automatic emergency identifier in mobile for healthcare

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  • 8/9/2019 Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare


    Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare


    With the pervasiveness of smart phones and the advance of wireless body sensor networks

    (BSNs), mobile Healthcare (m-Healthcare), which extends the operation of Healthcare provider

    into a pervasive environment for better health monitorin, has attracted considerable interest

    recently! However, the flo"rish of m-Healthcare still faces many challenes incl"din

    information sec"rity and privacy preservation! #n this paper, we propose a sec"re and privacy-

    preservin opport"nistic comp"tin framework, called S$%&, for m-Healthcare emerency! With

    S$%&, smart phone reso"rces incl"din comp"tin power and enery can be opport"nistically

    athered to process the comp"tin-intensive personal health information ($H#) d"rin m-

    Healthcare emerency with minimal privacy disclos"re! #n specific, to leverae the $H# privacy

    disclos"re and the hih reliability of $H# process and transmission in m-Healthcare emerency,

    we introd"ce an efficient "ser-centric privacy access control in S$%& framework, which is based

    on an attrib"te-based access control and a new privacy-preservin scalar prod"ct comp"tation

    ($$S$&) techni'"e, and allows a medical "ser to decide who can participate in the opport"nistic

    comp"tin to assist in processin his overwhelmin $H# data! etailed sec"rity analysis shows

    that the proposed S$%& framework can efficiently achieve "ser-centric privacy access control in

    m-Healthcare emerency! #n addition, performance eval"ations via extensive sim"lations

    demonstrate the S$%&s effectiveness in term of providin hih reliable $H# process and

    transmission while minimi*in the privacy disclos"re d"rin m-Healthcare emerency!

  • 8/9/2019 Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare



    EI!TIN" !#!TEM

    +he st"dy of opport"nistic comp"tin has ained the reat interest from the research comm"nity


    +he existin systems introd"ce the opport"nistic comp"tin paradim in wireless sensor network

    to solve the problem of storin and exec"tin an application that exceeds the memory reso"rces

    available on a sinle sensor node! specially, their sol"tion is based on the idea of partitionin

    the application code into a n"mber of opport"nistically cooperatin mod"les, and each node

    contrib"tes to the exec"tion of the oriinal application by r"nnin a s"bset of the application

    tasks and providin service to the neihborin nodes!

  • 8/9/2019 Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare


    $assarella et al! eval"ate the performance of service exec"tion in opport"nistic comp"tin!

    Specifically, they first abstract reso"rces in pervasive comp"tin as services, which are

    opport"nistically contrib"ted by providers and invoked by seekers! +hen, they present a complete

    analytical model to depict the service invocation process between seekers and providers, and

    derive the optimal n"mber of replicas to be spawned on enco"ntered nodes, in order to minimi*e

    the exec"tion time and optimi*e the comp"tational and bandwidth reso"rces "sed!

    #n xistin System, ccordin to the sensex over the ae of ./ is expected to hit 01 million by

    2131, havin do"bled since 2111! Health care expendit"res pro4ected to rise to 5/!67 by 2151!

    +he cost of health care for the nations ain pop"lation has become a national concern are

    important for "nderstandin how the opport"nistic comp"tin paradim work when reso"rces

    available on different nodes can be opport"nistically athered toether to provide richer

    f"nctionality, they have not considered the potential sec"rity and privacy iss"es existin in the

    opport"nistic comp"tin paradim!

    $RO$O!ED !#!TEM

    #n o"r proposed S$%& framework aims at the sec"rity and privacy iss"es, and develops a "ser-

    centric privacy access control of opport"nistic comp"tin in m-Healthcare emerency! #n this

    paper, we propose a new sec"re and privacy preservin opport"nistic comp"tin framework,

    called S$%&, to address this challene! With the proposed S$%& framework, each medical "ser

    in emerency can achieve the "ser-centric privacy access control to allow only those '"alified

    helpers to participate in the opport"nistic comp"tin to balance the hih-reliability of $H#

  • 8/9/2019 Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare


    process and minimi*in $H# privacy disclos"re in m-Healthcare emerency! Specifically, the

    main contrib"tions of this paper are threefold! 8 9irst, we propose S$%&, a sec"re and privacy-

    preservin opport"nistic comp"tin framework for m-Healthcare emerency! With S$%&, the

    reso"rces available on other opport"nistically contacted medical "sers smart phones can be

    athered toether to deal with the comp"tin intensive $H# process in emerency sit"ation! Since

    the $H# will be disclosed d"rin the process in opport"nistic comp"tin, to minimi*e the $H#

    privacy disclos"re, S$%& introd"ces a "ser-centric two-phase privacy access control to only

    allow those medical "sers who have similar symptoms to participate in opport"nistic comp"tin!

    8 Second, to achieve "ser-centric privacy access control in opport"nistic comp"tin, we present

    an efficient attrib"tebased access control and a novel non-homomorphic encryption based

    privacy-preservin scalar prod"ct comp"tation ($$S$&) protocol, where the attrib"ted-based

    access control can help a medical "ser in emerency to identify other medical "sers, and $$S$&

    protocol can f"rther control only those medical "sers who have similar symptoms to participate

    in the opport"nistic comp"tin while witho"t directly revealin "sers symptoms! Note that,

    altho"h $$S$& protocols have been well st"died in privacy-preservin data minin, yet most of

    them are relyin on time-cons"min homomorphic encryption techni'"e! +o the best of o"r

    knowlede, o"r novel non-homomorphic encryption based $$S$& protocol is the most efficient

    one in terms of comp"tational and comm"nication overheads! 8 +hird, to validate the

    effectiveness of the proposed S$%& framework in m-Healthcare emerency, we also develop a

    c"stom sim"lator b"ilt in :ava! xtensive sim"lation res"lts show that the proposed S$%&

    framework can help medical "sers to balance the hih-reliability of $H# process and minimi*in

    the $H# privacy disclos"re in m-Healthcare emerency

  • 8/9/2019 Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare


    AD%ANTA"E! O& $RO$O!ED !#!TEM:

    Shift from a clinic-oriented, centrali*ed healthcare system to a patient oriented, distrib"ted

    healthcare system

    ;ed"ce healthcare expenses thro"h more efficient "se of clinical reso"rces and earlier detection

    of medical conditions


    $erformance, ;eliability, Scalability, -Healthcare

    2! Body Sensor Network

    3! Sec"rity nalysis

    ?! $erformance vol"tion

    /! Sim"lation Set"p

    .! ;eport @eneration

  • 8/9/2019 Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare



    $er)a'i)e Health Monitoring in M*Healthcare

    #n this mod"le, each mobile medical "sers personal health information ($H#) s"ch as heart beat,

    blood s"ar level, blood press"re and temperat"re and others, can be first collected by BSN, and

    then areated by smart phone via Bl"etooth! 9inally, they are f"rther transmitted to the remote

    healthcare center via 3@ networks! Based on these collected $H# data, medical professionals at

    healthcare center can contin"o"sly monitor medical "sers health conditions and as well '"ickly

    react to "sers life-threatenin sit"ations and save their lives by dispatchin amb"lance and

    medical personnel to an emerency location in a timely fashion!

    +ody !en'or Net,or-

    #n this mod"le, Body area network (BN), wireless body area network (WBN) or body sensor

    network (BSN) are terms "sed to describe the application of wearable comp"tin devices! +his

    will enable wireless comm"nication between several miniat"ri*ed body sensor "nits (BSA) and a

    sinle body central "nit (B&A) worn at the h"man body!

    eploy wearable sensors on the bodies of patients in a residential settin

    &ontin"o"sly monitor physioloical sinals (s"ch as &@, blood oxyen Cevels) and other

    health related information (s"ch as physical activity)

  • 8/9/2019 Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare


    !ecurity Analy'i'

    #n this >od"le to develop a sec"re and privacy-preservin opport"nistic comp"tin framework

    to provide hih reliability of $H# process and transmission while minimi*in $H# privacy

    disclos"re in m-Healthcare emerency! Specifically, we

    i) pply opport"nistic comp"tin in m-Healthcare emerency to achieve hih-reliability of $H#

    process and transmissionD and

    ii) evelop "ser-centric privacy access control to minimi*e the $H# privacy disclos"re!

    $erformance E)olution

    #n this mod"le, the performance metrics "sed in the eval"ation are E

    5) +he averae n"mber of '"alified helpers (N

  • 8/9/2019 Automatic Emergency Identifier in Mobile for Healthcare


    !imulation !etu.

    #n this >od"le, the sim"lator implements the application layer "nder the ass"mptions that the

    comm"nications between smart phones and the comm"nications between BSNs and smart

    phones are always workable when they are within each others transmission ranes!

    Re.ort generation

    #n this mod"le, Health care center enerate crystal report from the database collection for f"t"re




    8 System E $enti"m "al &ore 2!? @H*!

    8 Hard isk E 321 @B!

    8 >onitor E 5/!. and bove C& or C

    8 ;am E 2 @B!


    8 %peratin system E Windows 0

    8 &odin Can"ae E S$!Net with &F

    8 ata Base E S