Service

 This refers to a UDS Service as de#ned in *SO7899:"7

0ote; All UDS Service de#ned in *SO7899:"7 is not

suorted by the Dcm module

O(D Service

 This refers to an O(D Service as de#ned in *SO7<=>7"<

0ote; All UDS O(D Service as de#ned in *SO7<=>7"< is

not suorted by the Dcm module

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 The functionality of Dcm module is used by externaldiagnostic tools e%g% in the develoment! manufacturing orservice

Diagnostic services include functions such as test!insection! monitoring or diagnosis of on"board vehicleservers $'+U&%

 The information transferred might consist of '+U faultinformation! arameter reorting! control routines!calibration values and other tyes of data used in erforming'+U diagnostics%

 The Dcm module is networ indeendent% All the networ

seci#c functionality $the Seci#cs of networs lie +A0! 1*0!,lexRay or 2OST& is handled outside of the Dcm%

 The .DU Router $.duR& module rovides a networ"indeendent interface to the D+2 module%

 The Dcm requests data or functional state from S)"+s via

ort interfaces or from other (S) modules through directfunction calls if any of the data elements or functional states

Diagnostics CommunicationManager

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 The DS. rovides the following diagnostic UDS services;o DiagnosticSession+ontrol $=x7=&

o '+UReset $=x77&o SecurityAccess $=x9?&o +ommunication+ontrol$=x9@&o  Tester.resent $=x>'&o +ontrolDT+Setting $=x@<&o ResonseOn'vent $=x@&o 1in+ontrol $=x@?&o ReadData(y*denti#er $=x99&o Read2emory(yAddress $=x9>&o ReadScalingData(y*denti#er $=x98&o ReadData(y.eriodic*denti#er $=x9A&o DynamicallyDe#neData*denti#er $=x9+&o )riteData(y*denti#er $=x9'&o

+learDiagnostic*nformation $=x78&o ReadDT+*nformation $=x7:&o *nutOutut+ontrol(y*denti#er $=x9,&o Routine+ontrol $=x>7&o RequestDownload $=x>8 hex&o RequestUload $=x><&o  TransferData $=x> hex&o RequestTransfer'xit $=x>?&

(nifed diagnostic services +(DS, – Su**orted+)-./.0,

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&1D service su**orted – Su**orted +)-./.0,

 The DS. rovides the following diagnostic O(D services;o Relevant O(D Service *denti#ero Request current owertrain diagnostic data $B=7&o Request current owertrain free-e frame data $B=9&

o Request con#rmed emission related DT+s $B=>&o +lear/Reset emission related diagnostic information $B=8&o Request monitoring test results for seci#c monitored

systems $B=&o Request ending emission related DT+s $B=?&o Request control of on"board system! test or comonent

$B=@&o Request vehicle information and *U2.R $B=:&o Request emission"related DT+s with ermanent status


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 The Diagnostic 'vent 2anager $Dem& handles and stores the

events detected by diagnostic monitors in both Software+omonents $S)"+s& and (asic software $(S)& modules

 The stored event information is available via an interface toother (S) modules or S)"+s

 The Dem module uses the 'vent*d to manage the status of

the CDiagnostic 'ventC of a system and erforms therequired actions for individual test results '%g% stores the free-e frame$*f quali#ed as ,ailed&  The Dem module shall reresent each Diagnostic 'vent by

an 'vent*d and the related 'vent0ame% All monitors and (S) modules use the 'vent*d as a symbolic

'vent0ame%  The 'vent*d and the related 'vent0ame shall be unique er

Dem module reresented by the '+U con#guration

Diagnostics Event Manager

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'ach alication software comonent $S)"+& can reort errors to the Dlt

+ollects log messages and converts them into a standardi-ed format% The

Dlt forwards the data to the Dcm or a +DD which uses a serial interface forexamle


logging of errors! warnings and info messages from AUTOSAR S)"+s!roviding a standardi-ed AUTOSAR interface

gathering all log and trace messages from all AUTOSAR S)"+s in acentrali-ed AUTOSAR service comonent $Dlt& in the (S)

logging of messages from Det and

logging of messages from Dem


RT' activities


individual log and trace messages can be enabled/disabled and

1og levels can be controlled individually by bac channel


Dlt is available during develoment and roduction hase

access over standard diagnosis or latform seci#c test interface isossible and

Diagnostic Log and Trace

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Diagnostic Log and Trace

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 To suort a user $system integrator or (S) develoer& duringdeveloment! in case the basic software does not behave asexected

+ollects as much information as ossible about the runtimebehavior of the systems without halting the rocessor

Data is transmitted to an external host system via communication!to enable the user to identify the source of a roblem

An internal bu6er is rovided to decoule data collection from

data transmission 2ain tass of the Debugging 2odule are to

+ollect and store data for tracing uroses +ollect and immediately transmit data to host 2odify data in target memory on host request  Transmit stored data to host Accet commands to change the behavior of the Debugging


Debugging Modu#e

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Debugging Modu#e use cases  Tracing .rinciles

 Tracing means collecting information from running software% Toerform tracing! the software is not halted

 Tracing of variables


on event

 Tracing of functions

*n order to imlement tracing of functions! the code has to beinstrumented with calls to +ollect ,unction Tracing *nformation$function entry& A.* when the function is entered and calls to +ollect,unction Tracing *nformation $function exit& A.* before leaving thefunction

 Tracing of S)"+

 The debugging module o6ers functions to the RT' to trace informationfrom the following RT' events

signal transmission

signal recetion

+O2 callbac

start runnable

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AUTOSAR D'2 Overview

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D'2 E Diagnostics 'vent 2anager

 The service comonent Diagnostic 'vent 2anager $Dem& is

resonsible for rocessing and storing diagnostic events $errors&and its associated data

 The Dem o6ers interfaces to the alication layer and to other(S) modules to mae the stored event information available

Dem rovides fault information to the Dcm

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Diagnostics 'vent A CDiagnostic 'ventC de#nes the atomic unit that can be handled

by the Dem module

 The status of a CDiagnostic 'ventC reresents the result of amonitor

 The Dem receives the result of a monitor from S)"+ via the RT' orother (S) modules

 The Dem module uses the 'vent*d to manage the status of theCDiagnostic 'ventC of a system and erforms the required actions

for individual test results

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'lements of Diagnostics 'vent

Event *riority

*t is de#ned as a raning of events based uon level of

imortance *t is used to determine which fault entries may be removed

from the event memory in the case of the number of storedevents exceeds the maximum number of memory entries

A riority value of 7 is the highest riority% 1arger riority value

shall de#ne lower imortance

Event occurrence

 The Dem module rovides an occurrence counter er eventmemory entry

 The Dem module increments the occurrence counter by one ifthe related event is already stored in the event memory andthe UDS DT+ status bit = $Test,ailed& changes from = to 7

*f the con#guration arameterDemOccurrenceCounterProcessing $in container Demeneral&is D'2F.RO+'SSFO+++TRF+DT+! the Dem module only

increments the occurrence counter if the fault con#rmation hasbeen successfully #nished

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Event "ind

 There are two di6erent tyes of events;

 –   (S)"related events $reorted via +"A.* EDemFReort'rrorStatus&

 –   S)"+"related events $reorted via RT' oeration ESet'ventStatus&

Event signifcance

 There are two di6erent signi#cance levels of events;

 –  G faultH; classi#es a failure! which relates to thecomonent/'+U itself $and requires for examle a

reair action& –  G occurrenceH; classi#es an issue! which indicates

additional information concerning insuIcient systembehavior $and relates for examle to a condition out ofthe '+U5s control&

Event destination

 The con#guration arameter DemEventDestination 

'lements of Diagnostics 'vent

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Diagostic monitor

Diagostic monitor

A diagnostic monitor is a routine entity determining the roerfunctionality of a comonent

 The monitoring function identi#es a seci#c fault tye $e%g%short to ground! oen load! etc%& for a monitoring ath

A monitoring ath reresents the hysical system or a circuit!

that is being monitored $e%g% sensor inut&% 'ach monitoringath is associated to exactly one diagnostic event%

*f the monitor debounces on its own! the reorting A.* is calledonly after a quali#ed result $assed or failed& is available

*f the monitor uses Dem"internal debouncing mechanism! thereorting A.* is called whenever the code with the functional

chec is executed

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DTC 2 DTC grou*s

Diagnostic troub#e code

 There are two di6erent inds of DT+s; –   non O(D"relevant DT+s $UDS DT+s&

 –   O(D"relevant DT+s

DTC grou*s

 The following DT+ grous are rovided;• emission"related DT+ grou $otional! #xed value J


•  owertrain DT+ grou $otional! con#gurable value&

•  chassis DT+ grou $otional! con#gurable value&

 body DT+ grou $otional! con#gurable value&•  networ communication DT+ grou $otional! con#gurable


•  further user"de#ned DT+ grous $otional! con#gurablevalue&

•  4all DT+s5 DT+ grou $mandatory! #xed value J =x,,,,,,&

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&*eration cyc#e management

 The Dem module uses di6erent oeration cycles

 The cycles could either be rovided by other (S) modules andS)"+ or generated by the Dem module itself 

'xamles of oeration cycles are;

• " driving cycle

• " engine warm u cycle

• " ignition on/o6 cycle

• " ower u/ower down cycle

• " oeration active/assive cycle

- accumulated oerating time

 The oeration cycle management of the Dem module uses thereorted state $D'2F+K+1'FSTAT'FSTART /D'2F+K+1'FSTAT'F'0D& of the A.* Dem_SetOperationCycleState $refer to chater @%>%>%& to set the Dem seci#c oeration cyclestate $started / ended&

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Event status management

 The C'vent Status 2anagementC is the Dem5s ability to record andretain events! event status and associated data

 The Dem module rovides the caability to reort the status of anevent through the A.* Dem_SetEventStatus  allowing adiagnostic monitor to inform the Dem about the result of theinternal diagnostic test

 The Dem module rovides the caability to reset the failed statusof an event without reorting a assed result through the A.*Dem_ResetEventStatus

 The Dem module rovides the caability to retrieve the currentUDS DT+ status byte of a seci#c event through the A.*

Dem_GetEventStatus  The Dem module rovides the current event failed status through

the A.* Dem_GetEventFailed  

 The Dem module rovides the current event tested status throughthe A.* Dem_GetEventTested 

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Status bit update *n case a quali#ed diagnostic event $assed / failed& is reorted to the

Dem module! the Dem erforms the event status transition

immediately for the bits being relevant for fault reactions• (it = Test,ailed• (it 7 Test,ailedThisOeration+ycle• (it 8 Test0ot+omletedSince1ast+lear• (it < Test,ailedSince1ast+lear• (it Test0ot+omletedThisOeration+ycle

Notifcation o status bit changes  The Dem module triggers the event"seci#c callbac"function

EvenStatusChanged  on each event status change  The con#guration container

DemCallbackEventStatusChanged  is used to secify one ormore orts/c"callbacs er event

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Debouncing o diagnostic events

*f the Dem module is con#gured to imlement the debounce algorithmfor a seci#c event! one of the following debounce algorithms are tobe erformed Dem"internally Counter based debounce algorithm Time based debounce algorithm Further specifc debounce algorithms

 Monitor internal debounce algorithm

 The Dem module suorts the event"seci#c con#guration ofdebounce algorithms by using the con#guration containerDemDebouncelgorithmClass

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Counte based debounce algoithm

 The Dem module calculates the fault detection counter $"79@ LM79?

according to UDS& based on the value and range of the internaldebounce counter to ma the internal counter values linearly to theexternal values

 DemDebounceCounterFailedThreshold de#nes the event"seci#c limitindicating the failed status $active&

 DemDebounceCounterPassedThreshold de#nes the event"seci#c

limit indicating the assed status $assive&  The Dem module increments the internal debounce counter with its

con#gured ste"si-e $DemDebounceCounter!ncrementStepSi"e&! whenthe monitor reorts D'2F'N'0TFSTATUSF.R',A*1'D

 The Dem module decrements the internal debounce counter with itscon#gured ste"si-e $DemDebounceCounterDecrementStepSi"e&!

when the monitor reorts D'2F'N'0TFSTATUSF.R'.ASS'D *f the monitor reorts D'2F'N'0TFSTATUSF,A*1'D! the Dem module

sets the internal debounce counter value to its con#gured thresholdbeing the failed criteria

*f the monitor reorts D'2F'N'0TFSTATUSF.ASS'D! the Dem modulesets the internal debounce counter value to its con#gured threshold

being the assed criteria

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Counte based debounce algoithm contd!

 The Dem module rovides the con#guration arameterDemDebounceCounter#umpDo$n for activating or deactivating the

 um down behavior *f the um down behavior is active! the Dem module rovides the

con#guration arameter DemDebounceCounter#umpDo$n%alue  

de#ning the new internal debounce counter init value if the countingdirection changes from incrementing to decrementing  The Dem module rovides the con#guration arameter

DemDebounceCounter#ump&p for activating or deactivating the umu behavior

*f the um u behavior is active! the Dem module rovides the

con#guration arameter DemDebounceCounter#ump&p%alue de#ningthe new internal debounce counter init value if the counting directionchanges from decrementing to incrementing

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Counte based debounce algoithm E"ample