autorecovery save of s. aurata pcna

Project AGL2005-0478 Effect of dietary components on epithelial cell stress and cell proliferation in the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) PCNA (Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen) also termed cyclin, is a 36 kDa non- histone protein found in the nucleus that plays a r ole in the initiation of ce ll proliferation by mediating DNA polymerase. PCNA is required for DNA synthesis and repair and its levels are elevated in the S, G2 and M phases of cell mitosis in normal and malignant tissues. PCNA has been suggested as specif ic biomarker for a tar get or ga n, the intestine, towards toxic dietary exposures. PCNA expression has a broad correlation wi th mi toti c acti vi ty and can be us ed as ma rker for cell pr ol if er ati on. Fi sh cell s proliferate at the basal area of the intestinal fold. This cell regeneration is manifested in the siz e of the pro lif erat ive compar tme nt. Bas ical ly, in control spe cimens, PCNA coloured nuclei are located along the basal area of the intestinal fold. A change in cell pr ol if er ati on of ten pr ece de s pathol ogica l condit ion and is of ten the fir st si gh of  abnormality in the intestinal tract. An increased cell proliferation may indicate increased cell renewal to compensate for an increased removal of damaged cells at the apex of the intestinal fold. These changes appear to have an impact on intestinal fold height and have been related with high levels of vitamin A in the diet (Wilson and Berntssen, 2004). In this work, we studied changes of the proliferative compartment length of the intestinal folds of 18 and 60 DAH (days after hatching) S. aurata larvae treated with different diets. 60 days larvae Proliferating hepatocytes were detected widespread along the hepatic parenchyma (Fig. 1a to 1e) of all the experimental groups although the frequency and intensity of stained hepatocytes was lower for T 3 D 60 and almost inexistent for T 3 D 60 - Tq11-VitA spe cimens. In kid ney , pro lif erat ive cell s were det ecte d in the epi the lial tubular cells from renal tubules and in the interstitial haematopoietic tissue (Fig. 1f to 1j). Pro life rat ing ent erocyt es wer e obser ved at all levels of the mid and distal intestinal folds, although labelled PCNA generally was more abundant at the base and in the lower half of the folds indicating normal condition (T 3 D 60 ). An increase of  1

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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