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Post on 10-Oct-2015




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ERT 457 DESIGNS OF AUTOMATON SYSTEMSProject Title: Control System of Moisture with Micro Drip Irrigation



Objectives1. To determine the water (moisture) content of soils2. To increase agricultural productivity and promote efficient management in modern agriculture by monitor the field environment, crop conditions, and farming operation.3. To control the water level corresponding to growth stages.4. To provide facilities to the farmers, where they can monitor water levels.5. To improve the existing irrigation system to more modern system.

Introduction Soil moisture is water that is held in the spaces between soil particles. Dry soil is made up of minerals and air pockets, calledpore spaces. A typical volumetric ratio would be 55% minerals and 45% pore space. As water is added to the soil, the pore spaces begin to fill with water.Soils collect, store, and release water. Collection occurs as water enters the soil through surface pores in a process called infiltration. When forces of retention within soil are greater than removal forces water storage is possible. Water release takes place when plant uptake, drying, or gravitational forces overcome retention. The moisture sensor works when the series of discs in the sensor expands they get wet, and to a certain size, they flip a micro switch, this interrupts the current going from the controller to the valves, whereby the controller will tell the valves to start watering in the middle of a rainstorm, if the valves do not get the memo then they don't turn on. When the discs dries out in the sun and the wind, then the switch flips back, and the valves will water when the controller tells them to start watering.Soil moisture sensors are used to measure the water content in soil. Measuring soil moisture is important in agriculture to help farmers manage their irrigation systems more efficiently. Not only are farmers able to generally use less water to grow a crop, they are able to increase yields and the quality of the crop by better management of soil moisture during critical plant growth stages. Besides agriculture, there are many other disciplines using soil moisture sensors. Golf courses are now using sensors to increase the efficiencies of their irrigation systems to prevent over watering and leaching of fertilizers and other chemicals offsite.

Block Diagram



int moisture_sensitivity = 700;

LiquidCrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7); const int pump = 2;const int input = 3;

void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600);{ lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.clear(); lcd.print(" Welcome "); delay(3000); pinMode(pump,OUTPUT); pinMode(input,INPUT);


void loop() {int MSValue = analogRead(input);

Serial.println(MSValue); if(MSValue > moisture_sensitivity) { digitalWrite(pump,HIGH); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Moisture NOT OK"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(" PUMP ON "); delay(500); } else { digitalWrite(pump,LOW); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" Moisture OK "); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(" PUMP OFF "); delay(500); }}DiscussionIn this project, we should measure how much of water and when to irrigated the plant in greenhouse by using micro drip irrigation. To measure it, soil moisture sensor was use where it is function to measure the water content in soil. Measuring soil moisture is important in agriculture because it can help farmers to manage their irrigation systems more efficiently. Its also being able to increase yields and the quality of the crop by better management of soil moisture. It is also important to measure soil moisture because soil moisture plays a key role in the life of the plant and plant root systems are better developed when growing in the moist soil. Excessive levels of soil moisture, however can lead to anaerobic conditions that can promote the growth of plant soil pathogens. Besides that, in this project, we use the Arduino Uno with the moisture sensor. The Arduino Uno is the most important components in the greenhouse and it is an open-sourced single board micro-controller. It can sense the environment by receiving information from a variety of sensors for example moisture sensor. Soil moisture sensor is the sensor that can read the amount of moisture present in the soil surrounding it. Its a low tech sensor but ideal for monitoring the plant water level. This sensor uses the two probes to pass current through the soil and then it reads the resistance to get the moisture level. More water makes the soil conduct electricity more easily where it is less resistance while dry soil conducts electricity poorly where it is more resistance. It will be helpful to the farmers to watering the plants or monitor the soil moisture of plants.For the drip irrigation system, we must have a pump, pipe, and a pot with the soil, moisture sensor and Arduino Uno. In this system, we used closed-loop system or also known as feedback control system. it consists of control unit (pump), control valve where to control the flow of water in the pump to the plant, digital display, output that is the result where it is to irrigated or not and the sensor where it is detected the moisture of the soil Firstly, moisture sensor was connected with Arduino Uno and the test code to Arduino was downloaded after being compiled. Probe of sensor were inserted to the pot with the soil that has the desired moisture. After that, the LED will be light up and it gives the signal that the plant needs the water. From the programmed that we developed, when the sensor detects the soil moisture is more than the requirement, the LED will show that MOISTURE OK and PUMP OFF. Its mean that the plant will not be irrigated. Furthermore, if the sensor detected the soil moisture is less than requirement, the LED will show that MOISTURE NOT OK and PUMP ON. Then, the pump was ready to flow the water to irrigate the plants and then the process is start again.

ConclusionIn conclusion, from what we had done in the project, we could conclude the project of designing for control system of moisture with micro drip irrigation was succeeded. In this project, the main components that we used to operate the system were moisture sensors and Arduino Uno software. We think this project can be exposed to small holders farmers, so that they can increase their agricultural productivity and promote more efficient management in modern agriculture. Besides that, the capital cost to start these facilities is not so high. Next, through this project we are more exposed on how to design existing irrigation system to more efficient system in agricultural.