autoimmune mediated encephalitis

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  • 8/12/2019 Autoimmune Mediated Encephalitis



    Autoimmune-mediated encephalitis

    Philippe Demaerel &Wim Van Dessel &Wim Van Paesschen &Rik Vandenberghe &

    Koen Van Laere &Jennifer Linn

    Received: 23 November 2010 /Accepted: 24 December 2010 /Published online: 27 January 2011# Springer-Verlag 2011

    Abstract Autoimmune-mediated encephalitis may occur as

    a paraneoplastic or as a non-paraneoplastic condition. Therole of neuroimaging in autoimmune-mediated encephalitis

    has changed in the last decade partly due to improvements

    in sequence optimisation and higher field strength and

    partly due to the discovery of an increasing number of

    antibodies to neuronal cell and cell membrane antigens.

    Imaging is important since it can support the clinical

    diagnosis particularly in the absence of antibodies. Struc-

    tural imaging findings can be subtle and are usually best

    seen on FLAIR images. A progressive as well as a

    relapsingremitting course can be observed. Autoimmune-

    mediated encephalitis is classically linked to involvement

    of the hippocampus and amygdala, but extensive changes in

    the temporal cortex, basal ganglia, hypothalamus, brain

    stem, frontal and parietal cortex are not unusual. This report

    is based on a review of the literature (except the literature in

    Japanese) and own findings in patients with autoimmune-

    mediated encephalitis.

    Keywords Limbic . Paraneoplastic . Autoantibody .

    MR imaging . Autoimmune


    Autoimmune-mediated encephalitis (AME) may occur as a

    paraneoplastic or non-paraneoplastic condition and remains,

    despite continuous advances in diagnosis and treatment,

    incompletely understood. Limbic encephalitis (LE) is prob-

    ably the best known AME, but other entities that will be

    briefly included in this review are paraneoplastic cerebellar

    degeneration and opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome.

    The term LE was introduced in 1968 in association with

    cancer but can occur in the absence of malignancy too [1].

    LE is a T-cell immune-mediated subacute neurological

    disorder with antibodies against an intracellular or

    membrane-bound antigen.

    Recently, a classification has been proposed for AME on

    the basis of the location of the antigen [2, 3]. AME better

    describes these neuroimmunological diseases than LE,

    although the latter term is still widely used. It is beyond

    the scope of this report to list all antibody (Ab)-related

    disorders but only those with frequently associated imaging


    The commonly reported antigens inside the neuron

    include Hu, CV2, amphiphysin, Ri, Yo and Ma2 and are

    often referred to as onconeural antigens. The neoplasms

    associated with these antigens are small cell lung cancer

    (SCLC), testicular tumours, ovarian teratoma and breast

    cancer, but the presence of these antigens is not necessarily

    linked to a paraneoplastic encephalitis. Antibodies to Ma2

    P. Demaerel (*) : W. Van Dessel

    Department of Radiology, University Hospitals K.U.Leuven,

    Herestraat 49,

    3000 Leuven, Belgium

    e-mail: [email protected]

    W. Van Paesschen :R. Vandenberghe

    Department of Neurology, University Hospitals K.U.Leuven,Herestraat 49,

    3000 Leuven, Belgium

    K. Van Laere

    Department of Nuclear Medicine,

    University Hospitals K.U.Leuven,

    Herestraat 49,

    3000 Leuven, Belgium

    J. Linn

    Department of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Mnchen,

    Munich, Germany

    Neuroradiology (2011) 53:837851

    DOI 10.1007/s00234-010-0832-0

  • 8/12/2019 Autoimmune Mediated Encephalitis


    are mainly associated with testicular tumours and it is not

    uncommon to find only a microscopic intratubular germ

    cell tumour without evidence of cancer in these patients [4].

    Antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) have

    been reported in stiff-person syndrome (characterized by

    symmetrical muscle rigidity and stiffness) in a non-

    paraneoplastic setting, often in association with other

    autoimmune disorders, such as insulin-dependent diabetesmellitus [57]. This syndrome has also been reported in

    association with thymoma and renal cell carcinoma [8,9].

    Antigens in the cell membrane (neuropil antobodies) include

    voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKC), and N-methyl-D-

    aspartate (NMDA), AMPA, -aminobutyric acid (GABA)

    and glycine receptors and can be associated with a neoplasm

    (e.g. thymoma, SCLC, prostate adenocarcinoma) but are often

    non-paraneoplastic. VGKC-Ab have been demonstrated in

    acquired neuromyotonia and related disorders involving the

    peripheral nervous system as well as in Morvans syndrome

    (neuromyotonia and autonomic disorders) [10].

    A separate group concerns patients with an ovarianteratoma and antigens that co-localize with EFA6A, a

    hippocampal protein upregulated by NMDA receptors and

    involved in the regulation of dendritic development of

    hippocampal neurons [11]. Ances et al. have reported five

    patients with until now unidentified neuropil Ab, different

    from the VGKC [12]. The corresponding cell membrane

    antigen co-localize with synaptophysin and spinophilin and

    are more concentrated in the hippocampus and cerebellum,

    but individual characterization has not yet been achieved.

    Antibodies against the metabotropic glutamate receptor

    type 1 (mGLuR1) have been reported in patients with

    cerebellar ataxia and Hodgkins lymphoma [13]. Antineuro-

    nal nuclear antibody type 2 (anti-Ri) has been decribed in

    opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome and breast carcinoma, but

    can occasionally be observed in association with other

    cancers [14].

    Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) has been

    linked to nine different antibodies to neuronal antigens

    including Yo, Ri, Ma, Hu and mGluR1 [15]. Ovarian, lung

    and breast cancer and Hodgkins lymphoma have been

    reported to be more often associated with PCD.

    Rasmussen encephalitis is a T-cell-mediated inflamma-

    tory disorder involving one cerebral hemisphere and

    resulting in frequent intractable seizures. Autoimmune

    antibodies may play a role in the pathogenesis, but there

    is not sufficient evidence to confirm this [16]. Rasmussen

    encephalitis will not be discussed here.


    The clinical presentation of AME may include partial

    seizures, mood and behavioural changes and cognitive

    impairment, e.g. amnestic syndrome [1719]. It has been

    suggested that the most common etiology of de novo

    temporal lobe epilepsy in adults is LE.Patients with CV2 antibodies can have chorea. Meso-

    diencephalic encephalitis can be seen in patients with Ma2

    antibodies. The antibodies that target neuronal antigens are

    thought to cause the neurological symptoms.

    The clinical features together with signs of brain

    inflammation (mild cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pleocytosis

    and CSF oligoclonal bands) justify the diagnosis of non-

    paraneoplastic AME confirmed by follow-up and absence

    of evidence of cancer.

    Adults with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome and an

    underlying malignancy present with ataxia, horizontal gaze

    paresis and often laryngospasm and jaw dystonia [14]. The

    definite diagnosis of paraneoplastic LE requires the clinical

    presentation and morphological evidence of involvement of

    the limbic system and the presence of antibodies or a

    Fig. 2 Bilateral involvement of the hippocampus and amygdala is

    seen in a patient with paraneoplastic encephalitis and a colon


    Fig. 1 Coronal FLAIR image at 3 T shows subtle lesion in the left

    amygdala in a patient with anti-GAD and anti-GABA antibodies

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    Fig. 3 Progressive bilateral (right more than left) hippocampal atrophy over a time span of 15 months in a patient with autoantibody-mediated

    encephalitis without detectable antibodies (ac)

    Fig. 4 Demonstration of extra-

    limbic lesions in non-

    paraneoplastic encephalitis (a)

    and in anti-GAD antibody en-

    cephalitis with subsequent de-

    tection of a thymoma (b)

    Fig. 5 Axial FLAIR (a) and

    gadolinium-enhanced T1-

    weighted (b) images in a non-

    paraneoplastic encephalitis

    without detectable antibodies,

    showing the irregular enhancing

    lesions in the hippocampus and

    anterior temporal lobe

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    tumour within 5 years after the onset of the symptoms


    Patients with PCD often present with ataxia, diplopia,

    nystagmus and vertigo.

    In up to 50% of the patients with clinical evidence of

    LE, no antibodies can be identified [21]. On the other hand,

    antibodies can be found in the absence of imaging and

    clinical signs of LE too. In 60% of the patients, antibodiesare detected prior to the detection of cancer.

    T he s pe ci fi ci ty f or t he p re se nc e o f a t um ou r

    is almost 100% but the sensitivity is only 60% [22].

    The search for antibodies is important and many

    of the appropriate antibody tests are commercially avail-

    able today.

    Neuropathology shows a mononuclear inflammatory cell

    infiltration, loss of neurons and proliferation of astrocytes.

    This appearance does not allow a neuropathologicalconfirmation of the paraneoplastic etiology.

    Fig. 6 Anti-VGKC antibody non-paraneoplastic encephalitis with normal MR imaging (a) but FDG-PET showed intense hypometabolism

    covering temporoparietooccipital lobes bilaterally without evidence for focal hypermetabolism (b, c)

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    Fig. 7 Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration with anti-Purkinje cell antibodies in a patient with B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma. PET/CT

    demonstrated several enlarged para-aortic and retro-esophagal lymph nodes and the supraclavicular lymph node was biopsied

    Table 1 Predilection sites of involvement in autoimmune-mediated encephalitis

    Literature findings Authors own experience

    AME with neuronal antigen (often


    GAD: hippocampus, amygdala, cerebral

    cortex (can be thymoma related)

    GAD: hippocampus, cerebral cortex (can be thymoma


    Ma2: hippocampus, amygdala,

    hypothalamus, thalamus, midbrain

    Ma2: hippocampus and anterior temporal cortex,

    hypothalamus, mammillary bodies (testicular cancer)

    CV2: CV2: hippocampus, amygdala, basal ganglia, insular cortex

    (lung cancer)

    Purkinje cell: Purkinje cell: cerebellum (B-cell lymphoma related)

    Ri: Ri: brain stem (breast cancer related)

    AME with cell membrane antigen

    (often non-paraneoplastic)

    VGKC: hippocampus, amygdala, basal


    VGKC: hippocampus, amygdala and anterior temporal


    NMDA: hippocampus, cerebral cortex NMDA: hippocampus, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia,


    AME without detectable antibodies Paraneoplastic: hippocampus and parahippocampal area

    (colon, prostate, testicular cancer)

    Non-paraneoplastic: hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus,

    anterior temporal cortex

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    Fig. 9 Anti-Ma2 antibody encephalitis in a patient with testicular

    cancer and behavioural disturbances and amnesia. Axial FLAIR

    images show bilateral involvement of the amygdala and hippocampus

    as well as pathological changes in the hypothalamus and optic chiasm

    (a,b). Follow-up imaging 8 months later show progressive swelling of

    the amygdalohippocampal region and extension into the adjacent

    anterior temporal cortex on the right side (ce). Coronal T2-weighted

    images 14 months (f) and 2 years (g) later show progressive

    hippocampal atrophy

    Fig. 8 Axial FLAIR images in anti-GAD antibody encephalitis with subsequent detection of a thymoma show bilateral cortical lesions in the

    frontal, parietal and temporal lobes (ac)

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    Introduction and general findings

    MR imaging is the modality of choice for demonstrating the

    pathological changes associated with AME. It is accepted that

    approximately 70% of patients who have LE get abnormal-

    ities in the temporal lobes [23]. However, imaging can remain

    normal in a subset of cases and changes can be extremely

    subtle particularly at the early stage of the disease (Fig. 1).

    AME typically involves the hippocampus and amygdala

    on one or both sides and then corresponds to LE (Fig. 2).

    Fig. 10 Anti-CV2 antibody encephalitis in a patient with a neuroendocrine tumour. Axial FLAIR images (ad) show involvement of the left

    amygdala, hippocampus, the anterior temporal cortex and white matter and the right lentiform and caudate nucleus

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    At presentation, a swelling of these structures is best seen

    on FLAIR images and is associated with a variable degree

    of increased signal [24]. In case reports, diffusion-weighted

    imaging has shown high signal within the affected areas,

    with or without decreased apparent diffusion coefficient

    [25,26]. Follow-up will often show atrophy of the affected

    area (Fig.3).

    Extralimbic paraneoplastic brain lesions are increasinglybeing reported [18] (Fig. 4). Both focal and meningeal

    contrast enhancement have been reported but are very

    unusual [11,22,27,28] (Fig.5). In general, it is not possible

    to differentiate paraneoplastic from non-paraneoplastic AME.

    Functional imaging is extremely helpful and more often

    demonstrates bilateral abnormalities that are complementa-

    ry to structural imaging findings [29] (Fig. 6). Even in the

    absence of structural MRI abnormalities, fluorodeoxyglu-

    cose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) may show

    hypermetabolism in the medial temporal lobe [12, 3032].

    PET proved to offer additional information compared with

    MRI and may have potential for clinical course predictionand treatment follow-up [12]. In paraneoplastic cerebellar

    degeneration, cerebellar hypometabolism is more often seen

    than structural MRI changes [33].

    Whole-body FDG-PET also plays a clear role for tumour

    detection for patients with paraneoplastic antibodies and no

    evidence of a tumour on structural imaging [34]. Ideally,

    whole-body FDG-PET/CT is recommended and can replace

    the combined chest and abdominal CT (Fig. 7)[35,36].

    We reviewed 19 patients, 14 presented with antibodies

    and 5 without antibodies. Seizures were the most common

    clinical presentation, followed by behavioural and mood

    changes. In nine patients, a tumour was found. Brain

    imaging findings were normal in two patients: one patient

    with Hodgkins lymphoma, anti-MGluR1 antibodies and a

    PCD and one patient with anti-GABA and anti-GAD

    antibodies in a non-paraneoplastic setting.

    Eleven patients had involvement of the amygdalohippo-

    campal region, four presented with initial bilateral lesions

    and four with unilateral hippocampal abnormalities, and in

    three patients, there was progression from a unilateral to a

    bilateral involvement. Diffusion-weighted MRI was avail-

    able in all patients and showed restricted diffusion in two

    cases. The initial extent of involvement did not influence

    outcome. Progressive atrophy occurred in most cases on

    follow-up. The imaging findings are summarized in Table 1

    and are discussed in detail below.

    Imaging in AME with antigens inside the neuron

    Antibodies against GAD have been associated with para-

    neoplastic and non-paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis [6,

    Fig. 11 Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration with anti-Purkinje cellantibodies in a patient with B-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The first

    examination was obtained because of dizziness and unsteady gait and

    showed subtle lesions in the cerebellum on both sides (a). Follow-up

    1 month later shows progression of the lesion in the left hemisphere

    (b) and progressive atrophy after 2 months (c)

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    37]. Bilateral involvement of the amygdala and hippocam-

    pus has been described as well as extratemporal cortical

    lesions. Vernino and Lennon have reported 12 patients with

    thymoma-related encephalopathy, 9 of whom had limbic

    abnormalities and 3 had extralimbic cortical lesions [8].

    VGKC and GAD were amongst the detected antibodies.

    We have seen one patient with anti-GAD antibody

    positive encephalitis who presented with several corticallesions and in whom a thymoma was found (Fig. 8).

    Following the resection of the thymoma, the patient

    recovered completely.

    In one patient with anti-GAD and GABA antibodies,

    imaging showed subtle involvement of the hippocampal

    region, and in another one, imaging was normal. In anti-

    Ma2 encephalitis, MRI changes can be seen in the

    amygdalohippocampal region but are frequently located in

    the hypothalamus, thalamus and midbrain. Contrast en-

    hancement has been reported [38].

    In two patients with anti-Ma2 antibodies, we found

    bilateral hippocampal lesions in both with extension in the

    anterior temporal cortex and with abnormalities in the

    hypothalamus and mammillary bodies in one (Fig. 9) [4].

    The patient with anti-CV2 antibodies had initially relaps-ingremitting lesions in the caudate and lentiform nucleus

    and later involvement of the amygdala and hippocampus

    with extension in the insular cortex (Fig. 10).

    There was bilateral but asymmetrical involvement of the

    hippocampus with extension into the parahippocampal area in

    the two other patients with AME and a tumour but without

    detectable antibodies.

    Fig. 12 Anti-Ri antibody encephalitis in a patient with a history of breast carcinoma and spastic tetraparesis and sensorimotor polyneuropathy.

    Axial T2 (a, b) and FLAIR (c, d) images show the diffuse involvement of the medulla oblongata and pons

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    Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration has been associ-

    ated with at least nine antineuronal antibodies. In a large

    series of 50 patients with PCD, there was no evidence of

    intracranial lesions in the acute stage [15]. There have been

    reports of cerebellar atrophy after several months. We

    observed cerebellar lesions in one patient with anti-Purkinje

    cell antibodies and a B-cell lymphoma (Fig. 11). Two

    patients with anti-Ri antibodies had involvement of thebrain stem (Figs. 12 and13).

    In a series of eight patients with opsoclonus-myoclonus

    syndrome and cancer who underwent brain MR imaging,

    MRI was normal in five cases, temporal lobe lesions shown

    in two patients and dorsal brain stem lesions in one patient

    [14]. We found focal lesions in the dorsal brain stem in our

    patient (Fig. 13).

    Imaging in AME with antigens in the cell membrane

    (neuropil antobodies)

    AME due to VGKC-Ab is usually non-paraneoplastic. In

    3 series of 27 patients, bilateral medial temporal lobe

    involvement was seen in 18 (66%) patients and unilateral

    involvement in 7 patients [7,10,39]. Imaging was normal

    in two patients. Involvement of the basal ganglia has been

    reported. We found extension of the unilateral MR

    changes beyond the hippocampus involving the amygdala

    and anterior temporal cortex in two patients with VGKC

    antibodies (Fig. 14). MR imaging was normal in the third

    patient but FDG-PET of the brain showed extended and

    intense hypometabolism covering temporoparietooccipital

    lobes bilaterally without evidence for focal hypermetabo-lism. Extralimbic frontal involvement has been reported in

    NMDA Ab-related encephalopathy [40], but MR imaging

    often remains normal too. Our patient with anti-NMDA

    had extensive lesions in the basal ganglia, thalamus,

    hippocampus and cortex (Fig. 15). In the remaining three

    patients, no Ab were found. Bilateral asymmetrical hippo-

    campal involvement was seen in one patient, unilateral

    hippocampal involvement in another patient and left amygda-

    lohippocampal involvement with extension in the anterior

    temporal cortex and thalamus in the third patient (Fig.16).

    The patients with ovarian teratoma and antibodies to

    antigens that co-localize with EFA6A were characterized by

    the absence of limbic abnormalities in more than 60% of

    the patients and medial temporal lobe lesions were absent.

    Instead, a wide variation of cerebral and cerebellar cortical

    lesions is seen as well as brain stem involvement. Normal

    imaging findings have been reported too.

    Differential diagnosis

    Hashimoto encephalopathy has to be considered as a

    differential diagnosis. It is found in patients with autoim-

    mune thyroiditis which is associated with high levels of

    anti-thyroid antibodies in serum and CSF. Non-specific MR

    changes such as atrophy and white matter lesion occur in

    50% of the patients. They often present with symptoms

    similar to those in (non)paraneoplastic encephalitis. Hashi-

    moto encephalopathy can be seen in association with

    Sjgrens syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. A

    common feature of these diseases is the steroid responsive-

    ness, but involvement of the limbic system on MR imaging

    Fig. 13 Anti-Ri antibody encephalitis in opsoclonus-myoclonus

    without detectable neoplasm. Axial FLAIR (a, b) images show

    involvement of the midbrain and medulla oblongata on the right side

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    is lacking. Steroid responsive LE has been reported and

    anti-white matter antibodies were detected [41].

    Wernicke Korsakoff encephalopathy, Herpes simplex me-

    ningoencephalitis and gliomatosis cerebri or low grade glioma

    are to be considered amongst the differential diagnoses because

    of predominant involvement of the temporal lobe and/or

    thalamus. In the rare case with contrast enhancement, malignant

    tumours should be included in the differential diagnosis.Acute non-herpetic LE has been reported in Japan. In

    these cases, bilateral swelling of the medial temporal lobe

    was seen on MRI. The neurological signs and laboratory

    findings were similar to paraneoplastic LE but there is no

    evidence of a tumour [42].

    Postictal changes after prolonged seizures can also result

    in MR changes involving the medial temporal lobe.

    Clinically, it can be difficult to distinguish metabolic

    encephalopathy, Alzheimers disease or primary psychiatric

    disorders from (non)paraneoplastic encephalitis.

    Occasionally, the imaging findings may resemble

    po st er io r re ve rs ib le en ce ph al op at hy sy nd ro me , an

    expression of neurotoxicity through a T-cell immune-

    mediated response.

    Treatment and prognosis

    In paraneoplastic neurological disorders, the search for a

    tumour and tumour treatment are mandatory and can

    result in a rapid improvement of the neurological signs

    and symptoms. Plasma exchange and long-term immu-

    nomodulation with intravenous immunoglobulins, in

    combination with high dose intravenous corticosteroids,

    are the classical treatments of AME. Generally speaking,

    therapy response is better in patients with antineural

    antibodies against cell membrane antigens, e.g. in

    Fig. 14 Anti-VGKC antibody non-paraneoplastic encephalitis with

    unilateral involvement of the amygdala, hippocampus and adjacent

    anterior medial temporal cortex on the left side (ad). Note the

    swelling of the amygdala and hippocampus on initial presentation

    with limited increase of signal intensity (a). FDG-PET at the same

    time showed hypermetabolism in the left anterior temporal lobe (e).

    Ictal perfusion imaging with 99mTc-ECD SPECT, co-registered with

    MR images, clearly showed an ictal onset zone at this region (f)

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    patients withVGKC antibodies an improvement can be

    observed with immune therapy in 507 0% of t he

    patients. Good therapeutic response has been reported

    in patients with a history of a treated adenocarcinoma

    and paraneoplastic encephalitis with anti-Hu antibodies

    several years later [24].


    AME is a complex immune-mediated disorder. Our insight

    in its pathogenesis is improving, and although it is a rare

    disorder, the disease is probably under-recognized. A wide

    range of structural and functional imaging findings is being

    Fig. 14 (continued)

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    Fig. 15 Anti-NMDA antibody non-paraneoplastic encephalitis with extralimbic lesions in the caudate nucleus, the lentiform nucleus and

    thalamus (a, b). Not the evidence of diffusion restriction on the apparent diffusion coefficient map ( c)

    Fig. 16 Limbic encephalitis

    without antibodies and without

    detectable neoplasm. Involve-

    ment of the hippocampus,

    amygdala and adjacent anteriortemporal cortex is visible on the

    initial examination (a, b). On

    the follow-up scan 1 month lat-

    er, the bilateral lesions are better

    seen (c). Follow-up 2 weeks

    later shows further extension of

    the lesions in the temporal lobe

    on the left side and a periven-

    tricular lesion (d, e)

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    reported. Temporal lobe changes are common but often

    extension beyond the amygdala and hippocampus is seen,

    involving extralimbic structures. MR imaging plays an

    important role in the diagnosis because of the non-specific

    clinical presentation.


    Paraneoplastic encephalitis often precedes the clinical

    manifestations of cancer with a delay of several


    Both limbic and/or extralimbic lesions can be observed

    in paraneoplastic encephalitis and in non-paraneoplastic

    (limbic) encephalitis. The imaging findings can be subtle

    and are usually better seen on (coronal) FLAIR images.

    A progressive as well as a relapsingremitting course can

    be seen.

    MRI can play an important role in reaching the correct

    diagnosis in patients without Ab, which can be of

    importance in the rapid initiation of a treatment. Structural and functional imaging play an important

    role in the screening for associated tumours.

    Conflict of interest We declare that we have no conflict of interest.


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