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  • 8/14/2019 AutoCAD Map


    AutoCAD Map 3D Help>Glossary


    Layer definition file. In AutoCAD Map 3D, a file that saves all of the informationneeded to recreate a layer, that is, the references to the source data and the stylesthat have been applied to it.

    adjacent sheet block

    An annotationblock used to indicate adjacent tiles.


    Text and graphics used to dynamically label objects in a drawing.

    annotation definitions

    Specially createdblockscontaining attributes with Map expression assigned to theattribute properties. Used with drawing data.


    Data that depicts the final installed configuration (physical or functional). As-builtdata incorporates any field markups on the original construction drawings.


    Data that depicts the original plan for construction or installation, for example, thedesign for a new electric service or a new pipe installation.


    Direction of ground slope.

    attributes or attribute data

    Tabular data that describes the characteristics offeaturesordrawing objects, forexample, the number of lanes and pavement-type belonging to a road. Forfeatures, attributes can be stored with the geometry, or stored in a database andjoined to feature data. For drawing objects, attributes are stored in a database and

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    linked to selected drawing objects. See alsoproperty,external dataandobjectdata.

    auto-generated field (metadata)

    A type of field in the Metadata feature, the value of which is derived from thedata source, and populated automatically by AutoCAD Map 3D. Metadata auto-generation is triggered by selecting the resource in the Metadata Viewer. See also:forced-update field

    AutoCAD layer

    A layer in AutoCAD. An AutoCAD layer differs from a map layer you create inDisplay Manager. See alsolayer,drawing layer, feature layer, orsurface layer.

    Autodesk Design Review

    The free viewer and editor for the DWF file format (formerly DWF Viewer).


    A clockwise angle measured from a reference meridian. Also known as northazimuth. It can range from 0 to 360 degrees. A negative azimuth is converted to aclockwise value.


    An angle measured from North or South, whichever is nearest, with the addeddesignation of East or West. The angle is always less than 90 degrees (PI/2radians or 100 grads) and is usually referenced by a quadrant number.

    best route analysis

    Calculates the shortest path or optimal route from a start point in a drawing, oneor more intermediate points, and back to the start point. For example, the bestroute to follow on a street map when visiting multiple customer sites.


    In AutoCAD or AutoCAD Map 3D, compound objects that have been saved forreuse in the drawing or in multiple drawings, for example, a North arrow. InMapGuide Studio, blocks are converted into symbols when they are loaded. Seealsosymbol.


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    A zone of a specific radius created around a selected feature. Used to selectfeatures within a specific distance of another feature. In AutoCAD Map 3D, youcan define buffers for drawing topologies and for features, but you define themdifferently.

    buffer fence

    A fence, or line, at a specified distance from a center line. Used to define aselection boundary.


    For contours that contain curves, the bulge value is a maximum mid-ordinatedistance along a polyline curve. If the mid-ordinate distance is longer thanspecified, then points are added to better define the shape of the curve.

    The bulge factor can add more vertices to a polyline curve, making it appear morecurve-like. The smaller the value, the more vertices are added.

    Cartesian coordinate system

    A global coordinate systemdefined using three perpendicular axes (X, Y, and Z)to specify locations in three-dimensional space. Compare with sphericalcoordinate system.

    cartographic coordinate system

    A global coordinate system that is referenced directly to anellipsoid. Comparewith geodetic coordinate system.


    Points orblocks that are part of a polygon in a drawing topology. The centroidholds information about the polygons area and perimeter.

    chained join

    An advanced type of join, where two or more secondary tables are joined to a

    primary table in a chain-like fashion, that is primary linked to secondary linked toanother secondary and so on.


    Seefeature class andobject class.

    classified DWG

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    An AutoCAD Map 3D DWG (drawing) file that contains object classes, and usesthem to represent real-world objects in the drawing. A DWG file that containsobject class definitions, but does not have any objects to which these definitionsare applied, is not considered a classified DWG.

    clustered nodes

    Nodes within a specified tolerance of one another.


    Short for Coordinate Geometry. COGO inquiry commands extract geometricinformation from drawing objects such as lines, curves, closed polylines, andpolygons. This information is useful if you want to verify the accuracy of yourdata, or send the data to the field. Inquiry commands are specific to drawingobjects. They dont work on features.


    A specific category of information in a table, such as Address or Diameter, alsocalled a field. See alsotable.

    compound element (metadata)

    A group of data elements in the FGDC Standard. A compound element canconsist of individual data elements, other compound elements, or both.

    conformal projection, conformality

    Conformal projections maintain local angles. A map projection is conformal whenthe scale is the same in every direction at any point. Meridians and parallelsintersect at right angles; the shape of small areas and angles with very short sidesare preserved. Most larger area sizes are distorted.

    conic projection

    A map projection in which the earths surface is drawn as it would appear ifprojected on a cone wrapped around the earth. The Lambert Conformal Conic is

    often used for maps of the continental United States, France, and other countries.


    In a database, a restriction specified for a certain feature class, which is validatedwhen a new feature is added to that class. For example, a "minor road" featureclass may have a constraint that specifies that the speed attribute must always be25, 30, or 50 miles per hour.

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    continuous data

    Data that can fall anywhere in a broad range. When creating a theme, continuousdata is usually organized into smaller ranges that show data trends. For example,property value is continuous data that can be placed into the ranges 0 to $50,000,

    $50,000 to $100,000, and over $100,000, with each range displayed in a differentcolor. Compare with discrete data.

    contour lines

    A line that connects points of the same elevation or value relative to a specifiedreference datum. The lines can help you determine the elevation at a specificlocation on a surface, help clarify and analyze the 3D surface terrain, and helpwith things like navigation.

    control points

    Locations with established latitude and longitude, and often elevation, used foraccuracy and precise location of maps. A system of geodetic control points coversthe entire United States. Similar systems exist for all countries, such as BenchMarks and Trigonometry Points in the United Kingdom. See also monuments,geodetic coordinate system.

    coordinate geometry commands


    coordinate system

    Seeglobal coordinate system.


    The user ID and password needed to connect to a database.

    cylindrical projection

    A map projection, in which the earths surface is drawn as it would appear if

    projected on a cylinder wrapped around the earth in a north-south direction.Compare with transverse cylindrical projection. See alsoMercator projectionandconic projection.


    A link or line, one end of which lacks a connection to another link or node.

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    Data Connect

    The window you use to connect a geospatial data storeto your map. You specifyeach feature class from that data store to add to your map.

    data element (metadata)

    A single piece of data that can be entered directly, as a value in a field. In theMetadata feature, single data elements are expressed as fields to be completedwith values defined in the FGDC standard. See also:compound element.

    data provider

    A recognized FDOfeature source provider, used to connect to geospatial data.

    data source

    A UDL (universal data link) file that points to a collection of data and providesinformation on how to access the data.

    data store

    In FDO, a collection offeature classescontained in a single storage location. Thedata store consists of an integrated set of objects, which are modeled by classes orfeature classes defined within one or more schemas. Data stores can be either file-based, such as SDF, or a database, such as Oracle Spatial. See also FDO provider.

    Data Table

    In AutoCAD Map 3D, the FDO-based grid that allows you to view and editattributes of selected map features, perform searches, and work with selectionsets.

    database query

    A set of conditions for specifying the selection of records from a database.External database queries, also called views, are created using your databasesoftware and can be run from theMap Explorertab of the Task Pane. See also

    map query.


    A mathematical model that provides a smooth approximation of the earthssurface. Each datum includes both an ellipsoid, which specifies the size and shapeof the earth, and a base point for latitude and longitude. If two maps use different

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    datums, points on the map may not line up. Also called a geodetic coordinatesystem.


    Digital Elevation Model. A file that contains a representation of surface terrain.The surface is stored as a grid in which each cell can have any one of severaldifferent meanings, such as elevation, color, density, and so on.


    To convert existing data from paper maps, aerial photos, or raster images intodigital form by tracing the maps on a digitizer. Object locations are recorded asX,Y coordinates.

    discrete data

    Data that falls into explicit categories. For afeature layerthat uses a theme, eachvalue is displayed differently. For example, an agricultural thematic map mightshow each crop in a different color. Compare withcontinuous data.

    display information

    A description of the appearance of a drawing object: includes items such as layer,color, hatch pattern, and line type.

    Display Manager

    A view of the Task Panethat shows the Display Manager layers in your currentdisplay map, and has commands for styling and managing those layers. To viewDisplay Manager, select its tab in the Task Pane.

    Display Manager layer

    A set of objects in Display Manager. The set could be all the objects on a layer orin a feature class, or objects that share a certain property. Each layer can bestylized or themed individually.

    display map

    A set of map presentations, consisting ofDisplay Manager layers, that can bestored in a DWG file.

    display properties

    Same as display information.

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    To remove the boundaries that exist between polygons sharing a specific attribute.


    To use a pattern of solid dots to simulate more colors than are actually availablewhen displaying images.

    domain (metadata)

    In the Metadata feature, the domain refers to element values that are defined asvalid within the FGDC Standard. A domain can be a list of pre-defined values in amenu, a range of numbers, free-form text, or any other type of value that can beassigned to a given field.

    dot variable

    Variable that refers to an object property. It consists of a period (.) followed bythe variable name for that property. Dot variables can be entered in expressionsused for building a template file for Report mode queries and for propertyalteration. See also queryand expression.


    The process of overlaying featuresor a rasterimage on a surface so that thefeatures or the image reflect the underlying terrain.


    The process of overlaying a set offeatures or a rasterimage on a surface so thatthe features or the image reflect the underlying terrain.

    drawing layer

    A layer in Display Managerthat contains drawing objectsfrom a DWG file. SeealsoAutoCAD layer, feature layer, layer, surface layer.

    drawing layerdrawing source

    A layer in Display Managerthat contains drawing objects from a DWG file. SeealsoAutoCAD layer, drawing layer,feature layer, andsurface layer.

    In AutoCAD Map 3D, a drawing source is a drawing (DWG) file and also itsassociated information, such as attached drawing files, drawing-based featureclasses, linked template data, and topologies.

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    drawing objects

    Objects that exist in a drawing file (DWG) or come from an attached drawing.Compare to features.

    drawing set

    The set ofsource drawings attached to a drawing.

    drawing source

    In AutoCAD Map 3D, a drawing source is a drawing (DWG) file and also itsassociated information, such as attached drawing files, drawing-based featureclasses, linked template data, and topologies. Compare with feature source.

    drive alias

    The mechanism that points to the folder where attached DWG files are stored.

    drive alias

    In AutoCAD Map 3D, the mechanism that points to the folder where attachedDWG files are stored.


    Digital Terrain Elevation Data.

    duplicate objects

    Objects that share the same start and end points. Object types that can beconsidered duplicate include linear objects, points, blocks, text, and mtext.


    An Autodesk file format for sharing 2D, 3D, and spatially-enabled design data.DWF files are easy to publish and view on the Web. See alsogeoreferencedDWF, Design Review.


    Drawing file. The Autodesk file format for storing 2D, 3D, and spatially-enableddesign data.

    edge matching

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    A DWG cleanup function available in AutoCAD Map 3D that allows fordistortion between adjacent maps, and produces a true match of drawing objectsat the edges of maps.


    When users decide to lock objects in Oracle Spatial, those objects areimmediately locked. Edits of locked objects are put into an EditSet. You can thenupdate the database, which updates the locked records with the contents of theEditSet.

    element (Oracle Spatial database)

    The basic building block of an Oracle Spatialgeometry (Oracle Spatial database).The supported spatial element types are points, line strings, and polygons. Forexample, elements might model water wells (point clusters), roads (line strings),

    and county boundaries (polygons).


    The vertical distance from a datum to a point or object on the Earth's surface. Thedatum is generally considered to be at sea level. Equivalent to the Z coordinate inan XYZ coordinate system.


    An approximation of the earths shape that does not account for variations caused

    by the nonuniform density of the earth. Synonymous with spheroid. See alsogeoid.

    equal area

    A map projection in which every part, as well as the whole, has the same area asthe corresponding part on the earth, at the same reduced scale. No flat map can beequal area and represent true shape.

    equidistant projections

    Projections showing true distances only from the center of the projection or alonga special set of lines. No flat map can be both equidistant and equal area.


    Seevertical exaggeration.


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    An automatic calculation used to specify values for URL, tooltip, and featurelabels. For example, you might create a text expression that specifies a state nameand population for a label. To express the population in millions, you might applya number expression that divides the population value by 1,000,000.

    expression evaluator

    The mechanism that analyzes the statement you enter in the Expression box in theOutput Report Options dialog box or the Property Alteration dialog box.

    external data

    Attribute data linked to a drawing object but contained in a database apart fromthe drawing file. See also attributes or attribute dataandobject data.


    Feature Data Objects. An Autodesk software standard and general purpose APIfor accessing features and geospatial data regardless of the underlying data store.See also features, feature class.

    FDO provider

    An implementation of the FDO API that provides access to data in a particulardata store, such as an Oracle or ArcSDE database, or to a file-based data store,such as SDF or SHP.

    feature class

    For feature data, a schema element that describes a type of real-world object. Itincludes a class name and property definitions. Commonly used to refer to a set offeatures of a particular class, for example, the feature class "roads" or the featureclass "hydrants." See also FDO,property, schema.

    Feature Data Objects


    feature layer

    A layer in Display Managercontainingfeatures from a feature source such asSDF, ESRI SHP, or ArcSDE. Feature layers are brought in using Data Connect.See also AutoCAD layer, layer, drawing layer, orsurface layer.

    feature source

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    In AutoCAD Map 3D, any source of feature data that has been connected bymeans ofFDO. In MapGuide Studio, one of the two types of resources createdeither by loading file-based data or by connecting to a spatial database. Featuresources are stored in the repository either in SDF 3 format or as databaseconnections and contain raw geometry only. Compare with drawing source.


    An abstraction of a natural or man-made real world object. A spatial feature hasone or more geometric properties. For example, a road feature might berepresented by a line, and a hydrant might be represented by a point. A non-spatial feature does not have geometry, but can be related to a spatial feature thatdoes. For example, a road feature may contain a sidewalk feature that is definedas not containing any geometry. In AutoCAD Map 3D, features are accessed andadded to maps using Data Connect (FDO). See alsoattributes or attribute data.Compare to drawing objects.

    FGDC CSDGM Standard

    Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata. A standard XML schema forpublishing and sharing GIS metadata , released by the United States FederalGeographic Data Committee (FGDC) in 1998. The schema is comprised of sevenmajor sections, each of which contains several individual data elements andcompound elements. Depending upon the nature of the GIS data, each section,element, and compound element is mandatory, optional, or conditional(mandatory if applicable).


    A specific category of information in a data file, such as Address or Diameter.Also called a column. See also table.

    filtered record

    A record that matches the conditions of an SQL filter or spatial filter and istherefore available for selection.

    flood trace

    For a network topology, a trace that begins at a specified point and traces out inall directions for a specified distance or resistance.

    forced-update field

    A type ofauto-generated field in the Metadata feature, the value of which isrequired to be derived from the data source within a GIS resource, according to

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    the rules of the FGDC Standard. Forced-update fields are updated each timemetadata is updated.


    A method of reducing the number of vertices in the source data by a specificpercentage.

    geodetic coordinate system

    A coordinate system that is referenced directly to a datum. Compare withcartographic coordinate system.

    geographic analysis

    Analytical techniques that identify existing conditions of a geographic location, a

    spatial area, or a linear network, and predict the effects of certain future events onthese features.

    geographic data

    Information about geographic features. Seefeatures.


    An ellipsoid with a highly irregular surface used to describe the shape of theearth. See also ellipsoid.

    geometry (Oracle Spatial database)

    The representation of a spatial feature, modeled as an ordered set of primitiveelements.

    geometry mapping

    The process of transforming the geometry elements of AutoCAD Map 3D objectsto Oracle Spatial geometry, and transforming the geometry elements of therecords back to AutoCAD Map 3D objects.

    georeferenced DWF

    A DWF file published by AutoCAD Map 3D or AutoCAD Civil 3D 2008 thatcontains a global coordinate system and defined latitude and longitudecoordinates based on the WGS84 datum. See alsoDWF,Design Review.

    georeferenced image

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    An image that references real-world coordinates in its correlation source.Example: Georeferenced images include GeoSPOT, GeoTIFF, and images thatuse world files as their correlation source.


    A type of tagged image file format (TIFF) that supports georeferencinginformation.

    GIS (Geographic Information System)

    A computerized decision support system that integrates geographic data, attributedata, and other spatially-referenced data. A GIS is used to capture, store, retrieve,analyze, and display spatial data.

    global coordinate system

    A method that converts the earths spherical coordinates representing latitude andlongitude into an AutoCAD Map 3D drawings Cartesian coordinate system, andaccounts for the curvature of the earths surface with a projection. A coordinatesystem is usually defined by a projection, an ellipsoid definition, a datumdefinition, one or more standard parallels, and a central meridian.

    grid surface



    A regular pattern used to fill an area with a series of cross-angled lines.


    The addition of shading to a surface to suggest three-dimensionality, shadow, ordegrees of light and dark. Hillshading adds shading by casting the sun's lightacross a surface from the direction and angle you specify.

    inner join

    A type of join where records in the primary table are displayed only if there is amatching record in the joined secondary table. See also join, left outer join.

    intersection (expression)

    Two or more conditions joined with the logical operator And. An item is selectedonly if the item meets all specified conditions. Compare with union.

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    intersection (geometry)

    The location where one line, surface, or solid crosses another so as to have one ormore points in common.


    A relationship that is established between attribute data and feature sources for thepurposes of creating a new view of the data or for ad-hoc analysis.


    An advanced raster image format from Joint Photographics Expert Group,featuring options for lossless compression, wavelet compression, incrementaldecompression, and support for up to 48-bit color.

    key column

    One or more columns in a table whose values are used to uniquely identify arecord. To provide useful links, a key column should contain a unique value foreach record. Also called a key field.

    key value

    A value stored on an object that specifies that value to match in the key field of atable.

    key view

    In a map book, an overview of the entire map with the current tile boundariesdisplayed.


    Text placed on or near a map featurethat describes or identifies it.


    The first part of a spherical coordinate system used to record positions on theearths surface. Latitude indicates the angular distance north or south of theequator. See also longitude.


    A resource that references a feature source or a drawing source. The layercontains styling and theming information, and optionally a collection of scale

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    ranges. You add a layer to your map usingDisplay Manager. Specific types oflayers are drawing layer,feature layer, andsurface layer.

    layout template

    In a map book, a named composition of viewports and annotation in paperspace.It includes the intended paper size and output scale for plotting and publishing.See also map book template.

    left outer join

    A type of join where all records in the primary table are displayed, whether or notthey have a matching record in the joined, secondary table.


    LIght Detection And Ranging. A remote-sensing method that can be used togenerate an image of a surface.

    link (external databases)

    The connection between a drawing object and its related database data. The linkdata is stored on the linked drawing object and contains the name of the linktemplate and the key value used to identify the associated record in the linkedtable. An object may have more than one link.

    link (geometry)

    An element of geometry that connects nodes. In a polygon topology, a linkdefines a polygon edge. Links can contain vertices and true arcs, and can berepresented as a line, polyline, or arc. See also node.

    link template

    A data structure that contains the path information to a database table andspecifies one or more key fields in that table.


    To make all or part of a disk file read-only so that it cannot be modified by otherusers on a network. Object locking applies to objects that are being edited byanother user. File locking applies to entire files, for example when an AutoCADuser wants to open a file while the file is being edited in AutoCAD Map 3D.

    logical operator

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    A symbol such as And, Or, Not, =, >, >=,

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    A systematic representation of a spherical body, such as the earth, in a flat(planar) surface. Each map projection has specific properties that make it suitablefor specific mapping needs.

    map query

    A set of conditions that specify the selection of drawing objects from sourcedrawings. Conditions in a Map query can be based on the location or properties ofan object or on data stored in the drawing or in a linked database table. See alsotopology query anddatabase query.

    map tile

    A specific region of a map (model space view) for use on an individual sheet.


    A software platform for distributing spatial data over the Internet or on anintranet. Exists in two versions: Open Source (supported by the community) andEnterprise (supported by Autodesk). (

    MapGuide Server

    The Autodesk MapGuide component that hosts MapGuide services and respondsto requests from client applications through TCP/IP protocol.

    MapGuide Studio

    The Autodesk MapGuide component that handles all aspects of collecting andpreparing geospatial data for distribution on the Internet (except custom coding).

    MapGuide Viewer (AJAX viewer)

    The version of the MapGuide Viewer component that does not need a download(also known as zero-client viewer). It works with Microsoft Internet Explorer,running on Windows, or with browsers such as Firefox on other operatingsystems, such as MacOS or Linux.

    MapGuide Viewer (DWF Viewer)

    The version of the MapGuide Viewer component that is based on a MicrosoftActiveX Control and has full support for the DWF format. It works with theMicrosoft Internet Explorer browser only.

    MapGuide Web Server Extensions

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    The MapGuide component that exposes the services offered by the MapGuideServer to client applications over the Internet or on an intranet using HTTPprotocol.

    Mercator projection

    A map projection, designed by Gerhardus Mercator, in which the earths surface isdrawn as it would appear if projected on a cylinder wrapped around the earth. Seealsocylindrical projection.


    A great circle passing through both poles, corresponding to a line of longitude.


    Data about data. In the GIS context, metadata consists of information thatdescribes the essential characteristics of geospatial data sets. See also: FGDCCSDGM Standard


    Features with known coordinates, used to establish accurate and precise locationon a map. See also control points.


    A polygon object. A polygon differs from a closed polyline in that it storesinformation about its inner and outer boundaries.

    naming scheme

    The method of determining an individual map tile name. Examples includecolumn/row, sequential, and data driven.

    network analysis, network flood trace

    Seeflood trace.

    network topology

    A description of the spatial relationship between linear drawing objects (links and,sometimes, nodes). For example, a network topology can represent pipelines,streets, electrical transmission lines, and rivers.


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    A single point or a link end point or intersection in a topology. A node can berepresented as a block or point object.

    node topology

    A description of the spatial relationship between geographic point objects in adrawing. Examples of node topologies include point sources of pollution and roadsigns.


    In a theme, the scaling of data values relative to another data value. A commonexample is adjusting the thematic value based on the area, length, or perimeter ofthe entity.

    object class

    All the drawing objects that have been created using a specific object classdefinition. Use object classification to organize objects in your drawing based onthe real-world features they represent, such as roads. Object classes allow you tocreate new objects that automatically have the appropriate properties and valuesfor objects in your drawing. See also feature class.

    object class definition

    A definition of how to create a classified drawing object in a drawing. An objectclass definition can include information about the object type, default properties

    of the object, or default data that should be attached to the object.

    object data

    Attribute data attached to an object and stored in the drawing file. Compare withexternal data.


    Open Geospatial Consortium. A non-profit, international, voluntary consensusstandards organization that leads the development of standards for geospatial and

    location based services. (

    one-to-many join

    A join in which one record in the primary table corresponds to more than onerecord in the secondary table.

    one-to-one join

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    A join in which one record in the primary table corresponds to one record in thesecondary table.

    OpenGIS Agent

    The component of the MapGuide Server Web Extensions that implements anumber of the OpenGIS Web-mapping protocols to expose the services offered bythe MapGuide Server to standards-based OpenGIS clients.

    Oracle schema

    See schema.

    Oracle Spatial (OSE) feature

    An earlier version of the Feature Data Objects (FDO) feature, used to store maps

    in Oracle Spatial.


    Open Source Geospatial Foundation. A foundation created to support and buildthe highest-quality open source geospatial software. The foundation's goal is toencourage the use and collaborative development of community-led projects.(


    To create a new topology by combining elements of two distinct topologies. Atleast one of the original topologies must be a polygon topology.


    In MapGuide, a compressed file that can speed up the process of loading dataonto the server. Large source-data files can be zipped up in this file format andsaved to a network location or copied to a CD.


    A degree of latitude that circles the earth parallel to the Equator.

    path trace

    For a network topology, a trace begins at a specified point, finds the shortestdistance to another point and is based on resistance (the length by default).

    persistent locking

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    The ability to edit checked-out objects while you are offline, and then save yourchanges back to the data source when you return online.


    Specifies location and size of elements (viewports, scale bar, north arrow, legend)in a map sheet.

    plot template block

    An AutoCAD block that contains plotting information such as title page text, plotlayouts, legend, and other map annotations.


    A polygon is a closed area that stores information about its inner and outer

    boundaries, and about other polygons nested within it or grouped with it. In apolygon topology, the polygon can be enclosed by any lines or arcs in thedrawing. In addition, AutoCAD Map 3D supports a polygon object, sometimescalled an mpolygon or mapping polygon.

    polygon topology

    A description of the spatial relationship between geographic area features.Polygon topologies contain geometric links, nodes, and centroids. Examples ofpolygon topologies are land use and land cover maps, political boundaries,parcels, and soil types.

    primary key

    The property whose value uniquely identifies each feature within a feature class.Many feature classes use a single property for this purpose, for example,FeatureId. However, a feature class could have a list of properties such as streetnumber, street name, and street type to uniquely identify a house address. Youcannot edit primary key values for joined data.

    prime meridian

    The line of longitude drawn through Greenwich, England, used as the origin forlongitude measurements.


    User-defined settings specific to a given drawing.


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    Forfeature data, a single attribute of a class. A class is described by one or moreproperty definitions. For example, a Road feature class may have properties calledName, NumberLanes, or Location. See also attibute.

    property alteration definition

    The definition of properties you want to change during a query.

    property data

    Values associated with a geographic object, such as river depth, road width, orpipe diameter. In AutoCAD Map 3D, these items are represented as blockattributes, values in object data tables, or values in a linked external database.

    pseudo node

    An unnecessary node in a geometric link. A pseudo node can be used to storeinformation about geographic point location or to represent change from one linkto another.


    To generate output from a map book.


    To remove all unused object definitions from an open drawing.


    A set of executable statements that retrieve specific objects. For example, a layer-based query that displays only the objects on the layers that contain state anddistrict boundaries. See map query,topology query, and database query.

    Query Library

    The set of queries saved in a drawing. You can add, delete, and modify queries inthe Query Library.


    A sequence of display properties used to render a theme; for example, a sequenceof colors, linestyles, or hatch patterns.

    range of values

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    In a theme, a segment of data along a continuum, such as property value,temperature, or population.


    Images containing individual dots (called pixels or cells) with color values,arranged in a rectangular, evenly spaced array. Aerial photographs and satelliteimages are examples of raster images used in mapping. Compare with vector.

    raster-based surface layer

    Seesurface layer.

    reference point

    For a symbol, the point that controls the position of a symbol over a feature in a

    map. The default reference point is the center of the symbol.


    The preparation of a map for digitizing by calibrating a digitizing table to convertan analog source to a digital file. See digitize.


    Resistance is a measure of how hard it is to travel a link. The default measure ofresistance is the length of the link. You can set the resistance to be related to what

    the link represents, such as pipe diameter or traffic speed.


    In a raster image, the density of pixels-per-inch (ppi) or dots-per-inch.


    In MapGuide, a feature source, drawing source, or application component that isstored in the resource repository and can be reused and shared.

    resource (metadata)

    In the Metadata feature, a resource is a generic term meaning any type of data setfor which AutoCAD Map 3D can generatemetadata . A resource could be afeature class, an object class, a schema, or a file.

    resource repository

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    In MapGuide, an XML database that stores the resources created either by loadingfile-based data or by connecting to databases.

    rubber sheeting

    An editing method, used only when necessary, that attempts to correct errors bystretching a map to fit known control points or monuments.

    rule (for feature themes)

    A feature theme consists of a collection of rules. Each rule specifies a style andfeature label for the features that meet the specified condition. You can add alegend label to provide a description of a rule's condition. As a layer is drawn,each featureis compared to the rules in the order that they are listed. The first rulefor which the feature meets the condition is used to specify the style and featurelabel for that feature.

    save set

    Objects that have been created or modified in the current drawing and are markedto be saved back to source drawings.


    The ratio of the distance on a paper map to the distance on the ground. If a papermap has a scale of 1:100,000 (also represented as 1/100000), then a distance of 1unit on the paper map corresponds to 100,000 units on the ground. On a digital

    map, scale represents the scale of the map from which the digital map wasderived.

    scale threshold

    You can define different stylizations at different scale thresholds. For example,turn on the display of road names only when the drawing scale factor is below1:5000.


    The definition of multiple feature classes and the relationships between them. Aschema is the logical description of the data types used to model real-worldobjects, and does not reference the actual data instances (a particular road or landparcel). Rather, it is metadata. See also feature class.


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    Spatial Data File. The proprietary Autodesk file format that contains the spatialdata (such as roads, cities, and countries) used in maps. SeeSDF 2,SDF 3.

    SDF 2

    The previous version of the SDF file format. It was the native file format forAutodesk MapGuide (the last release was Autodesk MapGuide 6.5). Each SDF 2file generally contained onefeature classor type of data, for example points,lines, polygons, or text.

    SDF 3

    The current version of the SDF format. It is the native format for MapGuideEnterprise and MapGuide Open Source. Each SDF 3 file can contain multiplefeature classeses or types of data stored in tables with attributes and geometry.


    An Oracle database.




    An individual named object in a sheet set that can be published. References a

    layout. In a DWF file, a plot layout containing a specific view of the original data.

    sheet set

    A named collection of sheets and subsets for publishing.

    sheet subset

    A named collection of sheets within a sheet set. An individual sheet can only be amember of a single subset.

    sheet template

    A drawing file that defines a title block and a layout for use in sheets. Can bespecified for sheet sets and sheet subsets.

    shortest path trace

    Seepath trace.

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    The collection of servers that process MapGuide requests.

    Site Administrator

    A Web-based application, installed with MapGuide Server, for managing a siteand its servers.

    Site Explorer

    The tree view in MapGuide Studio that displays the resources stored in theresource repository.

    site server

    In a site, the server that contains the resource repository.


    A method of reporting surface inclination as a ratio that expresses the horizontaldistance in which the elevation changes by one linear unit. For example, if theground rises 3 units over a horizontal distance of 15 linear units (meters or feet),the slope is 5:1 (5 to 1).

    source drawing

    A drawing file attached to another drawing. The set of all source drawingsattached to a drawing is called the drawing set. Use a Map query to retrieveselected objects from multiple source drawings.


    A generic term used to reference the mathematical concept ofn-dimensional data.

    spatial analysis

    The process of understanding, extracting, or creating information about a set of

    objects. Spatial analysis includes techniques used to determine the distribution ofobjects over a network or area, and the relationships between those objects. Thelocation of, proximity to, and orientation of objects can be analyzed with spatialanalysis. It is useful for evaluating suitability and capability, for estimating andpredicting, and for interpreting.

    spatial context

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    The general metadata or parameters within which the geometry for a collection offeatures resides. In particular, the spatial context includes the definition of thecoordinate system, spheroid parameters, units, spatial extents, and so on for acollection of geometries owned by features.

    spatial data

    Information about the location and shape of geographic features, and therelationships between those features. See also features.

    Spatial Data File


    spatial database

    A database containing information indexed by location.

    spatial filter

    A selection of objects that specify which records to display in the active table orquery. When a spatial filter is active, the Data View displays only those recordslinked to selected objects. Compare with SQL filter.

    spatial index

    An index created in an Oracle Spatial database by dividing the extents of the

    drawings in the database into rectangular tiles. AutoCAD Map 3D uses the indexto locate the geometry to be imported.

    spherical coordinate system

    A coordinate system measured on the surface of a sphere and expressed asangular distances. Compare with Cartesian coordinate system.



    SQL filter

    A series of SQL expressions that specify which records to select in the activetable or query. When an SQL filter is active, the Data View displays only thoserecords that match the filter criteria. Compare with spatial filter.


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    Settings that specify how to display the features or drawing objects in a MapDisplay layer. For example, a polygon style that makes parcel polygons 50%transparent and which appears at a scale of 1:50000. One or more styles can beapplied to a single element.

    style library

    Use the style library to store the styles you use frequently. You can drag and dropthese styles onto any element in any other display map.


    The process of assigning display characteristics (such as line color, line pattern,fill color, fill pattern, and so on) to a feature (points, polylines, polygons). Seealsotheming.


    Visually or textually changing the display of drawing objects according to theassigned styles, rather than displaying them with their native object properties.See also style.


    A user who controls user IDs, passwords, and access to sensitive procedures.

    supplementing distance

    The maximum distance between 3D polyline vertices. If the distance betweenvertices is greater than specified, then points will be added along the 3D polylinein equal increments that are less than or equal to the supplementing distance.

    supplementing factors

    Add vertices along 3D polylines that are long and contain few vertices. Thesupplementing distance is the maximum distance between vertices. If the distancebetween vertices is greater than specified, then points will be added along the 3Dpolyline in equal increments that are less than or equal to the supplementing

    distance. The smaller the distance, the greater the number of supplemented points.


    A network of elevation data. AutoCAD Map 3D supports raster-based gridsurfaces, such as DEM, DTED, and ESRI Grid. In these types of surfaces, thepoints of a surface are connected into a grid, which are then used to interpolate

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    contours, and to generate profiles and cross-sections. A surface represents theground condition at a particular time or event.

    surface layer

    A layer in Display Managercontaining a raster-based surface such as a DigitalTerrain Model (DEM), an ESRI Grid file, or Digital Terrain Elevation Data(DTED). A surface layer is brought in using Data Connect. See also feature layer,drawing layer,AutoCAD layer.


    A bitmap or vector image that is used to represent a point.

    symbol library

    In MapGuide Studio, a collection of related symbols. Image files are convertedinto symbols when they are brought into the symbol library. The symbol library isstored in the resource repository.

    symbol table

    A term referring to the storage of named objects, including linetypes, layers, textstyles, and blocks.


    A set of data arranged in records (rows) and fields (columns). When a table isdisplayed in a grid, records display in horizontal rows and fields display invertical columns. Each field value in the table displays in a cell.

    Task Pane

    A AutoCAD Map 3D window that provides the tools you need to accomplishyour main mapping tasks: creating, displaying, styling, analyzing, and publishingmaps. The Task Pane contains tabbed views: Map Explorer, Display Manager,and Map Book. Map Explorer enables you to manage the resources you will useto create your maps. Display Manager provides tools to create maps, and create

    styles and themes. With Map Book, you can print, publish and share maps. Youcan resize the Task Pane palette and place it where you want.

    template file

    A file that formats another file, such as a text file for saving information fromqueried objects. See alsodot variable,query, and link template.

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    thematic map



    A theme is a special kind of style used to vary the stylization based on someproperty of the objects. For example, instead of just coloring the lakes blue, youcould vary the shade of blue based on the depth of the lake. Instead of just alteringthe line width of the roads, you could vary the line width based on traffic flow.


    The process of styling featuresaccording to an attribute value. See also styling.

    tiling scheme

    The method of breaking a large map into multiple smaller tiles. Options includeby area, by number, and custom.


    A radius around a node or linear object used to search for drawing errors.

    tolerance (drawing cleanup)

    The minimum distance allowed between linear objects or nodes during drawing

    cleanup. If two linear objects or nodes are separated by a distance less than thetolerance, AutoCAD Map 3D corrects the error.


    An Autodesk data management solution for utility companies, municipalities, andengineering firms. Autodesk Topobase consists of a set of industry-specificmodules built on AutoCAD Map 3D and MapGuide, all of which use Oracle asthe central data store.


    A set of geometric relationships between drawing objects, including links, nodes,and centroids. Topology describes how lines, nodes, and polygons connect andrelate to each other, and forms the basis for advanced GIS functions such asnetwork tracing, spatial analysis, buffer analysis, overlay analysis, and dissolvinga polygon topology.

    topology query

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    An extension to a Map query that applies to a loaded topology. See alsomapquery.

    transparent command

    A command started while another is in progress. Precede transparent commandswith an apostrophe.

    transverse cylindrical projection

    A map projection, in which the earths surface is drawn as it would appear ifprojected on a cylinder wrapped around the earth in an east-west direction.Compare with cylindrical projection.

    UDL (Universal Data Link)

    File with.udl extension that includes the name and location of the database tableand the software used to create the file. Windows uses a UDL file to identify adata source. Using the information in this file, programs such as AutoCAD Map3D can view and update data from external databases.


    Two or more lines within a specified tolerance of each other that do not meet.


    Two or more conditions joined with the logical operator Or. An item is selectedonly if the item meets at least one of the specified criteria. Compare withintersection.

    Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection

    A specific implementation of the Mercator projection, designed for use around theworld. See also Mercator projection.


    A mathematical calculation of an object with precise direction and length. Vectordata is stored as X,Y coordinates that form points, lines, and areas. Compare withraster.


    A database function that allows multiple copies of a spatial dataset to be storedand tracked by date of creation, data of change, and so on.

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    vertical exaggeration

    An increase of vertical scale relative to horizontal scale, used to make elevationchanges easier to differentiate.

    viewport (paper space)

    A view of modelspace from a layout.


    A multiple resolution image file compressed using a lossy compression thatenables large graphics to load much faster due to the reduction in file size.Wavelet compression is based on a mathematical algorithm in which graphicimages can be reduced to a small fraction of their original size.


    The removal of points along a selected 3D polyline, which may represent acontour. The weeding factors determine the amount of points removed. You canuse weeding to reduce the amount of point information taken from the contoursthat may not be necessary to generate an accurate surface.

    weeding factors

    You can use the weeding factor settings to reduce redundant points along 3Dpolylines by ignoring vertices that are close together or along a straight line. A

    larger distance and deflection angle will weed a greater number of points.Distance is an absolute measure and the angle is measured in degrees. The largerthe distance value, the greater the number of weeded points. The weeding factorsmust be less than the supplementing factors.

    A point is weeded by calculating its location in relation to the vertices before andafter it. If the length between these three points is less than the weeding lengthvalue, and the deflection angle is less than the weeding angle value, then themiddle point will not be added to the contour data file.


    Web Feature Service. A web service based on the specification defined by theOGC. Acts as a source offeaturedata.


    Web Map Service. A web service based on the specification defined by the OGC.Produces an image (for example, a PNG or JPG image) of geospatial data.

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    Contains the commands and tools for specific tasks. The Map 3D For Geospatialworkspace is tailored to working with spatial features while Map 3D ForDrawings is optimized for working with drawing objects.

    To change your workspace, click View menu Menu/Toolbar Layout. Click aworkspace.

    zero-client viewer

    SeeMapGuide Viewer.


    To change the display magnification so that it focuses on progressively smallerareas (when you zoom in) or larger areas (when you zoom out) of an image.

    zoom extents

    To magnify a drawing based on its extents so that the view shows the largestpossible view of all spatial objects.

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