automotive group c-a-review - corvette atlanta · fcoa / ncm art work / address change ......

In This Issue June 2016 SPONSORED BY CA Board of Directors / President’s Notes / Recipe .......................... 1 Officer Reports ......................................................................... 2 Calendar of Events / Something to Think About / FCOA / NCM Art Work / Address Change .............................. 3 NCM Report / Did You Know..................................................... 4 Volunteer Trip to NCM ............................................................... 5 June Cameo Photos .................................................................... 6 Member Spotlight / Truly Blessed .............................................. 7 Birthdays / Anniversaries / Web Sites / Corvette Restoration Ad ....................................................................... 8 Jim Ellis Chevrolet Ad ........................................................... back Automotive Group Feature Photo: Trip to National Corvette Museum (see article & more photos on Page 5) C-A-Review Visit us on the Web!

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In This Issue

J u n e 2 016


CA Board of Directors / President’s Notes / Recipe .......................... 1Officer Reports ......................................................................... 2Calendar of Events / Something to Think About / FCOA / NCM Art Work / Address Change .............................. 3 NCM Report / Did You Know ..................................................... 4Volunteer Trip to NCM ...............................................................5

June Cameo Photos ....................................................................6Member Spotlight / Truly Blessed ..............................................7Birthdays / Anniversaries / Web Sites / Corvette Restoration Ad ....................................................................... 8Jim Ellis Chevrolet Ad ........................................................... back

Automotive Group

F e a t u r e P h o t o :

T r i p t o N a t i o n a l C o r ve t t e Mus eu m(s ee a r t i c l e & m o r e p h o t o s o n Pa g e 5)


Visit us on the Web!

President’s NotesDave BrownellNow that a few more club members have added a C7 Corvette to their garage, my kids are asking when mine might come around. Quite frankly, I don’t know, but as they used to say in other situations, I would not kick it out of bed.On our recent volunteering trip to the National Corvette Museum earlier this month, Dan Nugent let me drive his several times. Most impressive, I found it. But my “old” 2007 C6 had just impressed me in its own way by averaging almost 28 miles per gallon while going up and down those Georgia and Tennessee hills at slightly faster than the limit speeds. Unlike either 1956 Packards, not once did I question whether I’d make it to my destination in uninterrupted fashion. When it comes time to replace any of the house Corvettes, a C7 is right at the top of the list. That should be a relief to those at home who dread a third old Packard showing up. But, then again, they also dread another Corvette project car almost as much when we already have a one owner family Corvair and a passed around Mustang GT hoping for some restoration attention. Old guys and old cars can be both frustrating and dangerous when mixed together.Speaking of old friends, we have the Morgan’s annual Lake Party to look forward to. That usually coincides with a car swap for one of my older cars that I keep in Middle Georgia. I haven’t made any swaps so far in 2016, since I stored a 1993 Corvette (one of my favorites) for the Range Rover in November, thinking that I might need the 4 wheel drive capability for a Georgia winter snowstorm. The other day, my in car thermometer showed 102 while driving on the Stone Mountain Freeway, so I will assume that snow is not an immediate threat, and the Rover can be put away to rest up for a few months. One of the lessons that both Packards reinforce is that cars work much better when they’re regularly driven. Just like people in our club, we have to make time and show up and then we’ll behave a bit better with other things in our lives.So, no matter the age of your Corvette, get in it and drive it. You’ll like it more for taking the opportunity and it will be a happier Chevy that gets you where you want to be, all the time, in Corvette Style. And if you can offer the experience to another person who’s always wanted the thrill, then that’s even better for giving them the opportunity. After all, I bet that you remember your first Corvette ride.

2016 Corvette Atlanta, Inc. Board of DirectorsElected Board Members:

President ..............Dave Brownell [email protected]

VP-Activities...........Amy Parker [email protected]

VP-Membership .....Tom Wright [email protected]

VP-Competition .....Don Parks [email protected]

Secretary ...............Sondra Wright [email protected]

Treasurer ...............Betty Parks [email protected]

Members-at-Large Lea Ann English [email protected] Anne Costolanski [email protected]

Appointed Board Members:

Governor ................Betty Parks [email protected]

NCM Ambassador ..Ed Clark [email protected]

Webmaster .............Mike Heaphy [email protected]

Editor ......................Betty Parks [email protected]

Parliamentarian......Sondra Wright [email protected]

Sponsor Liaison......Dan Nugent [email protected]

Consistently ranked among the top National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC) affiliated clubs, we are active in a variety of Corvette enthusiast endeavors – such as club social activities, road rallyes, car shows, displays & amateur competitive solo driving – we try to have a good time in everything we do!If you think owning & driving a Corvette is something special & you like being around others who feel the same way, please consider joining our club.Club meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month. For more information about Corvette Atlanta, please contact the VP-Membership or any other officer listed above.


Orange Dream CreamsicleNeed to cool down after a tough workout or a hot day at the beach? Lap up this low-cal, citrus-infused drink.SERVINGS: 11 navel orange, peeled ¼ c fat-free half-and-half or fat-free yogurt2 Tbsp frozen orange juice concentrate¼ tsp vanilla extract4 ice cubesCOMBINE the orange, half-and-half or yogurt, orange juice concentrate, vanilla, and ice cubes. Process until smooth.

Editorial Reflections Betty Parks, Editor


Competition Report Don Parks, VP-Competition

Memorial Day Weekend found us and about 70 more drivers at NCM Motorsports Park in Bowling Green, KY. East TN Corvette Club and the Midwest Region hosted 21 low speed events. Participants came from the Carolina, East, Indiana, Northeast, West Ohio Regions in addition to the Southeast and Midwest.

We spent Saturday and Sunday navigating fun and challenging autocross course on the skidpad. Monday found us moving out to the BIG track with running the section known as Track X. Since those events were low speed, there were some pylons and gates to slow the speed down. The weekend was a blast -- and left us eager to return to run again over the July 4th weekend.

Governor’s Report Submitted by Betty Parks

As I prepare this June newsletter - which is my final issue as Editor - I want to thank everyone for all the support you have provided to me during my tenure. I believe, through your efforts, we have produced entertaining and informative newsletters. My special thanks go out to my fateful cub reporters - Ed Clark, Dave Brownell and Sondra Wright - you’re the BEST!!

I’ve had toooo many irons in the fire for some time now, especially with the challenges I inherited last year as NCCC Treasurer. I’ve enjoyed the juggling act and had tried to engage my talented niece to assist with the creative stuff. However, her work and personal demands have made her less available to help in a pinch. So it’s time for a change...

A HUGE thanks goes to Lisa DeKalb for stepping up to take over as Editor. She is very creative and has agreed to take this on with her existing role in her Smocking Guild newsletter. Please help her by submitting your articles by the deadlines that she establishes. Remember, it would be ideal if each officer would write something about your activities each month so that the overall club knows what going on. Only a third of the club attends the meetings and activities.

As I step down here - you’ll still be hearing from me as Club Treasurer and NCCC Governor. My updates will be included in the newsletter.

Membership ReportWe are maintaining 90 members - with a couple of new prospects. If you need the club’s business card to pass out, let Tom or Betty know. There are usually available at the monthly meetings.

Please remember, if you have any potential leads or address changes, let us know..

Have you browsed the NCCC web site ( lately? Hopefully you have it bookmarked for your future browsing!!

One of the sections that gets updated frequently is the NCCC Sponsors section as new sponsors are added. As noted, periodically there are discount specials offered for us as NCCC members. Please take advantage of these offers.

WHERE: David & Nancy Morgan’s Lake House on Lake OconeeTIME: 11:00 A.M. Until...WHAT TO BRING: Lawn Chairs…Beach Towels...Water Toys…. A Dish To Share (Main Dish—Barbeque) DIRECTIONS: I-285 to I-20 East. (Approx. 60 Miles) • Get off at Exit 130 (Ga Hwy 44) and turn RIGHT. • Go about 1 block and turn left, 1st paved road on LEFT. (Just before the Chevron station.) (Approx 1 block). • Follow road until it dead ends. • TURN LEFT and follow that road until it dead ends. • TURN RIGHT onto Walker Church Road. Follow Walker Church until you come to Meadow Drive. • TURN RIGHT. (You will pass the marina and cross over the lake. Meadow Drive will be the 1st road past the lake) • Go to Meadow Lane and TURN RIGHT, 1st Road on the Right. (The road will be in the curve of the road.) • Go straight into our driveway and take right fork in road. You will see an A-Frame on the left.

LOST??? CALL-706-467-2205 or 404-456-2118

July 23rd Lake Party

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’The professor then produced two Beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.The students laughed..‘Now,’ said the professor as the laughter subsided, ‘I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things—-your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions—-and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.. The sand is everything else—-the small stuff.‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’ he continued, ‘there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn.Take care of the golf balls first—-the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the Beer represented. The professor smiled and said, ‘I’m glad you asked.’ The Beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of Beers with a friend.

Something to think about Submitted by Dave Brownell

FCOA currently has fundraising items for sale:

• FCOA Logo Clothing Items (bibs, T-shirts, onesies)

• Corvette related children’s books“Corvette” - Mike Mueller with Bob Woods - $9“Vinny the Vette - Meets His New Parents at the

National Corvette Museum” - $9“Generations Art-Coloring Book” - $10

I can pick up paid items for you at the National Governors meetings - See complete list at http://

Calendar of EventsJune 2016 5 Caffeine & Octane Gathering, Perimeter Mall, Atlanta 7 CA General Meeting - O’Charley’s Restaurant, Tucker* 11 Saturday Night Out, Greenwood’s, Roswell* 18-19 24 Hours of LeMans 18-20 Club’s Road Trip to NCM* 21 CA Board Meeting - Amy Parker’s home, Decatur 23-25 Bloomington Gold, Indianapolis, IN

July 2016 2-4 21 Low Speed Autocrosses, Bowling Green, KY* 3 Caffeine & Octane Gathering, Perimeter Mall, Atlanta 5 CA General Meeting - O’Charley’s Restaurant, Tucker*14-16 Corvette Homecoming, Bowling Green, KY 16 5th Annual Cruise into Lynchburg 17-22 NCCC National Convention, Omaha, NE* 19 CA Board Meeting - Amy Parker’s home, Decatur 23 Morgan’s Lake Party, Lake Oconee* 30 Summit Racing 3rd Annual LS Expo, McDonough

August 2016 2 CA General Meeting - O’Charley’s Restaurant, Tucker* 6 Galaxy Diner Cruise-In, Chamblee 7 Caffeine & Octane Gathering, Perimeter Mall, Atlanta 16 CA Board Meeting - Amy Parker’s home, Decatur 25-28 Corvettes @ Carlisle, Carlisle, PA 27 Classic Glass/VetteStock Car Show, Miller’s Ale House27-28 14 Low Speed Autocrosses, Grissom AFB, Peru, IN

* denotes events that are sanctioned for Club points

Artwork from NCM Trip Submitted by Ed ClarkSee the rest of the NCM Trip story on Page 5.

NOTE - ADDRESS CHANGE: Charles Hawkins (for your directory) 3838 Briarstone Cove Snellville, GA 30039


The R8C Museum Delivery Option I am once again considering the purchase of a new Corvette. The announcement of a Grand Sport version of the C7 and the photographs on the internet are part of my increasing interest as I really like the C7 looks and the Grand Sport has most of the Z06 body panels, spoilers, air intakes and other features (except for the blower on the engine) and even can be ordered with the Z07 brakes and other high performance items.When I went through the process of deciding what features to get on the 2010 C6 Grand Sport, there were about seven of pages of standard features and options to keep me busy for weeks sorting through what to do and I finally reached the conclusions resulting in the Corvette I drive today. Part of that decision matrix was the R8C National Corvette Museum delivery option which I decided to do as this was probably going to be my last new Corvette.Well here I am six years later trying to decide on a C7 at all and if so with what features. The option sheet I have is not official as the ’17 models are not on the Chevrolet web site yet. It has 11 pages of information and as usual some options don’t go with others and I am having a time getting through all that. In addition the option sheet doesn’t have any cost information on anything so price for the moment isn’t figuring in and will certainly toss a curve at some decisions once available.The NCM delivery option is also on the table again. I certainly enjoyed the Museum Delivery experience last time and the Delivery Team was kind enough to let me delay the date until our Club members could come along. The NCM is much busier now doing the deliveries than in 2010 so putting things temporary on hold for another Club activity is probably off the table but I intend to ask about it when we are there in June doing volunteer work. The Museum Delivery option includes a full day at the Museum with Staff taking you for a guided tour of the Museum including some areas not normally open to the public, a guided tour of the Assembly plant to see the cars being built and a detailed going over of the new Corvette to teach you about the cars features, setting up a number of preference for you and answering the hundreds of questions that result. The tag is installed and with staff waving you on, you get to drive the Corvette out of the Museum for pictures to be taken out front of you with the car. All the activity in the display area is on cameras that can be accessed through the internet so family and friends at home can watch.I hope some of you are considering a new Corvette as well and if so will consider the Museum Deliver option as I am sure you will enjoy it. The NCM web site has information about this and other options a new Corvette buyer might want to consider.

NCM Report Ed Clark, NCM Ambassador


Here are some random helpful hints that you may find useful in your home. Read and try them. In fact, send me any helpful hints for the home and garden and I will compile a list for a future newsletter.

• Peeling Boiled Eggs: Bring eggs to a boil in cold water. Turn off heat, cover (if not already covered) and leave for 20 minutes (this eliminates the green ring around the yolk). Pour off hot water, cover in cool water, drop in some ice cubes. Get out a pint or quart glass jar, put about 2 oz. of water in the bottom. Take one boiled egg, crack both ends and drop in glass jar. Shake vigorously for a few seconds and remove the egg. It should now be a simple matter to “peel” the shell off the egg without taking any of the white off.• Mixing 1 cup of Borax with 2 cups of warm water and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice works wonders on rust. If you have old pots and pans that are rusted, you can add this solution, which should be like a paste, and let them sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse and then just scrub the rust away.• Mixing just 2 tablespoons of Borax with 2 cups of hot water makes a wonderful all-purpose cleaner. Just mix the solution together in a spray bottle and use it to clean kitchens and bathrooms or just anywhere you need a little extra boost for your cleaning. This is a very inexpensive cleaner, when compared to other all-purpose cleaners on the market, and the Borax is great for getting really stubborn stains off.• Cleaning screens on electronics: Take a lint-less dish towel, dampen a spot with white vinegar, and rub across your cell phone screen, your tablet screen, your computer screen (wipe with dry portion of towel after cleaning). This will take away the odd spots and splotches. Be sure that the towel is not dripping when you apply to the screen.• When you grease and flour a pan for baking a cake, consider using powdered sugar instead of flour. This is especially good on fruit and nut breads, pound cake, and other cakes which will have minimal icing.• When trying to thread a needle (why are those holes so small?!), run the thread end across a white or ivory candle to help keep the thread fibers together. Threading should now be much easier! • Create a great hand-cleaner by mixing sugar or salt (for the men) with honey. Consistency should be gritty. Rub on dirty or stained hands, brushing with a nail brush to loosen dirt around the nail bed, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. If you still feel a little sticky, wash with mild hand soap. • When gardening with cloth gloves, before putting them on, drag your fingernails across a bar of soap. When it’s time to clean up, you simply use a nail brush and voila! Clean nails.

Did You Know? Submitted by Sondra Wright

Please remember to provide address/email changes to Betty Parks so that the club and NCCC databases can be updated.

Corvette Atlanta members participated in our annual trip to volunteer at the National Corvette Museum over the weekend of June 18-20, 2016. Dave Brownell, Dan Nugent and Ed Clark were prior NCM volunteers while George Shemaka joined for the first time. The weather worked to our advantage with clear skies for the driving there and back with reasonable traffic as well.The drive to the Museum followed a different route with back roads through Tennessee and Kentucky being used which offered a good bit of mountain driving with some great views. On arriving in the Bowling Green area we noticed a large number of modified 50’s and 60’s muscle cars and early Ford hot rods. We learned later while talking to some of the drivers that the Beach Bend Park was having an annual drag racing event. We drove up to the Museum Saturday afternoon to take a walk through the displays and while parking noticed some racing sounds coming from the Motorsports Park. The NCM security guard told us that there were two events going on there over the weekend.Sunday morning we all showed up at the NCM counter at the appointed time and met Jayce, a very nice young lady, who was our contact and task assignment coordinator. We did tasks in the Corvette Store for the morning and then went into the Club Room to do some things for the front desk staff. One task they had planned for us to do was help the NCM new car delivery staff but the weekend staff couldn’t find the needed materials so our work day was over. We spent some additional time in the Museum and store and then headed over to the Motorsports Park.The Motorsports Park was a busy place. There was a long duration “Chump Car” race going on the track with all manner of cars involved and we could see most of the activity from the top of the Holly Tower. Spins and passing was going on all over and it was fun to watch. Over on the skid pad an exotic car driving experience was happening with Lambo, Ferrari and Nissan cars going around a course set up with cones. In one of the training rooms in the Holley building was a display of art constructed from various auto parts. It was fun trying to determine what parts the display pieces were made from. The Motorsports Park is a nice appearing facility and most of it was quite busy this weekend.Monday morning the group headed to the Assembly Plant for a tour of Corvettes being assembled. The 2016 models were in the last week of production with a shut down for two weeks starting Friday planned for vacations and conversion to the 2017 models. It was interesting to see a number of 2016 models being built using new 2017 colors. The tour took a little different route than before and the guide was a NCM employee rather than a college student as in the past and was quite knowledgeable and pointed out many things that might have been missed otherwise.The trip was fun for all of us and we managed to keep up the CAMEO reputation of our club in tact by eating out at Rafferty’s again and also at Logan’s Roadhouse plus keeping the breakfast bar at the hotel and Wendy’s near the Museum in business.

Volunteer Trip to the NCM Submitted by Ed Clark





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Truly Blessed Submitted by Betty ParksI thank my dad all the days of my life for the way I was raised. We didn’t have a lot of money to spare as my father was raising 4 children after my mother died (I was eight). He was a man of great faith who taught us that everything happens for a reason, treat everyone the way you want to be treated, AND ALWAYS be part of the solution and not the problem. The Lord blessed him with another woman to love, a truly dedicated family, and enough money to travel the USA for 6 out of 12 months for many years. I’ve always called him the most optimistic person I’ve ever known.Fast forward to where I am in my life today - and I know how blessed I am for those lessons learned! For those of you that know me - I no longer tow a trailer (or at least so far I’ve not had to do that) but I’m not willing to give up my passion for “racing” Corvettes. After Donnie’s broken shoulder last summer, people offered me multiple cars to drive to finish out the competition season at every event. It was really humbling to see all the support.We tried to get back into our ‘89 Corvette this year but, alas, it liked its vacation (while Donnie was healing). Major brake issues put it on the sidelines once more. Never fear though as dear friends came forward yet again. I borrowed a car in Shelbyville and then again in St. Augustine. Little did I realize what the greater plan was in store... I finally agreed with Jack Filippone, who had been in my face soooo many times to take his car racing, and took delivery of his totally updated 1996 Grand

It’s always nice when we discover a formerly-undiscovered gem (Jim?) within our midst. And this gem is one we should get to know better! So hang on while we take a whirlwind tour of Jim Hudson’s life.Jim wasn’t always known as Jim. There were his days as “Hud,” the nickname given him by his roommate at Georgia Tech. There was “Jimmy Cricket” in the CB days, and even Hot Dog for his sports car driving (and love of hot dogs). These days he’s happy to be called Jimmy, his tag from his family and happy alternative to the formal James.Jim grew up mostly in South Carolina, although he has lived in a number of places. He married his lovely wife Rose Marie (48 years and still going!) here in Atlanta in the Cathedral of Christ the King. They have three children and ten grandchildren, which brings their extended family up to 18 (counting wives, husbands, and all the children). They have a sweet little Shih Tzu named Zoe, but when they first married, Rose Marie had a German Shepherd. They got a second shepherd when they were in New Orleans. Returning to Atlanta in 1980, they gravitated to smaller dogs and thus they have Zoe. These days, Jim’s hobbies are more apt to be playing bridge and spending time with his grandchildren. Sports car racing has long been his main hobby, with forays into snow skiing and golf. These got pushed aside by his racing, so they exited gracefully.Jim has a long history with Corvette Atlanta and an even longer one with Corvetttes. He first joined in the early ‘80s but left when he and his family moved to Sweden in 1988. He rejoined us when he returned to Atlanta in ‘95. He first became interested in Corvettes when his best friend in New Orleans bought one. He told Jim he had to buy a Corvette, too, and join the Crescent City Corvette Club. It sounded like a lot of fun, so Jim obliged by buying a 1964 roadster. He drove this car in autocross until he sold in the mid-’80s and decided to go wheel-to-wheel racing with IMSA in 1985 participating in the Firestone Firehawk Endurance Championship driving a Camaro. He continued this way until they left for Europe in the fall of 1988. But, before leaving, he co-drove in IMSA with Jack Baldwin at Road America in 1987.Among the Corvettes Jim has owned have been a ‘64 - replaced by a ‘65; and then a ‘79, and 84, the ‘69 Steak & Ale Corvette racecar, a ‘72 coupe and now the ‘69 road racing Sam Fillingham Corvette tribute car named “Jesse.” Which now leads us into Jim’s hobbies, trophies and awards. Sports car racing has been Jim’s main hobby since ‘85. He collected a lot of trophies in his autocross years, the first of which was in a Georgia Tech autocross driving his wife’s Sunbeam Tiger. Jim enjoyed his autocross competition and road racing over the years, but said he could never get consistently in the top. He won a little money in IMSA, but the most interesting money he won was from an FTD in Shreveport in the rain - he was awarded a $25 Saving Bond.“I always seemed to do best in long races of three hours or more,” said Jim. He took first place in GT1 in the inaugural four hours of Sebring in 2004 and then came back in 2006 to repeat. This second time he was driving the only American made car still running at the end of the four hours. Both of these races were run with his 1969 Steak & Ale Corvette. Other cars lost engines, rear ends, and transmissions; Jim only lost the driver’s side exhaust pipe (it simply collapsed from fatigue and began dragging along the track creating a shower of sparks).The most interesting race for Jim and Rose Marie was with the ‘79 Corvette. The year was around ‘82, and Jim, Rose Marie, and Jim’s brother-in-law Tim, decided to enter a Corvette Atlanta event with two cars: Jim’s ‘64 ‘vette and Rose Marie’s ‘79 ‘vette. After some debate, the decision was that Jim would drive the ‘64 ‘vette and Rose Marie and Tim would drive the ‘79. When they got to the drag races, Rose Marie finished first overall in the women’s class and Tim was second in the men’s class. Tim had to finish first in the men’s class to race against Rose Marie, but the problem was they were both driving the same car! Tim was spotted a number of car lengths being in class C, racing against a race prepared (RP) Corvette. As it turned out, the RP Corvette inched out Tim for men’s top eliminator. Now, the same two cars had to compete for overall top eliminator. Again, the RP finished first, but what an interesting finish it made with the same two cars competing back-to-back and in both cases, the RP Corvette barely won against a stock ‘79 Corvette! That’s one for the record books!As for the current stable of cars, Jim has a ‘72 coupe, his ‘69 Corvette race car named “Jesse,” and his 2003 50th Anniversary Corvette Z06 that he drives mostly to club meetings. That’s a nice start on a stable, I’d say!

Member Spotlight - Jim Hudson Submitted by Sondra Wright


Sport (see its departure from South Carolina). The ‘89 went back on the trailer to SC to get the brake issues fixed. Jack’s only instructions were to drive the wheels off the car -- and I’ve surely been trying to do that. What an AWESOME gift from an AWESOME friend!! Thanks Jack for ALL your support and friendship over ALL the years! I think the new C-7 is secretly glad that the blue beast is here this year!!

June & July Birthdays Ed Clark ..............................June 6 Mark Frost ..........................June 13 Orlando Blancato ................June 17 Judy Hill ..............................June 18 Marvin Payne ......................June 19 Joel Canada .......................June 22 Dan Nugent ........................June 24 Jim Gowin ...........................June 29 Martha Murphy ..................July 6 Hermine Pasternack .............July 6 David Morgan ....................July 8 Scott Baize ..........................July 22 Matthew Murphy .................July 26 Larry Vaitkus .......................July 29 Lix Baxter ............................July 30 Larry Narwold ....................July 31


June & JulyAnniversaries

Jim & Mickey Hutchinson (60) .................June 8 Joel (& Kathleen) Canada (52) ...............June 30 Ron & Barbara Rotondi (40) ...................July 5 Jack Filippone & Steph Strauss (25) .........July 6 David & Judy Adcock (50) ......................July 11 Paul & Janice Moriarity (18) ....................July 27 Chris & Susan Gowin (14) .......................July 28


Web Sites:Corvette Atlanta – - NCCC – Southeast Region NCCC – NCM –

www.ngacorvette.comAlpharetta, Georgia

• Full & Partial Restorations• Resto-Mod Cars• LS Conversion• Custom Body Work• Fiberglass Repair• Re Chrome Shop• Upholstery• Brakes and Rotors• Complete Electrical Work• Standard or Custom Paint• Base Coat-Clear Coat or Lacquer Paint• Multi-Color Paint Blending• Engine & Trans Rebuilding• Rear End Building

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In Business Since 1979

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In-stock C7s with new inventoryarriving dailyA wide selection of pre-ownedcerti�ed CorvettesSpecial pricing (with membership card) on Corvettes, parts, accessories and serviceHome of Georgia’s renowned Corvette Sales Specialist, Reggie Stagmaier and Corvette Technician, Jerod McLaughlin

Jim Ellis Chevy is a Chevrolet Certi�edCorvette Service Dealer, and one of the Southeast’s leading Corvette Dealers

Proud Sponsor Of Corvette Atlanta