
AUTONOMY AND The Institute for Continuing Professional Development at Touro College The National Jewish Institute for Continuing Professional Education Medicine, Culture, and Ethics

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Medicine, Culture,and Ethics The National Jewish Institute for Continuing Professional EducationANDThe Institute for Continuing Professional Development at Touro College AUTONOMY

2. Case Study 3. Case StudyCan we choose to refuse? 4. A Look at the SourcesBe cautious and guard your life. Deuteronomy 4:9 5. Risky Behavior v. Actof G-d 6. Faith vs. HealingDoes pursuing a cure defy G-ds wishes? 7. Faith vs. HealingSeeking cure: interference with G-ds plan?I am the Lord your healer.Exodus 15:26 8. Does Judaism rejectmedical intervention?Should manwithdraw fromattempts athealing self orothers? 9. Answer And if men quarrel... Exodus 21:19 10. Answer From this we learn that permission is granted to physicians to heal. Talmud 11. Seeking Healing Obligated Physical assault Illness not Obligated imposed by human 12. Answer He shall provide for his cure. Exodus 21:19 13. Summary- Permission is granted tohealExplanation This supports the notion that even whenG-d has struck, humans maynevertheless heal. (Rashi)Question In the verse, isnt it a human, ratherthan G-d, who inflicts the injury? Answer The redundancy serves tobroaden the criteria to include Heavenly-imposed illnesses as well. (Tosafot)